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The Wingham Times, 1901-09-20, Page 8
''ht color or flibrlc that s elhecourse at titer said yeast of+sw ,Inst e _ , olimate suits him, deh;er that portion therocf trtitell leg be Shaw Blocks wl n hams should the de5ctiriedHeYQ11ot4a:Cuuxmruoiui;a Iopoiut A y Mr. R. A,1aerr, 41nii1{tig expert has yiIntersection i , Wia©of Josutliinec't reptid tI eue� be worn for our fall or win -ter outfit is .here and, being Mere is returned to his bowie ill town. He has northerly along; the ivies a of Jusephine t t street to thN point of iter lien thereof tvitle s►atlioxent i;uarantee that itis eat beep twice to A IflFlta this year, lu coli+ tete setttlr s}da of Al rt treat. its hist out in The neotion with gold properties, erns is just Jana Sndlor'a 1+urwe , oduaecl ill:e tvestPrl CC4t Ansi up to date. Phe quality, airtwtiur► tht+nFc �+ alt alongthf+aaidrsoutit returned #rout G eari;ta, where plaGax side et Albert str prtxinccKI 'v este+i lq a dig• /1! l� [• / fid-*%rr'' c' pc► matter what the price n1:>ly kitl, tauee of three choms. and tltirtysix Tinley lIt a / ld-iuirhin •eviiich bras parried oil y ,�1.". 1-1 guaranteed to be rail, � western tlit•Psintor from outherl _^ n lir re �� 4nt As, ed Dint of isstersec+tion thence xouihe±rly And most advanced methods thoroughly Y/ some�irllat exttrnSivF+l • before the civil P FJC variety, w8 have provided Intraliel to the wast wide o� Josephinestrtseb to, taught in tear, is now being revived, The AiaoI all the south ssdu of AWijxt ttreet ,a laid out un , Alt with. &broad choice; never so, the wmli sldu of .1Wvph1ue street, thence, east. Bookkeeping, n (� t, good. ae now, Come and see• tlelds have not clone very well this year, err ralong the said month side or Albert street Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Whether the Furniture Want is ill. the died Room or Nome Eeaoh ('specially' 's eciali limlu . b�eli to lto uluee of beginning, and for the convey - That's the invitation we extend i y ' p � b arice of the sold lamN140 closed up To, Messrs. $hQiih�tt� �Vijew��tleA �t the Parlor, lire Attic or the Cellar, We have the Styles and all. p 'acticall worked out: Dir, Kerr was Button & ressant or their amigns> TltP 4anuda t 71' DI C* formerly manager of the Golden Star. 1%.rniture, Manufacturers, Limited now in y g possession of them4a portion so proposed to be and prices to shit the need, to one closed, in lieu of a strip of hand of similar ukr i':le-*•L.CikAli7FI14G. area, ori the north side of said street to be O E/V 1 Display opened up without compensation bye tike said There iS. scarctrl Far Display The great y4cht race .for the America grantees, its it public road In place thereof, y FI Furnittire Want that we can - cup „ And take notice that at the said rttt*otin the [ oup has been postponed to Sept 26th. Cottnoil will lrertr anyone, fu person or by °"O not Supply to y�luN entire; satisfaction'. Let US try. 1+'gest, �'e insist on se?Hing Ghe In a friendly fi:ti►na of baeellall tie, ""ta'tl e b tiriclaila Potion 'fal,a h°{n°l Best Furs, and getting' them front tween Brussels and Blyth, the latter oared tlhis ,Ulla day of 14 .,.o lOGl. J•. FN.1tGUBoxnttitvi��sta1 Instxililetiioiht. the most reliable sources. A won on their.otvn �rotinds by 1$ to 7. Totrat7lerk. CIRCULTIAS FREE, BALL BROS* gtaneo at our Fur Stuck gives . The Garnett lacros=se club of Wiarton. VISITORS WELCOME. ataple pruuf of the fact, was expelled from the league, its fouri►� .rr .r,. ' UNDERTAKING or e.ctensive experience warrantee plaxera Qf Galt were played under as -t „ a us in culling special attention to this Cloak Oispia sumed names with the GFlruetts. Branch of uu>' busine$s. You will find us prompt, reliable. attentive rind 'efficient. LUTHER BALX,, lt�uneral, Director, Resideneo---Patrick St., . y Hamld H. an even money 01toice with ,� / . , Sir Alcatitra took the first two heats in - Mr'. Q racey's late resideneo,t All thti Latest Novelties and -.tits2.09• pace cleverlyat Cinoinatti ou -- _._ _. e. _ _�.- _. _�_. --► TuesdR DRl'kClpss6 necessitated cyst- FAgnedan endoDER ttddrenderforto rt13ayfl ld W ♦Oti4♦♦�O�!`letAlP♦d400�1>Oi04�♦Oe♦♦♦0♦4♦♦90eb®��iOt!