HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-13, Page 5a 1901, 0.. li c�atx��vxaix. , p 11Trs, Will. I�lvans paid a visit to her NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORSrTyas'Vlary Ward unci bliss Ida lining• �,,„•,,,,arents in P,laekstock. burr visited friends its Belwood. E D 11. ti. Evans is attending Clinton Col, Mrs. Wright, of Ilarriston, visited her -W RE$S NEW FAIL 3egiate. __. __ _ daughter, blra, A. C. Hutchinson, last GOODS. 1 H ENEWVTW I A f IaaS. Mrs. Thos, 41011, of Toronto, visited EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, week, Lucy last week with }lie grandmother, Mrs, y McGrath has returned to Greer. Toronto. Mrs. Grieve Q c c r ? •. J. D. Smith, f Detroit, renewed , of Mrs. Wilson, paid a visit New Dress Fabrics acquaiiitaiice in town last week. Wham Wldeawake Times Correspondents Communicate •- Other to her drnghter,. Mrs. Wilsota, last week. j � lUrr 1'1' Messrs. James, Will, Robert and Arn• Items ClippedMiss A. Dobson is attending Mount From 01xr Exchanges. -- old Tate, of Smith's Falls and Ottawa,g forest Madel School. -. --: , .. - -__ ,_' -- _ _� _ .. _... � -�,__. �_7 -'_:,.;: ---_ _ _.•. visited the parental home last week, Messrs. A. $. Strome and J, Moss We have just passed into stock, a choice col- Mrs. Harry Day and family, of Walla- WHIT]:CHURC11 TURNISV'R1ty, have secured the job of repairing the erton, visited the parental Home last Messrs. Found, Gaunt and Donnelly In the minutes of the Council last Fordwich bridge for the Aum of $118, lection of the latest and .best weaves of gess week, Me at the Fair this week. week it was omitted to state in the re, = Fabrics, including Frieze Suitings in the new Mr. Found, of Whitechurch, visited, Principal Stalker of the Public School, Port of the Reeve that the work on the �arLRoss. Iiia sons last week. has been laid oar duty a clay or two this boundary line was let by the Reeve of Mr. R. Dowey of the 14th con. has autumn shades, French Covert Cloths, Rome- Mr. Frank Donoghy is attending Lon- week by sickness• Morris along with liintseif, received an ober of $10,000 for his farm, Spuns black and colored Serges, Saliels, new on which it is supposed, there are rich black French l o lies Cheviots, French Broad- don Business College. The directors of the creamery ltel,i a Ill LGItavE. cement beds if-. The cls will be p Rev. d B. on neyFri arrived home from special meeting in Tuesday mortole in; to utile Woolfs ago Mr. Wm, Help . was tested and if it pans out well Mr. Dowe cloth ne W shades in Camel Hair Cloths hilt holidays on Friday last, and took wind up the business in connection with g p p Y , � , Wing timber for a barn, and comp its- 1vi111}kely get his $10,000; if not, he will Fancy Costume Suiting's, etc„ etc. c arise f his regular work on Sunday, the tato fire, ed, at the time, of a pain in his head, never again hear of the Yuan who made Miss M, Bennett is sPoiiding a short Mr. George McIntosh has sold his supposed to lto caused by the )rot Fula, It the offer. Mr. Jas. Thompson of the + time in Tgronto. farm ori the boundary to Dir. David became worso and lie went to the Toron- 13th also owns a farm .on which it is c Mr, he Stinson has sold his farm Kennedy for n handsome figure, to hospital were he was told that a clot supposed there are rich cement beds. Extra Special wear the village for $6,000. He will The work of rebuilding the creamery of blood was resting on the grail;: and he We hope that both these move into town. is progressing cicely. parties may Two pieces extra flue all-wool Serge, wide width, regular Currie & Davidson are drilling a well would not recover until it wa moved. strike it rich.