HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-27, Page 7THE WINGRAt TIM PS; ST;P' t 2'1,, 1, 0{11. i . N 1►�N II p �iil +�► �1 114f -�1- lob, r�i(till T Elle causa lit fn �. fir ttp.Inanta �e#•rt ir#.' "tlta„ esir� • � ` this stlddt'n Ot'szro to It tic' v u r ria! o, aud1)p0 tin; then• way ul1 tptNllt. � � • laalalry lualzlo. ltvra..... char �icosa:ut. r'�J 'I N -D Byltusinass'! Tf 3 s , Y} they '9kapl"ad' dzut o#tGG, iliac! it sr tra JULIA t l ,let #t a o attvaty. lay Larder of T Prink, who nervi into a ! will ner'er apVc" In your prVR'llce florist's to gat four lan•p'r; bouquets Beausti EMARDS. RDS. al+rttin. Ob, I ata so u1)b tppy.f,, for those in ilio Garrinrga #lid cit i fulAnd tearlr fade fast, fnaAl laer .dark hone. NATURAL '/ .,Authorof ,; illy Ha tle] lily ITattf,ai !)star Miss Hattie, yaut•ON= lad cried Jessie Aiheuta)la,, when our itis ' � t''!"btLttl�Wldow" caillu, and eta not hncv iasclft laot•#t rolno went lnIntothe sitting-rapnaw 1�:IV qrli: A* But "Stella$tlrllag", for it is no fault lit yours, Tar#t, he- %vbere, with her iiiother, and sure Poor lirve tile, far flit Present it tiil Yk rpundetl by busy ci#tiara find setyprs, Resemtiles Japan ill flavor, but is neve ' I,Il'��i'!��'e~---while 't zekk3tst of 1;" ; better for bath of its that i t,ho xvns l,etng Iltnrlct* presentable, i " will 1,ei You to forget zu lolly, inflnitel std erior til quality, It is lrsaklml raI I'd strides frit Etc,, F-tc. p y' ? Allot she sboi bred 'hisses on. the on- t , , hell, we to bear illy i,Ittt•r cl[saP- l3, krue frlenrl she lra,{{l I;npttn In ht'r!public favor because of tilt: above facts-, ill"inkeis of Ja�3Fk.tI l>0ink)urnt. T lvoulcl not hltve. y'Ou titan days of sotaott ' leave here on an y teas should give, 1) a trial, • �4�l;�1►�0.441"0��4*!<iQle��O�Ap���NNOR.r1�r►���r� y account, 5a Icanl; As ]nisch hart been l:elyt waiting for r }"a'''.�f' `11('�C"aif"i". ir'•�'ii" ", "7'.%, ,17" "•1 'r v' tie^ ^'1%,, `4„ ,^ „ '1k+'�x, '..r , ,'. '".F",j" '� n` C' ^+'r as 'Olt tire' hear I call be4,ir from you, the itrl'it'itl of ti'G etrrl'itthi0 and tta: t•>...._......-.....».-.,-•.�,....-.-„,.,- :,,,..,,...-.......,;..., .. . Teaonscraps, stela! on zags; silo xx s i y "r ou ltad better ask her, not nue, be mucli ha � ine ssknow you are ll, nnil;that. will occnl>ants, ilio fttnrily, as Air, I e- (, i SALADA1 i Ceylon Teas are old ill kik ;tiP.ti Lead must be a, xt itniess you twill suffer cite is the patty utast Interested,” " 1 ! ip tip. gar a jovially termed then! all, so as Mixed, Un - you've for IvIiat Ou've +• Air, 19--, yon arc to nahle tO tp ittcllade fTattic, left tiro sotvors : Taslckets Only. Black, , U y cions to peri Bald olr, that' c111iet'ly, sutler, w0•ri.lcl to heaven I could and Their work.. and adjourned to COIored Ceylon Green. Free samples sent Addresfi "S cried TIattie, tap an;ry t0 caro to tl!'oll, that's so, But some• way' save you Titin' it, Tf Ou d0 n to �„ "SAL-, shield tho wretched spinster in the though Filo is Or, a poor girl, s%lo y g the d[nknl, room. "e least. CaliforniaCal.ifI twill iiitrtlsi a mission Tessio, tvho ,'celled to come natur- A' '�OI'QmikO. Etas ss1a,) a queenly way about Iter to you 'whIOX 1. would ))at confide to.. ally into the ways of a lady, seas "Uh, flush! T)oat't tail her that!" that I'm almast afraid, of lits. T gasped Allss