{�t•*♦* Style=s will be given prominence y P S cigssedandendor ed"SCender Por Bagiteld 41 this nurtith New );sur CUats,Arew pxlnemeut until GPeduesday, when lie. day,�th 6ita,nb r inclusively, for ��- Golf Capes, New W.lterproofs, ivon the: thir,l heat. Best time 2,03 1-2. struction an oxtest on to the south pier at 8agrleid, $tu on Ooh tv, Province of Ontario, New GUtinp, Coate. Come and accordinRtoa lam clspecificationtobeeovu i + see our display, ;-Root. J. Sanderson of rordtivieh has at ticeofl1 otplI C:tay, Esq., Eng inevrixs ♦ p y chaseoYarbortt River WorksferOntrtrio, ♦ til purchased a flue Leicester rata from A. Con ederation Lift Building, Toronto, on ap- ♦ ♦ " tt W. Smith, Maple Lode. Tbis ram will n}}cation to tho Pos nsnster nt Baylieltl, and at { p, the Department of ubllo 'odes, Ottsiwa. + greatly improve his fine Book of LeicPs• Tenders will hot 4e considered unless made � i he King (Juatity ! on the form suppled, and signed with the ♦ CKV ters; which are well known from the actual signature of tenderers. fact that they have won the majority An accepted cht�{tto an it chartered bank, This �Qol spelt l All ladies and I.Nomp"'a- able to the ora ref the minister of Public remind yo th t in- + _ + gentlemen who of the prizes at all the neighboring fairs.rks, for two 1 ncired dollars (tzool must ♦ value comfort and love beauty, each ender. Thooheque wilibe tP.r 1S cQlrlln d OUMr. Sanderson iuteltcis exhibitvag at felted f'the p rty decline the contract, or g y ♦. are invited to inspect these shoes, Win ham Fair next week. The ram fit" to complete. t o work contracted for, aha �{ 0 beautifully finished ill enamel calf, g will be returned case of nim-:rcceptaneo of Will be look taA about , from Maple Lodge is one of the finest tender. for something in the * • trouble sole extension edge, hand The Departin deesnotbinditselftoaccept T + T o maize good Pickles you must have ood 'Vine ai-. • + , ever brought to this section. the lowest or an tender. ♦' y g welt low heel at special rices �_ Stove line. We Wish p p By order, + We keep the best. FRED. GELSecretary. I� o alta t0 give C)U a hint 4 this month, t;aR.. ry r 'Pococsr-In Bluevale, vitt September 18 he Department of ntblic Worts, lila% We have a fine line Of + a WHITE ti M of Mn Geo. POCbek • a daughter. � Ottaw , th 13eptothis ave # % V V �i IT !L'! a hZ h cI�,SS MCFASLANE-111 Howfok, on August 80th, KPtrspapers ser sting this advertisoment `r VY (�gt the wife of n John McFarlane; a daughter, Without a1,thOrl from the De artment reiA rn u r Trp p �t(+t +4. Vinegar for Pic leS. . i7. MclndOot Clothier P res-In1,G. k. tor, e, seuteI 6th, not be paid for p IUOEJt l� aLli� and t1A1YliL� + tRiye of Mr. G.:., Parlee; a dangly x• +taxa -In Culross, on Sei 5th, thepp��pppp r(�pA wfMr.Wm.Hai6fns;ctson�Ati@74 i"lJrl �(q� The first of Fashions fancies in aIlADDEN-7n Groy, on September 8rd, the �► furnishings are here. ; if f Mr. John Wtadden• a daughter, �� For either coal or wood, at reason- ,y t, Noxa leiita, 34ezv Neckwear, New Cot hFARIMIF.It able Prices, Call and see ns. PROOF %�N�t�7i•�i1- is the St1`O11geSt made. laru. Slew ourfs New sg,trt The undersigned offers for sale his farm, lot + s, Netiv p�2thicOn.arE-MOLAirrtir tN-At Fairv,Pty farm, 11, con.,5, Turnberry, containing 05 acres• Upon + 'Vests absolutely pure. Underwear, d Hosiery, New GioveaRa, Win, on Ltie ,t bre 10th by Rai. D. the premises aro ^ood buildings and is well � p� � � �� �j � � � � �@ � Neer bates eruct haps,. Near EierytltinL, B. McRae, '4Vm. P. R�tehie Miss Annie B. watered. Wiudmiil for pumping. For terms ag4// �'pfld� �Cf auohlin all of C:ley and mrtieulars apply Fresh, bright, crisp, catchy, jest AnnEN--BeAtr r -At th' residenco of the AA Y to the goods you'll like; and popular : ride's parents, Wroxeter on September 4th, . JAS. ELLIOT, by Rev. A. I. McXelvr�p, M'r. James X. Allen to Bluovale P. O. SHAW BLOCK. � GOLDEN SYRUP P VINEGAR is a rich prices. L ollTAvv A\\OUNaniExT D3istsLattra Bra%vn, da ter of Dr. Brag, mellow kind. For table use it has ]Ila equal. next week in Tailoring Department - both of Wroxeter. --p---{ - �(- -p, ►-�• _�.q�._, __ ._, �y_.j_�.__. p� �_ _._-_ __ -� e AL7Gordo . wing to e; September 12th, [li !1 li _ l 1 19 ma ® !` R l 1 i� ?.hdldrs.A.H.Bi-own,aged7wo..'lt.",,n'ldo(;d. h Gordon Livinbnstone: infv.d G.l li.h�y. ■R■ t a s a trnams-In Morns, on E3eptember 15th,C °P'' 'hibald Wsdges, only year, of Mr, and Dins. `James T 'rytiges, agecX 1 gear, 1 month and 2 +�i days II : - TAi oil -In Kinloss, on September10th,Mary eBurney. wife of James Taylor, aced b1 years.Miss (� NE RSU NAt_S. uarts--ln Brussels, on September 10th, Robt. AA urns aged 74 years and 7 months. +e ,A+♦♦♦+♦+++♦♦++♦♦d+i+♦♦b+ *+++♦♦♦++♦+4+¢♦+♦♦♦♦.+!♦.Oar' DE�OLtE-In Brussels, on $e� ptember 7th, Wishes to draw the attention f e ladles of ' Wing - o (sb 11 be vlad to have contributions to Fanny Cook. wife of Fra s DeWolfe, a9cd "r4 - - thia,ult . At ,sxuuany oYour readers. If you yeassand8mgnths.