HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-04, Page 6' THE WINGRAX T1118, QCT. 4, 190L .14•R4� 4 \ � if To Ick11 TeNaR ,F TiloOiYltt �ecnl is (a orrded out of aXaltlasidxvh issue.) +�'ho"t 04sor meet$. 1+lvi dt"# Xorkets. p N �! AA ew . r >H >Rt The wheat crop, in this section; is rather Toronto, oQt. 1. -.At tile. Weston Mr, David Ritchie of the 6th pQ;pt. ; rd�tw:, Cls '>r'Irnrti Their exalters. rl'ila Presbytery of Maitland met in ppm, and of lets; years leas not yielded cattle yard today the total receipts were 1Qaves tomorrow, for Sa iva lViioli, ry Knox church, Ripley, on Tuesday, Sept, as large: returns as when the country 86, carloads of live stock including1,538 a sit t° lis her e , Q 4���ER? �I��• ,';111 right,'' said the, lockstllltli, who iII(llik:l3T PRICES. cud s as odd oba/oi no us a r a pra•tax importance uue 17th, at 9 a.. m, ROY, G. XVI, Duuu was was new, and land requires more work cattle 7S3 sheep and lambs, 700 bos And v sipositionbroth l x w 14 has n0Vr appointed Moderator for the ewlinu six hogs, A fl with the ead ntf dep art• OMt tionnl! [ra>tt '1i�rOx")4it3+ li�td., In themselves for the resident:, of the g and more fertilizers. The prieQ of wheat about fifty miloh cows and calves, The mental storo in that .city, + Zi4 1?eslilt's. Windham„ netghboritoo.d. "all right, sir; I calk fix months. A committee, Revs. Murray and other grain is low, and far,nk. reoeiptsixicluded a oollsiderAblQ ship- �' %Itis key to stilt yonI link', a visitor, and McLeod and their elders, was ap expenses high. The Ontario farmer mOut to Boston by Mr. Joseph Gould, On Tuesday of last week the tonyea� "You sec," he explained Q , elated to consider the whole uestiou old son of Mr. Juo, Keith of the KINDERGARTEN Mornings s when the ctistamer bad retired, "lie p ci; finds be cannot compete with thQprairie rlhere was a brisk business doing to- - wants rue to give him a janitor proof ked. of the appointment. of Moderator In the farmer of the west and northwest, who day, and everything sold early.. We did Gon` brolfe both bones of his right a •SCNODL..t' 9 to 12 1 guess you don't know what a janitor Presbytery. A letter was read from the can raise large crops at small expense, not have much cattle in of real, just abore tllewrist. The accident tool proof key is, Because I Lnow yPu live in Prisoners' Aid Association, salting the suet who with cheap and rapid _y brat place at Boyd's school. The tin lad,, P p class quality, but there was a marked g a house. It you Bred in a flirt, you'd sympathy and, aid of the Presbytery in transportation is supplying our home improroment in this direction, There in company with several others, �rPfyffi Terms Very Reasonable, knPtiv. "When a man moves into a kicky apart, their Worts oil behalf of inebriates. It markets with wheat at less than it costs was no actual quotable ohange in small playing in the wood filled at the that, is res, A. E. PRIOR. E, Patrick St• inetit.-that is, an apartment that is net was a,,reed to commend the objects and oiii farmers to raise 1C. We are raising stuff, but the tendency is do and fell quite a diBEaliCO. rl']ie plucky FOROR oAIrE,--CPrm�r farm,-vitltselmo0ioulot, to loin -tike first thing he begins to worry efforts of the Association to the interest wheat and shipping it to Germany, there was d i y Winward' little follow walked home, a distance or miles from town, fit Turnberry Tp. about 1s the key proposition. I'll tale my and sympathy aril of the monsters and coif- a eel ne of an eighth lu Bank barn 40xOo; large frante house; Ogtlnotl. onth that New York people are the most y P Y France sod other coiintriefi, selling it hogs one suds half miles, carrying Ilio broke,, An excellent grain farm; will be Boyer wheal, suspicious set of citizens that I ever