HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-13, Page 7I
'1'11H WINGRAN TIMES SEPT. 131 1901.
1 and that 1 'would much rather pay h`�,I1eve ohAalsnr� toalea.l' bo rnt}r� . mr
-------O------�1��MOlr��rdl�O�ON�l� my rxtrlL dnit..r tm�tud f-lttinf. •oil
_ _..._.. mure:l. rho flush in her face whon x
the sill; wire=s ivhirlL 1111;,1 1iate slrcil<e rvttun'"d thv,L• sketch -wleich she said
t A BY JULIA of ycc.t t tl1a� , t:otl lvltiell 1 ala r:ur`• had bcon sent to her by A hear friend,
yon Blest deserve e for the great itul l o'r• 1Lonkcl lrawo told talo not to belle, liafr
„ - �f that. wild o mountain lionlecu occupant
Z a EDWARDS- table. 'Volt t,lLl'e lntldl in ,alter NATURAL
�� T j g
G�.ful table," 1� . 1 'll �� 4.,1 �''� � Lt
.yg/ • '!'ltttt•'s the tall., (rebel hair;
7M/ Author of froin her seat. "I'll pay my dollar who is pictured its kneeling there
1 'The Litil4:Wldaw" :+afurday night.,, above that rush ni river - i9 the
„ happy hart, told I — I have -nothing; "4+� •.*t i
end l--nncl I! echoed alta the
c�StellaStlztiag,' 2 table, g qzL earth to hope for."Resembles Japan in flavor, but is never impure ---while
..t.f)UtPoor Prettiest o£ All, Z4 Ile folded her letter In kris o-wn.
� r, t Dei.. Scrimp -vas quite difinrrnod pressed It to his lips, and placed it r
q = by the turn that ilattle Butipr had infinite]), superior in quality. It is making rapid strides in
® Etc., Etc. ♦ given to herjjrn osition, She had in an inner pocket over his heart. p p
brbn all gr;readyAsci then he sat there, silent Public favor because of .the above facts. Drinlct:i s of Japan
+ a to sneer oat that to
al "the, richer some folk. grow the: incl still, while tcala came -in 1119 blue tt: 5 Should five It a trial,
.60��®4���O�Or�eoo��@♦@mr�m000®m0�®�s1��O�s1. ,e) as, and yet lie made no
fir �=fc„C fr=tt 3i=k' ' r^ +sic'"%'z'c=k" "r' 3.11'", ll'r�'z"c z°s'" =Ir=i 3 Ir i k is 3 k L •I =k�'r Ir�^�ir meaul r they got, but her heroine complaint, To hila she was an an-
killed the thought before it could be 1 �--_�._..—..:_..�-,_.-...�.._...._._ ._......- _ ., .., . ...; .•_, ..._.,..
”"And note, confident in thyself, I "Ho am 1." killedn, gel, but, alasl not his angel, « ?! Ceylon Teas are sold in Sealed Leact
would go abaci( and redeem my ,r- � "I'll in love with Hattie Butlerl And as Ilattie got o(1 to her wprl. 'Ila appreciated her delicacy and SALAD
trors---go back to claim the hand There nowl ]ler npl)tli souse of Iloleor in returning Pacftf:ts only, '131, ck, 'Nlixed, Un -
which had long„, long ago been mine "So am I. There no and Liz- at her usual hour without a chanfie his letter, and he felt the full value Colored Ceylon Green. ,Free samples sent Address "SAL -
of rooins or a quarrel on the sub- y p
Ibut for mine own sin, Why will she rlo laughed till tears run from her of the friendslilp she offered.:_
not bid me collie? I leave written o: e9, for she ]tad imitated his des- legit, though Wiss SFritnp linea set glut,” he sgId,. 'how can I, lov- A'D,�, Toronto.
