HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1924-12-11, Page 5wig11111.11F
M. A.
School of Commerce
Clinton, Ontario
Stenographic -- ,Commercial
Special Courses
For particulars apply to
Vice Principal
Christnias Gifts.
•Electric Stove, Electric
Washing Mathine,
Electric Toaster, Iron
or Bedroom Heater
•An -Up -to -Date
Radio Set from $45 up
We ,acindly invite you to look over
'our stock of goods before you decide
on. your Christmas presents.
The Hydro Shop
J. Passmore
'PR. A. MOIR, L. M. C. C.
Phone 70 HENSALL
R. F. WARD, 15,A.,
' Principal
Residence Property
For Sale
The underaigned have been in
etructed to sellaLot 261 on the north
aide aof Richmond St., Hensall, the
property of the late Catharine Vic-
toria Smith. Apply to Gladmari and
Stanbury, Hensall and Exeter.
FORM I 12.
Mildred McDonnell 85, Ruth
Chapman 75.1, Jean Stone 75, Mil-
dred Scruton 74%1, Avis Linden -
field 74, Alice Walker '71.1, HarveY
Hyde 69.2, ' Thos. Simpson 68.5,
Milton Boyle 67, Irma Higgins 66.3,
Lettie Love 65, Sadie McConnell 63;
Norman Alexander '63, Marie Dick
57.3, Stanley Bean 53, Florence
Thompson 53, Marjorie Pearce 51.2,
Edna Cochrane 48.5, Roy Bell ab-
It you are still thinking of send -
'Mg personal greeting Garde', this
Christmas come in awl look over
our samples. We offer proaillit sers
vice and neat, attractive work at
a reasonable price.
Margaret _Douglas 74.5, Harry
Joynt 71.1, Harry Cook 71, May
Simpson 69.3, Pearl Kennings 69,
Ray Pfaff 66, Grace Forrest 64.5, C.
McLean 64, ,Lorne Foster, 62, Dor-
othy Heffernan 61, Margaret. Hog-
garth 59, Clarence .Smillie 54.4, C.
Pearce 54.3, Fred Steaeey 49.3, Don.
ald McKaig 47, Lorne, Whiteside 78
* *
Barristors, &C.
Office on the Square, 2nd door
;roma Efaxailtora St., Goderich.
IF`rivate funds to loan at lowest rates.
Proudfoot, K.C. a J. L. Killoran,
• D. E. Holmes
Mr. Holmes will be in liensall
*My Friday from 9 until 6.
Mr.a.R. E. Cook was in Godericla
Monday on busines.e. '
Mies Sadie Clark has returned
home from lExeter.
• Mr. Milia5 R. Rennie of Seaforth,
visited in town on Saturday.
Mrs. A. Coxworth was in London
on Wednesday of this week.
Mr. Lloyd Hudson hasinstalled
a fine rale set in his home.
Miss Katie Scott and Mrs. Lloyd
Hudson spent 4Tuesday in London.
Mr. Lloyd Davis Of Winnipeg is
Visiting at his home here this week.
Mr. Wm. Higgins, of BaDield,
visited friends in town on Monday.
Don't forget, the musical eoncert
in the' Carmel Church to -night (Th-
rsday.) '
' T•he pull -together community is
always noticeble for its good re-
Mr. Stewart, of Silverwoods Ltd.,
London, was in town on !easiness on
Mr. Lee Hedden has accepted a
Position with Messrs. Bonthron &
A number of our school children
are confined to their homes with
chicken pox.
.Mr. Passmore is this week wir-
ing _
Dr. moir's uew house -one mile
south of -town.
True economy, consists in decid-
ing that your collar is clean enough
to wear another day. _
Ma''. C. Moorehouse of Clinton vis-
ited over the week -end with Mr. and
Mrs. W. C. Pearce- and family.
