HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-27, Page 6r
`SHR 11it\IM.i,%I 1`i lSEPT. 27, 1901,
i7a°l'AlSd,i�£l�p ut7:.', Id Y�11 cry,for I B�7.'ABI.,;$#IEI1 18K2. �l�y�ieri<1 ,Applieuttoil ut' Ilvat iia it aGuaTtatly
----•. � At SQY WHO ,
TuE INQUA TiNES4 �� I'llae xnarnilig I read about t,h an�ret CA T [ THE
WiNo��•a Time o corrrChemist of the• 1'°�l.un Jour..
. .7 sI.T07"1C.7�tsat;IdxTxttAntlPrtlOrPUT+J1Gxali T1#Q' NI+ RESEMBLING PA#Al+it`** ti-olgmrette meeting a,ncl thc� .+ �� 1 lt' rlal of Chemistry ucrolnni:xlels illt•
evil that was, la.•ixtx dC�it: by Cigarette Iii PUBLISHED topical appiicallc'n of ilry heat ixlstead
- -
,M,._,,, SIS IN ITS IkF§CT$, F
`RIDAX,SIaPT. 2i, 10q#, ---. elnu],ill:+n. It set int thillkiivs. I !lave TOWN was,
DIRE C CRY,. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING of cloths 'no)stened with !lot ater, .
ti lady between vi!4lit as l alms yearn!. . � -AT-. infusions of polis or other pltiti'ty, lit
Tilsr i'IC•TiDtl,t +571i>;NctT>[IN1iISII 3�F old—my only, child. Same tirn^ n o I The Times. Ofllce, BeAV6P BIPC#C cases �Yltert these retnt•tli�3 :irt usu..
NOT)bS ANA V03I1%ll,lT4. $ B4I'7IST ClBnial[—Sabbath services at
WO IS T119 STO or AE T0. >r0 AN , caught .bila a ltok;ng axed itlld flim not I1 t> m and 7 . 2n. Sunday School at 1YINGUAN ONTARIO. ally employed. He considers this ap.
1vOt11i--T1I1i t�7"Qlt�t Ok A FOtiMI91i SUP, pp
Conservatives lit Ontario aro undergo. ' I+'AA Er%, SIIOwINQ HOW THIS NU3WXg$.$ to do it xiny more. TIt", more I thea_ 2i$0 Ii; t11. General Brayer meetilig plication mush UA ter than moist
itlg l% famine. There was so little "piokc CAN BE OVBA0091/, gilt th:* allure lotereatea I became, o''Wednssday eveniu[ s. Rev. J, J. Pat-- Trnms gOM SUBSCRIPTION -•.$1.00 per annuli in appliant)ons, as the utter, when they
itis Ott those boxes thrown out by Vrwtl"The Whig," Kingston. Oat. untt # reeolved tel investigate. Upon
su�i�t� B,Adv�ttlr. W.�.glTapulau,S,S. tiinneiibi111iillii r�iroaiuru'lmTd pexceptPt�Qiscon be4atne"cold, often allltl the parts,
Whitney that it makes theta all the There are few' men ill the pity of reaching
oatml a ca'lied for Tny boy. M�TTzpDlsTgzlui;silt-Sabbathsvrvlvva attho and require to be frequently teTla�vcl
Option of tiro nT►bhslier,,
UtOre hungry for such a diluter as Pro- Kingston better known that! Mr. H. $, oil the top, floor, Iii 1(k not P tobeen there at 11 A lit and 7 1).11L Sunday School. at camupl advd ti oin lt:t Soper Nonl41.1eldlint fteir and re-applied. In In'ak:n;' the up-
inier Ross serves a -, dohustou, Ehe sural ro ruvtor of the 1 it a ), 2,30 p in. Epworth League every thou- insertion,lutinsertion, W per Rua for eco,3t subsequent plication of dry ]teat lit: has sought
p g p l Year, Ili;; !mother alta s took
A writer in the Saturday Everting "Bou Ton" barber parlor, ou Brock care of lura. As sawn as I °parted the day evening. General passer !nestingg Ativel•tisomentsinloealcollunnsare ohatr ed for the best medium, °tact instead
on Wvdneaday, eVenuigo. Rev. Richard 10 eta, per line Por first insertion, and 6 cents sand and other substances, of whi h
Post endeavors to rove that Amon nev- street, For several years lie had been door Amy �Yarst feitlis �vt Tt. realised. HQbbs, pastor. Dr. Towler, S. S. Slip• per lite for each aitbscquent I; Ortiott.
