HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-04, Page 7I i _ . . ...... THE WING111AX f1i"M '06F WWI.- _ . -' $HF, WA§ A FINANCIAL Qr;NIU1% NEWS FROM Obi: NEIGHBORS �HMUTN P AIL: I `+ewe .w....l,,.w..... :.__ >l�a� ���. x�.vY _ . ARR the 11OU149. av; NEW STORE H. E. ISARD "I 114'VQ heard M4117 qllffl! stories 0010 COMPANY& THE OUMPAWY EVENT4 OF INTEREST TO ALL OURI �READERS. CAUSE D BY Al IMPURE CONDITION mothers -to -law," remarked Xr, Newly, OF TI14 ALOOD, weilt Addreqolus sevoral of bis bachelor friends, "but my is A . wg*, What Wxdevw4UQ Tinilso Correspqndonts CoraiUUnIo4';0 - OtIlor 11" XROLIMTHI), 'Kllry WILL GROW w9l= der. She is it financial wizard and AND-81,1lJOUS AFj8ULT8WX1LL FOIsLOW- NUOU14 Unequalled Values in items Clipped Orcim Our Exchnngov. Will"Um4wsu OAN ilru r1-,,Il;ZlANrNTTV ile down In Wall Street these, day$, When 'Birdie and 1 returned from our wedding trip, ber mother suggested that we Ilia Prom the Telegraph, Quebec. puiil live to. -Other and that we Should phare Prof. M. A. Grant Nvill give his won- James -911111740, Of Morris, had part of Abouluatism J one of the most COM- %Y/Ao-wear Glothing the expenses. She salil- Pbe, wanted to feel independent, I consented, Mother, Read derful, moving picture entertainments in 0110 bOrUeS4 stolen from his horse while won and At tho sam'o time one of the 1311. die'snot mine --suggested that She the Town Hall at Wroxoter, on Monday tied ill the Queen's hotel Shed, Brussols, most painfal aff-ootious front whirs, rhouid iay the reat of the apartineat. and and Tuesday evenings, Oct. 7th and 8th, on 80111*44Y night. I humaulty suffer, It'affects tho Joilits that we Should pity, her $125 A week for Tlieso living 'pictures will be displayed Mr. Will. Taylor left on Thursday and musolos, and is Characterized, even Our board. The rent was $100 a month. T W 0 T 110 U S A N 1) D 0 L L A It S W 0 R. T 11 So the, plan seemed a fair one, and four on 144 Square feet of canvas and pro- Morning, Sollstember ' .16th, for Abilene, 11i its slit est forin, by ii, (Intl vone-tallt weeks 490 we went to live under the of all kinds of the Latest Styleg in Clothing for Ilea and ]joys--_ Jeoted by the powerful Drummond light, Kansas, to visit his parents. pail. While it romalus lathe joints andI saine roof, Today I received a bill from in our Clothing Department, Every garment is well sewed and 41 11111solt-S, it is stifflolently painful And it grocer for -000, one from the butcher 14T. for $35, it gas bill *for $8.50 and an ice guar,xiteed to fat and give satisfaction, ;Ind is thoroughly 111spect, W110414TVIELID. N81 distresabig, hill; as it I,, Ilable to Attack bill for $0.25, besides several other Small ed before leaving the wor1crooms, and Y013, Cali dopend on go d Mr. Arthur Dailey, of Toronto, is the vital organs, stiell. as the heart, the bills. -Y �Ur. Wesley Stackliouse and Sister The, total represented the first IA -9 Hannah N*ere called to Plumas: visiting his Aunt, Mrs, R. If. Hiller, diseamo becomes a source of danger, and month's expenses. As I bad the day . be- workmanship on cheaper suits ns well as on the better glinlities. Mall., owing to the critical condition of Mrs. Shortland, British Colunibill, IS: in many lustanves it has proved fatal, fore Paid to dear mother-in-law $10Q. for The stock comprises the followln.