HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1924-12-11, Page 1IFTY-SECOND, 3 ,4 YEAR No.2568 EXETER,' OTT., '. HU71`S1 ,AY HORNING, DECEMBER'llth.1924 i it bill 1111111{ 11{111111&1[111{!!!! 111111{IIIU11111111111111l11111{IIINI11111{It 11{11{11111111111 IINIIININ � ,1 z li1Fz1,, i f,i l l 1 imomel • • Christmas Gift SHOP EARLY For Ladies Leather and, beaded.. hand- bags and purses Fancy Parasols All Weal plaid Blankets and Coinsortei•s Fancy 'Linens Silk Scarfs Fancy Bloomers Fancy, .Towels,''. Turkish and Linen Towel, sets with wash - clothes to !hatch (boxed) Handkerchiefs, fancy and in boxes se Fur Sets12:5 U per set $ Odd',Muffs :$5.00 each Coats at 'reduced prices Kim n oas Brushed W o 0 1 Sweaters Suggestions SHOP SARI For Children or Men Plain and 'Fancy. Socks Broadcloth Shirts Print ,and Fancy. sti`ipe Shirts Belts Garters and Armbands, (also in sets) Initialed Linen I-Iandker chiefs Umbrellas Suit Cases and Club Bags Suits and Overcoats House Slippers Ties of all descriptions Gloves Caps Neck ' Scarf' s in Brushed Wool and Silk Sweaters Hockey Shoes Beads" - Barrettes Handkerchiefs Hair Ribbons House Slippers Hosiery,` Gloves, Ties For Bagley Bootees, Bonnets Hose, Bibs Knitted Coats Teddy Bear Suits The New Bunny Slippers Clearing of Ladies' and Misses' Coats real bargains ideal for Chris- tmasG ift . Furs—A few sets left to clear at $12.50 per set. 'Fine muffs a $`5.00 each. Men's Fine Shirts 144 ' to a few dozen , 16? /s left at $1.00 Li h $ll.�.g1 i�l�h�-Hockey Boots There is no Gift to beat a pair of good Lightning -Hitch Hockey Boots; and there is -no line of Hockey. Boots as popular with good skat- ers as the famous Lightning -hitch. , We'' keep them ' at reasonable .. prices for men, ladies, boys and girls, How about a pair of Adjustb ov- ershoes as a Christmas Gift. What makes' the New Adjusto Overshoe lead all others this winter? Because They ;have invisible 'fasteners They can be adjusted' to fit any size ;stout or slime They have a neat. tailor-made appearance. There are no top, buckles to catch in.'the skirt, See the new ,Adjusto ,Overshoe and'' • prove the 'advantages for yourself. They are selling 'like' magic. GROCERIES—Buy, your Groceries and Fruits here. The quality' is the . best. No prices are lower. • 11111{{!� f } TER COU NCIL ,"1VI'on • ay, December Sth, 1924.' ( The lou licipal council met in reg- ....! eg a I uiar se,ion. Absent. councillor = Deeper" through illness. —1,./ -The following letters were read-: , From the office of the Canadian Fire Underwriters Association, Tor- =' or-=' onto; drawing attention to the lack J --w of fire extinguishing apparatus'aand ..— asking that special attention be, MMUS Mem given to hydrants and water mains, • :chemical i,ppliances, etc. Refered to 1' ores PHONE 32 • ,the fire chief. r' Circular; letter from the office of lal▪ amMi the Secretary of the, Ontario 1Vluni- cipal Electric Association, - Guelph = re St. Lawrence waterway. Filed. The prepaid account of judge E, N. Lewis, cbairnian of the Election Board re , proportion of ,fees and ex- = penses payable- in the revision- of the voters' lists, the same being $83.12, was approved. A lettear from Mr. Henry' Bowers re income tax for himself and Mrs. Bowers Was read and considered and the f °Bowing deduction was = made:- Mr. Bowers amount of ;$16.40; Mrs. Bowers amount of. $26.24: total $42.64. By-laws:`No. 5 and 6;of 1924 were /▪ MOM and considered and finally pas- sed, 'the Reeve and Clerk signing the same, ', The following ' aceoimt .= g s were read and ordered paid: R. ` W. 