Scrimp, for, as Airy. can't talk tp her, falltiliat n)ld Prep, its any other man on earth, confident ahnost lean happy t.o 0nts if yall, but ('aurin I:;utory' turned toward Isar, she recog- I can t0 most girls of illy acquo.'nt- tvnre athut o daari brother, l act, r atttlt�e friend, Prank told her site would never i;row Prized ilio lady she had sent away agce, But I know Nvllat 1'11 do, I,ig-large, stately, and beautiful likeA� with a falsehood when that lady zIe and her are just like two sisters. its I fpcl land ]snow you to be. And Deis DivUer unless she ate heartily. ,cattle asking for Jcssia Albemarle, I'Il set .kizie to court her fpr uta," in that, wisslont you will discover 7t was a roundabout way to caaxr, " Aliss 131ttler, yogi dear, blessed an 1V-•- laughed heartily at this Idea, what i have bald as a secret, sacred'- pliattent Rattle, Imt Trani;, in Iles in- %ol, will you 001110 hollne with Jessie lie had heard of kings .courting and hells or over threw years, and o will noeence, didn't know bate else to do ,.and nue? ('natio its her sister and marrying by proxy in Ewrope, but. You to blame )rte less for idle it. 'Fome men are so atwkxvard, you my child!„ cried Mrs, l:inory, taking i the idea of a young Alnericaln rowel- disaI ointment under 'which you know .» no )taro notice Of Alias scrimp than elgu following the exanrlale struck suffer","Did Miss Scrimp carry on much ' slid would have done of a Plaster cast Mini as lading very funny. Ah, Miss. ?rattle, I do not, have filter I canno away?" naked Jessie. f t� '�qf some poor politician. And it tvtts. not, blam,td you, I know your ren- "She commenced it, but. I very ihf�r Typewriter Ili GiQi�l was Waiting ��,. "I canaOt 90 with you *to-nigitt, Frank, rather annoyed at being sons oire could not goold. Your u act in obi heart promptly Rushee! it, She said she 'Mrs, Butory, but to-tuorrott I will laughed at, dro 1 aacl the subject, and but rightly. I will undortako any would'An deice to k[lI lilt," gO to sae you and yattr dear little turned to horses, xthere !t0 tvlvs quite • 'And so slip xnu.td if she cl:u•ecl. +daughter. TO -night you avant her at home, keepin a team himself that service that you intrust to ilio, This is FRU'VED by the fact tl-tat the B USINESS in - all fulfill your wishes sacredly to the But site is an old cutvard, alders Bair i bag t0 yourself, and I,tave same writ- could "spirt" alongside of that teem , „ tie, NO' one but a collard would habitants of the world USE it. trig xvltich I must do," any day, T hope I've got that term uttuost p. tray liovver, bent a helpless girl as she used to '"Then, dear Miss Hattie, I svin right; T heard solute out Wren using "Thank you, Air, W-•-. A letter . Now manufactured in three Of the great cOUntres, viz, ; f'r young g beat rite," 'Walt till to -morrow to saw what i it, x think. xv,ticlt I tvzoto last night, with it�tiosn� "ghat is true, and Ivere it not for Canada, United States cited Germany.