HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-27, Page 5•
Ttfl�a WING'HAW1 DRESt SEPT. 7t 1941.
�p n The Farmer's ,Advocate for l eptembor
' (;rilrtaltla a pletilrp of "Royal Wonder,
Real Estate and Loan Office. 11, yearling slici•thorll hull which took >t�lAxiTi.,l�. I,
SS nvoyancing, At sirnee, and ACCOnntant, ____P_,r-- �-__---•--_--, first prizo at Toronto Exhibition. It is
Dpuey to loan on town and tarn property.""°'"
Ofliee� 7',vodoorsnorth of Drs. �. J•tNT$ OF INTEREST TO ALL 011fE�,aERS, the property, of J. and W. watt, sal-
Qhislxolixi s Fttxrgery. Itesldenco 4athex'inC Ftt, The ile Advocato says lie is 1111doubt-
SPRLS ! __ __ __..r
edly one of the best bulls in Cotlada in J
PP nianyyoars,beingtr�ptotyp�„skraight, New Dress Fabrics � ?••
What 'Wideawa4e Times Correspondents Communicate ..-, Wber smooth and full of character,
Ztozns Clil',ped Front Qur Exchanges. ;.
"Wanted to urebase an quantity T,nNcsrvr•- passed into stock a choice :col-
p , any Y We have just p'
of Good Sb ipping Apples, for winch Special ro•opening services will be hold
lsL1'Tl[. lrolil?1VICi1. in the Presbyterian church on Sunday, lection of the latest and best weaves of Dress
1 am prepared to -pay Mr. John McElroy has returned from Mr. James Sanderson has sold Itis resp. o
Sept. �Oth. Rev. R. P. MacKay, D. D„ Fabrics, including Frieze Suitings in the new
$2.35 per Barrel, Ili$ visit to Manitoba. dance to Robert Harding for $1,400• of Toronto will conduct the services atit
I4'aymers having some to dispose Miss Maly MoElroy, of London, is Mr. Alex. Orr has one of the finest 10,30 a. 31. and 7.30 p. nx., while the autumn shades, French Covert Cloths, Home -
of should call at my E,gg EMporium visiting at her home Here. Crops of beans in Huron county, says the pastor, Rev. G. M. Dunn will conduct. spunS black and Colored Serges, Saliels, new
and complete arrangement for sell, Mr. Louis McPhee has returned to Record, He thinks they will average 45 the service at 3 o'clock, Everybody black French Poplius Cheviots, French Broad -
Ing Detroit after a month's visit with Mr, bushels to the acre, but some peopio say welcome; Colne early, c'Awalco, awake,
At C,•C�ILLESPII'a. John Iielly, they will average 00 bushels, and that 10 put oil thy strength, O Zion. Put oil Cloth, nely Shades in Ga.ai�l Hair Cloths, ;
Mr. Will, Patuot, of Dotroit, renewed will receive $500 for the crop at the price Lily beautiful gnrtnents, O Jerusalem.” Filncy Costume Slllt117gS, etc,, etc,
/� ry� 'a• A 'f�T T "e"ATZ7 aocluaiutaucps in town last week. beans aro now selling.
11JJJ„�A .L I d'JI Master Alonzo Funke, leas returned One of oar cftizelxs and his wife, spent t
xtra Special �..
from spending his vacation with his Sunday gathering p ' cni:u rtx 1•otsona sl,e Aysteiu,
lums at friends in
randmothor, Mrs. Milxiix of McKillo the country. lowers health crud vitalit ,destroys rli-
Mail Steamships g p "stion and males the victim feel like Trinity oeron will hold a Harvest thin cents. Foolish, na criminal to Homo Snppor oil Oct, 2uc1, haveCatarrh and suffer its evil conse-
Two pieces extra flue all -wool Serge, wide vri$tli, regular
ET![EL. t quences since Catarrhozone so quickly value at 00c, our special price 00c.
