HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1924-12-11, Page 8z Coyle ro 'This' Store Ofte , During tie 1 Shopping Dais Between Now and Christi n.as, L.lt Headquarters Our ,store is headquarters for gifts :for -every Men). er of ,your family and for all. your friends.: IIere you lave an apport- unitk to choosegifts which are sensible and useful' and you will find them all reasonably, priced. Come in and look around, 'some: of your°gift problems are certain to be solved here and we will ap- preciate your business. Gifts for Flet Initialed • HIandkerchiefs Raw Silk Handkerchiefs Boxed HHanderitere]pefs '- Gingham , - landker chie s Colored, Handkerchiefs r.. Beaded IIand Bags . p Overshoes;` and Spats Silk Hosiery ' Silk and Wool Hosiery Silk Scarfs Silk Knitted Scarfs ,Kimonas and Bathrobes Material for I imonas _Fancy Blouse Lengths Wool Chappie Coats Gloves -wool or chamo : suede Visit Gifts for Broadcloth Shirts Flanola : Shirts Pine Print Shirts Silk Ties Knitted Ties New „Magador Ties Initialed Handkerchiefs Raw Silk Handkerchiers , Overshoes. and Spats Gauntlet Driving Gloves, Mocha and Kid Gloves Special Driving Mitts Braces, ,Belts, Garters -Silk and Wool'Sox' Sweaters and Sweater Coats Brushed Wool. Scarfs , ina art hi' ' . •off' h v tier Sets . " Stock Patterns, Chir}a;'':c`m u' s and'sau Dr r, �. . et S • ,,. potteries . ant ..as p ' , r,•.• 1? 'Y ovelties • of all'. eel's, •.. na ,noveltre,?, ImFor,tea ., ., •,. kinds. Don't' miss o'er display,:yot d t a reel treat. eS 1 ' 11 We offer you; tho largest selection m t s pare _ the ountry. hristrnas- ceries � ry Give tiffs . your grocery orders fox your '.dhristmas baking will guarantee our prices to be alr"tihe lowest possible for highest- quality fruits and nuts. Don't takci la"chance on spoi,-ing-your cake,- or puci,ding to sa f a . few- cents $an cold ;storage- • fruits and nuts. a • ar istmas rinture at Ga.r.1 LARGEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE STOCK OF aneisTMAS FURNITURE.' BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS HERE, FOR WE FEEL THAT WE CAN' MAKE IT PROFITABLE FOR YOU TO DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE. La , �e��: Designs ' :getter ett�� ,�� r=vice Largest Assortinent Lower Prices ' The tore of Better Values 1 E Licensed Einbalraer'and :Funeaal Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment Long distance calls given prompt attention. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE OPERA HOUSE BLOCK PHONE, 74J; Night call 74W &I-- _M7 M_ "�0�i` ����a �>T f as ,, 5 -•,-.11- Men's Store.Phone 81w Men's Store , t',L\ V. Pei ,M ENGLISZ3 BROADCLOTH SHIRTS AND -COLLAR ...• ....:,....•$2.50,. TRIPE AND CHECK SHIRTS $2.00: fl. S ,. p ' SWEATERS$4.50---k� WI-ITTD ALL WOOL ' _ 2.50 and COLOREDCOLORED SWEATERS $ , $ _5.50 SILK CREPE MUFFLERS (very new) .-`... .,..x..:•.$4:00 SILK MUFFLERS, 'NEW PATTERNS ..•...... ...........$2,50 /\ \pd n$2.50 HEAVY' WOOL MUFFLERS $1:50 and c�a SILK LINED K1D GLOVES $2.50 DEER SKIN GLOVES 'y3.50 1"-IEAVY LINED KID, AND MOCHA GLOVES' ......$1.50 'and' $2,00' ;)'%` WOOL GLOVES $1.25 to $L50 2.50: ' LEATHER I-IANDKERCHZDFS HOLDERS $ LEATHER TIE HOLDERS :.... ....... ..... 4+2.50' ''LEATHER COLLAR HOLDERS , .......$2, 50 , GARTERS, BELTS,RAGES " BOXED SLPI]VI3 T-LO-ER�rD S, G � TS, a large assortment ; ..25c. to $1.50. AND TI ,.„ WHITE AND COLLARED I-IANDKEE.0HIEFS; £r,orn ,.,,.2 for. '6c. up pit AND COMBINATION '..., $3.50 1.00' to . UNDER'GVEAR TWO P � HATS AND CAPS -ALL -PRICES Suggestions or,.:X r ;s. Dort Forget Dad ,,Z . •O"4 OVERCOAT IS1-} IS, I:OOIiiVG T'OR A 'SUI T ORI i alit ' ° ilor d e. t9 Oil `. 