HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-27, Page 1"�CiL. ,XIX.. NU. 5360 WINGIIAN, ONTARIO, 'FRIDAY, SEKENBER ?7 1901, 1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE am '. nM^A.A. M• MAAMMMAAM AAit N OGQ tailoring W•-500 Tuba Choice ini��'... „ .THE FALL. biUMAGE, trade, Apply, to Oro. C�i, bsiBt GelCI Na. HAVE . � � , , , What Our 111111ners lave to Show ilk sho �.- ' it9ltAALB.»-There o ail exhibition in Wk3aii;N S INSTJ i fi:,•-A' 7ZtpNt3U�, 0 Mile of latendgeur -;Ai 3racruvrson, NOTHING the window of {Chibholm's jewelry store, the Wowila's lust i►tte will be held oil erre, c;rven and MWs. Aley have Wl,exr three silver medals They were awar(l. Friday Oct.4th it the flame Of Mrs. ope�iings i,R 1Ye ,asday. �.�; , Ul BUT �H� 13>S'P ' ed the three furuit a factorise of town John 0[irrie. Tia subjects to lits dig- There is one plat iii the world that for their display at the Toronto exhibi. eussed are cheeso ,aping and the cook- woman delights to iuger�-at A wiililu- • tion, We unde.rot 'end the '[inion factory: ing of different heats. All interested er ning. y Ope The a She fray, revel in t Vinegar has received a tither prize, not on In the Institute re invited to attelad. Besure; you et the � :the beautiful so de to file heart aald so }' �` }, x�•.-� *, : exhibition. F aai Qystera axrivin cla]1 at J, lit c Ahhy orders for sale'3 left at the TislEs - serif -annual banqu t. Man has nq part t ,..}Meetiii to Cowin lice at 80. adorning to the 11@ (1, It is her own best and come to T Ac r liLeivie's- g y office will receive prompt attention. J. - in it, unless it mos be :a reporter, `vhv i abed °�'; - . J.. Currie auctioneer. "" "' ."" _... , . " "_' '-_._- � ,goes in pI1 this grc+ t clay and gazes about CASKRT FAOTORY. As we intimated, MUSIOAL VF41iT,J-The McCruhnish - him with a helples , bewildering look on �j � T 1� pQ �►q/ou feel For Pickling two weeks ago, that is. a possibility that Opera Company wllygive an entertain- his face, as he end avo(s to understand LIO t„J G LA45S +' a casket factory wit be started in fawn meat in the Q er: , flauae on 1?`idda a, . by Mr. W. C, 8tttt There" sold to p y where the beauty conies in, and wily R Our nnit Vinegar by the evening (to -night). � grana and comic,• women wear such "things." But not THE DRUGGIST Lille paying a Good. Price f gallon is very,fina and it will pay � : be a good opening f ,r a business of this Opera. We are con ident that this is one - all are thus. Af r he has become eda- i� t for a Poor Suit of Clothes'? you to use it. kind, and there is ni better place than of the best companfras, and it is a favor sated in the name the style, the fancies Wingham to open the business We to have the privileiee of hearing them. and all the ideas t at make mlilinery, lie Or a Reasonable Iiia- for shall be pleased to ulthounce the assur- = Admission 25c 85c and 4W. Plan of is able to tell sone hitig of their beauty. 11' a • , , , ; , GROCERIES. auce of the industri. hell at Douglas' dr kg store.. Thus it was a pie 'ure to a reporter of for it. If you User Fort SAI.B.--A good milch cow; .also a Poor BALL,_ W lgham gathered up a THE TIMES to vfsi the establishments of his our cattle Will All our Groceries are fresh. four-moucbs old heifer calf, Apply at p pp Y tenth of s her@ -rot ra and went over to the milliners o£ 4 r town and them par- c TI=S office, not lyse ill flesh or �' Brussels on Frida afternoon t0 contest take in a small m asure of the ecstacies A Leader -A Suali—A Bargain.—$04,50 _ okill with the boys f that town. Our which come to th heart of woman. milk. $2.25, s.00 t and Stift Bats for 25o, boys had not ),all y practice for over a The number w came out to see the Farquharson HANNA & Co, 1 1. mouth and were u in good Grim for a ei:hibitiou on We nesday evening must The peri Williams Stand, ' The choice is yours. If Dr.ATIi, r, Ja►ies F. any., whom match, but with t ,ir known character. have reached the uudreds. Many were Agent G, N. W. Office. your judgment" prompts 4 4 CHINA 1�OUSE we mentioned last meek as being ill, died istie to face syuy-_ they took the risk. 'the pleasant and easing commence un and i Opp. Baric of Hamilton. in Indianapolis, on 4-iday Sept. 18, from. Brussels was so g> -edy, that they tools the artistic work ud original design. you to save MoVey, C . cancer of the stomn.%ch; aged 4& years. all the goals, maltug the score S to 0. Theweather even ut on its best cloak ' your taste suggests stylish VVVVWVVVVWVVVVYVVWWV0,0 He leaves a widow . id ttvq children to xha Wingtia(u bo °s are not ver, sore fox the occasion d dict honor to the �� �� ` � p a®z' clothes,, Tet us bave your : mourn his loss, 1~ceased was a son. of over the defeat, l,+wever. artists. We leave a eavored to describe p_ � � order, FOR SALE, D. D. Hay of Strai.Z'ord and son 1n -law HAS Brux As ,rRp. We guess our below as it appeared to us. We lead the trade In of J, J. Anderson, formerly of Wing- ' ( � > 1 lumber wagon, 1 single wagon totem. o£ the B]y h Standard has been MISS MAC H£RSON. � At g g g ham nterment took Dlace at Melita, having a `'nap" 0 late. He comes out A feast far th eye. was spread by this with iron axle and spring seat, 1 set Man y p ���a��� u�� Gents' this week. saying tbut "Florence Ray- establishment. Nei her time nor ex- k double b4rness, 1 set single harness, 'Tis great weather for Furs. Be sure mond was run ove by a wagon in Ford- FurnisYlings 1 low, Also rooms over Gordon and I pens@ had been spare( in procuring the ,1€ i Gray Beaver Block use: ' p and see, b@forayottbuy>, our , J. fpliltQ� u�krtli�m Bninrrwick Souse, Galbraith's stores to rent. meat at low rices all guaranteed, wish.' This ace lent happened in latest novelties from New York and r Wingham. A full line of Fall and p g Wingham on Aa as 28rd, Brer, Brad- -,ANNA & Co. g