HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-10-04, Page 1k
0%AA^A^AA^MAM/1/16/ AAAAA/OAA WANTED.-^-- 100 .abs Cliojc0Soptaal. WANTED Boy to laarn, tail.)ring AT THE UNION.- f r. Wright, wilo bas 0 n
ber Buttor G• E. kI INt1. trade. Apply to Gm. CAnit. been a bookkeeper ft the Union left o1r �^
WE IIAV , Dltor xN F1tUIT, Mrs. Robt. Ailcons THlrx GOT Ty Ul
ljEllls1Aliso Agnes S. Monday morning t accept a positipn itl
NOTHING , of the east end roc fvocT all itttwuicouie (?ri ono, tenehex c f H, NO. Sl, Base `1'Orouto. Ho is sl °seeded hero by Mr,
BUT T)IP 13h;ST drop in fi•rtit the her clay, She had Wawauosh, will Lav great reason to be Wm. Clegg, Mr. Olegg has not decided .�.
> placed 00 jars up u a shelf, the shelf proud of herself and 'ter pupils. Out of whether he will boy grain this year in
gave way and pre 'pitated them all upon eight prizes given f° writing and draw Wingham or not.
• upon the ground, Only ten jars were ing at the Wingbail air, they captured HAROLD Ii. Ac; IN.—Harold H. won
�i. ,a V � � 1 saved out of tllo Only
two, 1st prizes an three 2nd prizes, two beats at Terrp Haute, Ind. ort Mon- Be sur(: you get the
The Tmrs till the 1st. of January, Wc( congratulate ss Grieve oil their day. Best dine' '04j, Uu Tuesday he best and come t0 �
• 1:102, to new subse ' era for 20 cents, eflicieuev• won the third he >t in 2.04. A despatch �
and S p i Cern THE Horsxs, ilson has the brick FreFh Oysters arriving daily at J. Me. front Terre Hat to says: "A record of
work of his house on I'rdward street KOlvie'a• 2.04 was made b,, Harold H., the little
Do your feel � For Pickling completed and th roof ort. • The THAT ColrcER•x — you recognize Canadian horse, it the last heat of the �� g j� � A ��
ruasou's aro no5v p storing ° Mx, G}leunis. lire n:uuo. it hula rth in ilio town 2.07 gate, unfit fished from Monday's d j [ �►
g hoose on Francis treet, north, and it hall ors Friday eve ii g last, under the Programme. Tl3 first half was made
Our 1Vlfalt Vinegar by the will be ready f r occupation by • T. came of the iVicCrum s}r opera Company. }u 1.04 and the ast [half in one minute THE
a tl p'f (±t+! p
Like paying a Good Price gallon is very fine and it will pay y Lester Davis in a at
three weeks. Dr. It lyes more farce t an comedy. Be- flat, with the third quarter in 2$ t EEIIt. U1141ia41tJ�
for a Poor Stilt of -'Clothes? $ you to use it. Chisholms house 1n Patrick street has tween the first and second parts about seconds." Har( Id H. tonnes home to -
Or a Reasonable frier for 3 � been ready:or bu lding since the first of half the audience 1 ft, the rest remain- day—Friday.
S ? August, but the ransous will likely have ing out of curiosity. There was a full
a'''''' GROCERIES. cold fingers finislJingit. house, bill dol ars were given away. for it, i you ilsf'.
All our Groceries are fresh. LosT,—Uu Sun.lay, 15th, IV Victoria We have sines be informed that they PERSONALS. his your cattle Will
street, a pair of silver framed spectacles. have bro_,en clow more than puce, it
!� we shall be glad to have contributions to not lose, in flesh or
r '
Finder please 10ay8 at 7'I3fE$ O#liCe. iS top bad thin Yl' 3 SV11010 town V,'as S° this column from any of our readers. If you
1tl9 1■S have visitors or purpose grosslvdeceived, p poHegoing away gourself, milk.
\ MLST ENLARar, —7, his week we en, dropin and tell us, or send us a cote to that
N, A.Faijuhafson large our issue t° . tell page paper,, Our To RENT—Five rooms, with hard and effect'
Q advertising patrol age has increased so soft water. Apply at corner Victoria Mrs. Jas. McM1vie is visiting in The Old Williams Stand.