•cannot say now to 3,011, far •illy heart And so, as I said before, Mr. W— to r,taii, will be confided to publicity, . I t•. outd snake her suffer r fn too full. Conic, Jessie --- conte, knew all about the happy event when Gare, And also written directions for it to Lha full trvttalt of Lha fatv," Tile Canadian pacific Railway b;lve over 200 in use ;. Rlrother -- let us go. The matron will he saxv Hattie Colne into the bindery tvltero, t0 find the person to whoan it said Mrs lee all . ltut, Alias lw," They know d GiriQD thing . go with its; we Will leave her at the next morning. is addressed, and other matters . � aasylunr as wo go." Yet he was astonished to see her tthich I shall rile of you." tie, You ought not to stay another Jessie ran and kissed Hattie over looping unusually pale and sad, as if . "All of 'which shall be attended to day lit that house. Do come here to -SONE �� ��� ADVANTAGES 1, and over, and then turned and fixed site had passed an unhappy, sleap- with faithful diligence,miss ITattie. stay with us, You ileac never work 4aa bitter look of hatred on Miss less night.. Could it be .that be Was And now, please, wash ,your eyes in again. If you will 0aaly conte and Z Islblo writing afar, to ftnislr. Ptn•tui,ilir�•, weighs only Io pounds. •SGrilap• the cause of It? It wade ,tint wretch- the twitter -basin there before going be Jessie's sister you will olverfloxw the ecip of joy a,'"L dy full." Dtatdfoldfpg, beats them ull. Alil;umertt, Imsitive nud permm�,-lit. "You've whipped n'Yle for the last ed to think that rile might be worry, OUt. I !would not have any One no- „ Durability, hardened steel parts. 51111 >lielt (100 ,arta as agaflist 1SW, Mute, you toothless plc, bruit; you Ing because she thought liar rofusal ttee you had been weeping," It cannot bG tit i,rG+ant, Mrs. I:In. WA11RANTEDh t y+ l can wait on the table note yourself." rade hind unhappy. But he deter- "You are so food Air. IV---!" ory, though I thank you from m,3, yutveiltsnotvnCattadfanGbunpnns here tabacl€it tip. "COAle, Jessie; it is unworthy of mined iko be as cheerful its lie could, TTattie's heart was tab full to ;say heart, '.Three years ago I laid out a ' you to notice her now. Come, my if such Iv4s the case. I'or ltd knew more. She washed liar face in the certain course, for good reasons, darling." 'which I hope yet to be able to ex - that she respected hitt truly, even if office basin, and then !vent out to, $604 And Mrs. Pmory took her child by she could not love ,tint, and he would 11017 table with a lighter heart, bend- plain to watt all, my kine! friends, the hand, and, followed by lir, I.e- not have lost that respect for the Ingr to her work cheerfully, to do all and T cannot chatege that course un- r ' til an event, which I hope and pray YOU WASTk,that nlueh. if Van BUY tangy' OTHER and you DO gars and the matron, went out to world, rho could before the carriage came" the carriage — Jessie in just the So lie made his usual tour through from Mr. I.egaro's to take her. to see for, takes place. Their, f me for you \TOT ,L*ET SO GOOD a inachine l clothes she had on 'when they. met, the shop, trying to be as cheerful Jessie Albemarle and her mother, course think all the wore of uta fur the coarse 1 have taken," THE WILLIAMS MFG. Co.; LIZi?tI#"ed •aavithaut. bonnet or shawl, and kind to all his employes as ever, � "14e have no right to a5]c utore, and Miss Scrimp, speechless 'with and finally lie came to the table Miss klat.ttu," said Mr. Iegare. "I ,[7aW-Write,to•day. MONTREAL, P. Q. Im otent' anger, helpless in her rage, where Hattie bent assiduously over ChAPTI•.li XXXI. every !stood and satn, y the , go, and saw her task. for one, have y fall