FROM MONTREAL .AND Mr, C. Baines is visiting his home in JADIESTOWN, and pleasantly cures it. It is medicine
Mildmay, Mr. and Mrs. John McIntosh and carried to the lungs, throat and nasal 1WTeW French Flannels
NEW YORK. Mrs. Eckniierisimproving nicely from children of Molesworth spout Sunda as sages,
by the air you breathe. it's
her lute illness, p Y as absolute in its ower of curia as it is +
P g �+ We are showing a choice variety of plain and fancy I'lanuels
The house formerly occupied b Will. with their friends Mr. and Mrs. Cope- scientific in its method of treatment. for waists, also new Silks. Please ask to see them.
For tickets and fall information apply y p y laud Stokes. group. doctor or druggist will tell yon
to Patton is being repaired for C. Raynard Mr. and Mrs. Vein. Murray of Moles- that nothing equals it for Catarrh and � New Mantles
DAVIS, Wingham. and family. all other lung and throat diseases. All ,
worth were Mr. and Mrs. Peter dealers, 25c. incl x'1.00. ' Ladies', Misses and Children's long and short Coats in the
Rev. A. Wilson, brother-in-law of a
Scott on clic Boundary. _i latest style. Well tailored, nice fitting garments. See our
Wm. Spence, has accepted a Call to Vail -
Mrs. Thos. Simpson of Grey is visit- [ = special line at ,$5.00.
Hill, Eastern Ontario, and will be ing her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William x'trBNlil.lttBk. ,i
Je ellerInetedOctober 1st. Wright. Minutes of Council meeting held in New Clothing
This week, William Lake, of Brussels, John Davidson of Turnberry was call- Cleric's cfliee, Elaevale, on Monday, It is worth your while paying a visit to our. Clothing Depart•
disposed of his 14o -acre farm, east of ing on many of his old acquaintances in Sept. 23rd. meat in the basement, where we carry a complete stocic of all
Ethel, to W. Strachan, of Millbank, for thio vicinity last Sunday. Jack is al- Members of o )ui cil all present, The - kinds of Clothing for Men and Boys. New Fall Suits, New
the sum of F,1,000. The purchaser will Overcoats, New Reefers, New Pants, New Ulsters. etc..
Watches, Gold and Silver. p `s a welcome visitor. Reeve in the chair. The minutes of last r
come into possession on &larch 1st, 1cJ02. while Mr. Win, Willis of the Bound• meeting were read, approved and signed. 20 Men's Suits to clear, regular price $6.00 to $6.50, for 44.7 p.
��� John Brown, the present tenant, may ar s cutting corn at F. Wright's last Tho Reeve reported having let a job
,A. .\P.\ gine up farming for a time, hoping to Sa ut�iday he had the misfortune to of building culvert on 25th side line to
benefit his health. 112 ake took up lacerate his Band. he doctor put a few Win. Mitchell at $4; also of repairing
the farm forty years , then a bush ' T +
Hair Clasps the in, it. culvert on 14th coo. at $1, Tp. to pay for NEW � ti BOOTS AND SHOES
lot, and lived Contin sly upon it until Miss Maggio and 011ie Mulligan aro tile. The work is completed and recom- NEW HATS AND CAPS
Rings a few years ago.• and Mrs. Stracli- indisposed at present with the jaundice, mend payment. Mr. Coupland reporied NEW FURS. NEW WRAPPERS
an appear to be a ne couple. Geo. Innes who has been working that along with Councillor Ballagh of a NEW WRAPPERETTES
Brooches' with Goo. McDonald for the summer Culross, having le. a job of putting in ="1, NEW BLANKETS AN
has returned home. culvert on boundary to Wm. Mundell at -3 NEW GENTS'FURNISHINGS
t- Belt Buckles We are sorry to learn that Alexander $5; also let a job of cleaning out culvert NEW UNDERWEAR.
.70F .10 ..® Wright is lying in a very serious condi- and putting on new covering of 4 inch.