-Teeswater News. value at 60c, our special price 50c. at the creamery. We think the direc- He came home a few days but will Wm. McDonald, of the 7th con., A. D U LM AG E tors are malting a mistake by. putting, return for the operation. intends returning to the O. A. C. at thb well inside the building; as it winvIlwhat nearly became a case of poison- Guelph to complete his course and take New French Flannels Real Estate and Loan Office. pieveut all use of it in case of fire. ing occurred in the village on Saturda h} ,degree. It will take two years, We are showinga choice varlet of lain and fano F Conveyancing, AssiCmvo and Accountant. last. The youngest child of Rev. gM�rs. Hugh McAllister of the 4t on. Y P y Flannels Money to loam on town and farm property. Mr. W Hay, Of Hay Bros., Listowel, for waists, also new Silks. Please ask to see them. _ Brown as ill and some one wont to v passed away on Friday, Aug. 30, her Chisholm a purge y north hens st: was in the village on Tuesday, making it some cordial. They got the bottle and 57th year, from heart failure. Her New Mantles preparations for buying grain. This poured out a close but the child would husband died eleven years ago. She , • firm was unable to obtain land from the not take it after the first taste. It was was married about thirty eight Ladies', Misses and Children's long and short Coats in the • y g years latest st g garments. See our G. T. R. to build an'elovator, and thus style. Well tailored nice fitting Jewizelleryhave to confine themselves to the shall then found that the -wrong bottle had ago and has lived (luring that time in special line at $5.00. warehouse, which is very inadequate for been used and a dose carbolic acid Culross, twenty-three years on the offered to the child resent homestead. A family of eleven, New Clothing Messrs. F. Cook and D. Snell are on a six daughters and five sons, survive her. It is worth our while paying a visit to our ClothingDepart drove I'os will do the buying Here this trip to Michigan. Of these six still. live at home, Robert ntent in the basement, where we carry a complete• stck of all year. • Among those who attended the Toron- lives in the village Henryis a member kinds of Clothing for Men and Boys• New Fall Suits, New Watches, Gold and Silver. Mr. Jas. Found has sold out Ilia saw to Fair from this section were: Wm. of the police force in yTorouto two Overcoats, New Reefers, New Pants, New Ulsters, etc. mill to Mr. A. Fox, who expects to do a 20 Men's Suits to clear, regular price $6.00 to $6.60„ for $4.75. AAA big business this year. Hopper, Jud Geddes, F. Cummings, A. daughters are n4rried and live in Mr. Tilos. Mowbray brought a bag of Kerr, W. Rath, Jas. Cook, Miss 8. Kelly. Montana and o daughter lives in Tuesdayon. g ahich ose who had been there before report Dauphin, Man. a funeral took place Hair LlaspS peas to the villa not as good as other years. on Sunday a£ternoou, the ramains being ' was literally crawling with bugs.. wIt ' A doubtful if one pea eaIla I NEW BOOTS 'AND SHOES Rings u be found out o happy event took place from the interred in Teeswater cemetery. g the whole bag that has not a bug in it or home of Thos. Black on the 6th coin�gon Tovell Hall, Teeswater, Sept. 2, 1901. NEW HATS AND CAPS Brooches had one. We are told it is a sample sof Wednesday, Sept. 9th. It was` elle Council met on the above date; mina- NEW FURS. NEW WRAPPERS the peas in this section this year. marriage of his daughter, Miss Fanny tes of last meeting were read and sus- NEW WRAPPERETTES Belt Buckles Mr. Kenneth McLean, of Kinloss, has to Mr. Samuel Charters, of Great Falls, tained. NEW BLANKETS AxI) FLANNELS Mon. The ceremony was performed by Jarvis-Ballagh-That By-Law N o . NEW GENTS' FURNISHINGS soli his farm to Webster, Myles McMillan. Rev. Mr. Brown, at the parsonage. The ,60,being a bylaw for the purpose of levy- NEW UNDERWEAR. SterlingSilver Mr. Samuel Webster, of Luckitow,lias purchased the farm of the late Mrs. A. happy couple lav :the best wishes of ing 6 per cent. on all unpaid tales after Novelties. Stewart, for $3,000. many friends. the 14th day of December be now read, Mr. Jas. Found visited his sons in Quite a number from here attended passed, signed and sealed.