other centres of fasKton, and tl a a Winter Goods now passed GEO'. Mcli'N7IE: win is good ou fair else, but when it lavish display of hes goer suitable for, BAMS l Bt1�i15 l At Catalogue Prim A SMALL FIR most unfortunate hyacinth, Tulips, into stack. T he latest in comes down t0 late. news he is nom- all faces from the you gest to the veru etc, etc. Leave Tour order at star Studio, fire occurred at M e. Aley s millinery, Beaver Bloels:, or Viances street, Wingham.; Bats, Caps, Shifts, Under- Who Wants a Farm parlors oil Wedues ay evening, just bee- pletely out of it. It s really tuo bad. old. The deeoratiq a and drapings I T. C. GRAHAM. wear, etc; fore the visitors be ;all to arrive at the He is a flue fellow oo,—when he *18. Showed originality in sign and beauti- ' Po safe 3n N O;6,160e i56 sad iz00ser x dots n opening. It is suLlosed the wind from awake. We have a s ak of pias.fur effect. Mies Render n's artistic work �9s Cos �ecc mateur Boots anti, Kinloss, Greenoelc,'truce, gineardine� Huron the opening of `the 'door caused a flare The TIMES and Weekly Globe will be makes one envy the ladles for whom she�o � book-keepers •��,,, And Ashfield Townships.Good tan s with sent to new subscribers till the 1st Of designs a hat. " ? ShOe'S Also nuolo�ci b acicsmith ehoi�pdon welliri in Con from a lamp to ig1�'®a chillese lantern .Jaaauary, 1(J02, for 80 cents, Ten your g W � Can eis,ve no right place gg P r� Among the hats shovm�was a lovely in env 1mKinetiti oft2ce. nee, one dom a good business, for sa a cheap. in tit@ window- This fall down among Mends. Our stock in this line was A hotel doing good business for sale cheap, the hats and trim nings and the whole one of the large Gainsb )ro style. It is �o ° The s�ludcnt. who giadu- Also a wngonshop. A general store with largo The j+',1Ig,,—Fmm ' 8 a earance Of �, , . +� Mess from the Federated. never more complete. All trade, live villous. Also a large amount of was soon abiaz , but soon put out. pp topped with straps Of s neat and velvet ya 13iwfiicps collegesvehof oil . money to loan at o per cent. For further par- the weather on Thur clay—as we 90 to faced underneath the b 'iu with folds of ( t sria, 4cith Nchoolrant Lon - tile Latest Styles will, be tieuears apply to SOu28 Of 1118 bort, imported materia], and don, 'Toronto, Haxailtan, press—there ,is pro= fine weather white velvet. A larg plume from the Ottawa Sarnia, Berlin, Galt, Guelph, t+t,.Cath- J. A, McXENZIE Hata, t48T8 damfl�ed. . Ti18 loos will be arines, iias the:alvantage o. expert t,aiining in found at this store InbtuaneeAgent, Holyrood, about 1100. '1'ht @ la sqm© insurance. 1 tI18 second (jlly 0 : tI1@ Fair, A largo front sweeps back On tl- left side. Two book-keeping and neccuntancy. No better s limber of entries a13 already in. All p underneath 11 time than now to enter, ' •. "Notice the Stylish. Young Men," tho xaces are filled .+ ud a gond day of lames sweep do� a the brim o t E A •YTS, Ghe ba caught hjet 'orameiits. Forest City $EiS�IIS College,_ ly , W A. Fianna & Co have just received. from ,, . . .., ATew York 8 New Styles of Stift Fiats sport 2n vlew- •"'Ami g 111@ eXhlbits gill The chiffou ties edged Z M `x]bbbri 'rel 'i'. X. i;. A. Btlilcling, Mrs, Aley Fall M ihnery.. also 2 Ne iv Styles Flat Brim Fedora.. be a 41 pound &ta from Walkerton. vet are caught on the b ck with rosettes Londoir„ Out. Homuth OSS D. Bell—sewingM chines, For•up-to-elate Furnishings. Thy us. Two tons of beef is quit@ a lump and of ribbon velvet. A.dr ant of beauty. 'J- W W�S'fi' RvtLT, Principal, ►J Thomas' Fair—Bac i8ce sale. AVCTiox SAL> S Soar.—The season worth seeing. The rospects all through Another attractive s le was a large r Mrs, Greo—Latest Millinery, WINGHAM. Ball Bros.—Its AhAost Settled. for auction sales of arm stock and im are for the best Pei Wfugliam has ever draped turban shape, vith laced Urim p P , , cuui3t#txtirt.5. C N. Griffin—Thr-n Big Bargains. plements is at hand ud farmers holding known. ( with one Iarge black ..ow lying flat on The Salvation A 'my held their annual D. M. Gurdon—Fu s and Clothing. sales are anxious to secure the presence Mit. SMITH'S W xuir L LoaATiox,— f to eau ght iu back ,vith one large et Arasriage Licenses D. DteLachh,n & O —Go to the Best. p I p' g g �' harvest HOm@ ser ices On Sunday last. Robt. Maxwell --C, Id weather Attire. of a large crowd o competing bifid Mr. A. R. Smith, 'or overs 20 years in ornament, which cot .pletes it. •Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No, 23 'Victoria Miss MucPherson-.Artistic Millinery. A good way to at in tills reanlG is Brussels and for th , last eight mouths in , Rev. 1d. Hfc t;s, B. D. of Slmcoe will street, Wingham. Ont- No witnesses required. ,Tno, & Jas, H. Ker —Bargains) Bargains) get your bills prin d at the Tnias office Stratford, has seen 'ed one of the largest MB'S' ir 1BPN' Preach 11arNest '.`Wwl(rglviug sermons Federated Business, Colleges—AinateurBoolc- and place a list of the articles, animals, and brightest store: in Will hnm,. being Owing to the Fair olZowing so @los@ly in St, Paul's church on Oct, 18. tII*0•€�.-t'-II'�r�r....14.++•: •€•.�1"t•....�'.. iccepars• etc., to be sold in the 'i > rtEs. An ad- the corner store ipposite Broadway's atter opening day, D rs. Green did not Sunday next wAl be children's day in X take time for the ti amount of drap- the Presbyterian church. A s @ c i a 1 PAPULAR A popttlax, prat- ; vertisement of thi; nature is acre to be Hotel, and the people of Wingham will 3" p PROGRASSIVr widely read for tyre are big bundles of ing of the millinery sarlor, but the dis- I sermon will be waclied to the children tical and pro-.,, GENERAL g Sud that Mr. A. R Smith will extend to p +PRACTICAL `gressivo S011001�, G�N�RAL LUCAL NEWS. the Timns going 'wee week to farmers play of millinery is aaguificient. There at the mornfn service, Rev. Mr. g „ Y them every atter z0n. This attractive are man love) de :f us but we onlyi= of Business ,� See Halsev P is advertisement. who are wanting just such articles as stare tiriil be especially devoted to men's, y y g ' Stewart of Clint, a will occupy the Training is the .. , . 