HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-27, Page 8i r. THE W[NGHAX TIVES, SEPT. 27, 1901. —q _ SCRAP IRON, RZ-OPTXINQc Nita a tavtlubex i�zn town i►ttended �t the Fair lot Teeswater on'Wednesday. BRASS LEAD, —•-Or TAN— ITS A L M O S T m, i it GumNNIth typhoid formerly of at his COPPE.� "ZING. O'SU'LLIVAN MOIND00 ham, is ii1 Boo. typhoid fever at Ills a honlil int t re Soo, HIG$EST PRICJ1rrS, • --Elliott, Currie and Rantoul thipped National IrovL works, AAtd., c n pc College (�(�ia carload of hoxses on Thursday, mostly No Dealers.S)Vipghaln, Business SETT T T L a-1 D Our Goods _ � - • of the lighter class. FARM FO SAI.. v New Dress Czolgosz the assassin of M0101110y Shaw Block, Wingham. f' The Colas Or titbrie that should was found guilty of the deed asld Will The untlersiFnetl o e r sale his farnn let he worn fol' our full or winter pay the death penalty. Il,ewt,5,'ltnrnberry,con it -95a and iwell y 'the premises pro •oext uildn sand is well Outfit is here, and being here, is —The council of Meaford bas instruct, i lid p�` cicu u1ad',rs �f Wit 'I'lpumping. rGr terms t n icient guarantee that itis cog ed the clerk to prepare a by-law to pen. T S I LLIOr, ,, � ';� - - v That this fall you will requ rC Iiluevale P. O. /i'� t �l �t _.o'C Gr r , i. t'ect and up•t,o•date. Thequality,. hlblt t11P Bpittiirg Of tobacco On the ztoly c ' ' �'.,, �� ¢�'I. �' something in Furniture, If a is guar nt what be rel able. s side `C; loagP Baker, of one formerly his this ~J� '�f % niightosst, advanced methods thoroughly (r I "�' � �j• li Sideboard, you ' will find a• I for variety, a it provided tot%n, hart the fingers `--"`" "" F �,. � , � good assortment at prices and Vua with a broad choice; never so ' baffly cut v bile at work in the furniture Bookkeeping, Penmanship,TV good as now. Coque and see, factory at'Walkerville. a t� Etc. "I �Q bI terms which make buying That'sthe invitation we extend ; —The I'mr•.s Eriitorrecords his thanks IT PAYS IN THE D/ Shorthand, Typ w sting, V .. -,,, �. easy. In medium Boards our I to tine and all. for prompt romirtancHs lint would like to jog the memory of sOlue subscribers IInve you seen the catalo ga of the til! CANADA B IN SS COLLEGE, � l0 8o incl [,,90 are quick who bavc not yot pl,id in Rdvancs. CHA H , ONT. O EN p See Our Fur Display -it. Shan7ton, of Swarts & Dore car. if not, yeti are n t t familiar with the best sellers. Have a look at em. Ctnlada has to offs n the lines of iWalnesis ,No �% , , f,4W-14r Q, y,� �® ' .. - riago tmetory, lilts beet,. of work !or a Training, Slunrtl lilt or Penmiuiship (/�! ;!! '�'0� feet• rinys with a wouitdecd hand. He Wehil" supplied 7uore- teachers for other First, we insist on selling the bnbiness schools thin itll other Canadian busi- >�"]� Q L L ® S. I;est Furs, and getting them from leav ec sonic for bili hove int the Stitt ­ .Q. nems College+s combined. Individual 1xistruetion. i� LL1� 804 -of our pupils sec'T,1., ood )gsitions dug13 the toast reliable sources. A - r!'hP sPRtiu routrl of ince Pri sby- Ing the past year. Send r tllis�ist turd [land- CIRCULFIRS FREE. teri;,u Chi17'Cll WRs tRxed to the utmost some catalogue' VISITORS WELCOME. _ gbmea at our Fur. Stock gives C400d board for Indies at $2,00 per ween:, gents � / /� ample proof of the (act. on Stltidtly eveufug to hear Mr,MeOraul- $2.50. We pity railway fare. IY circumstances D I e 4(' p -Our eXten6iVP, e:{perlel]C9 warrants will rut allotiv i}ron to attend at Cllathanl, you A i 1 \.A us in calling special attention to this ish sillt;. We rhull uot. attempt to tell can get INSTI UCTION BY MAIL, in BOOK• g p KEYI-MG, SHORTHANDincl PENMANsHre foom ll,p Branch of our business. You will tind us prompt, reliable, attentive