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The Wingham Times, 1901-09-20, Page 1
VOL, XXIX.----NO. 153;a, WINGHA31`,ANTARIO. FRIDAY, SEPTl?,MB +'fit ` 0, 1901. $1 A YEAR IN ADVANCE MN►hMAwMMV►MAMAIaAAN/+A trade. NZEpply too ro, CARE. tailoring WnNTr�n. • G00 Tubs Choice Kptem- MINOR LOCALS. A �RE. ber Flutter G. F. KING. c WE HAVI'a*Elly Low.— W d has been received ArPLS Dowx. sports from the Uanipboll's headache Wafers gttaran- P teed to cure headache. ai NOTHING , that Mr. J, T, Ha of Melita, Mau.,son- country say that tunny apples were Ul In-law of Mr, J. , , Wdersou formerly blown .down in the high winds Of sun--"C'alt Ittaking wits began au Monday. sun - BUT THE BEST of town, was ly i • very low at a medical day and A outlay. The loss will be -•--Pride cometh/after the fall milliu- institute in India apoliF. He is afflicted severely felt, as t o crop at the most ery opening.. ' with cancer oft o stomach, was small, N t all 1110 trees were —Staff of life—tile newspaper and the k ,p Vinegar The Tnins ti the 1st of January, stripped in evera> ase, but faNv escaped loaf of bread. Be surf; you get x11 ,.✓r 1002, to ilgw s ,scribers for 20 cents. altogether. `l'he oss in this sectio22 will .Quite an apiPtemio is in vague in the best and cone to • HyllExBAL, iot wedding took perhaps autount . hundreds of dollars- shape of bad colts. and spices place in Buffalo o 'Wednesday, Sept. •Lucky Was the an who had his apples --Partridge are reported plentiful I It1i when D. M. S 'ott of Brussels was . Picked. —' near Wliiteclzur �h. r �Ol' Pickling married to Miss M e Thornton.. Rev, Any orders for sales left at the TIUEs' —Robt. Moon y has a sugge6iveadvt. DO �L"DS ��®���N g Mr, Cha man per£ rmed the aeremon Office will receive prompt attention, J. p y in another colu n. R % The linppy couple spent some time at J' Currie, auctioneer. —Turnberr ouncil will tri e e t at Our Malt Vi>tie a b the the Pau b I e rain to Brussels to, NEw FLr IiII,I nt .The introduction y y °g ' Bluevale on MmJaynext.T�h RRl1GGlST of etroleu >l as a m .. i1ito'tlestro o" hasbike pavin;• a Good 15'rice gallon is very flue and it•will pays reside. P `(1 Y tor a Poor Suit of Clothes? you to use it. % G)BTTUAR],ho emaine of 11Srs, Mc• led to its use .pgains other pests. It is Overcoats awd mitts were in vogne Lean of Moutrea was taken through ,now proposed to us it to destroy flies. for the first on V ednesday. Or a Reasonable I'rie. for Their breeding pin s, such as manure .--The Tilbury Times office was de - d...... > here fou Tuosday to Dungannon. for for, it. I f OU USG' GROCERIES., burial. She was ged 60 heaps, places wh a kitchen waste. is stroyed by fire on Saturday. y years: Tito. thrown. out ,w 1 barrels, • and all _ Cdeceased was a sister of Mrs. W.. O. �-Tt will be a me of hit or miss-- his ypWl' Cattle Will, All our Groceries are fresh. Stuart of Arthur formerly of W' *ham, receptacles of fllt•t and decaying matter now the hunting eason is open. 'not lose in Mesh or Good I ft and auut of Cha, will be saturatect�with petroleum avert' 61 ly ,Arthur d u —Masons are v Bering the Manse of day. What a loon it will be if we can milk, A� Far' � uharsoo Stuart, well•kno n in W gliam. the Baptist, minist r, Rev. Patterson. have relief from sur textures so c eaply G ' A.Leader—A n P Bargain.—$2.50 And conveniently.^T. Field is it.ak'ng some improve - $2:25, $.00 Soft an tiff Hats for 25c.mentsin the interior of his butcher shop. The Old Williams Stand. The choice is Yours. If I HANNA & Co. 'Tis great weather for Fi . Be sure Agent G. N. W. Office. your judgment ,prompts CHINA HOUST STILL AT zHE To—Our cotems are and see, before you buy, r large assort- —Mr. J. McKe:Ivie liar, secured the uzent at low prices an all 'guaranteed. grounds at Wing am Belgiave and d ,you to save mpne and Opp. Bank;of Hamilton. Publishing their we.cly increase of cix- , o = cr'• y .