�� lines their mother, Mrs. J. Anderson. ' visiting her sister, Mrs, Miller' Dr. Willittills, Piuk Pills possess quall. four weeks board, I was somewhat sur - Albert McDowell is Attending Medical W. Humphrey and Thos, To prised.." Boys' Brownie Sults—Boys' 2 -piece Suits— yant; have ties for the cure of this disease which Newlywed's three bachelor friends, rented the farm across the road from are Unequalled by any other medicine, who had been listening to his tale of Woe, Boys' Short Pants —Boys' Long Parity— College in Detroit. Misses Phoebe Densmore and Clara them, And owned by Wal. Qke, of Air,. Cyrus Lanioud,a, well known resi- nodded encouragingly, and he resumed: Boys' 3-pleee Suits—Boys' Reefers ---Boys' MoDowell left this week to- spend some Whitby.. doin of Stachtcona, Qae., bears, sesti. "I went to milmma-in-law, and in my Qvercouts— Youths' Suits—Youths' Over- i sweetest manner said: 'Mot -her, dear, coats—Men's, Worsted Suits—MOn's Tweed time with relatives in Saginaw, Mich Miss Florouce Simmons, of Wingilum, inouy to tho wonderful curative powers these bills were intended for you. They T4 Arrangements are being made for ;Ile visited friends here recentli.y. of these pills. To a reporter of the were sent to me by mistake.' She glanced Suits—Men's Overcoats—Non 's Pea Jackets anniversary which is to be held on Oct. Telegraph, lie gave the following story: over them and exclaimed:, 'Oh, no. they Men's Smocks—Men's Overalls—Men's Odd 27th. Rev, Mr. Millyard. has been se- FORIDI-Virca_ "Until some three years ago I alwAys represent your share of the expenses for Vests—Men's Heavy u1sters—Men's Water - cured for the Sabbath services. Miss Mr. and Mrs. James Young, sr., have elijoyerl tho best of health, but about the month. I paid the rent,' proof Coats—Men's Pants, ete., etc. "'But I paid you $100 for our board Edythe Tyndall, Chatham, tool; the tem- returned from a 'Visit to Berlin. 0144 U1110 I NVIts Attacked with what for four weeks.' por4uce topic in the Junior League last Mr, and Mrs, Samuel Vogel, of Hill, t. proved froin the outset to be a severe 'Yes,' responded mother-in-law, 'but I juf. paid $100 for the rent, and you must pay o m e p ec i a I P r i r, e s Sunday, ingfield,. visited at Mr, T. Gibson Is last case of rheumatism, from which 11 the bills.' week, fered great torture, I tried a number of "'But I gave you the $100 which you Mrs- J- S. Nicholls is visiting friends the supposed cures for this disease, but paid to the landlord,' I exclaimed. Boys' 2 -piece Suits, regular price ............ $2.00, Special price $1,75 in Paisley. none of them benefitted me. I seemed "'Of course you did, but I paid the Boys' 2 -piece Suits, regular price ............ 2.$5, 2.00 Report of S. S. No. 3, Turglierry for Mr. L. G. Hooey is moving his stock to be constantly growing worse rent. I have lived UP to my agreement Boys' 2 -piece Snits;, regular price ........... 8.00, 2.50 I so I September, based on marks taken at of hardware to New Le I called in a physician, but as. his; treat- to pay the rent., You must pay the bills.' Boys' 3 -piece Suits, regular price, .... 3.50, 41 2.90 Shard in the 'T Was dazed for a moment," said 'weekly examinations, Names in order Tomiscarning District. ment direl not give me relief, 1 sought Newlywed, "and then I urged upon her Boys' 3 -piece Suits, regular price ........... 4.50, �4 4.CO ,T of merit: c6 . the Assistance of two other doctors, but that it was my money that had gone to Youth's Tweed Suits, regular price ......... 6.00, 5.00 P. S. Leaving—John Hutton. ------- they also failed to help me, 111y appetite the landlord. She only replied with a Boys' Roofers, regular price ................ 2.25, c4 Entr4noe—Bessie.9itkin, Peter Muir,, G0nRXn,. left me my strength gradually ebbed smile that she had lived up to her con- 69 1.00 karvest'Ho tract and bad paid $100 rent and hoped Men's Tweed Suits, regular price ........... 6.00, 4.75 Cheater Dunkin. me Anniversary. Services away; one ()f my 1,30s was dra*n out I would be honorable and pay all thp Men's Tweed Suits, regular price ........... 8.00, 40 6.50 were held in the. Methodist church on of shape, and I was never freefrom bills, I Lecavito somewhat excited and Men's Tweed Pants, regular price........... 