'itter OF is 45c, r Barley7c. 1Ylauitol)a Flour $4.00 Family Fleur $4.65 Pastry Flour $445 Feed Flour $2.2,5 Bran $1.60 Shorts . $1.60. )3utter "35c. Creamery Butter 41c Eggs -Extra 70e. Eggs --Special, 50c, Eggs -Firsts 40c. Eggs --Seconds 30c. Lard 20c Hogs $3.50. 5 .LOCAL r . Sale of Millinery, A, Yelland.- See. advertisement. r' Miss Elva Harvey spent the %} 3 C / end at Ripley. Miss Jessie Manson, -o osdon, spent Sunday with her ',rents. Mrs. T. S. Woods;./A d daughter 1V1'arion' spent 1lloncl"a° 111 London. ,:Mr. o $ of London, visit-. UeWzll> ed - here Avit1,viali"s mother over Sun- day. ' Mr.raid Mrs. Fred•May and family-" visited in Mitchell on Sun-. n•af Jack, the son of Mr. Russell lied - den, is quite ill and under the: doc- tor's care. • The town of St Marys is growing in population being now a little' over ,4,000, ' Mrs. Penne is confined to her bed through ':illness, and is under the doctor's care.. - We have a good supply of orts of excellent quality, quiteeequai °to middlings, and the 1pr eg has been reduced.-liARVEY,tsr)3R, OS. • Mr. Garnet 1VMcFalls of Usborne, visited in Bluevale, the guest of Mr. ii,a j,t. Messer: Miss yelyn. Huston has received the appointment :'of organist of the Main St. Church. Mr. Fred Mallett, of ,Loudon- vis- ited his parents Mr. and Mrs. Frank Mallett on Saturday. Miss "Lena, Mount, of near Ailsa Craig, visited Mr. and Mrs. C. Kes- ,tie on Thursday of last week. Rev. A. A. Trumper has been out of town since' Monday "delivering ad- dresses in behalf of Missions. Mrs.. W. W. Hodgins: of Bicidulph, spent the past week with her par- ents Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Sanders. Mr. and Mrs. McAllister and fam- ily of Mount Brydges spent the week end with Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Jewell. Mr, Thos. Coates. of London, spent the 'week -end with" his par- ents Mr. and Mrs. Rd. Coates, of Us - borne. • Mr. Alton Neil and his mother; Mrs. Jas. Neil of London, : spent Sunday with . Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Jones., Mr. • Chester Chappel of Dundas, is visiting with Mr. and Mrs: J. Kestle and other. 'relatives, , in this vicinity. Mrs. Thos. Brock, of" • town was, called to Toronto on Sunday, owing to the serious illness of her daugh- ter, Mrs..:Schwartz. Miss Thelma Taylor, who - has been off duty for a couple weeks at the -Central `Telephone :Office owing to illness, is again at the switch. Miss Auld, after spending the millinery season with Miss Arm- strong here, returned to her home in. Watford the, latter . part of the week. • Mr. Chas. Godbolt has rented for a terns of years the 23- acres, on Hu- ron St. owned- by Mrs. W. J. Bissett` and formerly rented by the Exeter Canning Co, Mrs. Rich. Quance, Jr., is con- fined to her bed through illness, suf- fering from an attack of pneuntonia Little Dorothy who has been ill is iniproving nicely. Miss Charlotte Sweet, who'visit- ed with' relatives and friends in Ex- eter for a couple of weeks, left Fri- day to visit in 'London before re- turning to her home in Tilsonburg. The W.M.S. of James' St. Metho- dist church' held their anniversary on Sunday. The pastor' delivered two spleiidid 'discourses in keeping' with the occasion. In the:morning a :baptisina1, service ,was held: when the following children were baptized: William Henry, son of Mr. and Mrs. Luther Reynolds;' -Shirley Jean,` dau- ghter of Mr. and •Mrs. Wm. Gardin- er; James Neil, son•of Mr. and' Mrs. J. Hubert Jones. The 7.Vfision Circle of James St. Church have secured the services of Cyril Rice, soloist p f the `Little Church Around th " Corner," New York City. i't also Ys : a Bo Quartette o . and Lucien air fatuous boyE xo ar t Iu eu M ti , ik for'a grand con- certof Nev Yo cert on :January"6th. r ENSLAGE FOR SAL One of the silos. -haying " brol e down' the,. c billy of en Canting Co.