p pro -
ill fttilin The evidence of cigarette )vols thCr'e, elinteildent• Advertfoementa of Lost Found, Strn ed, t110 lYei�llt !9 ObjeCtl4nallle, he pro-
fails from aver -work of the blttiu, g health, being obliged to give Tlie amyl. ivas like thttit' of tt moor- 3
Over the entire .work of Ilia bus she PRESBYTE1;IANCHIMQU—Sabbat13ser- Forms for Salo or tohelit,andaimilar $LOU for �s to substitute ordinary Indian.
He goes on to say that if eliv who has y P sue, On the nnarltel lay two stubbs, vices at II a Irl and 7 lit, Sunda first mouth and 00 cents for each aulisequeut meal, whioll is of vex•y light weight
Go. his assistants. But this spring and on tl t+ dresser• were three more. . , P y month. and not unpleasant in orlon and
<nuelt brain work tivould teat after din- g his The floor was Covered with cigarette School at 2:30 p in. General prayer GoNTTtAoa RATI S—Tltefollowing table allows holds cat for vat Ion tune!. In
ser, take eight bons sleep at nigliG, and heart}r is -so wonderfully improved that nslleg I x'ette meeting on Wedneaday evenings. Rev, four rates for the Insertion of advertisements h ) �
not otherwise use his brain too much, it his man) friends have been cougratulat• pull, d alit the! top 'drawer D. Perris, pastor and S. S, Superinten• o aPeoiSedPerioda. regard to the heating qualities of the
of the bureau. and thc'rti lay a hall dent. SPACE. i YR. aua. Sato, 1 v meal Ile ,spealPs tis fotlowo: "Tills lat-.
would never tire out, It is about the mg Irim Oda his restoration. In eOnvers- box of Cigarettes, ST, PAUL'S Cx[11TOIi EPISCOPAL—StLb- One Column ....... ,,,*ap.00 $85,00 $15.00 sorp ter fact I noticed when a mere boy',
most absurd idea we have ever road of, iug with a. reporter of the Whig recent- handful
drawer I found a doubly + QuartpHalfCohunumn ..... moo 13,00 10,00 4,00 funding that corn alas! would, after
ly, Mr. Johnston had the following to d 1 of buttons oil wliioh were bath services at 11 a ru and 7 p m. Sun- •@AdverCaluinn ..... 18.00 10.00 0,00. 2.00 ,
It is reported on good authority that g mottoes that Avera unfit for A m! day School ata:30pm. Generalprayer Adverti8 Illenta without s ieciflo directions grinding, bear ts�Yc.rat Tait: a trans -
It is
W.Itoss,YretuierofUntario,is say concerning his illness and cure: tarcAd, let aloirla tl boy, in a small meeting °uWedussdayevening. Rev. jn�lybtl;�rfll util¢�9rxt�onc�oltargedaccord• part�i.tion, and, after deliveryr and
takiu� house with him all important `For ninny' months I was practically box 1 found fifty photogxaphs such Wm' Lowe, iueumbent, F, Shore, S. S. for fn advance. advertisements ritnstbepaid ciigpasfcioll in tht bins of tlu. granary
e I Superintendent.. for hour:% bs still warm from the fric- .
