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The Wingham Times, 1901-09-20, Page 5
mm"M "Mom THE TfNGta, I !I '777.77"Nr 47AXOMOWIr. &DULIVIAGENWin - Blouwan Is taking A course iu; Realtstate and Loan Office, NEWS FROM OUR EIGHBORS the Buminess College. XZW PRE X001 a few days with his oister Mrs. 8 0000. farm property. Kra. Alex Gibson of'Aoxetor vo# HE, NEW STORE o aitid Accountant. amuel Odic f --Two doors nord no St: ilhis or EVENTS OF IN t. TO ALL OUR READFUS. ""a" Mr. Andrew Millar, vile, has beau in Guelph hospital Is. Improving, APPLES 1 APPLES 1 Mrs. David Millar bas xoturneil home. WANTEI). What Mrs. Times Correspondents Communicate — Other After spending sonie time in .Toronto. New Dress Fa brie Items Clipped XProra Our Zxohnnges. A log boo was held At Jobil. BloEwen's Wanted to purebaise, any quantity on Tuesday for clearing up one of his of Good Shipping Apples, for W111011 front fields. He is making, great im- We have just passed into stock a choice cot - I 4m, BULNOUr. Prepared to PAY - provemeuts as he belongs to the twenti- lecti�n of the latest and best weaves of Dress $2,35 per- barrel,Mrs. John McDonald and soil, of the Mr. 'William Lowry Into gone on ,% trip oth. century, Central Hotel, visited Wingbam friends to. Portage In Prairie, Uguitobp, for the Hubbard Millar of Turaborry Is, at, Fabric.9, including Frieze Suitings in the new Farmers having some to dispose over Sunday, good of his health. , tending Model School in Goderich, autumn shades, French Covert Cloths, Home, ,of should c-411 at ray Egg Empol,jum The Misses Nellie and Mary Troy are Mr. and Mrs, Til.oulas Richards are Richard Bennett of the Klondike snd complete arrangement for sell- attending Goderich Model School, c1)j0Yiu.11 a visit from their daughter -iia- spent Sunday at Mr. W41, Wright's, , spun,; black and colored Serps, Sallets, new Ing, I law from the Sault, Miss B-0114 LiviligetQ1i. of.Bmssels black French Poplius Cheviots, French Broad - 4t 0, GILLESPIE, ISLVTV�. spent Sunday At Jas, Straotlan's, cloth, new shades in I Mrs, H. Alexander, of Winnipeg, Is A njw addition has been atode to Camel, Hair Cloths 19 at the home of her parents., Mr. Miss Tillie Wilkinson has arrived Vict Fancy COSEUMe Suitings, etc., etc. ®rrialiallia the of lamp ALLAAN. L I.N. E visit" and Mrs. James Bentley. home after an absence of nine weeks AD at the gate post No mistakes need to. Mrs. Robert Kelly visited friends at R scallaba and -Grand Rapids, Mich., be made now by the, boys. Seaforth• visiting her brothers and other relatives. Hqal Mail S��aroships The XisseaMearyand Janet Stoinhoff She had a flue time and 9 '"LUXIVAMP. Extra Specia 1 found the boy I visited with their aunt in London last enjoying 0, large, share of prosperity, W fruit thief again visited Mr. Jas. Two pieces extra fine*pllmwool Sorge, wide width, regular Week. Rev. and Mrs. Brown have the sympavitlobliell'sA orchar4fi2n. Friday might, lost v4luoit 60c, our special price Mo. FROM MONTREAL AND thy of the whole, co'nimfinity in the I... and stole the remd ning pears an I and apples Tlio Astbanatle's Agony. of their infant child. on Thursday last. within reach. The person who, -takes NEW YORK. Wakeful ulghts,suffocating sensations, Airs. J. Ross, of Blyth, visited Bel. them is supposed to preserve or sell them New French Flannels diffionit breathing. Who can describe grave friends last *eek. as few misch boys take more than We are showing a choice variety of plain and fancy Flannels For tickets and full information Apply it? This disease, partly nervous, partly they can eat. for walsts, 41sonew Silks. Please ask to see them, to congestive, partly. the result of microbe, Mr, and Mrb.. Charters on Monday i;e irritation, is no longer treated by nava- for their home in Greet Falls,'Montapa. Mr. William Patton has rebuilt the H. DAVIS, Wingham. eous stomach destroying drugs, bnt by silo which was blown down. New Mantles, Catarrhozone, that destroys the microbe, HOWICK. Misses Mary Yortsou, and Olive Scott relieves congestion a Ladies', Misses aurl Children's long; alicl short Coats In the and relaxes the uer� n Friday) afternoon iast a very seri. have returned from a pleasant visit to a( latest RbZala� Well