The Exeter Times-Advocate, 1924-12-4, Page 4a THE EXETER t G e -_____--•_ __-...-.,.,__,___�- ;', .,. '� ''s: „with the 'sznt�Ei^itY of th�l# .cll,a,,, , and l'1`I etand _ d �t a in rix iris Wilde iboth U t3 R, to o c, .E L tl es z WEEKLY -�, a r. ?(lN,d,:iZlt4� '4?,1J ,the it�trents of Mr. It was 1 • N. visited ti t Creech Y S d j C )0 ilk '' A. I'1- NEWSPAPER. I+,t,, A cl � r, party lett ti a nehester on the d after a 9' h au ill v 1, t� of x J moon , 5 over two 110tx_ ''1e blti)xi `ride of a lett arrived those •l T'd at 'ETadragato, one Of, so we hear and /coag. ^S, 0 f. which. 9 u 'ranee ;and. .1e •n' in Soul alma iixar On p, Rhine. the hi ne. lY, are re - <x ,� is sur baths 1 The, saline sz..p for gout, trE t,x ttamil!.i:aldc�cl as tL suresum- mer s. '1 alk/ = Ltuatistn, The •slut and m treat- 115. aye mainly used lrl ex• li a t , fatty degen- eration diseases, treat- ment � f skin, ic fey - Or, V- .itll at •he r heart. i he 11L t t ci:n o a > ei ieu- 'c xl ' 11 oz tobacco heart, and chronic by are alleged to bo cured �xlcit]�llt. the '<. carbonic acidgas treatment. In fact every disease that flesh is heir to can be partially or• wholly, cured by the treatment at 'Harrogate. C. Ward of the Exeter Canning C� Co. Dr, and Mrs. Ward received d themin the true l+augllsh " naanzxe1;; d ail 'visit'wlth td a deligYdtt they y la and 1 the aged couple, and other ahem-,bn • � e •s of the family.ly. Since e th,at' died. .. WardWardrias ,time 112rs i, > an. GCOnrl t a In tYrn6 g .� to their city the Harrogate Herald. y. ..as,-' 7he Canadianparty )arty: were i- i dist z ha hilted'" amongst. the best tel ,s and an excellent t programme had.: bee, n, mapped out for themfor their'brief lid. Ggnsequ atay Ovel': the week -end. 'da fa x is Y a 1.11 y =ed rOS Sunday 11v 1 en our Colonial visitors, whose love and admiration for the Mather Country, and their open-handed friendshiP, was the most prokninent feature of their personality, and impressed' one those, who had : the privilege o Ceivxin g them. The morning was a g the l charming interval of anuliper, , l Visitors were early astir, and were, elig ht.ful at- mosphere, the glint of the Uri ' siinslhine on to ria ge and the fiweis yvzthwhich. the town. is so. •, ii• ' - tour was d The • one .. ofnsly gird I ) ion at the invitation of the Corporation, then Cs.' $ipd makes evev cha.'s Pill worth ,at least a ollar an- - '_ t' • Time it has Saved you. 75; Pass, GG"don 1-Ie!1ett 1/0 tr the TIME ' DVOCATE nortix, If is, o^n the Saver Ouse in Ue t. hi t 3 r which empties into the much crossing the moors one seoe• g Heather, Yoi'k is a of the..7+Jilclisir 'kle ,_. inhabitants, About city of 86,000 h �: ten n it s out of t l '` city is the bat- tlefield at-tiefi ld of Marston Noor where the, Royalists met the Roundheads 'and swonade "ice Parliamentary, fU tl e r 'il d :victory in - 11,44. , ;Next to �?e, Canteilbtiiry its arclzUislrop c omeS �itl• order of )lecdex ice o n state occa s i0ns. ' 1 ' e The first object of interest Enan ' to'be'pointed out in this ecclesiastic- al ea s i d is g • 1ilial of Northern _ York Minster, In noble dignity and ,w:-, rongeur it is unStii sassed ' S 1X0 ,.... ina.s g ;? by any over English Catlredral.,It ,is of er 700 Years s old and isblack with i il an- tiquity, There are no fewer than 1,09 windows in this. Cathedral.The great east window has 220 subjects represented 'in, stained glass over a surface as large as a,, full-sized ten- nis court. Cardinal ,Wolsey whose vaulting ambition; cost him his head by that muchly-married King, -Henry 