HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Exeter Times-Advocate, 1924-12-4, Page 818 Days o "V Come to This Store Often, During the 18 Shopping Days Between Now and Christmas Gift t I-Iead t �. arer S 1,1 Our ,store is headquarters forgifts' for every member ofA, your family and - for all your friends. Here you have an opport- unity to choose gifts which are sensible and useful and you will find them all reasonably priced. Colne in and look around, some'" of your gift problems are certain to be solved here and we will ap-..' prec>ate• your business. Gifts for Her Initialed Handkerchiefs:'' Raw Silk Handkerchiefs Boxed Iianderkerchiefs Gingham Handkerchiefs. Colored IIandkerchiefs Beaded, Hand Bags Overshoes and Spats Silk Hosiery Silk and Wool. Hosiery Silk Scarfs Silk Knitted Scarfs" Rimonas and Bathrobes Material for Kimonas Fancy Blouse Lengths Wool Chappie Coats Gloves --wool or chamo suede Gifts for, Him Broadcloth Shirts Flanala Shirts 'Fine Print shirts Silk Ties Knitted Tien New Magador Ties Initialed;_, Handkerchiefs.' Raw Silk Handkerchiefs Overshoes' and Spats Gauntlet;; Driving Gloves MVlocha and Kid Gloves Special Driving Mitts.,, Braces, Belts, Garters Silk and Wool Sox Sweaters and Sweater' Coats Brushed Wool Scarfs Visit Our China Department We offer you the largest selection in this part of the country: x. Dinner Sets, Toilet Sets, Open Stock Patterns, China cups, and, sau- cers, China novelties,' Impbrted potteries and novelties of all kinds. Don't hiss our display, you will find it a real treat. Christmas Groceries„. Give us your grocery orders for your Christmas<baking We.‘' will ua .ante r e ouri pr ccs to be all the. lowestossible �for�'hY p ghest quality fruits and nuts. Don't take o, chance on spoiling ;your cake or pudding to save a few cents on cold storage fruits and nuts. A. Stewa Chas#mas Furniture at Gardaner's LARGEST AND MOST UP-TO-DATE STOCK OF CHRISTMAS FURNITTJRE. BUY YOUR CHRISTMAS GIFTS HER",' FOR WE FEEL THAT WE CAN MAKE IT PROFITABLE FOR "tOOU'TO,DO YOUR CHRISTMAS SHOPPING HERE. ;;' Latest Designs, Better Service Largestssc� � r tment Lower Prices The Store of Better Values eta... i,E. GARDINE Licensed Embalmer and ]funeral' Director Motor Hearse and Horse Equipment i ., Long distance•:calls' given prompt attentio1“ DAY' 'AND NIGHT SERVICE r OPERA ..HOUSE BLOCS PHONE, 74J• Night a„e:, ?4W ll Men's Store Phone 81w- �el S St01e` uurt A Suggestions for Xmas` ENGLISH BROADCLOTH SHIRTS AND COLLAR STRIPE AND CIIECK SIIIRTSp"x3` 1 INVITE ALL WOOL SWEATERS C OLOREDSWEATERS . ATERu $2:5'0ant SILK CREPE MUFF LERS (very new .. SILK 'MUFFLERS, CRS NEW x,. -:PATI. PATTERNS HEAVY WOOL ,iM UFF S ..:....,...:.....$1.50 SILK LINED IKID GLOVES $2.5.0•'! DEER SKINGLOVES _ $3.5'.04'; HEAVY LINED KID AND MOCHA GLOVES .:,...,.$1.50 and $2.061t` WOOL GLOVES ... ........ ......... ........ .................: 125';fiYl �$1:5tj LEATHER ;HANDKERCI IEFS.HOLDERS ..... LEATHER TIE HOLDERS ,. LEATHER GOLLA:R HOLDERS ......... ...,$2:5':,0' y, IiOII`;7+�D SLDVE :CdOLDEItS, GARTERS, BELTS, BRACES, AND 'TIES, a large assortment .: ,25e, to $1 501 c"7 vwI-IS.TE AND COLLARED ' I-TAN1iXEftCIIIEFS from ....2 for 25c. uls, T]1M'DERWEAR Tii?O PIECE :AND COMBINATION ...,$1.0 HATS 0 to ,.M.50 ;: HATS AND CAPS—ALL PRICES Don't or e Forget Da TIE IS LOOTING FOR O A SUIT OR OVERCOAT' er a t Tailorand Gents' Outfitter 1�= THE EXETE TIMES -ADVOCATE Exeter Markets Market' report --=The followiug Lr the report of the `''Eteter Market' corrected eery Wednesday.. Wheat $1.35. Oats 45c. Barley 870, Manitoba Flour $4.90 Family Flour $4,65 Pastry Flour $4.15 Feed Flour $2,25 Bran' $1.60 Shorts $1.75 Butter 35c. Creamery Butter 41c Eggs—Extra, 700. ",Eggs -Special 50c. Eggs -Firsts 40c. Eggs—Seconds 30c. Lard 20c Hogs '$9.00 ,,.,,.e,•4b*l9♦/40141lia•a/�0 LOCAL ey.