tailored, nice fitting garments. See our Je W lollixTilabilily that rand..s breathing a so diMoult, The medication is carried s accideutbrafell, a young son of Mr, Galt and vicinity. special . at $5.00. on by the air you breathe to the very sent Henry Holtzaeurls, who was working Miss Susie Pearson, of Gray. returned _ ", Z - eller of the disease,. and removes At once the for Mr. William Spotton,'near Lakelet. home this week after a fortnights visit New Clothing cause. The great discovery is known as While• descending from a scaffold, he with friends at Glenannan, Winghani it is worth your while paying a visit to our Clothing Depart Catarrhozone. Its influence upon friends in -1 Asth- lothimself'down by a chain and the Bluevale and Molesworth. went in the basement, where we carry a complete stock of all ma is simply marvellous. Catarrhozon© hook entered his Abdomenkinds of Clothing for Mqn and, Boys., New Fall $pits, Now making abad Mrs. J. Collie is prevents as well as cares, and is the , visitilig, Ovexcoatq, New Roofers, Now Pants, New Ulsters. etc. Watches, Gold Rd SHVP only remedy guaranteed to care. Your tear. Ag there was no one at Noma lie Kilicardlue. .2 20 Men's Suits t -price $6.00 to $o.50, for $4.75. m6ney back if it fails. Two sizes at all walked for over half a mile where. Air Cutting corn for ensilage is almost o clear, regular AAA. dealers, goo and Spottonivas threshing. A doctor' universal with t-49 farman this week- W1t0XETzn. hastily summoned, the wepild attended and last, Hair Olasps to. Ile is progreasilig fAygrably, and' Miss Burgess returned home to Brook - Mr. Thomas J. Gib.1on, of the firm pf NEW BOOTS AND SHOES u�forseen complicA vibe last week after. a visit of several Rings Gibson Bros., of the saw mill, left for wa-y recover, if weeks, with Mrs. Collie. The ladies NEW HAT3 A' D 0A1?,J Manitoba on Tuesday where lie bAs so- tions set in. 1W NEW FURS, NEW WRAPPERS cured a situation in the In' Mr. Fred AMson, of Redgrave, is at. weredviends in Scotland and have. 4 -opt Brooches mber business. NEW WRAPPERETTES Mr. Gibson will be missed by tlle-,Sunday tending college in Toronto. the lamp of friendship burning since. NEW BLANKETS ANU FLANNELS Mr. and Mrs. Fee, of. Nebraska, are Mr. Wesley Cornell leaves for Mon - Belt Buckles school and Presbyterian church. We NEW GENTSPURINISHINGS hope his absence will only be visiting friends around Redgrav'e. treal in a few days where he' has a situs NEW Mr. and Mrs. A, Hooey, who spent the, tion as nurse in an insane asylum. NEW UNDERWEAR. Sterling Silver :t as he. will see how be likes the situation summer with friends around Lakelet, The missionary society connected With Audit it suits him he will move bit Novelties. k family out later on. have returned to their home in the Unit. the Presbyterian church have packed No Trouble to show yoti the Goods. Mr. Edward Barnard has bis*dwelling ad States, and shinp6d twenty-one dollars worth , Out Glass. up and is now getting the roof on, Mr. Goo rgo Gregg, sr., has returned of'quilts, clothing, etc. to the Indians at .............. .. .......... . Rev. R. S. G. Anderson, who has been froin Manitoba. Regina. visiting lathe Old Coui)try, returned Mr. W. H'Spencd, of Newbticlge, will •(1-atendedfor last wee1c.) done. Don't be afraid to come in: Sunday to a well filled house. The Rev. her mother, Mrs. John McCracken. Weare always pleased to aVow goods. . oil Saturday and occupied his pulpit on attend Victoria University, Mrs. Di Geddes, of Detroit, is visiting neatly Eyes tested without charge. Repairing He aj a 18 Rm D 0Q gentleman looks well. It appears theA very smoky time. miss Ina Thomas and Miss Aftbol The old Stand in Mason Block. M trip has done him good.Langworthy, who have been visiting at Swamp fires are raging.!Tre I The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. re Mr. Phil. Thomas' for a few weeks, - Rev. Mr. McKelvey, pastor of the Miss Kate McKinnon has returned turned to Toronto on Tuesday. Methodist church has - the Junior Ep- home after spending a few weeks with Misses Edna Patterson and Nellie H. H, CHISHOLM worth League well established. It is friends -in London, Buffalo and Niagara, UN" Jeweller and Optician. well attended. Miss Jennie McKay, of Wingliam, Burgess visited at Mr. J. Patterson's, Miss Brawn, who has been visiting Friday u Molesworth, last week. 0 spent tinder the -parental roof. Putnam's Corn Extractor her uncle here for some time, returned Mr. K. McKenzie and family, of Call- ' Mrs. (Rev.) W. T.. Hall, of Arthur, A home last Friday to Buffalo. Doesn't lay a man up fora week but fornix, axe visiting at his father's, Mr,, visited at the manse recently. quickly and surely goes on doing its �.