�' bam and vicinity to her Fal ening oil 4saicsvi,+ino tellu poise d us away. turself, M4LEaNInArthur Septemberformerls �� Start the deur. its ::na LeLI us, or send vs s note to that DfeLectn, stater of Mrs. W. U. Stuart, formerly 'Just eiYect. �f Wingham, aged 60 years. Interment at WEDNESDAY,- aQAY; SEPT. 25TH, DtwRannon. ; Mr. L. Tracey is quite ill. ind following days. Miss Henderson, well-known to Mr. W. J. Greer spent Sunday at his WALKER 1F1i08. & BUTTON the ladies bere, being ill charge, is assurance that the Fall lot i � Trod em home in Gorrie. v very latest In Millinery will be shown. All are Cor - Miss Lottie Elliott visited Blyth UNDi fi rAKEgS, WiNGHAM, y dially invited to call. A visit will please and delight �•v n•+1-�3-.Ft-�nti•�.ct-�1. friends last week. Night calls st Button Block, or Fifth ''oar. Fyfe of Listowel spent Sunday at j door south of School Etouse. Shop op. you.. We have decided to offer you the most tempting' prices i posits-Msodonald block. his home in town. you have ever had. NTever before have we been so particular ;fir. and Mrs. Hing visited friends in ! KINDERGa4RTE Mornings in selecting our patterns or having our suits made just so -the Seaforth last week. result, perfect clothing at moderate prices. Dr. Jerome of Arthur visited We CIIQOLg to 12. LATEST T N M I L L I N E P, Y. � On Saturday We offer you these three specials - family over Sunday, Terms Very Reasonable. - . 12 Men's i+'aney 'Vest of England• Worsted Salta in very' . Milers Matheson of Lucknow is the No. pre ydesigns. Double breasted 'Vests; Coats made guest of Mr. H. uavis . MRs.,A. E. PRIOR. E. Patrick St, l with the dee French facings, and the finest linings, Mr, and bits. Pringle recently visited : The very 1' st will be found p b ` n fi ' C �° . i �'��!�'. ttlroughcnt the suit. The regular pride of this stylish suit is $13,50. Ori Mrs. J. W. Kaake in Ii inIoss. SCRAP IRON , here, and r uck larger than any Saturday you may buy it for $9.95. Miss XeCracken, Brussels, vissiited i B�',(�},SS, LEAD, Invites the ladies of previous y r. We have, this sea- Men's heavy pig -wool 1,ants, good linings, sewed wiE;h friends In town on Wednesday, i COPPER, r�- iN�, Winghsln end vieini son an expert trimmer, and we can - I , kr. and Mrs, E. P. Paulin of hash- e f linen thread. 'Regular price 1.75-aatnrday $1.25. HIGHEST PRICES. i ty to keep in mind assure.you tliat, your orders will be Vvood vrere in town over Sunday. her Fall �llilinery :filled nn short notice Miss Lyons of Owen Sound is fisitmg Nation.*dtrorc Works, lt.tttt., Opening un ,and in an err- Workingmen's Pants, good solid cloth, well made., good . her friend Miss May Smith in town No Healers. Wiatrham. tistic and stylish effect, Cali and 'No. 3 fitters. Regular price $1,40 --Saturday 95c. Mrs. .1. McKelvie was visiting with -Wednesday, see the. lovely display and prevailing A lot of medium weight sults that we are giving big 4:19 - Mrs. W. G. Strang in Gorrie this week.'ep�.a�>7 il. stylets. , �'ou will a=joy it, counts oft'; Come with the crowds on Saturday. '• Mrs. E. Keiser and daughter, Della, � ��� � � � DAIRY � � �� are visiting with her mother at Walker. Your money back fan. having. added u t e arrrtyr to thiir plant, suer otter p if you went It. I&.-McWillifini, recently of the Hen- OAeo�Oo�OMk+t�00`�♦eoa4OJ�6 BOO+s4d�+►+�o+omo�+�ao+o44a D. M.- Govlftdon.� gall Observer visited friends in town this 1V.L A1lt11k1lt'1RP. N11.1 A -_..... �•._ _ M rsley��`'�'�'�`�`,;r,,,,; . %veek, to thw people c f vrinpbasu. Cur cora l; are Irel,f A styoln't rircn, t+o that Ave aro enabled d Bing � d.\ � V V IFALL GOODS ]kir. and Mrs, Panting of Pickering are abeututwl elfltu+ milk, teeFt in summer, tieing � �/ the kuests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. ♦ - Desto the ladies of ] onglass. q F�[)L� f Winty that her Open 0 T. A, MILLS bits jrzst opened out a complete stock of. Fall and. Winter , Jai Scoutrgi per uuxt aeDiverecl Duce n say. +!' ` ing Wi1I take place on r. t �olx SALE, 01r the W'roxetrr grtivel rand + Goods, which will be oleared out at Special Love Prices. In Ready-made t Mrs. May Klrtlttnfaat has been visiting smiles from xe.mor�e,lw1i; m -.-es of good o (+h * r�C# Ctotlring, I have bought iaT.geiy tri Mee's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats anftSetifoa in Wir:gllani lire past week.- lowlshOaleared, bnlasa+'e aulr, c•wdF:r and when, M 4 ,Sept. 25tht O Zjg�fers. Iowiah load that tiv311 hr Yhw vera inert tvistri 1@4 �y iSea£ort11 Sun. cleared, Twn,rnrtttfrnmwhrn+acs, frank barn: rt e y And invitesihapecti'on,of her display. MEN'S SUITS, $ecial at and u See our special value at axile from shhoot... 