HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-13, Page 2UR4 WINGR N TIMES, S IT r. U-31, 1,901. KERNELS YRON THE It has been said plums cannot be saved Adara McDonald of the 0th eon, of On Tuesday, Drs. Bunter and Golloty �•t TT from the Curoulip. At the rectory, Riuloss has a 1lorsa thirty nine years of visited t11A county jail and examined SANCTUM M11. t�, Gederioh, every plum tree N heavily age which is @till in active service, Mr. Samuel Mart au Hid Jas. Flynn, of ---- laden with fruit without a blemish anti DdaDouald drives 111n to clturoll iv I,ucl,. W olio Jahustou, o! r y r awanosli, and J unnunvnnunu���m°unuunuuunnuu,niu°unnii�;T* Paragraps trom our gxehan es the owner says it is because hes rays in now, over four guiles d 1 s G a it t ever Wilihant to re ort ou •thout as lunatics. ; K y p spring and fall. Sabbath. The old horse looks as Toting the first two were comniitteil for lunacy !` Teeswater's tax rate is 18 mills. Woodstock Sentinel- Review: Thos. as all eight year Old and eats oats with by Mr. Ward, J, P., of Dungannon, and t Luckuow's rate of taxation is 22 mills. Rennie, Park Row, is the •owller of It great relish, " the latter: by Messrs McKenzie. and 'r Clinton has at last found a site for the remarkable lien Of which he is very Judge Silvara of Des Moines, Iowa, Dulinage, of Winrhom, as a tramp, and r n est uiiiceproud, It lay eggs averaging , .s e g frfrom8 has yclo iy ugh to the chagrin of ofiicous they will likely be brought before the t p The Galt Reformer gays there is a to G inches in circumference. A sample polies men, decided that , p(ioniug, hug, county judge for conimittal.•-Goderich -V _ Ukelihood of the recent rains causing a of the eggs is on exhibition in the S. -R, ging aucl hissing in it public park in Star, tvfndoty. platin view of the passers-by is not" a Miller's Grip Powder's Care. Sold by second growth of pottuoes. a Znor biliousness tr Miller'a Graules. , isdomeanor, tug offense, or o. crime, but Colin A. Campbell. FAC -SIMILE Miller's Granules cure sallow skill. Sold b Gtillu A. Cow Campbell. is allowable under ,the statutes and or. Mrs, Mary A. D'IcLtito, ]atullady of the I Ik. Sold by Colin A. Can►pbAil. �" p " eviablo.Preparatioltfot�As- �� ��� '� Mr, Jos. Hewitt of Luekllow had'the The teachers in, German schools are dill0ll3e8, Hail righteous judge I Dominica Hotel Kt furandi Valley, mar. Similatiilg tlleFoodandRegula- >xlis,oxtane to get a couple of his fingers prohibitt d fitoni gulling the ears of their Olt: probs, is already being quoted ried and became Mrs. Mary A. Sargent, _i � the 5famachs andBowels of blood -poisoned by some poisonous weed ptapils. It is declared that many child- about the usual promisee) hard. winter. and applied for aa• transfer of (119 license a few days ago, ten lithe been rendered permanently and if lie speaks truly we are to have an from Mrs, Maly A. McLu a to 1. rs. eIt of mid a case is .quoted of a woluan, exceptionally long and cold winter. The Diary A. Sargent. Fifty .rat@payers . Dr. Gordon of Teeswater has decideda ed 2v Pars, whoea ear was pulled U ern of beechnuts and butternuts has Petitioned against the transfer. The y p' Promales Dgestian,Clleerful- tp go tt. iiarristou to take charge of his a. tettehe•r in chiidlioud, and who has suf- not been so prcliflo for many years and license commissioners, however, decided father's dental practice and left forrthat that in changing her name, Maar had ale ud,M13est,Coniaillsneithcr Place last weak, f( -red ever since. aecorclingto the olct-� saying', nature is R n 'Y I x� �N ��� ,. ilei changed her identity, _O,p1u1:ti,Morphine