`Mr. and Mrs. Duncan Stowarb, of E. 0. CLIARKE Mrs. Ewing, who has been visiting at John McKenzie, of the 4th con. work-, and nothing is known of the op- This signature is on every box of the genuine Roseilfeldt, Man., have been spending a eration till the corn is shelled. Plenty Bromo-Quinine'Tabiets Teeswater on Monday. friends in Ontario. of substitutes do this. Some of them her daughter's, returned to her home in The Misses Agnes and Hannah Wilson few months visiting i Laxative TAILOR Mr. J. Brethaner was in Forwich on Are attending high school in Wingliam. They spent a few days with old ac. are danzero4s, no danger from Putnam's tho remedy that cares a cold In one day Wednesday on business. Miss Bell MoXinnon, who for some quaintances in Bluevale last week. except to the corn, At all druggists. s. A Mrs. John Rutherford and family time has'been under the doctor's care, is Last Sabbath evening Mr. West's ser- JaNLOSS. We have laced in stockk-a slowly -recovering. Elmer, the three-year-old son of Mr. p arrived safely at the Soo, where they mon took the form of an Address on the Charles Kaake, met with a severe acci- nice, assortment of ready -to- intend to make their home*. Xr. J. Welwood's, apple packing gang life and work of Joan Calvin.. it was H. F. McAlister has returned wear clothing, and while we Mr. John,Sauderson is having one of have commenced. business. We wish much appreciated by those present. Sault. from the dent on Thursday evening. While play - do not pretend to sell at less his stores renovated and, will" have to them every success. We are glad to hear that Mrs. A. The township council met on Monday' Ing in the bari3yard he was kicked on change the door of it so that a buggy M,, Sam. Lindsay, of the Stith con,, Craig, who has been seriously ill for at Cranbrook, the side by a horse, breaking a, rib and than cost and live on the loss, sold a five-year-old drought horse to Mr inflicting other minor injuries. We are can be taken in., Runstedder, of Mildmay, for the hand some'timo, is new well, on the road ad to We. are pleased to see Miss Fletcher pleased to note that the unfortunate you will find full value for Mr. John Young, of the 6th ot. Howick. recovery. around again. - I . . some sum of $175. _Who says it doesn't little fellow is recovering as quickly as money every time, has purchased the McKercher dwelling pay to raise therightkind of'horses -horses ? George McDonald had a silo 'built in Mr. John Ransom of the Gth con., has can be expected. on Mill street and MY. Mahood, who has his big barn this week. His corn crop purchased the Semall House, and will Give us a. ,.call. See what been staying in t I he violu . ity, moved into Thomas Kelly, of the 2nd con,, had 81 Was a good one and should yield him a move into it in the fall. Miss Bella'Kaako is attending high . acres of flue flax this year, and is well school in Walkerton. we have in Men's, in Youths' it this week and will stay there till * handsome profit. This week lie is lay- Birs. Kellwer is suffering from rheum Bliss Ada Colwell is visiting her sister I ' spring. pleased with ille results. He will put . 