saw gregatciis u the Presbytery as Worthy at less than it costs to produce, and tak Following are the quotations: stat in his oilier Baud. Our latest T@» and on ea: y terns:-. The situation of this lot , of their support. analtrs it u very desirable pro arty, Apply to lit all my life. Why, they dont trust ppert. Standing committees in , in exchange their sugar willoli can CATTLE. port says he is doing nicely, . Duhno ke, Rea Es ante alld .oanAgent,dhis- their relatives, After the pian of the flat for the ensuing year were appointed as be grown in this section of Ontario at a Shippers, per oNyt. , . • ,$ 4 25 r - • - - gets bis string of two. or three keys from $ 4 70 �- "- - _" "'� follows: profit of from $10 t 0$100 an acre. Oar Butcher, choice do, . , • , 4 00 4 50 our the janitor lie begins to let his suspicious Finance -Revs. Ross, Malcolm and ' ,Y • loose.. Michigan neighbors have about 200, 000 Butcher, ordinary to "He thinks of course that the janitor West. notes fu sugar beets this year and expect goo, 3 25 3 75 Throat# Home Missions -Revs, Murray,e— Butcher, inferior . .. , 2 75 3 00 is predatory li a the l Maybe he is Y, to realize a profit of, on an average, $25 SHEEP AND LAMBS. Gargles can't go back fair' right, but I believe the late holds all per- Leod and Maxwell• au acro after paying alloxpenses, They + sons innocent until they are proved guilt. -v, Augmentation --Revs, Ross and West. expect to manufacture 200,000 tolis of Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 25 3 40 enough; sprays don't and it would be a pretty hard thing to do Butchers sheep, each... 2 00 3 00 reach deep enough; but th%. ITPAYS IN THE END. to prove a janitor guilty. Anyway, the Sabbath Schools -Revs. Miller, Wha- granulated sugar this season. If our Lambs (spring), each• 2 50 4 00 air you breathe • t0ucht;5 man of the flat gets nervous. He has re. ley and Fairbairu, farmers would put half their wheat Do, per cwt, ......... 3 25 3 75 eves art. Then why not Have you seen the catalouge of the Ceived so many keys. What is to prevent Church Life and Work -Revs. Dunn, laud into sugar beets, and give them the Bucks ....... . ... . . ... . 2 50 3 00 y p CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE, the janitor ErOui ]rating kept a duplicate Histie and MacFarlane. rr aIILIiERS AND CALVES, put some healing medicim CHATHAM, ONT, key of the apartment, Nothing at till. necessary cultivation, they in the, air and let them go along If not, you are not yet familiar with the best It would be the easiest tiling in the world Examination of Students -Revs. Per- increase their incomes, If the best tons Cows, each ......... , .. 30 00 45 00 together ? That is what Vapo-Creso- rCanada has to offer in the lines of J'sustytess for the janitor to hold out, tut tug over rie, McCrae and. Stewart. are left on the land the beets would not Calves, each, , , • . • . , .. , ti 00 10 00 miaining, Shortland or P enlnausbip lane is for. It puts the healing media We have eupplied more teachers for other all the keys but one and making use of Young People's Seoieties-Revs. F. J, impoverish the soil more than most other roes. -pusinessschoo s than all other Canadian busi- that to enter the flat whenever he saw a Maxwell, West and Whaley. oro s Tho uostion is often asked: Choice hogs, per cwt... 7 00 7 25 cine right on the places that most moss colleges contbmed• good opportunity in the absence of the crops, q Light hogs, per owt... , 0 00 7 60 need it. You now see why it Sia•, Wthe our Ili earssSendfgood t this tandIrdur- y. Statistics -Revs. Ballantyne and "Are sugar beets hard on the land?" Heavy hogs, per cwt. , . 0 00 7 0p quickly cures sore throat, b'r o • faint, sone catalogue.. "That's the way the householder figures Anderson. Tile fertilizing value taken from the Sows, per cwt ......... 