HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-20, Page 7A TI1 WIN TIS101. Slee: �+� i ► S ► d �! li /` left her to the tbar}ty tit struangers ",ttttt tci -,lie twer. a0a W woo ►,t► ' $LFASONAOLE R`ggtpeB, inter stuall #dear jars, sourla jN, �I NMr!?►N rat c -h betty r:aun ct,ii I this i her In tray there. while I ru ulsatairr wad -*�•-•� w a- ual quaulity of the. rraaJjled IdwI' r • l Chun, toy drop. It it is anybody tO , usuapox$ A -LA C� }nt0,eueh. The, Butter will rise+ o t :,taunt'• JULIA "if you were ablio to ride, Nauta}n two wo, ask 'taut right leafs the l�►r" I'►at four lar�t+ #pl}lc�ipaoiafui» Dili tri+; an'lharn tht� butler la►K+ed,t�s ilsy� By no the hour," said Ilattie, lox land light the gas thoro, for'twili olive. oil ju a baking dish. Bprluklo covet wide tier suit to the clsialbt !#C '•lila, I lint well. I ant strong soon be dark enough to reed It, turd with st:lle breadcruuabs, flaaely cbop,• halt an. inch. Corer and tie <•loewly'. Beautd`ulEDWARDS, ,note I.e,t me order the carriage at I look ink beat in 1,•tts-light.'" "Psr%)A,y and• thyule. L,4y as lc:rifa, �er3'e told or re -heat, as pwrrred. ' ,led and 9teau.ed mushrooms, pour i r once,'• Jessie >lteaicd the, duan. end a elite r more oil cover with broadcrun he Sufficient. 1J v agar 1? to a rr alt Autineat of llatttie sixw thatl thougia false l.tr- cry b,oke frcout her tilos when she i lieved herself b she -was vet sate Ilattlo stttudlug then®. lied 311 taut ening, l=et i.n tt .hot oven :nil xnusli , t oft; to each gt#ied of o, on„ saran ^ }xtke' twenty winutes. "'Tfae I,ittTcWided' very tweak. Iter pallor and t-reuiul- though vwa ladies and, an elderly roiwus, two blattlirs itotttadtd utac+e+, c:i,rotlt 41Stc11,Stirling�' ons Action shcrtwed thAl. :and ilattic+ gorrtlettlan stood lilt the aatcps also, IioAsTEl]I A+ C(iSIi$,(,IQA'fS.. ounce ground Pepper; salt to tastku Hho knew Miss silo Haid n4 heed to them, but crlod ;feel v:erY large u►ushroonls ;and cut °choose solar nice, yuuAa button situ b ` � Poor *`Pre:ttlest of Awl had another fear. � oft• their steals. Grease a shallow, rooms ;For pickling; rub off the skitm d Scrimp would hide Jessie away ra- out: lad • Etc. tc. tier tltalt let iter go, if she could, cin '"fah, dear, goad bliss Ilattfo, is it pudding dish, and put A layar e,0. mfila sa, 1►lece of flannel and 5"It, a,adi, E trtushrooins, bottom-sidcie u flared to do it: And she teas ttk v4,).il? See ally note dress, It is the p, in this.: cat, off the stalks; it very; lurge, tak* j heart alinost bud enough to tic auy- (Inca I have had In such a long, long oft4nolt d• iaiutter. I)o not put our a few dmore ones lastedf thheysare too old reject Put th0l a H�r�����4'►0�����N�N�N���N N��N�H thing. And Hattie knew that there time. If any one ~wants to see Miss than two, layers }n the dish. Bake, in, a stewpan, sprink,10 salt over them •tf'�i+'�Ye' '•i~I~1c�t"4r•%k�r'l"f�ic" '�'3"k'"��r Y +' must bo A regular tray to fame bliss Scrimp, I'm to take 'em right into closely covered, int it quick oven until ivitli, pounded matce,and pepper ict titer Scrimp at onto to yield tip the j�oor the parlor and light up the gall. She tender. This shouldiW is about iwen•. above proportions; shake. theta well iI�rAnk would have given his team "i: N%JI1 do cVefytning 2 cda Trt'»on- girl, without Hattie herself using the has,gone up stairs to fiX uP•" ty minutes. When done remove the over a Dicer lire, until the liquor foo -vim lYo'iI go into the parlor, deals; cover, pour meltod'butter over the and 'keeptheta there until it is tt••ii Jof fast horses, anything lie had in or and justice to myself+to mike you hold she had upon her. there are those with me who wish to i the world, if he could have used good, dear aunt happy, laic Hat "C'an you ride with Mr. Legare