Helen Smith 80, Evelyn Heffernan
69, Alina Scruton 68, Lester Fishet
67, 13111 Simpson 67, F19.yd Smith
66, Aldreth Eacrett 65, -Rosa Stone
64, Nora Follick 63, Bona 131acksvell
60, Laura 'McConnell 60, Gerald Far-
quhar 60, Olive Workman 56, Bert
Horton 56, Gladys Luker 54, Fran-
cis Pearce 54, Greta Blackwell 51,
Dr. I -I. H. Cow0a L. DI.' S,
D. D, S.
At McCormick's Slodls, ZUriala, eye
Thureday and Zaturday,
IIartleib's Block e--- Daishwood, Ont.
We have a good euriply a shorts
Of excellent qualityeq
\ quite ual to
middlings, and tb prieenaaaiebeen
reduced. • IIAR X.:V.'s-BROS.
A Chrietma,s concert. and Christmas
tree will be pat on by the pupils of
S. S. No. 8, Ilay, oil Thursday, Dec,
18th. Admissioa, _1,0 and 25c. .
Mr. Clarence Yager ieft on Sat-
urday for Toronto after spending
several weeks with his parents.
Mr. and Mrs. Dan. Schroeder of
London visited with Mr. and Mrs.
Lippert on Sunday.
Mr. Ed. Nacliger has returned
after visiting hie father who con-
tinues to be in a eerious condition
n the hospital. in Galt.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo, Koch are visit -
ng in Thorndale,
Mrs. A. Hooper of London visit
d her daughter, Mrs. Earl Guenther
his week.
Rev. E. Bruer is visiting in Wart -
If you feed tankage .to your pigs
you may be stye they are putting
n the lean me 't that the public is
demanding. anarirEY BROS.
The heating fixtares in the. new
school building have been completed
by Messrs. Bonthron & Drysdale,
Miss Helen Swan, who has. been
nursiag at Port- Huron' for some
time is home till after the holidays.
Mr. and MTS. Maurice faaance, of
Exeter % spent a few days recently
the guests of Mr., and Mrs. Dining.
The many ailendi of Mrs. W. C.
Pearce are glad to see her about
again after a very severe 'attack of
rheumatisM. ,
Ma R. E. Cook has sold out his
John Carmichael 50, Glen Love 49, baeiness to Mr. Emerson
Nellie Boyle 46 Knipe., of Allan Soldan 40. ) s • L •
iistowel. Mr. Knipe takes
possession the firet of January.
We understand that Mr. W. H.
Pfile, one of Our enterprising shoe
merchants- has 'rented. one of the
stores belonging to Mr. W. C. Davis:
The merchants of our village .are
displaying a fine array of Christmas
merchandise in their spacious and
tastefully decorated show windows.
Mr. and Mrs. A. Reichert left on
Tuesday morning for Detroit where
they attended the funeral of Mrs.
Reichart's sister, Mrs. Thos. Wil-
It you feed tankage to your pigs
you may be :sure they are putting
on the lean mdat that the public is
The whole community was shock-
ed to hear of the 'death of. Mr. Jas:
McGregor, of the 2nd concession of
Tuckersmith, who died at his .1.16-ine
on Sunday evening after being con-
fined to his bed for the past two
weeks. Mr. 'McGregor had been
severely injured by a bull which he
owned, two week ago, and although
it was thought by the physicians
who attended him that if no other
complications set in, he had a ahan.ce
to overcome his serious accident,
and for a time seemed to be getting
along as well as could be looked for,.
b t n Thursday last a change for
Monor Graduate Carey Jones' Ati-
Salon School, Special course taken in
egistered Live Stock (all Breeds,)
Ithierchandiee, Real Estate, Farm
lassies, etc. Rates in keeping with
aprevalling prices. Satisfaction as -
=red, write Oscar Ialopp, Zurich, or
iarire 18-93, Zuricla.