throo times, and have told hot, I am • terato tier mince cal leaving one or the oth-
1 "there now" like an eclio, Ing" her as I Gip, and must ]low can
-free from the (hams of the (lemon , "It isn't anything to laugh at. I or.- I see her day after day, and refrain
-now; that I have -wealth enough to ; never was more serious' fn• illy life," The leter she had written in re- from pushing a suit which, under the
matisfy all roasonable desire, and she lee said, rather tarty, for he thought _ply to Mr. 1V—, his oxen inclosed in s•Ire"zustances, would be almost an �
has only -written: 'It is not tinge —' she was tniticin flux of hint. the same envelope to show him that
fi silo would never keep such a enisslvo N% III t to her? -I Cannot e it. I
perhaps you do not know yourself, � "1Vei1, brother, }•au know I must p -r ill g•c, away, father has green ata- �
"Ahs could she but see Ate in this ' either laugh or cry all the time, But, for others to acs, even by chance, as {ous for me to establish a branch of
.solitude —,here where I have lived seriously, if. I was you I could she explained in a few well-chosen our business in ("al]forilia, and I will
-alone so long — not a visitor, for I not help loving; that sweet, beauti- words on the haeic of it, was in her do It. Perhaps al•sence, and the ex= °
'have Icept my claire and home a sec- ful girl, and I believe that, like you, pooket, and she, haci made up her citement and novelty of travel, will. .✓d�,s' ✓'�(/�
ret -when I 'wetlt to the nearest post ,I would forget that sale was a poor niind to give it to hint, unseen in hell: me to bear my cltaaPpointillent
,,station, and no one has ever dared to working girl, But, brother, 'what the office, *when she could make some letter, if it docs not 1tcal the wound
1 pass the chasm below, which cuts off would the fellows in your club, the excuse: for going there, inflfeted so unwillingly by the nobl- T World
gorge. fast, nobby fellows you are always tiho arrived at the bindery at her +t The Typewriter til Ydotld { as WW9 i'iillg. For.
`*.this lest habitable spot in tate or o. 3 est hared on. earth." � r n ' e, . -
]jThey have not learned my secret, or talking to in(- about, say if you usual hour, and went at once to her For two hours or more he remain -
they they might come, for the greed for married a shop -;tire?" table, hardly Glaring to loot: around,
le9t ha .Mould cast his inquiringeci there iil'tlifi otllco, laying his
:gold makes men dare all dangers. Frank Answered with a shiver— plans and thinking -what to do, and This is PROVED by the fact tllflt ChP BUSINESS in-
"Tho sketch I scltL' her she recoiv- not a word (lice he speak. But he gave 111,cict lie!'• trying.to to .o tone clown his feelings
ed. Hero is the single line She sent he had left Wor unfinished there habitants of the world USE it.
g. kept up a terrible thinking, and Liz- iS as not to pain her when lie went
In answer: zfe sat still and 'watched him. the night heteth weed -with e feeling; out, by aplook of sorrow': and he NOW manufactured in three of the great countres vel:
" ".Che. picture of your "Home" is of relief that silo had not seen hint ,
p At last ]tc sprang, to his feet, had rc�•atrted entire conunanc, of hixn-
gicre. (rad help the lone one to keep •'The fellows in the club can go when coming in—for Mr. N— had, self %vlien there calve a hast knock; Canada, United States and Germany.
his promises. to Halifax or anywhere else the with manly dolicacy,"Fept back:—she The Canadian Pacific Railwa .h.t.ve over 200 in use
Y on his office door, + r
And the young man 'wep't over the went to work, y
want ill of sent, have rr and fa- l He opened it to receive Frank and They know a GOOD thin
letters he held in his hand. At last tlitir will consent, I'll marry her in- A see) startled her soon after,. And I,izzie'l,cgare, who stood there sxnil-
'he aroused himself. 4 a flush was on her face as it came ,
"Once more I will write to her," side of a tree.:," nealr her, but fila good-natured voice tag, aud'vho entered his pfllcc when.
Inside of a church Would be het- g lee as cheerfully saluted and 'asked SOME OF ITS yy,�,'�AX fl,&GES:
he said; I will toll her how, apart ter, brother clear. But those two of 'Mr,. Jones, the foreman, reassured ' them in,
from all men, visited by none — for provisos -were well Putt intilefirst -her, and she answered a question of
none can reach zn'e till they know tho' p his in regard to the title on some i. Visible writing •starotofinish. P,a•labillty,,veig'sonly 13pottuds.
