HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-20, Page 3V� 9 M monnsass rasa, a a our daybook or oin your ledger, on farm, a store, an esitate, an e Ft1F1 IIEADaewE� eagle, and the owls and the night Y ,,., Por over Nifty rears. . hawks and the bat9 came a second your money -safe, ,quffscient =colo flit interest -on borrowel troubles will ICARTERO FOR DIZZINESS.. day is the evil thereof." Do not :swamp• anybol `°Stiffs^i*zit unto An Olrl and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs time to the combat. NOW, the eagle wart about, notes that are far from the clay is the evil thereof." Winslow's SoothiAgSytup has been used so profoundedly impressed was he with IRFOR @MOUS!( SS. in the, sunlight, with a stroke of Y for over fifty years bymnillionsof mothers the fact that man thousands of people B duty. Do not Pile up on your counting suffer from some form of kidney derang'e- FOR TORPID L VER. }tis talons, and a great cry, cleared for their children white teething, with Rthe air, and his: enemies, with torn desk the financial anxieties of the FOR CONSTIPATION. reit `LO years. The Ga•t who has The beat Hear.—No. 42.1 of "The perfect success. It soothes the child, meat, who were unable to avail them - S. feathers and splashed with blood, y P Health World" of 780, Eighth Avenue, softens the guess, allays all pain, Cures selves of the services of a specialist, that rOR.SALLOW SKIN. taken care of . Gur worldly ooeu a- New York, coutainsa description of a wind colic and is .the best remedyfor tumbled into the thickets. Ye are tiara, guarding your store from the he decided to give m humanity at large .FOR THECOMPI. MOM the children •of, light. In the night torch u the incendiary and the key Remarkable Cure for Deafness and diarrhoea. It is -pleasant to the taste. his famous presdription for Kidney Dis- z rvvRrna Wil"MV. .�Tus. of despondency you will have no Head Noises which ]nay be' carried ant Sold by druggists ran every part of the eases,. tinder the name of Dr. Pritchees �M,Ip, vegeta7)1e., ... s....G chance against ryaur enemies that of the. 'bursrlar. 'will be its faithful 'in at the anent a home and which is said world. Twenty-five. cents a bottle. Its ` Backache Kidney Tablets. ._ tab] .l r 1910 as 1901. God's hand is mightier It is of these tablets that Mrs. May flock up from beneath; but, trusting than the machinations of stock to be a certain cure. This number will value ig inealcufable. Be sure yon ask CURE SICK HEADACHE. in Gad and stainding in the sunshine be sent free to any deaf person sending for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and Goddard, 33a Adelaide street west, Tdr- of the promises, you shall "renew gamblers Or the plots of political their address to the Editor. take no other kind. onto. speaks in the following terms :— • your youth like, the eagle." ;demr.•t'g'o'gu'es or the red right s.rm of ( •'Aitcr enjoying the most perfect health revolution, and the darkness will. Constipation Again, t}se halbit of borrowing fl and the ,sbarmn fall dead at, His Death of tyles Scott. for many years it was a sore trial for we trouble is Wromig because it hits a YThe Lakelet correspondent of the to realize that my health was failing.. I tendency to make us overlook pre- V et. had, in the. first lace, acute pains in the roes your head ache? Pain sent blessing. To slake man's thirst So there are persons in faeble Fordwich Record contains the follow- small of m back,,and wasosing fie§'h Our eyes ? Bad the rack is cleft, and Cool water's health, and they are ktnar.rieci about HALF A CENTURY OLD11'ins obituary notice of Mr, Myles Scott Yback Of y }/ the future. They makeout very well When, tvwx estate our notes last Week rapidly. Then other. complications arose, r leap into his brimming• cup. To Peed t we very. much fearedf that our esteem- which so weakened me that itwasonlywith taste ill your moutl;t P It S his hunger; the fields bow down with now, but they lure worrying ]mem- ed friend, the late Mr. Myles Scott, the greatest amount of determination that your liver ! . Aiyer s -Pills aft beald ng wheat, and the cattle Come A S#dndard Remedy would suecumb to his injuries and the I could attend to my wont. I tried a. liver pills. They cure consa, down from the clover pastures to said reality happened, on, Tuesday at number of remcdies and consulted several. give frim milk, anal the orchards yel- THE E CLERGY USed li Thousands of Nomes about 4.30 o'clock. This is without physicians without obtaining shore think patios, headache, dyspepsia, low and ripen,' ceistimg their Juicy L' E ' �. exception, the most lamentable death temporary relief, and as a last resorf ll: 25c. All dttifQtsta•ala ' fruits into Ills lap. Alas, that amid lit Canadl that has occurred here for many a thought I would try 'Dr. Pitcher's sack -- such exuberance of blessing man year, and none has' caused. more wide ache Kidney Tablets. Their benefic-he- OR moustache or.beard a beautitol should growl as though he were a Dr. A Haw's Oatarrhal Powder . spread sadness nor elicted so much action was almost instantaneous, atmd the- ri black? Ilton ptacCttr'' h tgoldier on short rations or a sailor >i. sympathy. 