HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-13, Page 6I t
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i,. THE WINGTRAR TDIES, SEPT. 13 1901-, 1 1 I 1 . . I I . 7 I IV
06TAA14BRICI) ire.,. Oooil an413.0, Wilcura. I o I 011it'dr "":$Ngl" 1872. . - On Appleti.
CHILDREN'S ' I At A lailklug trial held ilk connection 00% "' "' "M"% an i-xii,wilve buyer of
'with one of the recent summer shows in applvs� aild .in authority, says that
'FRE 'WIN611A)l Tuffs. 1ANS � .; Af t 3707% mm I Afil , 1 - THE Wzs %IN 6 H A �' T I X E 5 � '
'LLIOT' U ugl'alka the cow which wits Awarded there is no nlorc Yaluablo investment
t" 1" 1U r, P114KASTIN)t Alill 11tOPAIXT07t KIDNEY , 0 : is PUBLIS11M P than th�, orelvirds in Huron, and
it I !1.•_'l "%_ 1_.. _ the first prize produced Over tils gallons wuala ratliEhr Gwa them than the.
. ... 11. .. - '7--.. - - __ __ , TOWN DIRE GrOltl EVERY FRIDAY MORNING r0h'1L'(L1J are
of milk in. outs (lay, find her milic, was so . farabi for profit. Th. -I
FAIDATA, nkrr. 1.), luol. Dr. Pitolkorle Eacl;aobe Kidney rich in quality that It. produced overtour -A%,- � )
" . B.j,rrIS,r CITMICU_SabbatIl services At The Times Oflice, Bea B100); nol. prop'li-ly cal -d for, viditar in cul,.
nn��r.!.!-!�ssr-_ ,.__,__. V�*"M*"�� lxaoleta the Most Saoo�dspf,ql pounds of butter. At the saute Show ver avatic1a of th- Pin -1 or thy' cars or
, it am and 7 p in, Sunday School at WINGHAX, ONTARIO, tl (� trees. Sprlug tooth cultivator,s,
THE DAIRY TESTS. Treatiuont for trio Kidney , y thele wero on exhibition other cows of ) - 30 - General prayer meeting � - .Q,J11ould bo.usfed instead of plows;pi,ii
: till On 44) 111
11aw We Different uertla Show lip Woakness. of'Childrea. . breed, and practically the sakno size d, 0 dikesday evenings. Rev. W. . Taitus or Suirso"IrTION-0-00 per annum. in should be sowril instead of ,grass; bogj� '
� n as
At the Pill'. weight wliloh produced only two to Freed, pastor, W. J. Chapman, S. S. a4voi-A If not so paid. No paper diNcon should be. lo at the proper season in -
slip thi-1111 till till arrears are Maid, QX
Tlwx,, bs not at]X-�.r conjiLloia which three gallons of milk and barely one _01111tendent, option of tile publisher, .id except at the L stead of sheep mad calvc,s; Ole trees
ADVEMT16ING RAIIISS. -Legal and other shouttl b.k serap�d and waslwd with
the 00w.' hav,! to contva,l with which lid of butter. It would be it mistake at 11 A lik and 7 p in. Sunday School at casual advortisenimbi Be P�el
Mothers know what distress and auric- pou, Mirri-IoDisT Onvitou-Sabbath services
makes as much varlatizin, !-it t 1w f 1�w ty they have when the little ones cannot . iye, awl spray-od in svw3un. In fact,
,, )�Wcni 10111410for
ot tuilk aq dov,vj t1x;;--. of atmosplv,rlo rotaixt, their water properly or have 4117 tosuppose tbatthe feed of one of the 2. pin., ripworth eagilooveryaxon- first insertion, so per line c i subsequent, Jilt, hast attvItti!cat an -t care ',should be,
tetawratutv. So, lea as thv temper- trouble with their Kidneyh. . last-named would cost as much its the d oveltin , oneral prayer meeting insertion- givort to the orelta.rd jai ord,-r that it
. I i( Ailvertisemonts in local colanins tire charged
atum I-, ubwu tiL. §�weatles the cows. For ativ weakners of the Kidneys, six,gallQu cow, because, as a rule the On, e es Ay eve ' s, Rev. Richard 10 eta. per line for first iiiijortioii, and 5 cents inay be, prolucive, and becomp. the.