es:lrecitlelly. When a gentleman -wants CITAI 1'I:Lt 1;1 VII. Manifoldin beats the all. .ally atrlent +_ +
secret i my path — I have -worked itnishecl -work proullitly lutea pleasant- purabilit hardened steel parts. Sion,l,cityC.00patt asalulnst140DI
to marry one of our sex, the first "�V, have come after Miss Hattie and waited, -waited and tlis Ieg ly. WARRANTED by a well-known Canadian Company Isere to ::ails it up.s
nncl most necessary filling to find out ,
Once every three months I go ,out is -will she lla-e him, And don't Ill° boss," thus he always allud- I3tttler, Mr. 1V—," sate, Lizzie, after
to (airy the gold I have gathered, • believe ed to Nr, -1V—, "don't look Well this Shakia
and, to place it where it will not onlyT ' you have given her the first inornin;, I -To Was •hero • very earl fi ala r -with him, ONLY
hint on the subject." y-_ "Our clear Aunt Louisa is ever so®`�j t Q1j11
be safe but draw an interest that etood at the door w1wn I cal' to
"1o, said Frank. much better •to -clay, and her first -d
adds to it all the tithe. Aird once unlock: it," continued Mr. Jones. I •wish this morn n
"Nor even tttltcu the trouble to find j g -vll;s to see her, `
-every three months I troad streets snppcsc, like most. young single men Rut, the doctor thought she had bet -
where temptation glitters on every gttt `-'hothar she either admires or nowadays, he keeps late hours. andter -wait until YOU WASTE that mach if' vail BUY any OTHER, and you DO,
side of me; yet I torn from it all cares in the leastfor you?" continu- they don't agree -vitae him. For 1n . afternoon, tuttil silo„ ed Lizzie. g 3 grow stronger, and so we waited NOT CRIT SO GOOD a lnachino!
with loathing„ and hurry back to 1 art home is clear to me -� itll what
"That's a fact.” till after lunch, and then ne had to
my solitude, Where myonlyr com- Is in it, the blessed Wife and baby; THE.Ti�%I�.�.�I.l�,MS MFG. Co. -�_ 1;�Ei
And Frank sighed 'while lie made s come. Our Aunt -would give us no i� Limited
I pony is a memory, ewer resent ever � o illy hours Are regular, my sleep rest.' -
-dear, of her. the admission. sound, and my aPVCtite just 'what it Write to -clay. MONT;lEAL, P. Q.
"To -morrow I shall go again, and "Don't you think a little courting, ought to be." "Tlxat's so. DO you know, Mr.
as they call it 111 this case would 1{J—, though she lens not positively - — �••w- .— --
^the deposit I carry now will male = I•Ia'•ing thus relieved his naiad, Mr. said so in so many -words, I believe ^
1•my' all --full three hundred thousand ale advisable before you talk of -Tons 'vent on about his business, lit;-� • • y-�.W
. marrying a girl whom you have seen c our good aunt • means to give us a
dollars, I s:1 do ll satisfied but but twice in ,your life;" tea better
that Hattie Butler knew now cousin? I feel sure she means
%what else can x do till I tem recalled? better than ho 'why Mr. 1V— did not
Work keeps clown sac! thoughts; work "Sts, you aro n philosopher in pot- look well that morning. to ,adopt Miss Hattie as her daugh-
keeps hope alive; 'work gives me life ticoats." For anxiety And suspense are death ter."
:and strength to wait." I "Oh, frank, aren't you ashamed to sleep. "Hardly against the 'rill of 'the
He dre-t, up to a rough table made to say so." And ITattio thought, Sorrowfully, latter, 'vho has a mind of her own,
"1\7o, sister, for it is the truth. if stns and few minds stronger or better v,- .. •„
`bf writing
hewed put by himself, took You are teaching pens. marl, hint Ecol and Tool: so balanced," said Dir, 1V—, %� r � � E' a '^'•"'a
writing neater{ars frau a. shelf ower- fi me to be reason- ill, the Keen arrow of hopeless disap-ci +, AN f :a"head, and for a long time -wrote a.l,l(i in this matter, anti I thank youpointment might 'work even a greater"Brit ibis horning," said Limie,f, y:1 1�•steadily. for it. It liroves the truth of the change in his usually cheerful and 'when I -vent early to her bedside, ...