'will be t•okl very rhrnr + You will save dollars it p p' p ! Mr. J. Gt ileQll, �". S., Was in Owen or ezcltassaa for n 6Q•tsw Io let. App to A ! y purchagug ♦ 87.59—up-to Crate wittern•�•••-good weight, regular $10.00 suit, Dulntage, Rpal l state and Loan Agen , Chis- ♦ front her durable stook. You Will • Sound it few days this week on profes• holm, Block, Wrughnnr• ♦ o find it large range, trimmed in tile. • ALSO YOUTHIS AND BO1.'S' SUITS. Special values, agonal business, y o %'lost, ttttractive style and up-to-date. ♦ See our MEN'S OVERCOATS. Speeial line to `clear at $4.00, Good. ' e � 4:I.fIAL3;;. 5sn� he Ar,p towne+Tdp of ilnwir•1t, � � ger � � �� Ktfrs. Coraould and the Misses Cor. IOD fleres of ehoVe land. Pine briers reg. . Js =Tieing naturally adapted to the busi• ! heave weight, slzm ranging to 44. Also an up -to data stook of Dresir drn¢P, nrg;e Trani: i,ui tt and Pmt>houaes. About ♦ Less, she gibes variety; i tirirns n0 twU , , �. , r botxld have returned from spending the so acres in gFrod s+tate. of cultivation, At the s hat. stliite. bo not fail to Seo her. Y Coats, 'Y'orcths and Boys Reefers froin 02.25 up, - y summer at l3ayfleld. rate money can b 1,errowecl from t1ils office; it pays better to, to into 4olAfor the ru}lpr•icr ♦ �j Next floor to'L'Irorrias' 13a2airx, Also a cotnpletp stock of Ladies' and liZen s Waterprrof Costs. '1'k}e . E.St�l;arti, is in Cineinatti this Week. UVATRstatoandLoanAgent, tChisl l nuiii;[j,' �dklif�4iO�b40�oO44O7�ld�4+ed'OOiiOOii♦O84oO41►OObdOb� celebrated 1liandleberg goods, sawed seams, assorted Colors, Price from It, si-ems only to need J, E's. presence iving,bam, $3.75 up. K-- ..._.._...-.. ..d_... _..._. t0 inalte Harold H win, �U1t £IArsE.-»6lorntr form, withsohtroi on lot. - -" l ' Yll nliLniLeta We lllit�8 special Nitrile. * ri miles frons town, in Tumberiq t r. , ���gncy Blankets and Planne Mx- and bits. Jno. 1t7cioiannua left on Bonk barit 4000; larger frame house; aodao 1. • These are made of selected wools' 'h_arrLzday' to spend the �t inteir with An excollefit drain farm; will 1>P t -o d ciswsr• Suits, Clttereelati , and will give the best wear. See those goads before purehasing elsewhere-, r rrid en war+y -,.V, C 7`10 1, eltioti of t is Iat i'riends in different parts of Manitoba, mar:rs it u ve,-.y deAi rablorira•fcrty A1. to (� Vesta eto., are dw i><* sta<sk, prices to suis the purchaser. Also n line of WOOL I3�,AN SETS to Cleat• ? p Bye A,Drtlmarrc,�iraITCFKatonnd`LuatiA nt.Ohis °tar ' at $2.50. See our FLA208L TTE 13LAxrcETS at 75e pair -Special. Alsa ' Giza. }�, A. Cana bel'Cixitd Mian 3Sht he}1st BIt>Lrt, vvtnglram. It r#i rc lire advantage of Hiwocka have returned home after asix -WAxv7'l rs-•trFVeral trerflon of rhflrantPtr', these w ntend purchasing in that extra v1llnes Ill b I.a tv r. ail >t1lrtG, white and gray. See our Gray I+'1s1n- Weeks visit with i'riendo and relatives in For pe ' nels in 'union, All -wool a.bd Romespuns.I '-horallto, v0tipobi h rttsli ho 1) cFtF rnliiikiY�taui a '" �` line to itis ct olil�$tticls and eeEt the A Ihr�,'b stook of Ol~Spi I�3iA X I±"l'S to Select Prem. 3�rlrn8 in all latest styles. eolors�'-sin l4 two iind three 1 q 'U of arc ld flnenceal ratan. hes t3irlargIri.00 waelc• operator Taylor of Elle G. T. R. in. }r with Pi:prtrpofl add .i nal, all itevsUlN in rush } t�y � •� y 1, i� r 1> y"-"il1tIdE4 4l' {St1CCi 'l�i'Otll, lift alibCldjr` trey` ftyirige � wac,hV7fHlnPaclnydirr froirr}Lradaiflce ,.IYorFFr � f / ' Also til Giants' Furnisbings, stylish in these goods. Guaranteed to wear, At 35c and ftp. A tl"61 n is tt*liAving at 'Urtisselii for ffk6 Ord rnrrialFn!tfs-rLrirhF'r7, wTurincr11 nry, Re- R "i„ • i , r r , "g4 ka,,duad tlieri will relieve Its Piplrlr er fvt nrrir, Er(rlcsw rrrifresdtcwsFKl sticin Plr tlttl, t;ltps, etc. Mens and Ladies UNDER` HIAR in Union, fill -wool, Xattifal Wool* vV0101W 8ianalsFsr,slsraarLtetiB,r'Idinil.clri:a>r . Fleece ]'pined ittid Stanfored's Unsbrinkable All -wool Goods. These are the ,lrwxr two weeks. WAN--•i19tT8%,WOx11n'f Near AND best goods known to the trade. Sizes from 36 to 46, ,Price right. gid Vor Cidder of Dufliftil and glib. Nif. v,omely.totravrl and ndvett a for old eattslr ` riff Clinton SWere in town Will iimh I h(Mge of wilid finanainl standing. iialary 1\'Op pSi �� � t5 a year and F+xrrF npcq, till payable in eaFsh. �,� p ill txo interests of the titiolial No eAnvai-Imp required, olve reterfto,n Fall��e ` Carr, i11 �i i��i, MIL S ' rC W d Coluout Co. dt•ent Xtsnager, lir Vaxtou Bldg., (StntebPost Office. ii..., ... _ .-r.. .r,.,..b .,.. .a,ageaiAa,'_�a:._..� _ T11E WINGRAN TINES, SUM 20i 1901,1 H* , >�r. A �'. iif+,rin, loft e� Wetliteodtiy morlliu� for a two Weeks holiday trip to /'��''A"�'`�ll NO �+ �+! CE -0. 