things." --- -- "-- -- - - - - -- - -~ ;13aLtie kiss Jessie and her mother in T = was told lust night, MissI3attie was bending over an old fly of your motives faith in the our- I-lattia could but be pleased with the carriage, and then sate it drive cliatt.c, by young begare that edition of I)On Quixote, in Spanish, all these attentions. ' : ofl, and many of 'the boarders, just you had discovered a. cousin for him. which had been brought up for After lunch the ladies adjourned to coming, sate it, tad, but not yet did Ile' was full of praises of you." binding ---almost worn out, the Cov- Ute sitt•int they understand it all. "Yet It was not my act; I was er g -zoom, while n, Legis gqn , -cud the !eaves and 'alaced, Iwent to his library. , r "I s'pose I'm to thank you for all 'but an instrument in the hands Of when two hands, soft and'an Y• 1•'rn.uk with his this," said Miss Scrimp, her cross- Providence to bring a long -abused were placed ,peer her !yes, and a. liety ideas of diplomacy, asked IA27Ue -. +eyes fairly green as she snapped her 'little Birk to a loving mother. I feel vaiec� disguised, cried out: If she and miss Hattle !wouldn't take words short off, speaking to Hattie. thankful for it, for I have pitied the "Who aur 1?" just a Tittle clash tvitlt hear in his "If you than,: nae for anything floor child so lona, and until 1atel'y "x,gz fc I ]cn w you by your 1i11iteton brhintl his tllarout;h!„ti1s, P_N68 p �+•# thank me for the mercy !which ret have hardly had u cllanco to befriend rings," said llattie, laughing. Liz„ie Iaad been out twill hint once �� g1 -1A �4� keeps you out of prison, ' said ,=Tat- her as I Agshed to do. I3iit..now she "Oh I stole up so stilt I thought or twice, been choked with dust or tie, quietly. is safe, It ,will be heaven on earth you'd "Oh, it leas some binder covered with uttid, and she felt no "I'd like to kill you!” hissed. the y desire to try it at;aiu. She said site ' to Iter, this change• girl," said Lizoie, bending over and ,1, - 'spinster• preferred the falu}l3, couch and steady r "I should think so. I3y the way, kissing liar friend. "'No doubt you would if yeti dared, drlt•in�•.11 $ut there is an eye on ou ~which would you' not 'like to visit liar this "No bindery girl would presume t0> y o , As 1' bout !would not ng alone, nd � ��� protects me, cO bex a on morning,' take liberties with lite, dear Li�r:io.. lion • about the sittiu roOiri, and fits.—K. " lliiss Scrim shivered from ]lead to Ix o. sir, not till afternoon, When, t never uiiugle with them, though I •S b l P i bot xvo11 colored tvilh lint while he foot, and looked all around her as if if you will s.Pare alp a little while, witx*ays tract ihGtn with courtesy c dodged about anion; the dry goods. she feared the hand of arrest to be I would like to keep lily promise, when chance throws them in illy lessic, who, hart never possessed a and go to sea both mother and tray,°' laird upon her.child." "l mf •ht kava known it, darling ? nice dress, was ;n et:;tacy with ev- • (; Yet Hattie had alluded to, that;.•.b er•ythin•+- they showed her, and Mrs. 