1.25, 1.00 Sr. Third—Maggie Muir, Bert Elliott, 41 Addle Dunk -in, Charlie Aitken, Roy Sunday and Monday last. Sermons pain. I was In d said my $100 trent to the landlord, and if Men's Dress Overcoats, regular price........ G.OU, 6.00 despair of ever being 11 were preached oil Sunday by Rev. I had to pay Atli the bills what share of It jKutherford, Annie McGee, Mabel HenryF. Fergus well Lwaill, when ollo day a relative the expewes ci�me out of her pocket. Men's Heavy Overcoats, regular price....... 7.00, 0.00 3@11iott. on, of Mono Road, brought me a box of Dr. Williams, Pink Alon's Heavy Pea Jackets, regular price..... 4.00, 3.50 take them. He "'But it w':is my money," I retorted, J_ Men's Navy Pea Jackets, regular price. 4.50, 4.00 Jr. Third—Mary Aitkin, Malley Me- Addresses were delivnred by Revs. A. Pills And urged me to t "The rout rioncy,' she responded Gee, Etta Elliott. B, F arney, of Gorrie, A. B. Dobson and seemed to have such great confidence in and that 11 -as more than dear mamma -in. Men's Ralu Cents, regular price ....... .... 8.00, 14 2,50 Sr. Secoud—Roy Elliott, 'Walker Rut- Dr. Rogers, of F ordwich, and Henry F. the Pills that I cleteritiffied to follow his law could 8tt ad for. She gave me a lierford, Harold Hutton. Ferguson. advice. To-day I am happy that ellen scornful g%nee, muttered something like We lead in Low Prices in all departments. Jr. Sec' Our new merchant, Mr. Gallagher,lias fool' and left the room." Newlywed re- d Second—Robbie Aitkin, James opened lip his business. so, for with the use of less than a dozen marked in. conclusion: "She is a financial Our System—Small Profits and Quick Returns. Aitkin, Willie Casemore, Andrew Wal- boxes of those Pills the pain fr6m which wizard, dosar stamina -in-law, as you see. Jalob, Wesley Marshall, Aggie. Wallace. t I suffered so much is all gone, and I The rent and all the moii6.v for expenses bFarm Produce taken as Cash. Part II—Tillie Baird, Ethel Casamore, HOWXO-K. feel Stronger and Healthier tbau I did come out of -,ny pocket, yet she insists she has paid the rent." Willie Marshall, Leo Bok, Aggie Ruth- The Johnston Bros of Redgrave before. This.I owe to Dr. Williams, erford, Peter McGue, Helen Rutherford. exhibited their shorthorn herd at Pink Pills; and I would strongly urge The POWer Behind the Throne. Part I Sr.—Walter Hawk, Bella Eadie Palmerston and Harristou and won some similar sufferers, to give them a trial," I The scene of this incident was on a Mabel Baker, Thomas Wallace, George awards. Experience has proved Dr. Williknis' stagecoach in stagecoach days in New Capentore, Robbie Muir, Annie Hutton. Mrs. Packard Morrell of Redgraile is Pink Pills to be without an equal as a York. William H. Seirard, then in Jr. Part I—Elmer -kith-on, Maggie at Wesent visiting her daughter, Mrs blood builder and nerve restorer:. It is of the state, was riding there and ell:- tic to �,J� RD & G Aitkin, Georgie Rutherford, Frank Mo- SAWlsher, of Creemore. this power of acting 'directly oil tl;e countered a follow traveler who did not know him. They got into if discussionVore. .2 IL bad accident befel. the 13 year old blood anti ucrves that enables pias rn politics, in the course of which Gov- The Cheap Cash St Opp. Bank of Elamilton. Average attendance, 80. son of Mr. Henry Holtzaen near Lakelet to cure such diseases, as rheumatism, cruor Seward told the traveler who he B. PEAusox, Teacher. last Friday. was. The man treated it as a joke and sciatica, neuralgia, locomotor ataxia steadily refused to credit it as' anything He was employed with Mr. "&.L"0JJ,, Tom Spotton and bad occasion to go up paralysis, and all the ordivai y diseases else. This finally nettled Mr. Seward, JAXESTOWN. olithe scalloldand when coming down of the blood And nerves.. These pills are and he said to him: "I will prove to you instead of coming down the' ladder he sold by till dealers in taddicine, or Can ,that 'I ZtlU Clovernor Seward. There is Miss Carder of tel was visiting the came clown a chain that hung Suspended be bad by inail, postpaid, at 50c, --a box the stilde'driver outside, who knows -me -hr. 117. t1l rete .1, . h! I# Misses Strachan over Sunday. 