HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-20, Page 69 r_ it �� , 1 y nor �� _ . TAa3ItsIZ,ER 1872. _.. .. _ E�0.5HIO1Va FOR TMI� FA1,1-' 14EW YORK FASHIONS. GroG1 1ls .�- TJil i� �: qAN Q St'�ttulbar 1'z a utotttb wharf we, j� �% j�(;p ry ticw lllalrrtal•l, els ttl^' 111[r.it l�ra'tti. �t r1U1t +. the jaunty. little jacket that; is nortr"sa �A� Lr 11 11U1A� 11U a"n. tcutllrr, show ca>lz'•'1's hulz lin • R +IQ'1"1'. Iasi Bt ,tlezl PttorHlltaalt , _., Ilpplzl;ir ill the bo1N<o( ttndj #rte S1t0A - is PUBLISHED iisl,ji p t pat .not unfri quently reran. 1GA that stilus pm, ovolf ` 140. pretty shirt•. r' r lot• Mutt( of 8ha,;,;,nV8s. ouch 's Flie OCCASIONALLY REQUIRE A TONIC. charaotor of tttitle aherwinx atv'nt, i. .LO�'ir� DIi�LCrORY, EVERY FRIDAY MORNING , SEPT. 20, 1901, wtiis#, la!tltapa to hid;. then defeats of ,.-._ ,-.A`T - vel?, large oblong' ilesigni, fresh which -... _ �•.., .,. ...._. IIEi)IGINE, a season's wear, land, still reveals just BArrISTCziuROII—Sabbathservicesat h0 Tllnes OfltCe, Beaver BIOCR air p:Iiciant lank diaullin;; huirsallat-- NOTEiy onou-11 to lend artis,'tio effect in 11 a ru and 7 p m. Sunday School tit WINGRAN, ONTARIO, eh'ials in plain weave or twill, being The Globe: Mr. -Whitney says Now oolor-blending. Never before Basi tiny 2:80in. General prayer meeting.._.T, perh'apa equally pronounced, beetulse 10ntario is the `eland of the stunted pop. IT WILL ICREP TUN10LWD Ult'lz, UPW'm parlloular style of gurmentl hc:dl the on, 4eduesday evenings, Rev. W. . TER;.ta Ov SUnsORIP51ON-41.00per annum in their entire surfaces are -overspread PURI•., STPI:NUTHEN TINA'. N11AWES AND g j y (The Freed, pastor, W. J, Chapman, S. S, advance $1.50 if not so paid. No paper discos by the all pervading vomplet,on, In lar," Old Clni. rio will take care that it vtk,utl en a ed by the bolero. (rho la#. Superiti#eucleut, tinned till till arrears are paid, except lit the general, however, there Iq u hatable Vitt 1101 be I�zuowu as the loud of the PRE RNT DLCLiNF. est out o4 tike garment( is without; slay option of the publisher, 11lUTHODISTCaUROU—Sabbath services ApvERTisiNq RATHa, -- L° absence of novelty in dress goods, .stunted Premier, Mrs. H%i'alit iiinkler, the wife Of a r0• . o[ tbti�tons collar. idd tot�it�etiplmic� iz�nc�t�as at 11 a ni and 7 p ui. Sunday School at ensual advertisements 8o per Noll testis icer )VALK1NG SKIRTS „ 3.30pIn. Epworth Leap eeveryMon. first insertion, Be per line for caclIsubsequent cid not dlivani+3ll lr1 favor, but 1'ilt.h[.r In Montreal some 70 men will be ar- trimming plactd around the edge of y g• prayer g insertion. g: Popularity ' spoofed faitnit ^ iu South Palhaut #Own• da evening. General ra er uieetin rote in )o luittriiy us iht�it• ochre ni.. X00tetl and detained in custody until ship,titellandcounty, Ontario, says:-•- Re,ussttnutetuitlligtoup1`pf three. The oriWetluesclayeveninl;s, Rtly,Riehard lOnttiperilliniilPerlflttailiooi�tion,t;liid6ctits once is proved by expe.l•lencv. Etorl. sifter the departure of the Duke and u n n collar col t s iiz .bore. as t1. Hobbs, pastor, Dr. Towler, S. S. Sup- per line for each subsequent insertion, a jackets, however, became s•o common, pa It is with grout pleusure that I• give special, adornment alio, The jackets orinteudent, Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, that ' symptom's of decline: appear - Duchess of Cornwall and York. In the this tribute t0 tile health restoring, vir• being plain, l'ngaUragox It to fit PftESl37CrElitAN CtivlicH—Stibbatlt tier• . Mirms for Sale or to Rent, and sintihtrj $1,OOfor anal this to the advantage of blouses, dight of experience across the line Bx- tues of Dr. Williams' PinkPIlls. When Smoothly, and the decorative value of vices tet 11 A m and 7 iii, Sttllda first month alta 30 t'rUllts for eFlcit sulrsegUetit which, moreover, ac unit of greater trenle recaution is necessary to avert tho lace is eert!a'inlip 