i Ile 'vas explaining all his life to old adage that two heads are' bet- happy face. Therefore she dreaded to she was murmuring; hi Iter, sleep, and _
Bar — all his life in those dreary ter than ate." I hand him the letter containing her I he•ird the, -words, 'thy precious
:hills, and praying; that. she would bid "If one is a sheep's head, Why ' decision, while she knew, that the daughter,' distinctly. And when she
him come back to her With a renew- didn't you quote the entire saying, sooner It Was in his hands the better as wo:-o, I ken -v she likLd been think- D14 rrd and nobler Iife, dlastenect by toil Frank?" it %vould ],a for both of thetii. ingof'Miss Butler, for she asked theand thought, macre pare by temper- "Ilecattse my little sister has a several times silo looked around ''cry first 'thing; ii she Was in thei0 U0.9 0.�;
twiso head, and thou rh I often tease to seo if he was making his usual ?,
:a ace in its most severe demands. g g house."
t At last his letter was fini.;hed, fold- her in my carelessness, I always go horning tour -'rough .the shop, but "That certainly , bears out your
ed, enveloped and then lie drew from to her for advico when. I can't see -she did not see ill'. In fact it was idea," said Mr. lV—. "I -vi.11 go .
Itis finger a massive ring with'a sap- 1uy own 'vay clear. I shall go to almost noon wh n she saw Hint come and call Miss Hattie, and you can n
tphire in the set. Deeply, .engraved in Pied, darling, With It cooler brain out of ]tis office aliid gci around among state a`our wishes to her. SIie will d
ithe stone Was the symbol — two and a lighter heart, and if hiss But- the 'work people. 'v And she saw at a gp With you, I know." ,µ .
' ler conies often to our house to see glance that, as l�r, Jonas held said, " Li7ale, he is just one of the best ,
'hearts pierced with an arrow. t
Dropping the red wax, which he Aunt Louisa, I'll do just the pretti- ho looked pale an low-spirited. follows that over livedl" cried
est little bit of courting that you Feeling eling sure thin he -would come to frank. "1sn't it a pity he is only
had lighted at the candle, on his let- b a „ 1 �„ t tt
ter, he impressed the sea], and it ever saw done. her table l:efore loll„ Hattie too c rho a boolc-binder aster ail.
vas ready for its tar away jour- "Good! It will be like a play to lc;tt r address,d t4 ]rim from her "I don't know as that sets hint
ley. ale," pocket, andlaid il upon the corner backIn', my estimation one bit,"
"Goole -night, clear Lizzie. of the table, whorl his eye -would be said Lbl_/ie "Igo is handsome, man- c: +wt tw1
Now — long after midnight — he "Cloaca -night, my darling broth- sure to fall upon t the first thing ly, and well-bred." _, A.
threw himself down on his blankets er. „ -when lie approacligd. I'rauk looked at his hitherto aris- y
-to sleep. Ai1d then, with iglore tremor than. tocratic sister with eyes of o en
And this for the night th,,y.pnrt- p
she liked, but -wh'ch site could not -yonder. What he 'would have said 4s
! 1.
ed, � for her life' resit tin, site went on had not lir. 1V— come in that mo-
CHAPTEit ZZ V. Prank -went into the library to
afik the doctor, -%A-was there With '%vith her -tisk. merit wltl llHat'tie, we do not know,or
"'Sister Lizzie, I want to talk to hit. father, how his Aunt Louisa was. It lacked but a =little of the noon for his lips -i,re opened to utter a p
' you. It is not your regular bed (Iofaig. hour whin she hciird his well-known reply when the book: -bidder` and his 1'
tine by an hour or more yet. Can He learned that she 'was better., step elo:xi to hor Itt table. And she fall, employe entered the office.
`: 'bu bq real steady, and thoughtful, and sleeping under the influence of troalbled 'viten ,, to repl1ed to his ' Then ci Frank hano eyes but for
and loving, for just a little while?'= an opiate. The doctor asked of kind salutation, ":ood-morning, Miss the latter, no thought, for the mo- �S
1 VI can try, dear Brother Frank. I! .him, ns ho had just inquired, of his Hattio•" # ment, of any one else. Ten for five cents at D
At that instant; his eye caught Saloons News -Stands, Gropers, and
a Barbers � fail, whys scold_ me ,'= said s'vnet father, whether anything had occur- g "Dear ll'iss Il'a,tite!' was all that rat Stores and Barbee
red to particularly excite or agitate Starlit of the letter; and his face flusil- Lizzie, said, a5 .he ran tip to 'the t Shops. They banish pain, induce sleep, and prolong life.