11 1. er . case o in. and the hook caught him in the abdomen. or slxboxas for $21.00, by addressing the When the stage stopped, therefore, the Miss Edna Ames has ' returned to her Dr. Tuck attend the unfortunate fellow Dr, Whliamsm.edicineCo.i,-Brocl,;illeI two approached the driver, and Mr. Sew- hopie after spending some time with her and orfs he is A 1 11 O and came with the nuery "Am I not Pov- FurIn-iture aunt, Mrs. George Combos. agv ) W Of, 416 ever since. grave Bud wilignam. cannot make some fir- ornor of New York?" 1 .1 It is volatod of ]Nridas thtit what- ov" hotouch6d turned to gold. itow- Miss Kathleen Ide of Toronto is visit- . f6lp "'No!" was the driver's prompt and curt bvet. lug her sister, Mrs, David Miller at State of Ohio, City of Toledo, response. Mr. Soward, amazed imil bewildered, a monstrous one here. It is a drain on present. Lucas County, as. Should Keep Ducks. next asked. "Who is. thon?" obitold; hald cold1l, etal 01, 1111011t *6 ftl I lot An entertainment was held in. Vietoria Frank J. Clienev makes oath that be A citizen called recently at tkta "Thiirlow Wood," came swiftly back in hallonMonday and Tuesday evenings, is senior partner of the firm of F J F. water registrar's office and introduc- reply. pat bei I ng provided -by the Zenophotoscope, Cheney & Co., doing business in Cityof Toledo, County and State afore. ed himself and his business by Say-. ing'., Pi'm Mister Jerry M,41doon. It is needless to say that the driver was a sturdy Democrat. pas a moving picture machine. SAN, and that said firm will pay the My cellar 16 full of 'water, and my David Miller intends having an auction sum of One Hundred Dollars for each hills will be drowned if it isn't ft- LIghts tint] Stagg Scenery, mu sale on October Sth, for the purpose of And every case of Catarrh tha6 cannot be cured by the use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. ed, so I want you to fix it." Mr, Muldoon w,49'. informed that It niny seem paradoxical to say so, but sta selling his stock and implements. MilMissOf Brussels WAS Visit- FRANKT. CHIMEY. Sworn ro before me! and subscribed in nothing could be done for him there, 'three it seems that the greatest so called int- provement of modern days—namely, the met tollieSc)a ilig h .lend, Miss Martha Johnston, my presence, this (ith. day or December, A. D. 1886• Two or days la;tor he re- Appeared. PI come again to see brilliant ft-liting of the sta-e—lias done much to destroy till scenic 111tIlsions. Many a on Y' 10011t, lda� of some hundred 'he presence A. W. GLrzssox, i Seal i Notary Public. about that cellax,i, said he, "It's -Oorge than over.," O'But; would recall the beautiful scene painting of Telbin, StanAeld, Greive and Denby and guests, on Wednesday evening of last we told' you the other. day, 'do, and of Mr. Craven !it his earlier days. prii week, at the home of the bride's mother, Hall's Catarrh Care is taken internally Mx. Muldoon,, that we can. noth- In& About ft:, Formerly scene painters became It. A.Is, a thing nowadays inconceivable. At -Rev. W. J. West, M. A., of Bluevale, and acts directly oil the blood and mucous surfaces of the system. Send PYes, but my collar must be fixed . Gadshill Dickens once showed some che tied the matrimonial bow linking Robt, for testimonials, free. or my hins will be drowneA.Il- . fine pictures by Stanfield—wall scones for evi .1. Hoy and Miss Jessie Woodrow as looked Sold F- J. CHENMY & Co, Toledo, 0. by druggists, 75c. "Well, Mr. Muldoon,, did you see the mayor about the niatldr?'t "The Lighthouse"—and the novelist cut theni to pieces, which he framed. 