norl�neral. J. Cal bin, 4th West Lather, last week providing for the gelid season, g y, and that the J�IOT NAIttC OTIC. Mr. Charlos V. Parke, general produce license held good for the fall term. merohan't, Wiarton, has been appointed utet with fl painful l accident, by which Last fall Mr, g tree McGill, Of + qz „ P 2-4 Ut got his alw bTgkell above the wrist. Constance, had a fig tree sent, lnfm by a Axed lice •scanett ��]tt�5'� $ht rill ut' Ilrtiae County, in the room of 311upeeaf �idlliSAri?e7.:LPI77i He was backing the wagon out of thf friend in Georgia.. He planted it, and During the hot stammer . season the Mr. O'Connor, deceased. barn and took hold of the hind tt•ha:i,l by by: enrefnl uarsl succeeded in getting blood gets over hvate� ilia drain on the A Seed - Heinl postmaster at system is severe and ilia apretite is often AarIl,. S.14- F • Y Watson,, 1 the i pi Res, wit e n his h a it d slipped it to grow, anti ho is now being rewarded OF F+gERY Hiingate. has quite a collection of in r lost rtesBurdth . I)l0t)(1, to es 'Lis and tLiiacsccd. ' ` q tlJlori'h anti {vetiied it in between the for his care by the pleasure of Feeing ilnvi orates Mlle hieing tones n the k �oQfaiiD - teiestina• relics, one of the most interest- wheel and the s t a k e brefakina; both on it three full utfltt'ired firs. system, and restores lost aupetite. r°�� ®TT�� Y b P yYrm fvd - ing of which is a large petrified turnip. bonier. rrnc�d sryor Anew kind of cabbage worm hash .c°.Pt',(aror, New life for a. quarter. Miller'sCom- made its n earance thing A serious accident occurred about one , � , Athl+rtes Bicyclists and others should pP year. It is'a mile west of Newcastle on the ravel i ' pound Iron Pills. Sold by Colin A. ' Y , g A erfectTiemedy ForConstipa- �C.ASTORI- coffin Cam bell. alwayskeep Hagyard s Yellow Oil on whiteIlairs. During the day they take• road, on Wednesday afternoon of last P P hand. Vot hin like it for stiffness and tion, Sour Stomach,,fev rish- g shelter on the outer and larger leaves week, wlleu Mrs.'George Rickard and ;' WormsConvutsians,Feverislt-Samuel Little of Kingston planted a sov-1 es, of rboilinscles, sprains, bruises,and at night they* attach the leaves next her dao liter Bartle wore seriousl in- holly tree when a young' man. A fetV tilts, wtc. A clean prepartltftau, will ilei g = , + y Bessaltd'I.o�S ®lir `33aEElP.days ago he died and was buried iu a statin clothing. Price 25e. to the head and are voracious eaters. Jared. The horse took fright at a loaddaysmacre from the tree with his own Argus reeommoud a weak spraying with of grain, and started'. to back up and be- TacSirnle Signature of I ��•' The editor of the ;St. Marys Arius a solution of Paris teen to kill the , hands. started off last Sunda * to a neighboring g carne uumanaben.ble;,, backing into adeep e � fifc�.vv J. M. Holt, of New York, while fish- town to preach, • The horse threw him Pest. ditch, upsettingthe izuggy, Mrs, John SEW -YORK. Castorla in pot up in ono -size bottles only. It Ing in Silver Lake, $inloFs on Thurs- out of the buggy unci knocked him out On Thursday lastweek while Miss Rickard, who was a ,s0 in .the buggy, ,�f. „� is net sold in balk. Don't allow anyone to sell g gfiY Cyon anything once on the plea or promise that it Maud Bryaus and her sister, daughters jumped and escaped unhurt, but Mrs. ,. , ,,, „ day last captured a pike that measured of his senses, but he went Oil his R'ay ' ' 1 + ° s is luet as good" and will answer every pur- three feet in length and weighed 101-2 and preached. The inference seems to of Mr. Will.. Bryaus, near Jetuiestown, George Rickard had her shoulder blade pose," Soo that you get C -Lt -S -T -O -a -I -A, poulids. be that an editor can preach even with- were out driving, something went wrong broken, and her daughter was badly cut �i The fac- with the harness or shaft and the horse about the face, requiring 20 stitches to EXACT t:oPYpP Y✓RAPPEe. it °lailo out his senses.