1V, was oue of York's arch- bishops. The antiquity of York is shown from the fact that it was : sa • 0 aualalmostast a dozens motor ox ,clalsa banes were chartered and picked up 'v hotels. s ect e es >. the z � • at 1. • s lto the ,v1S i. n tow. the , _, •' a tour of n followed the including a run ove • n Harlow the . aat 'Road, and 'the Duchy Estate, M r u h • bo 0 nn. os g � x to I ;and thence on and back in time for the civic re Geption in the Winter Gardens' of Royal Baths at 11:3'0 .a.m. The the" Roy brief motor tour 'was most interest- ing, and the Canadians were em- phatic in their admiration of all they had seen and learnt. Indeed, many of them were quite :conversant with tht chief 'features ,of the surround - in s. Some of them knew Harro- gate , people who had settled down 80 by Agricola, in their patriotic colony, and were founded in the year .2 5 years ears afterthe e : Romans an s u n d er Julius Caesar first landed in Bri- tain. York xs ono of the two walled cities in Jngland, Chester beingthe other and remains of the old tonian The, Constipation Habit costs more than timefolit sets you bat* in many ways. It lowers vltaIliYD•,Clts , down your ability, wastes even the food you, eat. Betham's ?ills make your bowels free and replan Theyare famous also as an aid to digestion' and a ' stimulant to the Ryer. Beechams Pills, -by helping the entire digestive tract, benefit the whole system. . Sold Everywhere in Gailada , ., ;'I'- , •t �D 4 Y,'. 3', ICTOR'Y" Flour 'goes a long way to Vii. s s,Ur iflg complete success in aking. It's. •. an - all-purpose,"' flour, equally: as good_ for use in your dainty and fla: pastry „1 cakes � ' as nthe baking .T o ry'r•�, AS • b�'e�. i,.. e�f from the finest n wheat, ,'by„ with.great "mills a capacity of 8,Q00 barrels ' daily. J " "'Victory" T° Flour by •�� for . it It gives IIr�1"I1c�. insist actor.. perfect satisfaction. Dominion Flour Mills, ' Limited LD1 a Montreal ' TEtfeOid pecial Prices to • 1 ''4 bei 8st o • ulass III-�c�lars, 'Marjorie j orie Foote 78• Lorne • IIOWitY rand- JaekkKerni40k a- ' + Gz f ° HiiYilrii' G9,*WalterDavis60, Fail,LidStdnlake 54 Cecil Smith 50. Class .II-Honors,Florence Ae. Donald -78; • EileenSims 75 Pass, 0. Reed 69; GUrdon Sanders 65;Fred aixumons G1 Gettiex60. • " . _. Class Ta-Pass,Irene Van Camp. andGertrude Conlin 70; Vilet Luker 60;Fail, David Kestle 55, Class Ib -Pass Orville Webber 74; Ronald Rowland, Marion Waler and Gerald Cornish 60 Fair, Joe. Golvier 45•.* missed tests through Sickness, No.enrolled 38; average attendance 32,5. Olive M.TaYtor, Teacher. glad to speak of them, showing how ivuF' closely and affectionatelyinterwov- the Mother and .:the Colonies. It was g a' delightful realization. tie :.. n xs the between e After 'lunch the'4p'airty was taken by motor coaches 'to inspect .I?oun-. tains Abbey. It is not .unusual• for visitors to have access • to these. on'a,Sunday, but an -except xactl theuur?rbei of clays zn. one,was made in the. Years e Y -ration' i ion, a rarerich bythe`,assoc a year which ,• i_ . 