The choice is yours. If c and Leopold streets.
uiuch that we fo*ud it necessary, as we Detroit. Agent G. N. W. Office.
your judgment prompts CHINA HOUSE > deem it due our enders to keep up the A FALL.—Tl ie St tfaxul Iiuut Club ,
you to save
money, find Opp. Bank of }Iamtlton• usual amount of goading matter, espec• held their iveeldy to et Zharsday after-
Mr. John Casemoc'e of Port Huron is
`C ially in tho long .venins This is goon noon. T1xo attend leo was only fair, visiting here.
your taste suggests stylish d�,VbWVVVVVVWVVVVV+NVVNV�! " g ' Mr. Alex. Rossvi;ited the Pan-Ameri Gabltle$ i?ei dog•
clothes let us have Our evidence that we are progressing in adbut those present h c a find run through
y Ellice. Dir. A. R. with was mounted I can this week, t
order, FOR SALE. t vertising patroi_ige as well as cjxpula
tion. And the 'act that we have have upon a fine bit, hex e, Frecl, purchased. I
Dr. J. J. Elliott tis at Listowel Fair Photo6r( phi
We lead the trade in the largest cir .elation liereabouts is by Mr. W `i'. Hery nt Port It c,rse judging horses. '�
1 lumber wagon, 1 single wagon g y' A.
dawning upon tie bu ' ess people, and This animal showe remarkablii capabili- Mr. Jno. Quirk . s visiting at the �
with iron me and spring seat, 1 set they are using i P p STAR PHOTO STUDIO
"Gents ties as a juniper. a unforttunite noel- parental home.
,F'Ul'Y11S>xlln S double harness, 1 see single harness,
dent occurred cit •in+•• thu afternoon. Mr. Jas. Cummiu t Graham
Beavner Blocic, opp_
• 1 plow, Also rooms over Gordon and A NEW STOR �. True t° his word Mr, g• of Listowel was J. Milton Graham Brunswick souse.
Mr, John Campbe mcuntod one of Dr. , v
A full line of Fall and Galbraith's stores to rent. A. R. Smith w open for business ou in town on Friday. wmgham.
Steele's horses, it cl, in going over a
Winter Goods now passed GEO. MCKEN%IE. October 1st, tho h lie had not every- fence, horse and r' ler fell. The oust Mr. Wm Fields came home from I I AtCttalogue- Price,
thin in lace. , uriu the whole week young Manitoba otiMouca Bulbs! Bulbs • H tcinth '1tilips,
into stock. 2 he latest in g P g man had his leg Illy Burt.—Stratford Y etc., etc. Leave your ord at Star' Studio,
Who Wang a Farm stacks of goods hope been arriving, acid Mr. John Fisher is 'n Brussels toda Beaver Block, or Prances street, "Wingham.
Hats Ca Shirts Under- ! Herald. Mr. Suri montionl d above is Y
Caps, , placed on the sliel *es as fast as the avail -
now a resident Win ha, having competing in the rac T, C. GRAHAM.
wear, etC. I have over 4,000 acres. of choice farm lands able help could d( it. He is getting cued business i the Ilei block. T. Worcen left on outlay for Wing -
for sale, in 50, 75, 100, 150 and 200 acres, lots in pretty well stt'aigl�Cned about now. 5 Cotte I N C R E A S E
Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron
Read this 'tie il-e cl0 money.— ham.—Hensall Obse er. I ��5 �G YOUR WAGES
Boots and will be noticed by fie advertisgenieu in g y —
and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with With bOC yei< Ca bt ;i1.00 shoes, With
:Sl10eS Mr. Archie H slo M. P. P. of Gro e �c The bo �rh o starts tit orlt
rod buildin s to `be srld'eheap on easy terms. this issue hA has n int0nti0ii of sittiu r Y + Y, • y y
g (5e tike awe 5 stud 1.35 shoes 5. . •,feel• a emirse in this cot• -
Iso a odd b acksmith Shop (dwelling in con- Y + visited the Fair on rids >
gg down and waiting r business to come, with 95c same value in proportion— Y , lege will start at wages
rection) doing u good business, for sale cheap. 6' S twr Or flu eo times -wgreat-
4 s
Our stock in this line was A hotel Joing good business for sale cheap. He mean, to draw and reoo zizes that clearing for 30 day, Oct. ist. I Airs. Win. Drove ud Airs. J, Sinclair er �di•,ri he could hope to.
