HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-27, Page 4- alh P .. _-,r-15c Each. Any Pipe In the window of Campbell's Drug; Stare for 15 cents. These~ Pipes are worth from IOC to 5oc each,but this week we offer at 1,5c at girl A. Campbell'.: - DRUG STORE, WINGIIAM. Y TO ADVERTISERS, _ Notice of cliaugcs must be loft at this office not later than Saturday noon. The copy for changes must be left not later than Tuesday evening. Casual advertisements accepted up to noon Thursdav of each `reek. ESTABLISHED 1872. TuE WINPERAin Tim. H. R. ELLIOTT, PUBLIBBER AND F)tOPRIETOR `— FRIEDAY. SEPT. 27, 1001. NOTES ANy COMMENTS. Sir Louis Davies, the Minister of Mar - due and Fisheries, was appointed to the Supreme Court Bench of Canada, in Place of the late Justice Ding of New 33runswick. Tho order -in -council mak- ing the appointment was approved by the Governor-General on Monday, and Sir ,Louis will be on the bench at the next sitting of the court. An order -in council was also passed appointing Mr. 33. M, Britton, M. P., Kingston, to be a judge of the High Court of Ontario. Hon Geo W Ross Premier of Ontar- 1l. ueKelvie and, C. Reis were in Wingham ou Tuesday on busiuess. Alt•, Donald Fisher returned home on Tuerday from Buffalo, all well. Mr. Salletu, nephew of John Bray, returned to leis home in Ottoryllie out Monday, John Hamilton shipped a car of cattle from the station here last week. Mr. T. F. Sanders and one of his workmen are attending the Teeswater fair. We ltopo he will bring home a good number of tickets with hint. Mr. 11. Armstrong of Nowbridge moved his family on Tuesday into the Sanders dwelling on Howick, street. A number of people in and around the village are somewhat ailing with bad colds. T, Hemphill cL Soti shipped a car of wheat to Ayr this week,. Who chn beat this? One of our oiti- zens, Mr. Archie McMichael, bear the station, threshed off 41-g acres of wheat 1'15 bushels, about 39 bushels to the `acre. Two of Mr. A. Black's brothers from Ayr are the guests of the former at present. There was a gathering tit the Masonic hall on Monday evening. A load of members from Brussels paid a visit to the lodge here. Thos. Martin and his sister, Mrs. W. Rutherford were near Harriston on Monday visiting their sister, Mrs. Ales. Stewart. James McIntosh of Harriston gave our town a call on Tuesday. On Monday last, Henry Smith, son of Oliver Smith, of Howick street, left for Galt and Hamilton. Owing to his health lie will likely stay until Xmas. Mrs. James of Howick street is on the sick list and is confined to her bed. Dr. S. B. amale is attending her. Thos. Martin from the N. W. T. is visiting his father, David Martin at present. He has been away for 12 yeah. THE WINGRAN TDI Wp i i i WIN(pii+1,115 DI'd,UKET 7iL;I'OIi S. WilighAut, Sept. 26, 1901 Flour per 100 lbs. .. 1 t15 to 2 50 Nall Wheat .............. 0 62 to 0 03t Spring Wheat ........... 0 00 to. 0 00!' Oats„ 1 .................. 0 30 to 0 35 Barlo.... ..... ........ 0 35 to O dok Peas ............. .... 0 00 to 0 65 7 Turkeys, drawn...... .... 0 09 to 0 10 Geese, ",..... 0 05 to 0 00 Ducks, por pair":::: , . , ... 0 40 to 0 60 Butter ...... ............ 0 15 to 0 10 Eggs per doz... , , , „ , , , 0 11 to 0 11 Wood pet coxa ........... 2 00 to 2 25 Hay per tell......... .. 7 00 to 6 00 Potatoes, new, erbuskiel, . 0 50 to 0 60 Tallow per 16 , , , , .... , , . 0 05 to 0 05 Lard ....., 0 14 to 0 14 Dried Apples per lb... , ... 