bi 4der 6r urinary organs of children, b . etter milker a cow is the to ' ' Hobbs, pastor. r Towler, S. S. Sup- per line for each subsequent iii8ortlim, mast valualtil'i part. 01 thl firm. 0
keep up it good, even flaw of milk. 0 ,ore food erbitondent, Advertisements f Lost., Foundp Sti-Wed
bat just As uD*.a as the thermometer Dr. Pitcher's Badkoolke Kidney Tablets, she I the eminent e will consume. It is only natural PUrsliTTEAT&N Cauuoil-Sabbath ser- F-I"'U',,f()r8ill(tol-Iconllelit,linatilintint, $1 for
,, doNvit t,roe$, thtt whioll, are the prescription of I . first month and 60 cents for wait subsequent Tile Suirorlogg of 40b.
tl`Mns 1110 in the 0,1111flek that a cow yielding six gallons of milk vices At 11 A In 444 7 p in. Sanday nionth,
inilk, not matte'r what the feud , is. Specialist Dr. Zinn Pitcher, are tile mOA � , General prayer CONTRAci RAU:Hs-Thefollowlng table shows go
cu" anal green InklItIt effectual remedy meeting on Wednesday itching piles from
Gx�....a corn, dy known to science, should require a much more liberal food $040?1 At 2: 30 P M. If the agonies of Job were any worse,
I evenings. Rev. our rates for the insertion of advertisements than the tortures or
hav,- taken the pluce of ,fflag�� for Mrs. W. X. Glover, Pearl St., ration than orw produciiii.- less than halt D. Perris, pastor and S. S. ,Superlitten- for spociflea perlods:_ Nviiiell so intiny people aro now sufforilig-
tli.� pa -it 10 days an -.1 tli.� omirs Nve,re. 'Brockville, Out., says: -"One of my that quantity. The difterenoe in the dent, sr.kcn, . I YR. Guo.- Sato. Iii- he had much to endure. The difference C11,
do:.ng vi-ifflon ti0i f.,Pd until the pre- children that had- been suffering from One Column .......... $00.00 *115.W $15.00
etnt I= srx�ll cancer upon us, which sluggish Kidneys read about Dr. cost of feeding the cows In question ST. PATTL'S ORMICH, EPISCOPAL-Sab' Half Cohilan .......... 85 " I'(' I,; that there is no reason for any oqg
.00 18.00 1000 4.uU . , `
o menced on t1w 19th August and Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tablets and would not, however, be anything ]Like so bath Services At 11 aa; and 7 p ni.. Sun. Quartos Colunin ..... 1s,65 1o,65 6:0D 2,00 to endure the wiseries of piles for a
OM . day School at 2:30 p m, General prayer Advertisements ,v�qthout melflo directions single day, Dr. Chase's Ointment has.
. I
ther cows nr,i ,nDVI 13tifferill!4- from procured a bottle. They removed the marked as their relative milk yields meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev will be im4orted till forbid ,in charged accord- oared tens of th6nsauds of cases, and is
� -
the heat! as uraoll .�i they have dene whole difficulty promptly. That would suggest. Inpractice it is found Win. Lowe, incumbent. F. Shore, S. S: Ing).7. Transient advertisements must bo paid absolutely guaranteed to cure each and
at any tjm,�s2Ac,,� t!lt.. test commenced depressing pain 'over the Kidneys ror in advance. -
- stopped,-dizzinesB aildheadaeltes ceased, that cows producing only Iya gallons to Superintendent. . THA JOB DEPARTMENT is stocked with an every case of piles. 00 'cents at all'.
with it cm!?equmv shr:nkageofm�lk- CONGREGATIONAL OmmoH.-Sabbath extensive assortment of all requisites fox, print• dealers or by wail, from Edmanson,.
Ther" N the .xoqtvs� varintlen in the and there was a general invigorating of two gallons -that is, six to eight quarts services at 11 a in and 7 p in. Sunday, ing, affording facilities iiot equalled in the Bates & Cc, Toronto.
ig -t,:6- the system. There is no question count
9 ty."gor
heavy milk:;z - br. �, th,,y drop the -,per day cost a much to keep as those School at 12 in. Midweek meeting:on 'I'd .
Tablets yielding double that quantity. It is Weduesdry evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin .r. Hard
most wli�u the cancliLlons aro unfav- regarding the merits of those ' . cho. New Inventions,
- -e quick- for the back and Kidneys. We have Astor. i�gxc. Jart -lin- confident that the reports.
arable tied they r��slxnd more confidence ill them and recommend only when calculations of this kind are Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, p . Feg .
oy typo for rho floor classes of print
ly whnin ih?! conditions are favorable. S;teamll highly." . e into that the difference between SALVATION Altv�y&rvice at 7 and 11 H. B. ELLIOTT of patovts granted, which we have
The Nvaek ending• July lard was the gone . a la and 3 and 8 1) m on Sunday, ,and Proprietor and Pubhsher bm-.n 4-g the habit of 'publishing here trybrit Dr. Pitcherla Backache Kidney Tablets good and bad milkers can be properly tile weelt at 8 .