00 �•�i^�'� ��� , ti O O ]Kitskoka. His dental ofte ',gill be olvead during IIIK abseupe that af* Ta Alar- wilou tT XAT Co3rV1= 'Take I,otico that with the view eat+traiglttrl►• O'SULLI•�AN -until October lot, ittlrtite cool rtcr vl Aibert8trt,lt �Skiw,rc, it _ rrFSKse s , view Cress Goad; " Mr. P%illips, frohi# near Wlir tealtttroll cu Thursday fol Sprague, AlgQlila, tQ visit his fiQir, >Fze intendtl to take gill ,fagepltine k3trPet in filo Ttlwrt of Wiu$hatlr, tha D2uutciP,ti Uuerleft ]te cl Li 44, 1( air t uait{Isi ca n t2 voo iddgxowiippAur an Dlomi►ty, thu teurtlt any of xoiwmbcr, ligil, Business .• ti r laud in that part If the County and "t &; o'oluek p, nr, for jt►ltorilrg unci rtrvigtlnb ''ht color or flibrlc that s elhecourse at titer said yeast of+sw ,Inst e _ , olimate suits him, deh;er that portion therocf trtitell leg be Shaw Blocks wl n hams should the de5ctiriedHeYQ11ot4a:Cuuxmruoiui;a Iopoiut A y Mr. R. A,1aerr, 41nii1{tig expert has yiIntersection i , Wia©of Josutliinec't reptid tI eue� be worn for our fall or win -ter outfit is .here and, being Mere is returned to his bowie ill town. He has northerly along; the ivies a of Jusephine t t street to thN point of iter lien thereof tvitle s►atlioxent i;uarantee that itis eat beep twice to A IflFlta this year, lu coli+ tete setttlr s}da of Al rt treat. its hist out in The neotion with gold properties, erns is just Jana Sndlor'a 1+urwe , oduaecl ill:e tvestPrl CC4t Ansi up to date. Phe quality, airtwtiur► tht+nFc �+ alt alongthf+aaidrsoutit returned #rout G eari;ta, where plaGax side et Albert str prtxinccKI 'v este+i lq a dig• /1! l� [• / fid-*%rr'' c' pc► matter what the price n1:>ly kitl, tauee of three choms. and tltirtysix Tinley lIt a / ld-iuirhin •eviiich bras parried oil y ,�1.". 1-1 guaranteed to be rail, � western tlit•Psintor from outherl _^ n lir re �� 4nt As, ed Dint of isstersec+tion thence xouihe±rly And most advanced methods thoroughly Y/ some�irllat exttrnSivF+l • before the civil P FJC variety, w8 have provided Intraliel to the wast wide o� Josephinestrtseb to, taught in tear, is now being revived, The AiaoI all the south ssdu of AWijxt ttreet ,a laid out un , Alt with. &broad choice; never so, the wmli sldu of .1Wvph1ue street, thence, east. Bookkeeping, n (� t, good. ae now, Come and see• tlelds have not clone very well this year, err ralong the said month side or Albert street Bookkeeping, Penmanship, Whether the Furniture Want is ill. the died Room or Nome Eeaoh ('specially' 's eciali limlu . b�eli to lto uluee of beginning, and for the convey - That's the invitation we extend i y ' p � b arice of the sold lamN140 closed up To, Messrs. $hQiih�tt� �Vijew��tleA �t the Parlor, lire Attic or the Cellar, We have the Styles and all. p 'acticall worked out: Dir, Kerr was Button & ressant or their amigns> TltP 4anuda t 71' DI C* formerly manager of the Golden Star. 1%.rniture, Manufacturers, Limited now in y g possession of them4a portion so proposed to be and prices to shit the need, to one closed, in lieu of a strip of hand of similar ukr i':le-*•L.CikAli7FI14G. area, ori the north side of said street to be O E/V 1 Display opened up without compensation bye tike said There iS. scarctrl Far Display The great y4cht race .for the America grantees, its it public road In place thereof, y FI Furnittire Want that we can - cup „ And take notice that at the said rttt*otin the [ oup has been postponed to Sept 26th. Cottnoil will lrertr anyone, fu person or by °"O not Supply to y�luN entire; satisfaction'. Let US try. 1+'gest, �'e insist on se?Hing Ghe In a friendly fi:ti►na of baeellall tie, ""ta'tl e b tiriclaila Potion 'fal,a h°{n°l Best Furs, and getting' them front tween Brussels and Blyth, the latter oared tlhis ,Ulla day of 14 .,.o lOGl. J•. FN.1tGUBoxnttitvi��sta1 Instxililetiioiht. the most reliable sources. A won on their.otvn �rotinds by 1$ to 7. Totrat7lerk. CIRCULTIAS FREE, BALL BROS* gtaneo at our Fur Stuck gives . The Garnett lacros=se club of Wiarton. VISITORS WELCOME. ataple pruuf of the fact, was expelled from the league, its fouri►� .rr .r,. ' UNDERTAKING or e.ctensive experience warrantee plaxera Qf Galt were played under as -t „ a us in culling special attention to this Cloak Oispia sumed names with the GFlruetts. Branch of uu>' busine$s. You will find us prompt, reliable. attentive rind 'efficient. LUTHER BALX,, lt�uneral, Director, Resideneo---Patrick St., . y Hamld H. an even money 01toice with ,� / . , Sir Alcatitra took the first two heats in - Mr'. Q racey's late resideneo,t All thti Latest Novelties and -.tits2.09• pace cleverlyat Cinoinatti ou -- _._ _. e. _ _�.- _. _�_. --► TuesdR DRl'kClpss6 necessitated cyst- FAgnedan endoDER ttddrenderforto rt13ayfl ld W ♦Oti4♦♦�O�!`letAlP♦d400�1>Oi04�♦Oe♦♦♦0♦4♦♦90eb®��iOt!