Also a tva onito A general store ut-ith large g o +° p'
gp' 1 HA_NNZL & Co. moved this week t Listowel ( �>•. obtain without this specs-
{. never more complete. All trade, live village. Aso a large amount of advertising in the 1 al papers is a best I + ya al trainin . Colleges at.
money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- $
the Latest Styles will be titulars apply to . means of reachingVould-bestomers. A •LEGAL CER' .—The following , Mr• J. Johnston arrived home this London, uit, u ph, St.S Q ton Ottawa, Snrnta,73trlin, Galt, Guelph, St.S.A. McKENZIE, uestion and ansit •r from the to al week from Belmont Manitoba. Catit-arines. Nowisagoodtime.toenter, A11found at this store. Insurance Agent, Holvrood, Ladies.—The Clore queer J q g particulars frobut never mind weu a long I colutuus of the Mail and Empire are of Mr. and Airs. De'tars of Detroit areFQr S{nG�$:one' or,,,,one - withck, We, general interest: C. ''L. Wingham—Qu.— guests at Mr. R. J. Aftemath's. a C' Y C geire a olloiGo b 61Call cin 1 a
7� T TT TT 7,T �r Forest It Bu 011e
'ATS," bp9i i Can to Mayor of a -own demand fifty I X. M. 0. A. Building,
Peflt•,- , ATr. J. J, Aiou1tvn
mery and wife of j London Out.
(� IiAN �'Co. t emts for •-- (t summons which - he is Gerrie were in todiz'Friday: i , r '
oy�� sons
SeO Halsey Park's ad tisemont. I to issue as au oxo ci° magistrate?(?) J• W. �'CFESTLRV>1LT, Principal.
111A 1g i3L1TII i�'ARt. rxnugement6 hrtivo 111 � Mr. Harry Paof London was
NEw TttLEPHoN': 1r. Thos. Ross Can lie comrel the complainant to pay'
been made with tis Grand Trunk rail- visiting friends in last w'eek.
has had a telephone put into his house. his costs where the complaint is Miss Fannin Hp of Bruesels is visit-
WINGHAM. , , way to sell sell gle first-class fare dismissed ornoi t �ecuted? Ans.—The Air. S. Bennett o Wingham was in g
Peones are to be _ int into Geo. Masons •tickets for the r Us
tri from anp lug in town.
P Y town ou Weduesda—Seaforth Sun.
store and F. Carr' ; house next week."As fees which justi :es of the peace are
station within S5 stiles of Blyth to Blyth i 112,, aucl Airs. II B. Elliott, lair. E,
Marriage Licenses soon as a few moat private 'phones are entitled to take ass set forth in chapter Miss Bertie Mel atosh of Lucknow
fair. All ticks are good from the , !Seises and Miss D;1a Keiser c ent Sun -
Issued by FnAxx PA.TERSOIP, No. 23 Victoria put in, 'all all u lit ephone service 95 R. S. O., and i... the sehedules to that visited at H. H. Ch tholm s last week. I p
afternoon of Oct(tier 7th to Oct. 10th— day with friends u Walkerton. Mrs.
Street, VPiugham, Ont. No witnessesropuired, will be inan�arte chapter. If the u ayor had jurisdiction Mr, W. Halliday ucl wife of Dobbin- i
four days. A k,iecial train will leave Y Keiser returned lic�te with them after
- Boy WANTED.—A boy wauted,to learn Blyth on the l ,st night of the fair, I to act as a justice of tho peace�he had ton were visiting f scuds iu town last
..£„g..t,.;..p,o,..q.✓�.;.,t..g.t..g,•1••;..1..g.,g..;,..p F..y, Vae printing. Apply at Truns Office. , I a right to char�g + fifty cents for a week, S visiting with her t other there for some
October Oth ai 0 p. m., and run as far time.
W CUT'riNa TREEs. .Che trees in front of ' ' summons, and aSo all the other fees I Bliss Bertha In is of Walkerton is
as Seaforth sto ping at Zondesboro and Air. a'lid Mrs. .o an and fauril
,POPULAR A popular, prat- the Methodist ch ch' are beiv cut ' which tire alln ; ed by the statute visiting her broth .r; Chas. Inglis in g y °f
;1. PROGRESSIVE tical' and pro- t g Clinton. At C)•iton connection will be Guelph were the -nests this week of L.
;I•PRACTICAL I gressive School ( down. It is a pi y the building com- made at 10.27 . in. with the regular
mentioned. �2) "lie Un 0., hnmmhry town.