—Mitchell Advocate. draw it to ether, The horse endo ed un- Mr. H. FOtt ler has sold his farm, on started to kick resulting iu the breaking g P i, �,.. °l pft°T0 : ' I�GG wragpor. the second concession of Hallett, to Mr. !_ Mr. T. B: Sanders has handed us a of :Miss Bryan's leer. Her sister and hurt,. w John Carter for r43, 750. The farm con- fine tomato grown in his garden, of gip g + girl le child lortuuaQely escaped with only ID To prove to you that Dr. tains 100 acres but there is no house and the Livingston Improved variety, this a scale, Chase's Ointment is a certain only a poor barn on it. week which discounts) all other bigto- role'.. and absolute euro for each gand every form of itching, Children C r for r bleedinRand protrudin piles To make ntOnev it is necessary to have mfltoes ice have heard Of this sear. This}� s - 11 Clear, bright brain, a Cool head tree the manufacturers have guaranteed it Seo ton- ! , specimen has reached the unusual weight timonials in the daily pros Mand ask your neigh - frau gam, and strong, vigorous nerves. of 1% lbs., or to be exact 1 lb. il;ly ozs. ; �� y bora what they think ofitr You can use it and . r •�� m' r ti, +• mai b Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills in- get y our money back if no#,cured. floc a box, at �d o _ A�• %%+ I�� it is ver round and eom a q all dealers or EnMnxsox,l3arEs & Co.,Toronto, i vigorate cud brighten the braiu,streugth- y pot and cite A serious if not fital accident happen- en the nerves;, and remov@ till heist, salooth for solarge arcuate.—Wroxeter ed in Durham by tleteam of 11ir. David- ®r■Chaselsantlent �kl�nerve nod brain trotib.@.Star. son of Mount For st runnin Hiway and , ;eURG g The Ripley Express is responsible for A desperate woman in Mitchell tried On Thursday last James Whitely, one in their mad oareQ$ running over an old the following: "Jealousy caused a fistio 'No other A:edteat Firm in the world has the established re !on fcr curing U strike a rateable citizen over the , encounter between t " o school salon avid JVos3oaa that Drs. X. &t li. enjoy. Their Nei Wltlhoc3 r o_at- P of the pioneers of, tbe'Huron tract died man named San; el Orchard and helady, o c®en'u•, eascovered toad perfected by these Lrminent Specialiste, has brought joy, head wills tin nxe, but the latter being at the residence of his brother, Joseph now lies at deadl's door. One of the bappiaeos and cocifort to thousands of homes. with 30 years experience in the p teachers Of Kincardiu On T}ltltatlay treatment of these diseases they can guarantee to Cure or eo tlals- wrene,lteu irony her hauds, she struck Whitely of Goderich, at the age of horses broke its leg' and had to be shotev@nfng,wilile returningfrom the YOtiug Il, th:'•eas, :4 .rrow's Debality, `�yplhilie., varicoccle, t+tricture, Glees, hilaLw1Caover tlie lleatlW1G}lller(1tl11C11- acts?C L,tt.i,asi Unpoteacy, Zzomua.tclad Masitatl Wca kv.eno, Kid- ?' eighty nine years and three months. to end its'sufferingil. People's meeting. The fight took place ti c=trl 6.1;=1r'. a r ADinom aco. Their guarantees are backed by Bank Bonds. 