3r , give a vague idea of the beauty of a few. it both morniu nd evening. others have for sal i, It will pec ally ger- boys' and children s clothing, also ladies P �i• , NIIrTrALs: 11e nptial knot, which roll having a sale i 3 put a list of trio axti- For the fortunate purchaser there is R Central Business wile e. p ready-madegar111e�ta,slrirtsandmatltles, The Wiubhaiu District Epwortlz �' united for lIfta Miss saris, dauglitex of delight in a large U elc and white hat Iles in this paper. There is many a farm- furs etc. with a nice assortment of League Coxveu ti m will be held in Luck - Stratford, (eats James Menzies of russels, to Mr, P, er who will read a _ate list in a paper who with double brim a act, the mapper brim Sinclair of North E sthope, was tied by p p general dr goods Not a style nor a' now on Tuesday, Oct. 16th, not on the being fashioned in ucked velvet. Fac - :F. tv' of get out if his rig to look at a patter siugl season behind the 11th as before a Ilounced. A change in �. '1' Rev, Jno. Ross,,ou Wednesday, Sbpt. 15, ing the front are a black and white .t, by the road de. If you are going tunes, is a suffi fent guarantee of the the date was n cessary on account of s .t. The happy con uteri to Buffalo to havo a sal@ rite us or call at the plume, which add a graceful appear- WEDDTN(i ui@t wedding too honest quality an durability 0f this auce. tri@ Du]>e's visit to Toronto, to which it .p. office for y our b° is and advertising. w e clothing that everlith's garment was care- was thought in »y cf the young people f%'.�lace at the Qn aria sG. parsonage, A very novel an pretty style teas a p > give a free u0tic of sale when bells are fully selected Uyr. A. R. Smith him- )night WisII to a te11d. , t a .f. 'i' Clinton, on Wecb-esday of last week, printed at this o as. foux-caro@red hat hich lifts decidedly Self, Mr. A. R, S long experience � i 4• ?inscrownedour efforts and our fall '§' to the lett from bandeau decorated Iii the Z�reSb- Brian church on Sunday F - . F' - .' �• opening was the best in the Historyy of ,'tII, Miss ,Elizabeth M.-guirc� 0f Morris was Farm wanted to rent at Once, must in this business mal;` s him a judge with. our school. Our graduates donotlools mATYied t0 Mr. J _ Denuiaou of Varna, Ue iu cod condition with room build with coral velvet, plumes and draping evening Inst, er, Dir. Petrie gave his In vain for position ,� g y out to peer, Those Rho have had bust- adding to the bee ty, congregation splendid sermon on tlio meat, fraily of them immediately on .p by Rev, Dr. Gift Mrd, The happy r Ings- Rent paid quarterl Apply to ness dealings with h m in the past place leaving to age, At our fait opening .e. will make their h -me at Varna. iiss Drawer 888, Wingha An attractive d sign was a black tur- social aspect o the church. lie roundly - lea, earthed. students from places 3n every reliance in his judgment of i denounced the cold -shoulder that was so, wench other business colleges are lo,in � Maggie and Mr. '. "11•iaguire towel AN QLD RESID NT After a brief i and at les. Mr.. A.R.Smith ban with brim co )posed of black velvet. cited. They wanted the best an , qualities es y I often ivetl t other members find to_ camp elate for it. wanted linty. t an kk were present, fillers, Mr, Lawre ce Tracey, one of the Resting on the U fu1 at the back lues a g •t- has a host of friends both in Wingham bow of stitched ire strop crs. H raid this kind of life has ' for catalogue, y, , and surrounding co uGr auce the areeeu, from 1vheltee g' ,t, Losx.-L. Sunda• th a Victoria oldest residents . f Tuxnberry, and a .t. street, a pair of silver Ta ed apectaales. xespeeted citizen, was palled away Ou g y y spring three tip , falling gracefully over' driven morn eople to hell tiler any' W. J.18LI.IOTT. Principal..i. Finder lease. leave at s Office. n1111eartitly invited to visit him at the the crown tow zis the front. !other singl' position taken by the fl. p Saturday last at t e ripe age of 70 years. 1 ;g. attractive afore o posit@ Broadway's " One was stir k With the artistic effect Christian. a + ;t.......... 44%.A.:t..�...i..g..y..t..F--t..p I.+ CoiJR1' of RI,vY N.—Judge Masson The deceased 'ova born in County of " ` held Court of Re iafon, in the town Hotel..—Stratford H raid. of the work h e and harmony of color, ; In pursuant of tele satggestioh by Glee g Tipperary, Tr@ran i. He to Canada " w��Or ii►00� `8a®l 000'NOrdO hall, fox in on on ` hiorsday, Sept. in 1840, when 18' years old, and located shape and g@ tai appearance. Iharc atiOual S. S. Association our 10. The Libe els had twenty-five in Teonmseth tov^usllip, near LytOu, In Vingham's Leading Shoe Stere. That Milds rentzner has had a larks churches Nrill; ako Sunday next a rally w For NNW Subscribers � names added to he 'list and the Con- experience Flu 1 ie an expert trimmer is � in their school . rhe Methodist church •� 1854 h@ moved t 1`uxub@try and sallied � �� s servatives twee -four. Sixteen Libe�is on lot 1"r, conte ion 7, where he lived - ` easily seen in The exhibition of Wednes- ' will have spec ui sermons at 11 a.m. sand were struck off he list and fifteen Con- until six years Al0 when he moved into day, and the s dmirfug comulents 1linde. 