tnushroomWand' s: rvet very hat in dish dried up. again•; then Gadd as much and thyself first to tilt, asylum, and sect Aliss Scrimp, and you, too. Rua itu whioh they are cooked, vinegar lie trill cover them; ,just let lthose very words and ;,teen the, same ate. and light the gas:' -salute, more especially if hes could "You darling! T know you got irate the superintendentchilshrthere nn Jessie ran in, and Airs. F.rnor.y, dash and p l quartNUSHI(i ,;mu aayI.simmer for one minute and: store i;» ., order for the child As her mother?" ' Wash and peel a quart et mush, away in solnttaaTs for use. When eole� "llin a got the return his sister (lid. would! 5 • grasping Hattie's arta, gasped out: looms u 1 ties down, with bladder, and keel, -►n a. 6 But he had ie, content himself by And IJizzie. caring not a jot that asked IIattle, "" You need hat tell mq alto she is iP t theta into asaucepan with dry place; shaking her halal, which he pressed they were driving up Fifth avenue, "Oil, yes --that is t2te way. ATy , :tt tablespoonful of butter and Jet over ,they ewill remain good Pull• .quite gherwarmls, as he said: pass:ng and meeting occupied carri- brother-in-law kao-vs the whole my heart rtpd1ce the instant I saw the fire. Still until they .are slightly d' length off time, and are generally "'I atlt glad to see you lookingso age, all the aline, kissed Ilattie over story, as I have told it to soft, al- her �� It is my child—SnY blessed browned, add half a tablespoonful of considered delicious, MIss HAttie, after the fright And over again. though, for reasons of our own, we child! flour to thicken., season tvitla a tea- well,•our taunt gave. you last night." And poor Frank sat there and sate have kept it from frank and Liz- ,Be edam—came, to the parlor, of ispongtine f xnd a i aspothymoful graft's g dear madam, and let mo break it 'toMOs- of Thin line! a teaspoonful et salt. CAS�.ORIA "Thank y'ou!" said Hattie, kind- thele rod 1SPs' inoct, and he wished he zie• Jessie, or the pear girl will almost `rliity tic mixture, tvitla a large cupful "Then let . to tin far Mr I e- g Illy. But Frank noted, with sante cha- could be Lizzle, if only for a minute. But the sweetest moments must t g die in her joy. She has had a. hard of .soup stock, or oreana,and let simmer Bare. The poor girl is at my board- life here. She looks scarcely four- twenty- 1111autes. Lift the mushrooms ing-house, before the For Infants CJiilUm grin, that she did not return the have their end. The carriage drew and sun sets on .. this day, please Heaven, she shall be teen, yet she is two years older. out with a the gravy, 'nice and cprosiure coT 11is hand, "14e have come to carry you home up before the Legare mansion, and its occupants were soon -within its state walls. Y in your arms." "Aca-•en must reward you, I now- n, eg and the '04 half "That. •fit true," said the, matron e,4 add a beaten egg and the the a yhtau; '•-t a have alae data of lien at lemon•, Se reel the mushrooms on but- feted toast, with the S'i�lae• dmlir 1! M tl"u$ et with as to sea Aunt Louisa," con- "She left. Leagro mot tient at the door, or, never can!' sobbed Mrs. 13inor Y ru anti • registered." gravy poured e ' thcrta, fts at � r trotted Lizzie. asked after you the first 'thin this morning, and the "This kinclncss is truly gratifying, Hattie opened the doer, called a 'law linen luci!cs and Air. Legare over arlor just, its e blaze SAVORY MUSHROQ'yIS, tai doctor said ns she grew stronger to- Miss Butter," said ho to our'beroine. "My servant, and in a fete moments Air. Lecture in the ce+and remove the stems from oI a gti�acin ibrc� brt►c l:c x j to came P t Orelinrd and e,twrdap. i}ay It would do her real good to have a visit !rani you, ,. sister is yet quite nervous, but the doctor is confident your visit was