'fine. Sevorttl P y month, p my daughter,, Leila, (now thirteen years raivs of narrow black ribbon velvet School at 2-80 p m. General prayer C°NTRACZ RATtis—Thofollorvingtnbleshows freedom and such feature: to the new. danger from that criminal lunacy which Of age) brguti the use of your medicine, . finish the collar shills k rib pond with meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev. ourratos for the insertion of advertisements entttry girl, is or much account. A r D. Perlis, pastor and S. S. Superiuteu- 'forapevifloElperioda;-- yc•t greater -cansideral tan is that the the presence of distinguished people a little aver a year ago, site was in a the •shoulders. i dent, spiC,l, 1 nt, OatO. 8nto, la+t% blouse, like the Than, does not appar- inspires. most wreteiiecl condition. In fact wo THE BOARDING-SCIIOOL GIRL. ST, PAUL'S CHURCH, EPZ$C10PAL—Sal)• 010 Colman all, .........*660,0000 $95.0000 $15.0000 to If entiy Iesaetl for skirl tonntll and the Ill combattingThe London Times,The trees seriously alarmed lest slia n►i lit This mpn,th is thet seas°nt when all bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Suit- QuartorColunln ..... 18,00 10,00 a.00 2,00 s'a=- will prevent Ft completion ur. y g the pluny for u, boarding -school trotis.- clay Soho41 at 2:80pm. General pettier Advertiaenronts without s )ecifiq directions die way of miare standard jacket �4ai1 and Empire urges that the British not recover, The first sywptottts Were a se, mature, :nd mothersi 'consum- meeting on Wednesday evening, Rev. irill llbe hisoripcl till forbid and bargedaccord- Ebapm. Norfolk jackets will be seed should pay us higher prices for our feeling of languor and weakness, glad. vu plans, s' tar the attire that is to Wm, Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S, for in ndvuncU°lttudvortisetnants must be paid to eom,.� extent, notwithstantling•,and gain, thus inducingmore British people call growing worse. She became ale growilig girl Idurino the Superintendent, there are some clew street. gowns fin.. P P j g ^ P months .to come. Cnwl ;special feature Tis JOII DEpAnTDIENl is steel with an iahcei by Close fitting jackets which CONGREGATIONAL CHUROH.- Sabbath oxto, 4vo assortment of all requisites for print• to leave tho mother country and settle lost flesh, had little or no appetite and `� the returns of 'the Norfolk „jacket, services at 11 a in and 7 p m. Sunday ' 111 ,tt or to a fsellitics not ci]nalled ]n the may with safety h,� -varus by .rather Stere. The policy would certainly have was apparently going into decline. and another is the ;return' of thea low School at 12 tri. Midweek maeting,;ou t x) „ltd fl pro ii'nta ottty t class worse. T ar-e Y Chet desired result but The Times will Finallyelle trouble became complicated Out collar. Thera is a falycy, far stand- y g yl t 'g styles of Post• exceptional! fall wan n to whom a P embroidery T rz is at pcy, for. and- Wednesdr evenings at8 o'clock, Gavin eta,.Hand �' ilia, oto„ and the latest styles of lessening of skirt IengLlls would be. be apt to regard the suggestion as rather with a persistent sore throat, which gave is also a faiiey foil the( monogram on GPirsotY, S,S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. ingolco Paltcy type for the filter classes of print, un advantage.. ,Cool for the present season. her great difficulty in swallowing, I the instep of the ,stocking and on; tale SALVATIox ARM`)`)—Strvice at 7 and 11 H. B, ELLIOTT MI f'LINI' RY a in and 8 and 8 p in, oil Sunday, and Proprietor and Publisher she , s Y Taylor,. After January 1st, written contract gave her several advertised medicines, umbrella cover us? wool ass oni the every everting during the weer: at 8' or , presented fl b h aril f ret lar„ school -bag. The limen covely -that' in- . de'l1Ktmiine the Pilot that lativ, brand marriages will be valid in New York. but they olid not benefit her. Then she case: the music idll ala be etnbxolder- o clock at the barracks. �A� � � HAMILTON ��O The parties simply sign uu agreement of was placed under the care of a doe- y CHRISTIAN AND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE. 