0 03ito 0 04 Wool0 13 to 0 10 H ' Live ogs, per *cwt.. , , .. 7' 00 to 7 00 Chickgns................. 0 30 to 0 40� AB i EO COSES FIRE AXD LIFE ASSURANCE AGENT. Fairmt Loans at Lowest Rates. Office—Corker of ltiinnie aiad Patrick streets. At home Friday afternoons and Saturdays, FOR11 SALE OR EX01TANGE.-81 acres, 2 miles from Wingham, in 'rurnberry Tp It won't take much money to get this small farm, with bank barn, comfortable house, and young orchard. $300 down will secure it. Ap- ply to A. Dulmage, Real Estato and Loan Agent, C.h,sholm Blnek, Wingham. FOR SALE. 100 acre farm in Morris Tp. 5 miles front Wingham, 95 acres cleared, good clay loam soil, (i) acres seeded down. Bank barn 50x70, horse barn 30x40, hog pen I. 24. Comfortable house, good orchard Ade! tided bargain at $4,000. Easy terms. Appto A. Duhnage, Rail Estate Agent, OhislicKa's Block, Winrheuu, Mr. James H. Jeuldns, of Kalkaska, Mich., is visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jenkins, of the Bluevale Road. This is his first visit in fourteen years, Miss Bessie Parker, daughter of Con- ductor Parker formerly of Wingham (\, {.ti11S, 1 rr I SR'I 14 T. �OIORN�*��l�iN�4�11NIN!#va00ii0��ll��NN�i�It�a�MINIIO�Mhy�0001�M�fl�}��1� ��6�1i!�®� h Jno, & Jas,. H. Kerr. The PeoPopular Store Jno, Jas, H. err. � BARGAINS BARGAINS S BARGAINS s • When the word BAIWARNS is mentioned, you always think of this store, w • Our Fall and Winter Goods'are nearly all in stock, and every department is i full of Bargains. •• Boots and Shoes Men's Shirts • Our Boot and Shoe Department is crowded Moleskin Shirts, black an31 `white, heavy o with bargains. All new goods. If you want a Drill Shirts, blue nod whits, 50e to 600, m comfortable, good looking, good wearing, boot at Dark flannelette Shirting, heavy, 50c. O a moderate price, try us. All our fall and win- Print and Gingham Shirts, dark, 60c, o rh ter stock we guarantee to be SOLID LEATHER, Extra heavy Shirts, all -wool tweed, $1,00. ke e ' Ladies fine and coarse boots. o $1,00, Black Shirts, 5U • to • k Satin p, Misses' fine and coarse boots, • e Men's fine and coarse boots, YS1'gA • Boy's fine and coarse boots. = p Fine Rubbers, Heavy Rubbers, Rubbers Two and three ply Factory Yarn, the best e and Socks, Felt Boots, Long Boots, etc. quality lnanufaetured in Canada, grey, black, A m as " China and Glassware white, red and blue, 40c to 50c. Scotch Fingering Yarn, 6 skeins for 25c. ®, a Dinner Sets, Tea Sets, Toilet Sets, Colored Saxony and Andelusion Wool in. black and O • o Cups, Saucers and Plates, Bohemian Glassware, colors. Low prices, • s etc. We import direot from the manufacturers m and consequently can give ,you very close prices. Blankets s O We carry a large stock and can convince you • that our regular prices are lower than other All -wool Blankets—all sizes. aai o dealer's cut prices (so called), Cotton Blankets—all sizes. a - Grey and white Wool Sheeting, 72 inches e ® Grocery Bargains wide, only roc a yard. s a 30 cakes of Toilet Soap for .............. 25c " r 9 Bakes (3 boxes) Complexion Soap for .... 25c Furs i �+ 6 bars Eclipse Soap (a pure soap) for ...... 25c 6 cakes Copeo, floating soap ............. 25e We have just put our New Furs into stock:, � a Nonsuch S`ove Polish, always sells at ..... 10c and we invite your inspection. ® Quiekshine Stove Polish, we sell m ....... 8e Black Astrachan Jackets, long and short. 44 Best Soda Biscuits, per pound ............ 8e Capes in Astrachan and Oppossum; 4 Lemon Squares, 3 pounds for ............ 