�have a n t n h y. g for.()�l a. ton. This- slage fo sale at $2 offer closes early in the. newtyear. ExeterOiuining Co. `, White, I 1 t 1 I'1 • t 11 t r Redcockerels. ti tr lrn "e wishing s g POG FOD SALE e' a a v hit k should a ,e. e� rl 'chicks � at otic An ,Airedale,6 ,niont i`sold. Any _ 13, . . n.. W:' . reasonable price deco: ted. . /Walter' Batten 7t p,m.-`4A Young 'Pe evening at 'r rano' . yrs zs. largegeor nd moods better=r' thans ever will: please us to liave you call and see our values e Wa:. . , '9. 13, A,,. mPa. stor: tAJf.C. Orga ° Choir -Leader 10:15 -Mo.,, -C168°' 11,00 - "Bebid $"""`The Sense of Wonder izr „New:Test. 3 p m -Suj'y school and Bible CIasses 7.l 0 'Bear�fuOel i�aughtoi' "-=-A Specia' vice for Girls. 'hearty welcome to all P s 0 r°avrtt Me. orial ClIgrch Rev. A. A. Truinper., L. Th., Rector. 11 a.m.-"Putting a' god to Bed." 7 •p.m. -"The; Ministry of Healing."`. F Several Good Stoves, cheap Oil Heater, cheap Good Ladies Fur coat with Sable Collar. Strong light wagon, single.; Strong light bobs sleighs' Gent's heavy Overcoat, bargain Excellent Fur Stole, cheap WANTED A small cook 'stove, cheap. Information re above at POWELL'S BAZAAR, Phone 55 OBSERVATIONS I :have had a few holidays,'and am back on the job again. I no- tice with a great deal of pleasure; how the merchants of Exeter, dress their `windows, even the Ford gar- age has a surprise. We notice the salesman, Mr. C. W. Ford has a unique idea, which shows a road- way, the' telephone lines, several tractors;' in the capacity of hauling logs,, plowing, returning home, and sowing, also showing' sedans, coupes, etc. going. t� and fro. A sign en the road side showing the name of the. ' local dealer • and also : a sign pointing out, EXETER. "Good ICharlie." • F•see the .flax mills are running again; ;This will mean the spread of a little more"' money to our over the river- neighbors, `' as every dollar, spread in a community shows its gladness. Our merchants say that business is great deal bet ter than it has been ,for some time. The reason is easy, they have been getting the prices down, that is al- ways agreeable to -a buying public. and the community are showing their appreci�� ;tion by driving many mites ,,to deal in Exeter�X,00k at the price of :eggs.. j c -cash, butter 35c. bread 10.c. Exeter "'merchants are young, and;alert: Our garages' do not: charge you to -death,., our blacksmiths, are 'fair. Take a trip,. do your Christmas shopping- in Exe- ter. ' You'll enjoy • it. Observer Returning Of- ficerRoot. Higgins, g for South Huron has received from George, Mawson financial e ='" cretary of ;the South 'Huron,piebis cite committee` a statemet4f their expenses during'the late plebiscite election and is'pifblisiied at the ex- pense x- en •e of t1i Sout'li Huron plebiscite, p s � colnmittee. Rev. J. C. Reid, Ottawa;,. speaker Advertising' • $10:00' 25.30 Postage; 'Telephone etc. $1.00 Robt. Higgins •• -Returning Officer For good°bone d y labs or block wood, call --Phone : - Cut 12 -in. and 14 -in., long. $36.30 1 If you feed `tankage toour pigs you ,may be su they.'are putting on the lean me t di the-- public is demanding.