3 50 4 00 chitis, hoarseness, whooping -cough, $? b0 o Sboard F railway' Bare 2.p00p e8, If oire,a t . the case out to himself, 'Then he comes Aged and Infirm Ministers' Fund- soil by a ton of sugar beets, potatoes Stags................ , 0 00 2 00 and asthma. � strmces will not allow yontoattend atCl thamn, around to some locksmith in the neigh- gets. Malcolm and McNab. carrots or Swede turnips is about the How to hale Roll Batter, Vapo-Cresolene is sold by drug is everywhere,. 7OU can get INSTRUCTION nY MATL, i."13.. borhood and gives one excuse after an- 14lessrs. Gorlin Gild Molianzie were Tlic Vaporizer and Lam ,which should last a life ­ other SaonxaAnD and Pr xacnNsatr feont I other to account 'for his wish to have the 1; same. At the market 'price of •potash To handle roll butter successfully, time, and a bottle of cresolene complete, St.sop +canCanada's greatest school Of 81181I1eS5, by ad- lock changed on his front door. It doesn't reeommeiuled to the Home Missions nitrogen, and phosphoric acid, the three and have it retain some of its freshness extra supplies of Cresolene 2s cents and 5o cents.. aa,,. Illustrated booklet containing physicians' testi•• D, McLACHLAN & Co„ Chatham, Ont, make my difference to the locksmith Committee for the position of catechists, necessary constituents in plant food, till sold, you must wrapt each rollin montals free upon request. VAPO-CRESOLBN$ Co. what the reason is, so long as he eta and Mr. J. S. Nicolson was received and stio Fulton St„ New York, U.S.A. paid for the work he does, but the 'flat- and necessary to plant growth, one ton muslin that has been washed to get out recommended as a student preparing for of eacll of the following .Fr : ter' seems to think it necessary to spin g crops would the sizing and dipped in a strong salt the ministry of the church him a fairy yarn. Anyway, the matter . drain from the soil` fertilizing value brine. The brine will crystallize over FOR SALE, -On tate Wroxeter gravel rood. a 2 milet, from. Beimore, 180% acres of good ends by the locksmith going around to The Presbytory of Stratford havinc, as follows: Sugar beets, til 25; carrots, the muslin and help to keep the air from land, 80 cidired, balance' ash, codas and elm, asked the Presbytery to talce cognizanoe lowish land, that will be the very best wht�n the flat, taking a squint tit the lock, $1 05; maugels, $1 10; potatoes, $1 20; it, and if you pack in boxes, line the box si t marling a place where he can eat off n cleared. Two small frame houses bank barn; trifle of the iron so that the key belongs of a movement to erect a church �vithiu Swede turnips, $1 20; barley,$7 35; corn in like manner with muslin and pack % mile front school. Will be sold very chewp, ,. to it won't worm: and then altering the the bounds of Maitland Presbytery, that $6 55; peas 16 25• oats of snake, R for it 50 -acre lot. Apply to A. BALED TENDERS addressed to th .der- , $ , , $7 40; rye $G- close so as not to shako while in transit. Dulmnal;e, Real Estate unci Loan Agent,, Chis- ' � key so that it will fit the revised lock. would interfere, in their opinion, with 60; wheat, $8; butter, 30e; whole milk Basnre not to pack poor rolls with the holm Block, Wingltam. 30 signed and endorsed 11 Tender f fittings, "For this the charge is very slight. , r .Armouries, Windsor, Ont.," will b Weivea at the work of a charge in Stratford Pres- cheese, $12 80; milk, $2; alfalfa ha good. You had better put them in tno this office until Wednesday, 10th etober, 1001, There is only a fete minutes' work to the y' FORSALE.-I. the fine township of Howick,. 