Graduate of Faculty of Medicine,
afaill University, Montreal; Member
)1,2 College of Physicians and Surgeons
Oatario; Licen\tiate of Medical,
fiouncil of Canada; Post Graduate
ember of Resident Medical Staff of
faeneral Hospital, Montreal, 1914-15;
Office, 3 doors east of Post Office:
Phone,56, Hensall, Ontario.
Christmae comes two weeks, from
'o -day.
Miss Rale, of' the H. S. Staff is in-
disposed through illness.
Great preparations are being
made for Christmas concerts.
Miss Madeline Dearing has been
confined to her bed with illness.
Mrs. John Northcott visited with
friends at Sexsmith on Tuesday.
. mr. Thos. Pry,-d.e, who has spent
the summer in Newfoundland, is ex-
pected home in a few days.
Mrs. J. W. Powell, who recently
ieturned from Sarnia, still con-
tinues Poorly and is confined to her
and Mrs'. A. M. Quance and
son spent the week end with Mrs.
Quance's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hy.
Dining of. Hensall.
the worse was noticed and on Sun- Next Sunday v. W. Me,..K-111-e-y,
day, Deceinber lsOhe • passed peace- I of Centralia, w 11 pre Ora in the
fully away. The deceased was very Methodist church. A. Sinclair
highly respected for his Many fine Will take Sunday school anniversary
qualities and was a loving husband service in Centralia.
to his late wife, who predeceased
him a couple or so years ago, and a Don't forget the concert in the
most, indulgent Permit to his son Carmel church to -night (Thursday)
and three daughters surviving, who under the auspices of the choir, A
are all quite young and at home The raretreat is assured all who are
funeral which was held on Decem- lovers of good music.
ber 6th was largely attended. Intel- The Metho„dist Sunday school ent-
ment was made in Hensall Ceme- I ertainment will take the form of a
tery. -..) cantata entitled "Santa Claus and
His Friends," and will be held on
TueSday evening, Dec. 23.
We have a go d supply of shorts
of excellent qu
middlings, and
lir ailag their two weeks
stay they' vieited friends in Detroit,
Ylosalanti, •Anu Harbor, Salem, Sag-
inaw and Fliut.
Mr. Heary Sweitzer, ot Kitchener
visited in the Yillege this eveek.
Mr, Harry Trick ie around again
and states ,that his arm is doing nic-
Mr. W, H. Brown is imptoving
slowly. •
Mr. Wm. Yearly is reporSed to
be somewhat stronger this aaeek.
• Next Sunday evening the' pastor
of the Methodist Gharch will con-
tinue his series of sermons on "The
• Christ and His Comiag." Subject
"The Manner of His Coming."
Don't forget the Chtistinas tree
and entertainm.ent in the Methodiet
churchee, Crediton on Friday, Dec.
ipth and Brineley on Tuesday, Dec,
23rd. A mixed programme is being
prepared. .
Rev. D. McTavish is attending
four conventions M Norfolk county
this week. Mr. McTavish will rep-
resent the Ca R. B. C. and will add-
ress each convention at each session
Mr. James Hodgins, who for many
years was a highly respected resi-
Tuesday at the age of 84 -years,
months and 28 days, The deceased
had been in fall- health and his
death came a$ a surprise to manY.
.1 -le was bora one and a quarten miles
•north of Clandeboye, .and has wit-
nessed many trausformations since
his boyhood days. For several
years he 'worked at Exeter with the
late John Baker; coming from there
to two and one half miles south of
Crediton and later to Crediton,
where he worked at his trade as
blacksmith and where most of his
life has been spent. Fifty-eight
years ago he was married to hie
now bereaved widow, whose maiden
name was Christiana Sweet. Two
sons, and one daughter survive',
Alonzo of Crediton, Oscar of De-
troit and Mrs? Ward of London.
The funeral, will be held Thursday
afternoon at one one p.m.'," inter-'
ment in the Exeter cemetery.