1)eeeasea was borry bero 32 results highly gratifying. The pails GH��I'S �IGWilisilteers. on shoat b,llowance; that a m -in Cures all Creeds. It relieves years, ago and just' attained; his 32nd my back disappeared in a short timiet bo ora. o.o.aaa,.n os a. a.,i.0 +cu. NNH,e, s.M- anduld at -and neck deep in harvests in 10 minutes. birthday when, he wits called. Some ••nd my general health improved greatly. looking forward to famine; that one Here are a few names of clergymen o! g I ve now feeling fine and re gig my . should fetal the strong pulses of years ago learnt the cheese making g . + ` have this oppnrtuntt • of expressing m ha alth mnxching with regular'. tread different creeds who are firm believers in Dr. trade and pursued . his vocation sue- p g y Agnew's Catarrhal Powder to "live up to cessfully in, Michigan, Brucef}eld and appreciation of so valuable a remedy.. tIlzough till the avenues of life and ,the preaching" in all it claims: Bishop your own factory at PordwicIl, llr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets yet tremble at the exgleted assault Sweetman, Rev. Dr. Lan;ttry (1rplscopalian); During the winter months he ran the are 5o Cents a box at all druggists or sent IV t° . of sickness ; that it man should sit Rev, Dr. tiVithrow and Rev. Dr. Chambers p notedl choppin& mill of this place, and by. mail, postage free. `'� F. lin }lis ploaaan.t home, fearful that (Methodist), and Dr. Newman, all of To- � ,in, his honest- dealings and affability gain- The Dr. Ziva Pitcher Company, TOri ruthless waut will soros day rattle Tonto, Canada. Copies of their personal I o,a for him many, 'friends. Two years onto. Ont the, broken w•incbow sash with tem- letters for the asking. 5o cents. m7 6 ago, his father-in-law, Mr. George pest and awieep the coals from the Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Wingliam, I Gregg, offered him and his son Geo. - `— --~ — • lbearth and pour hunger into the .90 the management of the excellent bread tray; that a man fed by him Spring'bank farm and they. were enjoy- ;' d Who owns all the harvests should ex- aolves about future pleurisies end 16 1. ° }ng lite its it should] be enjoyed till ' •Sof t prot to starve ; that one whom; God nccumatisms and m.curalg as and fev- I ; thei silo accident of a week ago We'di.- loves and .surrounds with brnediotion I er: , Their eyesight is feeble,cm 1 i.i Qy aiesday frustrated all their aspira- and attends with angelic escort and are worried lest 'they entirely 10,,80 tions. Somc6 six years Ago the •deceas- `11� ' I it. Their hearing is fildistinet, and ed married Miss Ella. Gregg, a union 11. arabv,1�s ' 11 a ar' alarmed lost they become which proved 'to be, wrapt in the lit- 4 : TNIE ORIGINATOR OR p I LLi-P R I C E 9 10ANIS KIDNEY ��� j The days of 215 cents for a box containing 40 pills are The original kidney speeiflc for numbered. the cure of Backache, Diabetes, Dr. Agttew's tiver pills at 10 cta. and 25 eta. a visa are surer, safer and pieasanter to Bright's Disease Wid $ill Urinary tako, and are supplanting 611 Others••- ••Troubles. All draggista eOU them. Don't accept something` just as Cure Constipation, Sick And Nervons Headaelies, Dizzindss, Lassitude, Heartburn, good. See you get the g enuin9 D spepsia, Loss of Appetite and all troubles arising front liver disorder. 40pills to els.; D OA N 1Coo pills 25 Cts. =3 S11 gold by A. L. Ifanlilton, iyingltnm. .. a en,irely deaf. They felt ch:lly toAlly an•l a't: exp.,,Wn;c an attack of ty- phoid They have bean troubled for wo ks with earn,, Wrplexing malAd ani dread bmcom-inti lifelong inval'ds. make* Ciro• of your health :now an -1 tru,d Golr,tar thee future. 11^ :sot guilty of the blosph^ming of asking Ilim to take. calm of you while, you sl,ep with your w'n,lo,ws tight down car eat chicken 'llad lit 11 O'clock ;It night or sit dolYan on it eakc, of ice to r:onl off. Ile, prudent, land then ba evaident. Som! t of the :s:ekes: P,o- 14, hllve 'Wen. the Itnoit tiaefill. It was eu with parson, who di it deotlls daily. and RoWrt Ilan, wleo ua,zd tI v,tcrp in tilt, m}cls;: 'of his sermon and lira dOwa on Out, pttlpit ailfa to r-L'st ug -1 there go on again, Theodore lh - most; happiness as they were fondly ,— devoted to each other. One pretty near s Coro as t $toed nail .! ton ri es wire sy _ _sill. ;_... ' poa:iwogil Cannot be curod m.,.;,,r. ,, ..�......- r � � i �V � � '' �d� ��t E. THE -.,...,-,,. .. - __ - ..__ _ hovers ovr.:r wi,h more than mo.he'rly __._ ..____._____... .__.. ........ ..._" liuulitiywA had a great horror of ; ttc-n _. _ ....._..