Sterling SilverThis signature is on every box of the gonutae tion. We hope he will make a change cedar to Wm. Alundell at $5; Cnlross to � NO Trouble t0 show you the �iUDfiS.
i for the better soon. Dr. Brawn of a half of both 'obs. Also let a job
Novelties. Laxative Bromo=Quinine Tablets pay a
the remedy that cures a cola in one day Wroxeter is attending hint, ctilso Dr. of gravelling 100 reds on Culross bound- -,
Rutherford of Listowel. ary to John McKinnon at 30c. per rod; • a
Out Glass.t e 1;. ycls. gravel to rod. Culross to pay Z
EAST WAWANOSIT. rain In the Back half. Also that the Pathmaster on 10th
M. Walker, one of the most makes life miserable. Can it be cured? side road had let a job of repairing cul-
Eyes tested' without charge. Repairing
1pighly esteemed residents of East Wawa- Yes, in one nignt. Poison's Nerviliue vert to Wm, Mundell at $5. Job coax- He e
neatly done. Don't be afraid to come in. nosh, was a caller at the New Era ofriee glees a complete knockout to pain in the pieced and. recommend payment. ISI,.
We are always pleased to show goods. on Wednesday. He is a pioneer in that bacic, for it penetrates' through the bSosgrove reported that he had let a rob 4. Lank of Hamilton.
tissues, takes out the soreness and pain, b p J The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. '
The old Stand in Mason Block. fine township, and 30 years ago, before invigorates tired muscles, and makes of gravelling 24 rods on B line to John �
Wingham became the trade centre it you feel like a new mail. Nerviiine i1IcKmtion at 40c, per rod • also that Mr,
. �. CHISH®�� now is, he made Clinton his market. cures quickly because it is stronger, 1NICKinnon has completed other jobs
° He raised a family of eight sons and one more penetrating, more highly pain -
Y b previously re ported and recommend ay-
da� liter,. and every one of ilio feriae, subduing than any other remedy: Dont P Y I p -- _ —
Jeweller and Optician. B suffer another minute, get Nerviliue uxent of all the work. Mr. Lovell re- oR SALE—A splendid loo new farm, '2;; Mr. John McElroy, of Morris, arrived
i are good staunch Liberals. Mr. Walker quick, and rub it in, for sure as you ported having let a job of gravelling 45 F• miles fro,n town, on tliel4`•h concession oL' l
is just in prune, slid has a good lease were born it will cure you. 25c. rods on B line to Thos. Wrightat 39e. Ea"t�vn�°"ii°chis oiterc•dfor,nlc; .yelifeaced: in town oil Friday last on his way homy
LARKE _ i0ncres valuable cedar:never•faihng .ming from Manitoba after a three months'
E • C{. of life all of him ' yet.—Clinton New per rod, 1,1/,, yds. gravel to rod; Andrew creek; a muiiey nicking form home m n most ,
E 0.J L'LUP VALE. desirable locality: brickhouse, good large bnnk visit with members of his family, who
Era.. Miller to inspect gravel at it er da barn and out-buxidhws. Fau•ms so near this
Miss Annie Hall of Toronto, formerly Miss Laura Farro,l* who has been vis- contractor tel pay half. Also et a job spumy too n Dalmuge,aretrti 1 Estuiin-value.