Cd' of B u s i u e s•s'f mitten Karl uot'sh n hotter judgment, I convictions Act, 1 .. S. U., chapter 9U, W. Hanson, at tlub Notional holel. Mts.
,,, j fi , train for Hol esville and Goclerich. section 4 says: -'•In all ease_; of Mrs. Mark Gra has returned from Logan will sperLI a few weeks bere:�
+Training is the ............ .F• and laced the ue• church about ten or ' Y
P There will be s eral special attractions a visit with frie s in Hoxboro and Mr. Logan is sus •fetor for fire telephone
»� w summary convict oil, or of on'ters trade P
,p. fifteen feet furthe back. As it is the this year, am pg them foar speeding Ottawa.
' Central Business College 'i` trees have to be c( t down and there is by the justice o>' the peace, etc., the company.
.p. events for purees aggregating3b0, eon- notice may, iu tis discretion award Mr. John Van orman and wife of Brussels Hera! is DTs. Wm. Aiurr and
m Stratford, Ont. ♦ no lawn in the frost. The new church sistiug of open ,rot or pace `2.20 trot or 13 Y' ' Montreal are visi`an friends here and c
.♦p. cannot bo so nit( but that a row of that the defer. aiut shall pay the + g J. D. Burns of 1 ingham spent 'Sunday
,. pace, tbree-mfr uto trot or pace, ani! a tit Bol rave.
•1. prosecutor or c.tnplaivaut such costs g in town, riir R. Johnston of Wing-
•i• ,t, trees would imprcie the appearance. pony trot. 'here will also be a three- as to the justices eni reasonablo." And Mr. Albert Mos of Isard R Co's left i ham was visit vg in town last week..
.d. .+1. FOR. SALIN.—A od milch cow; also a mile bicycler a for amateurs. , n
g where the justice i}smisses the etxinp,a- \Touchy moruiu„ to accept a situation Alex Forsyth has gond to Wiughaur
'i' four -months old h fifer calf. Apply at I
:a• fi We have a cho;ce in Fur C , is which int,he can make a.. order that the prose- in Hamilton. where lie will Mork in the Salt Works..
TTIIES office. p pay Mr. Robt. Audtc:rson of Dundalk call- I } g:
you will only find in large cities, viz,, tutor orcom lain .ut shall n. • to the de- Miss Lizzie S m rle visited Win 'ham
THE REASON nY.—The New Era Alen's Coon, Walla W mbat, West- fondant such cost : as to the ' astice seem friends on Sa.h rJ3 -
Has crowned our efforts and our fall �, c fru Cattle Bnl aria Z b Calf Do eel on Mr. and s. J. Lester Davis, in y t
opening was the best in the history of says the deposits ' the Postsl tihvingo + g + , g,
our school. Our graduates do not look 't' Black and Brow Goat. Ladies reasonable aucl cc isistent with law• town, this week. ! Gorrie Vide. e: Mr. and Airs. Elmer'
•r Bank in Clinton re more than twice as , Air. J. HausO o£ the G. T. R. a• , Y
in vain for positions—t}iryget employ- ,t, Astrachan Dog, E ectric Soal, Coon. Far•ni wanted to rent at once must � Moore and f til and other frielift
71r meet,leavincollege. fthem our ediatelfall o 1' large, than in either Wingham or When you are pu IlaS' "Give Us a' be itt good couditiou with roomy build- i
1�II. we enrolled students from places in v Goderich, and a ks if it is due to greater Look." ANNA & Co, lugs. hent, paid quarterly. Apply to
Walkerville nisi d his brother L. W. I from Winglia were the guests of Mrs.
.q. which other business It 'e
aro, lo• ,1, prosperty or hat is of economy. For , , Drawer 333, Winlrhaut, � Hanson this wee Huestou oil S allay last. A. U, Cum -
14. They wanted the best and ,1, Gro. A. LlsltEl ne of Wingham s ;
came here for it. Enter now, writ,, l• ourselves we as, ribe it to the fact that ° t Mrs. M. E. arbrigg and daughter mer of Wiugh .m occupied the pulpit 1n tl
for catalogue. ;t. residents for a nit er of years passed . I the Methodis- church ori
the money is in-ested in real estate. The are visidug rel tives and friends inSunday.