'they of husband and wife. The bride charming in a costume of cream cash- Halla Family Pills are the best. "Inclacleo And I dld�,t'& replied Bir. Muldoon, were beautiful pictures, and it the sale they fetched 1600 and E700 each. The mere, trimmed with silk lace and ribbon • !.'Ahd what did the mayor scene painters of those days were able WU3 and carrying a bouquet of white asters. BELGRAVE EXHIBITION, ?'What did he say, is It?' !Mr. Drtul 'why, to produce such finished work because the light on the stage was low and did bee 'Wedding presents were valuable and 'Weather doon,'. says he, lciSn't you Ua ducl's?" not kill their colors. At the present time a useful, ful, shov� lug the esteem in which the The a. Little Cold ancon Rainy—A till linif tone yellows and other delicate thr bride and 'groom were held. Every Large Exhibit of horses alld Cattle— Prize List Xe-xt Wesic. Th Umbrella Ask, r. tints disappear, and the painters have to to the pufl preparation was made for supplying the East Walvatiosh held their Fall Two cyclists set out tile. other #a paint suit conflagration.—London News. wants of the inuerwax, The evening annual V air at Belgrave oil Wednesday of this for. a spin. One got a lono. WAY, aliclad of, the other, and, turnilftg an was spent in music, social chat And �ofa dancing, Mr. and Mrs. Hoy Will. take wbek. They were not favored the ideal 'ugly cornet, in tKo lanot coliapsod over a, heap 'of stiones, smashing his Pithy U11d 1`0111ted. YO t 'rep housekeeping iuthe new brick resi- Weather that Was Accorded to Wingliam. machine was getting irrotrielrabiSr A young inan may ilia but an old deuce erected by Mr. Hoy last Mulmer The morning looked gloom' andt threat, y (311111g, but Save a shower, there was no. r4aix:ed up aniong the spokosq An old woman, with her egg ling, Ulau trust. Continued cliverfulneci is a mani- a . n his at arm, 6th- con. Grey. thing to keep swap exhibitors or inspect- ket, happening to come down kho fest sign of wisdoin. com Ors. It was necessary to wear an over. road just then.. was met round %he Maids of honor are those who do not indulgo In flirtations. figu coat, and Nye saw Brer. Irwin, of Brus4 bond by the second cyollsf, 'who Ask- ed her: 1rom the mother's point of view Cough seas, with a pair of wits. It was a meet. Ing of newspaper inch W Well as exhi. ' -My good woman, have you seen a young nian on a bicycle tip hore'r, wi. ugly baby is an impossibility, rho woman citication foi- centuries 4 bitors, and Belgravo F air Will receive "Na, Ila," was the reply. ."I've has been: "VVhat did she have 4 prominence !U. Huron. aced no bicycles, but X'vo seen a man sitting on the floor iiianding. uYnbrol- oil?" It Is no credit to a niart to koop fail ave triade it most thorough The, exhibit in the hall was not large, his word because no one will take z- trial of Ayer's Cherry Pectoral and though the quality was very good. it. 17 am prepared to say that,for all dis- '.there were some fine inangolds, and the It may 130 Better So. Miss Walgingham—W6 can trgco When ghosts Walk they probably enter houses by the Aid of skeleton eases of the lungs it never disap- I Pumpkins were as good as sliown at our ancestry back to the Norman keys. points." A J. 11hrly Finleyo Ironton; O. Win Ilam, The exhibit of Ano arts and conquest, can't we, lilotholl? it MAY not hurt a joke to crack ladleal work was limited. jmrs. WalsInglican (oadly) —Yes; it, Milt scale of the crackers ought Outside, the poultry was Very good, as but we don't know where your fath- Ito be hurt, "Love Ayers Cherry Cherty Peetoral Also the pjAa puct sheep, The horses and or was last -1.11ght.