3mmclusfvely, for the fittings. r aired for the bytety. A committee, Revs. Ross, Mc- S' • S 0 clover hay, JO timothy ha ease tub or fiiu�* them out of the back 10o acres of choice ,aIle,. nous brickrestjob, and a lockstnitlt hash t the heart tO � � " y, � ' Y y' � s deuce large bank barn rind oat -houses. About gill Hall, wincisor, Ont. Nab and Anderson, was appointed to r g Plans and specification can a seen and forms make an overcharge, you know. Now. PP $� 75; alsilce clover, $9 70; barley straw door. By all means fillip your butter 80 acres i. good state of cultivation. At the of tender obtained at this apartment and at this is mach cheaper than having the old visit the. field and report. The Presby $} 50; rye straw, $2 45: wheat straw fresh. Do not hold for ahioher market rate money can be borrowed from this office; the office of Charles Smit Cleric of Work,,', ]Oak taken orf and n nett' one tit on, for ' it pays better to go into debt for the full price p tery of Stratford to be informed of this Windsor, Out, $� 40. as some do, and sell it for grease. -Ohio of a farm thnn to rent. Apply to A. Dulmage, SFAlziM TENDERS en orsed "Tender for then new keys would have to be made, action aild invited to co-operate. Real Estate and Loan Agent, Uhisholm Block. P If an of the above crops were fed to Farmer. fittings, Post Office, Pi r on, Ont., will also line and good keys coat considerable, you , Y P Wingham. , received at the s me t' a for fitting required The congregation of Pine River inti- knPv . By simply scraping a piece off the I stool: on the farm and all the manure, for t]ie post o& but. 'ng, Picton, Ont. lock it a certain point and scraping a mated that they would become self -sup Plans and spec on can be seen and forms solid and liquid, returned t° the land, of tender obtain at this Department and at. correspondink piece of the key the 'flat• porting after October 1st of this year, „ the office of Peter Pulver, Clerk of I'i'orks, tei•' gets practically a new protection, and nearly all the fertilizins value in the ncton, Out. and were congratulated on this new oro would be returned to the soil { Persons tendering sire notified that tenders the: janitor doesn't stand the chance of P , p, g step. Sugar beets, carrots and clover go down -will not be considered unless made on the feria .yin," him a visit without ringing the 1 3,M E S tutalllied, incl Vii, 0,d with their actual signs- bell and being regularly admitted." The Presbytery expressed satisfaction so deep that they draw a large amount $tires• -.fed by nn with the success of the Century Fund I tender must be aceoffiv. of plant food that is out of reach of accepted cheque on a' chartered ba,f.'r• made movement so far and requested ministers the other crops. Sugar beets are no harder Minister of the order of the Honourable, Jt1MAICA GINGER IN GEORGIA. and sessions to give their congregations on land than ordinrty farm crops— cent. (10 c.) o1 the amount of the tender, _ , a further opportunity of contributing -which will be forfeited if the $arty decline to tV�iat d lieecltafI r,� O.mt After It pP Y g London advertiser. C'LU I 'N G. enter into a contract ti° :.?l E$+lg , 1t;4?? iP do 1f_utI I.ilieet x ort' licit, that �vl>1Lt is still lgc in13 of Ill@ full , so, or if he fail to coin letethe work cofitrAdt; - ed for. If thetender benot iitteuptedthe chequa They were relating incidents that oC- 1 stlfidilnb desired hiss yet W .lade tip, -will be returned. outset, in the blind tiger district, Said Sore Throat and Hoarseness The Department does not bind tint+it' to ac- Application was made on behalf of dept the lowest or any tender. the revenue officer: with their attendant dangers may be Walton congregation to the Aunmouta- e Y By order " I'll of you know that in those city s s speedily averted and remedied by the FREE. GELINAS, tion Fund for rant of�,.'1G0 tits Pres -Poison's t Secretary. Counties