agreement with the )✓!dor-Dempster paralyzed. Numbness took possession as arc+ given, away with cigarettes, CONti1REG4i.rIONAL CHUROH,—Sabbath exte�ivautlortmento allieauiait`e forprint. ran of grinding. ,tiVlicn, therefore,
of my limbs, especially of my hands. They were m�.tly pictures of tiieatxi- services at 11 a m and 7 m. in affording q rill 1a desired- to u pl dr !tear to
Steamship Co. Under this agreement cal pe�aplr. I left them as I found p Sunday county Porturniii�iotib$r not
equalled lit the pats person, it isp 'apply
aired to
From my Hips dawn my body was with- School at 12 m, Midweek in tyke nd u�t)ra �' g q
the Company contracts with the Ontario out strength, and despite all that I could them and
went down stairs and Call- Wednesday evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin ors, sand Eillap;ettto cu s tot. allle styles of �osstf- , place a quantity of the Indian iii
'Government to convey emigrants t0 On- my wi e. She Came f'n. I asked her Wilson, S.S, Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. choice fanny typo for the finer classes of pliant in a baking pan on a heated stove,
tario at the expense of the Province the
do, I was unable to keep my hands and if size knew that Jim was slitakulg SALVATION AllbXY'-Strvice at 7 and 11 iug' and stir constantly until thoroughly
' feet from becoming icy cold. My ap. cigarettes. She .eplfed ; "Yes, so do a m and 8 and 8 H. at ELLIOTbl
•Ontario Government advancing the as- p m on Sunday, altd Propriotorandpubliaher warmed. It'should not• bl' burnt. It
" P petite left me, and soon I had to give ng all the other boys. I handed the Tri- every evening during the week at 8 oast now b • put in woollen sticks .And
sage money, The emigrant is allowed butte to her -and told her to read that +
work. My general health was Of course Arid palated t0. the Axtf0le• I bat and ° °lock at the barracks. tied Lip And applied as it !lot bottle
easy and practically unsecured terms of CH1tISTIJkX4WD MISSIOx.ku ALLIANCE. �� � � � f �� � ��� � usually is, ar into large flann'rl brigs
failing, and I lost flesh.. As you know, watched her, not letting her know .- ry HAMILTON, 99 �iiiii
repayment. -Meetings as follows.: S. S. at 2,80 p, if for the abdorrv,!dr. Ina ansa - of
I am sixty-five years of age, and when that I had done. so. After she had m. Followslrip at 4 p, m„ and even- W I N G H A M successful resuscitation of A new -
Some of our Conservative colons aro a man loses strength at that age, it is a finished reading she rooked tit rice gelistic at 8 p. in., eve Sunda in barn child, the heated meal �r'as pour_
becoming very solicitous for the welfare hard thin to. build hint u a and then, at' the paper, Ritchie's Htell, Victoria S� ' y Capital paid up, $1,005,750.00. ed into an oblong choppin{; troy, a
g P 13mn• I Then she said. "Don't scald Jimmie. Reserve Fund$1,500,000-00. flannel, cloth !:rid over it, unci the in -
:of the Ross Government. The Clinton PosT Ol!1+'IC)r-In Macdonald Block. +
tried several kinds of medicines', but It's all my fault, I gave him inCiney Office hours from S a m to 0:30 Pr9aidont„jOfINSTII uT. yielded
News•Record very kindly suggests that the all failed t° benefit me. I was to buy them. 1I� bagged so hArd. p m' Vice -president -A. G. RAau3Av. theitohild was.r axtly buried ithe
Y Peter Fisher, postmaster. I
if the vacant registrarship in Huron is r g g Y Blame me for it. We. can get hint ito. MSCHANICs' INswiTuTB-Library and DIRECTORs warm, meal. It 1� fou-nd that the
not filled soon, some of the Liberals will :,i°vin discouraged when some of m stop it," We had soma further talk
old customers advised me to to Dr, free treading room in the Town Hall, Jolm Pro tor, (leo. Roach, win. Gibson, M.P. meal .retains its heat long, and when
get tired waiting and leave the party. , y and Jimmie cam. in for dinner. When will be'openevery afternoon from 2 t A•T•�'Pood,M,P., A. B. Lee (Toronto). it cools, it does not chill, which' is A
3t is ver kind of him to give snob a Williams Pink Pills. At first•I refused wei sats at the table hi's m,ather. kept 5;45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to General Mana very important conshleratiou. Two
y g for I did not believe any medicine on 1'POkfn.g at him to sus if thete� were 0.80 o'elock, Miss Millie Robertson, gei-J. TURNBULL. sets of bags or wrappars may be pro -
gentle hint, especially since the Govern- tiny marks or the habit as described. -librarian.. Savings Bank -sours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10 vided, so that while one is being, 'a+p-
ment position is so weak and any excit- earth could help me, but at last friendly in the 'paper. He noa.iced what she to 1. De
P ' persuasion had its effect, and I bought a tvAs doing 'lowx CoUNorn- pVin. Cl Ma or• poFed and
And puted mile vee. In• ,elite! tb, other may be heated. The
ing statement might entiturger so frail a g b and Asked h r why she was Wm, Holmes, Thos. Bell,�Robt. Me- veiuber and 81st rWa computed r the 80th No• meal' ua. not weighty.. The aroma of it
pp y of the pills and began taking Iudoo, G. A. Newton John A, McLean principal.