and holy fine it wits. It was btlyoud dt tri- Canada's greatest echool of Business, by cid- of leient. , LUTHER BALL Funeral Director, Residence --Patrick St. Cloak Display pilin. dreseiU MCLACHLAN & CO., Chatham, Ont. Air. Uraeey +s late residence ' n iii , - Chliidren Cry for NOTICE. All fico be given n prominence and - �� T� �. —_ ��� m__ �00000•oo•o•�0000•cos•�oesoelo••sioo•oo•0000000000e•: Styles will be iven rominence + • this month, New btu COats,New TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Golf Capes New Waterproofs —Our merchants have been getting Take notice that with the view of straighten - ready ' ready for the Fair ail the weep. There ing the course of Albert Street where it crosses New Chting Coate. Come and Josephine Street in the Town of Win •hangH O } has been some artistic window-dressing the Municipal Council of the said Town i tcads 111 � � 4 see our display. n T R E E B I G done. Sonne 0. illi+ %Ork is very attraC• topuss a By-law at their re6u)ar meeting t,) be held in the Council Ohamber in the said Town tive. Young & Paulin secured some on Monday, the fourth day of November, 1001, I milliner' and fixed ll a 1�indow that t 8 ourselc p. a for altering and. devirttint, ♦ r A R G A T oN S Stylish Footwear y p the course of the said road by stoppng up and ♦ 1 ,iv � Tile King Qaaiity attracted a crowd for its novelty. closing that 11rortion thereof t, lie may be described asfollows: Commencing at the point This tool spell will of intersection of the south side of said street A-( ♦ All ladies and gentlemen who 46 P• To prove to you that Dr. with the west side of Josephine street thence remind you that Win - Chase's Chases Ointment is acertain northerly along the %vest side of Josephine value comfort and love beauty, and absolute cure for each htreettothepointof intersection thereof with ter Is coming, and you i _s., ••.. and every form of itching, the south side of Albert street, as laid out in ♦ _ are invited to inspect these shoes, ,: bleeding andprotrudinR piles, Jane Sadler's Survey, produced in westerly will be looking about beautifully finished in enamel calf, the manufacturers have guaranteed it. Sea ctes. direction, thence along the said south ♦ • timonialsinthe daily press and ask yourneigh- side of Albert street produced westerly a dis- for something in the ♦ FIRST—Eight Dinner Sets bought for delivery in w tion ble sole, extension edge, band bora what they think of it, You can use it and tante of three chains and thirty-six links in a r welt, low heel, at special prices get your money back if not cured. ti0eabox, ah westerly direction from the said last mention- Stove line. We wish o July ; just arrived. We refused them. The consequence +•► an dealers or EDMANSON,BATES & Co.,Toronto. ed point of intersection, thence southerly ♦ 1► paralleltothewestside of Josephinestreetto to give you a hint was they offered us an extra discount to keep. ♦♦♦ this month. file south side of Albert street as laid out on g Dr Chase's Ointment the west side of Josephine street, thence east, that we have a fine line of ♦ p BARN. erly� along the said south side of Albert street ♦ �- -,J Your choice for $8.95. to ♦ M. H. Meindoo Clothier once f theace of beginning, andforttomes rshe 1♦ T nY-In Turnberry, on Septera )er-21st, ince of the said lands so closed up to Messrs, 7 _ ife of Thos. Stacey; a daughtor.l Button & Fesmant or their assigns, The Canadll STOVES, HEATERS and RANGES loTtcTE7t-T-W -1, Waw os on amber Furniture Manufacturers, Limited, now in , P SECOND—One Gallon Stone Crocks. A. Elie wife of James Forster; a son possession of the said portion so proposed to be The first of Fashion's fancies in all cDoNALn-In West wewanosh,on �•m