1 ed fiat The decenserl was born in Fermanagh, While Mrs. Jain Myers and two on the bridge, and was unused by the0,- PTetti, Tl'iet!e- a )n-year-rl l daughterIreland sud came to tliis country in 1833 cbildren•of Mount ]r orest were driving young ladies being in love with the same r °1 `>~]LAT"E' B, L RU of s fa'mer r•f Rom. Ill„ early Tuesday settling in Goderich tbwnship, where he home in a rig her horse became frigh- gentleman. Both wanted to be taken ' �o' �� a You mzw ha -e a cceret drain through the urine-thr-•t's the reason you feet tired mornir ds: )•rd ),,to her burning home lived until his removal to town about' tailed at the barking of a dog and rain to the 'Pan -Ain, but only one could go." lr ort in ate tnoreine•. You are not rested, ynur kidneys ache, you feel desponde=•t and i cr( n, rl P rr three little sisters. She two years ago. He was never married. away. The occnnauts of the buggy One of the ladies broke her parasol over _ nd i,ave no a: ,:;tto,. Don't let your Life blood be drained awry. Drs. K.d:. K. guarsstroto Cc»e or. no Pay. was fatally burned and the house was The f neral took place to Maitland were thrown out, and while the children the other's head, and the other had her � , cemetery on Saturda escaped unhurt Mrs. Myers sustained a face badly scratcliec1. A gentleman who5L 0 0 D destroyed. Y Y• P Y Passed 1 b Wfirms — I gave Dr. fracture of a couple ribs. She is now was passing atteulpted to interfere, and If you take a Laxa-Liver Pill to -night + Spphiii+ is the scourge of massktrd. it may riot be a crime to have it, for it may ; before retiring, it will work while yon Lows Worm Syrup to my little girl on a fair way to redo .try. his hat was thrown into ilio river. The be inherueI but rt is a crime to aunty it to remain in the aystem. bike father— sleep without a gripe or pain, curing two and a half years old; the result was affair has caused a big sensation in gin- like Son. sewars of Mercury a=d Potasb treatment. Drs, X. & K. positively cure 1 blllions ess, constipation, dyspepsia and that she passed 15 round worms in five A hiarvelloasl<Iedtafue, „ the worst cams cr =o Pay. n P ,�a carclino. ri 4 Biel- lit adoellic and make you feel better I clays. Mrs. R. Roy, Kilmanagh Ont. r y Having a direct acid combined action �. , . in tl e : ••'•t,it.g I b g on both the livc;A' and kidneys, lir. -&1 �M �+_ - — �l --(1 n � �� STRIe-T� ' V The home of Mrs. Gpor a Burgess of Chases liiduey-Liver Pills will $25,000 O u i G Cly n d $25,000 ti 0 t,► i T. r ;ulvitl crop is a large one in this i Lnekuow was the scene of ahappy event p„hitfvwly Cart ,many COn1plfCated i t' The 1it©•iv 1'Kettaod Tr2atmefzt cures these diseases sal and surely. No �p���•4�+g�i�( p z r pain—nosuff ring—no detentionfromtausineas. Don't riskoperation and ruin your .a vicinity, and some beautiful fruit is to l un Tuesday muruing, when her young- ailments -which entriiot be rearh.ed by 1�611i,! f Hlil.OGiCAL CONTEST. sexual organs! The stricture tlssuotsabsorbed and can nevcrreturn, Drs.B.�:K. be seen Mr R K Hall lefts, lam at i est dun?liter Ada was united in mar- acv artier niediclue and hence its guaranteeCU40r. . p this office which .measures 6% by 5% inches. It f4 -,—Listowel rfago to 1\ir. John Gillies of Kiulass. extraordinary , success and popularity. Something B1heaEneSS, layer ;GOmplaint, Bright .5, what you are to do. You Ina$ (ret $1,000. Our I The glide becomingly in is to largest list i Ki d a seedling variety wns gowned slit nntcP, deranged ed li'iclue s and stomach contest sec who eters melte the g y kinds) The tnoveric•,t bC a Standard. of names (or oYbadsfromtho following v ite organdie, elaborately trimmed troubles are g y promptly .and thoroughly list of letters: with tucks and Valenciennes Ince and overcome by this great family