Y Year Ancl added to
31fe. We are sure the Government will su 1 looking at him so. Sh • tri -d to turn t ulnar >al. when heated is rather agreeable than
them, I soon found that they were it' off and asked hila! if ire had been, Geo. MOKell ie, Councillors; J. B. Fer- Special Deposits also received at murent o'tllcrwise,"
very mach appreciate the thoughtful- benefitting me, and so continued their to Sunday school. He .said Zito ; that gason, Clerk and Treasnrsr; Samuel rates of interest. _
mess use until Dr, Williams, Pinl; Pills have. hel had been off to Franks house, .As youhil1, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- Drafts on Great Britain and the United Death in a well.
!ler (brook) 1va,s. very sick. Jim And lector. Board meets first Monday even- StatesBought andsold. Glndtvin, D:lfch., Sept.. 1$:- William
THE ANARCH1tiT 1'RUiiLRil. lisle me anew man. I feel stronger another little boy had been over to ing in each mouth at 8 o'clock. Travellers are notified that thoBankof Ham -
and better da b, o call err Frank. 1>T ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates oP Reid, a farmer, five miles west, and
A despatch from Brussels to The y Y day; I ani gamma vi tvas the matter with Frank. He Ire SCHOOL BOARD.- H. Kerr, (chairman), Notional Provincial Bank of England, Limited, I two sons, Arthur and Ji.mes, of age,.
London Standard tells of an interna- weight, and once again I am able to „ Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. which can bo cashoct tivitha.. charge or ri•ou- were drowned in a well on his farin
tianat scheme to de plsed.. I don't know. The doctors Homutli, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm, bre ht any part of the �vorltt,
port all Amar- attend to my old customers without tits afraid he won't set well, and said he , my, yqm W. CORI3oULD, Agent yesterday., I
.chists to same neutral colony where � Button C, N. Griffin. Secret E. L. DICKINSON. Solicitor. Mr, Raid'went down to the well af-
they may be under the surveillance least trouble. I consider the pills my had smoked too many cigarettes." The Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. Ferguson. ter, a pail that had fallen in, and was,
of all nations. The Toxonto Globe best friend, and would not be without Ilnffe and fork dropped from -.my Meetings second Tuesday evening in each overcome by foul gases.
=ys this is the first outline of a• them." wife'a hands. She burst out cryng. month, ry •p• NNEDY M, 1).. M. O. P. a. O. I A son who was with him followed
practical. msthad of dealing with the , I bud td leave the room, and when I PUBLIC SCHOOL TZA.01MRS,—A. H. tion.) (Gold Meal llistBrinsMeMriicrne1 ASpseainl
Dr. Williams Pink Pills are the friend returned we talked to Jinn. I asked Mu p attention to rescue him, and also mat his fate,
homicidal instinct that takes form in sgr0v0, Prinei al Miss Robertson paid to diseases of women ArrdOhild Then the other son went to search for
organized assassination. That class of of the weak and ailing. Thep surpass hint how many packages he had smok- Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss ren. Ofneo hours -1 to 4 p. in ; 7 to o p, m,
assassins styled Anarchists is con,• all other medicines lit their tonic: al. He could not tell, only he smoked Co y., Miss Vanstone Miss Matheson them, and want down in the went to
y ' sometimes three packages a day and and Miss Reid. ' R. MACDONALD, moat his loath. The mother went to
posed of men who specially need the strengthening qualities, and make weak more when• he Kwon theta., BOARD oP H>;ALTH-Tula or Cle D fine! them and discovered the bodies
strcrM repressive or despotic author- y Clegg, in the well, when she alarmed the
a$d despondent people bright, active and He told me about A game the boys (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- Centre Street neighbors, who took the lifeless from
sty they condemn. They are men health These played whoze worship of !rings and rulers. y pills are sold by all p • yed with the picture ca.Tds, and cry, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- Win liam,
also another they • played with but- = retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald Medical g Ontario. the(well, The sons had each recently
has b^come inverted. (They think dealers m medicine, or can be had by tans', And Ilea said he had' wen as Health Officer, 'secured $'1,000 life insurance in the
Chat Kings, Presidents -and Gover- - mail, postpaid, at 50 cents DR. AGNEW Gleaners.