'h 11 :which - •,' n Y . ad la pRo an s,the the Cof oflength caken the e s 1 g iialre ideas as l xa lege' was greatly appreciated.cnf ..Not t,man swaY in' England easily/ remem- bered. In a crypt. in York Minster we were shown the place were the first Masonic Meeting -was held in the north of England. ' wand are; still to :be seen. In these walls, stone . roads, • and the many words in the English language 'from, the Latin tire' the evidences- of °Rol. man' 'occupation.. which taste. d'•365• ate in this respect, but they had the added enjoyment of being conduct- ed over the ruins by Dr. C. H. Moody C.B.E., the celebrated organist at Ripon Cathedral.. This meant a good deal, for Dr. Moody is an auth- ority on Fountains Abbey. His re- ;marks as the party went over the. ruins illuminated 'the history of the 'Abbey He conjured up a series of mental pictures, each one descriptive of the life of Fountains from its be- ginning, and one with imagination could almost visualise the daily .life. of the Cistercian plonks and elite)• 1.1 into the spirits of their .devotions, while catching something of .their domestic habits •and their hospitable 'reception of travellers and others. As perhaps, no oue else could Iiave done, Dr._ Moody threw shafts of light on the architectural interests of the Abbey in order that we could Igrasp the wonderful constructive a- • bilities of those early monks."' It is i -'doubtful whether any guide, philos- opher and' friend at Fountains has , shad -`a. more . 'appreciative audience . ' than were the Canadian visitors; for one and all surrendered themselves ,wholly to the mediaeval glamour of the Abbey and listened with rapt attention to all that was said. Fountain's Abbey was founded by the Cistercian monks in 1132 when 16 'monks,,dissatisfied with the tax. 'discipline at St., Mary's Abbey tin, York, founded the celebrated Foun- tain's Abbey. It is among the 4+ greatest ecclesestical ruins in. Eng - ,0 "Ill land and it is truly marvellous. how the great piles of masonry were :II 'built to such a height in those early days when the stone had to be lifted -i- by hand. It has been found neees- sary to prop the walls in some places Grass is now growing over the stone where the roof of the abbey fell in hundreds of years ago. From here the party motored on to Ripon, :where the ,members were meta -1)y the Mayor and Mayoress (Ald. and Mrs. Hemsworth) .who entertained us to an excellent lunch, which we were able to stand after the long walk around the grounds of the Abbey. • LOCALS Three weeks` froiu to -day wil Christmas. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Snell are sting 'in London.; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fraser ,are vis- iting in 'Pt. Huron and Detroit. EXETER SCHOOL REPORT ROOM IV be vis Miss Thelma Z+n. Y lox is still con grounds fined to her home through illness. Mrs. W. J; Bissett returned home in sit rail extended v last week after Paris .and Toronto. , •,Mr"s. W. . S. Howey speut;the week- end in London with lief' parents, Rev and Mrsr;E. A. Fear,. >Mi•. Janes: McCurdy •of .Simcoe ,St: - was taken to the Ontario Hospital: at London last week. >: of ' and babe Mrs. M isler M s Mr.'' and London, spent' Sunday with Mrs. Mil- ler's father; Mr: L. Day. A iON SALE FtARMOFST0dK • _.. • ono LOT 6,-00N ,..0, STEPHEN TP, - ON - •. .. , FRIDAY', 1)'LCERIBEI1131924 at 1 o'clock •p.m.,t1 following ,CATTLE -3 oows newly 1 GowcnduenDecenber. 1 cow due in March; l'cow due in May; 2cows clue in tst,Gowd�ktin int calf; 6 steers '2 3eaxa';ol:°'6 y0n.i ing steers; 1 calf. HOGS -3 sows with litter at foot; 2 sows due February 1st, 1soVdile' March1st• 1 Tamworth boar; 26 Young ogs:f on 50 to 100lbs. TERMSUr sALE Five monthscredit on approved joint notes, with 6 per cent per an- num off for cash. Frank Taylor Lloyd B. Hodgson, Auctioneer ' Proprietor bribN SALE of FAi?,,M STOCK & IMPLEMENTS- ' MYLE)J S-- 'AN,D M 1 N' HOUSEHOLD FURNITU On LotI.2, Cosy, 4, USBORNEr o: LDNLS D 4[L YD DECD.:*3ER 10, 1 W 'tom at 1 o'clock, the fo llowing- I[orsea-Gzey Y,� reron mare,, 4 Years • ofdi g netarpuipose •niare, ive: 4' Ye ars Old, The following' is the report .for November. The-. 