• 1\f0. 4, USBORNE
apert of S. S. NO. 4, 1.Tsborne,
or. November, based on test exan1-
iaatio'ne aiid daily worlsam
Si'. IV—George ailioneeon 78, L.
1.-Itinter 70, Gerald Ford 63. Jr- ,IV
Mary Huatee 60. Sr. 111 ----Ila Han
ter 75, Jea-iii Coates .71. Jr, 111 A.
Thomson55, Roy Hunter 54. Sr.
II—Bessie •Goatee 65, laloaeace Mit-
chell 6C Eiden. laadinz 54, NOT11)all
Huater 50, Sr. II—Arnold Ford
81, Allan ayestcott 6a, Class '1 ---
Elgin Luxtan 73, Pr.— Clifton
I -ranter 90,1Willie Quinton -75, 13.
EsserY ‘..,q'tiiiiffala 50.
Number eniallea 19. Average
attendance 17,3. L. M. Davis, tea -
S. S. NO. 8, HAY
Sr. IV, honors --Marie Bell 88,
. ,
Stella angrema 79, Edwin Dick its,
Pass—Bertha Corbett 72, Jack Cor
bett 63, 'Willie Parke 50. .1r. IV,
Lorne Cheennan 70. Jr. III, hou-
ors—adargaret Dick 75. Pass H.
McEwen 66, Ted Munn33. Sr. II,
•honors—Grace Dick 83. Pass Gar-
net Mousse 68. jr. II, honors—A.
91, Jimmie .McEwen 85, Mary
Hinser 85; Iiarold Elder 80, Pass
Helen Munn 65, Dorothy -Corbett 62,
Irene Mou.sso 61. Sr. I—Jessie
dent of Crediton, passed away on Dick 75. No, ,eurolled 20. Aver-
age attendance 18,a7"
.-- M. G. Jolins, teacher
Mias IVa Holman of Chicago, is
expected to arrive this evening to,
visit with Dag's. H. Coultis and' other
ielatives in this community.
Mr. and Mrs, John Webb, of Cal-
gary, who are on their way to Eng-
land visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Alfred Hicks, on Friday last.
The latest news. from Mr. Campbell
Wares from town in Deer Lake
Newfoundland, is that he is expected
here to spend Christmas at his home
On Tuesday : vening at 8:00
o'clock in the Dome, Rink, a meeting
has been called to lecide' on a town
league. All players within 10 railes
please attend.
Rain fell on Friday last and froze
as fast as it fell making it extremely
difficult and dangerous forepedest-
rians. Many tumbles were the re-
Mrs. Thos Oke of London and
Mrs. Wm. Beaman left aranday for
Windsor, where both will spend the
vinter, after a visit with relatives
n and around Exeter.
1x6, v matched
dressed On both
sides at
k.„,) PE
Mr. Relit. 1V1cLinchey purchased
the farm of the Edward Curwin Es-
tate and occuped by Mr. Charles
Reaman, Goshen Lne, Stanley.
Chas. Fritz, Well. Johnston, J.
Decker, Jr., and Herb Mosseau bag-
ged 30 wild geese on a hunting trip
to Camlachie. Charlie says "It
is 'easily the 'largest haul 91 wild
geese at one time since Confeder-
A. J.
ity, quite equal to
'ice has been
Mr. and MrsWalter England who
have been visiting in London and
Parichill for two -Weeks, arrived
home Thursday. •
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Holt visited in
'Port Huron last .week.
The dates for Christmas enter-
tainment are Methodist December
17th, Presbyterian December 19th,,
Mr. Mark Wilds,. of Detroit was
here attending the funeral of his
There passed away last Friday,
Mary Hewett, wife of George Wilds.
She had ben ailing for the last few
years' before she died. Pneumonia
was the cause of death. She was
80 years of age. Mrs. Wilds came
to the Townhip of Stephen with her
parents, who moved here from Wa-
terloo about 50 years ago. She is
survived by her husband, 3 sons,
and 2 daughters. She has been
staying at the home cif a daughter,
Mrs. Frank Station, and the funer-
al was held on Sunday afternoon.