.4 wo.�k of the season until I every evening during
kthe. cooler aro box all druggists. The I tofforre., interests A great many -of'
the present, ,and wlivri t. estimated. At least occasional tests o'clock at the barracks. our readers, w.- have decided for the-
. weather ca= in about the first of Dr. Zina. Pitcher Co.. Toronto Oil should be made of the milk which all OHRISTIANAND MISSIONARY ALLIANCE. BANK of HAMILTON future to jupply regularly a list of
August there. was agood increase in . I .:., �._ . I. . . I -Meetifigs as follows: S. S. at 2.80 p. I patents recently granted �o Cana-
the cows in the herd are oducing, and ,
both milk anti butt >r in meat of "the published. The churn test is .not in. Fellowship at 4 p. m,, and evan- WINGHAM. Allln�s. . (
hrp,-.,,Is, but at div present writing considered t1oi be at till reliable on A similar test slibuld be made of the food gelistic at 8 p. in., every Sunday in Capital paid up, $1,995,750.00. Information regarding any of these.
the thermcmeter stands at 85 degrees accolout -at only ode da 's milk train which they are consuming, and if it Hall, Victoria St. in
milk has tagain POST Ritchie's,vriaE-In Macdonald Block. Reserve Fund, $1,§00,000.00. Pate' is will ,15-a supplied free , of"
to 86 de tees and the each held per -week being separated should be found, as it is to be feared chaxg^ by Messrs. ;Nla.rldh & Mar
tallen off baldly. up to, the present Office hours from 8 a in to 6:30 p in. President-JoErx SWAM' .
, and churned, the iresulu for the will be only too frequently tha case, that Vice -President -A. G. RAmsAy. ion, patent alttorn,8ys, Muntmal and
tlmi� all the cows have been milked week 'being estimated front that one ,,, Peter F isher, postmaster. Washing -Lin; D.C., to, any reader who
three t1ruz,% adally - 5 a.m., !12.30 day's Wi�u_:Iin,r. There axe so many the animals are not giving it sufficient MECHANICS' INSTITUTE -Library and 'DIRECTORS MLintions 1lk2r name of th:s papor when.,
p.m., and 8 p.m., but tlivr.� has been contingencies 'Nv4i!oh might and do return for the cost of the food which free reading room in the Town Hall, John Proctor, Geo. Roach, Win. Gibson, M -P, applying. I .
-vauclt debating its to whether this is arise to affect the product of one they are disposing of, they should be got will be open every afternoon from 2 to A. T. Wood, M. P., A.B. Lee (Toronto). G. M. Aylsworth, Collin wood, Ont.,
the, wisest course under such trying particular day that the result can rid of at the first opportunity and their 5:45 45 o'clock and,every evening from I to General Manager -J. TURNBULL, raWaltdrs. f .
,conditions, with the, result' that three Only be approximate at best. The 9:80 o'clock. Miss Millie Robertson, I 1. C. Craig, villtilg-'e. of Mlnmount_
of the American ,herdsmen broke places filled by others capable of giving librarian nBank-Hours 8; dayg .
are Clegg, Mayor; 'I ' '0 Sat'ir Celt., voting machine.
Sa a Ba 0 " to
the lines yegterduy and prize. for totial solids is based on, the abetter return to the food. -Farmers' TOWN 6 v' tt.p..% 7 and d. , h In
dveT - " '..i'.l F. F. Dow, Frederickton, N.D., tree.'
T 'Lip 11-r ..'
� ._
value -of the whole milk as food, esti- O&CM-Wm. to � allowed,
and O.nxp 0� 0 0_
IL:T Win, Holmes, Thos. Bell, Robt. Me- forest
i R uIted the D t .
now milk! Only twice per day. The mated from the wholesale price for Gazette. -timber
in 31st May each
Y..,. and added to felling milelliwi I . ..
result will li.� elos-ly watched during Indoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, principal. , -
city delivery, and in this, the sugar .Win. E. ,Bowerman, ;Bloomfield,.
the. -next month, as some claim that � Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. F Special Deposits also received at current Out., accqY1,.