medicine. VJ D O O O C C K Q 1T L I k P R T "� Doa'tnc!flac + s�LLr :rxrzaa;ia One ill a dope, 25 cents a box, carried a bo uet of white, flowers. The P ' A R i D G E S P N I E I, V L 13 R q bi i le was unattended and was given D I M VJ A D OF II T L A dis uta has arisen lietwe@n rho exparinfantan Theygua:ant, cur2mig C- • away by her only brother, Dir. George P We will recomitzs as a bird nytllin( belong- Coo. Burgess, of Woodstock. The ceremony towns►hip conned of, Garafraxa and the iug to the feathered tribe, wh trier it be wHen, �rcatl, Crow, singer or any other kid You cull use V' was performed b t> . G. Harris and trustees of the police village of Belwood any letter as many times to make a nr me as it DRS. P y , anppt,)rs in the lint otletters above; Por inntanees Miss Edith Smith played the tvCddiur as to which corportrtion is required to vpoottcock, Plover. snow Bird, etc. To any • repair damages Caused by the recent psrvon who onn maha n lif t of 25 or mrrrndiffer- ` march. pot names of bird,, wo will give absolutely heavy rains to the •bridges or culverts FREE a beautiful Prize value 11,000 or less. — Elmira Advertiser: A emiosity judo- over a little stream rllnuing tlirotigh the BIG PRIZES AWARDED DAILY. . iug from the experience of dentists camevillage. The question fs whether the When you have glade out sour lint fill out before the attention of dentist Wilkinson a the lino on the bottom of this aavt. and send t o m structures are bride es. or culverts. accord- its with a Stamped Addressed hen envelope, storm � { on Monday last. Mr, George Forbes, jug t0 law. If the are brid =e:: the of your country will d+l, ikon if you ore award JUZt11 g Y b r ed a prize Toucan if you <le';ire Ret .aha prize Not for a year, but for a lifetime. ` about 00 years of age had four lower township must repafr�. them; if they are by Becoming a subscriber to Ta Woman's World. We slial.l award a uuze to evory per9 14 . Watches that may be handed from teeth extracted about two months since. culverts the cost musCfall on the village. son who sends the noriio oi< 25 Blydn find our +;. r "t ?r q ,/' "t., i4T% ,-r your lddueys. Your aching bactr tells the talo. Don't lot Doctors on. Drs. K. & K. can c::re yonif you a:e not beyond human aid. to Cure or.No Pay. lt.ir2'ARl'Il'EMD. NO CURF,, NO IPA7. Co,mmraltatioan , recut Free, (scaled.) Write for Questiol Blank for Hoaao Bverytfaimg Comfidontiaal. 4EDY & KERGAN, 148 SHELBY S wo 4EiV less ,:w+i.;.Pet'•.alinw:�vi.•.s�rl+ee74ii1duxi�'t•�ua•e��v:.ss...:r•i,..•st,a� 1 father to +on—h,•irlooms, "ltyric" When lie came t0 have his im session P taken for his teeth he told the den- thrilling iueidentoat the Canadian gifts will be as follmva: For the best list,, re- calved each day, a (4old'Watch; for the second bestisolaPacifin each rtl+r Ili this r0 ress$ri age a business firm cannot cord to use; p ui .� , tit the The tnoveric•,t bC a new depot on Gt(t:urday afternoon, Tea Set::,tfor the se(•ion nex.tbest solutions each poor Printing. duality ,of its stationery is the index to its Watch is as nearly perfect as fist that he had missed out@ when rennov- `Milllong be remernberecl by those who day, aI{onrahSakin'Diamond Lind Ruby Ring, for the next best volution, a Gold Piece; and ,V(Irth: Custom. rs and the public generally want no better g Y possible, and yet, it's not expensive. t:y ing his old stamps. Oil examination a , 1i were present. The 4.05 express was for all other correct solutions, Prizes of Gold sign than neat: and attractive printing. THE TIMES p g That is tt it has brought to our Many store so man buyers tyke are beautifully colored