P , per hos, or much as fart cents im a da I ask- r
sots c,•ut make general prosperity or Y y
six boxes for $2.50 b addressing the ed him what he had done with Ill's �g 1�� �1 p Physician Surgeon, etc.
adversity, or taxi elevate the condi- ' Y g none H said Zle.bo . MRS. W. ff1. Il��� g
tion of that iii4efinite entity called ( Dr. Williams Medicine Co., Brockville, y bought C:aarettes Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis, t?-'�
th^ with it. I asked. him who to h Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office.
p;; rhe, They look to Ringz axed Ont, u8 t
rulers far the reformation that can i him to smoke. i replied, "tied to Classes in China Painting. HOLSTEIN
® �g�
smoke, all the tu1t1E, alae I tried to Oil and wafer Colors. - R VANSTONE; ii�q(I
game only from themselves. In thou- Ontario Diode a Sweep in trait. smoke cigars but the made me sick." • BAR1iT.STER, SOLICITOR ETC.
ght And sentiment they pray to pee- a ' y Also a new revelation kiln for firing cluna, ' having added a separator to their plant, now
Later advices from Buffalo show that This was too much for iris.. I had to Studio at her Home, Catherine Street, P y
pre in hush else's for the blessings I o. I made u . Piivateand Com au inures to loan at lowest oiler
they must work out for themselves, the'victory of Ontario in the first eom- g p my mind never td rate ofinterest. No comnlissioncharged. Mort-
violence is the inevitable muni_ petition for medals offered by the Ameri- sill another cigar as long as I gates, town and farm Property bought and
y E �STEILE GRIFFIN sold. Office, Beaver Block.wingnam. C�t�IIi)lli+ItEil� ]3IY3a�
lived. --Chicago Tribune.
#eetatian of idolatry reversed. Can POmOlOgiOalSociety was even better wINGHA,tiI J A. MORTON, to the peoplo of Winghnm, Our cows are kept.
A fulfilled Prophecy About Lincoln. than at first reported. Fort entries Deafness Cannot be Cured J. strictly clean, so that we are enabled to oiler
a were received in all, the competition be- b roc y BARRLSTER, &o,, June, July calnanAurllr, iced in stunner, during
In the Presidential campaign of 1-850 y al applications as the cannot reach TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE.gust.
the Democrats in the West made an ing open to all America. the di4eased portion of the ear. ThereWingham, Ont. 8 cents per quart, delivered once a day.
effective point by contrasting iNlr. Bu- The Ontario Fruit Experimental Sta- is only one way to cure deafness, and Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music
ohanan's long public career as a Sena -i tions' exhibit won the silver medal for that fs by constitutional remedies. Deaf- examinations. E L. DICKENSON,
tor, Secretary of State, and Minister ness is caused by an inflamed condition . •
the exhibit by any society or orgaui- Ot the mutons barn BARRISTER ETC.
to England with Genera Fremont's g of the Eastochian VIOLIN AND GUITAR.
limited experience, consisting of a ser- 2ati0n: Tube. When this tube is inflamed you Solicitor to BankoPHamilton. Money to loan.