7 p.m. dealing vft11 Sunday School work. For $6 cents wo will send the Tics Es g town, He was arried in ism to Miss `�" In the afternoon an open 'session of the and Toronto Weeldy'Globe orthe TIMES • ServatiVes. A far aS file alters 'ons 0 SNS, ALE and Family Herald and Weekly Star to the two parties are equal, so tl re is no Elizabeth Woos who survives him, �. • , school will be bald t0 which every per - :and = any address till Jan(tary Ist,1062. q ' + ,. At Mrs. A1, y s One is allnurat confused »-= room for kick. They had eigh Ildrea, three of whom p' at the lnvfsh ass and beauty of the son will be v(l0ome. The following 20 (7C1ltT� To R'INT-Five To ls, ith hard and aro dead. urviviug children are will be the oruert Silent prayer, hymn Vol. 26 cents we will send the TIMES to ; t oruer Victoriagirls,� �"" :: millinery he p ti t olid a t a loss t0 know responsive reading, •� an .address tilt January 1st, I6o2. ♦ soft Water, App1q three boys cl two Thomas of ° � ; , • , tvhfch is the pi ttiest and tvhacll to des. p , prayer, Hymn, Sup - any eriutendent s zreeting, roll call, hymn, Il(ese offers are for now subrevibeiw. S and Leopold Street's. Fresdno, Califon ia; William of Carman, i is OTibe. ] ttt 1f au g0, to elt00se a lint `� 0 'pial aubseribers to tli4 Ta artily heraid ; . i ;' , quarterly ret 'ew, hymn, benediction. olid Weekly Star will at a picture of 0 OPEN Btnt�N CovitT:-•yT1m@ vests Man.; Mrs, Joh Fyfe and D. G. Tracey � i � you need not worry long, Mrs. Aley 6" the Dnke and Duchrss O Cornwall. Bizo 0 ' The S. S. ore eStra V'ill unit9 with the when the bible t ed for swearing on in of NVingham, ail Diss S. M. Tracey of soon collies t the rescue and can be 34x26 inches, reduced rates on tiny • , ohoir to Fara?, ,1 the musical part of the: newspaper to 'eithor old or naw stib • the pollee Wart 'as kept tied up with oil MOnday,uiOxn to the R. C. church a. - depended upot to Suggest what is suit - Carman Man. he Amoral took place sariberg. •� several strands' thick hempen cord, las g �' able and torr of iu style, Miss Iriviu fly' Cali at or address, and thence to It. 0. cemetery at Tees- t has allowft ex silent taste in the afloat rx tzl;5 or'+1CiL, winghani. if til@ suds of ; sties were to be bort January, _ )net by ]seeping the sacred. volillne ns water for interme It. The pail bearers and. het- wor was highly Commented 1002,The o new, subscribers of O Tits. NOe00t10O0O00+►0000`0400 b0+► tightly shut eta ] 0ssible, Lately', how- were Messrs. Isaac right, Wm;Cbrnyll, upon, The zee rations suggested thought Y, g, »�A man from ear Poole tuna fin0t1 ever, seta@ono s ms t0 have made the Trios. Goy lZicha d Armstrong, Law It doesn't that z one bit of difference au the lolly. I+t all lu was a delight simple discover that the inside of the Fyfe and lox. Porter, all old how tough y6ur boy is, or how, healthy p d . THE FALL FAIRS. x@neo l' e t u eslltlmfihe st les tie oflthet latestNew selling Hied )cine v thout a license. 'Tho +'' ' book �vonid be 1 ss apt to be contamfnat• neighbors of the c 'ces(secl ]11 Tttrnb@try. frit hearty your Bial fray U , when eta yo Y rk design and in effect to suit any obnr a Nvas )aid b Constable C1laxleit fit their[ with attr fatuous g �' W1trG1IArt .. . . . ......... . ...:sept. 20.27 ed by the presstt 0 of many lips than the Air. Tracey was h ghl)t respected by all face. ,,,.Oct. 1.2 Outside; and rite practice Of opening the, who know him. He was in bed One one deshr shown is n English g f phyr» Bolgrave .... . ..... . ..... �.y, , u fru lisle walk- � � Dungannon .......... ...• • ...Oct. 10-i1 'boob tend rxissiu the ins is nahv being. month, aicl ago b lig t11(r cause of death, OC 0 1 A ll oe inlet taker tori with et and quill. A sic] ul anti Sar; 0na.h0 College ++ {].ruga 2 ' �riell.............+........fret, 1.2 quite generally llOwecl by those who-Thesympathy o many friends makes gAnothervi of art wnga stunning tai JI,ursct.a �nst1•i1, Com, Ankier� i GlodO ' , . , .... - ....Oat. 11.4 aro etf]fglltelle enottg]1 to give the 0slsiei• the, bthr(l n of sorrow for t10 You put their f`ert right where they �,� iftll aventa- picture hat to re(l. It is n son, s,1 t ltiplaj z , of rife Listowel, fur Brussels.......... t7 g y can't kick through in it hurl .ture Co., tb 'Corrie. , .. I ........, .....,...... .'Oct. 12 matt0r a thou t. The vo]um0a are now mothrners, They aro the best 1ltnda. I'110cs X1.00 lxt3 I'nn t rclnnfiY1 castor ltnTzl gray flitttllCi Ifhis1C t llall(it cut of at .........,,Qct, 8�n :loft ttnbeun(l, a presume, for eanvenh Tl�Ore tiro ilbh listed at this Ofii %e to $1,60. Be stere and Sea theist, with Pan ve vet 'tuns a hands01110 . iOCO first joint by tb cart -oft sate. 'The t Blyth.... , y ` e11a0 in this regOct. VEYop 'rCi �Cth'Zt; 11ion@jY' f0 1baf1 Oil upwards of 2U lf: so properties ifi towel, � Of IteatigAol°+ ,t1, lar�"t1 "tt`alkint.+ ]1nE at' O t: The TIYtCS Ind Vninny .,Iier4ld incl xauglltg lu linea 1-0111. 850 to 1600 dO1- French deli I, green and block and Piro of the first f`1,1g was also badly Gut tt laotes, and notes (..eaou11t0d at reason m rt- Weekly Stall to u0hv Subscribers till li tars. 1t costa its ling to Inquire,. Several velvet of sa green attracted t onesign. tlln� have to L tal�(n oft, able rates. Money adr noted Ott O . y - , J . � J- EER o of paying at the of Jatluary, It102, far 80 conte. �'VItl1 good building 1 e at X50 each. Money r tibl4lltteuti0l an(l was ii pretty Cleaiittt. TO CUUZ A COLO IN ON DAY ;> ga 0e, Wit11 'jlrivl, p y t# ar. Notes and ncaotxnts 'fella spl(ildid Offer all �v110 subscribe will to loan oil town r0p0rty. Appy g A. O), �,gGgt, AGENTS � Those culla Cfilt2lat b0 suited It are rltttttt rl bf ttiny y0 ,n - eta iature Of the Duke 11nd Due'lless; Duliurtge, 1Ical .s�atca and I.oatt rtg0nt, is list ]lave n very peculiar idea, ns overything drug Z w"laatftl lei ciao 'rf.y if 'Ial>>(t�. X eblleated, iiiFicb-»•�ieavex 13i0(1t, 'i�'I g g' 'p drar;g3r+th refund tett anons•v if it fail. tor, i10rT, MC191)0zi. Of 'York. Sign 14x20 ifl0hcti. Chisholin 13loc `� ' of art and beauty is found here. >y, tv. t31(sva s r+icnatui„ iw •,as tv!ek WA, ".intra. . . 