Of the ina,I)c figures very lar er- one gas generator.
ml&n� milk and butter will be pro- p2tr cent. of "IClerk and Treasurer; Samuel rates of interest. R. Eugtl-n, St. JoInn, N.B.,fireescape..
duced by three milk'ngs than by two ing al.boat 33 . &��',y 'itotal n 1311 §u,sulh Assessor; Win. Robertson, Col. Drafts on Great Brit I ain and the United -
mllkLngs, and thos2� interested will moltdis. t lector. Assessor;
meets first Monday even- States Bought and sold, Geo. G. Chapman, village of Exin
In the making of cheese the greater B A D L I R ,�" N � � W N I ing •in .each month at 80 'clock. Travellers ere notified that theBankof Ham- dale, Ont., weeding machine.
do ,well to watch the result, which part -of the suga,r passes .off in theilton and its Branches issue circular Rates of Fred A. Dixon, Ottawa, Ont., rail
will be ,given from time to time, as whey and com-prLsics about 70 per - SCHOOL BOARD. -O. N. Griffin, (chair- National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, jolint fastenexii.,
the LeSL, gova on.. ' man), Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. which can be cashed without cliarge or trou-
During tiv� cool w:mther the Hol- ocint. of the solids in whey anc� of SYMPTOMS THAT MAY LEAD TO Hontuth,Win. Moore, H. Kerr, Thos. ble fit any part of tile world. Bug. Cote, Wotton, P.Q., machine
-which no account would be, taken if SY Bell, Win. Button. Secretary, Win. W. COBBOULD, Agent toir, scraping snow roads.
steins made the greatest gains with - . E. L. DICKINSON. Solicitor. The "Inventor's Help,"
the exception of Meg, as she hide a a cheese test had been used as it SERIOUS RESULTS. . Robertson; Treasurer, J. B, Ferguson. . 0 U. oontaining.-
wee.kls a kn ss, which . putx ac- basis for a prize, but in this test for ee ssecon Tuesday evening in each
- I useful infartnation on the subject of'
le e total solids 4 pound a milk sugar THE EXPERIENCE Or T11,1WAS - CADA, OF P. KENNEDY M. jj,. M. C. p. S. O. patents, the cost of samn, etc., will
very much in her milk. The 0013t Of figures the same as a pound of ESSEX CO. -NERVES SEEDIED SHATTER- month. . i - (Member of the British Medical Associn. b3 e0int to any'9.ddTQSS UPOU receipt
feed, however, still keeps them down Casein or A pound of Milk Pat. F TO STAND PUBLIC SCHOOL TEACHERS. -A. H.
tion.) Gold Mectallist in Medicine. 88 ecial of 10 Cents, by Messrs. Marl6n , &.
to 4th Or 5.th'place on the -butter prize, HARD WO11K. Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, attention paid to diseases of Women and hild _ '-
test. The Guernsey. .Mary Marshall, In the competition for this Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss ren. Offido ]tours -1 to 4 p. in.: 7 to 9 p. in. Marion.
has again asserted her supremacy az the arder of the herds is completely R.,m the Review, Windsor, Ont. . Corny;, Mis&,Vaustone, Miss Matheson I L I
- barn and headed the changed and at the present writing Creek, a and Miss Reid. R..MACDONALD,
queen of th, they stand az follows: Mr, Thomas Oada, of Pike D .
list with 822.09 profit, while last week Holsteials ... ... ... ... $173.91 profit. small village in Essex county, is known BOARD or HEALTH-MUyor Clegg, I Centre Street ^ a -ft
she With
a profit of 82.-rf. The ,Ter- H (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg-
A Y-r�shires ... ... ... ... . 162.55 profit. to almost everyolle�in that section e cry, Dr. Kennedy,'J.,B. Ferguson, Sec- -Vin ham, .wT ,a UA
sei, Primrose, which headed the list . . Ontario. w, -R
t'%vo weeks ago with 82.33, stood sec- Brown Swiss ... ... ... ... 145.12 profit., is �t son of Mi. John Cada, mill owner, rotary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical . .
cord last w, -,-k, $2.22 -pio,fit, and this Shorthorn ... ... ...... 145.08 ,I,rolit. M. DR. AGNEW,.
-week with 8.1.91. 1 1 Guernsey ... ... ... ... ... 143.85 profit. and a Irominent politician in his local- Health 0 cer. . ri or Infants and Children.