•• ea ***oIi1* `:.' Do your_ Christmas shopping, now. Municipal elections will soon oc- cupy the limelight.' The question:? now' is "Is- Indian Summer coning or has it gone?" Public and Sunday schools are preparing for Christmas entertain- ments. Mr. C. R. Howard, of New York, is visiting his mother, Mrs. J. N. Howard. Encourage early Christmas shop- ping by doing ydur Christmas, ad- vertising early. Little Miss Bernice Delbridge;has been confined to her home 'tieing quite ill with influenza. The merchants are making a bid for your Christmas trade. Read the advertisements in this week's issue: Mr. Jas. Handford, and daughter, Miss Annie returned Friday from a two weeks visit in Toronto and Lon- don. Mrs. L. H, and Dolly Dickson, of Goderich were visitors o s wi h t friends and relatives in town during the week. Mr. and Mrs. H. Rowe of Exeter visited with Mr, and Mrs. J. D. At- kinson on Suifday.—Clinton News Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Heideman re- turned home last week,after visit- ing isiting in Woodstock, Toronto, Kitchen- er and Stratford. Mr. Stuart Stanbury .has taken the position of Science Master' of Newburgh High Schoolfor the month of. December. Mr. W. F. Abbott has a pen of 200 Barred Rock yearlings that are averaging' 140 eggs a clay. :75 per cent of the eggs grade extras.' This section was visited 'with a fall of •the beautiful on Saturday last and during the day sleigh bells were heard for the first time this season More snow fell on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Luxton, Us - borne, have returned _from Toronto, where they were guests with Mrs. W. T. Roadhouse, while there they attended the Royal Winter Fair. Miss S. Kydd, school teacher, of British Columbia, who has been tak- ing a post -graduate course in New York, has been visiting for several days with relatives in this commun ity. Huron County council is in ses- sion this week. Reeve W. D. San- ders, of Exeter; Reeve •Wm. Coates;. of Usborne; and; Reeve A. Neeb, and deputy -Reeve John Hayes, of Ste- phen are in attendance. Week -end "visitors at James St. Parsonage were—Mr. and NTrs. H. Donnelly, and daughter Roma, of Straffordville, Mr. Earl Mickle, Am herstburg, Miss Hazel Honour, of London Normal School. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Foote, and two children spent the week -end at the Matter's 'parents, Mr. and Mrs. Sam. Walker, at Belmont: Mrs. A. D. McCallum who has been visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Foote returi;ed with them The many friends in this com- munity of Mr. Douglas Stanbury son of Dr. John Stanbury of Toronto, will be glad to learn of his success-' ful entrance into Grand Opera. On November 17th he made his debut as Silvio with the Chicago Grand Opera Company after having .spent several years inconcert work in New York where radio 'fans enjoyed his , singing 'at the 'Capitol Theatre. The Chicago Tribune made the fol- lowing complimentary- mentar Y 'referenco to his first appearance. e ranee. 