___ MI KI N(,,,,EY'S HORQ. SCQ a'� -•--- a{�� rap 4 ; , ' ' '"""'": �- 1 � 4, by local aliplicatiolts as they catltlat there di�easocl of the ear. '1'herct a. f4ndnLsa uhonlfl b` 1Q4klit'" fQ1' a leerltulca of tears! Iraq God been hard dying, till the tim. calm± i:eel tivent peacefully. Take care: of the The January nulub,'r of Tht' l�phitix, alt I 'the 'I 0, J . ,o; ;,� the portion l Is Qtly alit way to, ours imediesa, and j1�! Sermoln' By rev, T. De 1txb�I sitt.)I flu+t� that; kllau sllauldat b: fore. flits, 11-i th board? press'nt, .an:l let the future Ivak out tai' itself. "Sufficient un.o the day an u'str�ologicai jottrwO publislt,.d Uoitnn, appiured with an arts;e fore.. , in1�n>} s pisrtlt sa� '", fir` Ointment-- 'Vine It, that is bu ronstltuttollal remedies. Deaf- by eAnditioti Talmsge� .U. 1a. ho,iSng? gt'nteel Y Has lee covered thee with rags? lilts ',:3 tie evil tbexx'+ctf." telling the atasussination: of 1'resl,lent `'Will n*We >S;tinntO our h1 host reaom;manda� nl1 lnflatnod teas is,11 . a sod lining of the D►eatoolilan '"""""'-" lily al)reatl trap3 for thy feet, and Again, filth habit aP lrartawin:; mss. Mel .aileyl ltanYler the beading, the New e , use Ike t'*e#y end of the rat Batts �'ttbo. Wilolt this tube is inflamed you Washington, Se 8.••••-Ia this ills. p• course Dr. Talmage shows the Folly galled Illy cup, and xas ..t p p' 1 shy soul, an 1 wrecked thee with starm. and fortune let rel ons baQau9e. it trifles us for it when it actually does coma. the 111aon a IMIQdca At vel; Wes dvatial Tema," ,al,)peat'a the fol. i t ,e'Jrowt re, haV au rtltllblln aeulitl or imperfect r Ex itis au01VIY t bred, ltearwg, whoa of allow-wg', till? forebodings to iuftu. thundered tipan thee with u life full We, cannot' alway's have .smooth sail. lowityq In August of St. Joseph's Infant Hames SCath'1'ro 'lie you :;ell 1 Agree oatmeal n pound trod Deafness is ells result, and unD a alto ill- taken out and this tatce us and Itow expectation of evil woakens • a'nd destroys; ; text, Mat. Y, of culamity3 If your father or brother Game ins. ]�ifo'a path will sometimes b,dtlloivrtitl J des flit (1$0i). alumb�r o pp,, p y Jule g . would boxes we wish you yxaldd solid w oral Jawalt y price forit}kyb yingInlargoquantites. elan�l ltiammatloncanbe 1tube restored tel its normal condition, ��� tlsetiv vi„ 31, lsetftiattaat u?, to. the day Is the- thereof," !thio ypur batik whelk gold and silver are lying about, do not; watch ausbl'e+) an rCc�d l p will kiss oar oh.wk aA,4 then sell els rcksGtl, ofdX esideia Mc, Kink -Y's Inauguration Xa'1TIl 4,1$.07, children are bfagll t t our nano o4 QInd nta gczpma, and of all the treatment: and atawnenq , oil forever; nine hoaxing vtrlll bo dostruy a arrh ton Caused by Catarrh, evil '.'lilt life of every loan, woman. and you dwelt. for you know they are honest, far 80. phew of ,silver. Human, scorn �n which wet fined the fallaavi09: When; we have used ire find Dr. Agnew's Ointment to soros out o are Aii d., which is natlllllJ; but an illdautytl son 1 Child is els closely under the divine cure uiv tlnouu'li such p:rsolt 'tYCre the but if an entire stranger comae by the safe you keep your Cyt! on. him, will try to orueify us between two tllieVCs. Wei will hear the Iran t;t11e election tray rolls lwund in r 1900 t11t� ,'pi'allle Will not curl: ta' bo the mostSatisfactory•-••it has ntadesamo great Cures for 111% Wp,giYSllLt)urhi$hesLrei:alalfiaA+ the uo0ns'a11TPaQes. tion e - tl i one Hundred Dollars for We u only lean, woman and child. There for you do not know 'Ills designs. he : of the st'pulcber creak and grind its change partlrs, If President MCICin, ley lives he 44000. 35 oasts. ars will give any caro of Deafness (aausesd by t aCarrh). are ,no accidents. As there is a law Com,' mein treat trod; not ars a fatb+ it shuts in our kindred. 1,ut We sun_ ' not ready for these things by he will re.eleote:l." '1'•o Lite superfialal observer this, A. gall by.A.• 1L. Hamilton, wtnghseln. that oauuot bo cured by Hall's. patarrit a for fres, of storms in th% natural world, so tlrz+a is a la,�Y of trouble, 0. law of el•, but it stronger, and sot auspl- _ elOn9ly toward Ililn. It is high time get zarebalings. Filey who fight Imagin- D. 1000 Cl^Celan trlumpll of the Re, _ . cure, Stanrl ciroulnrs, F. �. QI�>aN1;Y 6a pA., Toledo, O. disaster, a law of misfortun'a ; tut the majority of tcaub�s of '.1lfe are erne bz in tG tlisttk Gael for resent gi p blessing, Thank hii'ni for your child.. u.ry wa,'!sr Will collu_i out Qf brews}i irslta con -Mot with the a.rmx•cl rii,8n,stel's lxt#itica'n party looks Ike a sufffel.:leen•, e�mlkl frtrtuliata wvlynt tdli entitle elle y viz., Albert' E. Millscm, J. .7• Montgomery and d'. Darroch. The Bev. Sall by Druggists, 7ga. Hall's Family Pills axe the host, u Y lmagitiarY, and the most of those leen, 11nPPY,, buoyant and bounding.. trP the fuiure. Tlerir ammunition wi;l been Imig before they viatar to a sl•leniude of I>calse Gost, from Whom all blt'sslags. flawl" Mr. Marshall held a shard servlet at Carrie X4t1Rn Nearly 11Iobbod. anticipated never Coale. At any rate, there 4,410 o4use of Complaint Liaise him, for your homm, with its fountain. of eons and Iaugletor. Adore have w,alsted came under• the guns of r4�1 misfQr- i slut wlleth r ar not thea rl 1 ton the house, also at the grave, utter which thO Oddfeilows .conducted their t 10,—Mrs, Carrie Now York, Sept, against ("trod. See kow much be has done. to make you happy, his. suit. flim for morning light and evening