Red polls ... ... ... ... ... 142.00le profit. ity. A representative of the Windsor Physician, Surgeon, etc. I C1111 - a , - , � . .-, , 63
The Jerseys as a breed, stood at Jerseys ... ... ... ... ... ...... 138-36 profit. Review, who had known that some time . MRS. W. H. HELE The f.'a. '9
the head last week- with a lead of French Canadian ... ... ... 124.76 profit. Office -Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis , / - ___� over?
health, Drug Store. Diantuva
cents,have lost heavily Polled Jersey ... ... ... ... 103.79 profit. previously Mr. Cads was in poor ]i . Night, calls answered at the office. ifl,9 HMV'4'�Z�. wra2por. . -
during the, week just ended, Au-". Dutch Belted ... ... ... ... 98.76 profit. recently met him looking anything but in China Painting. I of
20th, and the Guexnseys have in- P'T . . Oil and Water Colors. R V-A.NSTONE. �
When the test commenced there an invalid, and naturally asked what 4 . � _�__. L creased their lead by 56 cents, mak- were only a few newspapers in the had restored him I to health. "Dr. Also a new revelation kiln forfiring chins. . BARRISTER, BOLIOITOR, ETC. �
ing their total lead at present 56'United States that took any notice Williams, pink pill ,,, promptly re- Studio at her home, Catherine Street. Private and Company funds to loan at lowest �
It may not be generally understood 8 r .%G-)::- -
of it, but there are now over at-ofinterest. Nocommissioncharged. Mort. q .
I Jitow the Guernseys got such a lead or - plied Mr. Cada. 'When asked if he .90%des, town and farm property bought and , - ,
of the Jerseys id-uring the first asking f reports from the Assooiat- E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN . Office, Beaver Block. Wing am. I
ed Press, thus showing the intense would give the particulars for publics-
monith, but, in jliSjle!� to the other interest which has been created all tion,, Mr. Cada said "certainly, if you WINGITAB . A. MORTON, ..
breeds, it inlight be stated that theis 1, I'll I
Guem2eys were all in fine -working over the country. At the World's think it worth, while; but there is troth- BARRISTER, &c., I 1� . : . ,,� I
frim at the beginn,ing Of the test. Fair in 1893 the test extended over . TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. . - ,
. ing very wonderful about my case. I : I . . . I 2. ,,z-�:
Four of tthem freshened in, April, only three months, -while this test is Wingham, Ont. . .
� - J ,:�� " ,
expeett-d to cover a period of six was simply badly run do %vn; my Pup�ls prepared for Conservatory of Music . -.,=-=- �111,
I V)
(�' of them after they arrived on the nerves exanintablo 18. / ". -;"7,),�i ,i 1A==..Z;.,
months and it will be a test of en- seemed to be all shattered, and I was un- IF,• L. DICKENSON, V � , . , 1 .
ground). The (Tersey, Primir:osc, had ftraince. . * I
been milking two months before the, Standing of the herds in the Butter able to stand hard work. In fact work BARRISTER, ETC. __ .
. test commenced and Rextria, did not Fat Test tor the week ending August of any kind left me badly .used up. VIOLIN AND GUITAR. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. yoneytoloall. .•
calve until ,thia end of the second week '20th. . . There did not seem to be any organic MISS CARRIE MORE Office-Meyor Block, Wingliam. . . I I
after the test, commenced, and she - . - . , �Pi�__-._
Guernsey . ... ... §8,,06 profit. trouble, it was just a case of being run of London Conservatory of Music will be pre- � . ., � 1� I
-was paying ,,Ir.otr her feed in the . :'...'... ... ... 8.10 profit. pared after Oct. 1st to receive a itmited num- ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S.
meantime whiell.put her back about Jersey down and worn out. I felt myself eared Pupils .
. Ayrshi;�� : .. ... ... ... ... ... 7.62, profit. for instruction on Violin and Doctor of Dental 8 eryto,1the nis
. ' .
4�1.00. * -it. gradually getting worse, however, and I Guitar. Dental College and icen at. PP_sylva
The, Red Polls are maklirig , ,,_ Reid Polled ... ... ... ... ... ... 7.37 prof Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingham. 738 of the Roval
College of Dental Sur ons of Office i
I BrdwA% Swiss ... ... ... ... ... 6.97 profit. began taking medicine. I tried several over Post Office, Whig am. Ontario. There is a noted difference- ,
vierkably good record and Mayflower M.
holds second place On total Profit Holstein ... ... ... ... ... ... .... 6.82 profit- advertised remedies, but they did not Office closed every Wednesday afternoon '
-since- May .1st. ataxy Xurshall, Polled Jersey ... ... ... ... ... 6.47 profit. help me, indeed some of them did me, PIANO AND THEORY. during June, July and August. � in the style and fit of Pants we
(Guernsey) standing first with 639.08, French Canadians ... ... ... 6.17 profit. harm than good. Just then I read MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. . make that always brings peo-
, Short Horns ... ... ... ... ... 5.93, profit. more . T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S.,
Xayflowax. (Red Poll) second, 8133.79, Dutch Belted ... ... ... ... ... 5.06 profit. of a case much like mine cured by the and memb6r of the Associated Musicians of W. L.D.S. '
and Primrose (Jersey) $33.66. The . Ontario, is pregred to receive a limited nem- New method for painless ex- - pie back for another pair.