The bereaved have the sympathy of
the community.
Mr Mervin Camme„wha has been
attending. Pharmacy at Toronto is
visiting at his home. He leaves next
week for London to take a position
for the Christmas holadays.
Autoists are again warned against
-tinning the engine of their car in
a closed garage. Several deaths
have been reported recently caused
rom monoxide 'gas poisoning.
Can ,you think of anything worth
L50 that would be so much appre-
ciated for a Christmas Gift as the
old home paper. It will be a week -
y message for the 'whole year
• Mrs'. T. S. Berry has sold the lar-
ge exchange stables of the late Mr.
Thos." Berry, to the Steele Briggs
Seed. Co., of Toronte. They will
use -the builaing as a: storehouse.
Rev. Dr. Fletcher addre,ssed the
Chiselliurst League ' Wednesday
evening last. A contest is` in prog-
- . ress in all sahe meetings of the
Mrs. Monier Eilber, of Cleveland church and all meetings are exceed -
is visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ingly well attended.
Jos. Routledge. The bazaar held in the tor. hall
Mrs. Earl Weido is spending a
on Saturday afternoon last under
feve weeks visiting at Toronto arid
Kitchener. the auspices .of the cannel church.
wee' a success in every reeliect, A
Miss Ortha 1VIellick, who has been wonderful display of fancy work
at Detroit for several menthe, has and aprons was on exhibit and the
returned. to lier home here. . ,. ,
name coolsmg was of the veryboot
On Tuesday, while Mr. and Mrs.
Win. Welsh bf the London Road,
North, were driving to town the
king bolt dropped out of the buggy
and the horse trotted off with the
rent wheels. Mr. and Mrs. Welsh
were pitched forward, but fortun-
ately escape& with a few bruises.
Mn. W. H. P. Hopper returned
auesday evening from Bradford,
Penn; where he was called owing to
the death of hie ,brother Albert.
The deceased had been ailing since
last pummer. At the time he was
taken ill he was planning a visit
to Exeter. His early life was
spent in this comniunity.
Mrs. Grob, Sr., left for Detroit on rat the meeting ,of the Young Poo -
Sunday where she intende to remain ..
Ines League on Monday evening the
for a time. topic ."The Problem of Evil," 'sVas
'We extend much,sYmPathY to Mr. very ably delivered by Mrs. Sinclair.
and Mrs. Lloyd O'Brien, in the loss Mikees Nellie Boyle and Miss have
of their infant son. Shaddock sang a .duet, ^Miss Hattie
Miss Jen -1011a Johnston left on 'Whiteside gaVe, an intereeting read -
Tuesday morning to yisi her a a Inge
Mrs, Itobt..Drysdalo, at Sandusky, . J. successful euchre and dance
Mailiccilli, Visited 'her mother Mrs. M.1. S was
lineli den'Sin litailleaet,°:wialshailPtoiltireTcluelsiy-
Mrs, S. Rennie who has' spent the i day evening of this week. About
mast fesv weeks 'in New HaMbarg, 25 tables of card players were in
returned home ou Tueeday, occom- , evidence eovering the spacious floor
eanied by Rev. and airs. 5. E.' dt the hall. The ladies prize, a bea-
Knechtela " , ttlifal leather curse, IAN.) ti W oil by
Mrs. Ia. D. Walker of. Pt. Austinl IVIlee Elsie Seldom. A box ot cigars,
Edighoffer, 14th, con. for a few Mr. Guy Sacobs, both he and Miss
Weeke, i Solderehaving Won ten games. After
Masers. Ted and aldWead Ila•borer i lunch the tables were Cleared trom
attendea the Conventien of the Out- i the floer and' daneing Was engaged
era) Beekeepers Asseciation at ;Tor- In, the music being tartnehed by
auto. . the Broadfoot-liolton orthestra.