A ent, have settled in that province for years
TAI L.O R of Bel rave, is visiting Miss Lizzie it, relatives in the village for a few of repairing culvert to Thos. Wright at Wingham. and are prospering, Mr. McElroy first pass-
Menzie. 1 ks has returned home. .51.38; also let a job of repairing culvert SAL_ Q ed his eightieth milestone on the first of
Mr. H. Wiglitmari and Miss T. Mc Mr, Ed Coultes, principal of the Rip- to John McEwen at $3. Mr. Mitchell F pain; school on lot, 1; n -Ile from P- 0- August, but notwithstanding his many
Gillivrary of Wingliam spent Sunday on a Public School will resign his charge reported having let a job of building Britt:house, bnnk barn, ,d e civatio eat out years, enjoyed the visit and stood, the
We have placed in stock a Y C g p a n buildings. 6o acres in good enitivatiou. 60 or
the 10th. at the end of the month and intends culvert on Howi k boundary to Robt. ao acres of dash, good land when clenrecl; fine trip well. He is a great admirer of
nice assortment of ready -to- Donnybrook Anniversary Services 3 p p $5. pay chance for nn lenergeticsman who n not afraid Manitoba, but it is a "young man's
J studyingdentist, at the Philadelphia Hu ter at v Howick to a half. A, woiI Will be sRv:aold at a baryin, Anuly to
On -
wear clothing, and while we next Sunday and Monday evening. Dental College. His many ds here Moved by Mr. Mitchell, seconded by Chiss olm bloc ,Wingham. suet Loan Agent, country," r. says, and he likes old On-
do not pretend to sell at less Good talent is expected for the services wish him every success. Mr. Lovell, that Messrs. Mosgrotire andD. tarso better. The crops are goad, the
than cost and live on the loss, oil Sunday and for , the concert the The Sacrament was dispensed in the' Coupland let a job of repairs on hill at F -hat nd stock farm, o,u les fro niWinfi- weather generally favorable aft and mp thresh -
than evening, Presbyterian church on Sdnday last. south end of Eadies' bridge—Carried. Liam. Bank barn, comfortnble frxin,ehouse, err busy at all points of ilio compass.
you will find full value for your Miss Lexie Morton is spending a few over 100 bearing fruit tt.ec 5. River forms the During his three months ill the province
money every time. p h On the Friday preceding Rev. Mr. Dunn The following accounts were passed easterly boundary of this lot. mall palang it a very
weeks with friends in Michigan. of Whitochnrch preached the prepara and cheques issued:—David Pocock, and easy terms will,'ecnre this big fnim. doAln he saw two severe storms. The first
Mr, E. Stapleton intends moving onto e-
service. Mr, D u n n is a clever ravel and damages,$3.10 ; John Duckett ply to A. Dubnage, Real Estate Agent and Con- shitted about flue inches a big barn own-
us a call. See what g veyancer, Chisholm Block, wingham. ed by Mr. James Clark, formerly of Con-
th larni belougina Mr. D. Taylor oner and the congregation were very gravel,k;6.33; Malcolm Lamont,damages, stance, this county, and the secoucl hartive have in Men s, in Youths th pleased by his discourse. 50c.; Win. Henderson, damages, $2.75; 1and in Children's, all new an kr, Dugald Simpson,' of lot 34, cos Elisabeth McGuire of Morris and Wm. Nicholson, use of scraper, 50c.; naoltllls: ricaue, about ten drys later, ,wept the
up-to-date goods. 10, East Wawanosli, lost a valuable co Mr. J. Dennison of Varna were united Mrs. Eadie, gravel and damages, $8.42; We are 1leased tc 6 11 8 Miss Julia centre of the building, causiun it to col-
on Wednesday. A dog chased it up the in marriage by Rev. Dr. Gifford iii the John McKinnon, gravelling, con. 10, Sharp, of St. Thomas, Here oil a visit. lapse. Mr. McElroy loft his relatives
We have also a line of odd lane, and it attempted to jump over the Ontario street Methodist church parson- ',$23,04;, John McKinnon, gravelling, She ig making rapid recovery from her linppy, contented and pro; perolxs.--
p + age on Sept. 10. Miss McGuire some Morris boundary, ,11.91; Robt. Maxwell, recent attack of typhoidNews-Recrrcl.