'V' ■ outlines will ante Blore lead enc} set ed with a bar of musiol of somefpgpu. —Meetings as follows: S. S. at 2,30 p C°quettislily Itwxy on the lit will.:, marriage in the presence of witnesses. tor, who said her blood was poor lar song. All such, additions to the p product, mush jauntiness. As hither-. This contract is within six months of its and watery, and her whole system bad- individuality of cos'turne nest most at- in, Fellowship at 4 p, m., and evan- W I N G H A M , to likewise garnitures tire. usually r gelistio at 8 p. in., every Sunday in Capital paid up, $1,995,7.50.04. placed in encircling style and su0- mxecution to be filed at the office of the ly ran clown. The doctor's treatment tractive to youth anld, signify artistic Ritchie's Hall, Victoria St,plaev- r. inlets, its formerly, will be not he] her an and then mn ou appreciation, 1! • (, • POST OPinoE—In Macdonald Block. Reserve Fund, $1,500,000,00, •city clerk, The a piece o is much like P y, o Once of the: pr•etties1 fancies seen of Office hours from 8 a m to 6:80 p m. most frequent. Straw is replaeod by that of conveying a tees of real estate, the advice of a uaighl?or, I b an to give late were etched! s Ikl ;rias in A white President—Jot— . G., ItT• felt or cloth, stitched or otherwise, y g P g Peter fisher, Vico•Presiaellt—A. G. R Ll[9.iY. , � ,postmaster. which this ye'nY• has e�traoriliurnry and it is hoped that in this way much of her Dr. Williams Piuk Pi s. The con. taffetta, waist. Hers un;tlj there, all MECHANICS' INsTITuTE—Library and UIRECTORs , Ithe seandle that has s° often attached to fidence with which t' medicine was simpleover freesago and smelt tdings, free reacting room in the Town Hall, John Proctor, Geo. Roach, Arm, Gibson, M.P. tive,Llto' twit' snmttxeiL ormplain tioilt vnand ,the so-called common law marriages urged upon us wavot, misplaced, as I the latter like satellites] to the full will be open every afternoon from 2 to Wood, M. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto). maro or less stitched, or novelties in 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to General Manager—J. TURNBULL. camel's stair plentifully bestrewn. -will be avoided. soon noticed a distmprovement in moon. The idea would work out 9:30 o'clook. Miss Millie Robertson my daughter's condition. The use of equally well an• plain fran:nel arid. make librarian. ' savings Bank—Hours 10 to 3; Saturday, 10 ming material, ith panneivelvet or panne. a simple material appear voryl handl- to 1. Deposits of $l and upwards received, In• A Ited slot Season the pills for a few weeks longer seemed .5.ome. I � TOWN COUNCIL—Wm. Clegg, Mayor; forest all°wed, and computed on tete 80th No- sink is freely shown, plain or figured.. During the hot summer season the to completely restore her, and from that THE NEWT SKIRT. Wm. Holmes, Thos. Boll, Itobt. Mc- venibor and 31st bray each year mid added to "Corrugated panne, woven in ridges, g Iudoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, Principal. 'blood gets over heated, the drain on the time she has been a cheerful, light-beart- There is all, encirmou; fancy for the Geo. McKenzie, Councillors • J. B. Fer- Special Deposits also received at current is stylish ; there• are sharp contrasts system is severe and the appetite is often ed girl,the very picture of health. I long skirt with the two graduated, cir- rates of interest. Ings, such( the lightest possible tximm lost. Burdock Blood Bitter purifies and ],ruses, Clerk sse and Treasurer; Samuel ings, such( ns tulle, ar chiffon, with, P i will always recommend Dr. Williams' casae flounces on the bottoms of it. youhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- Drafts