'Pinney, glass,putty " utt and labor , at town hall $2.00;Public P blic ▪ Utilities Commi5sion'town.hall acct. ▪ $14.39;L .sanies Weekes deeds ` for cemetery , $ 5.50 W. W. account $3, T. R. Patterson, Goderich survey and blue 'prints cemetery acct. $25; Ross Taylor Co. lumber R & 13. ▪ 5.35 G. A, Hawkins, supplies town hall $1.09, library $1.40, R and B. $7.52;, ,W- A. Balkwill, labor sup- plies town hall $73:00; Fred Kerr, Brick for Cemetery $118:44; Asa Penhale, seed drill and labor R and B,, $6.60; 13. W. F. Beavers, supplies R and B -$2.37, Cemetery .65, town hall -$54.62, $57.64; Advocate Prin- ting Co., i` municipal supplies and zof printing $249.96; - J. Senior, Secret- ary Board of Health $5.00; Frank E I Mallett' to firing at Library $10.00. d I Passed on motion of Southcott and. Davis. Carried 3, Senior, Clerk. C mum Isigiatt Oast Nano ems Emmen 31{{lllllllll{0i11{III{{I111111111l1111111111lI{111111{11111111{li{11111{{Illllllll1110111l 1111111111111111{INEHM11111{{II{I1111111111111111a GLASS :gni � PHONE 27 PMTS Days ill - 11More Shopping i turas hr s >.t q THE EARLY a BUYERS GET THE CHOICE. 'MAKE YOUR YER FROM ' OUR BIG STOCK This Iist'"May,. Sugge st Man's skill creates no finer skates from $1.50. up Perfection ankle support $1.00 per• pair Pucks ..'...., 10c.r and 25e Hockey Sticks ..........`25c. up Knee Pads..' ......... 95c. The Ii Banner Quebec. n one b'attcr. see list, ..:with ov'e n ,cut tners 37.50 sof Satisfied". s c S� stow pipes25e. Elbows 30c, 7` _.ri $IYIITII Pockets Knives from ....25c. up Razors from , 49c Shaving Brushes < ............ 90c. Toilet Clippers $2.25., Carvers in.pair, $2.75 ftp Cai•vers in Sets ........ $4.9, 0 •-lip Breadknives .:25c. up Tudor Silver Plate Adams Plate Old Colony Plate Flash lights 75c- up Roasters ............. ........95c. tip Stable Needs Barn. and Staff _. and 2,00, .1.25 Lanterns $$ S Hovels 75c. Broonis 7,5c. Royal Purple ,Stock and Poul ti, Food ........, 60c: and $1.7:5 o. rjsona Salts .......:...5 llis,,25 . 1 2 c Sulphur .... .51bs 5 Stilt Petre.. 15c. • lb:. .. ......... Calf 35 bar Meal 1 b ING AND PLUMBING. T 's Ardware and Stove S tore We are now open for acreage' for peas and corn. "Growers w'thing to contract apply as soon g possible because we. wish t p a e our order for. seed 'as seed i'.0Scarce. Exeter • Canning Co. BIRTHS MEYERS—In Hensall, at „Mrs. Pat- erson's private hospital, on Wed. Nov. 26th, to Mr. and. Mrs. Thos. H. Meyers, a daughter. TRAQUTAB—In Chiselhurst on De' cember 2nd to Mr. and Mrs. Mel vine Traquiar a son. DEATHS LUKER—In Exeter, on Dec. 9th, Mary McAllister, beloved wife of R. T. Luker, aged 59• years, 6 months and 6 days. PARSONS --In Stanley .on Dec. 3rd, Cath cri'ne , Buller relict of the late William Parsons aged 90 years,, 4'` months and 6 days, McGREGOR=ln Tuckersmitth, Lot 15, ,Concession 3, on Sunday November 30, James". McGregor,'. in his 54th year. ,HODGINS--In. Crediton, . on Dec 9th James .Hodgins; aged 84 years, 4 •' months „and 24 days. fi roi T BY e'. We _are now'•prepared ,to do .all kinds of repairs on:broken framea, whereas before, we had,to send thoit to London, or elsewhere•. HEAVY �•'` ]Lia FRAMES ,IS TO YOUaR• OWN 'LENSES, \,VIIII.E YOU WAIT, -'$3.O0. SPECTACLES, LARGE :f.F71RTSL]S, 11.00 and UP. ro!m r e C €Hl OPIUCTO11 , OPTIOL N MAIN ST, - EX. ETExn, OrAtaC. PHONE •7b BOrUtD - OF EDUCATION The regular meeting was held on Thursday evening last in the office of the ,Secretary. All menibers.ex cept Mr Dignan were present. The; ureviotas n'knutes were approved: •iC r., J it e reported that the boiler. had' been put in satisfactory condi- tion before the cold weather came. Mr. Stanbury reported on the op- ening of Western University to which he and the chairman were del- egates. Mr. Dearing 'reported that a load. of light wood for kindling had been purchased. The H. S. principal's ,and the P. S. principal's- reports were received as were also those of the H. S. and the P. S. Inspectors, and ordered filed. ' • School will close' officially for Christmas holidays on December 19 and reopen on- .7anuary 5th—per motion of J. G. Stanbury and W. A. Turnbull. The Scholarship report as read at the last meeting was adopted' and the chairman and secretary author- ized to sign necessary cheques—on motion of J. 