room. He wondered at the joyous light a flashing out. urge mushrooms. Alake. a forcemeat by chopping Jansce turned and Iit.ttie said iib pPin flat.. -shite meat of a cold The well kept, well fed orchard is x>a1r "Then, if Mr. W= can spare me, will be a benefit to tier. She is which shone in the eyes of his' dear she stood there with a -wondering roust chicken fine with a few _utail a •failure. X certainly cannot refuse to go,'" anxious to see you. I left her but a moment ago, and she sent hie from sister: but the happy story -vas soon. told, and he note knew also that his look lit her face: ntushroonts and moisteningit with chicken stout. Grease a pudding -dish, 'to Ill nearly alltnses level cultivation in -said Hattie,, with► a senile. "You certainly can lie spared for her chcunber to see i[ you had come. sister hail fainted the night before "Jessie, do you want lie very, and any, t}ie large mushrooms, top very happy? 1 have brought a lady alestltn ilia orchard. -such a purpose, 'Tues Hattie," said She wishes to see you. alone for a little, while. I can almost guess the -when told she was looking on the por'tra.it of her last child. down, in this, Fill the mushrooms and here who will love you so, so mucic lite spaces between them with tic: An apple or cherry .flee is, much more Mr. W--, "Your time could not ha cause of this wish, but I will not an- "The ways of Providence are in- if you will. onl • let her," y [oreelneat. Sprinkle bits of butter over valuable if it sboots low. 'bettor spent in comforting those who tlelpate it to you, " scrutable, mysterious, but they ever Jessie looked ret Hattie, then at , all, Pour in, enough of the chicken Cultivate the peach orchard in the, need comfort." Then, its soon as Lizzie had taken 'lead aright," said Mr. Legare. "Who mss' Emory, -whose eyes began to stock to ,raake, the contents of the same manner as the corn. iTnttie saw the hidden ruennknt; of her bonnet and shawl, Hattie -went would have tlroui ht that my chance fall, and, with a -wild cry, sprang dish very moist, lay ;t few -eater-like Wood ashes will suffice for young those, -cords, and she would have 'had to the chamber of Mrs, Ernory, acquaintance -with Miss Butler. half -way toward the latter. slice's of barcom on top of the scallop, „ , , Oh, Miss Hattie,' trees. No manure is needed. comforted hila it been in her power. But site had made a de- through 'those old books, could lend she cried; and bake, covered, in a hot oven for tell me—isn't this the mother, the a quarter of an hour. Uncover and Good drainage, natural or artificial, is cision in his ease which she could CHAPTER XX. to this happy result? My dear young lady, We owe you a debt of grati- dear mother I've dreamed about so cook for five. minutes longer. Serve ln, essential to the best succese. ,not change. tude which it seems impossible to long --so loll g?" the dish in which they were cooh:.:d. Good rillai;o increases the arailnble Air. W— now escorted his - isitors ,and Hattie clown stairs to the car- Eager:y those brawn eyes looked 'e repay. Sister, take some refreshment r e, iso it is. Jessie, f- child, my CAN\ED. Ai;USfIROO; S. love, coma to urs Firms. ' cried Airs, supply of phut food in the, soil. Tinge which-wnited, and when the , up as Hattie entered Mrs, Emory nhamber, and in the yearnin look, g to strengthen you, and soon we Will he on our -vay to reclaim your loll , When mushrooms are plentiful t.nd Emory, tears of joy rushing in a chew a supply may lxs canned for fu- P PP Y Cultivation, fertilization and spraying two girls sat side by side them, one in silk, laces, and din- even in the features, Hattie recogniz- lost lowed one." flood from her eyes. tore use. Choose those. of uniform In a second mother n`.d daughter will rave many a run down orchard Low headed trees will bear semewbut resplendent ed a resemblance to Jessie Albeuiarle, And now IJizzie and Frank -were sizo, wipe- carefully -with a flannel nionds_ er i her ever thenc� than .