-We iv Co, Blyth Fairs. Y'� y y � ) culAtion; since tiva announced ours of p �jr $2 per Q�o�r your taste suggests stylish. VVk;VVVVVVVVVyVVVyVVVVVVVVV three weeks alto. There have none SPECIAL t�TTIt1�CTI ins.—�Pe give hero —=elle McGregor, MaL., Herald boasts Clothes let us ,.have your I some of the special r ---tractions that will - 3' reached the fifty in .rk, the highest being of a potato vine 8 eet 7 inches long. ®�, FOR SALE. be found at the No thwestern Fair on order. twelve. When w have been downed We give up. Friday next: 2.30 :got or pace; gentle- t� We lead the trade in- we shall own it pr ptly. In the mean- , —Workmen assd p inters are making At -� mous road race • free-for-all race , ' T STUDIO +T`` 1 lumber wagon, 1 single wagon time we are add ng a !lumber every repairs to the Bent lock and giving it a PHOTO 1 UQi Gents' with iron axle and spring seat, 1 set week. The oo ku a *cod thin host lady driver; d °able hitching rano. P P P b €• new coat of . glut. On the evening of ,Ile 20th and after- ee p Heaver Block opp.. n double harness, 1 set single harness, FINGERS SAND n. sou of Mr. Gep: Ligon of 27th ti pro; ram will be given -The bowlers in russels have .placed',t. Milton Graham, Brunswick if(Me, FUrnlSYllilga. 1 plow. Also rooms over Gordon and White aged abo t i4 ears 'met with a P g y wtnglintn. = years, Mr. David. Mcl�o a1$ aucl his little electric lights on th it lawn that they A fall line of Fall and Galbraith's stores to rent, sore accident , i Fridry last. While daughter Mabel, ousistiug ofpiping, may play at night. At Catatlosuo Price, Bulbs 1 Bulbs 1 GEO. MohENZIE. working at the -ander in the Union, his, Hyacinth; Oalive, Winter Goods now ,passed Scotch Irish'j dancing in gestnme. —The C P. R. ra G. T. R. enninos etc„ oto. I save vont order at star stadia,; into stock. 1 he. latest in hand came in c +utact with the machine, Admission to Hall 1st evening 10 cents. I on this line a part of 1 st week owing to Beaver Blocic, m` Frances street, wingham. and the flesh t'as torn off the second the scarcitgobf their o vu. Hats, Caps, Shirts, Under- Who Wants a farm finger to the be le. The others wero not ' The TtatEs and Weekly Globe will be , COLI The sent to new subscribers till the 1st of —Mr. J. A. Cline w 11 clove into the c? sees • wear, etc, so deep. It w' 1 reggae some time for f .,� Ihave over 4,000 geese of choice farm tenets January, 1002, for 30 coats. Tell your house now being c pleted by bits °a �ppOli>�.Ul•1P. for snle, in, 50, 75,100 loo and 200 acres, lots in the wound to Pal as it is much worse friends. f x t Kinloss, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine, Huron Nicholson on Centre s teat. ` Boots and and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with than a straigh cut. He,' ''doing as well ! r A Hour good buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms.. as could be ex ected. 3 + LAWN BOWLERS.-JrQuite .a number of —The flag on -the to n hall was put at o Shoes Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- p bowling enthusiasts et in trite Council half mast on Saturda in honor of the I ���,a°" Grasp it,, nection) doing a good business, for sale cheap. Farm wanted to rent at once, must 4i i 4,7 n hotel doing good basineas for sago cheap. Chamber ou Thum ay evening, Sept. .death of President Me file , And 8net+eRs is Acetas Our stOelC in this Iine was Also a wagons�iop. A ggeneral store with large be in good condition with roomy build- y• trade, live villa e. Alt o a large amount of, in 's. Rent aid quarterly. Apply to 12, to