S. S. NO.. 2, HAY
Report of S.- S. No. 2, Hay, for
Novemaer, honors 75 per cent, pass
60 per - cent. Those marked with an
asterisk were .absent for one or
Sr. IV --Isabel Russell 73,_ Ben
Tinney 72 'Norman Stanlake 62, B.
Caldwell 62, Elizalieth Muriay, .61,
George Tinney aa-, Grace Tinnea 5S,
Hiram Bieber 50, Russell Caldwell
35*, Sr. Greb 77,
Edith Gibson 74*, Fred Triebner
68, David ' Triebner 62, Margaret
Russell 59, ;Isabel Stanlake 52. Jr.
III—Roberta Tinney 60, Mildred
Northcott 57, Charlie O'Brien 38t.
Sr. II—Dorene Caldwell 70, Har-
old Rowe 64. Jr. II—Iloder Tin-
ney '48*, Leon Triebner 45, Percy
Gould 13. Jr. I—Florence Duns -
ford 79, Wesley Greb 71, Jack Tin-
ney 68. Class I—Gladys O'Brien
90, Gorden Triebner 85, Eldon Cald-
well 58. Number on roll 30. Av-
erage attendance 28. A. L. ,Dow
hunting trip with, friende
1‘1rs. J, Swinertoa, is vidLli1g avi't17-
lier brother, 'Kr. %id, at Clan-
Mr, .T
has• MnMaridlY, ef Gud' rieh.
spent ' Mon day w11:11. his 'brotites •
Richard. •
• ' Mr. 'ID C. Lia-evey and Miss f
dred epent, 'Weciaefelay of lest wee
in London.
' Councillor „Ca. ,,F., Hooper
,eostefavii4faii nsisieyd.L ...itr,,,vol,,,s,.priii:101v:i,nbgeo s 11;ttlittosutg I
pending the whiter with lierisi
ter Mrs Bawden.
Mr. Harold Wliite Pas rehir
home after ,spending the past fIVO
months at Hamiota, Mare
There is still time to order Greet-
ing Cards for Clirietmas. Leave
your order at the Times -Advocate
Mr,' Harry Lawrence has returned
to the staff of the Molson's bank af-
ter relieving for several weeks hi
Mr, and 'Mrs. W. H, Wood and
family of Usborne are moving to
Exeter for the winter to reside with
Mrs. M. Deibridge, who is ill,
Mrs. John Westlake, who has
been visiting her daughter, Mrs.
Pafsolis c.of Mitchell, lias returned
to her home.
Miss E. Blate'hford, who tor the
past year has been in attendance
upon Mrs. Mary Blatcliford, has re-
turned to her home in Ilensall.
The Exeter Junior Farmers' Im-
provement Association held their
regular 'monthly meeting in, Senior'e
Hall on Thursday 0-vening, 1)ecember
4th, with, a large number in attena
dance. Mr. 5, 13. Stothers, Agri-
cultural Representative and Mr. N.
W. Trewartha, IVI.P.P., were present.
Mr. Stotters is selecting a teara
of seven from the Exeter district
Junior Farmers to represent Huron
to ,attend, the special Educational
Coarse,' in swine, conducted under
the auspices of the Canadian Swine
Breeders Association, atlie Indus-
trial and De-velopment Council of
Canadian Meat Packers, The Live-
stock Branca -of the Dominion De-
liartment of Agriculture, Ottawa and
the Ontario Department of Agricul-
ture, Toronto, to be held ',at the
Packing, plants, Toronto on Decem-
ber 17t1i, 18th and 19th. There are
to be several judging and grading
competitions with nine other coun-.
ties in Western Ontario.
The organization held their an-
nual election of ,officers, the results
of which are as follows. President,
Mr. Wilfred Shapton; Vice Pres., Mr.
Horace Delbridge; Sec'Y-Treas.