'astern; denotes tests Missed and bracketed numbers subjects failed in? • ` Sr. IV honors=Irene''Bierling 77; Roy Batten 75. Pass Alda MCDon- old =72, "Jen lie•: Passmore. 71,. Wilma Kay 70, Willie' Sanders 68',... Grace Chambers 66'`, Georgena Nelson 66, Kathleen Reid •6-6; Baden Powell 64 (1) Tom Kay 64 (1), Alvin Pass- more 63 (3).' Failed -Stanley Wal- ter 59, Clifford;.Hutchison 59. (1), Madeleine Deariiz,g.59 (1), Hilton Laing 58, (3) .: Jr; IV honors -Wil- lie 'Ellerington.;78,, Gladys Hunkin 78, Geraldine Bti ke 7.6, Violet Gam - brill 75,,•Helen thhale'75..' Pass Willie Balkwill 73,' Mable Snell 72, Mary ,Wells .72, Clarence Boyle' 70, Russell Snell 69 .(1), Dorothy Din- ney 63 (2), Russell Collingwood 63, (2), Clifford Lahport 62 (2., Geo. Andrew 60 .(1)," Harold McDonald 60 (2), Loretta Little 60 (2), "Fail- ed -Charlie Loder 59, 'Jean Wal - per 56 (1), Roy .Sanders 55 (2), W• Lee 54 (2), Lillian Payne 53 (1), Nelson Wells 50 (3`), G. S. Howard Principal, Number on roll '38. Av- erage attendance 37.6 Mrs. Jas. Wanless left•Tuesday• for her home in Duluth after visit- ing her `mother, Mts. L. Hardy. Mr. Harvey Hi1l)»of London, spent the week -end with her'parents Ivrr. and Mrs. Thos. Bissett, of Usborne. Mr. and Mrs. King and family of. Exeter North, have moved into the residence vacated. by Mr. W. Cut - It egistex•ed Cattle C'eWr due, ,ivlay 26 . heifer 'call, fo -t•'' ears Bald, lx L u he -ler w,a o1d �;T ie se areae lm zbl e ' ior.regist'atuon• 1 Hereford 3u11, 18:, months old, LaddieChance, No. 50781, , sine Bruhnitvet s ChairGei 35472r r /dant•. I,iiiiy L • ' 'att�a 9$62, Gracie Cattle -cow, due/ Jan,. 4, heifer"'• attl cow due fan, 22, cow due LL 17,i.. due. Jan, . '.e 3 heifer cow'due ,Marc11 .0, Fel>. . ; feu.August 5 cow; due �xi, g Nov. 1 � freshened , • eslx�e fn 1tfarrow Cow, 4 st e er 2 years old, d 4 heifers 2 years old, 3 yearling heif- ers 3 yearling steer's, 3 spring calves_ Pigs -Purebred Fef., sow ow with7 pigs,. 3 weeks old; 2purebred Berk. ?togs,, sow, 5 months rold`, 10 pigs, 2 months � old; 7 pigs,1100 to 1.25 lb. each, Poultry -50 hens, 6 geese. lniplements-Wagouh, seed rlrill, gas engine; 6 Horse power, , Fairbanks Morse; circular saw, Premier 8 -Inch -. greadier, ,Maple Leaf grinder, 25 gal. steel drum, tongue/ 'truck, straw cutter, ,;' 2,000 lb, capacity scales, Stewart horse_ clippers, emery, corn cwltaator, iL& Ys -' . whiffletrees. Grain, etc. -25 bushels ifinpire oats " �n� lots ••. 4 bushel '-2 to u d rL ' for seed, sold r fit 100 bushels' barley; 150 bushels ru:r d 200"bushels oats, quantity mixed.' NOTICE TO CREDITORS THE BANIU4ITPTCY ACT In the Estate of Jorn 'Edward Compbell, Authorized Assignor. , HEREBY GIVEN that NOTICE IS HT; John Edward ;Campbell, did 'on the November, er 1924 make aa of , 21st. Y 'his ' ninent of all 'assignment n authorized . g a property for the benefit of his Cred- itors) and 'that Edmund Weldr „' Of - x ) Receiver has` appointed pie" to: ficial be custodian of the Estate of • the 'until ,the •Creditors at their Debtor first meeting ;shall elect a•;trustee to of tl-ie debtor. administer isle estate' isfurther given that the NOTICE first meeting of creditor's in, the above estate *ill be held at'the of- fce of I. R. Carling, Exeter; Ontario on the 5th day of December, 1924 at 11 -o'clock in ,the fore -noon. To entitle you to vote' thereat proof of your claim must be lodged• with nhe,before the meeting