complete Or_aiiization. The Or= This is the o iportuue hour to tape a business never more complete. All g b P q 3' PP Y —The shooting season is here. Oil up course in theectarated Bnsiuecs Colleges of p money to loan at per cant. For further par Drawer 333. Winghltm, ganization will be 1 nown as the Wing- Ontario, with schools at London, Rorento, ticulal s apply to y OAr Old gall, ye n'tn d and sally forth Hamilton Ottau a, fiaruia, Berlin,Galt Guelph,. the Latest Styles Will be J. A. MCKENZIE, DEPARTMENTAL 'CAT:SLOGIJES. —The ham Bowling Club The Officers Bleated to have a share of the partridge. tit. Catherines. Business men all over the Pro- found at this store.. Pro - Insurance Agent, Holyrood. fall and winter uta10 nes from the were as follows: President, Dr. P. since testify to the thoroughness of tetachiug . g —The Hepworth Jo anal now devotes in these Colleges. �g t McDonald; Vico-P es„ E. L. Dickinson, P EQr��t City $:�$il�e$$ i�Q iE E' 'departmental storm in the cities are ba- _ • I { 17� T LOCAL T NE inp sent to people- n all' sections at the See,-Treas., W. 'crbould • Executive a page to Shallow Lal:e uo�vs under the G_Fi11Atj t�VCA11 1�u�r g P Pi, heaidingthe Shallow ake Advertiser. t + present time. A at.tlbgue from one of CommbL�e.e, Johit .alt, H. Jeffrey, A- 1,, 111. C. A. Building, See Halsev Park's advertisement. these stores received at this office has Dulmage,•H. U. Bct1, Rich. Clegg, W. —Look over yctir vegetaliles, grain, Loudou, Out. UOMUthSon 5 SxI1'�tErTS.--A ca of hogs to Toronto found a place iric�zrwaste paper basket. T. Holloway. T1 ase officers were in- horses, cattle, sheep, lens, etc., and see J. W. tiYESTERVELT, Priuc'pal. !!tt IJ by Vanstone. Th ae cars to cattle to Readers of the T: alEs can get as good structed to meet he :Committee from if you have not some .ping worth show- ca by Wuersi ger. and often better rgaius*from our town I the Council and cmzplete the matter of ing- —The front of Ie Tamlyn buildings jj WINGHAM. MILLINERY OP NINGs. .1r, will be iuerchants then ley can from the de- I lease of park, oil b; half of :the Club. As —Only one more v aek until we come I and the MAuners to, has been given ft f' noticed by adverti entente in other parts Partmental stor . Patronize the local soon as arrangeme its can be made, the to the Fall Fair in Wingllam, Are you coat of paint. Marriage Licenses I work of fitting .0 _ the ground will be preparing to come. It will be the best —The McCrumi, i Opera Comp my of the paper the illinezy openings will merchant. R ad the ndvortising o t P P g 2- eolnmus of the �'I�tss and ou will see begun, that eve':y mg may be in reach- yat held. Issued by FRANA .I'AT> R6ON, No. 23 Victoria be held on Wed sday next, Sept. o, Y will give a concert n the Opera H ansa street, Winaham, Ont. No witnesses required. You will find it pleasure to sit any the bargains ..ffered - by our home ness for next seAt�. —Dr. Kennel V. S. who has been Kennedy, , on the evening of second day of the - of the three est. lishmente where the "t Inerchitats• with Dr. Wilson leap es the last of next Fair. See bills for rticul WANTED.—A god general servant in � P .....�•3rd••I•':✓r✓r.....14+++...."latest will be fo ud. family of three iio washing, good week to take a post- raduate course in DIbIIO\EST F-_UIT PAcrzNG.—A case wages. Apply o: write to Mrs. John- a college in Chicago. There are now is eel at this otFica POPULAR A popular, prat, -'i' Fresh Oysters ar ' g daily at J. Me- Was brought tc light b inspectors in I upwards of 20 house 1 operties in town, g g y P stow, St. Andrew s Mause, Loudon. PROGRESSIVE tical and rn- ' P + Kelvie s, Toronto on SAtL�day, of dishonesty iu —Thursday (yest -day) was kept as a ranging in price from 350 to 1503 d,>l- ++PRACTICAL I gressive Schoolo LARGE CATTLE ObertSon and Bur- I packing fruit Ni-uch will be interesting MANITOBA Ps:e s.