HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-13, Page 803
Mrs. George Ilqoe, Mrs. Phill'P —Mr. James Madill of Scott Town- KINDERGARTEN z4ornings
HIT 11effer and miss Hannah 13TY00 are vift- ship, Ontario County, out 18 tteres of
iug with friends i I.,QlldoA this, week.
A peals in one day NvUh a pea havvoster. SCHOOL_�/ 9 to 12..
—A wouls, busy day ia when lie stays
Mr, Wm Molllvaiu, Of Davis' drug Terms V
store, has severed his connection there, at honio to rest. anti his wife gets him to i hl�y Reasonable. 1 �i� "`""'"-,. �
MCIND00 m College. of Pharmacy.
and will attend. the Colle do a few little odd jobs around the house.
Xns. A. E. PRIOR, 1). Patrick St.,
Mrs, W. 1), Bentley left for her house —A cattle buyer named Wright, near
IoW �r :1 Fel
�rio iii Winnipeg, Saturday nicruill, after was struck ,, the head SCRAP IRON,
here. —A fine stock of bill heads,ietter and' S
spending some till, with her parents with a club and robbed of $2,000 cash, ]BRA S, LEAD,
Mr. A. S, McDonald has returned to note hendF, envelopes, eto, at the Ti3iEs COPPER, ZINC.
_XrOR_ Rat Portage after visiting his parents, office, Lot us do your next work in the HIGHEST PRICES, .....
Air. and Mrs. D. S. McDonald, of printing line, Natiozial .Cron Works, IrAd.,
_E. S. Coultes has resigned his post- No Dealers. Wiligham,
Tailkor Maio 41'tl Mr. Alex,, Stewart left for Chicago on tion as principal of the Ripley ipublic
'The Furniture Want.
T% n know what is correct in Dress Monday morning where lie expects to school. He will enter the Dental College
make a Dame for himself in the Tiler at Philadelphia. WALKER BROS. & BUTTON
Fabries for fall wear you must sfe I
what this store is showing. is ValAtile, --Ligtowel's venerable Postmaster UNDERTAKERS,101INGHAM, Whether the Furniture Want is in the Bed Room 0
fact is gaining prominence every Mr. F, Sanderson, bartender at the was down last week, for the first time Night dalle at Button Block, or Fifth ture
sessrin, and this fall it will be more Exchange ligtol returned from Ili$ Doli- in several months, Mr. Haokiu.g is now door south of School House, Shop 01), the Parlor, the Attic or the Cellar, we have the styll"
prominent than ever, days on Friday last, Mrs. Sanderson in his Dist year., poelte Macdonald block.
For weeks new goods have been came with him. —Mr. Thos, Bell will erect awful- ■and prices to suit the need.
coraing to hand and been placed on Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Saint, of Wallace- mill oil his property and has very kind- FARM FOR SALE. '
view as soon as they reach us. These burg are visiting with old friends in ly offered the use of its power to theThere is scarcely a Furniture Want that we can -
advance arrivals excited great in• town this week, being guests of Mr. and hkwu bowlers for sprinh-ling their lawn. The undersigned offers for sale iiis , farm lot not supply to your entire satisfaction, Let ds try.
terest among stylish and up-to-date Mrs. W. D. Pringle. 11, con, 5, Turnberry, contag 05 acres. V�011
—Hon, Grover Cleveland was one of a the promises are good buildings and is well
dressers, Let us introduce some Of Mrs, J, Lester Davis, who hwatered. Windmill for pumping. For terms
as been party of three arrested in Massachusetts and particulars apply to
tile favorites in Suiting$: visiting at her home in Dundalk arrived last week because a black bass one-half JAS. ELLIOT, BALL B"I'S.
NEW HOMESPUNS IN BASKET in town on Saturday to join her hus- f
shorttr than the statute required 13luevale P. O.
WEAVES. band, of the TiNiEs office. found in his basket. Our extensive experience warrants
0' UNDERTAKING --us in calling special attention to this
Mr. H. Park visited some of the Three trains were wrecked at APPLES 1. APP You will find FRENCH CANVAS SUITINGS. I Braneh of our business. attentive and
Toronto churcheslast week to got ideas Princeton on Tuesday morning, Three nd us prompt, reliable '
SCOTCH HOMESPUNS IN NEW about the best way of putting the light men were killed. Conductor Law of WANTE efficient. LUTHER BALL Funeral Director. Residence -Patrick St.,
SHADES. in the new Methodist church. p Mr. Gracey's late residence,
Sarnia, formerly of Wingliam, was in Wanted to pureha any quantity
es, for which
FRENCH 0 A M E LS HAIR ',Mrs. J. A. Youbill and son Samuel, charge of o4of the trains, but escaped of Good Ship g pples, for which
FRIEZES. returned to their home in Winnipeg on injury. am prepare pay +
Saturday, after several weeks visit with Barrel.