him for fresh, cool tune. ploys 4% attempting to Jump it wall aonlAltn s go so Pax back :ai Is a blarssing to Vxesldent McKinley remains to be seen; for, from a ce.r- impressive funeral service, lc1nd1 noel lined arid. linens Nation narrowly cloapeo personal in- ,shadow. shine filling the earth with glary, _Praise water bubbling from the rook, leap- order to get IMPAus that whets they ' tain standpoint, this •.Presidential P evergreens. and matted it with evcrnzrcns. As, and ni with I jury last night at Steeplechase Bark, making rainbow for till storm and . ing into the cascade, soaring in the cottme up they arc exhaniated, and term is both inausl>takaus and fleet. ,m;uiy as could then repaired to the )%% QCneY Island, after an Intemperate ]talo for the mountain, greenness for mist, falling in the shower, clashing these. long raoes .its order to get brings liar 1'a mw.x% ways than one. xtt the, first as, an 111, btz3ing church, where .tbe Rev. Mr. h'Iarsballl a � President McKinley. She attack up n tlmcy mlass, attffrom tole the cloud and for the bellow and Procession again tlle'xack.and olappin'g its hands in the tempest, Love It}m for the spring, eases}i to vault trouble uw up at last, to the dreadful reatlity place, Gm'n, let•susi indte t)sa,t ..h )' oo its ,spoke feeling words. of warning to us - .all .Of sympathy and comfort to the, was about to conclude her leiotui:e, Crystal . of banneaed flame through the open- • grass that ,cushions the earth and the with our'Atrength ,gone. noie, astronomically known a bereaved; wife+ and other relatives.ana :lvlrc she raised her voice and ex+ Ing gates of the moirning, chaffinches clouds that Curtain• the sky and the Finally, tile hablt of borrowing Dragon, was,, at elle time, in the •s.;,,n , a warmt tribute to the, lite of the de- . claimed: "Billy XoKinley deserves to to sing, xiv,drs to ,glitter, seas to foliage that iWaves in the forest, trouble is wrong because it is unbe- 5u,+itla.riu-, under w}etch th. �1Gvr:ry b,,r take ar13 w31en partett from the words There is only 410.'Ile is. the friend of the brewer chant and springs to blossoms, and all other sounds with Thank him for a Bible to read and a Saviors to denaveir. licit. Gal flees promised to take care of us. They Bible blooms with assur- eleetians place; the President !.s inaug'u.ra+ted next a step, between, us•andl death." The Clifford i Methodists church choir kind-, and the drinking man. I have no care averpaM1varing its sang and overarching all other . Many Christians kthink it a bad ances. Your hunger will be fed ;your March, the: 'Drug -on will ba in. Seorp:o, ly came out aiidl did the singing. Who deserves 'est what he ids him. He e J hardly uttered this splendor with, its triumph, covering up all other beauty with - its gar- sign. to be jubilant, and their work of self examination is a lsewingdown elckness will lr.t ollevlated; your sor- raws tivill'be healed. God will sandal the sign aceurs'.d., Now. in the nation's career, there could be more missed ,.out of the Church here Myles? For years than' ,got." Site had with tsentimmnt then she �uus greeted with lands and outflashing all thrones with its d'omWo'n—delivernamce for a ' -- r—� ___._ _ your feet axed smaot}t your path, and along by frowning crag and opening have been three others elected Or in, augurated when- the Dragon was. in het has! presided at the organ. hero as only lie could, while) his estimable wife j ears and hisses. Many of the. to •x'ndignant last world through the Great Re- . Woman s -Pric.eless Purl grave sound the Voices of victory and good cheer. The summer clouds immediate vicinity of that sign, and t11esa three were Garfield,L'InvoJn and led the singing as only she can and, while other members•. Cif 'the ahbir take ,arose protest., comments were heprd.�ll over the . dour, I discourse of the: sin of borrowing that seem thulider Charged really Harrison, all of wliwm died in office. came ands went they two were always. Severat''of the audience tzonble. The greatest menace to hap• Ca.tlry in their• bosom harvests of This astna'.ot ac reptile, Lha Dragon, there to .steady thorn and all those nuditarium, Fi.rdtr such W hatb'it of mired and pintas is her health. The ss wheat and shooks of corn and vine- has two platter of power, both of who attended the Lakelet Church we're advanced to the fat°cera wibti menac_ heart is -wrong, Wcau'se, it puts one gen at menace to her yards purpling for the w}ne,press. which placer, are very marked in the always surelof hearing the very best ing gestures. The thousand ;people - into a despondency that ill fits him health is Kidney Diseases Tha wrathful wave will- k'ss the feet haroseop- of ihs United Stotts; that music. We could write many.