on Great Britain and the United velvet or hear silk, to sit nothing - Pink invigorates the blood, tones up the Thege clrculai• flounces take my a good lector. Board meets first Monde a States Bought and sold. y y g system, and restores lost appetite. Pink Pills to other sufferers, feeling deal of material fol 'the y ren- cif lace that is seen to some extent, 1 'pattern tug in each month at $o'clock. Travellers nrQ notified that the BanlcoP Ham. BIRDS Ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates o! SllTe they will prove AS effiCAClUns as stx011s over the ggods• in. it liberal SCHOOL BOARD.—H. Kerr, (chairman), Nationabprovineial Bank of England, Limited, twig y fashion•, wind demands that a wide which can be cashed without charge or trou- plumage a math combination's: Fruit Area of Ontario. they did in my daughter's case. Thos. Abraham, J. J, Elliott, J. J. s and varieties, are, to judge by pre- .4wathe shall be sacrificed tell it. How- ble in an )art ofthe `world, Uttawa, Sept. 9.—Prof. Macoun, of Mothers with growing daughters will ever, no flounce other thane the circa- HOmuth, Wm. Moore, Thos. Bell, Wm. any sent offerings, in larger demand than, the Geological Survey, says the limit of make no mistake if the insist upon the Batton, C. N. Griffin. Secretary, Wm. W. CORBOULD, Agent ever before. Breast feathers in great y P lair one will ilio aiH all. The sitrti�ht E. L. DIC8INSON, Solicitor. the fruit area in Ontario has not nearly occasional use of Dr. Williams' Pink one in no tray takes. its placed ftlr: the Robertson; Treasurer, J. B. FOrguson. lent; ill, saveep axotind wide brims,frcm- iieen reached. Prof. Macoun returned Pills, they will help them to 'develop circular one clings, and flares• at inter, mon hgs second Tuesday evening In each P. KENNEDY M. 17.. M, C, p, S. p, central heads, wings of greater or vols in, the required, wgy. a Iitiwever, it (Member of ill British Medical Associa• less size spread themselves; long sin on Saturday from Western Ontario, properly; will make their blood rich and trims nicely with lace, either' tori the PUBLIC Soxool 7 EACHERS.—A. H. tion.) Gold Meaallist in Medicine. Special gle quills oom'e'in for a share of pat -- Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, attention paid to Elis°uses of women and Child roma a and song birds in native col - 'where he has been for the past four pure, and thus ward off disease aid de- e0e. cir set up on( it. A'skirt trimmed Miss Reynolds, Miss Faiquharson, Miss ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. In.: 7 to 9 p. In, nein g ' :mouths examining the flora of the land cline. The genuine pills are sold only, with .Several na'rraw circular ruffles Cornym, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson gs or dyed to suit Fashions die-- - a sweep and, a finish thatf renders TR. MACDONALD, tater', still raise a mute protest along the shores of Lakes Erie and in boxes bearing the full name, Dr.' it very dressy. Especially is t.hii+ the and Miss Reid. ll against the silencing of their voices, Huron. His work extended from Williams' Pink Pills for Pale People" on case in the satin-finishedi foulard, BOARD or, HEALTH—Mayor Clegg, Ostrich plumr_,s are seen in unheard (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- Centre Street of len -Wisgara to the northerly penisula. He the wrapper around each box. None The pedestrain ski7•rt which is- in,- lengths and at lesser extensions,. tended far the s;t'reet i. the ons , thing retsoly, Dr. r. J. R. J. B. Ferguson, Sea- Wingham, titre promise that this standard cin Staid especial attention to the forests Of other is genuine, no matter what some ( y" b retaiy; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical Ontario. P the district through which he passed, self-interested dealer may say. If in tat makes' the !demi-trained skirt bellishm,znt will vie with special