0 and in Children's; all, new and Mrs. B. Sanderson has moved into the about half of the land in fall wheat find One night, about a week ago, some 'Up-to-date goods. Grand Central. seed it down. I I . �L Mr. and Mrs. S. Braden visited lion - Mr. J. Riely, of Collingwood arrived , . - - -4' evil -disposed person or persons entered EAST WAWANOSH. don Fair last week. We have also a line bf odd here last Friday and took possession of Gas on the stomacii, the orchard of James Mitchell and,oaxri-. Mi. and Mrs. James Quinn, who have Mr. Loch McKenzie, of 'British Col - Trousers, Vests, Mr. Knutson's tailor shop on Saturday result of imperfect digestion pressing %l off nearly all his fruit, What makes Girments, morni g. up. against the heart, it, excites alarming the deed seem more despicable is that been visiting at the hombstead in East u in-bia, visited his parents and other Bic Cle Suits, Overalls, etc. n Wa-,vauosh, left for their home in Gret- fIA-as around Holywood last week. Thos. Rite, $. B. MoKelvie, John 113'mPtOMS. I118ticut relief is afforded by Mr. Mitchell is a very old man and al- in Davidson, Jas. E. Black, Robt. •* Black taking half an hour -after the meali tell, most blind. A Oerson,who would do _- I na, Manitoba, on Wednesday morningafflo'bn Tuesday morning Mrs. James Tay. drops of Polsoutt 'Nerviline in a,little 'trick of this kind has very little . man- of last week, lor, of the Oth con. of Kinloss, passed E. 0. OLARKE W. M. Robinson, A. A. Esty and others sweetened'water. Wervilme aids diges. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Quinn left on over the river at the age of fiftyone of the vicinity took in the, cheap trip to don, expels the gas and imparts A sense hood about him. Griffin's Royal the Pan American and all enjoyed them- of comfort. Nerviline. is good for lots A new floor has been laid on the Friday for Manitoba, where they intend years; a victim of that dreacl disease, N ext door to I of other things, and wise, people keep a to make their home in future. consumption. She had not been well selves and saw late President McKinley 8 250. bottle in the house for rheumatism bridv% and. makes quite an improve - Grocery. Mr. R. C. McGowan has erected a silo for months, but was able to be around body. cramps, neuralgia,. toothache, &o. Try meat:inconnection with his barn. until the last few days. Her 're=sins Mrs. T. Rail and her mother, Mrs. Y8o, spent a few days this week. visiting Miss A d a. Neth6ry Is visiting h a r were interred in the Langside demeterr- W 'W*AIWAXO�A. Thursday afternoon. She leaves a hus- Mrs. Dowdy, ofAtwood. grandmother, Mrs.Henderson on the 8rd- s y,AW Council met according t a adjourn- The Epworth League anniversary on Bird %7 "0 band, six children, three boys and thre&= Members all pre-, day last and the concert on Monday girls, to mourn be r Mont 011, Sept. 2nd. Milts Pearson, of Grey, visited her r departure. Five of: aunt, Mrs. Robert Musgrove, one day sent; minutes of last =acting road and evening were very much appreciated by the family are at home, the other, Alas'. P Ti r& 0 Cl on1% Fok go approved. Treasurer's statement allow- last week. the large crowds that attended the ser- Tiffin, lives quite near the old L Mr. James Burgess spent A few days G FF ; ed balance oil hand of $931.88. Filed, in London this week. serge Me- vices. Rev. Penhall, of Blyth conducted Mrs. Taylor will be nine .. missed in the a "in No use to hunt tigers with Board formed into Court of IleVision the services oil Sunday. Rev. Wilson community in whish sl ived, and the Donald took charge of the cheese factory 8 " th re Dungannon. drain. No taken ofthe Nile and Rev. Brown of white. family have the sy , tily of a large bird -shot. It doesn't'hurt the in his absence. � for the present. The right of way was church addressed the audience on Mon- circle of friends. tiger any and it, awfully risky granted Messrs. D. Gillicuddy& Gold- day evening. The church choir, assist. fttveY, a former resident of —Paul H 'o' "or" arr for you. intia,;frointowji,oxitli(il4ttic icessionof thorpo(in trust for a company to be rjORSALE-Asplendid 100 acro arni, 2,14 ad by Sebastian and Holloway of Wing- Lf ;towel died at, the House or Ref go formed) for the proposed electric rail- lgastWawanosh is ofteredfor sale - 611fenced; ham, supplied the music. Mrs. J. a 171// Consumption is a tiger ' w� 10 acres valuable codar, novo a�IiHlng spring way. in Stratford on friday, aged 81 years. a nioney making f 0. n. Patterson and Bliss May Reid recite orak, ng n� ioine in a most among It brl'e9h 0 1.rg,� 'a •diseases. Js stealthy The cheques were Issued- desirable locality, br k %,good large bnnk very creditably. barn and. oot-bWIdings. /nnnsso m —but once started it rapidly B. Bre, h, gravelUng, $10.88; D. Done- growin1townaro sure to inermso in MU0, Mr. Alex. Pobtorfleld was at the Pan van, gravelling, etc., $93.05 ;, Charles AR ply a A. Dulwage, Real estate Agent, last week. eats up the flesh and destroys nghaui. lk in 's Evil -Elliott, team on road, $2; man shoVella Oil BALE ae".4, 5& miles from 'Wing- Miss Llizie Paid and M I a s V anny 9 A Judge of Style the life. No use to go hunting big gravel, V; P. 