is held, Proxies ,to be used at the,meeting lodged with .me prior thereto. And further 'twice- notice. that if you have against the debtor for which you are entitled' to rank, proof of such claim must 'be filed with me within thirty days from the date of this notice for, from and;: af- ter the expiration of the time fixed by .,subsection 8, of section 37, of the said Act, I shall distribute the. proceeds of the debtor's estate a- mong the parties 'entitled thereto, having regard only to the'claihis of which I have then notice. • Dated at London this 27th day of November ' 1924. Hodgins and Mr. and 1\2rs. Rd. Hill,_ F. W,.Raymond, Custodian i of Crediton, Box •171, London, Ont introduce ice, AOSS bush. "" Mrs. Harvey Hill, of London; spent the week end with her,, parents Mr. and Mrs. . Thos. Bissett of Us- borne. Mrs. Fred Hannan of near Mit- chell, is visiting her parents, Mr. and `,Mrs. J'. " J. Miller. of Exeter North. grain, hay: "r or coon 'ort,ia;iv ,e wood•,1>..,. Home Comfort range; asllin r . machine•, and other household': ww. � , effects d : under cash ; ' ()Vex' Tierzus-E10 an ' tb t amount 121'm •ths credit giveoeon a proved joint, notes,' or a- discont p for ass%: dl,count at 5 ger cent �a11 Grain Cash. Mr. and Mrs. Morley Wilson, of Dresden, motored up and spent the week -end with the , latter's grand-, mother; Mrs.. Walker. • Ripon is the second city to get a charter in England, Leeds being the first and 'London third. In Ripon the custom of the wakeman blowing` a horn every night at nine o'clock still prevails. When ; this was first instituted it was used somewhat for. the same purpose as the curfew bell. The wakeman was responsible for anything stolen between 9 and 3 Con - had to ' citizen t o'clock ` and each enii for every door 'the'I honors-Ilelei tiira(rier tribute a penny ,Jr," TI, •'4. r wakeman watched, If arzytiling' 88,Reba Simmons 82, Eileen Sue ll *as stolen during tile night the city 81, Margaret'` Taman 80, Teddy' Bat - fathers arranged in the morning the 'ten 78.:Pass-Mavis _Spondex '73, amount •.tihat'was to made good by Stanley, Ware72, 70. the wakeman. The horn used Jr.',xl, B(liailors=lielenf lxumper 92, by the wakeman for. our bene• fi• t was' Rowe Diiiiey'9'0, Ray Creech •87,",D. made fromthehorn of the last wild 'Sinls.85, Myrtle Lee 82, Ray Hut - steer found hi England. The Chap- chisoil 80, Irene • Mooney 77. Pass Ripon as a city is May.Quance "73, Ji•. II, C honors - ter confirming written with a quill, pen .on two Grace Baker 93, May Shns 92, Edith .hent.' The chapter 87 Eileen Cornish 83, Fred E1- skins of parer Cann was granted by Xing Athdlstan in lerington 73, Clifford Heywood 76, he city.plate and regalia Jack Pr de 75, Pass -Hazel Clark 93b. All t ...J Y._ were exhibited for the visitors pleas - 70. Sr. I, hon. -Gordon Appleton lire, among them being, a baldrick 93, Harold Ross 91, Warren Sanders which contains the insignia of each. 89, Gordon 'May 84, Charlie_ComPlin wakeman who held office. I1 was 76: Pass--Vyi•ne Smith 73. Jr.. I, pointed out that George Washington; honors-Jeann Stanbury '9'4, Phyllis forbears came from. Ripon and from Bierling 90, Jeanette Tainan 87, V. e. scroll in the old home city he de- Elliott 85, Elizabeth Foote 80, Ger - signed the stars and stripes of the trurle Is.owcliffe 79, Norval Jones 78, United States. Charlie Cox , 76, Pass -Harry Bea - On tite way to Ripon Bruce people ver 72, Kathleen Govier 70, Verdun Reading some of the election dope in the London mayoralty contest Anderson might well ..have said "Spare me