the toper who is deprived of Ills g $ use of Nerviline. Excellent to ':0epa1•tment of Public Works, dram -stall soon learn to drink anything bvtery proposing to apply for $75 for the gargle with -ten times better than a 0 F F E R S Ottawa, Sept. 28th, 1901. that'as hot or fiery, from cologne to Ja- following year, it being understood .that mustard plaster, and more convenient 3+Tewspapers inserting this advertisement maica ginger or pepper vinegar. Well, for the outside. Nerviline penetrates without authority from the Department, will thereafter the charge shall be self -sus - it, be paid for it, one of the most remarkable things of this. %stain the tissues instantly, soothes the pain, kind, that ever came under my observa- g• allays inflammation, and cures sore tion happened down here in one of the A committee, Revs. McLennan, Miller throat and hoarseness simply because counties touched by .the Southern rail- and Whaley, was appointed to consider that's what It is made for. The largo---" `T' y- __- • @` {�' road. Some time after the county went 25 cent bottle of Nerviline is unexcelled � � � � dry,•a lnan yielded to the demands of the the recommendation of the Assembly on mY . ��� as a household liniment. It tures every- _ of s frerjuentcrs uE his general store and or- the holdingspecial meetings. g thing. , dered tin extra sup»ly of the various hot The Presbytery adjourned to' meet in stuffs that ordinara; would have only a Wiugham on November 19th, at 9 a. m. moderate sale. In the lot was n case of Proving His Case. g,7 ws�_ � IAN M Jamaica ginger. The l rat to bay any of THE ITIMEES announces the fo�-' this ganger was a couple of brothers who D6Nmediclue A. W. CHA$E�$ 25c. "Are you aware, sir, what you axehad just returned home from the state��R �'�RE doing?" The stout, filorid-facedman in clubbing + university. In a few hours after drinking the restaurant who was about to hex lowing ` rub l ing offers for, ® sonic of the stuff they were dead. With.13 sent direct to thAlseased , P out sayinga word to anybody, the mer -parts t the Improved Blower, himself e, the generous portion a the Heals the ulcers, clears the air 1901-1902 t it chant carried the case of ginger to the at -passages, stops dropptngsin the mince pie, looked up in astonishment at tie and instructed the clerk never to sellthroat and' ppermanantly care* the nervous, thin, little individual op. Any of it. Catarrh and Hay Fever. Blower e. All dealers, or Dr. A. W. Chase posite. A few months after two brothers who Co.. Toronto and Buffalo, 'What do .you mean?" he asked. This cool spell will were in the turpentine business called at P ''I have been Watching you," said the • � b; the store and asked for Jamaica ginger. remind you that Win- The owner of'the store was absent at the Boston Herald: The birds who have nervous man, "eating your dinner, and, � lei.-• 10.1-- will � ter is coming; and you -� time, and the clerk, remembering 'the boa been closely scanning the fashion jonru- impelled as I am by a love of humanity, up stairs, finally, after much pleading on ols to see which branch of their family I cannot see you leave this table with - will be lfjokin� about Y .., .. -,:,. _. ..._ .. a the part of the boys, told them that there is like, to be murdered this fall for the for somethingin the was some up stairs, but he couldn't sell Y out a•protest at the diet which. you are trimming of hats according to Dame •• it. The young men proposed that they killing yourself with. First, you had ° Stove line. We wishwould up and get some of it, and then Fashion's edict will be pleased to learn fish chowder. No protein but slight to give you a hint he could tell his employer that be didn't that ostrich tips are to be used largely hydrocarbonates. Then you had