- more who were present were unanimous in - fat• duty. I planted two rosebushes Mrs. Young says South Ami erican Kidney C u're is A of the Great Stoirm Walker• Our Joshua will Command, and is, tli * Drageln'a Head has its exalts_ tion in Gemini, the ruling sign of She paragraphsi ons the life of our depart, ed friend, but his demeanor through - their expression of contempt. Mrs.) in my garden; the ono thrived beauti- fully, the• ,other perished. I found. "priceless pearl." So it is. great above your soul tha sun of prosper- United Sates, and its fall ill sagit- Gut his career wao a better criterion, manager, .seeing the auto- the dead ,one on the shady side of the Mrs. As R. Young, Barnston, Que., says: "It ity will stand still, Bleak and wave tarsus, under which the Presidential to his ,worth thrav anytbing! we could, tion, tried to induce the wamaty to tion, tried house. Our dispositions, like our is seven months since I took my last dose of ,struck Patmos shall have apoealyp- el -options take place; wh:l! the Drag- pest here. If all young, men would le'atve the ,stage. pinmis, need sunshine. Expectancy of SouthAmericanyCares nrtIhave not hay isymptom tic vision, and you shall hear the an's Tail, v ca versa, has its exalta- COPY his gentle manly conduct, tem - Julius Harrflarr, of Newark, N.J., repulse is the cause of many secularslightestgg ' g i trouble from, which I suffered so many cry of elders and the sweep, of wings t.ian in Sagittarius art -1 its full in perate habits and moral inclinations, proposed three cheers for the Presi- deme' and the assemblage gave them and relig'ionis failures. Fear of bank- fine bus!- years. paid doctors a small fortune without any per. ' and trumpets .of salvation and the voice of hallelujah unto God for- Gctl>i�zli. Th- Node, or Dragon, has a cycle linty will be as ha was, prepared for death when •it comes. Ta the broken with 'a will. Mrs. Nation became ruptcy has uptom many a and sent the man dodging among manent results. This great remedy is a price. legs pearl" for women suffering as 1 did," elv ir. of nineteen years, anal is about nine- hearted wife, to the little daughter, 'a furious,. i "You Iyo bound. -%" she cried. "You mess the slate shavers. FeWr of slander albuse, has often invited all the It relieve; in six hours. T4 gold by A. L. Hamilton, Winglinm. Your way tarty wind ales c danger- ous bridle paths and amid wolf's ttv.n months in passing through a sign ; hence it fol L•ow,s that at inter- Inns; to all the other relatives, sympathetic community flours autt t�dakes, you can jeer and frost as you likel" and renis beaked vultures of scorn and howl andthe a reanp of the vulture, but the way still winds upward tin vals of nineteen years, the reptile sggmds something over a year and a their sarrow and sympathy and we trust that tha healing hand► of time, Her mianapar at this time insisted backbiting. Many of the misfortunes of life, like hyenas, flee if you coot- of their brighter experiences. Like � am;3els gun!rd it, and titter of life half in the sign, whish holds a Presi_- though it cannolt remove, may at tillat Mrs. Nation beat it retreat. He ilgeously m them4 a bay with a new jack-knife, hack- ove-rarch it, and thronss line it, and deartial eleotiar�i every fourth year. least mitigate their intense sorrow. . got her away from Cabey Island with- -et Hdiv poorly prepared for religious img everything he comes across, so crystalline fountains leap an it, tail Now, a rather uncanny fact is that . out any further scene. Mrs. Nation Ifad announced that she had made her duty is a twain who sits down under their self examination is a religious cutting to pieG;ts of the -greenest the pathway ends at gates that are that are and the, A. D. 1900 electiaa is the, fourth in an unbroken series �vh•ich, a'L• the hast appearance in Coney Island. She elle* gl,oam of exp�eted misfortulne! If ,. hey prays, he says, I do noti'think T tlla ngs they Gaza lay the}r hands an. , p art and streets gold temples that arc always opera and twenty yeuence,ve regular der s r Tried ®r. Pitcher h41d forgotten that, site must appear this morning to answer to a charge shall. be amslwa;rod. If he silver, he „ says, I expe�ot they will steal tltc They imagine they are doing God's service when they are going• about hills that quake with perpetual sc¢t:g g and a city m�inglino forever Sabbath soal.of been under soma malefic iufluence,ns w will b_ seen from the following: � As Last Resl rt. • sot malicious, mischief. money.", 1Helen Chalmers told me borrowing trouble, and borrowing it , . and jubilee and triumph and corona- T•w.mty years ago (1880) Garfield was to that her father, Thomas Chalmers, at 30 patr cant., whLeh is alwaya a sure p;•ecursor of bankruptcy. flan• el -A -ed, and was assassinated in 1881; y years'pribr to that (1800 L'n- twenty ) . A Toronto Lad '5 Experience With Lady '5 1 15 1i AD they darkest hour .of the history,of the Free Church of Scotland and h Again, the• habit of borrowing Let pleasure chant her siren song; coln's election, led to the spl:ttin3 of 'chis Famous Specialist's Back- ' L'Up A 8 S T� . when the woes the land seemed to troubl: is wrong because the present is sufficiently taxed with trial. Gad Tis nat the song• for m!. To weeping it will turas ere long,: tha Union, the shedding of a sell of blood, and finally to the as."assina- ache Kidney tablets. when upon his heart said to his children, "Comm, let us ga out and sees that we all meed a certain Far this is heat/ m's decree' i}on of L`nooln in 1805; tw:nty years For many year~ in the, hospitals of OUR ploy broil or fly kit'e," and the only that the aml^,sunt, of trouble, crud so lie ap- portlons it for all the days and years But th ma's a siaag the ransomed sing To Jesus, their exalted King, previous to that Harrison was elec:- ed in 1810, and died in about a month Detroit and its professor of Genua• Win- of Michigan Colit- S E C I T d]ffieulty in the way wars could loot' keep up with of our life. Alas for the policy of r.