Garments, Trousers, vests, bars, The to bar broke and onr g foyer,
foot caught on ilio second bar, brooking Ptirs o taught school here ver sac- inspecting ravel, 2.50; Wm. Mitchell,
Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc. y ago b s p h g $ Mr. David Smith lias arrived home
the leg at the fetlock joint. It was cessf ally, and her many former pupils, repairing culverts, $5; John Burgess, from his tri to Manitoba. He made a
necessary to kill it. Mr. Simpson had who look back upon her kindly super- no. Voters' List Court, 4'$'18.60; John good sale of his car of hcrses, we under- i document penes:., to the Hon:
E. 0. CJ LAR f' E refused $100 for th : t when it was vision as well as her other friend :will Burgess ac. stationer $1.60• John S. b god enough Vin. Hoary Draper, C,B., Chief Justice
Burgess, Y, stand, but thinks Ontario is good of His Majesty's Court of Common Pleas
four months old. wis for her a large share of h Hess McTavish, ice. Voters List Court, $2:60; for him.
' prosperity in the future. John S. McTavish, damages, $1; Wm. g of Upper Canada, patitioiiing the Court
Nest door to Griffins Royal W. J. Currie and B.Tyerman were p Y e Mr. George Caldbick, the strapping
todea.lleniently with one Paul Benediot,
Grocery. judges at the Teeswater fair on. Wed- We were visited one day last week by F. Smith, ac. Voters List Court, $1.50; oliceman, of Toronto, was renewing
p ebars;arl with perjury, and setting forth
nesday. by a large camp of gypsies. They made H. B. Elliott, printing and advertising, old acquaintances Isere during the past his ignorance of the English language as.
` _ _ �_--• themselves quite at home in our midst $4.60; Will. Mundell, culverts, Culross week. Mrs. Caldbick was also here.
said their departure was welcowe t boundary, $1.0; Wm. Mundell, culverts, a prob tible cause for this alleged oifense�.
ow for W They were welcome visitors. and dated the 21st day of March, 186:1,.
L ... e itmany. The had some five Horses. side road, $6; Richard Armstrong, Arm- Mr, David bi. Boyd, of Vacaville, has been forwarded by the Department.
Mr. Wm. Stewart who spent par f strong drain, $75; Robt. Hupfor, culvert, California, is visiting His sister, Mrs, of Justice to Detective Klippen, of $er--
thelsummer at the Sault returned home Howick boundary, $5; A. Longley, John Robb. It is 13 years since Mr. I lin. The veteran detective remembers:
Cold WeatherAlone
last week. gravel, erid John rete t damages, �a3s Boyd was here before. The west
' The annual children's day service to F. Gutteridge, concrete tile, $7.53. the circumstances of this case well, ltitcl,.
® evidently agrees with hien judging by says all the petitioners, numbering 1$,
{. be held iii the Presbyterian church next Moved by Mr. Lovbll, seconded by ill,. appearances. are dead excepting one named Rudolph
�, U Zre Sunday is an event to which the child- biitcholl, that this Council do now ad -
Scott's Emulsion is not a ren always look ,forward. The church journ to meet in Clerk's office, Bluevale, Miss Maud Bryans, who broke her Bechtel. This document is of no im.
' good medicine for fat folks, will be decorated with flowers and the on Saturday, October 19th, at 10 o'clock ankle a few weeks ago, has been remov- Theportold
exceptive its. historical value,
• �• singing will be furbished by the Sunday a. m. Jollrt BuPG>;SS, Cleric, ed :rola her uncles to ilio parental The old detective intends to have it
We have never tried giving it Homo, framed.
We have everything ready , School choir. Mr. West will preach to �—
to meet the demands of the to a real fat person.. We dont the young both morning and evening y Mr. M, Black, teacher at S. S. No, 3,
cervixes. In the Methodist Church the 1 utna,n o 1 ainlesd Cornatid Evart Extractor is engaged for another term at the same
jj Fall and minter Season. dare. YOIi See Scott's Ernul- anneal Sunday School rally calces place Contains no acids or other injurious salary as last year. He's agood teaclier.