corn- , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , sell it. The clerk was finally persuaded this fall and winter. As a matter of Times till end of 1942, .......... $l 10 that we have a fine line Of beef andcabba;e,containin 'full eighty Into this nrrangcment. In a few hours g Y g y Times and Weekly Globe' with two magnificient pictures' both young men were dead. course, most any sort of a bird from a per cent. of deleterious matter. Then "When the owner of the store heard of canary to a turkey buzzard comes in you had pie with a mountain of sugar. I ,The Duke and Duchess of Yorkand "The Farm STOVES, HEATERS and RANGES the deaths and the action of the clerk, he handy in trimming a hat, so none of the Are you aware, sir, that this can only be Pets," till January 1st, 1903 ..................... 1 70• kept his own counsel. He knew, but the feather tribe should consider themselves . For either coal or wood, at reason- clerk did n --t, that the deaths of the two immune from the dangers that have al- digested by the duodenum. Think of itl Times and Weekly Witness ................... 1 60 sets of brothers were caused by that gin- t; You'll be a wreck in a few years." The Times and Family Herald and Weekly Star, with premium 1 75 able prices. Call and see us. ski., ready confronted them. stout man he addressed gazed at him Times and Weekly Mail and Empire .................... 1 75• "Quietly he. went into an investigation. compassionately for a mbment. IIe discovered after so long a time that Tinges and Western Advertiser ........................ 1 40, t the ginger was ROBERT RT 911100 N EY, made by an up country "You don't look as if your -diet was firm, who, in ordw to produce a Cheap doing you much good," he said quietly. Times and Weekly Sun.....,...... 1 75• SHAW BLOCK. grade of the so called ginger, had used %/ A�� "That, sir," replied the thin man, 'tis Times f1 dt Deily► Globe .. .. . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 35* tttood alcohol in the preparation of it. no argument at all. You were healthy '.Gimes and Toronto Daily Star, till Janauary 1st, 1903 2 50• This wood alcoliol being a deadly poison, This signature is on ovary boa' of the genuine to start with and I wasn't. You'll o i�ie WinAham Times 1.OU death was sure .to follow the drinking of Laxative Bromo-Quinine Tablets ' g Times and Farmers' Advocate .............. .......... 1 90, it The storekeeper was so miserable the remedy that cures a cold in one day to pieces in a short time, and I'll live to e er what bad occurred, accusing himself be an old man, because I know the per-' With the Toront Daily Star subscribers will get a beautiful The ®e y �� of being the cause of the deaths of the centage of fruit salts the human system picture of King Edward VII, in nine colors, by paying $2.50; or cni E p four men, that he finally told a friend The European dog census has been can stand." payment of $4.00 the premium with the Star will be a book about the whole transaction and then p 3' p °" r� �-� �}• d' it a bottle of the ginger, the last of completed, and shows France, with 2,- "You'll 1%ve for ,gears beyond your '� Picturesque Canada." ' Daly � f e add 3,00Re Ease, baving destroyed all but one . 864,000 dogs, holding the European re- allotted time, will you?" said the stout Re ttio he had reserved for his owls use. cord. Not only are their more dogs in man. And a Splendid Platrre at It ended his misery." :France than in any other country in "Yes, sir, I will." Europe, but there are more per thousand "Then," a King Edwc.1t • ,�. -. Then, said the stow. man, as he � � 1 �� 54 � -^ inhabitance than In any other European rose and paid his check, °'tht,,t only l� Why ge Quit the Business, country. France has seventy-five (logs� � r A marl who keeps a restaurant has bears lie out. It only shows Whatharin °ial $4.50 his two children wait on the table, to every thousand of its inhabitants. call be done to humanity by afool diet." (jbe of them: is it boy tori years at Then follows Ireland 'with 73, England age- quickness 39, Germany with 31 and Sweden with LFOR"' customer was attracted by the 11, There are 2,2b0,000 dogs in Germ- We could extend the list but it is not necessary.