25e Caperines in Black Oppossum. e Molasses Snaps, 4 pounds for ............. 25c Caperines in Persian Lamb and Coney. 4 o Fruit Ginger, rich and fresh, per pound ... I0c _ Caperines in Coney and Astrachan. 4 ()a crines in Pers;2n Lamb and Astrachan ' ' I O We guarantee Kerr's Baking Powder to be - p I Ib io was welcomed back from the old land , will graduate next Thursday as a train- O etc. All new styles and well made. -with- unexampled enthusiasm. The PERSONALS. ed nurse'from Hope hospital at Fort 0equal to any 25c baking powder on the market, ®, o and all we charge you for it is 15c for a I -pound 49, Premier has been doing some g r e a t Wayne, Ind. Congratulations, O ,, SVo Miall be glad to have contributions to p tin, Ol• two for 25c. � things for, net only Ontario but all Gan- this column from any of our readers. If you Mr. and Mrs. L. C. M:aelntyre and ® (nothing ]rave visitors or purpose going away , ourself, a We still lead in Teas. Big value in Japan, add, during his visit m the Old country. drop in and tell us, or sena us a note to that Miss McIntyre, of Winnipeg, Man., and as Black and Green -20c to 60e. a pound. Blue Men's and Boy's Ready-made Clothing. o, He has endeavored to turn the tide of effect. Mrs. Greggory and daughter, of Wing- 0 ,. e Ribbon and Monsoon in black and mixed. Large stock to select from. All -wool Tweeds thought towards our fair Province, and ham, visited at the home of Mr. and ® as ,dispel any idea in the minds of th a Mrs. Sutherland is visiting friends in Mrs. Henry Perkins this week.—Gorrie O 3 anti Serges• Overcoats, we are going to Gell at G•• people there, this was other than an Blyth. Vidette. 0 Ladies' Jackets ridiculously low prices. Our Ordered Clothing �' 0 Department is fall of bargains. Nobby Suits, 01 ideal country with an ideal climate. Miss S. M. Tracey is home from Car- Mr. Bradley, of Toronto, one of that aD At prices that brio them within the reach His wish was to impress the authorities man, Man. city's best cutters, is now engaged in M. a! g made to your. order, and made right, with good 0 -with the fact that there was ideal room Mr. Hasley Park is visiting friends in „ department. h trlmml trimmings, at 810, $12, 14, $15 u to a20. p, • H. McIndno's tailoring de artmeut. o of all. for emigrants in this Province. He fur- Simcoe this ween. They have also secured an efiicie t dress n P' . �• Ther intimated that substantial help goods salesman from Galt. who will be ®Jho. &Jas. [1. �1err, NiAC®l�A�® i7�®iii ���i1aH6�e�e Jllo Ct Jas. H I�l;rr o' DIE. Walter McI�ibboii is visiting O would be given all who wish to come friends in Napanee. here on October 7. , , . O over and settle in our Province. It was DTE. R. Crowder of Clinton was in DTE, John Ritchie of Wingham was in fti �• .a royal greeting the Premier received. ' town on Tuesday. Mr, Ritcbie has just 009080000660e0804) O, last. 3�r. Ross has proved himself to be an town on Friday recovered from a serious attack of ty- able and aggressive leader, one whom it Mr. J. D. McEwen has returned home phoid fever. His many friends here is aleasure to follow, as one knows it from Carman, Man. were glad to see him looking so well p $ 4+♦♦+0+000-0•+++0+4%40+4+O0++i•'►0+0+0+0+0++00+14+.+004.4'►♦i+0+ + leads to better results for Ontario and the Miss Cook of Arthur visited friends in after his long illness.