NEW CHEVIOT SUITINGS. Walkpr Bros & Button are putting $2.3 , per Barrel.
ROYAL BLACK BROADCLOTH. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Youhill. in a new plate glass front this week. 0 0 4b •
Miss Caroline Macdonald, daughter Of They are also painting,up their furniture Farmers having some to dispose
NEW FRENCH CORKSCREW of should call at my Egg Emporium Dr. Macdonald of town, is now Secre- and having one prepared for
wagons +
in Black and New Shades All prices Lary of the Young Women's Christian delivering furniture in rainy and stormy and complete arrangement for sell- +
from 75e up to 83.00. Call and Association in Montreal, and has left ing+
weather. . +
inspect, here after a short visit, to take up her 4t; C. GILLESPIE. + Pl*ckli*ng.
—Mr. Jas. McGuire of Wingliam at -
duties there.
tended the sixth annual meeting of the r
Miss Henderson, of Goderich, will be Division Court Clerks in Toronto on
Women's Shoes and + •
head milliner for Miss MacPherson for Tlmr,day; last. Mr. McGuire was +
Boys' Sk' elected a member of the Executive
�,hool Shoes. this season and not with Mrs. Green as
was stated in our last issue. Miss Heil- Committee. I
You would almost think this was havingaddeda separat�)r to their derson will be pleased to see her old 3 6 ofter. To make good Pickles you must have good Vinegar.
a Shoe Bargain Store, so often do we The G. T. R. train due here at
offer shoes below reaular market friends at Miss MacPherson's. p. m., made the run from Whitechurch CLARIFIED IKII,K + We keep the best.
prices. Its a9 in our buying and if A. K. McAllister, of Sault St. Marie, toWingliam in seven minutes, a dis- to the people of Wingham. Our cows are kept +
you can save fiftv cents, a dollar or was calling on old friends in town for a tance of five miles. When allowance is strictly clean, so that we are enabled to offer +
§o, on a pair of new shoes by coming few days this week. He has been on a made for starting and stopping it brings absolutely clean milk, iced in summer, during +
June, July and August. + XXX WHITE WINE is a high class
our wav this is the store von are business trip, calling at Sarnia, Toronto, it up to about a mile a minute. 8,cents per quart, delivered once a day.
+ Vinegar for Pickles.
going to buv from. That explains London and other points. He reports 4. A�
-Harold H. lost to kazette in 'the
the Me ,ho(-. tiade we are doing and everything on the boom at the Soo. race at Syracuse on Monday, He . won ALLAN LINIE
will continne to do as ]on,- as we Miss Greutziier, of Toronto, will be the first heat.Best time USX. This broke + PROOF'VINEGAR •is the strongest made.-**
make TIT -ice., like these: American head milliner at Mrs. Green's for this the last year's ♦track record of . 2.06y:1. *+ Tests absolutely pure.
Miss Greutzlier comes to town H. lowered the record in" the first +
Kid Tops, regiflar beauties, all sizes, season. S
'regular a.1.65. special 81.25. 20 highly recommended as a first -claw r "I-hich was beaten in the second by Roa[Mail Staam�hsp +
ea 'w
pairs Men's Parent Leather Shoes, milliner. Both she and Mrs. Green can YD
someLhinL- veru Mile, regnlar $6 00, speak the German language as readily 'I. GOLDEN SYRUP VINEGAR is a rich •
-Dr. G. C. Shannon; one of the old FROM MONTREAL AND mellow kind. For table use it has no equal.
special 65-00. Di)n't miss seeing as the English and will be able to take residents, of Goderich, passed away on
these gouty, .1. D. King's best orders for millinery in that'language. Sunday at a ripe age. He was surgeon NEW YORK. 4:
quality. All lines special Saturday. +
of New Fait Goods at to the gunboats during the Fenian +
Stock +
MINOR LOCALS. trouble, having been appointed by the F, tickets and full information apply +
Imperial, Government, and up to within
Campbell's Headache Wafers guaran- a few days be carried on local practice +
teed to cure headache. H. DAVIS, Wingham.