-Carried. No Trouble to show you the Goods. Cut Glass. Gorrie last week. London Fair this week. Kuntz-Ballagh-That cheque No, 98 Mr. H. D. Henderson will go to Tor- Mr. and Mrs. R. Howe o,Is Blyth, also issued at last meeting in fssvor of John V V V onto'wheii the Duke of Cornwall visits Mr. and Mrs. F. Rath of the same place F. Waechter be now cancelled, it being the city. He says he has stayed home visited at Mr. bo Ra are on Sunday. a mistake q gravel was used o Con A Eyes tested without charge. Repairing from the two great fairs, that Ile may A number about hbre have been laid and consequently Carrick should pay Go • neatly done. Don't be afraid to come In, b up with the prevalent summer com- half, and that a new the ue for $1.80 be • • p We are always pleased to show goods. have money for this great event. We plaint. issued to Mr. Waeclrter.—Carried. Hf( ISAR The old Stand in Mason Block. wish him a good time. Jarvis-Ballagh-That a a the sd n k Mr. K. J. Boston s atteudiitg Model �vhantite,zaU o,•YesatNightcoil. c and The Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. H H C H I S H 0 L M School in Clinton.. He is ongagod to there is a cause for it. Perhaps itis h3 is in need of repair, 24and Reeve have ■ H. teach at Wilson's school in Culross for gas on the stomach, may be cramps or the same attended to, also the sink hole ;n k,u� a wa+.Q u,6.d.dllax ila. Wilba i d. Jeweller and Optician. 1901, diarrhoea. Don't lose sleuo, anticipate such contingencies by always keeping on con. 10 opposite lot 28.-Carried.- - handy a bottle of Poison's Nerviline. Jarvis-Ballagli-That ByLaw No.67, OR SALE.-14187} acres, S§ miles from Wing- WESTF IELD. E. V . C LA R K E Just a few drops in water given inwardly .being a bylaw for the purpose of levy}ng Br ham; e, book on lot, i5 mile convenient R O. bar• and Mrs. D. McCullough, of Y'� � then small the little one's stomach with Brick house, bank barn, and convenient out• e , a small quantity of Nerviline, and school moneys as per trustees requisition buildings. 80 acres in good cultivation. of or Walton, spent Sunday last at the home be now read a n CA acres of slash, good land when cleared; Hua perfect rest is assured for the night for , passed, signed and sealed. chance for an energetic man who is not afraid of Mr. R. Buchanan. This signature is on every box of the genuine both mother and baby. You may not —Carried. of work. Will be sold at a bargain. Apply to TAILOR need Nerviline often yon do A. Dulmago, Real Estate and Loan Agent, Miss Shaw, of Clinton !$-visitingwith Legative Brottlo=Quinine Tah1e ,but when Jarvis-McKague-That as the cul- Chisholm Bloclt, Wingliam. ` Miss Etta McDowell. the remedy that cures a cold in one day need it you need it badly. Get a 25c. r ' t the 2 bottle to-day. veron e a"th sideroad, con. 1 is iu FOR1SALE.-168 stock cfar farm, Dulles anon , fiin8 Miss Edith Tyndall of Chatham iS need of repair, Jas. Ballagh leave theg ' +— same attended to.