'G. Stanbury and W. May. The commencement excercises will be held the latter "part of January. The usual .grant of $40.00 for agriculture was made—olt motion of A. E. Fake and J. Elston. This amount is returned to the board by the Government later on. The Supply Committee was asked to look into the matter of mat for Miss Taylor's room; two maps, and homework, with power to act. A numoer of accounts were pass- ed and Mr. Puke moved the ad- joitrnment. K. McFaul, Secretary. ::t '.P7EA1V]C OF HORSES, O S, F TWENTY FEET A teaiia of gorses belonging' to NIr John Ratcliffe of Usborne, took,• a, twenty foot drop over the: side- walk about one,hundred„yards north of the bridge on Main St. last Thurs- day and escaped unhurt. The team attached, to . a wagon -road of coal Were being driven north' by Mr. 'Vic- tor Jeffrey when they became fri- ghtened and started to run away One of the horses was Blind. 'They crossed the bridge anti . a short dis- tance i:he other side' they left the road crossed the sidewalk, crashed through the board fence, and turn- ed a' somersault- dropping over 20 ,i, feet. The harness was stripped off. all but :the collars. Fortunately tb � wagon ou struck :i,. post and diel not e ,g p i go over the .embankment. 112r. Jef- frey was on the wagon at the time. The horses landed beside a hydro pole, .missing it by a small margin. 1' ZA ift '.Ni) SUPPER given !`hoBazaar and Supper ,h�iven by , ;. b the Laslies'C mild of i;he 1i vitt MeY' niorial Church in the town hall on. Saturday 'last was probably the most successful in. the history of the Society, Tlie decorations ;ns were ex- ceptionally attractive and the handi- work dr the ladies far excelled tiny previous Year, nonce there was a great demand for ester thing., Pro- vided, vided, The supper in, the eveizinrs' was well patronized and the geed things served wits a ct'cedit to the Society.e " The proceeds amounted to over $2.25.00. Accepts Cali to Stratford REV. W. E. DONNELLY, B.A. Rev. W. E. Donnelly, -13.A., : the popular pastor of James St. Metho- dist church, has received 'a call, to Central' M li et odist Church, Stratford, to become their pastor at the next conference year. Rev. Donnelly is a young man of marked ability and his rise in the ministry .has been � rapid. He is on his second year as pastor of .James St. Church, coming to Exeter from Amh@rstburg. Dur- ing : the time he has been in Exeter he has not only won . the • esteem and admiration of his own congregation, but he has made friends with all withwhom he has come in contact. Within a few weeks after coifing here he was able- to call all of 'his large congregation and most of the citizens by name, and he has had no favorites, treating all alike:In the pulpit he is a fluent and force- ful speaker, having a remarkable command of the English language. He has several very popular lectures and has been in great demand. .At a meeting of the Quarterly. Board' of the, church Sunday morning, follow- ing the service, Mr. Donnelly placed the !natter- of his call to Stratford before them. Several spoke expres- sing the esteem in which the pastor is held by the congregation and of their regret at losing him, but the Board were ,.unanimous that nothing should be placed in the way of Mr. Donnell;r's advancement ,and w,gi•ant- ed him an honorable release. A sup- ply conuuittee was appointed to look. for a. successor. Mr., and, Mrs. .Wallace .Rice and family of Petrolia manager of the local branch of Libby; McNeil and Libby pickle plant