%*on, o ss'Butle sent in by their father, for the story sobbedin eachLI.Vo iof end wept, Ctoo, tidtnd even the f muoth shrooms sapnexthauhiDh headed ones, for they. well (it tine - t shop dregs of ten cent calico, -without an so glad Mrsl g I•:t,tory, in a low, treuneous voice. --as longer a family secret. "You mit aiquarteror matron of the asylum, IVrdened to , pound of butter in an enameled sauce- sooner reach the proper height of trntaic ornament of any kind, he compared "I have something to ask you, and o are to have a real cousin now,' said Hattie to IJizzie, after many a scone like this, stood with pau, add a half teaspoonful of ,;alt, and the heads aro sooner developed. them !n his mind rind his heart still > then perhaps a loll strange story p g g the story -was told, her handkerchief to her eyes. a bulf salt -spoon• of white y pepper, told hint the shop -girl, beautiful, but to 'tell you in all confidence." .. But she'll not be like you. T Hattie, alone, hearing a shuffling half dozen• clevosl sine tba juice of L The TruEs and Weekly Globe will be poor, was superior to all others in "Your confidence, dear madam, shall never love her hall so well „ and well-k.kept step coming down Skim the bolter when m,lt.ed; sent to new subscribers till the lst of rhe world—itis heart's first and last shall not be .misplaced, and I will sighed Liz¢ie. lite stairs, kept put.lemon.in ! l her composure, for rut. in the mushrooms and sm-v tient January, 1002, for 40 gents. Tell your choice above all others. answer any question 'you ask, if it bo , She is a sweet girl, and -cry "She she knew she -would need it all. it ll gently until soft; put them at once friends. And he stood there and -watched them and the carriage till it "turned 6 in my power to coo so." "Thank you, dear, I feel that it is smart, for the chances she has had. Sakes alive! 11'ilit's gain' on here? Who is that that's a-cryin' the corner, and then he went back, with a Weary sigh, to his business, so. Lock the door, please. I do not wish to be interrupted by any one It will take but a little -while with good teachers, of ".ilako Ilor one to be really pratid of. over my haund-girl?" cried Miss Scrimp, addressing Hattie, the only one one: who her. 6• As the carriage rattled on over the b paved streets, so tongue while %e are together. Then come g and sit here close by my side. Do'not Air. I.e are and Airs. were, Hattie they confronted Bush,'woman! This scene is tooas;t;�� _ ,Lizzie's rattled, too, --*Mile frank's eyes on- fear that I sha.il faint again. It -was now ready, and with went out to the carriage. sacred for vont to intrude upon," ly' were very busy studying out the a sudden shock that caused it before:It was astonishing to see the said Hattie, sternly. "There a marvelous beauty of the girl to bet now I am prepared and calor., chane in the lately invalided lady. m°cher, a loving mother, -weeps in • whore his sister talked. Hattio locked the door, and then I hare• now joys, new Ill,, beamed icy over her long lost child, restored .. "Do you know, dear Iiattic,"'said seated herself, as desired, close to _\env in her cyos —her-crv"step ewes cies- at last by, the blessing of God to her bosom. site, "that I believe we are to be eousins. For if Aunt Louisa adopts Mrs. Emory. "rote spoke a name yesterday — a' very, very deur to me," said,' tic and hitppy. "This is better than medicine. We'll it's Jess m urs "Her rifle? sneered Scrimp. bound -!iia !" meet The Typewriter the World was Waiting or. you as her daughter you will be arty name Airs. Emory, "You see it', here, en- here to discharge, the