clamed, in lieu of n strip of land of similar -4th, the wife Fred. Me 11111 ; n snn. arca, on the north side of said street to be For either coal or wood, at reason- �--•'., --> 1 Oci. each. • furnishings are here, ORLF_ In East Wawonosh, cal So)yit r opened up without compensation by tale said able rices. Cull and see us. New Suits, New Necl Nvexr, New Co1- 4th, the wife of James Noble; a sun. grantees as a public road in place thereof. ♦ • lags New Cliffs, New Shirts New MmPFEnReN-In tolross. on Set+tcm er 12th, And take notice that at the said meeting tine +' TI -1 I RD—Another dropin Raisins. A 28 -pound • IIntlerw•ear, Ne�c Hosiery, New GI ves, the wife of John McPherson; a sun. Council will hear anyone, in person or by �F77tt11 CCCppp �� + p New Hats and Caps, Now Everythinn BmvyAr•—In Morris, on-fiptvmberltlth, the Counsel, whose lands may be preyudlcially ������ ®® box of Selected Raisins, re -cleaned, Fresh ori 'ht Cris Catchy, list wife of Vt' m. P.nwman; a son. affected thereby and w -ho petitions to be heard. Q S p, , J AuMsmxe G -3r h r*,y, nn=epternher lith, the Dated this 20th day of September, 1901. 9 + �• the goods you'll like; and popular • wife of (it o. Armstrong; a non. J. B. rERGUsoN, ?* prices. IatrORTANT ANNOUNC TIENT CANPURb l T—In (ireY, on September 9th, the Town Clerk: SHA IQ"LOC'1�' - + next weal: ill Tailoring Department. wif David Campbell; a non. -`_ _ _ _ _ r + `for $1.35. MARRIED + 8Wcr.ATR-MEyvrEs-At the residence of the + bride's father, Brussels, on September 18th, A I I C Iii I L L I "1,' Peter T. Sinclar of North Eat) a to Miss J daughter of James Menzies. tl�� i/]�� H1NE—CATiDTEF-At the reside ce of the a G It � ride's ]nother, on September 18th, by Rev. J. GIN BBB...iii tttEEE G. Abey, Robert Shine, V. S., of Monktonto I+Ji's Ein ?l daughter of Mrs. T. Cardiff, of Grey. i NEw7SAN—RoRfsox-At the hum© of the MINOR LOCALS, bridegroom, Teesw•ater, on September 17th, John A. Newman to Mrs. Elizabeth Borison of Toronto. Ube ceremony was performed by I onr1nrhe Wi Pers guaron- , by Lev. G. J. herr. tet (t a, „ *, IicaellChe• DIED. I VACFv—In lainrht:ie, on September 21st, tax rate is 21 mills. ince T aged 70 3 vars, 4 nrontlls and nqS. —The WTOxeter Star 1s holiday i LmClcEniDGF—In Lower WIncltam, on Sep - this -week. jtimber 2 lid • 'eorge, infant sou of lilt. and I Mrs I lit- ciccridge, aged 11 months and is November ':8th hats been fist rl by ill( j d HaLL- n Culrms,onSeptember l9th, Martha Govtrnment ,is Tltailksgivin;: Day. i Hall, aged 44 years. -A car load of cattle Wits sliiplleti to - �e - -- - Toronto on Mouday. i INALKl"i. BROS. & BUTTON -Snow has fallen ill n..li). parts of ; UNDtRTAKER5, WINGtiAM. the Northwest this we(k. -Principe i gran+ of Cinecu'a Uuivcr_ Night calla st Button Block, or Frftb dour smith of ` t-huol Route Shop vp• city, Iiiligstou is seriously ill. matte yacdonwo ,loca. -R, gular meeting ot CorirttMairland, Mornings C. G. F. this (Friday) evening. KINDERGARTEN -Othrraufnials tire, itso bright. bnti�U'tDOL. 9 to I2'. we hear ibe most about monkey shines. -Harold 11. wou the 2.08 pacing lace Terms Very Reasonable. at CinOiii0ti oil Tuesday. Best time MRs. A. E. PRIOR. E. Patrick S4. -'i'hc first neat acht race for the 7�OR SALE. -On the Wroxeter gravel road of Ainerivan rulbtoolicSplice yesterday- iiand2iOclt•aitet, fromBelm fish cedar tindgli"ch, T hnradtt lowish land. that will b,• the very hest whet, y• cleared. 