vices of twenty-one days in the i;nited Mr. Albert Pay, of St. Catharines, and have an rumbling sound or imperfect MISS CARRIE MORE. Office-McYorBlock, Wingham,
States Senate_ hearing, and when it is entirely closed, of London Conservatory of Music, will be pre• t h
In the great campaign of 1800 they Mr. Murray Pettit, of Winona, won sit- Deafness is the result, and unless the in. pared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num ARTHUR J, IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
tried the same tactics, which had ver medals for the best collection by any $amination can be taken on6 A.ud this her of pupils for instruction on Violin and @
Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania '-
proved so successful, to disparage Mr. individual, tube restored to its normal condition, Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. Dental College and Licentiate of tine ItoVal
Lincoln. He had served but a single Mr. W. M. Orr,. of Fruitland, won a hearing will be destroyed forever; !tine College of Dental Bill-Ongof Ontario. Office —
term in Congress, while Senator Doug- bronze medal for his collection. This cases out of ten are caused by Catarrh, p9 �p 6� over Post Office, Wingham. ..._. I "- " "-•"�
las? had for many years enjoyed a na- which is nothing but all inflamed condi- PIANO AND THEORY■
tional reputation. , ` exhausted the medals awarded, Ontario tion of the Mucous surfaces. -- W•T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S.,
This point was urged in a heated getting them all, while the exhibits from We will give One Hundred Dollars for MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M_ Newmethod for painless ex. t "� /
:discussion, overheard between an Ar- the various States received only "honor- any case of Deafness (caused by catarrh) and member of the Associated Musicians of traction. No Cocnhre.
+ Ontario, is ppre t3pecinl attention to the care and regulation
and supporter o t Senator Douglas able mention." that Cannot be cured la Halla Catarrh her of pupils Perri sttoure receive
en limiPiane And ur of children's teeth. Moderato prices and l
and a German voter who fuvorsd Mr. Cure, Saud for Circulars, free. Theory work carefully and skilfully performed. Office
.ineoln. The farmer finally thought F. J. CHENEY h CO., Toledo, O. Special attention given to pupils preparing in Beaver Block, Wingham.
tot overwhelm his opponent by saying, on Dlagnotic Realing. Sold by Dru gists, 75c. for examinations.
There is a noted difference
" Hall's Family ills are the best. Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. OHN RITCHM,
Who i3 this Lincoln, anyhow? No- Much is spoken and written daring J
body; ever heard of him until. Senator these times about this mysterious method GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, in the style and fit: of Pants we
Douglas brought him into notice by of treating disease. The most truly Gollhvin smith on Anarchism. .� ElMott a S. y pJ p
Wingham, Ont.
holding, joint debates with him. Sena- remarkable cases of magnetic healing Goldwin Smith has, the following to iII�I��II�I!,li • s V. make that always brings eo--
ter Douglas, on the other hand, is a which have come under the notice of say of anarchy in The We
Sun: h �li I ` Honorary Graduate of JOHN CURRIE, pl*1Nallnpt, OtvT, l b
great statesman, Why, he has had his the writer have been those in which Dr. When the masters of the tkorli meet �illll it Ontario'Veterinary U e ark for another air.
eye on the Presidential chair for the Chase's Ointment was used. This pre- in cannell for the suppression of An- q�' Olege and Infirmar
last ten years." paration seems to have magical powers archism we will a �' civ Theft there iS ills low rice
g P pprove. But, after y at Golley's old Stan Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implements a p
"Vet is dot; you say?" lulls the reply. in stripping the dreadful itching, burning all, what i� Anarchism, but: the ex_ h;ll victoria St., Wingham. specialty,
-You. say ;,ieester Dooglas have had sensations of Salt Rheum and Eczema a �� Day and night calla All orders left at THE Timm oilico promptly and better quality Of cloth ut.
ggeration, in a distempered brain, , promptlyattendedto. attended to. Terms reasonable. fi y P
XS 'eye on the Presidential chair for iand when used regularly drakes the cure of the spirit of violence and disdain Telephone connection.
ten years?"
+ I thorough and permanent.
"Yes, that is just what I said:" aF law. with, which those potentates in them—cloth that wears.
are themselves filling the nations$ � JOB PRINTING' See our new ;cods and prices.