doctor, and "]soman, she is voter haunch -girl y xir cousin—my dear, dear cousin, will you not?" graved on a golden necklace, -which tee), yon --'nth us," said Aar. Legare i to Hattie, as the carriage dashed no longer," said the mr,tron of the "You "I fear I shall newer be more than was once worn by a little child. a-vay to its destination• as�2um, doceived us when once before we came stere to find her, This is PROVED U the y fact that the BUSINESS in- a dear and true friend to you, bliss Mattie started in spite, of herself. Was that the necklace that Miss .11-e will keen her," said Airs. F.m- and falsely Gaid she had run away from habitants of the world USE it. h Lizzie," said Hattie, kindly, yet gravely. "Your aunt, perhaps, Scrimp had spolem of? For on it "Jessie Dry. "I had intended to adopt her in, place, of lav lost child, and now I r y°u. Now, -art, --1,a have the ,fella, the Now manufactured in three of the great countres viz t tvisltcs to be as good to me as you she saw the sumo of` Alba- mar•le" engraved. will have two daughters instead of nnntII indentures, and restate her to tier inotner." Canada, United States and Germany, indicate, but I can never yield to Ther kind desire."' "You start. Have you ever heard ane." Te•rrs arose in Hattie's eyes, but "!t sha'n t re!" s::reanied Miss Scrimp. "She's The Canadian Pacific Railway have over 200 In use � � y ' "But, Hattie, darling, you dont `know her She is so Never of this necklace or seen it before?" asked Airs. Emory, eagerly. she made no reply then. mine by la -w, and I'll have tier, if I hate to call in all the They know a GOOD thing yet. good! did it kinder heart throb than "if it was once on the neck of an police in the -ward." iters. She Is the counterpart of my infant left at the orphan asylum by unknown parCies I have heard of it," CIIAPTER XXIX. "One word more; one single threat, and T -111 call the police to arrest I l SOME OF ITS ADVANTAGES: blessed• mother, who died on earth but lives in heaven. She has seen many sorrows — -we know not all, said Hattie. "It was, Nov tell me oil, tell me Miss Scrimp was in her dining- I room, looking to the lay -out of the Jou, and never pause in my, Prosecution un ail you rest inside a Visible writing cticrti to finish. Portability,„cighs only 13 pounds. for she -vas abroad with her first quick, if you know. Is that child table for the boarders when they prison's bars, there to.stay for years, llanifolding,beats them nil. Alignment, positive and permanent. Simplicity, t'00 as against 14001 husband for years, and we heard he him still living?” '*She is, deur lady." can't: to supl•or, -which -would be in as you deserve." Miss ', crimp shivered front head to ( Durability, hardened steel ports. parts . WARRANTED by a well-known Canadian Company here to back it up. was a bad man. She married against the will of her parents and t friends, but her last husband, whom an hour or thereabout "Where — -where — tell ane, I int- ,-at,le .ie,sie, over neat as far as plore you! I ant that child's mo- she could be in her person, now loot: foot -when she heard those words, for she, had for an instant forgotten that $60. -she married because they all wanted ther! ' ea really pretty, for her new eight- she -vas -wholly in the power of bliss �' her to after the first one died, was her "I have thought so ever since I cant calico dress, thoargtl bought at dear lady," said klattie• Butler, "Oh, oh!" she sobbed, "this is the 4L.very good than, And he left met you, a slop -shop, fitted her slight and "This very morning I was looking in childish form perfectly, 'ttncl she had -way my help is to be taken front n10 YOU W�1STD that much if you BUY any OTHER, and �'Oil'DQ Over a million -of dollars in .her own Jessio's brown oyes and studying her combed out