nav_, Health Officer. elLieg. Feather boas will also. com- p siblc. The short' 'shirt, which is DR, AGNEW and his observations have convinced doubt, seed direct to the Dr. Williams'udw made in a lt$ngthi to invite every ' Pete with fur and Come in immense ). MRS. W. H. HELE Physician, Surgeon, etc. itrim that the fruit area of Ontario can be Medicine Co., Brockville, Out., and the woman to ownershipof one,. is so satL, lengths and richlvess: Many are in, lsfactory that the wow(ler,is thin n Office—Macdonald Block, over a t Davis' ostrich plumarge, but maaabout mired .greatly increased. Wherever fruit- pills will be mailed post paid at 50 cents other kind. of a skirt is, seven anywhere• Drug Store. Nicht calls answered attheoffice. with coq plumage, or flat coq boas, growing has been tried in this section of a hos, or six hoses for iy2.50. oil the streets'. It 'should 'be made' of Classes in China Painting. VANSTONE, a're noticeable. .the province it has been successfully goods heavy enough notl to require w oil and water Colors. R. F lowex•s are usually mammoth, roses carried on, and the professor says tip- In the recent heat wave in Rome four lining. Many of the pedes'train skirts Also a new revelation loin for firing china. BARRLSTER,' SOLICITOR, ETC. or poppi.cs too 'be placed singly orl in, are quite plain — in(fac.t, they majority Studio at her home, Catherine Street. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest pains, but there are moderate sized Isles, peaches, pears, plums, and cher- swimmers made up a party at 11 o c1ocL- of them are —but circular ruffle ' will- rate ofinterest, No commissioucharged. Mort. Chrysainthennums and in all. i:here is .Ties may be own all through the dis- gages, town and farm property bought and at times a notable disregard of ma-. y gr g in the morning and proceeded to take be, a welco�ie addition- in relieving the sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wing lam. Fg` tinct. The climatic conditions are their breakfast in the Tiber. They ap- severity of the outline in, some cases.. E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN tore, as, when brown or green blos-- favorable, and only in a few places will geared on the river bank carrying a NEW FEATURES IN SLEEVES. �vncGHnu J A. MORTON, sums appear. A gorgeous orange is f o found that the soil is too beau' for Fashion has been playing all kinds conspicuous and a splendid red in Y table loaded with dainties, pushed off, of pranks with sleeves ,during .the TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. BARRISTER, darkened shades. Bleach growing. and had their meal without returning to summer, and she looks daringly in the win ham o t EVELYN AYRES. g . the bank, and, what is more surprising, same direction, this fall. The sleeve Pupils prepared for Conservatory of Music , n If you take a Lasa -Liver Pill to -night without touching the bottom. has been made longer on the shoulder examinations. E+� L. DICKENSON, 3lefore retiring, it will work while you .� And tighter in thq upper arm than it BARRISTER, ETC. sleep without a gripe or pain, curing has for some time past, and these two VIOLIN AND GUITAR biliousness, constipation, dyspepsia and features are carried intorthe fall Cos-, Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Money to loan. sick headache, and make you feel better ii'`"A�a'i'� '�'��� ti S tume. The outline of the. upper arm MISS CARRIE MORE Office—Meyer Block,wingltan). int. the morning is relieved mastr plainly,; int the fit' -of of London Conservatory E Music, will be pre- 1 , DOSES 0 S E S 7 9 the sleeve. In ,the fog anent the sleeve ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. pared after Oct. 1st ter• receive i limited num- Population, may do all :sorts ofj things. There, may ber of .pupils for instruction on Violin and Doctor of Dental Surgery of the Pennsylvania ` M wa eminent physician, whose