"Yell, you shaost tell Meester Doog-' A Canadian Culinary Magarine. What is it but Amaxchism, when, in- �pjR� ��� includin� Boolta, 'Pamplllata, Posters, Bill
las ref he keep bees eye, on dot( chair stead of settling a dispute whenever Heads, ireulars, &c., &c., executed in the beat
bhcosf a leedle vile longer., he vial see i The Canadian Housekeeper for Se p y and anyone having live stock or other style of the art, at moderate prices, and 8t �`'
Sep. it is aAsible, b aTbitration, they articles they wish to dis ose of, should adver• short notice. 5'°
old Abe Lincoln sitting down in it." tember contains many helpful articles chnose, to settle it with the sword? tise the same for sale In tthe Trues. Our large BOOKIiINI)MG.-We are pleased to announce YYY Si @@@...... rill!! E 999 MMM GOP
That; closed the debate, amid a roar on the home, and has only to be seen to What 1% it 'but Anarchism, .when they circulation tells and it will be strange indeed rP that any Booles or Magazines loft With us for
of laughter from the bystanders. -E. vie with each other in the aaristruc- you do notggetncustomer, Wecan'tgunrantee Binding, will have our prompt attention
. „ be appreciated by every reader. A few that ou will Coll because you may ask more Prices for Binli in any style Will be given on
P 'Howe, in September '\lets Lippin- ,, tion of bloated arm,Amenis, at the For Iiia article or stook than it is worth. Send application to
catt. of the interesting articles are A Good ;sant, time kindling everywhere the
youradvortIsemant to the TiMssandtrythis THE TIMES OFFICE, ie1;; 's4 kXr� 1> li:i1ti:C
plan of disposing of your shock and other Wivatham.
Investment," by Mrs. Linda Hull Lai h- ilaifrrs of illternat'o'Ita[ hatred and articles.
ed; "Jam and Jam Making," by Mrs. stimulating the, lust of war? What ,
Two Extrania Cares i Picton-Gadsden; `•A Better Knowledge i'sl it but Amarchism when one of RAILWAY TIME TABLES. A
01 Itching r >" of Home," by Mrs, Jennie Beauchamp;
them, hasgmagr ght, lots loose leis savage G' RAND TRUNK RAWOA'Y SYSTEM.
Short Lessons in Looking,. by Mrs esondicry to chaka the rivers with TItATNs rasAVE FOR TRADE MARKS
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�ttut S:-erc 2'oislt.vely Tina Thor. Cooking Potatoes b Mrs. Ma L,
g + Y Mary Kincardine..11.10 a.m.., 1:,10 p -m,,,, 8,88p,m, COPYRIGHTo &C.
- It but .AinurC}119nL tYhfin an�ot'hvr aF Axtttivri Frtbu Anyone sending a sitetch and description map
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t.hcln i nbraces. the author +rn. the _ Kinenrdiri0 ....0,49 a.m.. 8.55 a,m..., 8,10 p.m Invention is prabnbly patentable. Communica-
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For Every la'.orm of piles. Helps"; and a complete melange of the: act of the wretched miscreant at = 'ii Palmerston.,...,.,., 2.45 p.m,,,, 8.83 p.m sent free. Uldest a.enoyforsacurinK atents.
I;uff.A)a sold deplore the tragic, DUNLOP
1 1 \I �� A -+ii R• T• SUTT&, Agent, Wingham. Patents takon t�rouglt Munn do Lo. rocotve
Sir. F. Stoke% 116 Dunlop street, good things for women in every house- P gic fate - V .L V 6 apecta rause, without cbnrao, in tbb
'Darrie, tint., writes :-"I was troubled hold. "Table Topics,,, b Mrs. Mar 0. of Iris ietim, But had not the victim CANADIAN PACNFIO RAILWAY. r�y�
t+;ith blind, ithiling Plies for Years, and . y y to keep311mself asxl:d his party izx potW- Ail kinds Of TorontaofindEasCxNg�.. 6,68um..,. 8.ti,R p.m, ` r
+scald get nothing to stop the constant Bradley, contains much valuable infer• er, mad(! war without fl can se, refus_ t ter .............. 1.82 p.m,...10.48 Ahandsomely illustrated weekly Lnritest el:-
ll•m• cuiatiott of any ecientino ionrnni. Torms, sa a
Itching. I was always in pain until a matron. The departments are all well ing arbitratfari when it was tender. ftp AlttslvsE sRol!t year: four montha, $L sold by Alt newsdealers.
a'rlend of mine told me of the wonderful; tCiybbGlr T1I`e5 Teeawater,., ,• 0.5ala.nr,... 8,58P.M. �p 361t3roadway, p1 V
vures Dr.. Chase's oointrnent had inadc sustained. This illustrated magazine cd hint, and using A manifest fiction Torontoand Bast ...... 1.82 p.m.,..10.48 p.m. Mof�n & Co. 1'11${N i Jk
among his acquaintaneex, I only used has already become `widol to inflame- the passions of the paoand for all kinds Of J'-I4.BEEMER, Agent, Wingham, kranalr osteo. h it t1t..w0:btnvtn%b.