{�t•*♦* Style=s will be given prominence y P S cigssedandendor ed"SCender Por Bagiteld 41 this nurtith New );sur CUats,Arew pxlnemeut until GPeduesday, when lie. day,�th 6ita,nb r inclusively, for ��- Golf Capes, New W.lterproofs, ivon the: thir,l heat. Best time 2,03 1-2. struction an oxtest on to the south pier at 8agrleid, $tu on Ooh tv, Province of Ontario, New GUtinp, Coate. Come and accordinRtoa lam clspecificationtobeeovu i + see our display, ;-Root. J. Sanderson of rordtivieh has at ticeofl1 otplI C:tay, Esq., Eng inevrixs ♦ p y chaseoYarbortt River WorksferOntrtrio, ♦ til purchased a flue Leicester rata from A. Con ederation Lift Building, Toronto, on ap- ♦ ♦ " tt W. Smith, Maple Lode. Tbis ram will n}}cation to tho Pos nsnster nt Baylieltl, and at { p, the Department of ubllo 'odes, Ottsiwa. + greatly improve his fine Book of LeicPs• Tenders will hot 4e considered unless made � i he King (Juatity ! on the form suppled, and signed with the ♦ CKV ters; which are well known from the actual signature of tenderers. fact that they have won the majority An accepted cht�{tto an it chartered bank, This �Qol spelt l All ladies and I.Nomp"'a- able to the ora ref the minister of Public remind yo th t in- + _ + gentlemen who of the prizes at all the neighboring fairs.rks, for two 1 ncired dollars (tzool must ♦ value comfort and love beauty, each ender. Thooheque wilibe tP.r 1S cQlrlln d OUMr. Sanderson iuteltcis exhibitvag at felted f'the p rty decline the contract, or g y ♦. are invited to inspect these shoes, Win ham Fair next week. The ram fit" to complete. t o work contracted for, aha �{ 0 beautifully finished ill enamel calf, g will be returned case of nim-:rcceptaneo of Will be look taA about , from Maple Lodge is one of the finest tender. for something in the * • trouble sole extension edge, hand The Departin deesnotbinditselftoaccept T + T o maize good Pickles you must have ood 'Vine ai-. • + , ever brought to this section. the lowest or an tender. ♦' y g welt low heel at special rices �_ Stove line. We Wish p p By order, + We keep the best. FRED. GELSecretary. I� o alta t0 give C)U a hint 4 this month, t;aR.. ry r 'Pococsr-In Bluevale, vitt September 18 he Department of ntblic Worts, lila% We have a fine line Of + a WHITE ti M of Mn Geo. POCbek • a daughter. � Ottaw , th 13eptothis ave # % V V �i IT !L'! a hZ h cI�,SS MCFASLANE-111 Howfok, on August 80th, KPtrspapers ser sting this advertisoment `r VY (�gt the wife of n John McFarlane; a daughter, Without a1,thOrl from the De artment reiA rn u r Trp p �t(+t +4. Vinegar for Pic leS. . i7. MclndOot Clothier P res-In1,G. k. tor, e, seuteI 6th, not be paid for p IUOEJt l� aLli� and t1A1YliL� + tRiye of Mr. G.:., Parlee; a dangly x• +taxa -In Culross, on Sei 5th, thepp��pppp r(�pA wfMr.Wm.Hai6fns;ctson�Ati@74 i"lJrl �(q� The first of Fashions fancies in aIlADDEN-7n Groy, on September 8rd, the �► furnishings are here. ; if f Mr. John Wtadden• a daughter, �� For either coal or wood, at reason- ,y t, Noxa leiita, 34ezv Neckwear, New Cot hFARIMIF.It able Prices, Call and see ns. PROOF %�N�t�7i•�i1- is the St1`O11geSt made. laru. Slew ourfs New sg,trt The undersigned offers for sale his farm, lot + s, Netiv p�2thicOn.arE-MOLAirrtir tN-At Fairv,Pty farm, 11, con.,5, Turnberry, containing 05 acres• Upon + 'Vests absolutely pure. Underwear, d Hosiery, New GioveaRa, Win, on Ltie ,t bre 10th by Rai. D. the premises aro ^ood buildings and is well � p� � � �� �j � � � � �@ � Neer bates eruct haps,. Near EierytltinL, B. McRae, '4Vm. P. R�tehie Miss Annie B. watered. Wiudmiil for pumping. For terms ag4// �'pfld� �Cf auohlin all of C:ley and mrtieulars apply Fresh, bright, crisp, catchy, jest AnnEN--BeAtr r -At th' residenco of the AA Y to the goods you'll like; and popular : ride's parents, Wroxeter on September 4th, . JAS. ELLIOT, by Rev. A. I. McXelvr�p, M'r. James X. Allen to Bluovale P. O. SHAW BLOCK. � GOLDEN SYRUP P VINEGAR is a rich prices. L ollTAvv A\\OUNaniExT D3istsLattra Bra%vn, da ter of Dr. Brag, mellow kind. For table use it has ]Ila equal. next week in Tailoring Department - both of Wroxeter. --p---{ - �(- -p, ►-�• _�.q�._, __ ._, �y_.j_�.__. p� �_ _._-_ __ -� e AL7Gordo . wing to e; September 12th, [li !1 li _ l 1 19 ma ® !` R l 1 i� ?.hdldrs.A.H.Bi-own,aged7wo..'lt.",,n'ldo(;d. h Gordon Livinbnstone: infv.d G.l li.h�y. ■R■ t a s a trnams-In Morns, on E3eptember 15th,C °P'' 'hibald Wsdges, only year, of Mr, and Dins. `James T 'rytiges, agecX 1 gear, 1 month and 2 +�i days II : - TAi oil -In Kinloss, on September10th,Mary eBurney. wife of James Taylor, aced b1 years.Miss (� NE RSU NAt_S. uarts--ln Brussels, on September 10th, Robt. AA urns aged 74 years and 7 months. +e ,A+♦♦♦+♦+++♦♦++♦♦d+i+♦♦b+ *+++♦♦♦++♦+4+¢♦+♦♦♦♦.+!