-Bring the whole family to the Fair., +
I ++++* .................... ......................
K, 11111sox—In N7.inghani on September Gth,
—Read clubbing offers in another�wth,"�. of Re4 J. J. Patterson, B. A.; a NOITFC�9.
,w ,imi to Have contril'utioll'; to McQutr,TAN—In West Wa-,.-anosh,,on August
1 --nm arc of our readers. If vou Job printing of all kinds done at the 29th, the wife of Ed. McQIfflIan; a sot
have or nnrT��. voinp Away Tour�olf, i 711ARILIED 110 Notice is hereby give that it Court will be
drop in and tell us, or send us ;i not�, to that I Tnm, s office. held pursuant to "T Ontario Voters' Lisp Just �® Start the
parsonage, Bel-
CHARTEus—BLAOIC—At the pal. Acts," His Honour lie Judge of the County
-Bass and trout fishing close on vrave, on September 4th, by Rev. Mr. Brown, Court of the County o Huron, at time Council
of Mr. Thos. Black Chamber, Wingham, Thursday the
Mr. Reg. Poll of Clinton spent SundaySaturday next. Fann , dint liter 6th C
I con. Hast
�i'.' t Samuel Charters, 19th day of Sep ember, A. D. 1901
in town. -Geo. Shaw shipped a car load c' reat F it In Londo=n Sept. at 10 o'clock a. m. to war and determine the Fall Clothin Trade,
4th, several complaints of �rrors and emissions in
Mr. T), M. Gordon is recovering from i hogs on Monday. 4�th, Miss Snde, daughter of Mi. J. Ric ard8on 1e Voterst List of , o Municipality of the
to Dr. Kenne�iy oltoLena.. P11, brother of Dr- Town of Wingham f the, year 1001.
his late illness. -Don't forget the Wingliam, Fair on J. P. Kennedy of All persons having usiness at the Court are
Mr. Chester Davis, of Lucknow visit- September 26 and 27. -GAunOW—SHEPPARD oderich, on Sept. required to attend a"It hesidd time and place.
5th, Miss Elizabeth Marion, daughter of Captian Date4atWinghain lie 5th day of September, We have decided to offer you the st tempting prices
ed ill town this week. sh(I st t
-Luckn,)w Sentinel says our rate is , ypard to Mr. Charles Garrow, barrister, son 1901. le
of on. J. T. Garrow. Rev. X. Turnbull per- B. FERGUSON, you have ever had. Never before- rve we be
R. G. Gordon is home from his visit 23 mills, it is only 20. termed the ceremony. clerk of said Court. . J ve we been so particular
at Nipissing and Toronto. -Anew -%vindmill and tank is beiil AxDFaiso,_vWTTS0N-At Ingleside, the resi- in selecting our patterns or h a suits our made just so—the.
deuce of the bride's father, on Sept. 3rd, b
Miss Murray visited her uncle,Mr.,Tas. erected at the Dinsley House. Rev. C. Fletcher, It. A., Ex6ter, George . TOWNSHIP TURNBERRY result, perfect clothing at n�bclp!2- tFee , i
erson Toronto, to Margaret, second daugh- p ices.
Found, in Gorrio last week. , D. D. Wilson, Seaforth. On Saturday we offer4you these three specials:
Regular meeting of Court Maitland )f
I BE,&Dm�-MmNER-At the residence of the
Mr. Irwin Patterson and wife visited C. O. F. this (Friday) crening. bride's parents, on September Ilth by Rev..T.
the Pan-American. last week. -McDonald shipped a carload of Kennedy, B. D X11 J I calls to Lovin 12 Men's Fane West West of England Worsted Suits in very
I �q
� arles Milner, 1i Voters' ist.1901.
daughter of Mr, and No. 1,1 prietty designs. Double breasted Vests ; Coats made
Mr, W. T. Chapman has been spending cattle to Toronto on'Wednesday. of 'WestWawanosh. Notice 1.4 hereby gi en that n Court will be
131E, W held pursuant to "Th. Ontario Voters' Lists with the deep French facings, and the finest linings
a week at Gloversville, N. Y. -Regular meeting of Camp Celedoilia,,�iL�K",�TT-In Morris on Aua-ust,,24tli, Miss Act" by His Honour P.Tudgp of the County throughout the suit. The regular price of this stylish suit is $13-50. On
Miss Elsie McMulliu is visiting friends S. O. S., on,Xonday evening next. ary Pratt, aged 83 Years. Court of the County o Huron in the Forester,'
in Wingham.-Lnekliow Sentinel. V Hall at Bluevale, on t 0 Saturday yott may buy it for $9.95.