'All -seeing eke." which is never "Tad'! the 'time, Miss Hattie, and T7attie, You aro not lila tltetu, or Pniory � had ct double joy in secinM XIosed. any time you desire, %with pleasure. any one else that I know. I do be- ` her clear child so appreciative of t A Goo I have Instructed the foreman in lieve yoat are a line lady, just alas^ everyttiin; do aLe for her. _\lid the k CIiAPT 'It �X__XX- consequence of the nature of your ctuetading at twor.l: for a secret cause ' a. t new word:, you are to be entirely tut of your own " „tri told such Eaten,} stories about Air. W—, when lie came to the restricted, and no account of time "Time will tell, I irrie," Miss Scrimp anal Biddy Lanigan, 'bindery next morning, know all about kept with you, though your salary "well, I only wish it would be in inimleking• thele so drolly, that she i o r, } btics say. daarrt Lita house," as the a S-�IV ilia wonderful discovery, the ro- `goys On." a hurry about it. But, cattle, dear, n 4' x. I r mance in real life, in which Hattie "Oh, Air. R'--, you are too ]cind." I saw Alr, tG--, bless his heart, critics say. ry Butler had borne such a prominent "No, Miss Mattie, and.do not con- when I calve Ill, and he said he had ltactie . spent, a tory Italxlay after- part. For the night before he had alder tate so. The new duties you already told you to take time to noon, diuod with the faiufly, and ;% gond to his club to try to wear off . perCortn are more valuable to us than Ionto to our house whenever you t%as then sent limue in 1 [ carriage as ' yin! conch ns.atti. It teas first su , +er time at f • •ilio melancholy, Which he did not conceive. So consider that it is t,•antecl to. And, dear little Jessie, : j ,p want noticed by his loving and keen- the firm, not yourself, under obliges- with dressmakers and niillincts all tea`s Srrfmp's what she not to the-man1kind eyed. sisters at home. And there he. tion," around her, happier than anything : boarding liause, but, the old spinster }� (3r` had Met Frank Legare, who'took loin Hattie understood And felt the del- else alive,. only asks for her dear ' st otiIae the door when the carriage �allde and told hint all about it, giv- icacy of his thoughts and words, MIss Mattie, to conic. She has told ; hate and .her eyes fairly green with A t 5ng Hattie all the praise of not only and appreciated the true manliness us }tow you feel her when almost hd envy. discovering but restoring the long Of ills heart; but she could Only starved, and hate you gave liar ; Mid not Saturday night been so lout one to his aunt's loving arms. thani: him—all Other reward must clothes when she was in rags, and . dose at ,rand, and the, money for the _ """"'"'•' '""^t' silk dress expected, there is sivall conte ftozai his own consciousness of her ,moldier says she'll pay you in Ten for five cents at Drsgsim Graters, Restaurants, "she is a glorious girl!' said being kind to her. levo if she can d0 nothing also." room to doubt site !would have had Saloons, News-Staads, General Stores and Barbers T�'rartuc. '"i'1,tLt Ivriss Hattie. Butler, T . a "pick" at Mattie In spite of tite It Shops, Ther banish pain, Induce sleep, and prolong Iife. Some twat' delving the morning, he "'Che love of true friends is spry ' One gives Tel eft No matter what's the matter, one win .rrtrk.ri." Ill going precious,"'. said lTatt]e,. , fear in which she held her. As ft - had dropped ted out Ills idea of oin to ��K f do you good. Ten samples and one thousand testi+ - rho is indeed,'.' said Air, w w4s. site said, as �tt=_d her. 1 mantal. sent bLgait to any