1 "A �n pewb cri- tone Douglas Stanbury appeared as Silvio and was a surprise. Here is a fine voice, resonant, round and ardent, It would seem: as though more extensive roles were his due." LOST A buggy rug ,J lacii and brown, Finder rew‘decl by leav- ing at Times -Advocate office. >� Ii OUND— Autor �a l'. �cer No. �275- 181. - Owner can h aaJe same by pay - mg for advt. y A -Sip ly Time -A s dvocate WEEK C+ld'ABAItCR:5I:4S A; full' Sizecl'°�i ran Maho; ganfo y finish• r.dUy rIVirtzraan Ctiopiete with, ierclt . 5,"Martin'&'Son AGENTS' WANTL]Y -To still the Oiicl Reliable_, Fos,,hall N t . r " efi:.,a , ,,, s,.x tier dice meat n,eediSar , e offer• ' • cx- CIus�te. territory, camnis ro:^ \+•1 t1tt n1.1.hznc-ometree Outfit. Start A now at' best . elfin 'time, Stdnc & f' WOiling tosa, .Colonto,; CAVEN PR.I stnc',1ERM CHUROII Rov. James Foote, B.A., ' 111,inister 10 a.x,---Sunday School , and' Bible Class. 11 ann.--"God's Best in the World, and :Nature.,' The Minister 7 p,rn.—"The Second Watch." The Minister Young People's Guild, Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. JAMES STREET METHODIST', CHURCH / Rev. W. E. Donnelly, B. A., Pastor 10:15—Morning Class. W. Al, S, ANNIVERSARY 11 "a.m..—"Mary Slesson, The White Queen of Calabar:” Baptism of Babies 3 p. m,—Sunday-school and Bible Classes. 7 p.m.—A Challenge to World Siii- A hearty welcome to ail Trivitt Memorial Church. Rev. A. A. Trumper, L. Th., Rector. 11 a:.—"The Testimory of the Scriptures."' 7 p.m. --"Fulfilled Prophecy," 'a: powerful 'argument for the Scrip- tures.. FOR pigs, shaals— hGeorge` Link, Das WANTED— A general maid. Ap- ply to 14Prs. G.S. Atkinson, Exeter. FOUND—Several keys on a chain. Owner may havp s.anae by proving property rand p4ing expenses. Ap- ply at Times :'Office. BAZAAR AND SUPPER A Bazaar and Cafeteria -Supper will he heldin the 1w', Hall, Saturday, December 6th, b'q the Ladies' Ald of Trivitt ,Memorial church. WANTED Tlietricf agent for our Shrubs liberal ga ' free Write ¢now. Well "Nursery Co,, Weiland, Ont, Trees and qur,pment. ' Heifer Strayed—From Lott 5, .con 5, Hay Tp. a little over4'a week ago, a three year old elf r' grey with horns: Informatio p e„giadiy received by Wm. C. }paperlay, P. 0. phone Dashwood Central.' j STRAYED -Onto the premises of 111r. Albert E. Shier, Loyi`1, Con. 14, Usborne, about t l t of October, a two year old, �re,eer, with horns on, owner may ,lave same by prov- ing' property and paying. expenses. Steer Strad-Fi ye From Trot 13, Con. 6, Hay Tp., red and (te 2 -year-old steer, with horns,zy ig ring in lower side of left ear. r"Notify' Fred Ho- garth, Exeter, P. 0., phone Crediton 18r15, STRAYED -Froin Lot 18,: Con 3, Stephen, a pair of year ng heifers, one a dark" red wit ut horns the other a red `and iv ite with horns: Phone or write . J. Preszcator, R. R. 1, Exeter. `':` Phone, Crediton line. Suitable reward. STRAYED—A red ,�eifer, two years old 'from' theremises of under �� !signed, about;Nov&frber 1st: er please inform Ed. Maier, wood. " e Find- Dash - All accounts dire to Pollen and Foote must be settled on7er before December 10th. T e business has been dissolved a d- r, Foote, is leaving town llll accounts not` settled by the 10th will beplaced for collections.—Pollen and Foote. Farm For Sale—Lot 9, N. Thames Road, consisting of 100 acres more or less; On the ,property/ a •brick house, -9 rooms gc$d/bank 'barn,` never failing :well, roperty •is wire fenced, well. i clerdrainecl, fall plow iing done. Further.: particulars, ape ply to C. B. Allison, R. R, No. '3 Exeter; Telephone 173 r 24. V1rARN1NG TO TRESPASSh;R.S, The boys.