-I-I'AEY• - ILVa. • WANTED general 'maid. Ap ply to M'r s., G::' Atkinson, Exeter. Wanted `to. Purcha, - A /few far- row • A rl 6 Thos. Camer- on. cows. pl y�� S on. STRAYED- A red �S eifer, two years olcl, froin-the preinises of under signed, about' No eij,�tber 1st. Pind- er please inform ted. Maier, s Dash- :wood. , FOR -SALE.•--A :few clio ce, cock- art,ls, • •;;bled-to=Iay ,.Barr Rocks, 1' ti from i i it roduciri nro For g p g ,ler s. record of. birds see local on this page. Also, a • few /' ch4'ice S. C. ri, e meg iorns tnc roc e s ant LOST• --A buggy rug, black and. brown. Finnder rewarded by leav- ing at Times Advo ai,e/office. AGENTS WANTED--T/'� sell the "Ord Reliable' Fon thi7.l /Nurserice" experience not necessary We of- fer. c,xtlu,�ive teYritic'x°y, liberal 'cotn- ,se ;.... la,. mission and-_ftzrnzsli lianctsorne Ertel outfit Start, no'e ,dt beat' selling tiipte. ,Stoi:e. and. 'Wellington, Tbr°-. Lot for Sale-Contair.iing, five ac- res eS land being part ofrLot 23, con' 6, Usborne. Township -P/2 rules nor- th 'arch, i. Thames'12 th of, o<. h �ircli, c tiari;er ,1 i mile fr;oin school. j . fasJ afine brick cottage with 1ltrci n e quilod vitl: •washr000'.ho,rd and .Soft water, /MY,- stable ewstable 'and henhouse" ellso ; orchard sand garden. Possession at once. r`or f iz t:hdr particulars ';apply to "the undersign id J.:�'0;ixo�ns�ll}, 1.219121 WNW MOO WOW mean Omaha LADIES' FUR, COATS Three only Ladies':'•Rat Coats, They .are exceptional values • :FfADdES' CLOTH COATS All'r reduced , in+ price for the late buyers Coate. at $1.2.:50, $15. and up Betty Brown Flannel Dresses In many styles and colors PRICED at at $7.50 to $12.00 LADIES' IIIIVIONAS " - Warmand cozy for the cold ` weather" priced at $7.00 SIFK ° SCARF S Is many 'styes -and colors priced at $2.25 to $4.75 NEW GLOVES Silk, Chamoisette and cape at 75c. to $3.50 NEW HOSIERY In silk and Silk and Wool $1..00, $1.50, $1.75 FANCY TOWELS in a big range of colors at 6,0c., 75c., $1,00 and $1,25 SILK -BLOOMERS Li heavy weight and four shades $2.00 to $3.00 i'� SILK VESTS In different shades Priced'at'.$1.75 and $2.00 EXTRA ...yAP1E.S.: 9 ST STANFIELD'S UNDERWEAR ' All You can't beat it, We carry a full fawn. range, two piece and combination. • GLOVES AND MI'T'TS Big variety at popular prices SWEATER comrS • . wool, in grey, green, and An ideal Christmas gift. ea. $2.75 Men's Felt and Leather Slippers What could' be better for Christmas priced ,at $2.00 to $2.50 �6�91�111[�119110I9Q11��@�I�blII�li���lllll�91i91111�IQlII(Id�I�Blll�l�al611i�lllilll9illillll�ld"III�i��Q��l�6i41����a1OI1H0111(11819�IIIf�I�B Y Plion �.w TWO STORES Service Cirocery. Delivery Candies for Christmas of course. It wouldn't be Christmas ,' without it. Our Special boxes, of Christmas candy are a delight to the eye and a joy to the palate. Some for the kiddies, some for the bigger folks and the finest of Mall Cor, the one and only girl. We have them in all kinds and flavors, in neat, artistic boxes, for gifts and loose,. for quick eating. ;w„tnxtw�•+, ..:$ e,'as:W::�i..r"�'`3, 'EL`'Jrht'-:J;+rd.naY, At1401,, CHMSTM ALi OST HERE IN SELECTING 'YOUR CHRIST- MAS GIFTS TAKE A LOOK THRO- UGH OUR IMMENSE STOCK, OF FURNITURE; LARGEST 'AND°BEST WE,:EVER .HAD. ` YOU WILL ,SEE MANY THINGS " SUITABLE ' FOR XMAS _GIFTS;ALL AT •RIGHT PRICES: EMBALMER AND - '£ FUNERAL. DIRECTOR PHONE 20W '-PFZOIVE 20J And Insurance YOUR PATRONAGE - SOLICITED, OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns Steer Strayed -From Lot 13, Con. 6, Hay- Tp., red and white 2 -year-old steer, with horns,/k. ring in lower side of left ear. tify Fred Ho- garth, Exeter, P. 0' ., phone Crediton 18145. Heifer Strayed -From .Lot 5, con 5, ay:Tp. a little over a week ago, a three-'Hyear old eheifer, -grey with horns..,Information gla'diy received by *ni. C. Hooper,4ay, P. 0. phone Dashwood Central. .Goulding ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer, for the Conn. ty of Huron. Correspondence arzaaanno nients for sales can be Vie' by call. Ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. t R.' CA LIN .A: 011111111. A. T. Organist' and Choirmaster James' St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, Vocal and. The- ory, Instructor of Music in the Public Schools, ,,: TERMS MODERATE Box 57,7-.1.131" 7, .> Exeter. r CLEANING Y'RI� INJS _ ,+G and REPAIRING SUITS MADE -TO -MEASURE TO FIT YOU AND YOUR POCKET WORK CALLED FOR AND DE We have a few home, made sets Which'' We will be glad to offer at the : cost of parts alorr"e, we guara,n- tee these. to work: perfectly. Try us for Radio parts, >:A and B" batter- ies, tubes, loud speakers, head sets etc. ,Westinghouse; and Zenith sets in stock and we will be glad to quote prices on any standard make, See us before buying a Radio.. haYe secured the' 'agency. £or We v Ake DE -FOREST CROSLEY SETS' and `'tau° sell :them at as low as $22 1 each. Dot not 'buy a Radio until you have' -~toxoid one :of these -sets and eampared the FNiee.• Ford Magnetos tested free, xeter LIVERED. ELLIOTT ". AND JOHNS i el'9 Dr.I-I. }c� G. �C$C �...1'V�i.%+ �i' '�R• Member of the . College of .Phy- sicians and Surgeons of Ontario. Office "opl rosite- Iiowe's Furniture Store; Main Street. Phone 156, Exeter, Ont. ARTHUR WEBER Auo'tiostecr - R. R, No. 1, Dashwood Li'c e anse ciAuctl,oneer for L ur an Co. Farm a;id Stock saxes as specialty, 1°1O.R"SES 17 01',. "SALE OR TENCH ANGL. I have a null i er of Drivers ,anal vrl,. 1, sc ll ,or x will Waark A SSCP: t change, • 2AN1( TAYLOR; Exeter. Barrister, Solicitor; &c., Loans, Investments; Insurance, Office, Carling 'Block, Main St. F G. a„ -Atkinson, L.I .S. .�• 9 ;DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the Royal College 62,>' Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Mai>. versity of Toronto. - Late. District Dental 0 t't ter, tart' District Number One, Los Ont., Main Office, Main St. Exeter, i tf,; Phone 34, Exeter; e If Ex o uta 9.0tP .;` to 5..30, p:mg, Office -hours at gliErRICH ONT., Tnss. only,. at. 10.00 o'clock a.ni, to 5,01` o'clock p.m -Phone 79. TENNAN'T, Veterinary Surgeon Office --McDonnell's raiee'Stables a -' John St. Phone calls receive proMIA attention.. Phone 26w Local i I AM NOW IN` A POSITION y -TO GIVE OUR LOCAL TRADE AN MOST IMMEDIATE SERVICE, TRY US Bagshaw Paine 58W Cochrane Machine Works Ford motors reground, fitted wi Piston./Complete "$16.00 : II makes of Car Motor and Engi ground with Pistons Coin also Tractors. ` FARMS FOR EIA faro is in the To ,Tuckersmith,, d buildings�an i hats. ' g �t•iced. r _ Caraiorsrn , ERNEST ,,.:t; r t r f10NVIJS . tli� t1Ji:lh HIGH' 7. CLASS LNZ E (J1i ns ee luvoe , Bearin4 l'nterest at '5 s pe : ten INSURANCE Office: Main St. - Exeter, Ont,. Far in For Sale -Loi;, 9, N. T.ham. ea Road, consisting of 100 <dcres mom .or lrless; Oithe proety is a brick one, good bak 1azrr, neVe. 'well,, property is circ" cI� o w 1 e 1 under dr <."t,ied, fall in g done. Further., partirtaIai°s, an..', Ply to C°. B. Allison, R. 1t. No, Exeter;' 7''olopiione 173 1' 24,.