schooling be an undersleeve 'of muslili 'or velvet Dental College and Licentiate of the Rev A return just compiled by the Provin- ., and th'c Sleeve ra r may 111dw arcus Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office has always been along the line of strong p p' 3' d •Tial Secretary's Department shows that tonics and bitters" for stomach troubles, the wrist, or it may stop short. at the over Post Office, Wingham. now prescribes what he calls tasty tablet elbow with a strap cuff. Them again PIANO AND THEORY. T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., the number of lunatics in the various in- Y F doses—Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets. it ma'y follow the; arm as closet as L.D,S, y titutions of the Province on August 31, may be from shoulder seam to wrist, MISS SARA LOUISE MOORS. L.C.M. New method for painless ex. � And he is only one of thousands of the medical 3r , ram seas 5,941, compared with 5,152 a year profession who are "getting out of the rvt"and an'd have every vestige tlf n wrinkle and member of the Associated Muaieians of traction. No Cocnine. ago, 5,084 in 1899, 5,029 is 1898, and—to taking the common-sense view of things, and fitted out of 'it. WHeul the cloth, frolu Ontario, is r°pared to receive a limited num. Special attention to the care and regulation ice% her of Ir of children's teeth. Moderate prices, and all ""'"• "' Igo back to the beginning -1,3613 in 1871. instead of strong doses are prescribing for stem• which the sleeve is ciit is: tucked in Pupils for instruction on Piano and in work carefully and sidlfully performed, Office i ant troubles and the ills that are akin, this pleas- half-inch tucks' with a. fractiohr of 'theory. The returns of the department show ant and' never failing treatment. Every day sees Special attention given to pupils preparing 3n Beaver Block, wingham. that the number of this unfortunate the walls of prejudice crumbling, and nature apace between, it proves most effec- for examinations. getting the recognition she merits—for nature's five. ;- Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Winghnm. JOHN RITCHIE, There is a noted difference *mass to cared for by the Proyince is cures are surest. Sixty tablets, 35 cents. 16 r The dainty little glove -fitting un- GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, steadily on the increase, always taxing Sold by A. L. Hantilton, Wingham. dersleeve is one laf the most attrac.. in the style and fit of Pants we. f th five of manly schemes(for dressing In v the accommodation to the utmost, but I JElliottY $ the arm. It may bei made int any kind J. J. t V. Winghom, Ont. make that always brings eo*- mot perhaps—recently,At any rate—more of lace or mull and[ should fit; the arm HonoraryGraduate of JOHN CURRIE, WINGIfAM, ONT. ° y g P SUCCESS. Ontario eterinary than theinCreaseinpopnlationvlaments. like the king-wristed glove, and come LICENSED AUCTIONEER. le back for another air. down• well over the hand. There i9 College. p p The greatest pressure at present is on Office andold Infirmary Sales Farm Stook and Farm Implements a Then there 1S the low price' diules .For ,Success — By Charles 'yI. also a fancy for binding thiv••edge of at Golley's cid atnnd,• specialty. the Asylum for Idiots, Orillia. There Schwab, President of. the Steel the lace at the w:rige with a machine- Victoria St., Winghum. All orders left at TSE TmEs office promptly teles there 651 at present Confined, while Trust. iKitched; satin• binding to' match the , Day and night calls attendad to, Terms reasonable. PP Rulev fort ucce3s are eas i oversleeve in color. The top sleeve pTelephonotconne tion. and better quality of cloth put, n0 less than 388 applications are stand- .9 y to form- o, ulate. But it requires, steadincW of should flare considerably, tug from those desiring to be admitted Y, and thus 02 PRINTING, in them—cloth that