Mr. McGregor has moved to the resi- 18th day of S ptember, 1901,
Mrs. A. L, Hamil' , on and f,,i,Tnilv spent dente over the Xlondyke restaurant. at 10 o'clock a. m. to ear and determine the Afeb's heavy all -wool pants, good linings, sewed with
last week with Mrs. Lamont in Ripley. -A woman judges her neighbors by ,evernl complaints of xrors and emissions in No. 21 linen thread: Regular price 81.76 -Saturday $1.25.
the Voters' List of tl i Municipalityf Tarn
Mr. Periy Greer lias returned from a, their back yard display on wash -days, berry for I90l. All p rsons having business at
the court are requir.1 to attend at the said
few weeks holidays at his home, in -It will time and place. Workingmen's Pants, good solid cloth, well made, good
pa,v you a hundredfold to Dated at Bluevale, lownship of Turnberry, N1 fitters. Regular price $1.40 -Saturday 95c.
Peterboro. attend the Fair on September 26 and 27. September 2nd,1901. . Io. 31
•I J031 � BURGESS,
Mr Robert 'MeIndoo iq not inclined -How does the Tiiirs busin 01.
ess re- flk -n,.�eig.tittuy of Turn- A lot of medium weight suits that we are giving big dis
towards foot raring this woek. Ile has HALED TEXbXRS addresso to the under- be y and ted Clerk counts off. Come with the crowds on, Saturday.
semble that of Canada? It is growing, S signed and endorsed "Ten er for Bayflold of id Court.
Juml)pgo in his back, Pier,'will be received at, th' office until Fri-
-It is a pleasure to notice Mr, and dnY,27th September, incl' . ively, for tile coh-
Mrs. Gpo. Green bwa ret nrnril after a Mrs. John Ritchie able to be around struntion and extension the south pier at RE -OPENING Your money back Bayneld, Hui -on Coaut , ravines of Ontario,
pleaF:aiit visit in Toi-mito. Himilton find again. acc
ior In oa?,,en
bel.g', In pecificatimi to be seen —Or THE— If you want it.
at the Pali Arnoriclml. t " . 1. A. ray, Biq,, Engineerin De M. Gordon.
I -Harvesting is nnfinislip.d in parts of charge of Harbor ivor Works for Ontario,
Mr, CIPIV1,01111il.3Z Of 5:11("It. Grpy and Dufferin County owing to tile Confederation Life Building, Toronto, on ap- O'SULLIVAN
plication to the Postmaster at Bnyfleld, and at
Sundtiv With bi'; 0611sil), Mrs, W- Harri- heavy rain. the Department of Public. Workst,'Ottm
Tenders will not beTconAidered unless
son.-Teeswatpr News. -You will find the. latest in wedding on the form supplied, and signed with thce�
ng actual signature of tendererq.
Dime. MeLaiiclilin of Wingham spent stationpry -and visiting cards at the An accepted cheque on a chartered bank,
a coupli, of da -s this -weeh at his home TixEs office, to the order of the Minister of Public B Sta;eds
WbV,ft31".'1;U,for two huncIred dollars 4200)'must NR65 College Seeds
here,-13rvsFPl5 Horeld, ec n panv each tender. The cheque will be
Tonsorial artist Sebastian sports a 0"o 1 o the contract, or
forfeited it the party decline Shaw Block, Winghann..
new. sign, a product of his visit to the fail to complete the work contracted for, and
Messrs. John Kerr wid R. J. MeMath. I will; be returned Ili came of non-acceptance of
took in the Western this week. R. J.
Fair last week. terrier. Seeds
Will attend tlip Pan also. The Department does not bind itself to iiecept Qh
-Petroleum is increasing its useful- the lowest or any tender. Seeds
Mrs. Jas. Murraywhn lins 1-cen vi By 071R,6. GELIXAq,
sit- negs-in the extermination of the
ing her son rat Wingham returned on mosquito and the negro. Department of Public. Works secretary.