Lizzie L'egare, as she went arm -in- Mrs. Emory when her attack came ed a- h•" sa'd, r 'ori=n•": 'I'n,iv poor bindery -girl, throw her arms do you goodef!Tenosamplaind onethe mthousandetesti
.arm with her brother back into the on en bless you •forJi this qufcl: reply," around leer neck and kissed her monials sent by -mail to any address on receipt of price,
after having seen Hattie and snat:hed it, up. 1. ,,,,,4 it tii.,it.c Itis br=ain n.rild again. ' by theRipausChemicalCo..io[SpraceSt.,NewYorkcity.
But. as the ]cno'-*, neither fai,ltbr
> Mr. 1V— oaf in the carriage. vest over his heat g heart, and 'rent
" Well, we will go do your boudoir, nor son hadtaken notice of what she as faFt as he soul' go to -his office. To 11X: CONTI,W'CD.
Was doing or saying at the time,
Lizzie. I Want to see you alone and Haitio never •tv s so glace to hear ]Dangers of Old Watl Paper.
the screaut from LbUle's lips, and the ask your advice." the signal to lino : 'ort 'yeti: for din -
So they -vent to the little gem of tial exclamation from MISS nuner as she was tln. For she could Ev, ryaa 'vile haspadd any atter-
4t room,, carpeted in velvet, With being the first warningnot keel) he
they had tion' to thetllsCove.rim or modern
r eyes ion bar 'yeti:. Silo on
fio-vers . in every corner, curtains of -,vben the lady Minted. was thinking; ho -v he must feel when scicalca known that It is essential to
-lace, Blairs, ottomans, and atate-a- "r. will be here early in the morn- �r, or she had known the sa>xitaxy (auditions of a dwelling
lie read liar lett. Profit fit Sheep. .,
t Lete all covered with damask silk, ing,' said Lhe doctor, As he Aro . to what love was, ci, appointment -vagi, that all olri wall-puptvrs •should be I pit, �;ott cruel boy, to take those
sad there they sat down, and frank take his leave. tcltnugece bafo,re laze now is applied. IL A shepherd can make from 25 per
' too, and she pities him front the in eggs pat of that nest! Think of the
i uOmmenced with a sigh -- a lona most depth of her Woman's heart, is per3'slble, and o•ttrii probable, that cent. to 60 per cent, on his investment ,c,,,r bird when Ole comes—"
d heavy sigh, and such it woe -be- CI:I:iI'T1;iL ZZ VI. And he? Lockinir himself in his .'gas. cel seri aid o the
heal- ells igen 'In mutton sheep, according to his 6kill. l , • , „
gone look that Lizzie demurely ask- private office, he quickly a ened the q S paste 7 he _dothoil ,kn s dead, t iuiss.
g I' iutftt size, dirt'and sln,oke, and Anyone A• good breeding e-vecan proctueeellgng)t �•Ile1-i, do yeti know thAt!"
.ad: latter on which he felt till his future paste and old wool to pay for keeping her. A ewe �- T „
.'Are you sic!:; dear f oLizzie. I'm her when breakfast Butler11ext'wmorning s a he readetl o e -d. lords, written ith pallor on iii kis ind ul � 1 atndegrlu with
mutdam.pness is at can be kept in thrifty condition, beinf; x `ce it itl your hAt.
No, but I m 'verso o, sc wcxrk, knows that if the
studied the features of itttlp. Jessie y do not -ore_
.111 loyel' Albemarle as closely as she coulee ly, yet blasting;, the brightest hope he ate a gas, tltw'y hill-:rettte an o igr ,fed such coarse fodders as straw, clover Un 1:tprulay ilig;llt of last -t eek, 14liss
while the girl was fliitingr to and ~'^"" _ _ .. - which is gfteLn lniost clisagrtiernbi,. hay and corn fodder, with nue-brilf agar; all t Wi]a,c•11 of Sonlorth met with a.