her dark: curling hair un- after I've clouted and fed her for NOT LT SO GOOD a machine t U ab right. We never talk with. her about bier first marriage. She does not features, and I never saw a, stronger til it looked like flosses,ot rawen resemblance than you bear to each silk 'Ilia very pallor of hair little years•" Starved and abused her, you mean fed She has THE WILLIAMS MFG. Co.; Limited like it. But she often speaks of Air. other," Slice made her dark, mournful eyes ---say not and clothed, Emory herself, and his praise never ll.is morning? This inorning you more beautiful. i" d %t Euwry trout- J9111 -Write Write to -day. MONTREAL, P. Q. hurts her feelings. We all liked hint saw her, gasps rs. I The girl was setting the table, as - very much." bling with excitement. sisted a little note and then by Bid- zo try co�..n l -M, Hattie was a good listener. She "les, Dieda.tt, ahcl you can soon be Lanigan, who cut the bread and clever interrupted Lizzie'6 narrative see her. But please be calu., or you " meat, and bliss Scrimp 'was superin- -will have another attack.-wcar- 'good ' Im This Locality. with a single question. And a real tending it all, hen she heard a car- ' good listener is it "rarity," as plr, "Uhi I will be calm. But the riage rattle up to the door, and a The medicine dealers in this ponce stay Barnum said when lie found the thought of seeing her, kno-v ing site moment later heard the door -bell, that their is no prepat'ation on the mark. "What is it." is alive, is almost too much happi- 'tin et to -day that hits anything like snob an "Now you will 'think it ..over, will ness. 'fell me, is she b"Doti, pure, like bliss Scrimp had not Set changed enormous Fale as Dr. Chase's Kidney you not, if Aunt Louisa proposes yourself?" her dress for evening, or pat on her Liver .Pills.. Would this ertrnordivary that you chaff be her daughter, as I "Bile is good and pure, .firs. -Emory, falso curls. Sale thought lir. 1V— denuind for Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver know she Will?" said Lizzie, steal- For two scatty and more i hnvt seen might be in the carriage, as lie had Pills continue ane gradually increase if fag her arm coaxingly about gattte's her every day, and have had the good been before waren a carriage stopped people were not bebig bewifited and car - fortune, to render tar more than one P with Hattie, and to be seen by him, eel sty their nae ? Qartaiul3 trot. Utre waist, "Don'•t day no, dear -- at least not at once. Per her salve kindness and to protect her from the without her curls. Nvould never do. pill it dose, 25 cents a box. abuse of a cruel mistress." to ten t<J _411sal, if.A nitist cone._' $o.Sho,said, £p,Je�21►; "Uue I+ether in heaven will re- ward you for it." Apple Piing Cantelon, of Clinton, is "Did you not, nearly two years pushing the busiuc ss wits. his old thine ago I do not know exactly the energy, and has agents at work ill sever- time, Teeple, Wasted i�eE'l/es time, however •-•- call at a house all counties. Ho leas so far,shipplecl only where this poor•girl had been bound ,o Aroused �® R9eW Life. out, to inquire after her?" asked five hundred barrels, ail to '�Vihuip+`f;, out, in. &A His largest single Contract this seacou is �A Suiterer Vor Years From Wealt t "yes, I had just found out, by a .• for tho product of it 'twenty-five acre Xlenrt, Evltansted NerVOX aid ! long -concealed papon, tvlrere my first ®� Points or`churd in Lobo township, for \which he t SleevIessrtesa Cured by rive husband, leer' father, lied taken iter pass $1,100 The stork eons.ats cif Spies,. Sonees of bar. C11ase'k terve I+ood.