JAS. STONEHOUSE, use of Dr. Williams' Pink Pills, and I . traction. No Cocaine.
whole of the. Red Polls in the- test are berofpupiTs or instruction on Pianoandin
Model Dairy, ox I Theory. "Pecial atkention to the care and regulation
owned by Gapt. V. T. Hills, of Dela- Pail-Amerboan Exposition. purchased a few boxes. Very soon Special attention Liven to pupils preparing of .11ildren's tooth. Moderate prices, and all Then there is the low price,
. c
waive, Ohio, what has made some re- notibed a decided improvement in my for examinations. work carefully and skilfully performed. office '
markably good sales as a .result of Residence -opposite R. C. Church, Wingliam. in Beaver Block, Wingliam.
Itis cows' record here. The Itenewal a Strain. condition and in the course of a few I . . and better quality of cloth put-.
.making a good record and are a Vacation is over. Again the school weeks I was feeling my old-time self. I 11,1, I JOHN RITCHIE, in - them -cloth - that wears,,
. .11 1. . .
The Canadian cows, as a whole,are bell rings at morning and at noon,again call now eat heartily, do a good day's 1111Il,,
much finer lot of cows than their with tens of thousands the hardest kind work and no unusual fatigue, and in , I f) ,f J J.,,J. Elliott, V. SoGE11TERAt INSURANCE AGENT,See our new goods and prices.
ectinIntit,ars and they willl all give a of work has begun, the renewal- of which fact feel thoroughly renewed in health M,, , , Honor:ary Graduate - of Whighain, Ont. .good account of the-niselves by the is a mental and physical strain to all . , ' Ontario V6terinary
time tthe -test is eldsed. f , except the most rugged. The little girl and strength. Naturally I think Dr. College. P. DEANS, Jn.
I Office and Infirmary
There are four prizes given in this that a few days ago had roses in her Williams' Pink Pills a great medicine 11 a. Golle Is old Stand, LICENSED AUCTIONEER WEBSTER & 60,
test -ane for most profit on� eati- cheeks, and the little bo�r whose lips for those who are weak or ailing. " 1�1 a � victoria t., Wingliam, for the County of Huron. Sales attended In .
' 1114: Day and night -o 118
mated butter as revealed by the Bab- were then so red you would have Insisted til,' promptly attended to, any part of the County. Charges moderate.
If you are feeling run down, and 111114 I I i 11 O. .
nock test, the butter valued at 25 that they had been "kissed by , PTr4elephone connection. o PATENT Goo
. V, secured by
cctits per lb.; one prize for most strawberries," have already lost some- easily tired, you need a tonic to put you . JOHN CURRIE, WINGRAM, ONT. .. d meas,
buttfir by the churn; one prize for thing of the appearance of health. Now right -to make you feel bright, active , I 1 i R _..�',Y.'M. Address,
total solids in the milk valued
ued at is a time when many children should be and strong, and the only always reliable FARMERS ents a I THE PATENT RECORD, -
9 c-aits per lb., =d one prize for given a tonic, which may avert much . . Sales of Farm Stock and Farm Implem = Baltimore, We
tonic is Dr. Williams' Pink Pills for and anyone having live stock or other
total solids plus th;mj gain or losd. in 'serious double, and we know of no articles they wish to dispose of, should saver- spAcallaolrtave-rs left at Taff Tnrns oillee promptly
,flesh of the cows, valued at 3 (. exits other so highly to be recommended as Pale People. Give these pills a fair tise the same for sale in -the Tntes. Our lar 0 attended to. Terms reasonable.. , I ) YEA
p.4r Rb. Hood's Sarsaparilla. which strengthens trial and you will find that circulation tells and it will be strange Inde:aif ,�V;?, VtA4 .