•w-hoi are. ur r he habit of frequenting and deb, damage, at School- i H i `, owse. No, :Stephen, �n are la .. hereby .warned that they are known arid will be prosecuted if the, offence is repeated. (Sig:n;edY The Trustees FOR SALE A few choice cock- erels, bred -to -lay • Barred" ;Rocks, from high -producing noyhers, For record , of birds ',see ' o oal on this page. Also a few, S. C. White Leghorns and RIaode Tslan"d Red. _cockerels. Parties wishing early chicks should apply at once: W. F. Abbott. Lot for Sale -Containing five ad res of la:r cl being part of Lot 23, con Usborne Townshrp•-.=•xia "inile„nor th of T;ltaane,<! R,gad ,CChurcb„ quarter, anile frown sclgool ”' Flas.' a fine brirlc• cottage with/ ki chew equippecl'with w.a hroomhard{ and soft- Vater, new stable and, henhouse, lto us o al,•a orchard laic! a y and aa• T g cera. I osrosdss'n at once. For further particulars 'apply to the undersigned. J, Passntor°e Hensali, Ont,,:' ', 'Jx.URS1DAY, ,11ECEMBER,, 411111!111111MINI1IIIIlIIMI IIIIIIIIIOMIIIIII IIIII MI IIIlIII,IIIH IIIIlIIIIIIII! ,., I lIIIIIl11MIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIINIIIIIIIIII!lIIIIMIIICMIfilt� Masi Our range of goods for Xmas butr ers is larger• alio better than ever. It will please us to have you call and see our values. LADIES' HJR COATS only Ladies' Rat Coats They ar•e. exceptional values 'LADIES' CLOTH COATS All reduced in price for the late buyers,: Coats'' at $12.50, $15. and up Betty Brown Flannel Dresses In many styles'and colors PRICED at $7.50 to $.12.00 • LADIES' IU MONAS Warur`'and cozy for the cold weather priced at $7.00 SILK SCARFS Is many styles .and colors priced at, $2.25 to $4,75 NEW GLOVES ThreeSilk, Chamoisette and cape'at 75q. to • $3.50 NEW i•TOSIERY In silk and Silk -and' Wool $1,00, $1.50, ,$1,75 FANCY TOWELS In a big range of colors at 60c., 75c;,, $1;00 -and $1,25 ,SILK BLOOMERS In heavy ,weiglit and four shades. , $2.00 to $3:00.' SILK .VESTS • In different shades Priced at $1.75 and $2.00 T R A VALUE- - IN. NIEN SS Ov MINIMER COATS TH IS �iQNTH STANFI.ELD'S UNDERWEAR SWEATER 1`EIi COATS You can't beat it, We carry a full t.•All wool, . in' grey, green, and range, two piece` and combination. fawn. An ideal'Christmas gift, ea. $2.75 .7 5 GLOVES AND MITTS Big variety at popular prices Alen's Felt and Leather. Slippers What could be better' for Christmas priced ,at'$2.00 to $2.50 o,uthcott Bros ��ninmumuunnmmimmnn���iiuimunmmmumnuinm�mnuiinnnoummnnnnnmmnnnmmnnnmii�� 011011111111, 1111011.1110. Armommeinsammalsonammt Phone TWO STORES Delivery RVE3Y'S' Service Grocery. We Hand You the Best' groceries in the market when you buy at_ our counters. Best by actual test of quality, for we buy with the view of pleas- ing those who buy from us, and therefore insist- upon the higher grade in all goods.But our prices are never boosted because, we handle only the best products. CLRISTMAS ALMOST IRE IN SELECTING YOUR CHRIST- MAS GIFTS TWE A LOOK THRO- UGH OUR 1IIIMENSE STOCK -OF FURNITURE, LARGEST AND BEST WE EVER HAD. YOU ,WILL SEE MANY 'THINGS SUI ABLE FOR XMAS GIFTS L AT RIGHT PRICES. R. N. RO`E EMBALMER AND FUNERAL DIRECTOR PHONE 20W PHONE 203' Andnsur � .Vice. YOUR PAIR NAGE SOLICITED TED E. OFFICE: North of Elliott and Johns We have a few home made sets which we will a 1 be glad to offer at the cost of parts alone, we guaran- tee these to work perfectly, Try