Harry Strang; 'Coramittee of 'Ma
agement, Messrs Malcom. Dougall,
Gordon Cadmore and Eruest Pyre;
Auditors, Messrs Earl Shapton and
Clarence Brown.
After the business of the naerstas----
ing was dispensed with Mr. Tre-
wartha, addressed a joint meeting of
the'Jun/9r Farr/Jere' and Junior
The public school is busy practis-
ing for their Christmas Cantata
under the leadership of Mr. R.
The youngsters enjoyed a skate
on the ice on the pond, last week."'"
Mr. WM- Mills visited over the
week end an Hamilton.
The two' organized senior classes
of the Sunday school were- enter-
tained at the home of Mr. and 1V1rs.
John Carnal on Friday evening last.
The evening was spent in games and
amusements and refreshments were
served. report a jolly, good
Mr. Reg. Doupe shipped one of
his puppy foxes to New Ontario.
If you feed tankage to your pigs,
you may be sure they are putting Wornens' Institute.
In his address, Mr. Tresvartha said
among other things tha.t he ;felt
sure that there were some very pros-
perous years ahead for the farmer
and that if there ever was a time
that the boy or girl should stay on
the farm. it was new. At the con-
clusion. of ,Mr. Trewartha's address,
aSidto.thers, heartily endorsed all
The meeting was closed bY sing-
ing "God Save The Ring." The
Executive ofthe Junior Farmers sare
planning a -very interesting program
for the coming year. '
Mrs. David Fenwick has returned
to her home here after few Weeks
visit with' her daughter in New York
Mr. Herbert Harrison, is on the
sick list.
Mrs. John Hodgert has returned
home after a visit to her fotmer
home near Hensall.
Miss Arabelle Hunkin visited last
week with friends in Mitchell.
The Young People of the vicinity
are busy praCtising the play entitled
"Bashful Mr. Bob" which will be
held in Farquhar Hall on Thursday
evening December 1Sth.
on the lean ine
We have ang.o-ed-supply
of excellent quality, quite
middlings, and the price
A Christmas concert and Christ-
mas tree will be put on by over 40
pupils of the ahipka School, on
Thursday, Dec. 18111. There will
also be some outside talent. Ad-
mission 10 and 25e.
The 'Mission Bancl of James St.
church served tea followed by a con-
cert in the church Monday evening
The little ladies waited on the tables
and took their parts well. The pro-
gram consisted of dialogues, chola"
uses, recitations, instrumentals mu-
sic etc, and was very . interesting
Dr. Rolston gave a splendid- ad-
drees. Miss Jean Sheere occupied
the Chair. The proceeds were $27.50
that the public is
of shorts
equal to
has been
Mr. J. McLoy of Mich., visited re-
latives here last week, on his re-
turn home he was accompanied birt
his brother-in-law who will make
his home with'them., •
Mr. Lawrence Pollock purchased
a truck in Exeter last week. • .
Mr. Ed. Stewardson and Geo.
Shank were in Arkona last week
buying horses.
Mr. and Mrs. 3. Prance of Win-
chelsea -visited the letter's parents
Mr. ead Mrs. aihos. Bullock last
Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Pollock
were in Kerwood over Sunday.
Word' has been received here of
the death of Mr. Alex lareekle of In-
wood. He was a former resident
here and was highly respected by a
large circle of friends. The sym-
pathy of the neighborhood is extend-
ed to all the bereaved friends.
The W.M.S. met at the home of
Mrs. Robert Monteith on Thursday,
Dec. 4th. There wae 'a large num-
ber of members and visitors presents.
The president, Mrs. Robert laydd
opened the meeting with prayer.
This was the annual meeting for
election of officers but it was decid-
ed to go on as we had been until
'June -when it was expected the aireth-
odist and Presbyterians would be
united. Miss Jeckell then gave a
Very interesting talk on her trip to
the Yukon, chiefly about that part
of her trip from Vantouver. to Daw-
son. A very tasty lunch Was serv-
ed by the hostess.