®!1� ®�Ci ®®d&�t� fro, carryings coffee to the boarders , e But: this applies with added farce pound of grain daily `-'hen .110 v quiets very painful aceidpnt and ono which
and ' afteucling to her duties. Anel t whrtn we (alta to a considcr.Ltion of it, at a cost of one cent per clay, (Luring came vary near costing her the Sight of
With DriEght'S 01seasm once, when she was close to her, she B So u r.,ntad house or room„ Isere it is
whe.ro a lack of Common. knowledge the period of most expensive feeding. one eye. She had gone into a room
Spoke her
Jessie, and got a fair look or a desire tot saw a few shill!ngg To pay for her keep she needs to produce without a law)), to gLAt something from
l right andis Torturing Cats f of into filer bright, almbroost
St , or hazel '�,Lru,,,, of. vxp.,ase, causes the Owner or agent no more than ten pounds of flood wool,, a sideboard, and in rising,* Struck her
ilrit 8t'N Dtn¢nN¢—A Justice uY tate eyes. She 'V:19 a]inoSt 5itLl tied w11Cri rt a, • , r to 1C:ave the old paper on. Pumilily and that a lnlittpn ewe Can d0. )11 a,l- ' !lead against a Bee 1
Pette Certinen to the Cure try Dr• she did so, for she saw, sore she , ,� L,. • g' ' p adder standing close,
„ t
patients afflicted with contagious � ,
Cha,le's XIdney-Liver P111s. stir--, there a resemblance, a very �� 4 �fi dition to the wool the returns flout it b.. He fact Calle ill COrltaCt with t11tY
respect- strongt "9emhian- t d ' diseaases have •occupxd spew of the
Mr. James Dellihunt, a muchnutria d and e e, o ren;—mi, tit any rat:, thare May be ewe will be at least one lamb—tire :aver. ladder and a -i ire attached.to it penetrat-
ed resident of Con9econ, Ont., states:-- the kind, loving eyes 'which greeted C-vty ar t'hre, layers la1:e sometimes age of the mutton breeds is nbarbr oue. eci 11er e e 'L111 iu ur was most vas a sufferer from Bright's he tor. her the egare, before at the bolls, t - MUM of y f and one-half, 1 rom the facts derived fill, bat fortunately the eyesight was pain. -
several years, and at times the tor- -• � ) palaar oat illi walls, and , eyesight
tures of mend and botry were almost be- of D]s t,eud e, and 'what hart -lies•- t the, amotutt of dirt that vaah has
from our experimelatal work itis -a re to injttrt ci, nitlrougll silo -will require to be
'gond endurance, The pains were in m3 Oct so suddenly in that death -like i, ; ; ' , b;,rn the c•gvt>,r• for may pnsg belief.
;]lead, between the shoulders and down s'vootl when the name of ".Tessio Al- Amrrica for yon-rs has enacted laws say, changing foods nt market pritps, I eatronlely careful Cf it for souse time.
,the whole spine, concentrating; across beinarlc" was spoken. � � „' whish carnl>al all paintrrs tp remove mutton can be be put on the nzar'ket on
the kidneys, whgre i was never entire- 1Vhth site was thinking of this, old pap .vi bafore hanging th, new, foot for at least three cents per pound. Hera i9 a bit of good advice frrrir ii
�Iy free from ixin. Svllen I got p and •what possibilities might ret be '�"/` ,f Y:/�s r In the Cit Ltc+ of Nrw Yarlt tax+:. cetion Such mutton as call be furnished r1.t that I contpntporary to tilos, tubo delight fila
hoarlY double, It gant ve neo great pain in store for the poor, ill-treated ,�u �fvttt4�r, is as tallows:• --"No wall pap;r sha,11 cost Should N-.eigh 150 pounds- Here Is ""Peaking of ally womalt's ellaractNr.