- is but A, transport," Says a. won't cure rheuMMISM cattle exhibit WAS largo. It is A, rare -,Vl.v Ilo'lrag lint. to liod. poot. Yes, And so Is a canal bout, for that matter. we never said It would. . Occasion that We see so many oattle at a TomillY —Va, Wes titno invented tri A lady who has 1xvii a widow i It'won't cure dyspepsiaof small fair. There were About, fifty head Ireland? Ills Vather-2VO, my son. But t1irco timet Says a good place to got husband Is by cattle from the sixth line on oxilibi. a file oar. we never claimed, it. ui* - tion. President Walter Scott and Seore- ta-ry Anderson have done why,) Toinmy--Th Litt why did they liable Only after A, public fmrorito 1 -0 - tollI68 it "has-been" does he begin to uph coughs it will cure and . their utmost veall%6 Ilia eulptllle,�s of Applause. colds of all kinds. We 'OL make the fair a succ(iss. The 6r6wd Wise Is the wall who 'does of h1s, 7 first said this giXty years was fairly large, considering the threats of the weather, but below the aVerftgo'. Itliodked Oat ilk Onto Itotivid, 'tatlo--You never told me MISS own free will that which. he Nvotild otherwise shortly boL i.,omljollod to stoo — I Alttgk 'kA%A%V% 6 1 4 Tit 4. "afill 4 tW . Jolairgirl 'was tilt n1blote. do, acts We desire to thank our customers for the ronage they have extended to us during the t three years. We have appreciated very ch the way you have stuck to us, notwith- iding the endeavor to belittle our business hods and business. It assures us, moreover, that we still lead, that the largeness of our stock gives us the ilege of selling the same goods a little aper than our opponents. A look through is deuce that we, if anything, exceed in beauty exhibit, workmanship and value. We have been keeping etty quiet in the 0- I-etty of booming o1busin because we have n kept at it, b A_H�w we are going to work )ugh the newspaper and show you that we cats, a little, and on good foundation. I . I We do picture framing while you wait. may have picture home with you same day. In order to please our customers and our petitors, we have marked our goods in plain res and at the bottom price, such as Odd Dressers for .............. 6 8 60 Mattress for .................. 1 96 Couches in. Velure for.......... 525 Common Beds as )ow as........ 1 45 Bedroom Suites as low as ....... 7 25 Spring Beds as low as........., 1 25 Extension Table as low as ...... 8 25 Parlor Suites, in velure covering. 13 25 Easy Chairs, in velure.......... 2 90 Few Kitchen Chairs left at...... 20 Seerotarys for ................ 9 75 Good Arm Chair ............... 90 Rockers to miltell .............. 95 You can make no mistake in buying o1stered goods from tis We do just what we say. We keep in k what we advertise. I ­­... : , " """­­ , "im" 'allilioNS&W . , ­ ...... ­­, "'', a agv ) W Of, 416 ever since. grave Bud wilignam. cannot make some fir- 'I'lelly-_Nvoll, is Ate? Jack—Yvs, she illaq thrown we It is volatod of ]Nridas thtit what- ov" hotouch6d turned to gold. itow- . f6lp raligement to combine the faira, and have bvet. ailayA if you but touch solvo 11101t •1kn to Walker Bros, Button, Thted 61 It otaillity. : NO., 1110 "A i MR11r,611611itil, ItOMW L a monstrous one here. It is a drain on Ah Importatit blethittloti, . with gold they will turn any- obitold; hald cold1l, etal 01, 1111011t *6 ftl I lot the, people to keep up the East WAWA. fair, IoAt illy P111,86,0118 Afte'rilooft,*1 IN I br G H A M 0 XTARI 1 01 AT= CO.0 we, 5 uoah ovenwheultistisaurodauo. (;r&cioUA, JIM14 Wote you going em In attendance And exhibits. ahopping or coming back?" I ­­... : , " """­­ , "im" 'allilioNS&W . , ­ ...... ­­, "'', a