The Young Men's Class of James
St. Sunday School paid a friendly•
visit to the Young Men'e Class of
Main St. on Sunday afternoon. The
service at Mein St. was in'charge of
the latter. Mr. Howard Diguan
conducted the opeaing exercises
Mesers, E. Aldworth and Arthey
Rundle, lead in prayer and ailessrs,
Edgar Rundle and Beneon TeckeY
gave two spieudid aliseional.
The regular meeting Of the
Ladies raid of Santee St. Methodist
chureh was held On Thursday last
in the parlors of the thatch, With
the president, Mrs. r, ilowelitfe
Preeiding. The Meeting ivas open-
ed arita prayer, Mrs. E. Treble
was appointed to fill the position Of
the secretary, who wae 01. At the
eoneineion of buSiaese, Mrs. Rufus
Kostio gave a splendid Vezding.
Tea Was served.
Miss Gertrude Rowcliffe of Exeter
spent the week end with Miss Anges
Mrs. Richard Hodgins is spending
a few days with her &tighter, Mrs.
C. Fleteber.
Mr. John Creery of Alvinetoa is
visiting for a few weeks at the home
ol bis brother, Mr. J. E. Creery.
Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Skinner and
Mr. and, Mrs, Wm. 13rock of Grentort
attendea servioes at sunshine on
Sunday and spoilt the evening Witt
An enjoyable dance and euchre
party was held at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. -Percy Dauncer,„of the first
concession, McGillivary, on Tueeday
of last week. Du -ring the eveniag
the Met and hostess were presented
with two wicker chaire and *a wick-
er table as a mark of the -esteem in
which they are held in this neigh-
borhood, which they are shortly
leaving for London. The address
was read by Mrs. Mansfield Ellwood
and the presentation was made by
Sidney Hodgins. The excellent ma -
Me for the eAning was furnished
by ,George Hodgins, Young Neil
Clarence Coursey and Sam. lVfcRann.
Mr., and Mrs. Dauncey will be much
missed, as 'both were born in the
neighborhood and have always lived
The regular meeting of the Clan-
deboye Women's Institute was held
at the home ot Mr . George Dixon,
MeGillivary Township, recently with
a good ,attendance. After the rou-
tine business was traneacted a splen-
did report of the inetitue conveation
held in London, wee givea by miss
rsva Morgan. and Mrs, Sohn Middle -
tea, district president of the North
Miadlesex Institute, gave an thspiii-
address on "Hosv to Define a
Mrs. John Hit& Who bee neat Model. Meeting," Tae singing . or
the Past 'feta weeks With her dangh- Bare. George Young; and - the piano
My, Mrs., Baker it Exeter,- returned solos of Mise Eliz.abeth Mason were,
to her home on &matey. . . I much eiijOyed and at the coaninelea
Mr. and Mr8. V. Brook spent Wed- I Of the ineetinge light rettesilMaints
aesday With"Mr. and Mts. J. Hutch -
London Road,
Mr. Fred 'Fowler 18 MrOttrillg a
broad smile these days. Its a boy.
Were serVed by ,the hostese and the
refreshMent committee. The, next
Meeting is to be held at the home of
Mrs. ;fames Dixon.
"Irtu on't need
his Telephone
for Station -to -Station. calls"
"If -1 conld. 'remember. his
number would make my
pall Station -to -Station, and
save money."
This sub scrib,er, had the
'wrong idea. He' didn't need
to know the ?limber of the
distant telephone.
All be needed to say to the
Long Distance operator
was: "I, will speak to ,any-
one at (then give ,
her the name of the person.
who has the telephone
and the address too, if 4
knew '
Perhaps this informati
will enable YOT1 to rise the
1 St 1*
e0Wer , a non -A -ea %la 1071
, rate more frequently.
Ilveru l3cU Telephone is a
Lor a Distance Station