—The following is day of monruissg ud prayer by the lays. It costs nothing inquire. Several , g o good building Lots at 0 each. 141oue '1' of Bus 1 n e s s'1' itIl instance of tie bargains made m people of the Unite States, by procla- y .g, Training is of ...... ... , . gt chill, shipped •amoi g their carload of here. In baskca of about 00 peaches, I to loan on town proper y. Apply to A. Manitoba to .get t zc Work done. This mation of the new resident Roosevelt. DezlssiugP Real I�stat0 art Lo hent, Business � cattle on Monday, four four -year-olds 25 or 30 in the L=+trent of the basket were � I + , '1' Central BIISIlIe$$ soilage laborer mustha`v lead an insight into = Chisholin Block. .. M -that tipped file sUi ass at 7090 pounds. scrubs. This, c 'coarse, is the fault of —The Judges net of Revision! Of the future to m ake the bargain in a Turnberr was h d at Blnevale on �'• Stratford, Ont. They were bo lit Tont a Mr. Pringle, the packers and. iot the local dealers. If banner year: r' farmer living north y „:- e, C[iU1tCH , Tl;ti. + near Teeswater, a d individuttlly weigh- any of our readc-6 discover anything of Wednesday, and a Wingliam on Thurs- of Oak Lake en ged 'a hand for this day, Judge Massepresiding.Rov Wni. Lowe moil conduct Harvest .g. ed 1870, 1820, 17 0 and 0 pounds, this kind they sf�ufd report it, that the y b Thanks n .,� season on the foil wring unusual condi- gi"biss„ services uTrinity chnrsIz„ 'r' At five cents p OU these would proper persons y receite the justice r —A horse attach d to a wagon load of I Eltaa ' ulcus= 'Cho farm r was to put in 1 r0 , oil Su.tday next. + bring over $350. they deserve. he local clealers are acres of wheat aid •leant the crop the sa1G tau up Joseph. ne street and into the Mr. Edward F. Met lrumish, a 'noted °1° f/ �/!, ?s' :;: often blamed wh n they know nothing NAtional hotel : shed;' on Tuesday. I tenor sin =er, will sing t sold in the Prtas-• 'I' + Foit SALE.—A good Inilch cow; also a surolus, if any, over and above 3000 t -' •i- four -months old heifer calf. Apply at about it. Exp ing the guilty is the Barrels of spilled smolt strewed the path- b teriaii church on Snrda evening . PP y bushels should be oug to the hired hand Y Y Has crowned our efforts and our fall ,'1l, TREES office. I only way to pr tett yourself in this way. g opening was the best in the history of iu payment for h' services for the season, The Epworth L panne will devote next; Jr- vain forypb Our graduatethey s temploy- t lTO BELT HURO OOUNTY.—H, N. matter. and failing that, 1 e should get nothing. =Tho name is the Tutnberry Fair, Monday evening to a onsideratiotl of i tavtnmany c ilege.tliAt cul full opei ing +'��.' Green, a c o n s 1 t ing engineer Patrick � stxeetAw th a utulberu of cron eed Tlie 1�0 Hetes ova ditty seeded to wheat but it, is as much far tiVawanosh and !rho Temporauca Sltllai :On in tOVy11 find +1. lea enrolled atudenta from places in * from Montreal; is in Godeirich in the in- fruit trees, 1, a dividing lawn good as agreed. It is a fine crop, and the Morris. It is for v hoover desires to soA ' country. ineetin which other business colleges aro lo- torests of the pro ed electric railway farmers assistant . ay reasonably expect a good display of t Ruga in 'aid out of got the Pretyter of DKait- °1° cited. They wanted the beat and P p y rear of lot. 3knr further particulars canto hero ibr it. Enter now. Write .l. to belt the county He drove around apply at TIaIEs of ice. to come out m he end considerably doors, on the farm; azid'u the town. laud wlif3 held ill tlzU W ughftm Presby for catalogue. + the belt, and cons! rs it by far the most I better than the fat mer will on the deal, I terian church on Tuesdr v. A report of -t• HOCKIDYISTS TN COURT. —In the div'= I —Our attention 1 as been called to the attractive scheme of the kind lie has but it would not do to try it every the proceedings will ap hoar in our What ;1. W. J. ELLIOTT. Prineipal. 