^,em a 'go,ad omen, a,3 lie Is by all afte,lr Ili-, i,nau;uratimt, al.l of which a Diseases to a t. g k' those city. Ziva Pitcher 1 children their father. The McCheynes� and gathering it all sup for one day, or i � year Cruel thing (to put upon the With joyful heart and ton�ua, for fata•likies we attribute to the mzialig, rant of tha Dra;3aa in the ,a,•e i;;lr/fu1 thou,*htstndcon�ideratic:n to .,avecmtt ul do iii.,;, i®- the Summexfields of the church who back of one, camiA all the cargo in- Oh, that's the• son;,, me. pres.n^a - vic)nity of tho•i. eleetionz. ce, ,.f the kidney-, hiacldel, and did the most •good toiled in the sun- light. Away with the horrors! They tended for the entire paravan. I book 1 C'ourag,, my broth_r Th- father do^,a not to his son ad school Th^ :sign which our P.res}- it a.,, a.t z):s,mil. �°i�illAiQlf✓ distill poison; they dig graves, and if never look at my memorandum to see what cmgagem-,.nts and duties give enough money to last him several dents are elected, besides being, as elected, tlx: h of the .brogan, is (5 /� is they oauld climb so high they would draiwn the rejoicings of heaven with are far ahead. Let every week bear years, but, as the bills for tuition beard and Clothing and books the:rz, se - a1sCr the house -of Jupiter, Who (in Y/ Cartc-s,to-day sobs and wailing. its own burdens. The shaclaws of are thick enough., Why im- and cr,mr Llai pays them, So Go1 will, not J,.t my with the Node, Uxa,nus and h,SF•rcur 1 vas in his house when the y You will have nothing but misfor- twat in lite future if you sedtilousl.y photo the presence of other,shadowsQ The is already distasteful. Why wive you uraGs all at once far the ! fiitu'b&, but will meet all your eg:nen- ree-M, el"tirn took place. This. may . , o g�9 • •y� • ���� �����^ Pills. watch far it. Haw alta 1 a man catch ti the, het kind of fish if he iarrsnges cup ]ia1.1Ga to disasters fur distant to cies rola they come. Through earnest the devotees of Mammo:n esteemed a pow- erful b^mflc, But lie is hastening' to `�` 13.lIl�1 �j Il °ff 1 r' his line and hook and bait td catch ccmie and ,wrinlg out more brill. in ,the bitterness? Are we such champions prayer trust him. People aisonb,e success of a certain line of steamers hiq frill in th:y n,axt sign, and to a / Must Hoar Sisnrttuto of liznrds and Water aerpcnts? Hunt for bats and hawks, said bats and that, having Evan the hAt in former can forth to cha]_ future, but will meet all your exigen- too business skill and know not the craarJt n^txLnNovewit}mber�tofnwhich Lad- s .< From this mon- 1111�1-- '�•' .•%, •�, .r h'av�'ks you will find. Hunt far ronin •end will find robin encounters, We go lenge all the future? fact that when that line of steamers k.iel a aim^mac any.: 1901) will b^ dated for tJt (year:; ./ �, .,. sir•• / redbreast's, you O.ne an eagle and Here are business mien just able to starte,l the wife ,of the proprietor #,m years to oam�� most o4 the g.re:Yt fa, ? ,may i• (� � -�% reiybreasts. niglsjt on aryl gat into a fierce battle. The manaige affairs as they naw are. '.Chet can pay their ren,L and ratite their Faeased the whole of a ch day when a :steatru'r started in prayer to God chamgea th^ w.arl•i will witness. The TTtniiri S ares will ria greatly affect- � , __. �� .1 -i `• ��! Seo Fac-Slmilo Vllrnpper Below. eagle, amused to the night, was no match tilt the yowl, which is moat at 'notes and manage affairs as they but how if a should fa+r it safety and the success of the line. Put everythin; in Gods hands eel by thio plmcmomenon, for it fa1Ts , t of the � / 1" i IJ e �r� ��"' + Very emaml alta as ancy Homer in the darkness, and the king the air fell helpless. But the now are, panic Gom^. and my investments should and Leave a there, ,'Large interest UP.the in apposition to u plate I Sum, an 'the 4th of July, 1170:' V �®DDAPO ; iutRCJ. �►E to talcs as sugar. of nil wily it rosy the fail? Ga to -morrow and write on money to pay will roan eat . _ monnsass rasa, a a our daybook or oin your ledger, on farm, a store, an esitate, an e Ft1F1 IIEADaewE� eagle, and the owls and the night Y ,,., Por over Nifty rears. . hawks and the bat9 came a second your money -safe, ,quffscient =colo flit interest -on borrowel troubles will ICARTERO FOR DIZZINESS.. day is the evil thereof." Do not :swamp• anybol `°Stiffs^i*zit unto An Olrl and Well -Tried Remedy—Mrs time to the combat. NOW, the eagle wart about, notes that are far from the clay is the evil thereof." Winslow's SoothiAgSytup has been used so profoundedly impressed was he with IRFOR @MOUS!