-Carried. ov er 100 bearing fruiBank barn, t trees. Riveraforn s the spending a few weeks with her cousins, We have laced in stock � WItO\CETEIt. �• P J111►IESTO�VN. a ea sterly boundary of this lot, malting it a very Misses Laura and Alberta Carr. nice assortment Of ready-to- Mr. T. B. Sanders is having his block Ballagh-Kuntz-That JollaM_cKague desirable stock farm. Small Payment down y Mr. Thomas McEwen has returned to for her speedy renovated with a coat of paint. Arthur assist Mr. Jarvis in letting contract on and easy terms will secure this big farm. Ap- Mrs. Wm, McLarty is on the sick list. wear clothing, and while, we I his home from visiting his mother andply to A. Duhnage,Real Estate Agent and Con- We hope CIO not pretend to sell at less brothers in Algoma. He had not seen Wells has the job. the 4 and a con., it being a contract of veynneer, Chisholm Block, wingliam. Pee(ly recovery. p Mr. Forest of Berlin, Inspector for the some demensions, also to have the hill on Mr. and Mrs. J. H. McClinton and his mother for over 20 years. Mutual Life Assurance Co. of Canada the 20th sideroad repaired if necessary- daughter, Mary; Mrs. R Mcijt well and than cost and live on the loss, \VhyCuturrhozone Cures Catarrh • Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Wright'were visit- Because it is carried b the air you will find full value for your was in town on Tuesday. Carried. Y you daughter. Vera; Mrs. J. McDowell and ing their friends in Molesworth. breathe to diseased parts, because it Mrs. R. Henry visited last week with s money every time. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Millar and MA. If our street light near the 'station were Jervis-Kuntz-That as the road op- destroys the germ life that maintains turned the opposite side it would be posite lot 30, con. - is in need of repair, the diseased condition, because it friends in Toronto. While there they Simpson with her daughter, Diary, spent g that John MCKa ue have the same re- powerful! stimulates the mucous attended the Toronto Exposition. Give us a call. See what a couple f days in Toronto. worth a rent deal more and would light g Y P we have in Men's, in Youths' almost to the station; as it is it throws Paired—Carried. membrane to its normal action, because Mrs. W. Killough and children are Geo. Ekmire, the village blaoksmith through its oxydiziug power it burns + a large shadow in that direction. Jarvis-Kuntz-That the road on the atesvisitin- at the home of A. B. Carr. and in Children's, all new and a making improvements a his house last Dir. and Mrs. John Robertson, of 10th sideroad, con. 7 is in need of repair, the forrmation of new ohealthy mtissue. Rev. Mr. Brown of Whitechurch will up-to-date goods. adding another story. . had a bee last Sanderson street were visitingtheir that a grant not to exceed $15 be expend. Catarrhozone is an absolute specific for week to raise alio roof. P. McDonald daughter, Mrs. Black at Bluevale last ed under the supervision of the Reeve- Catarrh of every form, and never fails We have also a line of odd has the job. occupy the Methodist pulpit here nest g to cure. Catarrhozone is the only Sunday. The pastor, Rev. J. Kennedy week, Carried. remedy sold with a u p y Mies Ames of Bay City, Michigan, is y guarantee. All will reach Missionary Sermons for Mr. Garments,. Trousers, Vests, Mr. John Rutherford's family left this Ballagh-McKague-That this conn- dealers, 25c, and $1.00. Brown. visiting the Misses Coomber. oil rant $18 for gravelling Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc. week for the Soo where Mr. Rutherford g 8 g ou con. A, a Y Miss Luella McCutcheon, has gond to has secured a situation iu a hardware oPPoaite lots 25 and 26, the same to be Quite a number of farmers around EAST WAWANOSH. Saginaw where she intends to remain hors are building silos this fall. B a - C C LA R K E store. expended under the supervision of E. G. Miss A. S. Grieve teacher of S. S. No. y P for some time. pearances corn is going to be the rin- Mrs. Ewing,of Teeswater returned on Kuntz-Carried. 