address on receipt of price, -As good as size is beautiful," con- California to Ilia foreman,. and Air, "And 'we are your true friends, V by the Ripanschemical Co.l191SpractSt..New York City, .Tones, who had of late taken to and we will be always," said I,Iz• ` mo UK Coatmrzarr,n. att,"Yo raxe r. ", speaking to Hattie much more often zie, earnestly. "But come, dear Ila!; - k "You ate right, said lifr tV , Smiling at Frank's entfiusIasnn, than he liad formerly, spoke of it tie, they will wait for ns. Frank is ! e [j 6i 9i ,. when he came to take some work to out in the carriage, Ile would come A DEATH. DODGER y t, And do you know, ltI v the sewing -bench, which she had col- along; but when two got here, the �! continued Frank, that Y love that L _. 'girl with all my heart and said, and laced, lazy follow wanted to stay in the Chronicles all the etcapets from r 1 ttlean to harry liar?" To California] is it not a, sud- carriage instead of coming tip. ITo death and out thorn in Not. "Whether 'she is xvilling or•not?„ den resolution?" she rv'ked, in won- said Mr. IV— was laughing; at hint ters that all the world can ' "ked Mr, W—, still smiling, for der, for something that happened last gee, and you'll find if history Ontario Xlelrle Dunes, .11t,t"le TrOe. 6 'he knewonly too well what little "well, Wray be tis on his part. night at the club -room, but twill not werewritten faithfully, Dr. " chance there Was for the young en- ,lis father did talk of ending we tell me, what." A_-new's Cure for the Heart Taranto Sept. l&—Thon, seems to A fruit eugpwwd to bear the mark thuslast, there, for he has long Nva a Lost Most likely your brother was will hold the record ,For haw ba no longer tiny doubt that Air. Ed!- a'f Nve'.s troth is o -le o1 the many "Why, you don't think she would tip a branch bindery to this on the boasting•over his nein cousin," said in•g "baulked death's ram. son has salved, or is on thee point of bein•ttical curia -i it+.s of Gaylon. The refuse ale -- the heir to mlilidns. I'at flee coast, taut I kind o hung Hattie, hutting on Iter things to go. page• • tree on which it: gratws is knawn by And x fancy ,'tit not bled*ibojiin bac;lc. I love my'wi£e and baby, you "Ties, he dict toll hian airnui her." volvin„ the probl,ru of 9eWr;ngstor- the ti;.xiifiennt n,lm,' of "`elle forbid - either," , It g�c3 to the ecru brim: and snatches fratrt a4t batt^rins of a. much 1'• hter Met- " � + either," ser„ find T couldn't hdte afforded to mt.,►. e,; d r.1r ainxt. xveltt otlt, and the ricath Angel's gkp. Gives relief fn thirty cies fruit, ra. ,.vo.a tipple tl'tret ' i take cin with me, and as for feat In i 'crit, I'd rttthar .n clown to tare rite-ntimttrs. It Is a heart specific. A few doses a[ thm lead, A few weeps ago it was Th- bloisom has a v r3, p!an,s:tsrt b p relieve Lha most stubborn of cases, and a few announced that Mr. I:diS,on way tl<+- `c,nr, bili: tit, rra:ly relnnarkabli' let ;'$ulr`gannl Blunder bench and worb,41or half wages here, `��"�''g' bottlts will turn the retie of health. It nevet turf+ of the tiQQ, the one to which it • [t',.. Janes was truly a family B"JU IS £cels to cure, aq veloprszg a process for Lhr, use of 6we9. its slam;, is the !cult, Ii is Operating far Mees than, and it is it fifty theta are not SoltI b3 A. L. lii•zuiltou, 111n! lu+tu, n[cltcl far storage batter!: 3, and fol- beautiful, and hawts, from tht+ 'free ^'X'i<�c kttetc, I'tairt and >G:rctpenxe tri[ tsu more famliy turn like him, lousing on this camas a visit to :iud- in a peeu'lar ma.nn'r. Orange on the l ocher . V bi ",lid xv Uri O tant. Hattie. .will Mr. W-- go?" asked �,,trar+R tot ,ie;raaa0oo, bury, and nn invcstigailaa of Onlar- outside, n.ntl deep crimson within„ CIIIiatat O#tvoid,ut•-u IILi2tiMtclr�/ tie.