11 ' "�CiL. ,XIX.. NU. 5360 WINGIIAN, ONTARIO, 'FRIDAY, SEKENBER ?7 1901, 1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE am '. nM^A.A. M• MAAMMMAAM AAit N OGQ tailoring W•-500 Tuba Choice ini��'... „ .THE FALL. biUMAGE, trade, Apply, to Oro. C�i, bsiBt GelCI Na. HAVE . � � , , , What Our 111111ners lave to Show ilk sho �.- ' it9ltAALB.»-There o ail exhibition in Wk3aii;N S INSTJ i fi:,•-A' 7ZtpNt3U�, 0 Mile of latendgeur -;Ai 3racruvrson, NOTHING the window of {Chibholm's jewelry store, the Wowila's lust i►tte will be held oil erre, c;rven and MWs. Aley have Wl,exr three silver medals They were awar(l. Friday Oct.4th it the flame Of Mrs. ope�iings i,R 1Ye ,asday. �.�; , Ul BUT �H� 13>S'P ' ed the three furuit a factorise of town John 0[irrie. Tia subjects to lits dig- There is one plat iii the world that for their display at the Toronto exhibi. eussed are cheeso ,aping and the cook- woman delights to iuger�-at A wiililu- • tion, We unde.rot 'end the '[inion factory: ing of different heats. All interested er ning. y Ope The a She fray, revel in t Vinegar has received a tither prize, not on In the Institute re invited to attelad. Besure; you et the � :the beautiful so de to file heart aald so }' �` }, x�•.-� *, : exhibition. F aai Qystera axrivin cla]1 at J, lit c Ahhy orders for sale'3 left at the TislEs - serif -annual banqu t. Man has nq part t ,..}Meetiii to Cowin lice at 80. adorning to the 11@ (1, It is her own best and come to T Ac r liLeivie's- g y office will receive prompt attention. J. - in it, unless it mos be :a reporter, `vhv i abed °�'; - . J.. Currie auctioneer. "" "' ."" _... , . " "_' '-_._- � ,goes in pI1 this grc+ t clay and gazes about CASKRT FAOTORY. As we intimated, MUSIOAL VF41iT,J-The McCruhnish - him with a helples , bewildering look on �j � T 1� pQ �►q/ou feel For Pickling two weeks ago, that is. a possibility that Opera Company wllygive an entertain- his face, as he end avo(s to understand LIO t„J G LA45S +' a casket factory wit be started in fawn meat in the Q er: , flauae on 1?`idda a, . by Mr. W. C, 8tttt There" sold to p y where the beauty conies in, and wily R Our nnit Vinegar by the evening (to -night). � grana and comic,• women wear such "things." But not THE DRUGGIST Lille paying a Good. Price f gallon is very,fina and it will pay � : be a good opening f ,r a business of this Opera. We are con ident that this is one - all are thus. Af r he has become eda- i� t for a Poor Suit of Clothes'? you to use it. kind, and there is ni better place than of the best companfras, and it is a favor sated in the name the style, the fancies Wingham to open the business We to have the privileiee of hearing them. and all the ideas t at make mlilinery, lie Or a Reasonable Iiia- for shall be pleased to ulthounce the assur- = Admission 25c 85c and 4W. Plan of is able to tell sone hitig of their beauty. 11' a • , , , ; , GROCERIES. auce of the industri. hell at Douglas' dr kg store.. Thus it was a pie 'ure to a reporter of for it. If you User Fort SAI.B.--A good milch cow; .also a Poor BALL,_ W lgham gathered up a THE TIMES to vfsi the establishments of his our cattle Will All our Groceries are fresh. four-moucbs old heifer calf, Apply at p pp Y tenth of s her@ -rot ra and went over to the milliners o£ 4 r town and them par- c TI=S office, not lyse ill flesh or �' Brussels on Frida afternoon t0 contest take in a small m asure of the ecstacies A Leader -A Suali—A Bargain.—$04,50 _ okill with the boys f that town. Our which come to th heart of woman. milk. $2.25, s.00 t and Stift Bats for 25o, boys had not ),all y practice for over a The number w came out to see the Farquharson HANNA & Co, 1 1. mouth and were u in good Grim for a ei:hibitiou on We nesday evening must The peri Williams Stand, ' The choice is yours. If Dr.ATIi, r, Ja►ies F. any., whom match, but with t ,ir known character. have reached the uudreds. Many were Agent G, N. W. Office. your judgment" prompts 4 4 CHINA 1�OUSE we mentioned last meek as being ill, died istie to face syuy-_ they took the risk. 'the pleasant and easing commence un and i Opp. Baric of Hamilton. in Indianapolis, on 4-iday Sept. 18, from. Brussels was so g> -edy, that they tools the artistic work ud original design. you to save MoVey, C . cancer of the stomn.%ch; aged 4& years. all the goals, maltug the score S to 0. Theweather even ut on its best cloak ' your taste suggests stylish VVVVWVVVVWVVVVYVVWWV0,0 He leaves a widow . id ttvq children to xha Wingtia(u bo °s are not ver, sore fox the occasion d dict honor to the �� �� ` � p a®z' clothes,, Tet us bave your : mourn his loss, 1~ceased was a son. of over the defeat, l,+wever. artists. We leave a eavored to describe p_ � � order, FOR SALE, D. D. Hay of Strai.Z'ord and son 1n -law HAS Brux As ,rRp. We guess our below as it appeared to us. We lead the trade In of J, J. Anderson, formerly of Wing- ' ( � > 1 lumber wagon, 1 single wagon totem. o£ the B]y h Standard has been MISS MAC H£RSON. � At g g g ham nterment took Dlace at Melita, having a `'nap" 0 late. He comes out A feast far th eye. was spread by this with iron axle and spring seat, 1 set Man y p ���a��� u�� Gents' this week. saying tbut "Florence Ray- establishment. Nei her time nor ex- k double b4rness, 1 set single harness, 'Tis great weather for Furs. Be sure mond was run ove by a wagon in Ford- FurnisYlings 1 low, Also rooms over Gordon and I pens@ had been spare( in procuring the ,1€ i Gray Beaver Block use: ' p and see, b@forayottbuy>, our , J. fpliltQ� u�krtli�m Bninrrwick Souse, Galbraith's stores to rent. meat at low rices all guaranteed, wish.' This ace lent happened in latest novelties from New York and r Wingham. A full line of Fall and p g Wingham on Aa as 28rd, Brer, Brad- -,ANNA & Co. g other centres of fasKton, and tl