9 has been re-engaged for 1902 at an in- P • Miss Rebecca Wright is visiting her b g cipal crop hero in a few years. Monde from Toronto to her dafaghter, Jarvis-Kuntz-That as this counci creased salary. Next door to Griffin's Royal slater, Mrs. Thomas Scott spent present. Mrs. Allan at the C. P. R. station g P q gratis = Miss Ella Jane Scott spent Suiiclay + b � agreed to expend an equivalent to J. B. Tyermau will be alio judge on Grocery. with her friend Miss Jennie Simpson. where she intends to stay for a few days, labor on the 14th con., Mr. MoRague poultry at Teeswater fall fair, and W.A. Ten thousand dollars will not pay for Mr. Thos. Gibson, of the Arm of Gib- have the same expended, not to have Currie will judge cattle at the Atwood 'Toronto's reception to the Duke. _ son Bros., here, has secured a situation more than 1i2 yards to the rod-Carried. fall fair. The royal visit to Australia has caused ;,•�` m� __ - - ;���,iu the N. W. T. and is soon to leave us, Ballagh-McKay-That the hill op. �,%Mr, and Mrs. Geo. Powell and non a great falling off in trade, 'owing to the OiI for e for a time at least. Posits lot 29, con. 2 is in need of repair, Robert, of Blyth, and Mrs. Lucas and numerous holidays. A number of our young people attend. that Mr. Jarvis have the same repaired son Eddie of Toronto were the guests A horse belonging to Mr. Will. Pearce p f 7 b ed the social at Salem last week. -Carried. of John Menzies, sr., on Sunday. ' — about a mile north of this place, was " � Children, Mrs. Thos. Appleby, wile was visitinMcKague-Ballagh-That elle Clerk Mr. slid Mrs. J. Jackman, of the Nile, out in the pasture field and about uoml i ih "� . friends at Balsam, Claremont and Toron'- have the Collector's bond drawn up and were the guests of John Menzies, jr., was struck by lightning which severed Give them oil—cod-liver oil, to, returned on Snturday last, duly executed-Carried. over Sunday. its two hind fent, the feet being a , Rev. Mr. McKelvey and Mr. Hazle- Kuntz-McKague-That the Clerk Mr, and Mrs. James Young were "at It's curious to see the result. strewed on the ground. The horse's wood were at Wingham on Tuesday, write the Clerks of the surrounding home" to a number of their friends on shoes are thought to have attracted the Fel , . °�• Give it, to the peevish, fret- attending the district meeting of the townships and enclosing stamp for reply Tuesday evening. All had a pleasant lightning, The horse though stunned for their statute labor sdale-Carried. Mrs. Rintoul, of .Fullerton is the b g• g ful child and lie laughs. Give Methodist church. was not Icilled but remained in a " ' Mr. S. B. McKelvio has opened a she McKague-Kuntz-That by-law No. daughter, Mrs. Wm. Paton, ' I P P guest of her daugl standing position until evening and was /it to the ale, anaemic child, in the Sander's block. 60 for levying and collecting county, Mr. James Jamieson and wife who t "z , thea shot.-Chatsworth News. 1. I0.0r, and his fa P becomes rosy and Miss Farrow, of Goderich is the guest township and statutory school levies be, I have been in Dakota for the past six of Miss Jeanie Miller on Sanderson St. now read, passed, signed and sealed' I months returned to Marnoch on Mon- full of health. Take a flat- ' ' c Percy Snell, of Goderich is visiting his day. Rheumatism ,�• �Ychested Child, or a child that aunt, Mrs. T. F, Miller, on Sanderson St. Finance Report: John F. waecliter, Mr. and Mrs. John Sheila spent a few A Jurl a of Style a