from.1mY 'friends." . tittle Miss` Olive Parsons, daugh- ter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Parsons, of Usborne, who has been ill with in- fantile paralysis, is improving nicely ROOM III Jr. III honors -Ruby Stone 91, Dorothy Davis 91, Utah Clarke 89, Edlnund Wethey.88, '.Constance Jen- nings 82, Marguerite Cann 81, Al- lan Fraser 8-1, Florence Cornish 80, Marion Davis- 80, Wm. Burke 79, J. Penhale 79, Stella Little 78, Edith Kestle 75. Pass Thos. Ellerington 74, Helen Salter.74, W. Chambers 71 Burton ' Donnelly . 67, ,Jr. lII, B. honors -Florence Stewart 81; Ho- ward Kerslake x'81, Pass Chester Cornish. 71, • Kenneth Hockey 69, Ruth 'Fraser 69; Dorothy Luker 63. SR. _II, honors -Edith Clysdale 95, Adeline Stone 91, Jean Pilon 88, L. MacDonald 87, :.Allan Quance 80, J. Stanbury 79, 1\1'arjorie Complin 76. Pass -Mervyn Simms 74, Vera Kes- tle 74, Elmer iTunkin 69, Jas. San- ders 67, Russel Crews 67. No'. en- rolled 41,, Average • attendance 38.2. HKM. Kinsman, teacher ROOM II The Salvation Army Christmas Tree and Concert will be held in the Opera House on Tuesday, Dec.•23rd. Rev. Mr. Donnelly will occupy the chair. G. A. .Wenige .,,.,was reelected mayor of London on Monday with a majority of 4;674 over Ald. John A. Anderson. This" is Mayor Wenige's, third term. Rev. H. E. Livingstone, of Elim- ville, occupied the pulpit of James St. church Sunday evening and preached a very splendid sermon in the interests of education. Wm. Food Frank 'Taylor • Proprietor ..A,uctitoneer* hank Coates, Clerk On Friday evening Mre. and Mrs.. ', H. Horton off Andrew street, cele- brated their silver wedding. °• The guests of honor', were Rev. and 'Mrs.: - Foote, Mr. and Mrs. H. Strang; Mr. and Mrs. H. Hueston and, Mr. and Mrs. G. S. Howard, Misses E. Huston. and E. ' Howard served. Heartiest best wishes were extended to, Mr -- and Mrs. Horton on the occasion Among those from a distance who, attended the funeral of the late Dr. 'Sweet, were Messrs. John and Elijah Caldwell, of London; Mr. J." E. Tom of Godericli; Dr. Routledge, of` Zur_ ich; Dr. Campbell, of Hensall; Nlrs.. Jas. Hodgins, Mr. and Mrs. Alonzo - The Woolens ,Institute are asking for donations of money, fruit and bedding for the needy of the town. Donations to be left with M'rs. G. Cochrane and Mrs. T.''Dinney on Dec. 11 and 12. Mrs. Geo. Geddis, returned to her home in London on Friday after visiting her daughter, Mrs. , Win. Snell, of town. Mrs. Chas. Ald- worth returned with her and spent the week end in London. St. Andrews Day -was observed -in Caven Presbyterian church on Sun- day. Tire minister, Rev. Mr. Foote preached a splendid sermon on St. Andrew. Mrs. Rutherford delight- ed the congregation with a solo "My Ain. Country" rendered in excellent yoioe. - / . n • SiiiitlaY' ' was- educational Anil.. versary on the Exeter District. Nevi G. C. Gifford, of Lucan dccui)ied the pulpite irl 'Main St., churcirhSun- day morning and Rete r A. Boa preached in the evening, both, deliv- Bring, fine sermons in the interests of education. -Mr. J. L. Airth, who has been, working with the H.E.P.C, near Pet- rolia had the misfortune to get the inside ankle bone of his left leg. fractured when a hydro pole fell on it He returned home from the: wore reminded of a, vivillagein their Wells 70. No. ori roll'48. Aver - own lounl;y .a„, they Passed through age attendance 45.3 1? -11)10Y. It 1' a li'oTxxl)itioi} v 11<l e N. Medd -,s the squire, •,.lies owns file t eai es - ^•l- r n which the vilia5e is htillt w -e w311 net, allow liquor,, to be sold 