a a Winter Goods now passed GEO'. Mcli'N7IE: win is good ou fair else, but when it lavish display of hes goer suitable for, BAMS l Bt1�i15 l At Catalogue Prim A SMALL FIR most unfortunate hyacinth, Tulips, into stack. T he latest in comes down t0 late. news he is nom- all faces from the you gest to the veru etc, etc. Leave Tour order at star Studio, fire occurred at M e. Aley s millinery, Beaver Bloels:, or Viances street, Wingham.; Bats, Caps, Shifts, Under- Who Wants a Farm parlors oil Wedues ay evening, just bee- pletely out of it. It s really tuo bad. old. The deeoratiq a and drapings I T. C. GRAHAM. wear, etc; fore the visitors be ;all to arrive at the He is a flue fellow oo,—when he *18. Showed originality in sign and beauti- ' Po safe 3n N O;6,160e i56 sad iz00ser x dots n opening. It is suLlosed the wind from awake. We have a s ak of pias.fur effect. Mies Render n's artistic work �9s Cos �ecc mateur Boots anti, Kinloss, Greenoelc,'truce, gineardine� Huron the opening of `the 'door caused a flare The TIMES and Weekly Globe will be makes one envy the ladles for whom she�o � book-keepers •��,,, And Ashfield Townships.Good tan s with sent to new subscribers till the 1st Of designs a hat. " ? ShOe'S Also nuolo�ci b acicsmith ehoi�pdon welliri in Con from a lamp to ig1�'®a chillese lantern .Jaaauary, 1(J02, for 80 cents, Ten your g W � Can eis,ve no right place gg P r� Among the hats shovm�was a lovely in env 1mKinetiti oft2ce. nee, one dom a good business, for sa a cheap. in tit@ window- This fall down among Mends. Our stock in this line was A hotel doing good business for sale cheap, the hats and trim nings and the whole one of the large Gainsb )ro style. It is �o ° The s�ludcnt. who giadu- Also a wngonshop. A general store with largo The j+',1Ig,,—Fmm ' 8 a earance Of �, , . +� Mess from the Federated. never more complete. All trade, live villous. Also a large amount of was soon abiaz , but soon put out. pp topped with straps Of s neat and velvet ya 13iwfiicps collegesvehof oil . money to loan at o per cent. For further par- the weather on Thur clay—as we 90 to faced underneath the b 'iu with folds of ( t sria, 4cith Nchoolrant Lon - tile Latest Styles will, be tieuears apply to SOu28 Of 1118 bort, imported materia], and don, 'Toronto, Haxailtan, press—there ,is pro= fine weather white velvet. A larg plume from the Ottawa Sarnia, Berlin, Galt, Guelph, t+t,.Cath- J. A, McXENZIE Hata, t48T8 damfl�ed. . Ti18 loos will be arines, iias the:alvantage o. expert t,aiining in found at this store InbtuaneeAgent, Holyrood, about 1100. '1'ht @ la sqm© insurance. 1 tI18 second (jlly 0 : tI1@ Fair, A largo front sweeps back On tl- left side. Two book-keeping and neccuntancy. No better s limber of entries a13 already in. All p underneath 11 time than now to enter, ' •. "Notice the Stylish. Young Men," tho xaces are filled .+ ud a gond day of lames sweep do� a the brim o t E A •YTS, Ghe ba caught hjet 'orameiits. Forest City $EiS�IIS College,_ ly , W A. Fianna & Co have just received. from ,, . . .., ATew York 8 New Styles of Stift Fiats sport 2n vlew- •"'Ami g 111@ eXhlbits gill The chiffou ties edged Z M `x]bbbri 'rel 'i'. X. i;. A. Btlilcling, Mrs, Aley Fall M ihnery.. also 2 Ne iv Styles Flat Brim Fedora.. be a 41 pound &ta from Walkerton. vet are caught on the b ck with rosettes Londoir„ Out. Homuth OSS D. Bell—sewingM chines, For•up-to-elate Furnishings. Thy us. Two tons of beef is quit@ a lump and of ribbon velvet. A.dr ant of beauty. 'J- W W�S'fi' RvtLT, Principal, ►J Thomas' Fair—Bac i8ce sale. AVCTiox SAL> S Soar.—The season worth seeing. The rospects all through Another attractive s le was a large r Mrs, Greo—Latest Millinery, WINGHAM. Ball Bros.—Its AhAost Settled. for auction sales of arm stock and im are for the best Pei Wfugliam has ever draped turban shape, vith laced Urim p P , , cuui3t#txtirt.5. C N. Griffin—Thr-n Big Bargains. plements is at hand ud farmers holding known. ( with one Iarge black ..ow lying flat on The Salvation A 'my held their annual D. M. Gurdon—Fu s and Clothing. sales are anxious to secure the presence Mit. SMITH'S W xuir L LoaATiox,— f to eau ght iu back ,vith one large et Arasriage Licenses D. DteLachh,n & O —Go to the Best. p I p' g g �' harvest HOm@ ser ices On Sunday last. Robt. Maxwell --C, Id weather Attire. of a large crowd o competing bifid Mr. A. R. Smith, 'or overs 20 years in ornament, which cot .pletes it. •Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No, 23 'Victoria Miss MucPherson-.Artistic Millinery. A good way to at in tills reanlG is Brussels and for th , last eight mouths in , Rev. 1d. Hfc t;s, B. D. of Slmcoe will street, Wingham. Ont- No witnesses required. ,Tno, & Jas, H. Ker —Bargains) Bargains) get your bills prin d at the Tnias office Stratford, has seen 'ed one of the largest MB'S' ir 1BPN' Preach 11arNest '.`Wwl(rglviug sermons Federated Business, Colleges—AinateurBoolc- and place a list of the articles, animals, and brightest store: in Will hnm,. being Owing to the Fair olZowing so @los@ly in St, Paul's church on Oct, 18. tII*0•€�.-t'-II'�r�r....14.++•: •€•.�1"t•....�'.. iccepars• etc., to be sold in the 'i > rtEs. An ad- the corner store ipposite Broadway's atter opening day, D rs. Green did not Sunday next wAl be children's day in X take time for the ti amount of drap- the Presbyterian church. A s @ c i a 1 PAPULAR A popttlax, prat- ; vertisement of thi; nature is acre to be Hotel, and the people of Wingham will 3" p PROGRASSIVr widely read for tyre are big bundles of ing of the millinery sarlor, but the dis- I sermon will be waclied to the children tical and pro-.,, GENERAL g Sud that Mr. A. R Smith will extend to p +PRACTICAL `gressivo S011001�, G�N�RAL LUCAL NEWS. the Timns going 'wee week to farmers play of millinery is aaguificient. There at the mornfn service, Rev. Mr. g „ Y them every atter z0n. This attractive are man love) de :f us but we onlyi= of Business ,� See Halsev P is advertisement. who are wanting just such articles as stare tiriil be especially devoted to men's, y y g ' Stewart of Clint, a will occupy the Training is the .. , . 