Tuesday,-Hensall Observer. -Mr, A. Cos ns read a paper at the Ottawa,7th SeptemVer, 1001.
Newspapers hismiting this advertisement
Mrs. Hudson, of Wingham, this week meeting of the Agents of the Mutual withoutnuthority from the Dopartment will And most advanced methods thoroughly T. A. Mills has special value in Clover and Timothy
visited with her sister, Miss E, C, Life Assurance Company. not be paid for it, taught in Seed for fall trade.
Lawrie, in town. -Wroxeter Star. -rsard & 00 displayed a lovely cereus -VOR SALE. -On the Wroxeter . gravel road,
Mr. and Mrs. McManus. of Wingham, - It Was Of X, 2 miles from Belmore, 186% flores of good Bookkeepin Penmanship,
and Mr. and Mrs. McManus, of Shel- in their Window last week. land. 60 cleared, baltince ash, cedne and MM, P_ Good home grown
the night blooming variety. lowish land, that will bo the very best wheit Shorthand, TypeWdtin EM
borne, were guests of the Messrs. Corley cleared. Two .4iiiallfrnint,.Iioufip,4,1)anitl)iirn;
the past week. -Aft. F crest Confederate. Mr. Wn). Clegg was at Belgrave oil txmile frolusehool. Will be q014very chet Tinnoth-v Seed
for OrexchangeforaM-nerelot. Appleto T,
Mr Pen Leary of Wingham, who Saturday mAing arrangements 3)fflinwip, Roil Estate and Loan Agent, 011114.
holm Block, Wingliain.
about thirty years ago lived in Goder. purchasing grain at that place. 0 �ellv e
lith township, called on his old sem- -Mr. R. B. Rungonford, of 'London, at $3.00 per b •
ush I
panion, Mr, D.%vid Cook Xr., on M (1(,
onclay. GraudAlaster of tho Grand Lodge ofI00 nares or r•luacc
nee,large bank barn and out-houso.j. Afoul; e!�e
-Clinton Xcws-Record. Canada, A. F. and A. M, is dead. :,',0 rtc-eoq ill good Ntato of (ultivntion. At the Choice Alsike, Red Clover, Lucerne, White and Crim-
raN. mollov ('1111 liv borrow(•d from flifiq offien';
G. Ward,. J. 11., Conitnissionol, and -A bandsm-rely printedb6oklot Ilaa it llft,78 l)V1`tVV to gf) j-11ti) (1(11)t far tllp full priceXvidividual lfiitstritctioii. SoilClover also choi(,c Lawn CiraSs ill stbck.
C�o A. Dalmagft, I
Tp. Troamiror of West Wavallosh, of, been !s,suefl from the Globe office, which' T" L'),u rir
Vqll H,4tat(t ti d Isholill Blo(
I)JIngaillion, while Oil Ills W&Y Oil 0, visit-! is copiously illustrated, 'with photo. 'VISITORS WELCO"XIL
Ing tour pqst, spent a f(, -,v days in town i gravures of Torouto's Principal build. FOR S1,TX.-Conwr fon,;, with Kelloul on 14)t,
3 111iltq 1`110M tIWI, , I Tw,)flj(.rjw �i,), WAVTrt)-TRT18TW0V"1IIY WIM AND
aad gave tbo TiNws a, friendly (all 0111 parts awl drivewftsrff,iau(1 the ex- Tia.1k 11p),11411vit); 'firk" 1. women to travel find wlvert,w for old
Jowuy. Wo were pleased to Soo MY. collent map whidi accompanies ,it will Avt.Te0hnt;,,nti1j fillill; ubL bo Wil eho.11) li,.4h(.d houi,;A of solid filianvinI standing. Sala) -y t,1N
.111(l IITT (1�1,4V termq. Tfw wlliwflon of thin lot all payablo in. Cash.
� t01*111q.
VlpTft looking well and lie is enjoying be found very us(1111 to visitors to tho Ai)l)lFto 1;1� P.hilV&,ping 1`(,�qtflr(Ld. Mw and
city. Ice, I&III Estatv antl stTmiw-fl envolopo. Ad -
A. Ixllllln�
health. holm Dlokek, Wingham. dress Malinger, W Caxton Bldg., Chleago, Look fo fall ti n d winter advertisment, next WeCk