( SS. in the, sunlight, with a stroke of Y for over fifty years bymnillionsof mothers the fact that man thousands of people B duty. Do not Pile up on your counting suffer from some form of kidney derang'e- FOR TORPID L VER. }tis talons, and a great cry, cleared for their children white teething, with Rthe air, and his: enemies, with torn desk the financial anxieties of the FOR CONSTIPATION. reit `LO years. The Ga•t who has The beat Hear.—No. 42.1 of "The perfect success. It soothes the child, meat, who were unable to avail them - S. feathers and splashed with blood, y P Health World" of 780, Eighth Avenue, softens the guess, allays all pain, Cures selves of the services of a specialist, that rOR.SALLOW SKIN. taken care of . Gur worldly ooeu a- New York, coutainsa description of a wind colic and is .the best remedyfor tumbled into the thickets. Ye are tiara, guarding your store from the he decided to give m humanity at large .FOR THECOMPI. MOM the children •of, light. In the night torch u the incendiary and the key Remarkable Cure for Deafness and diarrhoea. It is -pleasant to the taste. his famous presdription for Kidney Dis- z rvvRrna Wil"MV. .�Tus. of despondency you will have no Head Noises which ]nay be' carried ant Sold by druggists ran every part of the eases,. tinder the name of Dr. Pritchees �M,Ip, vegeta7)1e., ... s....G chance against ryaur enemies that of the. 'bursrlar. 'will be its faithful 'in at the anent a home and which is said world. Twenty-five. cents a bottle. Its ` Backache Kidney Tablets. ._ tab] .l r 1910 as 1901. God's hand is mightier It is of these tablets that Mrs. May flock up from beneath; but, trusting than the machinations of stock to be a certain cure. This number will value ig inealcufable. Be sure yon ask CURE SICK HEADACHE. in Gad and stainding in the sunshine be sent free to any deaf person sending for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, and Goddard, 33a Adelaide street west, Tdr- of the promises, you shall "renew gamblers Or the plots of political their address to the Editor. take no other kind. onto. speaks in the following terms :— • your youth like, the eagle." ;demr.•t'g'o'gu'es or the red right s.rm of ( •'Aitcr enjoying the most perfect health revolution, and the darkness will. Constipation Again, t}se halbit of borrowing fl and the ,sbarmn fall dead at, His Death of tyles Scott. for many years it was a sore trial for we trouble is Wromig because it hits a YThe Lakelet correspondent of the to realize that my health was failing.. I tendency to make us overlook pre- V et. had, in the. first lace, acute pains in the roes your head ache? Pain sent blessing. To slake man's thirst So there are persons in faeble Fordwich Record contains the follow- small of m back,,and wasosing fie§'h Our eyes ? Bad the rack is cleft, and Cool water's health, and they are ktnar.rieci about HALF A CENTURY OLD11'ins obituary notice of Mr, Myles Scott Yback Of y }/ the future. They makeout very well When, tvwx estate our notes last Week rapidly. Then other. complications arose, r leap into his brimming• cup. To Peed t we very. much fearedf that our esteem- which so weakened me that itwasonlywith taste ill your moutl;t P It S his hunger; the fields bow down with now, but they lure worrying ]mem- ed friend, the late Mr. Myles Scott, the greatest amount of determination that your liver ! . Aiyer s -Pills aft beald ng wheat, and the cattle Come A S#dndard Remedy would suecumb to his injuries and the I could attend to my wont. I tried a. liver pills. They cure consa, down from the clover pastures to said reality happened, on, Tuesday at number of remcdies and consulted several. give frim milk, anal the orchards yel- THE E CLERGY USed li Thousands of Nomes about 4.30 o'clock. This is without physicians without obtaining shore think patios, headache, dyspepsia, low and ripen,' ceistimg their Juicy L' E ' �. exception, the most lamentable death temporary relief, and as a last resorf ll: 25c. All dttifQtsta•ala ' fruits into Ills lap. Alas, that amid lit Canadl that has occurred here for many a thought I would try 'Dr. Pitcher's sack -- such exuberance of blessing man year, and none has' caused. more wide ache Kidney Tablets. Their benefic-he- OR moustache or.beard a beautitol should growl as though he were a Dr. A Haw's Oatarrhal Powder . spread sadness nor elicted so much action was almost instantaneous, atmd the- ri black? Ilton ptacCttr'' h tgoldier on short rations or a sailor >i. sympathy. 