�V0 cant . of the little fellow, and Notluug $unt8 tint Corns 'Chis T.a the f;rrtitest cemh;nailutt t n'er a +cr said: "you have a splendid waiter" any, 1,500,000 in Russia, and 35b,OW in {rive you clubbing rates for any newspaper or magazine ptlblish6d,. measle by army cnrraa;an journyl, .1:111 we air "Yes " said the r0 lrietor "h! is Turkey, though tourists who ht,ve resid• Like tight boots. Nhthingg removes ePaina Every subscriber will receive a copy t Illustrated ffottuaalt fa secu:,n: ihr. exettrs,ve privileg,• fol. 01 p 1 ' ea in Constantino le aver that this with such certainty .as Isntnam s Et/ y 1 py of he Handsome, u Oil., (listOct, rt,c Tlafly ]rrralri ;K otic r,i r ;,,,, my sdtt. 1 used t0 8011 Ii(1C1Ory . but ]j less Corn Extractor., Bewstre of poison. CANADIAN A N X iY A L for 1902. The above art^e Wk's gveat pit ,cts. T:ctnbfiv�.cd in Mus, it ha+ he made me quit it." number falls short of the actual total, ous substitutes. Ask for and get Put - 16118 l)etu the�eadfivf I.ihr rel r,, •roflfe%ttro "IIo- l" asked the 'Visitor. Cau•i:l.1It 'IS stow a Oscar fermi} newswip,-r, which they think to be lttrgerIn Turkey tam's Painless (%rn Ztxtractbrltt drug'' ' our F Y x E it I A 1 n S, .larked down 811 kl�' t4 admit of X10+ each tL1t• rr,vrnX full nova of tits aurid, r,rlrl r:iFr, The father' trold the" 'story. Th6 that, elsewhere. In France there #1doq sts. It or if you get ,it-•�yyou1ve gof it lreducEion. Thertafoi`e there is no tree asking for cheaper rates. dcwotitr k ittacit Strive, ffy matters r,l kwli lint 5n- boy lth.d come 110me Oki@ days d ftd cad sure titin All arnggists sell it, r g pe tri a fan Cle r`n ,Isle"list' rt'1, Nnnra:,.rtiri intr•ii,. grid: !'ra a, we boyr3 at school had tt1Y, anti e'ier� ddQ, is i`egiStGrAd, t► cola or b mail post paid on receipt Of tW6hty- When wo Oali afford to give eheaper ratefs to one, we can give erifti i; CNO's I'ORTRAT1 T+ tho t vt r.r•r w talk to -day' about th& bualmese p4 ,clition which makes the computation, fire�eits:itF. �. P`ol�il. & :7a.,Klug{ tllenl 'to till. Vkhtistthl in eftlin'b, and will t r:t':••.1 i..:rrl4oart 1 ry+ ts„ EaC#1. f0110ty was ilt$lt� t)(i1vYp*ratiyely eaMy in that Country. bt6u, Unt. i4ditionto tate Walls of A11V lihearv. It it 11ra. out is Call at or addretl8 dwell by a 11.!Wpr(rrryd. rind i+ u, , tame ti ` , ed, •'i� at dW§ gtiur fable! do?Onb The numbtir of dogs in th6 tfnited States &.01yc6lot•ed jArtrtiitvanValli n,rit said,`>Vf father kee 3a a ntAre+M Mlhc roin:lnr lir?" t+f i he, Ttvral•T i. ti:.,..„, 1 wt r to estiniAted at frOta 1,000,0(,0 to 1,600,• Moff0tt s oY TAllgaicU, '1`4111 be yet', kite Ilht•,•altty of fJor nffr•r fs s• :i• •a r,t, said, Myy father- sells liquor. That 00O gym• i t. •l„ stt.icT tsita• � file bd+ys� tt�llet to tt>sit ��,� �C1lrjolritloRl� saltlry° v�wili bar ieE►�l;'ri yr'iifwtlr. �.LZ +4, •i.,iaJ.�k? j is tllb liiea tmt burin on earth, tike `pa pl ,, IiiYSl,kh4N Jit�.•:�•Urf:t+l.tty i r,�. ' �. .a •f 11 i”' tlxe , Ctlltsr it t e. , Mr.:oll,lt grbbWe, Of Gf%lendok, had ' ik; sht�."tlfhe ii*I .1aTii� 1�A r airl+rX +IW'birr of ''�hla �m''d. �r� /� l<t ie�. .s r► Yt tt tri irkltrianlryti'1'sl►lrttrirsugett-rrald� l� acres of �eiXl vil�at #ltif► jrear tlli�t YY �g`h� ,� �, ,. � <.Ju �,i� artist it, MOC-06 tlidr fin r. �rl7wre.iia>F�sar. lertee, cis, yldtgltbTlaliie+►t�tlltt>Mrzirit f