I vo, li.�._ f 6C, � RS'
their cura. ,f, � .�� I "
.. V4,
Thr finest is creating the greatest the nerves, youdonotgetaoustomer. Wecan' guarantee .. .. . 0" 4 - E R I E F4 0 E
� ... , EXP
, perfects digestion and tive powers have not been over -praised. that you will sell because you may ask more JOB PRINTING, . N. "I i , " ..
latteirest anO is the one oil whioll, the assimilation, and aids mental develop, for the article or stock than it Is worth. Send , I . M., .. )
.Profits, so far, have been based and ment by building up the whole system. Sold by all dealers in medicine, or sent your advertisement to the T=Es and try this including Books, Pamphlets, Posters, Bill I .
I I . I post paid at 50 cents 6, box, or six boxes pla,n of disposing of your stock and other Heads, Circulars, &c., &,o,, executed in the best I . ,
. .. __ I . � . . . , articles, style of the art, at moderntb prices, and on A .
A Tropical Spider. for $2.50, by addressing the Dr.Williatiis' .11 ... . short, notice'. I
Ifeadache, Biliousness Yesterday afternoon Mr. Hubbard, of Medicine Uo., Brockville, Out. .........- ... . . ---- . L I BooicinglimG.-We are pleased to announce I .1 . 1, .
. ..... I'll, thatanyBooksor Magazines left with us for I
t Brooke, brought to the Times' office a . I . . No kAN Binding, will have our prom attention .
. '% Prices for Binding in any si P, TRADr- MARItS.
,L t, - i be ven on
and Livar Complain . . 1p, .11 gi
beautifully marked spider of a very large An AhhAal Anecdote. application
on to I I DrESICiNS
, size. He captured it in its web which it Exchange. , . Winglianx. Anronosenrling a slcetoft and description foal' -
. I qv)16k1y nAecittala oar opinion freoy description
'TI-Oublexonie rind Obstinatle- Allinents had spun under the fence. The body, is •A gentleman while hunting near a � invention i,% probably patentable. Cot I ninutilea-
I lions atrietly cotiflilontlal. IlandboOk Oil Patents ,
Which Yield FroullitlY to the seven -eights of an inch in length, and is river one winter's day, saw a fox run out �, - . RAILWAY TIME TABLES. .vit fret, oi,leat agency for apruripir parents.
Seaveltinz rind 11torough Actiont .. I Patents taken throuirh Atunit A, Co. receLT4.
of Dr. Chamelvi Xidney-Liver Pills, a silky back with a belt of golden yellow on the ice and make at full speed for an ' - , V BAND TRUNK RAILWAY SYSTEM. speatal itotice, witlioat ohp.rito, ia tbo
In nearly every family there Is more below the neck, while down each side are opening in the ice -whero the rushing 1 9 t I . I " I
. - I witAINS LtAVE Von scit"flfic AM It2flMoo
il liver disorders# 44DUNLOP , Pahnerst6n .............. O.M a.in .... b idsore.elyiiiuf,trnt,odNvo.ol-l�., T-lift,pstotr-
ior le.tis sufTering fror large regularly formed yellow patterns. water of*the river could be plainly seen , 8.65a.m.
: I London .................. 0.50 a.m .... S.10p.m. A nii
. . ani-mvito. 'J'arnia.0s,
biliousness and headaches, and no home The under portion of the body ha's two from the bank. At the edge he stopped. � ; I Kineardine.-11.10 nan ... 8.10 p -hi.... 8.88p.m, 1011111tioll Of any sclentl
8hould be without a cure for such de- ; yo.ar - four months, $1. 801-1 b? IOU neVredWieft
rang parallel stripes of gold. From tip to tip turned, followed ' All kinds of ARnXVIA klti)�Id .'d,,V'
. a".. fb�w YorR
goinonts. Dr. Chase' his tracks brick to the . ' Kincardine .... 0.40 a.m.. 8.55 a.m .... 8.10 P.m. M & C I
. mur'� so■nsmr"
pills are wonderfully PZOMI)t and effee- the measurement reached about three bank, and then ran for some distance I• , Rubber Tires .. London .......... ... :.,.11.10 a.m, - .. M p.m. 'Reft4l"I.1 0!11;,-.. (I.." "; "'..3... 1*..0114 D Ct
tive for all such disorders as well as tl Palmerston .............. 2.45 p.m.... 8.88 p.m.
rot dyspepsia and constipation. They inches, while around the portion Of the down the stream And sat clown, soon a 11 * I . R. T. SlqTTOV, Agent, Wingliam.