1)eeeasea was borry bero 32 results highly gratifying. The pails GH��I'S �IGWilisilteers. on shoat b,llowance; that a m -in Cures all Creeds. It relieves years, ago and just' attained; his 32nd my back disappeared in a short timiet bo ora. o.o.aaa,.n os a. a.,i.0 +cu. NNH,e, s.M- anduld at -and neck deep in harvests in 10 minutes. birthday when, he wits called. Some ••nd my general health improved greatly. looking forward to famine; that one Here are a few names of clergymen o! g I ve now feeling fine and re gig my . should fetal the strong pulses of years ago learnt the cheese making g . + ` have this oppnrtuntt • of expressing m ha alth mnxching with regular'. tread different creeds who are firm believers in Dr. trade and pursued . his vocation sue- p g y Agnew's Catarrhal Powder to "live up to cessfully in, Michigan, Brucef}eld and appreciation of so valuable a remedy.. tIlzough till the avenues of life and ,the preaching" in all it claims: Bishop your own factory at PordwicIl, llr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets yet tremble at the exgleted assault Sweetman, Rev. Dr. Lan;ttry (1rplscopalian); During the winter months he ran the are 5o Cents a box at all druggists or sent IV t° . of sickness ; that it man should sit Rev, Dr. tiVithrow and Rev. Dr. Chambers p notedl choppin& mill of this place, and by. mail, postage free. `'� F. lin }lis ploaaan.t home, fearful that (Methodist), and Dr. Newman, all of To- � ,in, his honest- dealings and affability gain- The Dr. Ziva Pitcher Company, TOri ruthless waut will soros day rattle Tonto, Canada. Copies of their personal I o,a for him many, 'friends. Two years onto. Ont the, broken w•incbow sash with tem- letters for the asking. 5o cents. m7 6 ago, his father-in-law, Mr. George pest and awieep the coals from the Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Wingliam, I Gregg, offered him and his son Geo. - `— --~ — • lbearth and pour hunger into the .90 the management of the excellent bread tray; that a man fed by him Spring'bank farm and they. were enjoy- ;' d Who owns all the harvests should ex- aolves about future pleurisies end 16 1. ° }ng lite its it should] be enjoyed till ' •Sof t prot to starve ; that one whom; God nccumatisms and m.curalg as and fev- I ; thei silo accident of a week ago We'di.- loves and .surrounds with brnediotion I er: , Their eyesight is feeble,cm 1 i.i Qy aiesday frustrated all their aspira- and attends with angelic escort and are worried lest 'they entirely 10,,80 tions. Somc6 six years Ago the •deceas- `11� ' I it. Their hearing is fildistinet, and ed married Miss Ella. Gregg, a union 11. arabv,1�s ' 11 a ar' alarmed lost they become which proved 'to be, wrapt in the lit- 4 : TNIE ORIGINATOR OR p I LLi-P R I C E 9 10ANIS KIDNEY ��� j The days of 215 cents for a box containing 40 pills are The original kidney speeiflc for numbered. the cure of Backache, Diabetes, Dr. Agttew's tiver pills at 10 cta. and 25 eta. a visa are surer, safer and pieasanter to Bright's Disease Wid $ill Urinary tako, and are supplanting 611 Others••- ••Troubles. All draggista eOU them. Don't accept something` just as Cure Constipation, Sick And Nervons Headaelies, Dizzindss, Lassitude, Heartburn, good. See you get the g enuin9 D spepsia, Loss of Appetite and all troubles arising front liver disorder. 40pills to els.; D OA N 1Coo pills 25 Cts. =3 S11 gold by A. L. Ifanlilton, iyingltnm. .. a en,irely deaf. They felt ch:lly toAlly an•l a't: exp.,,Wn;c an attack of ty- phoid They have bean troubled for wo ks with earn,, Wrplexing malAd ani dread bmcom-inti lifelong inval'ds. make* Ciro• of your health :now an -1 tru,d Golr,tar thee future. 11^ :sot guilty of the blosph^ming of asking Ilim to take. calm of you while, you sl,ep with your w'n,lo,ws tight down car eat chicken 'llad lit 11 O'clock ;It night or sit dolYan on it eakc, of ice to r:onl off. Ile, prudent, land then ba evaident. Som! t of the :s:ekes: P,o- 14, hllve 'Wen. the Itnoit tiaefill. It was eu with parson, who di it deotlls daily. and RoWrt Ilan, wleo ua,zd tI v,tcrp in tilt, m}cls;: 'of his sermon and lira dOwa on Out, pttlpit ailfa to r-L'st ug -1 there go on again, Theodore lh - most; happiness as they were fondly fns ;an make your baa devoted to each other. One pretty near s Coro as t $toed nail .! ton ri es wire sy CURES little girl, throe -ands -half yen.rs old, nsino hiTliarItA Bar - Diarncoaa, Dysentery, Cholera) was given• them to brighten their a}- ready happy home, , The funeral on 0661, oil. Toa_ caa 'oat mi its to slake it Inst twice 'As long N :i Cholera Morbus Cholera 111 an" Thursday afternoon to the Lakelet cemetery was the largest we have seen ' •rainatny ,yo -Mil. o tum, Cramps, Colic, Sea Sickness I in. a sojourn of ll year in ItawlrI I ` REM K A Nearly twel hundred veh}cles 0ompril,- and all Summer Complaints. ed tIm.sad vroeess}on� which wag head- ': r , eel i>y. tho Oddfellmv3 of whom he w.ls ' Harness ail Its prompt use will provent s. ; it memnlwr, having je`lnedi the cliiford Il treat dealtifunf,0130ssl Ysuffer be-luiifulueaskete Wail litertyears liy eovero. e i esyiftkritkorroistvca i,l g life. 1 ed with wreat'h,8 flowers, etc., f•i-n- i pard t,airy b,>1!�s oh, t�. 1 11;1a p pat";i ,o wk:,• 1 Ing and often save well souvenirs from loving relativva ' esaisa sha cv.a:ser I , P"11M . 9130. and fr}endi. ''Clore p.,ill bearers were i three of tile. odafeilov:y. viz., G. I;. Iltobb, Sola L'veaw..t.-.,y t. in,.an;-s..l, , . 'Thev. Kilburn Co. limited lot'onto Ont. r r .7. It,. bcott antt 1 +Col uhoun, ' � and thrco of the itoigltbOring• young ,o i,=..,1, : l -i •.•— o;- ...:::::. "-