—Blyth Standard. + + great good of all our neighbors. town on Wednesday. II o + —It is reported that a _eine of natural l + +_ "You are doing better work here in Manager Bullock, of the N. I. W.,was I + � + your Farmers' Institutes than anywhere in Toronto over Sunday. shoe -blacking has been discovered in ¢ •+ Utah. ` oma t5a4acL't + on this continent. This was the opna- Mr. Chas. Kerr of Toronto is visiting —Galt will vote on October 6th on a + +_ ion expressed on Saturday by Prof. W. friends in town this weep. by-law to loan $7000 to the Burrows' + ++• L. Hutchison, of Starkville, Miss., Mr. Geo. Fowler of Salford visited Carnet Company of Guelph a firm that + +' Superintendent of Farmers' Institutes friends in town over Sunday. hunted for, but did not get privileges in + �••� + for the States. Prof. Hutchison. attend- + B tut t >o i 11 Block W g n- g h a � ,ed the convention at Buffalo last week Mr. and Mrs. W. C. McIver, of De Chatham, Hamilton, Brantford and + • + of the Farmers' Institute workers of troit, are home for the winter. Wingham. + + Mr. and Mars. Bainton, of Blyth, visit- America, and then came over to study y � i.r,•e atnmt Markets. the methods adopted in Ontario. "You ed friends in Wiugham on Sunday. Toronto, Sept.24.—The receipts to -day + + excel in the completeness of the organ- Mr. H. Smillie, of Hepworth, callbd at the Western cattle yards were heavy, + zation and the extent to which you reach on friends in town during the past week. as all told over one hundred loads of Nil 4 - the farmers, and you keep the farmers rr,w 1% Dr. Gunn has been called to Wingham Iive stock Iver© received here. Of these + JL ® + interested all the time, instead of for one 'and Brussels for to-day.—Clinton News- quite sixty loads were for Mr. J. Gould, + + Or two days in the year," he said to a Record. and were shipped to the Old Country. + + representative i The Globe, who saw A. If. 'Robmcoe, s -, si the Bank mother Folio`ving are the quotations : + him at the Parliament buildings. "Here Hamilton,Simcoe is t isitin his mother oATT +• + E3 A(C" R I F 1 (0 DO I R + yon reach 150,000 people a year; this in town. Shippers, per cwt ... ... $ 4 25 $'4 75 + year we reached 10,000 people, and we Butcher, choice do..... 4 00 4 50 + thought we were doing remarkably well. Miss Hembly has been engaged to Butcher, ordinary to + All this is done here with a small supply people wants in the nen* store of good ................ 3 ;3a" 3 75 A. strEEr AND LA ons. R. Smith. Butcher, inferior , . , , , . 2 . .3 00 amount of money. The amount you ¢ sDTE. Reddes of Brussels has engaged puts the same results within the gaged + 4 with Mr. A. Nichols blacksmith fChoice ewes, per cwt... 3.25 3 50 + reach of Mississippi. I think we could ' or Butchers sheep, each ... 2 00 3 00 + 2ranspiant your methods and make them the winter. Lambs (spring), each... 2 50 3 50 + adaptable to the people of our State by Dr. P. Macdonald, Mrs. Macdonald Do, per cwt.......... 3 25 3 75 + cBucks................. 2 50 3 00 +hanging the subjects of the addresses." and Miss Macdonald are visiting friends MILKERS AND CALVES. 4 in New York, uEXERAL SPORTING. Cows, each ............ 30 00 45 00 Mr. Stevens, wife and children of Calves, each........... 2 00 10 00 + Guadaur will challenge .Towns to a Tort Erie are visiting with Mr. and Mrs. 11005. ruse for the championship of the oars in W. J. Chapman. P Choice hogs, per cunt... 7 25 7 37,) + 1902. Mr, and Mrs. Angus Sutherlandof Light hogs, per cwt.... 0 00 7 00 + The Eastern League baseball closed on Calumet, Mich., are visiting at I his Heavy hogs, per cwt... 0 00 7 00 Sows, per cwt ......... 