♦.Oar' DE�OLtE-In Brussels, on $e� ptember 7th, Wishes to draw the attention f e ladles of ' Wing - o (sb 11 be vlad to have contributions to Fanny Cook. wife of Fra s DeWolfe, a9cd "r4 - - thia,ult . At ,sxuuany oYour readers. If you yeassand8mgnths.�' bam and vicinity to her Fal ening oil 4saicsvi,+ino tellu poise d us away. turself, M4LEaNInArthur Septemberformerls �� Start the deur. its ::na LeLI us, or send vs s note to that DfeLectn, stater of Mrs. W. U. Stuart, formerly 'Just eiYect. �f Wingham, aged 60 years. Interment at WEDNESDAY,- aQAY; SEPT. 25TH, DtwRannon. ; Mr. L. Tracey is quite ill. ind following days. Miss Henderson, well-known to Mr. W. J. Greer spent Sunday at his WALKER 1F1i08. & BUTTON the ladies bere, being ill charge, is assurance that the Fall lot i � Trod em home in Gorrie. v very latest In Millinery will be shown. All are Cor - Miss Lottie Elliott visited Blyth UNDi fi rAKEgS, WiNGHAM, y dially invited to call. A visit will please and delight �•v n•+1-�3-.Ft-�nti•�.ct-�1. friends last week. Night calls st Button Block, or Fifth ''oar. Fyfe of Listowel spent Sunday at j door south of School Etouse. Shop op. you.. We have decided to offer you the most tempting' prices i posits-Msodonald block. his home in town. you have ever had. NTever before have we been so particular ;fir. and Mrs. Hing visited friends in ! KINDERGa4RTE Mornings in selecting our patterns or having our suits made just so -the Seaforth last week. result, perfect clothing at moderate prices. Dr. Jerome of Arthur visited We CIIQOLg to 12. LATEST T N M I L L I N E P, Y. � On Saturday We offer you these three specials - family over Sunday, Terms Very Reasonable. - . 12 Men's i+'aney 'Vest of England• Worsted Salta in very' . Milers Matheson of Lucknow is the No. pre ydesigns. Double breasted 'Vests; Coats made guest of Mr. H. uavis . MRs.,A. E. PRIOR. E. Patrick St, l with the dee French facings, and the finest linings, Mr, and bits. Pringle recently visited : The very 1' st will be found p b ` n fi ' C �° . i �'��!�'. ttlroughcnt the suit. The regular pride of this stylish suit is $13,50. Ori Mrs. J. W. Kaake in Ii inIoss. SCRAP IRON , here, and r uck larger than any Saturday you may buy it for $9.95. Miss XeCracken, Brussels, vissiited i B�',(�},SS, LEAD, Invites the ladies of previous y r. We have, this sea- Men's heavy pig -wool 1,ants, good linings, sewed wiE;h friends In town on Wednesday, i COPPER, r�- iN�, Winghsln end vieini son an expert trimmer, and we can - I , kr. and Mrs, E. P. Paulin of hash- e f linen thread. 'Regular price 1.75-aatnrday $1.25. HIGHEST PRICES. i ty to keep in mind assure.you tliat, your orders will be Vvood vrere in town over Sunday. her Fall �llilinery :filled nn short notice Miss Lyons of Owen Sound is fisitmg Nation.*dtrorc Works, lt.tttt., Opening un ,and in an err- Workingmen's Pants, good solid cloth, well made., good . her friend Miss May Smith in town No Healers. Wiatrham. tistic and stylish effect, Cali and 'No. 3 fitters. Regular price $1,40 --Saturday 95c. Mrs. .1. McKelvie was visiting with -Wednesday, see the. lovely display and prevailing A lot of medium weight sults that we are giving big 4:19 - Mrs. W. G. Strang in Gorrie this week.'ep�.a�>7 il. stylets. , �'ou will a=joy it, counts oft'; Come with the crowds on Saturday. '• Mrs. E. Keiser and daughter, Della, � ��� � � � DAIRY � � �� are visiting with her mother at Walker. Your money back fan. having. added u t e arrrtyr to thiir plant, suer otter p if you went It. I&.-McWillifini, recently of the Hen- OAeo�Oo�OMk+t�00`�♦eoa4OJ�6 BOO+s4d�+►+�o+omo�+�ao+o44a D. M.- Govlftdon.� gall Observer visited friends in town this 1V.L A1lt11k1lt'1RP. N11.1 A -_..... �•._ _ M rsley��`'�'�'�`�`,;r,,,,; . %veek, to thw people c f vrinpbasu. Cur cora l; are Irel,f A styoln't rircn, t+o that Ave aro enabled d Bing � d.\ � V V IFALL GOODS ]kir. and Mrs, Panting of Pickering are abeututwl elfltu+ milk, teeFt in summer, tieing � �/ the kuests of Mr. and Mrs. R. A. ♦ - Desto the ladies of ] onglass. q F�[)L� f Winty that her Open 0 T. A, MILLS bits jrzst opened out a complete stock of. Fall and. Winter , Jai Scoutrgi per uuxt aeDiverecl Duce n say. +!' ` ing Wi1I take place on r. t �olx SALE, 01r the W'roxetrr grtivel rand + Goods, which will be oleared out at Special Love Prices. In Ready-made t Mrs. May Klrtlttnfaat has been visiting smiles from xe.mor�e,lw1i; m -.-es of good o (+h * r�C# Ctotlring, I have bought iaT.geiy tri Mee's and Boys' Suits, Overcoats anftSetifoa in Wir:gllani lire past week.- lowlshOaleared, bnlasa+'e aulr, c•wdF:r and when, M 4 ,Sept. 25tht O Zjg�fers. Iowiah load that tiv311 hr Yhw vera inert tvistri 1@4 �y iSea£ort11 Sun. cleared, Twn,rnrtttfrnmwhrn+acs, frank barn: rt e y And invitesihapecti'on,of her display. MEN'S SUITS, $ecial at and u See our special value at axile from shhoot... 