'Wash, gravel acct., Fhani; school oa lot, % mile from P. 0. Green of Wingliam spent Sunday on %%at is scrofula. will at once detect the Super- it with ordinary food and med- $10-02; Janies Blar6hall, engineering, Brick house bank barn, nnil conventent out. the 10th, No disease Is older. buildings, Mneresintoodoultivation 50or r, 040; James Bryan, publishing bylaws, 00auras ofslash, good 4ndwhen oleark; fine Miss Annie King visited friends in No disease is really responsible for it hance for Will man who ts not afraid iority of our tnade-to;order icine. That's only bird -shot. $10 ; Clark, expenses to Dungannon oflyork. Will be Hold at s. bazain. Applyto town last week: larger mortality, garments. -drain, $5; D. Rutherford, onlVerb, $2. A. Duhna e, nml Estate aiii Loan Agent, Miss Tona Young of Whighnin is vis- CoWguftiption, IS cominehly Its olqtgrowtb, It still advances. Good heavy. Alwk, Theib Is no extose for negleefing It, It HIGH ART TAILORING - charges of Scouss •Etnulsion John McLean, gravel, $10.80; G, Ti.e. Olt SALX�168apros fit E. NVaNvallosil, ft iting with hot, cousin, Miss Maud Rob. MiLlws Its pr known by i5o many ne .at and stock faria, 5 11111C .,4 goin W, dalo'gravel, $�.60,, P. Haines, gravel, F na ertson. is our specialty. We fit the will stop the advance. The $2.25; W. Campbell, gravel, $3.45; A. 11"A- Bahl, barn, comfortable frinnelionw), signs, such as glandular tutnors, cutanboug woer 100 bearing fruit trees. River fornif; theMiss Mabel Shiell is visiting in eMptions, Inflamed eyelids, sore ears, rick - man of abnormal as well as he Thompson, gravel, $1.64; A. Shlaft, doaRtentbly biotuhdfirr of thig lot, innicing it averWingliam At present, disease feels that. ear 10 ook form, Snill I pf1prient down ets. eatarrb. wasting Ana tenetal debility. of normal shape, and our gravel and lumber, $3,16; 11. Ryan, bhd easy terms will secure thisbig form. Ap- Ade. Wesley Patterson has glee stone, Children ofJ. W. UcGlnii. Woodstock. prices suit all. Scott's Emulsion rakes the shovelling snow, $,.go; John plerea, ply to A. Dulmay, Roal 39state Agent and Con- work of his now house nearly completed Ont., had scrofula s6v!s so bad they could D I voyetheer, Ohisho in Block, Wiughm� Come along and get one of body Strong to resist. It drain con. 1, $1,50; D. McPhee, culvert WAXTEDWiF Mr. and Mrs, Samuel Charters a r o riot nttend. school tot threo nionthS. Whon ior fl��ILtrfe Of the ul(w Price only visiting friends I t h a different kinds of niedielnes had been used the newest novelties 'in Suits, soothes and toughens the'lunga con. 1, 75c; I. Glenn and IX'Si-pouleire. A61fat'osPresident X (0 do n neighborhood patting culvert, ottoh� 78c; Thomas B6g- resldentM6- prior to, their tie Arturo for Montana, to no, purt5ose whatever, these auttereri Wore John Kinloy, 18.U*2 ifielic" w riven fig Ti pro- eurt%d, Aveordlug to W. Nle(Iftin,19 VoluhW" ,.Overcoats and Pants. and sustains the strength until ley, work on oulvert, eon. 4, $1; rainin with rich Copy sal or, if prefeirrodo a 1. Mr. James JAMiea6il Who ling been ill testinioniql, by itna o 1101 06fitindoth r r- turas, includ. Yours. trul the disease wears itself out, Anderson, expenses of doaf child to Doll- '16ng 3ioDukoand D" - 0, C, r pwtmq 6111ce lie came home, is improving. y ville, hospital, $15. free, send 1W...'to p T1 Credit Xiin Agglo Spoors of Mortis is spend, Hoods J arsap CH If., Send for free sample. even, r .4, freight i ell our v f Moral ter Which 1144 efteetod the Most it , Council Adjourned to meet 0M, w6d. Nrnm books, they01 tit raralunt Ing at few N# 10 a k a with Mr. George tstdical .1%1A �wrnialiellb cures A Robt. Maxwe u SCOTT & nONVNE Toronto, titin with ovotr ofticr s. unrAbit, S40 and il.00; au dt1198110, noAday, Ootobor 16th, at I o'clock. INO 06 PANIt, uwffr, ON Robinson. Ui old and youll6*. W 'IN