wears. purpose to fallow them. Those which disclose the under -sleeve, and be lined �1 'there are applications for 74 lunatic I set+ down are gleanedl from personal with plain silk. There are as many FARMERS Heads,nq Books, Pamphlets, Postern, Bill See our new goods and prl�es., patients, now Heade, Circulars, &c., dtc., executed pri fel the best together Of that couflned lass. in It Jails,or 153 al - expected experience. Most of them,: of course, fancies fdr decorating ,the arm s( and anyone having live stock or other style of the art, at • moderate prices, and on are fundamental. The have been there are schemes for trimmtn a *sat, I short notice. g` articles they wish to dispose oP, should agree• E S' Z R & GOO repeated for a goods many thousand The home dressmakor not infre u tiso the same for sale in the TIMES. Oar ]are Bt an Book or Weare pleased to announce that the new asylum at CObOurg will b0 years. paid. all I cam: do is to testify makel the •sleeves first, an the eptly circulation tells and it will bestrau a Indeed if that any Books or Magazines loft with us for completed b the first of November, d y pears g � B]nding, will Have our prompt attention -When accommodation Will be available tc�Behselfereliant. ' Dge�e got are: a practical Art'. ]std on willteall�lieocmause We ygua more . prices for Binding in any style will be given on i } r go job yy application to '!ar Y f ,,u Y l A AI S' for the article or stock than it }s worth. Song for those at present not provided for. through influence. Build; your wnY your advertisement to the Timm and trytlns THE TIMES OFFICE, t'' '= *,�yCAERIEN+BE up from the bottom an(t don't ski Unfermented Grape Wine, plan of disposing of p g your stock and other Wingham. any steps. Take 20articles. pounds of Concord grapes, Severely AfiiotedDo what you're employed' to t10 pick Carefully from the stems and add _ _ RAILWAY TIME TABLES. � 0 better than, any dnet else' emPI0.Ved 3 quarts of water; crush the grapes GRAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM, With Kidney Disease• about you can. dd it. You'll be the with a masher, and put the whole l7f . man• ,selected for promotion. into a porcelain kettle. When near_ TRAINS LEAVE von Be interested in our work. Like L at 'bailing point strain through n Dunlop Palmerston .............. o,58 a.m.,.. 8.55a.m, TRADE MARKS Stone in the Bladder, Incontinence Y Y London ......... ........ 0.60 a.m.... 8.10p,m, Dt lotJs and Paints in the Bacic—Another your work. If you, do not you will colander, using a littld more hot Kincardino..11,10 a.m... 8,10 p•m..., 8:88p.m. COPYRIGIi i sr �C. iiemnrlcable Cure >CSYceted by Dr, not .succeed'. Wort: that you alike is water, and then through a I] ba SOLID RUBBER AltitrvE 11110M , Chase's HJdney=ldvcr Pills, i not work. It's play. It 'abs'orbs return the juice to file kettle; add Hineardine ....0.49 a.m.. 8.56 a.m.... 8,10 p,m ggiokly nsraecriin mfr opinion ireocw�ition mai, you. It prevents' yotr from! ; lookin London .......... ....... 11.10 a.ht.... 7.55 p.m lnventton is probtwin it1, pinion fr C wthe !tin Mr. Win. Boyne of 13 SvIcGep street, g 4 paun•ls of ixranulated sugar; let •�y�•�• 1�I ,�t�' Palmerston ............. 2.45 p.m.... 8.88 p.m tions strictly contidential. Ilandbook oil Patents 'Toronto, says: •'I was afflicted severe- at the clock at quitting tlm'e, This sutrar molt slowly, then bring the � 1L Jl i ag+Ib, , R. T. SUTTON, Agent, wingiiam. sent free. oldest agency for spearing lY with kidney disease, steno in the latter your employer will be ;quick mixture. n:'arly to the, boiling' Patents taken t�irouah Dtunn E. Co. receive 'bladder, incontinence, deposits In the _ td A point ; epectatmt( a, without chnrt;o, in the appreciate., ramwvt: any scum; battle while hot CANADIAN PACIFIC VM 106nAY. w� M turine, severe linins in the back, and Got an 'ear.! start, int life. Begin TisAINa L.. 0.6 NCR �{� �F� y , in ;icm jars. It must b kept dark. Tires Toronto and East ..,...,,a.58n.m....8.G4p.m . $�if�`Amerkano !strains over the loins. 