us for Radio parts, A and B batter- ies, tubes, loud speakers,: head sets etc, Westinghouse and Zenith sets in stock and we will be glad to,quote Prices on any standard make, See us before buyinge,a..Radio, w✓, We "!'lave` r s ', secured th agency for FOR SALE Several Good Stoves, cheap - Oil Heater, cheap Good Ladies Fur coat. with . Sable Collar. ' Strong light wagon, Strong_ light, bob s�er � g4s' Gent's heavy Over'cga£, bargain Excellent Fur Sto 6, cheap' Information re above at '. lC'O�VEr1L S I3g7AAR Phone 55 W. R .Goulding A. T. C. M. Organist and Choirmaster James St. Methodist Church. Teacher of Piano, V cal and The- ory,, Instructor of,ie in the Public Schools. TERMS MODERATE; Box 57, Exeter. CLEANING PRESSIN` G and REPAIRING C • SUITS. 312AD 1 -'z'0-MEASURE TO FIT YOU ND ,OUR POCKET , WORK CALL 'FOR / AND DE - .LIVERED. _ A . LIVERED. ELLIOTT AND ,JOHNS Dr.H.,•G. F•1etcher,L.M. :C.. Me ualier of the oi le ge bf Phy- sicians ad:A5ttgeonof ',Ontario.- ' Office op.posi e RoFurniture Store, Main, Street. Phone 156 Exeter, Out; ARTH'[7 R WEBER/ Auctioneer T �;v, Dashwood Licetls'ed .Auetionce 4 ,_ the T:11, i+l!OR1+JS ,CI;I.,EY SETS, iarro au'td :slxrrit ,sa3es„ r Huron Co and cdr sell` lbeti.�^7C. ?t , , tns,lo�i: as $22, , each. Do, net buy a Radio until you have tested one of these sets and 1 -HORSES vox con tired the' „P r ac o. Ford Magnetos os net �T 1_ i CrIANGN; tested `free, r r !lave a nunilaer of I Dr;vers�,rtuI � Vont `"Il�irscs that , ex ` I FRANK TAYLot, 11xe'tc1"r �BEER Exeter ANDY EASTON Licensed Auctioneer for the Conti.. cy of Huron. Correspondence arrange. Dents for sales can be made by call.• ing up the Central Hotel, Exeter. Charges moderate, satisfaction.. gnaranteed. I. R.-CARLING B.k Barrister, Solicitor, &c., Loans, Investments, Iflenraiice, Office, Carling Block, Main St. 1piCe G. S. Atkinson, L.D.S.,D.D.S DENTAL SURGEON Graduate of the. Royal College .of Dental Surgeons of Ontario and Ual- versity of Toronto. Late District Dental Officer, Milt- tary District Number One, Load t,... Ont., ti Main 0 ce, Main St. Exeter. Oft., Phon 34, Ea er; Hours 9.00 a.m. to 5.30. ,nr. " Office hours at 'ZURICH ONT., Tues, only, at 10.00 o'clock a. . to 5.0t o'clock p.m. Phone 79. r A. E. TENNANT Veterinary Surgeon Office--McDonnell,s 1usies ,etable es John. St. Phone. calls receive prompt attention. hone 26w Local Cart age. I AM NOW IN A POSITION'!'® GIVE OUR LOCAL TRADE,_ MOST 111MMEDIA-TE SERVICE. H. Bagshaw TRY US Phone 58W Cochrane Machine Works Ford motors reground, fitted with Pistens, Complete $16.00• '°Every make of Car Motor and'Engines re- ground with Pistons Coma "le p to to fit, also Tractors. 'FARMS FOR SALE—A few choice farms i the Townships of ,Usborne, Tuckere ith• and Hibbert:.. Good bulletin a dwell. � located as to xaarm kets, Priced •right, Apply to' Thorw. Cam1ao+ton, Aunt.. T3oi 154. Exeter ERNEST EELLIOT. "CON VI7Y Y tlCilli I', N , TC -IIGH CLASS " INVES'1 ME,"., (Trustee Investments) ) Bearing interest at 51/2 per c INSURANCE Office: Main St: Exeter, Ont. }RAUSE stir I aR SIlIx, Two lots cornering on ,Wellington & Williani' Sts.; ' 7-roorh bricktiwel with ling kltclien and woodshed; .. good Cellar, hard and ,soft" water, electr' rC, h h gissta stable, e, :garage`-' •and lion house. Easy terms' and a : bar- gain for quick sale. :For terms ap- ply en ,promises Or to /too, Comer - n, Aoot., Dox. 164,.1}xot,er, ° Moo ,et' Jerady cow- for Osie dna' hi Elope 1t^ „'