moved to town a.n Tuesday of this week. As the municipal elections are ' dra},ying' nearer the, pot is beginning to boil. It looks as if there will be a contest for the reeveship as we understand Mr. C. B. Snell's friends have persuaded him to stand again. None of the present council have signified their intention of with- drawing. Mr. Aaron Cudmore of Crystal City, Man., is visiting. among ' ofd friends in and around Exeter. Mr. Cudmore is now visiting : with . his sister, Mrs. John Johns. • Mr, Cud - more was a former resident of Ex- eter, but left these parts many years ago for the West, where he has since resided.. The Exeter Canning Company are planning to almost double their out- put next year and are now contract- ing for the largest :acreage' in the history of• :the, They factory. are y contracting for 600 acres of peas, just double that of the present year and 500 acres of corn, an -increase of thirty per cent.' The following officers were elect- ed for the•ensuing year at the regu- lar .meeting of Lebanon Forest Lodge, A.F. R A.M. on ,Monday night:—W. id' . G. M. Chidley; Sr. Warden, T. Pryde; Jr. Warden, W. R. Frayne; Chaplain, 41. Eaeiett, Sec'y., R. N. Creech; Treas., C. H. Sanders; Tyler, S. Sweet; Auditors, E. 5, 1i`irethey and E. J. ',Christie; Board of, Examiners and Committee ou Installation, W. J. IIeainan, :W. W. Taman and C. H. Sanders. The installation will take place on Dec- ember 29t1i. The recitay given under the aus- pices, of the Main St, League on Wednesday evening of last week proved to be most enjoyable "and en- tertaining from, start to finish, and those who did not avail themselves of the opportunity of ,L;'attending missed a treat according to the fa- vvorabie continents passed by those in attendance <ltince at the -conclusion of the program.. The principal artist for the t•,occa- sion Biota as Mrs. Garnet Passmore who is well-known around these ,parts as, an. elocutionist of high standing; her chief selection being "The, Wheels of Tiirie" by Florence ilarclay, which number and all others given by Iter, were well received and loud- rapplauded. ' To vary .the g0ani much credit is reflected on the'ounrr people who between Mrs y g 1 1 Passmore s sCiections 'rendered the musical part of the roeitalconsist,, ilig of solos, instrumentals,' etc.`' 'Thames �: , ir. t a,ti7esT,;,oad Sunday Schoo En- tertainment terta,inment 011 Tuesday, December 23rd. 1ev. 1Ic`Iavial of Crediton, 'Will ll gi vhis popular lectuao C T ae 'Luggage of ,1Afc." Exercises' .will be gltren by the children, A, light Sunnis will be served after th,e en- tertainment. Admission 25c. Sun clay Sc1400il. Children 9'ree., RUNAWAY A livery horse driven by .11-r. Jack Stacey, of Hensall, who 'was accom- panied by a friend while driving in- to' town on Wednesdaynight of last week got away ;from the driver by one of thele reins breaking. The oc- cupants managed to get out of the cutter and, the horse .came down through town at a brealt-neck pace. When in front of the Dome Theatre the cutter struck the : curb and up- set, and the horse proceeded on en- dangering life and property. The car` of Mr. John Caldwell, of flay Tp. was struck in front of the Grigg' Stationery and a new Sedan fur they downes ca d 1 by ha pe on i Y a rs- breadth. The cutter was a 'wreck b"elore the horse "'Nims carthed: DDLATI3 'OF `MRS. LUKER1, Mrs. R. T. Luker passed away in Exeter on Tuesday after an illness of only a few days. She was taken ill on Saturday pneumo iia develop- ing. The deceased was born on June 15th, 1365, on the sixth con- cession of Hay. E4er maiden name was Mary McAllister. After her marriage to her now sorrowing hus band, they resided on the McAllister (homestead, on the Zurich Road. In 1900 they went West, where they re- sided until the fall -of 1914, when they returned and resided on the London Rd., South living there 3 years then moved to Exeter to re- side. Besides her husband she is survived by one son, John, on the farm, one daughter living in Vacscoy, Sask., and Miss Merle, at home; a'Iso one brother, Wm. McAllister, op the homestead and three sisters: 114rs.' D. F. Anderson. 