'tq, sion court at xoderie , last week, ear."—Carman Lader. i drain on Patrick street at Chisholm's I issue, + ,1, ever seen, as the. reposed road passes y corner, which wn,es out when about .................. .Q..1.1 g .;.:,,, through a fi n e untry and through Seaforth hockey lab succi the treasure All }*onun people .vhb attend the half way down the block and leaves a of Huron hockey league for $20. The Presbyterian church it -e cordially in - many good V14,4, that have no railway , pool of much and t-ater. The Council , accolDp beat'! '�' Zr. Green is also trouble are i this way: In the Wingham s Leading Shoe Store. should sec to it bef.re the moot weather. vited to the social to be- held in the lee- IO�o�i ��ioSNorioON��Ooo F Q,,i }j winter of 1899.10 0 a Seaforth man was I ture room of the churchon Friday eve:i- mltkin .s�'sru the Maitland River �' For New Sa11b5ci loses treasurer of the 1 ague, which comprised { —A Toronto worwn who said size had ing, Sept. 20th. A go(d program has �► zn the interests o`• -the Maitland Power FT' I , g ® Company. Hza fill report upon both Seaforth, Clinton and Goderich. Each a grievance went r3 the yoult, 'uAu s been provided glad ca=. and coffee will 30 CENTS A these enterprises is looked fo at an club was to put u' $5. the total amount ;� �x 1 apartment and for 'evenge cut txln his be servod,' For 80 eents we will send the Timtss ♦ � to go at the end of the season to the tri I clothing with a pair A scissors, aura hung A report submitted to he Iuternation- and Toronto Weekly Globe or the Trmxs early date. and Family Herald and Weekly Star too winner of the ser es. Goderich won the �• � the result out of tl.n tvind.Otr. That's al Ecumenical Couferen ee of tits hf ethti. s any address till January lat,1002. ' -Notice the Stylish ouug Men.." championship, b t, on the excuse that what a man gets fog; having more than (list church, at Loud z, Eu shows e Hanna & Co have . u received front g'' `a'O CENTS � New York 3 New t es of Stiff Hats Clinton had not aid its $5, the treasurer � \� � ° . � � one suit. that there are 24,$09,1 1 adherents of For 20 cents we will solid the'Bintus to also 2 New Style tat Brim Fedora. simply handed trek to the Goderich l �' —Tile autopsy on the body of Presi- the Methodist faith. Tie church prop- ' ♦1 any address till Janunry 1st, 1002. For. up-to-date Furnishings. 7'r us. fiheso offers are for new subrcribers. p', g Y club °�G it had posited in Itis lienee, W . lout McKinley she ed that lie had died erty is valued at ab it $300,000,OOJ. Trial subscribers to the Family Herald O A NUISANCE.—Th followiu from the and returned the other $5 to the Seaforth :�-; ' - There are 89 037 Olin ches and 48,334 Zand Wo-eldy Star will pot a picture of Z g from gangrene, T places where the > th.s Dike and Duchess of Cornwall, Sino Owen Sound Adver icer will apply at club. Since the Goderich has claioied �,,a, , bullet passed throe h the stomach (lid ministers. 