-ery soon—as soon A3 110 CitYl I'et �� � ' :a°s i[iCli: t rt'SOttt'Ce3; i0 CI t3, :t l't'C'r ='acln fruit has 112 appearance of haV. 0XVeklexie1e, oft, ltc+ laid me this ntOrating, brit I llolatan% Sept., 20, --Alis, ltxatryy Ca]- tvar rtccived at ilii Tt'ovi2teitt] Bur- ire, lltt�t a p:tec b[tten Out of it, 'Chis Too rnanv dactoYe seem to have t; lifts, far Marc.titan fifty etrv� An in. earl of Mines from 1'tlr. 14MIson, who is fact, together with its poisonous, mania. for using the Tt teem nife, and reeom 6 don't know as I Ought to have spot:- Y y back in dt],s laboratory cry at Orange, quali :y, l -ft tlr:" Ntoliammedaw; to re- mand, an operation fat piles in scores n- On of it, for he never cares to lltave ar matte of the 1~I•el"aryl Insa.no, Asylum, IV, J. He staters that h^ has a dozen Dreamt it h,i tltr forb:Aden fruit of stases when Dr. Chart" ointment trould ]tta titans known. tint ] know when. t, 1 dirt, lit that institution on Saturday OraTiectOt's rat. track ilaty araurul Nod- the Garden of Bolen, ns to tr t, effCot a thorough and lasting cure. 1 ie}l you anything It will not got night, aged 7.3 yescr s,. rr bury iookin g for nick --i v,h1Y, awl man ngainst its noxfo prorrrti % Itev. S. A. Dallrau, Methodist Mitn- blabbed arotlnd," €c eC 1<Ii.s Collins tris when scoring cant,9 n,xt ye:tr will TIre, mrirlr oast the fruit #s atitribut- later, Conseconl"Prince Ddward county, " Xo I shall not speak of It tb heiress of $1,000,0011, hold in trust. 1�`IfJ put twice as Many in the fiel;l. Tle fill. to ]'eve. NV'by the bitr of Adam, Ont.. state•bleetilnwasilexoubled with ratlterq," said 1iaLtie. /"� r ty-tlueo. years ago all(', !vas flit helle ndcta that Ontario, is n, wry TI -h inn-, did r:�vt also I+nv+ its marl: is clot ,III n g la Lok years, of 11a01'frx. young, .!tail• and tvonlihy. ceal country. itnnwn. but, as attly On^ faiect+ ar+rYzact jAnd. they ultimately attained to tr, very And noir•, whrn the foreman twcnt ,��"� r�? > Onr. Airy s7ta snot n siran evr froth - -- try b' •rrtiss:m.tr, i:s lass is nscrib:d• to a;vlalent fOrm. . targe lumgs or ab- attay, ilia, felt , nit re t aft ever 1' /r-,, ; V : rteesses formed, so that it teas with -::, &,tli' .r Clic;lit t TIa %vas titied (ane] wtaltby, tIi wotnm-1luffnin, Commercial. wretched. 'elves Ile going to let'uwt �i, r'otnto salol. ,.tgreai Ails able unit considerabletpain I Itis pleasant hotltc, III$ drat• pnreuts and d !wail• lar i htn.rt, o said slra - • that x Was able to stool. At this severe , n . would nt�il•ry him, clivi Int xvrts ir:lpn.