1 SlOri build's new flesh. Fat chemical compounds; its neither caustic, Mr- and Mrs. Joseph Clegg have re- O f 19 t l 11Gj U+;
on the same day and the services in both corrosive ox irritating; but soothes and 9 V
Hew oVerCOatlnS people don't want it. Strong • cases will be almost similar. Rev. Mr, eases from the first application, and acts turned from their visit to Manitoba and
The Latest Material people don't need it. Swann will address the children and quickly. If you want all irritating and the Northwest. Ts sometimes responsible for difficult dl-
p cite regular church choir will be replaced flesh eating remedy do not ask for Pat, Mrs. T. Russell is home from Saginaw, I gOstion, that is, DYSPEPSIA.
But if you are thin Scott's g p gam's, it acts just t pe other way, For Mich, When it is,
y by one composed of Sunday School sale at all druggists. 'What Headache, dizziness, constipation, 1
, 11Irs, Agin is ill and under the doctor's P
New Suitings & Trouserings Emulsion is the medicine for children. care. What fits of despondency, 1
To Suit Everyone, and you. It doesn't tiro you out. The annual meeting of tho misslontiry What tears of imaginary evils, conduce
y y (3Oltlins'. Sirs. J. R. Miller rya away at Wrest•
socitlty will be held iu the. Presbyterian with the distress sifter eatlitg, the ttoixrness
Thele is no Strain. The work church on the evening of October Ist Mr, Robert Draelunan is attending the ter visiting her daughter, Mrs. Brown, of the stomach, the bad taste to the mouth,,
Satisfactioq Guaranteed is all natural and easy. YOU when Rev. Mr. Kastle of Belgrave will Agricultural College at Guelph, who has been quite ill, and so forth, to make the life sof the suf-
Both in Making and Price, give a lecture. Mr. David Sanderson was ill 'T'oronto 'Thep Howick Mutual Insurance Co- ferer scarcely worth living I I
just take the medicine and
j � - An eiitertaiunielit was Heid in the last week; consulting an dye specialist. paid Mr, Samuel Burk the stun of ;„ 1GG � Dyspepsia resulted Trom torpid livtlr in,
c Methodist church on Monday evening, Mr. John Maurer and sister Matilda, for the three horses killed re •eritly by I the case of Urs- Jones, 2320 X. 12th St.,,
th'tt s all there is to 1t.
- Philadelplxia, .ria,, who was a great self efer l
along and be fnade warm The neXt tiling you know being provided by the • e. Theaud nce 1pfMrss. P �A.• Ir win 13 very ill.ih Palm- lightning.
Mr. S- McCall, wife and son of TOrOb- nor statement'mad'e In her 77th year 19;
Come a g a moving giotixro mac lee
and happy, and have tho assurance you feel better-'-••yOU eat better to were visiting relatives and friends in that she wast fteh tell+ eared of a end al> t
` Morris during1 ithe past week.
t?te third have been, by a faithful rise of � + 'r
,that you are well dressed. --unci you tiveigh more. It i6 t u nor numerous re alt ves�ataBlue9 [ ' . n � Sneak ti 'Y �oo� Ss r�awsL� �"�rLa�G�
,a9 net large. eraten. lO `� l Its attendant aches At7 5 115 Ati G Brei
i yotirs traly, a quiet worker. g Shope ti R-. Cochrane recently lost
vale and other points in the country. line. •Ntr. Wm. y ,
�iiA�L�.. Send for free sttnlpte, We ragrot to state that Miss Pugh is in
aflttl rvorke b1i` pito CoY1C. a stool orowl:ar and hay knife which cures dyapepsias oil ,irand xslvl the a erniaW�c:ittyQ
SCOTT Sc IiCItV ! i roronta, Canada. 1'.AXntive Promn•ruihIt,e'i'ablats Onto i% Cola itr
` ;Ei iC4ii
ART t AIf.(ilt. O1 and 3►.00: all dna tssis, pof5ax 3[tllLltli. OnCday. No (Jure, ,uo Pay. Prlto 25 etnts. were taken without permisgion. dnrx tone to the whole System.