2 was so bad freest ab soon as you oaxl,unIc'ss you're W)it'n uninM lha win^ Tadd a little T°eswatei .......•...... 1$a p•m....I .48 p.m. Ahandsomelyillurtratea wonkly. 7mrnst eir that I had to get co two or three times _ g•oing to enter a profession. Vor hdt or cold Water. , , ARUIVE 1rROM Calntten Of any eClentla0 1•)Urnn{. Torn,s, $3 a fry[ the night and ecoid thele only make a businc5s career a college education �11i C, rry heavy IoadS and Teeswater... ..0.58n,ht.....$:5$p,n1, year-,fourmonths,$1. sot abynu nowedeplars. water wolf great slain, g Toronto and East .. ,,,. 1.82 p.m.... 10.48 m. _ + 'Though long a sufferer and unable is' not essential. -» - _ _.___ - _ _ ;r__ Withstand hard service. J. EH. ast IER,82p.m winghap. �361Croadxay,NIP, l Muco?l & Ca' 7 York itv 'work, I Was confined to MY bed for Treat every ane ase you' wish them Aft ever -satisfactory► e�Sj/- - rlrancl, once. n9G rr cit.. tvnshi•, 1, t1• +three weeks, and during that time . to treat you. Do not quarrel. If CARS -LINED FACES ridffig �vlleel tire. greater I 'could not Possibly endure You disagree; ing gree amicably.' Ado not always 'kite sign � y g I 1 PAYS greater misery. It vas then that I be- the followin ,rules', I be}irve, Y inn of Ever set uarailteecl. 'Il. - • can to use Ur, Chase's itidney-Liver should' each be given, a separate line: mental worry, for knany a. i• - � Pills. It Is with gratitude that I say B hen; at, stxaightforiv ird, manly, pet•son goes silently along ` Lail be fitted 0 alld' wfiz?l, - ► that they have freed me of a}1 these Ioyal. day in and day out, suffbring ilrymf,totns, and made me a •well man, I , almost be and telling gond for t •atalogno. 'would not, thiltk of beinrr without Dr. Dont drink. It enervates'. y JQ: from , :Chase's Xidney-Liver I'ills in the Don't Smoke. It isi a useless Ila.bit, bodily pain', and the only Sign ?� , DUNLOP Tl:t : OO, � treat bets s It It the Litre- TO AD,C� F F TSE ave•ttsavid t"rade•„farke e6t+feed. Ind fill ltent o&Me, and can also recommend in_ Marry early. Your wife will help y r.falilitsp. ,ua,ness conduattl for b101)EH%TK MEEK. My aae'i1 Syrup of Linseed and "euryon- you toCsucaerd. lined fetes• J office is in the ,mitiedhtoviciaityofthePatent of�ce ilf2ae and Dr. Chadse's Nervi I,"Ood ac Stomact, alit of lriEil�esdon with itg TORONTO, andm faeilitiesforseeurinapntentsareunsurpassed i',rarn• haw its .s ivet your money. a y ►' *"ry Nuperfor medleltiesl." Watch every opportunity to ad- cutting acids making every breath you draw a Sedd model, Aetehorphotograph of invention wit:i 7n every totwn, viliaLro anti tocvnslrip vanes yourself. .f rent['. your; own. o1r- dagger pain 2 Dyspepsia llnawing to almost the me= 1� desert tion and statement ae tondvanta �, claimed, Canaria Jiwt ru,h raren ,ire sally pant of distraction? Can't sleep? 'Nervous? � ILSI IRE �it�or,7Fn,gafvn weelreirt�••edr)Won nilto nil; brought about by 1)r. Ci+Ass's [�1°rtuniiy--when, youlltnow yottr,btr you needn't surfer—South American Nervine I 'ratoutabttt,y and r+v fee for prosccudni: the ncy-7,tver fills. They tare no et erl• tetras thorolighly. Then grasp a;,plicar(en tr 111 tiled )u t artet; grit• vaittt the ^ U g puts -'all things to rights, chases the scams Kfe,a 't t -is- 1 %6 '•o called Carne," eon• f, ti4f�mt, but ti. Rldli-.Y madleinr, that has That is, thrs time far. the vound up. It horn the brow, and instead of the car(., linea mod 'tho t^tt. rirle pill A, dove, tic a ''tit' tbo,end- you have, in mints. Then there'll be the glow of health. 1 -first boule I ¢ iloagi>Yt�onsldcxroilaati lctlfPAo�gtkl n4iilni� at ill deo.lers, or Rdmanson, Dates, when you :succeed' keels on succeed- helps ; a few bottles cure, i 8 TIMES (,ie.• 'arant0. , l� iirg, nrid yours be k ,success. Ei0lttiryA.L.Ilnmilton,Winghain, r•. , k