'will be t•okl very rhrnr + You will save dollars it p p' p ! Mr. J. Gt ileQll, �". S., Was in Owen or ezcltassaa for n 6Q•tsw Io let. App to A ! y purchagug ♦ 87.59—up-to Crate wittern•�•••-good weight, regular $10.00 suit, Dulntage, Rpal l state and Loan Agen , Chis- ♦ front her durable stook. You Will • Sound it few days this week on profes• holm, Block, Wrughnnr• ♦ o find it large range, trimmed in tile. • ALSO YOUTHIS AND BO1.'S' SUITS. Special values, agonal business, y o %'lost, ttttractive style and up-to-date. ♦ See our MEN'S OVERCOATS. Speeial line to `clear at $4.00, Good. ' e � 4:I.fIAL3;;. 5sn� he Ar,p towne+Tdp of ilnwir•1t, � � ger � � �� Ktfrs. Coraould and the Misses Cor. IOD fleres of ehoVe land. Pine briers reg. . Js =Tieing naturally adapted to the busi• ! heave weight, slzm ranging to 44. Also an up -to data stook of Dresir drn¢P, nrg;e Trani: i,ui tt and Pmt>houaes. About ♦ Less, she gibes variety; i tirirns n0 twU , , �. , r botxld have returned from spending the so acres in gFrod s+tate. of cultivation, At the s hat. stliite. bo not fail to Seo her. Y Coats, 'Y'orcths and Boys Reefers froin 02.25 up, - y summer at l3ayfleld. rate money can b 1,errowecl from t1ils office; it pays better to, to into 4olAfor the ru}lpr•icr ♦ �j Next floor to'L'Irorrias' 13a2airx, Also a cotnpletp stock of Ladies' and liZen s Waterprrof Costs. '1'k}e . E.St�l;arti, is in Cineinatti this Week. UVATRstatoandLoanAgent, tChisl l nuiii;[j,' �dklif�4iO�b40�oO44O7�ld�4+ed'OOiiOOii♦O84oO41►OObdOb� celebrated 1liandleberg goods, sawed seams, assorted Colors, Price from It, si-ems only to need J, E's. presence iving,bam, $3.75 up. K-- ..._.._...-.. ..d_... _..._. t0 inalte Harold H win, �U1t £IArsE.-»6lorntr form, withsohtroi on lot. - -" l ' Yll nliLniLeta We lllit�8 special Nitrile. * ri miles frons town, in Tumberiq t r. , ���gncy Blankets and Planne Mx- and bits. Jno. 1t7cioiannua left on Bonk barit 4000; larger frame house; aodao 1. • These are made of selected wools' 'h_arrLzday' to spend the �t inteir with An excollefit drain farm; will 1>P t -o d ciswsr• Suits, Clttereelati , and will give the best wear. See those goads before purehasing elsewhere-, r rrid en war+y -,.V, C 7`10 1, eltioti of t is Iat i'riends in different parts of Manitoba, mar:rs it u ve,-.y deAi rablorira•fcrty A1. to (� Vesta eto., are dw i><* sta<sk, prices to suis the purchaser. Also n line of WOOL I3�,AN SETS to Cleat• ? p Bye A,Drtlmarrc,�iraITCFKatonnd`LuatiA nt.Ohis °tar ' at $2.50. See our FLA208L TTE 13LAxrcETS at 75e pair -Special. Alsa ' Giza. }�, A. Cana bel'Cixitd Mian 3Sht he}1st BIt>Lrt, vvtnglram. It r#i rc lire advantage of Hiwocka have returned home after asix -WAxv7'l rs-•trFVeral trerflon of rhflrantPtr', these w ntend purchasing in that extra v1llnes Ill b I.a tv r. ail >t1lrtG, white and gray. See our Gray I+'1s1n- Weeks visit with i'riendo and relatives in For pe ' nels in 'union, All -wool a.bd Romespuns.I '-horallto, v0tipobi h rttsli ho 1) cFtF rnliiikiY�taui a '" �` line to itis ct olil�$tticls and eeEt the A Ihr�,'b stook of Ol~Spi I�3iA X I±"l'S to Select Prem. 3�rlrn8 in all latest styles. eolors�'-sin l4 two iind three 1 q 'U of arc ld flnenceal ratan. hes t3irlargIri.00 waelc• operator Taylor of Elle G. T. R. in. }r with Pi:prtrpofl add .i nal, all itevsUlN in rush } t�y � •� y 1, i� r 1> y"-"il1tIdE4 4l' {St1CCi 'l�i'Otll, lift alibCldjr` trey` ftyirige � wac,hV7fHlnPaclnydirr froirr}Lradaiflce ,.IYorFFr � f / ' Also til Giants' Furnisbings, stylish in these goods. Guaranteed to wear, At 35c and ftp. A tl"61 n is tt*liAving at 'Urtisselii for ffk6 Ord rnrrialFn!tfs-rLrirhF'r7, wTurincr11 nry, Re- R "i„ • i , r r , "g4 ka,,duad tlieri will relieve Its Piplrlr er fvt nrrir, Er(rlcsw rrrifresdtcwsFKl sticin Plr tlttl, t;ltps, etc. Mens and Ladies UNDER` HIAR in Union, fill -wool, Xattifal Wool* vV0101W 8ianalsFsr,slsraarLtetiB,r'Idinil.clri:a>r . Fleece ]'pined ittid Stanfored's Unsbrinkable All -wool Goods. These are the ,lrwxr two weeks. WAN--•i19tT8%,WOx11n'f Near AND best goods known to the trade. Sizes from 36 to 46, ,Price right. gid Vor Cidder of Dufliftil and glib. Nif. v,omely.totravrl and ndvett a for old eattslr ` riff Clinton SWere in town Will iimh I h(Mge of wilid finanainl standing. iialary 1\'Op pSi �� � t5 a year and F+xrrF npcq, till payable in eaFsh. �,� p ill txo interests of the titiolial No eAnvai-Imp required, olve reterfto,n Fall��e ` Carr, i11 �i i��i, MIL S ' rC W d Coluout Co. dt•ent Xtsnager, lir Vaxtou Bldg., (StntebPost Office. ii..., ... _ .-r.. .r,.,..b .,.. .a,ageaiAa,'_�a:._..