,cine box, and am entirely cured. Tr. y y popular, IF contempt of municipal law and `�'
7tratituda for this marvellous cure, and Sold by all dealers. Tell Cents per Copy; govermmeait f:s Anarchism, so fsT its VelaiCles.
ter the benefit of other's suffering us l or $1 per year. Canadian Housekeeper way f� acia,tempt of the low of human- Dunlop Bicycle Tires T
dim r Ittnd sari this Ls eord of ray ease." pub. Co., Toronto, Publishers. fly said of elle moral goveryrment of p'neumatia 'arrfa I 1 P ,�;
1Ffr. Amar i S a tdir of Somerset,lra� the 'anive:rse. ga Tires
sting's Co„ iq,i3., n o shout ial flatter- Solid Rubber CArria PAO +
lttr, well-known throurhaut the pro= Dr, (i. U. Fadrbank, of Petrolia, Can. , " " go Tires
vines. writeo :- "it is great pleatfure to ala, is line of the best rovolveY' Bhots iii i rasor 11ewson, the four year old Invalid Lbair Tires
Inform You that have been eured of Bohr 6P i�ttlter 1lelvasoTT, Chatham, last !free for Baby Carriages, I Cavcatand7'rado•hlark3 ol,taln d
Itching %41,- t by uxinx'rir. Chatle'a oint- the Cainntry, flays the Santa Barbara with all accident oil Saturday whish T� �D �%"�j ����� t , and all%*tent
t b+ business conducted foe IHOUBIti2K NEED. My
rr,ent. I ivvatts bothered with tltr. alxivs Cal., Daily NewB, On Friday his Blafll may, prove fatal. 118 waif rlding': in a The bunlOP Tire CO., �LIMitca Wshies1n conducted
(of Misfile
IM111tdY for t'welvw Years, and Buffered cab At a futleral when the Call door I, yofthePatentOlRea
2Tttrbtna± ltlfaf1Y At tirrltst, Thankkx ti- Blood hila lit tits best stead, fOr with !tib ' TOIIONTO. and thy facilitlo foeseruringpatents:irounsarpassed
fir. `tt Oltltment, I AM conl,Pleteli r6adady pifitol slid his accurAoy of aiin he f1eiV• spell and than little fellate, frll t0 Send model, Sketch of ohowgraphofinventioa wits
the ground, 6TIc of the roar wheels �N THE dwell tion Andstotemeotnstoadvinta a+claimed.
and would rteoiwiswttnH ft with Oras ablo to save the life of a lad from mar-l►i'ndhaFde lx3netdoJoranaf,into»wyto
f'ttBret c6ftfidonch to all, suffering the y raa9bing over Kit burly, k%C tusk takaiT oar 'radomark f>ntol,tnailur ,And nv tee for proteoatin she
tot•ture of lthl$ ttrribte dimpa set' 8t the Aagt, who WMild ila�e been bitten by into a alcarby residattt e. Upon nix i , apolleatign tit #1041 sli ended fa,• untittnr
eirlitlat.lafl It wag foil wi, that although pwlels rattd,rrndL '••itrvr.�roaa''Glrrals," con.
Clubs a at tti7 nto, tM, itr i':dfilSflaT6Yl. a 11a#1t11� ra6tl0r !noel' incl the reptile, at . taming toil Informktibb #Cat free, All i'oRusuab .
tM &� ire little rt natel IlaB BtiffBfl r great W16116 C0114ldal'od not atrlttly konlldoiallal.
,iS.tllr_ntd wanted fns' lir. t!httfta'fi Ytlutt . th� �oineni; it tvaai aot'bt)itt to tn»9tk6 its poli, fortunately iIb' boars ware bro)!W ' -
*ad oom%atlt% R" rpt I3ooilr, I , been that, sit. t a r TIM
�i�A K U" H. N 11,x+ a H
, • r 0 V .4.rt1as. Ws +. rw,3Ltli.