'Iwo small frfinte houses, bunk barn; - One of 1 he en, 1 ]lo •ees cn the census %z mile from school. Will be sold very cheap, y or exchange for a W -acre lot. Apply to A. staff at Otta.vt'a has been taken -down Dulmnge, Renl Estate mid Loan Agent, Chis- holm Block, Wingham. with small pox. 4 OTi SAL);. -In the fill*, township of Howii •--The editor of the Lncknow Sentinel � 100 ncrem of choice land Fine brick rami- .di rk(-, lni•ge bitnlc barn and ont•liouses. About was awaylast week on the first holidays 80 acres in good state of cultivation. At the he was ever kno-wn to take. Poor i rate money can be borrowed fiom this office; 7t pays letter to go into dent, for the full price fellow. of a farm than to rent, Apply to A. Dulmove, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Chisholm Bloc -Tc,! —The sympathy of ninny friends is I Wingham. extenUd to Mr. anrd firs. Robert Lock-� �,olt SALE. -Corner farm, w ithschool on lot, ridg , In the death of their iufauc son on 8 mites fi um town, lir Turnberry 11p. lifink born 90x ii, large frame house; goexl soil. €ty lt.et. I An excellent rain fm•m; will be sold cheap i and on cosy terms. The situation of this lot 113r. Ralph Rogers, of Bay Mills, I makes it it very desirable proV-ty. Apply to I Mich. hits Moved Lis family to t0Nvn i A. Dulmag , Real Estate incl Luan Agent, alts- i y holm Block, Wingluun, and talon up his residence on Francis WANTED-TR1JS%W(;R1HY M"N AND ,street. Int' li is epted a situation ill woman to travel find advertise for old estab- lished house of solid financial standing; Salary $780 a year and expenses, if ll pit ynble in Clish. No canvassin • i squired. Give references and —For the third time within a year Plicloseseif-aa(irensexl t4timi)ed envelope. Ad - G era Id Siftoll raced the bar of justice on dress Mannge r. 8:%.5 (7axton Blrier., Chicago. Tuet•clay, )Il the charge of having com- WANTBD-4everal pelsen8 of eharoeter a7 c1 good reputation in each state tont: passed the Ceath of his father on June in thi•t county requirtd) to represent ani ad, vertisP (l•1 eftabli4(-d wealthy business lou+:e $l}, 7i'n�' of sold thameoll standing, l�nlary $18.00 woelr- --Clinton bowlers )lave extended a, ty with expenses additional, ail )Hyalins in enmin inch W edn••,Offv direct from headoflleoe,. Horne -very hearty invitation to the 'Wingham 1 nihil a aria' es furillshcd, when necessary. Re• i i el vii tws Indo• o self addresse d stamped on• club to bring dowtr an octette of mem. i vclop:t. Mew) ger.8t0 Caxton Binilditip.Chicago, berm for a practice game. It would be ! fun to soe them play. ISE WING MA INES. •--A nimrod brought into town on i A Hire, P, tA'� unnfng, Sattirday evening a large bird, which ire strong' Nett unwoar• saidwasanengle. Anywhosawthebird out machi a at reason• Have rathex the opinion that it was a able i s, large hen hawk. It Would measure about three and a half feet from tip to PIANO Alfl) ORGANS } tip of the wings. -• The Tomo DAH7Star Of Sept, 1 "t'i'e bHve some beauti- had a photo (if Mr. Win. Ross. V. F. of, fan Instrutnt'rits, , of Fort ferry, brother of Mrs. li, H. 'Mc lovely tone, and in bWoo of town. The picture was printed } hand.o)me eAoO8. Hest in red�areu(* to the fire in that town last I makes, Wook whioh destroyed a great uu:dbor ' 7/veryttnftlg Its thea rnnmtct ]1ni!, 1 4,Ciee f,�irlrlM plalm, The Rom, Com- beftl r ]ctwsre. 11). , .i r, °�174�INGEIAM. It is a habit of ours to turn out Artistic Millin- ery. The pleasing comments on the stylish display, at the Opening, is an incentive for us to make every- thing we turn out a delight to the wearer. We' Shall endeavor, to live up to our past nigh standard of excellence. If you have not been here, be sure to ' call. If you have been here, call again. c Miss M,1acpherso � LATE . . ..._ ST .. . IN MILLINERY, So to a n •y were The very latest will be found DELI C, fl T E D wibh ? here, and our stick larger than any our exhibition of ball previots year. We have, this sea - work that we can find