3 50 4 00 Saturday with Rochester first and Tor- mother's in town.Stags + Stags., ............... 0 00 2 00 + onto second. Mr. and Mrs. McIntyre and daughter,__ __ + of Winnipeg, visited at Mr. Gregory's + for the past week...., ...�........ , ..:...... + Miss Annie Henning, of Wingham, is' Sight a d e the guest of her aunt, Mrs. W. Behms,P®®rl y? + Perfect. Elora street, Harriston. _ + J Perfect sight is deter. II .�+wc� Lai.0 +i, u:: ,Ic,��m.� ar. ,,,.lie �.� t s Mrs. Dr. Weeks of London and Mrs. + trained by a series of For two errs I suffered ter - scientific tests. Alfred of Glencoe visited at Dr. - Y We render faulty eyep Kennedy's on Saturday. � ribly from dyspepsia, with great + perfect by scientific. 1 d.,. -pression, and was always feeling + aur lltted $lasses. Mr. Will, Campbell of Wingham; was poorly. I then tried Ayer's Sarsa- the guest of friends in town on Monday parilla, and i n one week I was a new man."—John McDonald, I t� �+� evening.—Gorrio vidette. ; Philadelphia, Pa. + Mrs. Robt. McIndoo returned on + Tuesday from avisit with Mr. Mcludoo's s , rSi4$. n sister, Mrs. Dr. Deana, Detroit. DUn t forget that it's A. Miss Milne, who was nurse for Mr. "A ye r' S" Sarsaparilla : + 1 Ritchie lately, is now very ill with that will make you strong rf typhoid fever at St. Joseph's Hospital, and hopeful. Don'twliste i Z on. your time and money, by + . ,�. "•i 1 al�rttt<aeis Herald: Mrs. l+', Van- + i I Ston of 'W"ingham was in town this trying Some other kitildr kl'�II�W-:�i ISM' Our Two Day Sale commences on Friday, at S a. m. The next place of interest to the Wingham Fair is Thomas' Fair, and we have made it specially attractive for exhibition week:. , Here are a few of our specials for Friday shoppers Sundry Specials Soaps, Polishes, Combs, Brushes, Knives, ewtlry and Notions of all kinds. These are he kind of prices that always keep us so busy. Borax; large package .......... 5c Liquid Ammonia, per bottle ..... 100 Castile Soap, 5 eakes for......... 5e Judds' Improved Laundry Soap, 2 for ..................... 5e Shoe Polish, per bottle .......... 9c Gilt Edge Shoe Polish .......... 20e 85c Purses for ................ 250, �-- week. Mr, and Mrs. Mclrenv a of Ute tho old, tested, tried, 3 Wingham spent Sunday at Geo. and triteBr's Sarsapa- i aer l Park, Crooks'. rills. l3ciafal►i14f'Jt Oy�tictit t fir. David Loustheod of town spent a 1trl.iNtle. Atltr at a. staiadtrwt+Yr►tr w _ few +layir last We* in lyzeter. Ht, wGel A.kyeard�et0l+wb►! he ftrtntu.,1. '�li tfl�t, ft>Yl►, Clthi. eId lir tint o loww Diu adiII mal► r�iw~ way to �Coroiito ,to talral port it, ws'wilt NiNs Belts Patent Leather Belts with wide back and deep front, for .... 25c GiltBelts, for .................. 65c Bee,Hive Fingering Yarn;'fn vari- ous colors, per skein .... 6e and 8c Zepher and Berlin Wool, in vari- ons colors, for ........ 8e tlnd 1U¢ Special, Sale of Fancy` Good S A Half Price Sale of Japanese China The ware is beautiful and indescribable. Decorations are elaborate. They are all painted by band. See the display in the window. To those purchasing to the amount of One Dollar and upwards on any one of those two days, we will preselat them with a One Pound Tin of our Superior Baking Powder. the military' deutonaftwofl coat thus visit of the Doke of C)Ornwall. +++++++++++♦i ♦4.+4.i.►4•.4i++0444#.. ..+.....++++++++I+