14-,20 iaeltos. Reduced rates on illy �" Rev. bit, Hobbs 'e 'the, Methodist nowspnpor to either old or n<e�v sub• $ least in part here: 'The way in which that the league is in its debt to the not appear to have leaded in'the least. g ' amibora' O grapes aro eaten on our steps and the annoiiut of $f0, est winter 1Viugliam ? �" Some of the doe rs claim the bullet congregation a severe exposition on the Can at or address, entered the 1cAg o, and do winning use of tobacco ori Su da evening, 1 axail:s orr1Cl,; Winglinin. i skins left whero tl -y arm dropped, be- was poisoned. f Y e est- +► • comes a nuisance, and the season up- club was again t receive $5 deposited I He compared the gni her aucl the nous ��������o>,o�y♦smowee��o��A pears to be nicely commonced when by each club, $20 u all. Mr. Allan, as It doesn't make one bit of different,; '-A young fell w in Shallow Lake smoker, claiming th t there was better - - - boys blow in part )f their earnings on treasurer,reeeive(1 G each from Seaforth, how tough your boy is, nor how healthy £lot too Thach "fire nater" on the brain, an:l entered the sli slip to ehoty his fruit frtltlt tits lou -l., r of the weed than THE FALL FAIRS. Saturday evening in purchasing the Wingliam and 0 inton; Groderich did and heal•ty your girl may ane; when Sou, P from the user, Some of thte listeners fruit and hieing tl mselves to some coli- 'lot make its depo it. Seaforth won the fit them with oar famous command of lingua e. He would not are reported to ha -e been hit pretty "GV rNG1tA�t . , . , .. (ham ionslii i n d dentanclect $20. I stray out, guru recoiv it bill in t.ne tar ...Sept. 26.27 venient place for ndisturbaucefeasting. P 1 heard• .....Oct. 1.2 The Goderich reneem red its bill of $10 and Hutt landed him it a road. WhPti he , �! 4t $blgravb.., ,.. , .......... polies slroul notify such parties of , t �C�©�� ��®�� The ht�ilpit of the i3nptist c,nurcli will demanded tayme t, aid as there wasn't picked himself up 1 is collar bone was Dungannon „ ................Oct. 10.11 the ordinance pr hibiting such littering 1 be ocrupiod next L i•d's Day at 11 a. rix. Goderieli .......................Oct. 1.2 of the walks, A they aro not only a enough mousy to , o r le n ot21 account ou ztof can't kink thrott lt'n a herr l Here they by Rev. C7. J. iCatnvou, B.A. represent-• matters You put their feat xi„ broken. Ripley .................. . ...Sept. 24.25 nuisance but da Borons to anyone tread- in court Judge roll , g y T o of our local nnnrods drove cut ing the interests 0 the Home Mission Teeswater... . ...............Sept. 24.2E ing on them. the absenoo of a n ttorial witness, post- They. are the best made. Prices $1.00 west on Monday in riling; to have a Board of the done nination. Rev. Mr. Be sure stud sac them. Brussels .......... . . .........•.Clef. 3.4 . Mosny To Lom;.--Money to loan on poled the case nut• 1 the next sitting. to X1.50, craelt at the partridg . One of them got� Cameron is an e' thusznstic a, n d abler 'Gorrie.......... 0........... I ...Oct. 12 notes, and notes discounted at reason- The TntuS and Family Herald and lost in the woods, An after wandoring . cpoaly r, and all w io can he present to Myth ............ ... . ......... Oct. 8.9 able rates. Motley advanced on 'port- Weekly Star to new subscribers till lot ' ' arowul for some ti o came aeross a hear him may W a shred of a profitable A COLD b1V;CL DAl£ gaf;es, with privilege of paying at the of Jalivary, 1902 for 30 Conte, with Y Y , t,1. , G farmer who straigh ned him around, time. In the ave ting the pastor R,ov'. TO ctrlt?rr end of Any year. Notes and accotwte this splendid offer all who subscribe w SOL' LOCAL AGENTS FOR h I y ' D. A will Vftka Laxative 13rotno Qitttlino '1',tblots. All collected. dflioe---Peaver Block 'Win et a pictura cf the ]Mise ` ned Duchess til. Cp of �� apoalt on fire and started lniin oz wards', but with- J. Z. atterson, . v Arttgggists refund; the money if it falls to cure = g p - � p7A1 „ W.'GrUVU a Flignaturo is oet Cacti box. 2r6. tram. ROBT. MOINM). Of YOik. SNO 14X -'O inches - 3. inches. Ortt any ,atlle. St1bjCCt. Drift!" All Arta tvelcetlle. "