for further son, all expert trimmer, and we can room no comment,.' You will assure you that your orders will be find all our witi k up, to filled on short notice, and in. an ar- . the beiiudful d6play of tistie and stylish effect. Call and Wednesday. see the lovely display and prevailing MRS. GREEN. styles. You will etiijoy it. ♦+♦Ot♦♦♦O♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦♦4♦♦♦O*O♦t♦♦♦♦♦♦.4♦♦♦♦♦4♦Of♦O♦♦4♦ The change in temperature suggests the idea of more Comfortable Clothing: Well, ,we are in excellent sition to supply all Who favor "ids with their patronage, wit, he very' lat6st designs and newest. • material's in Ladies' kets (in several; styles and lengths) Gropes, • Golf Capes, ,. s, etc., and as alway, we are showing the -most complete"' ." ' .,1•argest range in Furs, Ladies' Fur Jackets from $11� 0 to $135.00" Capes, Caperines, Collarettes,' Caps, Gauntlets, etc., andwhat is most 1 -est ing to all buyers is that the values are the best that' ; oney can procure. In Men's and Boys' Ready-to-wear• Clothing, business is rushing here just now. The secret of this is that the quality of the Clothing and the Prices at which they are sold "Do the selling." D. M. GORDOIN - - - Importer. ono••�o•o•coo♦or•♦o•♦•�o«o•oo♦•sc•se•o•♦oo•♦ooe�•es♦ ' Elow Beautiful p GOODS N" W FALL G -- o 'Was the general comment on the dis- p FALL play of Fall Millinery. Leave yours T. A. MILLS 11as just opened out a complete stock of Fall and Winter I order with Mrs. Aley if you wish to Goods, which will be cleared out at Special Low Prices. In Ready-made;. have a hat that fs up-to-dato in every ♦ , , j respect. ♦ Clothing, I have bought largely in Mens and Boys Suits, Ot; ercoats and You will save dollars by purchasing • Reefers. front her durable stock. You will . MEN'S' SUITS. Special at 84.�O and up, See our special value at iMillinery cost attr acnd a ctve syle Land uptodate • $7.50'--up-to date pattern—good weifrht, regular $10.00 suit. j Being naturally adapted to the busi• i ALSO YOUTI! S ANIS BOAS SUJTS. Special values. • ness, she gives variety; trims no two ♦ See our MEN'S OVERCOATS. Special line to clear at $4.00. Good i hats aliko, Do not fail to see her, heavy weight, sizes ranging to 44. Also an up -to date stock of Dress Coats Youths' Youths' and Boys' Reefers from $2.25 up. iMRS.L j` ISO so a complete stock of Ladies' and Men's Waterpmof Coats, The "' Next door to Thomas' Bazaar, i celebrated Mandleberg goods, sewed seams, assorted colors. Price from o•o•O♦ti♦o0Ao0o00�O�o•o�•oQ AO•♦100,0���0•0�®ooAo♦ooh $$3.75 up. Blankets and Flannels I In -Blankets we have special value. i These are made of selected wools, Shits, Overcoats, Trousers, l+ancy and will g ve, the best wear. See these goods before purchasing elsewhere; Neal Goods Vests etc., are now in stock, prices to Suit the purchaser, Also a line of WOOL BLANKETS to clear It Vests, I be to the advantage Of at $2.510. See our FL"1AN.7 U TTE BLANIirTS at 75c pair--=•Speelal. Also extra values in I t,trmrm $111J1 TING, white and gray. See our Gray Plan - Wise who intend purchasing in that nets in Union, All wool and 1lomespuns, line to inspect our stock, and see the A large stock of 1-1011SF BLANKETS to select from.' Yarns in all % latest sty les, Colors—single, two and three ply—made of pure wool, no shoddy or flyings in these goods. Guaranteed to wear, At 35c and up. iall (% + Ale,b' In Cleats' Furnishings, Stylish Men's and Ladies' •UNDL+"RWHAII in Union, All -wool, Xatural Wool, 11ats, Caps, etc. Fleece Lined and Stanfored's Unabrinkable Ail•wool Goods. These are the 4 ,�•��-' _ beet goods known. to the trade, Sizes from 36 to 46, Price right. Opposite Geo` Cafice.Ti-rrM I t � �0�� d�A. LLSa k,.