6th Con. of Stanley; Mrs. Hill of IIensall and Mrs. Chart- es sof Witchew. han., U.S.A.:' The remains will be interred in the Ex- eter . cemetery on Saturday, De- cember 13th. MILLINERY 3 DAYS' SALE Ladies' and Misses triinnied hats offered at $ 2,{1.0 o $3.00. Felts regular-x'3.it o 5.00 for $1,50 and 125. V Sporta.7M'Tegttlar' .25 0 3.50 for $1::00' 1 Old Laiitieis' ; ivet bonnet regular, 7.00 f.e!$4!75. Childreists, 6 only : your choice $1.9 5.j,,' babies' wool coats, leggings, bootie;.., etc' Christmas Novelties. Thursday, Friday and Saturday, December 11, 1:3, 13 A ®'p`�`-`e L , L A Let o See Better IN ORDER TO DO SO WE 1-1,61,‘ A'TEST ROOM EQUIPPER.' THE MOST MODERN OPTICAL. INSTRUMENTS AND THE 'KNOW-, LEDGE OT' 'HOW TO USE PHE.k BACKED UP WITH 28 YEARS OZ EXPERIENCE AT SIGHT TESTING AND SPECTACLE 'FITTING. WE CAN HEM' YOU, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED D S. Fitton, Registered Optonietrlalr. sl (III Illi {11 I I I IIlII11I n t" ill II II 1111111 I�IIII 11111 ; OUR XMAS STO;E: IS NOW , Q TE Our new line of groceries such„ as dates, raisins, :' (large and': sivali);y �! prunes; peel, oranges,' etc: PRICES ARE RIGHT Also choice 'Xmas goods for gifts suche as ties, hand towels;' shirts, slippers, hats and. caps, etc: LET US BRIGHTEN YOUR CHRIST- MAS WITH A COLEMAN LAMP. CALL AND SEE TEEM We have a complete line of China suitable: for gifts such as salt and. pepper shakers; nut bowels, butter boats, berry and cream sets, etc. Phone R. E..'.00LEY -wINCHELSEA Kuktccn �r If you have ally' fowl for sale give us a call. 111.111111111111IIIl1II11111I111111111111i111!1!11111 0 Fredaa_Tilvaturd • i4i , 4 9 Er -FRO PICTURE ec. 12 and North West l louyitc. `•.4 .:::ice oto frotri .„`cThe Law Bringers" '+'t'ITH 'Ali ALL STAR CASTE A spectacular picture of the ,far Canadian North. A. terrific buffalo stampede; A life and death dog team race across the snowy wastes— Great ice jam—Breath taking dash in a canoe through swelling r'cp,ds. All this among sky -kissing mountains of the North and through tlte,e vast scenes moves a great human story. USUAL COMEDY "The Covered WWW wi" December 25, 213; tF 4:l S{� VAsre...1'ara �,. z P,':_.. ONE P E C IE ST' RE, Think of it Christmas only 13 days away, and many people not even thought of. We have a' great assortment: of Xmas gifts. There are so Many things in this store that will cause Happiness. 1ine ss in peoples lives. Friends w Ise have Phonographs appreciate new records. 'Some ap _recfate pretty some Aluminum, n otc r� ' graniteware o ther hairpins, &nibs ,andbrush es, others uet; writing paper,others < bar of candy, some flowers. clilc- ren find pleasure in Xmas stockings, 1)'1 Tuve theta a.t from e to 3 each, dolls, building blocks, , seLs of dishes, games, t.t urs Iferses and carts, toy watches; etc, We will have Christmas Oranges, aatits and caitcly, e We will specialize in �,ltacolatc.s in btt.Jk ar, a 7r i�.bc7 ' incl 50r W l t per pound. t o� 1 � r We also .tate i t�uY ba±,es of Chocolate at float ..,c to „1.�•i; , OUR13.14_117TJC1't. ,, SALE of PIiO.;`T04�1?.5., _I,+. �i.nd „1�,1�,�iC71w1JS r will cantlnite throughout this month. ' r<� tto Bine �,m3ierol records; no two alike. $3 per doz..' . .,,di.»air. Diamond ;Disc, = at, $6 and $0 doz. Colum+tia, at '36 de.,, ,: duce our stooks., •tititt'lecoil„1tiStt'liinelli4 left at Bargain +� Hold Fish :i - P --heed prices, allzes, 5c. to 35e,,ewclt. Come earlyfor good clioiee, g