Ire the greatest family medicine ever body it would measure nearly two inches k. for, all kinds of I
q Is testified to by thou- The specimen was shown to Principal ' I . p,AXADIAX PACIr, IC RAILWAY, I
discovered, a, dog came crashing cut of the woods, - L
sands of vooDle. baying finely, hot oil the fox's trail. I, Vehicles. - TRAINS LIMAVII FOR
Mrs. Vaulkner, 8 Gildersleeve pi
Jenkins of the collegiate, and while Xdw, dog$wllen 01, a chase.of I ;�.,oat. and East. ....... 6.53 a M. 8.58 p.m. I I
this kind " Dunlop Bicycle Tires Teeswater ......'........ I.82l):m::::l0140p,m. I I
ace# �) . AnnIVE WHOM � I
Toronto, says:-- doctoring with- could not definitely state to -which trust rdmost entirely to their noses. . , 11neuiratio Carriage i
,out success for biliousness, liver three species Tires I Teoswater... .. 0.63a.m.....8.6sp.rit, N. - I
plaint and nick headacho for over three of the lycosAfam"y 'b belonged, This one was no oxception, He Tali � Toronto and East .. .... 1.82 p.m....10.48 p.m, i
I Solid Rubber Carriage Tires � J J. H. BEEMER, Agent, Win ham. - ..
years I am glad to testify to my at)pra- oxpressed the opinion that it. was A along the ice, head down, and when late 0 lAvalid Chair Tires , - � . '.. If
elation of Dr. Chaso's XidneY-Llv(�r tropical specimen and had probably been . I L
_ ir( . . I
'11111s. At first they seer it little br6ught north in the egp With seeds and reached the hole he could not Stop,. 'but Ti .,, for J1,r.ljy Ctirringos. 41 "I
seemed h Caveats nndTr.%d,--Wfntk'5 obtAltv!J, ro.rid hil psttarii,-
.1 L ,-I 1,11.1,111en Conducted for 140DERAID, PRE11. MY
strong, but living both searching and hatched near where it was found, It is plunged into the water slid disappeared J L '11m lbmitep Tire Coq Limited : I tIfficchin 11-6ilnmedl 1to vidnityafthe PAtehtOffica
thorough In their Retion, atnPlY repay alive and vigorous, slid Was Industrious forever, Then the fox trotted, away TIT PAYS end ptyfacii1ties 16r8arur'-nstpatopts at6unsurvassea
i Sdtid raodel, -,ketch orp.hotograpli ofinver,tiot
any fneonvenivnee by after results. t judging front the Atze and strength of its. with ovety sign of satisfacti• on. , alfmwele.%
am feeling better in every way, and ,%vob. ... ; 10.4 I t I Ittateme.r.t.-ki to A(1%?� 11tateA Claimed,
It has excited considerable I I J, TO ADVEARTI e 7 .7"�.-gg, . ...... 16farrinopittlastasto
iny Ileadaellfns liave entirely disappear- curiosiby,-Owen 'gound. - 8 JR, 't " 1,
ied, Dr. Chase's XIdney-1,!ver -vills, WAXTIM-TAUSTWOnTAY MEN AND t Our Tradernaek 11 paidutabill.11
A Aad 11v fv, for vroseduthif the
are Certainly the best I have evor 11sed), 2PPlic-01011 tot I -A--)6 be owltodjt4h- tint tha
women to travel tind advertise for old v.stab- i I , pohmi *101101mg?'. 11T"4vF,NJ,0X51flVl1)x'11 eon.
- INI TH I C, tilliling led Inforiagt101% se.,)t frees. 411 Vinima)II.
and r freely rpeommond thow." I�ZUAPeft!Ve "PUT01i'dAef - 41Cam fished house of moltd fitian alstandIng. Sri . I
C)ne pill a dose, 2:y eents a box, at ,talks!I payable In 0, IN'! � I
Aft that PiTrot L " ftl(MInaft-Talk? $780 .Year andexpenam, Iq ash 0111 � 01101111 Comlftod A!58110100;J COUC.deagf4t.
di-RICrO, or Edmanson, Batts 4 Co.y Why, mr#1am, 'w"'N 't 9 NoontivaplAill retluirkl. Olvereferoncesarid �.
call th, t bird Wil- -4A self -at dr(,sqpd stAMMA PtIvOlope. Ad- -
Wotonto. l , onelo. 11
Ham Jvnn1rtg,,4.. T1ryan,1,-Qaek. dren Mithapr, 356 Onktoft Bid., Menge. *_.&ssiA%1k.-*W-� *-"W__� . TIMESL MANKMIN! 1'!'4. t.,!1OUGHi
I O'�": " :i. A!;e"X, .%l:_',JZ. %Vy Zo;%.NLOt
, �