»i� -1- away on Sunday r>onruing last, at Nor- I +
W. J. ELLIOTT, rineipai. °`l, working class p trchase homes of their Ugh'am s leading Shoe Store. I Listowel and B lin. Messrs. Wm. Mose aucl James Mose
l? torr, Denizes Co. Kansas in his G3rcll
own on the inst dIment plan, and other- year. The deceas .d had been Bufferin Mr. Jones of Guelph has acceptec a I were the guest; of Wingham irieuds on
�i�€+�i•ti ♦♦♦•t••i t 3 F6.3 d•.. A F' i 1Lri r y g I Sunda last.
-F� !
wise, instead o putting the money in .from Bright's disc•�so for the past six or � .,,_ .• �• J position In tlr woodworking depart- Y
-- - the Postal Savi tgs Bank at 3 p r cent. seven years and mut to Kansas about III / ment of the cls 'r factory, i ct.- r v>;I NOTES.
♦♦♦♦♦O♦♦SOA0000♦OS000000o This is far bett r than putting it 'I' tho three weeks ago tt spend the winter in Editor Holm s M. P., of the Cliutou 1 Services wl I be held in the Baptist
♦ ♦ bank and payin _ rent.
For New Subscribers ♦ � the hope that it nild benefit his health, 1 i Now L+era visitel the Fair on Friday and church at 11 t. In. and "r p. m. next
O Any orders for sales left at the Tu%rFS but it appeared tcliaye had the opposite ' / t gave the Tni s a friendly call, Lords' Day The subject of the
♦ 30 CENTS ♦ office will receive prompt attention. J. effect. Mr. Bisbsa; was born in London / � I ,
♦ ♦ J. Currie, auctioneer. / Mr. and Mrs P. Anderson of the .morning's dis oure0 will be Christian
14 and or 30 cents
w weekly Globe will
eo thehe Tu%r s o township, Middl net County, on Nov. , ;/ / c Broadway Hapse attended Listowel Progression. In the evening the subleck
.♦ and Family Herald and weekly Star to O 3rd, 1833, where -he lived, for the first /� t I Fair on Wedne�lay and Thursday. I will be "Miree Modern Roads to:
any address till January 1st, 1002. ♦ for auction sales f farm stock and im-, forty yeaxa of his life, He then moved f/ >>
lements is, h d and farmers holding t Miss Rye Cra g has returned to her Heaven.
20 CENTS ♦ P g to Huron totvnsh p, Bruce county, and t� ` � Sunda sclaiol and Pastors Bible class
sales are anxious to secure the presence ` house in Walketson after a few weeks Y
♦ For 20 cents we will send the TIN= to � r lived these abet t eleven .years, He Y/ �
nn address till January 1st,100:3. m of a large croNiK of competing bidders. visit with her si:_ter, Mrs. E. Keiser, at 2.30 p. m, Everybody welcome.
hese offers are for new subtleribers. 4 moved into Wkigham about twelve Rally day in the Methodist church
d a tc attain this result is to r k c 1 DTr. "tu.
A good e it P G. Ami dot t n( �G
w 11 P. Y
m g k -.-
1 geld v
, s : ' ors the i anus Ho ears a o and ha . if d r over in
Trial sub crib to 0 lived 110 0 eV since. .-..�
Y g' .�
Sunda s h
c o wassuccess,
m a Th
. , Ye ser -
and u• of , .
4 11 et n 1 tt e \ � �•
nd Weekly .tar wi your bills .in ed at the TI.Ins office r u k rocs
n w t y p get yo I. t e �, E Robertson were L c unit on Wec
the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall. Size ♦ He married Mi Charlotte Patterson,• � — •y. ;,-r,_
14x20 inches. Redneed rates on any ♦ and place a lis of the articles, animals, who predecease him about six ears. fay attend' th fttuer 11 of their niece mon to the c ildren in the morlliug was;
nowspaper to tither old or neuvsnb-&m r P Y thoroughly 11i: tjoytxl, In the afteru00u n
etc:, to be sol 1 in the i'I�IEs. An ad- - Miss Mary If= ole.
scribers. • `Phey had seven, children, all of whom � � � � It w111 pay you to
r ♦ vertiseihent o'. this nature is sure to be very itnpresa ve service inns held. A
Call at or address, ♦ are living. Eb iezer of GodeAoll, Mrs. have b r y' F e e t Mrs. Hawthorn returned to Bay Oity, I large number of visitors waspresent.