(( , tL refit of 4:50 fr r a sheep wider r
to urinate, and At tinter th:e water was bonne] girl, hit5s :terintp opened hc,r .by lyIactrd upon the 'vales �o�r e�eflings p � froin e p t c t11t1 � '.lrhiul: of laity taafly ears silo has bee11.
very scanty. Medicines seemed to have batteries on our herolne. pr of any tenemi nt or lodp•ing house most modetil; circumstances. I have Y
little or no effect in my case, until I '=iuiss Ilattie," she said, "I've A �'... 0717" OIL un'om all wall paper shall be r.mnve:i known. owes of tnatton breeding to 111141• buitdhig up of ghti wowles reeeivt•rl, of
began the use of Dr. Chase's Kidney- been thinking of ellrtnging my �rootn r " thcrc.trom, ai-id the staid wall$ and duce each y'=ear ay clear profit of ten tp tr tc,ilr i(ud privations onslured, anct
Liver Mils. The first close relieved me, down to this floor. There's s the LIN111*14EPi�T c."iii. r, thore'' ghly cl,an,sed."' fefto-on doll ,nr$.---1 armorsTribune. 1 „
and five boxes entirely cured Mo. 1 "3 1,'t t,o (,,�1>tciuil follow 21(s action. lh(,
have no pains in my kidneys, Ind can If( nlca-e off talo parlor, plenty -
dp its ood a slay'. 'work as I ,ver large enough for It bed for ane, rncl FOR „ , parity t.t-ttii,all is tLt salvtttioll of t110
!T Why is 'tate Xslr. tlf Wight a fxaull race tho ho o of future
etnlld,' my room leas such it good 1l1rht ' � wg Needles you cannot Children cry f®�' ' p gteatnbss tucX
Xr. J. 1'Ward, J.P., of Conaaecon, Ger• P ► t , y 1 Ire a , tt h y
._ , w 4 tl ,y from tike east, ,von ran nlnlr..t ft•pl S'rains Stlttins Cuts '�''ounds VIC¢:y thread, Ia`re511'waier ' not caarno,E rho rbc:nmptiou of man, Wipo out Heti'
IMeu th-vt ler, knmrsl(14r. D rbc unnd dn;" tvhbn it daW11s, ±,t'(I if r ollid Open Sores, lirutsesr Stiff Joints, fines and (!rink, Caters you cannot mill:, sand ,try purity and ruun sinks below the 'lttivo of
i•tatemt"nt of his euro .ave you sued a. 1pn out np} 1r1' c New 3vL ' ' CASTORM,
true and -wits%nut exar Ire -•ration. i,. seems Stings of Insects, couhas, Colds, Contracted p you. camnpt bo:.tl. Tit. ai i despatir with nota ::tar to guide his lifit
fobiisll to trifle -vi+111 �' at+sled metal- Wtnim T ll only charsrs yell n (1411- 13!til.
+rines4 when -par can a • f .a„ '.cstnd mid bir it -week more' if y-1 tc .w it, Cafdsy Rftcurnithm, Neuralgia, iltonchiti into rL etlannol of safety, 'Chiglk0 tltelr,
Noctax '(to little. girl -vile is total. t'
Prover. kind: 15r:Cltl.,a."'olAy-TAvor What do you Fav ni 011 ill" Croup, Sate 'I"hromt (�ufrtseyi Whooping Ile flax mar.rwd a fortm,ne, but It(' X111-yell)--"Nlyw, my ei ar, pil'. out. � WOO you speak, and retnehiber th
(•nil rill a done, :.':r ci • : •4 a bwt, all "0111;: this, Visa s'c•rir,.• , that T Cough and III Patlnfui iwelliogs. inrtoo nl;em•^roux to keep It lone,;." your tom;ue." T,ittl� fart?enl (04'.. icily hrg'etLn root ftp the fairest•. 11,)X.•, 1;
rleaka,1, or 0,11ii 1ur'ota, .Oates rt Co., art1, -•ere wbll rrints�ntrsl v::•+, „ 7 ,rtr,. "I t'e~' "`ti`hy, e"vrn hi ^ 'viae lilts wig nidal 1 t . ;
'J`arout4l. As;^ata w:+ut "J i+fir T)r. C11i1t a's I ,,, y y)' �- Certaisnly no. Sit r1 1 S that aver gro-v, ase the TiLat rail rule the
leafiest 111141 rntnnlet ltcc.!l:t MG... •A LAU=1110'r IZ, 2S0. id alk him for money an. 4 All:, aotsi Maya -it is very vulgar to alai(; ouc i
'hill—Detroit Free one's tongue to anybody.,r purest Character.