- Strati}l. pOttitaes not suitable to COrak .I,it Ile :COrrafliy returned, sort ,evict. crisis I PurchaAed a brix of Dr. Chaso'b Anil 0401's, tin het arcaunt. lac•• t�.iatll: to Chaim her for itis own, he --4' !d. with largo ones should be laid as%d$1 t.rombiing, from tile. torturo rtotrr; ointment, but Iliad little or no faith in . Callao ante ,tad thrown a shadow an T � � Iie descried her tho cloy before they alnd used for salads. I3o11 thein, a.ncl '"I)rrsn'ti your tsapat over thrash 1oulfk f- lit, as I had tried varlous remedies be- his life? !vera to be r'narriod. while, twzlrm Pcr:l end shot thin;• shop hef askati llis�ellum, who N. the :tont de !lame and to rid purpose. ,ha r calif atilt bear flit ttttitlgltt; LINIMENT The blow tlestrayoil Visa 0011in's solno, pttrtsley, an onion, and add to the tt t+elia, i nr. 1 should say notill re - he imagine how i,neat and joyous also ryas tloterinined to speak to Win. •'was MY surprise its find that fust the reascsit t•ttd slm !vas spirfltd away i:tt sliced Ytolatoes;sprin,tltswith sit) t,tnd plied tiz0 ciliac, loftily. "I>tvary liter': Lyne box cured tile, so that the ft the fitr, y taking' solve Work In her ha'hd, raft thr, ti1tsT,ean asylum. There. alit be; pepper, and parte over two or three lit threatens to cane me I read flim d[sappeared, and alto the external ik-4 if she tt ishod to crllnstilt 111111, rho canu- the star bo:rdcr, paying $Ilii a dessertapoonfula of Oil, or molied but- nn extract from his, greatt posed-ttt- htvelting. I iced like (t different manI werzf. directly to 1110 oflico. S`prAcif Stfa#etty Lout voutldly tnctN week. e8ht hard o. private sutler afltcl a tri' tin bttueeri, rad Trip_'AttlntireWhole ally-tirlte fipt'Ctlt, iii which fro Said: to day, Clad have not lila least doubt "1+'lir [t r. Sita slid t�nitt, So a 317 eves Stiff o nurro, !vita claintf ttlstl ars htlr cilinllnitf with vltaett:tr ;!iced beets stet atttltttt• "'['liefic. lacirlaitrittns are like waytvnt+f that 1717. Ohata's Oitlttne it saved 11ie i g Cbptn t s3, u , f #tits, E tea diad "if T Intrude, 13ut I just, laarntcd tan. tttld Of[ml :Aha tvo,'k seen by tlta bor,mnyr be added to tilt sn.lad, bill, it rliilrlrrn; but have, wo. On that, ary ,. t froTfn tt very dalignrous and Ivilliful oi)- , going W St#ngg of TnseCts, C'bsglis} COldsy Contract foiki of 111vorl driving behind it ail~ n)u:)t+ bo clavi(,' botore thetoil allied v]nr� " teat you diad sspolurt Oi g,amg to Cut- y � iC p eonnr, ilii* right to tnkr r tvtty their i nation and many years of suffor]ng. , Cords) itharlmat#stnt Ntufilgla, 11rotleild.s of; 100k harscas. I,rtw kntry filer Hume, gar tlrr ntixcd with thr. pOta,taKs, h(awn-suit privilege to cto nW thryr 'You are tit treat. rtt .lfbr t t, to use tills tf+>rnln,,, t ltion1:11 as you wet•. At ;or the benelit ' "511h ill `ti Intention Uftg9 11atr• Croup# Soria ' htfttr pulttseyf Wlioodtg !lana' knew her history. Miss Colliittt ---- � -•_ , - "-. T,len:rcv l.tt us trait. than iia •vvn f t±s I . of Oti.t•,;t :?in"1rrdy t:' :lotr•d;' r,ltt,rr y ' Cfitt $�tidli al�aslf'ttl.�,w'ti11S n s. It•rtt •�tlw in tu•r rnndnegQ. lee lir.Iitivrri tl;r' n It(-%Vrll�;lt=r.an•C rltilcil, tlzty tvcatri.il bur oOwntwaywardrh[lttretr ••�•• 'hr uhavc a oohA..::. tit, 11,e1 tt:llts a box $ ig fhat�fhG Asylum stud 'the grounds fr�ot iii,g)tel-o" who violates tlrn se. Tdo-o'l wltlt itu 1n, 11otr,eeta tlnrin, but At all do or lydinala-un, natak were Iter lover's (vire the ettendattt8 AlJltttttma, Iv lialaie tO it p'tt:rlty of ntMp ttt+t:^ lhetzr whit rltlar..i• cyan or, ,.-Co., Toronto). A. ;Litffit"sTa`. >�CS'E" l It i�, it3el ,lel• menials'. •tresnl S1* to:, 50. r'�•t: "' � . i t tt r,t ( h lle.ra ld, / I