3r , give a vague idea of the beauty of a few. it both morniu nd evening. others have for sal i, It will pec ally ger- boys' and children s clothing, also ladies P �i• , NIIrTrALs: 11e nptial knot, which roll having a sale i 3 put a list of trio axti- For the fortunate purchaser there is R Central Business wile e. p ready-madegar111e�ta,slrirtsandmatltles, The Wiubhaiu District Epwortlz �' united for lIfta Miss saris, dauglitex of delight in a large U elc and white hat Iles in this paper. There is many a farm- furs etc. with a nice assortment of League Coxveu ti m will be held in Luck - Stratford, (eats James Menzies of russels, to Mr, P, er who will read a _ate list in a paper who with double brim a act, the mapper brim Sinclair of North E sthope, was tied by p p general dr goods Not a style nor a' now on Tuesday, Oct. 16th, not on the being fashioned in ucked velvet. Fac - :F. tv' of get out if his rig to look at a patter siugl season behind the 11th as before a Ilounced. A change in �. '1' Rev, Jno. Ross,,ou Wednesday, Sbpt. 15, ing the front are a black and white .t, by the road de. If you are going tunes, is a suffi fent guarantee of the the date was n cessary on account of s .t. The happy con uteri to Buffalo to havo a sal@ rite us or call at the plume, which add a graceful appear- WEDDTN(i ui@t wedding too honest quality an durability 0f this auce. tri@ Du]>e's visit to Toronto, to which it .p. office for y our b° is and advertising. w e clothing that everlith's garment was care- was thought in »y cf the young people f%'.�lace at the Qn aria sG. parsonage, A very novel an pretty style teas a p > give a free u0tic of sale when bells are fully selected Uyr. A. R. Smith him- )night WisII to a te11d. , t a .f. 'i' Clinton, on Wecb-esday of last week, printed at this o as. foux-caro@red hat hich lifts decidedly Self, Mr. A. R, S long experience � i 4• ?inscrownedour efforts and our fall '§' to the lett from bandeau decorated Iii the Z�reSb- Brian church on Sunday F - . F' - .' �• opening was the best in the Historyy of ,'tII, Miss ,Elizabeth M.-guirc� 0f Morris was Farm wanted to rent at Once, must in this business mal;` s him a judge with. our school. Our graduates donotlools mATYied t0 Mr. J _ Denuiaou of Varna, Ue iu cod condition with room build with coral velvet, plumes and draping evening Inst, er, Dir. Petrie gave his In vain for position ,� g y out to peer, Those Rho have had bust- adding to the bee ty, congregation splendid sermon on tlio meat, fraily of them immediately on .p by Rev, Dr. Gift Mrd, The happy r Ings- Rent paid quarterl Apply to ness dealings with h m in the past place leaving to age, At our fait opening .e. will make their h -me at Varna. iiss Drawer 888, Wingha An attractive d sign was a black tur- social aspect o the church. lie roundly - lea, earthed. students from places 3n every reliance in his judgment of i denounced the cold -shoulder that was so, wench other business colleges are lo,in � Maggie and Mr. '. "11•iaguire towel AN QLD RESID NT After a brief i and at les. Mr.. A.R.Smith ban with brim co )posed of black velvet. cited. They wanted the best an , qualities es y I often ivetl t other members find to_ camp elate for it. wanted linty. t an kk were present, fillers, Mr, Lawre ce Tracey, one of the Resting on the U fu1 at the back lues a g •t- has a host of friends both in Wingham bow of stitched ire strop crs. H raid this kind of life has ' for catalogue, y, , and surrounding co uGr auce the areeeu, from 1vheltee g' ,t, Losx.-L. Sunda• th a Victoria oldest residents . f Tuxnberry, and a .t. street, a pair of silver Ta ed apectaales. xespeeted citizen, was palled away Ou g y y spring three tip , falling gracefully over' driven morn eople to hell tiler any' W. J.18LI.IOTT. Principal..i. Finder lease. leave at s Office. n1111eartitly invited to visit him at the the crown tow zis the front. !other singl' position taken by the fl. p Saturday last at t e ripe age of 70 years. 1 ;g. attractive afore o posit@ Broadway's " One was stir k With the artistic effect Christian. a + ;t.......... 44%.A.:t..�...i..g..y..t..F--t..p I.+ CoiJR1' of RI,vY N.—Judge Masson The deceased 'ova born in County of " ` held Court of Re iafon, in the town Hotel..—Stratford H raid. of the work h e and harmony of color, ; In pursuant of tele satggestioh by Glee g Tipperary, Tr@ran i. He to Canada " w��Or ii►00� `8a®l 000'NOrdO hall, fox in on on ` hiorsday, Sept. in 1840, when 18' years old, and located shape and g@ tai appearance. Iharc atiOual S. S. Association our 10. The Libe els had twenty-five in Teonmseth tov^usllip, near LytOu, In Vingham's Leading Shoe Stere. That Milds rentzner has had a larks churches Nrill; ako Sunday next a rally w For NNW Subscribers � names added to he 'list and the Con- experience Flu 1 ie an expert trimmer is � in their school . rhe Methodist church •� 1854 h@ moved t 1`uxub@try and sallied � �� s servatives twee -four. Sixteen Libe�is on lot 1"r, conte ion 7, where he lived - ` easily seen in The exhibition of Wednes- ' will have spec ui sermons at 11 a.m. sand were struck off he list and fifteen Con- until six years Al0 when he moved into day, and the s dmirfug comulents 1linde. 