;♦ CE, NVfagham. e widely read, n, - there are big bundles of H, E. Smith nuc Mies. Maggie Bisbee of ® ii1 � when Botta anRg t Mich. on Friday ast, accompanied by ; The music b;_ the ,choir And Olir•stra
the TIMES ger fig Query wyeell to farmers Corning, X, lir'., .Iissos Lydia, and Lottie at these prices. hor sister Mrs. . Jenkins, who tt ill }
who are warping just such articles as was well xelirred.
, of Detroit, and illiam• and Lawson, of spend a couple of colts there.
- - -- others halve f 1r stile. It will pan ally per- Bliss Relic! d Air. Will Field ave
Wingham. ii also lenves two brothers Women's Rubbers, all sizes . , .. , . , . 35a Miss Moiiat of ar ill Mr. and Mrs. g
son having a stile to put a list of the arti- ' g > interesting a counts of their trips to
THE FALL FAIRS. and two sisters ?:rev. ii�etillen Bisbee Of Women's High Cut Rubbers, (srcou't Montgomery of �reeuock nticl Miss
tiles in this p. ,per. There is many a farm• Nortori wlro ac om hnied the remains t0 quality) . , , ...Mo. g Y Manitoba at the League meeting 011
P , "" bb "' Mout omer of ilkerton wore guests
Dungannon .................. Oct.,10.11 or who will !tend a sale list in a paper who Wingham,. tin Mrs. B. 0. Hewitt and Wotlieti s Iligli Cut Rubbers, (first g Y Aiotulay evenii 'I(lie experiences next
(3torrie ..........................Oct. 12 will not get out of bis rig to lock at a quniity) ...., .......... ......45c, of Air, Jno. Bugg u Fair Day, very aninAug, nd for all ,hour the andi.
Mrs. Will. N•el on. of the satno place and Area's Atibbers, (first quality) .... 50c.
81yth. . ... . . . . ........ .. . .....Oct. $•9 bill by the oadside, If you aro going ,Tames Of Lou n,. He lens been a, mein- Men's Rub-Lers, High, Cut, (first big. X. A. t'axq Itnrsoli lies been laid cute w:ta (oily ped with laughter. The
to have a si 10 writs us or call at the uality) i00. OfI work for a fern iinys this iveelc with League will ]te,ceftirtlr devote leu ruin»
MbNEl' xb LbAN.•-•••MOnoy t0 loan on ber of th hie odis� church ill lily lifii q ; • • • ,• • •
notes, and Notes c?iscoutlted at reason- ofl3ca far yo' r bills and ndvertisiug, w e Misses aad Childrt ni s 25c•, 30u and 3bc. a Heavy cold. Iii delivery bo Utes Ou the kis', MOnclti evmtin OP tbo
tune. lit pole les ho was a Liberal: Ho y y wits also Y g
able rates. MOu0Y advanced our mOrt- give a free ratice of sale when billti are took n great i forest in current ovents•, We guat;'tntoo all first ganlities. These laid toff on Tues(I+, so that -a now surly I 'month to socia intercourse.
gages, with privilege of paying at the printed at tl -s office. having ded +d literary tastes, The aro all new (roods. See them. has had ehargo. j
end of qtly year. Notes anti accottnts
,collected. Ofllce-� Beaver Block, Wing- The Tnt and Family Herald and funeral took tlaeo on G edilesdnp after. Air. Arthur I'ct tiesou of Lolldesboio : ---A basebal match at Listowel Ito.. �
Tram. Ron'r. Mohm)no. Weekly Star to new subscribers till 1st noon to tho inghatu cometery, for in- t called oil Lr. Agl w this week; His tWeen Iiarrist to and Pallnerbton emit d ".
_ Of January, 10U2, leer 30 cents, With ferment. 'lie bereaved famil axe sister of Toronto lead been visiting at iu a light, t t guess both are t0 blain,,
TO Cuftl: A toll) >l v t�rrB DAT this splendid offer all who subserib0 will y SOS LC3CA�. AGENTS F"c�R
'.rake, i a:tativo Bronco Qu4nine Tablets. All et it pioture of the Duke and Duchese assured the intphtlry of rnaiiy friends 8b +r his home and (lie( while there, and ho, Mnwrston is more p®rbape thm !
dru figist, roftlad the luoneq if it, fail, to eu� e g 1 , � { rp,, n ryas xl t
X. W. (,trove's slt;nature ic( un tach box, ,c. of York. Size 14x20 inches, in flue ltotir Of sOi'r(iVt�.• +swrsl ' urning h0 o. ? ITaMet6ttt. dging �frtsta th�eaprcth'(W.