'en the place: --Near Ripon; r could; `be s eeii ,considerable of, the,clascarded material used in, building' the huts b ar,criPiecl so Idlers after' the great oy aa,r berme they were demobilized, We left Harrogate Monday -morn - lug, July 21st. It is a short run of a little over an hour almost ,due cast, to York the chief city of the ROOM 1 eacher, • , Cla s,,1y Gladys Stone 79; Ber- riice Delbridge 78,;' Vera Donnelly' 76 7essie .1eniiiugs 15; Pass *Betty Coin •plin 70. IV I1nors' Marjorie Ker - Ambition. whatever it may be, will be more easily achieved if you have creat. ed a strong ally in the shape of'a Savings Bank balance. It gives courage in present difficulties and confidence for the future. No beginning is too small and no aim too high. Open. an account to -day. THE+ 1 CANADIAN BANK +;; r cOMMERCE RC Caporal Pard Exeter . Branch Crediton Branch - Up $20,000,000 0 000 Reserve Fuad $20 -` M. R.:Complin,, Manager G. G. Maynard, Manager hospital recently and is able to be around.. on crutches. The Ladies Auxiliary of 'frivitt TI Mein, church had on exhibit, Mon-. day a splendid bale of useful articles; that they; are' sending to the Indian Mission at McLeod, Alta. The' Rector Rev. A. A. Tramper took advantage of the occasion to give'. an interest- ing lecture 011 "Around the World the" with the M. S. C. C. showing work of. the ;ylissionai'y Society in Canada and other fields, An ,agent representing one -of the t v ElC' las n e city dailies visited 'Exetert e and nice epreseuted' this paper • hi saying that et amounted to the sap e tieing "whether . the subscriber re-�' mewed through biiti' or- our office. per and at the same I 72 4Iaty Vain Cane 68 i, ,,. o Ir papers •11ioD, Co. , •''l3ilfiel.'enhale 60; ',cation by it?cw_.t} .Y t p �' a�2r)voi*I � • Incorporated 1855 CAPITAL - $4,000,000 RESERVE -' $3,000,000 OVER 120 BRANCHES ,IN CANADA MOLSONS BANK. THE Pay by Cheque Pay' your bills by cheque and ,secure the :advan- tages of an :accurate record and automatic re ,•.[• 1 CE r. • p. Every facility offered, for•, opening '`checking ac counts any of• -our many branches. tetr co r. t• nn. e S M a ' OOD g . EXETER BRANCH T.l�. STP +. r AL i MUTUAL i:1SIIOItNE & : IIII373DI;wT i �Y FIRE INSURANCE "COMP $ice Farquhar, Ont. E,tead O , President, JOHN ALLISON Vice -President, SAS: McKENZIE DIRECTORS THUS. RYAN SIMON DOM' ROBT.'NORRIS, WM. BROC K AGENTS Centralia, Agent for JOHN ESSETtX, tlaborne and Biddulph. OLIVERHARRIS, "Munro, Agent for Hibbert, Fullerton and Logan. hL W. A. TlTita�RUI Secretary -Treasurer Box 98 Exeter, Ontario. GLAI➢M:AN•& STANBUTRY Solicitors,' Exeter. �'�. , • • , r . a+, •B., Aahts DEN'r'IS'F` Class - " o Mildred Quance and 'e can save you 1Io J Ce pie OL�43g olex' I. R. parI1t1 '1 Ker - nick 76; 1 u a, time give you absolu 1 nt'i Charlie Snell 66, 1 „to edziaFatAa1 xaEt€ hBiiyitt0nd Siuitlt 60;.' -'ail; Ivan 'LWeb' tlirou�;jr ilii.., lix7�eS Adl0ca{.e. 004, DR. A. B. KINSMAN, donor Gretdnete - of Toronto C .:ivelir- •Ita. DKNTIST - an & StanburY'a'.. ()Mee over madman office, Main 19treet, Exeter. MONY TO LOAN, We have a large amount of private fundi to loan on farm and village Properties, at lowest rates of 1 •1 terest. STANBUR'' OId1.D;�AN Barristers, Solicitors, • 1 Main SI,< , 4ilicetiEr. Ontario 'JAMES W. WATSON P N E,1' TJC TIO LICENSER A • ' any locality. Sales c'ondu(cedin F ari Stock ,sales a specialty. Satis- faction guarariteed. Charges mod- „ Orate ° Order0 left at this office will tended to. Itay. be promptly' attended .R• N 5;4/2. 1, Kirk ton:' Phone Kirkton