7 p.m. dealing vft11 Sunday School work. For $6 cents wo will send the Tics Es g town, He was arried in ism to Miss `�" In the afternoon an open 'session of the and Toronto Weeldy'Globe orthe TIMES • ServatiVes. A far aS file alters 'ons 0 SNS, ALE and Family Herald and Weekly Star to the two parties are equal, so tl re is no Elizabeth Woos who survives him, �. • , school will be bald t0 which every per - :and = any address till Jan(tary Ist,1062. q ' + ,. At Mrs. A1, y s One is allnurat confused »-= room for kick. They had eigh Ildrea, three of whom p' at the lnvfsh ass and beauty of the son will be v(l0ome. The following 20 (7C1ltT� To R'INT-Five To ls, ith hard and aro dead. urviviug children are will be the oruert Silent prayer, hymn Vol. 26 cents we will send the TIMES to ; t oruer Victoriagirls,� �"" :: millinery he p ti t olid a t a loss t0 know responsive reading, •� an .address tilt January 1st, I6o2. ♦ soft Water, App1q three boys cl two Thomas of ° � ; , • , tvhfch is the pi ttiest and tvhacll to des. p , prayer, Hymn, Sup - any eriutendent s zreeting, roll call, hymn, Il(ese offers are for now subrevibeiw. S and Leopold Street's. Fresdno, Califon ia; William of Carman, i is OTibe. ] ttt 1f au g0, to elt00se a lint `� 0 'pial aubseribers to tli4 Ta artily heraid ; . i ;' , quarterly ret 'ew, hymn, benediction. olid Weekly Star will at a picture of 0 OPEN Btnt�N CovitT:-•yT1m@ vests Man.; Mrs, Joh Fyfe and D. G. Tracey � i � you need not worry long, Mrs. Aley 6" the Dnke and Duchrss O Cornwall. Bizo 0 ' The S. S. ore eStra V'ill unit9 with the when the bible t ed for swearing on in of NVingham, ail Diss S. M. Tracey of soon collies t the rescue and can be 34x26 inches, reduced rates on tiny • , ohoir to Fara?, ,1 the musical part of the: newspaper to 'eithor old or naw stib • the pollee Wart 'as kept tied up with oil MOnday,uiOxn to the R. C. church a. - depended upot to Suggest what is suit - Carman Man. he Amoral took place sariberg. •� several strands' thick hempen cord, las g �' able and torr of iu style, Miss Iriviu fly' Cali at or address, and thence to It. 0. cemetery at Tees- t has allowft ex silent taste in the afloat rx tzl;5 or'+1CiL, winghani. if til@ suds of ; sties were to be bort January, _ )net by ]seeping the sacred. volillne ns water for interme It. The pail bearers and. het- wor was highly Commented 1002,The o new, subscribers of O Tits. NOe00t10O0O00+►0000`0400 b0+► tightly shut eta ] 0ssible, Lately', how- were Messrs. Isaac right, Wm;Cbrnyll, upon, The zee rations suggested thought Y, g, »�A man from ear Poole tuna fin0t1 ever, seta@ono s ms t0 have made the Trios. Goy lZicha d Armstrong, Law It doesn't that z one bit of difference au the lolly. I+t all lu was a delight simple discover that the inside of the Fyfe and lox. Porter, all old how tough y6ur boy is, or how, healthy p d . THE FALL FAIRS. x@neo l' e t u eslltlmfihe st les tie oflthet latestNew selling Hied )cine v thout a license. 'Tho +'' ' book �vonid be 1 ss apt to be contamfnat• neighbors of the c 'ces(secl ]11 Tttrnb@try. frit hearty your Bial fray U , when eta yo Y rk design and in effect to suit any obnr a Nvas )aid b Constable C1laxleit fit their[ with attr fatuous g �' W1trG1IArt .. . . . ......... . ...:sept. 20.27 ed by the presstt 0 of many lips than the Air. Tracey was h ghl)t respected by all face. ,,,.Oct. 1.2 Outside; and rite practice Of opening the, who know him. He was in bed One one deshr shown is n English g f phyr» Bolgrave .... . ..... . ..... �.y, , u fru lisle walk- � � Dungannon .......... ...• • ...Oct. 10-i1 'boob tend rxissiu the ins is nahv being. month, aicl ago b lig t11(r cause of death, OC 0 1 A ll oe inlet taker tori with et and quill. A sic] ul anti Sar; 0na.h0 College ++ {].ruga 2 ' �riell.............+........fret, 1.2 quite generally llOwecl by those who-Thesympathy o many friends makes gAnothervi of art wnga stunning tai JI,ursct.a �nst1•i1, Com, Ankier� i GlodO ' , . , .... - ....Oat. 11.4 aro etf]fglltelle enottg]1 to give the 0slsiei• the, bthr(l n of sorrow for t10 You put their f`ert right where they �,� iftll aventa- picture hat to re(l. It is n son, s,1 t ltiplaj z , of rife Listowel, fur Brussels.......... t7 g y can't kick through in it hurl .ture Co., tb 'Corrie. , .. I ........, .....,...... .'Oct. 12 matt0r a thou t. The vo]um0a are now mothrners, They aro the best 1ltnda. I'110cs X1.00 lxt3 I'nn t rclnnfiY1 castor ltnTzl gray flitttllCi Ifhis1C t llall(it cut of at .........,,Qct, 8�n :loft ttnbeun(l, a presume, for eanvenh Tl�Ore tiro ilbh listed at this Ofii %e to $1,60. Be stere and Sea theist, with Pan ve vet 'tuns a hands01110 . iOCO first joint by tb cart -oft sate. 'The t Blyth.... , y ` e11a0 in this regOct. VEYop 'rCi �Cth'Zt; 11ion@jY' f0 1baf1 Oil upwards of 2U lf: so properties ifi towel, � Of IteatigAol°+ ,t1, lar�"t1 "tt`alkint.+ ]1nE at' O t: The TIYtCS Ind Vninny .,Iier4ld incl xauglltg lu linea 1-0111. 850 to 1600 dO1- French deli I, green and block and Piro of the first f`1,1g was also badly Gut tt laotes, and notes (..eaou11t0d at reason m rt- Weekly Stall to u0hv Subscribers till li tars. 1t costa its ling to Inquire,. Several velvet of sa green attracted t onesign. tlln� have to L tal�(n oft, able rates. Money adr noted Ott O . y - , J . � J- EER o of paying at the of Jatluary, It102, far 80 conte. �'VItl1 good building 1 e at X50 each. Money r tibl4lltteuti0l an(l was ii pretty Cleaiittt. TO CUUZ A COLO IN ON DAY ;> ga 0e, Wit11 'jlrivl, p y t# ar. Notes and ncaotxnts 'fella spl(ildid Offer all �v110 subscribe will to loan oil town r0p0rty. Appy g A. O), �,gGgt, AGENTS � Those culla Cfilt2lat b0 suited It are rltttttt rl bf ttiny y0 ,n - eta iature Of the Duke 11nd Due'lless; Duliurtge, 1Ical .s�atca and I.oatt rtg0nt, is list ]lave n very peculiar idea, ns overything drug Z w"laatftl lei ciao 'rf.y if 'Ial>>(t�. X eblleated, iiiFicb-»•�ieavex 13i0(1t, 'i�'I g g' 'p drar;g3r+th refund tett anons•v if it fail. tor, i10rT, MC191)0zi. Of 'York. Sign 14x20 ifl0hcti. Chisholin 13loc `� ' of art and beauty is found here. >y, tv. t31(sva s r+icnatui„ iw •,as tv!ek WA, ".intra. . .