-vltc'ii I was help esslt ill. '1`e, get rid ��®�� �■ �® �■ i Baldwins, Ben Davis and Rnso+'ts, '.Cale h Whether -weakened and toasted by of lies' care he pretended she was over -wail, worry. or disease, the re- eteael, and so I inourned Icer, until at owner of this orci a�il liars et.lriVatecl- it )'suit of exhausted nerves is fait in last, by accident, after hisJL tS Plil`11;y. for Yeerd tuicl sotvii :tuckwhetat, No i neuralgic pains, nervous headache and I death, I found his confession, in dyspepsia, serious functional derange--vltich he stated -where lie had left 2. xta ThoxisaTidS of Cureg. , trues uut cite the grain but allows IliseoY• menta and ulti.nately in paralysis, epil- I her, also that on her neck he had 3 It g Ei C01101)lp. le. a C10SO. Dnp Of hells to earry it teff, it cpsy, locomotor ataxia, prostration or 'This story is told of three Protestant Insanity, the remedy is found In Dr. I left the, uceiclaco T batt caused to be . =. 30. Chaso's Nerve Vood, as is proven in xuacle, when we named' her. I -vent I ladies who -wnikcil into a 110inau Cath ,the case referred to below :— there to the asylum as soon as r f Regulates the stomacht laver and 130wets4 olio ehul•ch in Ireland louring high Imass, Ia2rs, t;hac. Ii. Jones, Pierecton, Que., I o+rid, and the u.cttron gave ane the I Inckstlie,5cetetioslsrPut1fieat oBloodand writes :—"For ye:il'a I ileac 'v:en I address of the woman who had takes It tuns raillit:g, nrrrl thea had noire in for great =utterer with my heart :snit + removes all the im,»uritles from b. common shelter. Tho prieist, one of uatute's inerves. I -vaults tattle shafting sl•,t and ; on her. I went there, and alio we, - ,A rues. sWould itg feeling -would carne , lualr tO1ct in she had run &wily from Pirnplc to the worst Scrofulous Sotee last$ gentleinelr, ro,.rKuizrd the Indies, And, hover tete. Night after night I W(A lel ' her, and she knew not, cared hat. C7CJ 7fi+7S9: stooWlig clow)f, said to all attendant: J Aev,br 'close illy eyes, and my head where sale -vas. Xy agony of clisap- UILIOUS1411S% ,"Three chairs for the, Protestfantiadtes'li 6r 0tt1. tithe as though it would burst, , ointment threw me into a 10119 fit DYSP13PSaA, ould ti I had to keep to arty bed, and I oI sickness, and I lead almost given CONSVPAT102J, I -ISA AC143,7i.A, It was it kindly thought, but the priest i tk.�tt;isli my doctor attended e m from I up a hope of evel• socing any child. 'SALT Rl1RUfJ[, niu!it have wivhftl be had never thought itul '#ca t=Print„ hin medicine d rjate authorities at tin asylun. event 99AIMUR4, SOUR STOUACH, trt.,rt T.1t5, };SiZ Nrlss, 1 pop Y, it when the #tial, sttlmul tip in the-6hurch ltrtti'c stow taken i1Vel poxes 0. to the wgrnanr elle her report to RHRUMA' IqM, &.WX 11SEAS118 anil Shouted- ',T11rce Cheers for the lir, ,lettie's Nerve 140041, and it juts them was "tire same as to mal. ,All I protestant ]ndiesl" It was Over ill a dbnt the more good than I ever bolleved + could get to identify illy (dear baba d neclicine soul do. IVords fall to ex, toes this noGkIare and some clothes ;+r Inintttt' 1110 cheers were C1leered anti -0tess my trrati*i for the wonderful I had maado for her to be christenodA- 'bait, r could iwt lie ra110d rack, batt 1t c'uS Wsb ocure 'haul Sit about by this treatwtt�+tt "'I ;,i , , Dr. Chcse'a Name 1pood, ,'`i0 tents a in, which -write err lien when her Ula- � f it tnfortinlile matnttlfis %t%es for I,sill. at aril dtnlerx, nttAtural father took her awtty. tied I• +::: '»•c " " ° 016 -tkood plieet's life. _..,,. wr,..w.,wi•�. li`r. eI-PA-114 • ivoctorts _ r AG 0 %, y C �,, -) i. 'fen isr Ave leeti,tit D*A� %a Groette, kestantiAta, Saleona, Nees-5tanda, C,eaetaf SwU and lktbem i Shops. 'Che banish pain, induce sleep, and 0016n911% One elves tel �ef 1 No -natter wbat'a the tnidir, one M do .you good, 'tea sample and ane thousand tra& inoniala sena 1� -wall tk sal, addraa an ""lpt of priti, ' by the Ripans Che►tildil Co., *apotvo St., New Yark City.