Mr. and Mrs. John .Fera left on Tues- gravel, X1.80; F. & H. Field, spikes, 2 8c; days this weolt in London r+1 has stopped growing, give him Y P• , ,also bar, M. No other disease makes one feel so old. day for London, and are expected to re- Ambrose Zettle,.contract, con, A, Cul- Robinson, Mrs. Robinson and Miss - It stiffens the joints, produces lameness, will at once detect the super- the oil, and he Will grow big turn on Friday. ross' share, $13.25; Petot Krootsch, Maud. and snakes every motion painful. iority Of our made-to-order and strong like the rest. Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Munro left on covering culvert, con. 10, $25.20; Robt. A number of apple packers have com- It is sometimes so bad as wholly to dila- garments. This is not a new scheme. Wednesday for Buffalo to visit the Pall Sproals, C. P. R. statute labor, $1.40; menced their work. Fruit is not very ble, and it should never be neglected. American. Robt. Watson, gravel $1.11; Thos.' M. J. McDonald, Trenton, Ont., had it plentiful. after a severe attaclf of the HIGH ART TAILORING It. has been clone for years. Mrs. W. M, Robinson left on Wed. Brown, cutting hill, coil. 14, lot 32, $20. Mr. Dave Tisdale Spent last wool: in grip; Mrs. e Balla h•--Jarvis-•-'that the finance re- Hattie Turner, 1;oti�ar, 1t a had it so S OUT specialty. We fit the needs for Buffalo to visit the Pan fi Buffalo, Also Mt. James Kell and Miss p y Of COUl'Se ybll 1r1115t LiSC the 3' + y severely she could not lift anything and man of abnormal as well as he , American. Silo will likely return on port as just react be adopted and cheques Stella Cook, could scarcely get up or down stair;, W. 1 rigllt oil. Scotts Emulsion t b Saturday. issued-Carried. Mr, noel Dila. Simpson, of J.tu o"town, >i. Shepard Sa11d lfootc, Conn„ was laid Of normal shape, and 0111 Miss Mulvey, of Beimore is the guest P ' t ' ' y • 15 the 0110. + S Jarvis--That---That this council ale 1 spout £iattdtiy with their son, Dougal, up with it, was cold even to ;,uty, and prices suit all, of Miss Jean Sanderson on Howick at. now adjourn to meet tlgaiii the first ' 11Tt•, Jackson tiVi;;l:tn:au, Mr. (aeartiq could not dYess himself. Colne along • and Yet one Of Scott's �lnulslon neither , g t bTolnlay of November at 10 o'clock a. in. I Pn,e, 11t°. R.Lei,lltnau ;tlici btr.C.C;;1,utp. According to testimonials vnlnntnrill+ the newest novelties til S^11t5 looks nor tastes like Oil because Is SowingI CII:». BU'rr+>N, Clerk. b11 htL4+; each ron1;11+1tt•d ti x41+), given, these sufferers were pe-rinanently ' Is a process excited by vanity, baeke+t i ! ?lir. Rob :t 'JIA01 and Mi-s Curie relieved, as others have beef], by Overcoats and Wants. Ave! are s0 careful 1n making it tlln by good tight boots-you luny lack; --- Jlc(lwo were npuoilm'd as dvlognte:+ cur ap9 .' tho vanity but you havo good tight boots I th> convontien in It}plev t n Ta*-, da t u -Hno � s �f'�r'sapa illy Yours truly, >lt senna to take. fl » behal,', of the Calvin LuriP.lt•or, •tvhieh corrects thr art!lttt• of ' ---you may wear any aiz:1 boot's •o.I Stops tl7nt� CoQ,ulanli �. ,• vend for free saulple, please alp to threo a! les too small, if yotl tX114'1 WorlIics Off titan COM. Mr. William Deacon, who wat; Mari. in ; on wbii•lt rhtunlatt.:nt de; :;:,:,1 :... . 1 • up the who e r� t+ ••N. b w �,r� scoTT & UO1VXII' 'Tor„nto, • Canada, nbo i'utntuti'a Painless Corn anal NVart Lgm%tive promo-Quinhin Table is cure a Colts in n rllilaway t6 t Ut4plt Of V4't ohs ago, YS, We . _ _ Soc and �r.00, all draggasta, Extractor. Druggists sell 1t. oneda y. Nor Cur+., no l uy. 1 rice Nu cents. tire pleased to hear, recovering. I noows PIs L,+cure to. .t.0iwt. ,.