young cuspid tooth was found just Comic ti not far from pulling out for Turoiito, when a lady; Value. These Prizes will be forwarded doily, you tvillnot have to waft n lana time in uuaor" Presses are prepared to furnish just what is wanted In particuiar about accurate lime. ] g P its proper position. This tooth is Cont- r Mrs. Cass, a resideht of Bay street, rushed across the ittf line of the platform ynnatvbefore:,soliltnotvtheresult. Therein no element of lottery in our plan, it makes no difference whether wp, get your solution late or re : Lot nC Fr:•,' P,•,, nnr Oral mie moult' called eye tooth, canine tooth, , cuspid tooth, or stouiadh tooth and is r near the steamboat. crossing, and party in the day. All ?,on need is to mail this adv •. to us, and on tfis day it reaches ne, if toriEebest,, 1. have _... .. 0o V.r}rtht. r...10 ').,'tvk' o[isonia c,. r-,.- . iii ,,,' tvatebesin ! the longest of the set. j g attempted to pot a couple of children on the train. So engrossed was .she �Vuttli Ucsttitl beatifttl Tru Set, and We i�unranteo that we will 1 Letter Heads Statements ! i',„lt •... es u,,,P a,c.,t:emnn's stz,s ` Backache, sidesche, swelling of feat she did not see or realize her danger, award ,you s prize. There in absolutely no op.- pattumtyfor deception onour part -we canno it. Wawant to 1,o00,000wtall i 4 j and ankles, puffing under eves, frequent• thirst, s0etntyl Cloudy, cluck; highly Col- and in another moment wonld have been afford opt tuttinfiea Subscribers,and for that reason ,l don't want Bill �i•� a 11 iYl s ei ll orae d urns �� The Pvrie' Monogram\Vatches creduriue. I'requentlyurinating,bum- caught between the steps and the plat- form and would probalaly have been you to send' any money until voultnow exactly ,v)tatprize, you have, gained y nnswerfngthe As carltdayaspan ii HWs Envelopes are particwauty:sttrac•tive. ljugseusationswhen urinating'. i Any of the above symptoms leadto, carried tuider the wheels to a horrible lmzztpn. soonnftsr4p.m. "i )I e, the examiners will it the lists to the a _ meql, • , y, -ic� I Briglit's disease, dropsy, diabetes, eta;, death. Mr. W. J. Brown,. foroman of best of their ability and iv 1 designate the prizes. We will write you at once notifyin wlat has been uwarded then Il And all Office Slt�l�Dlie�, s a�.' Dwin s Kidney Pills are a sure care for till kidney diseases. the niechalliCal department, satV the you prize you, your Tott are satisfied, you pan song your subscri i "®� '- y: n” i! and RJaialdo sta.. °- •, � Mr. and Airs. Roil(. Iiulmes o£ Clinton lady's danger. There was no time for , delay and he Caught her and dragged icon to Tile Woman's Worldand azo go by return of mail carriage paid. prize a �earr n non of narrow idena it seems impassible that �.a .......... • .. i u f; ztt^� 7 ,a,� . t. b i i ®. . hada remarkably narrow escape from her back frons. the lraftl jest in tf Ile to we should be able to make such it gi gnntic offer but we have the modep, brains, andropufetion, i f o r, DIAMOND HALL, Established 1884. what might have been a serious accident Priday, save her life. A frieurl with.the childrou, we know exactly what ve are doittg, and if we esin legitimately gain a million subscribers by � Qt ley 1110 - ap ? on August 80th. They left Montreal at 0 a. m,, with other mombers had holm visiting hirs. Cass and so the '; ' mother was on the traiftr, she w ns Very this+grandidea we ]know that this million of well gleaned auhsetiBnra ran be induced to ser 7.9to Womai.'n World to �+y ..� ---•-�•, of tho Canadian Press Association, On anxious lest they should be separated. canrmend all friends, theieb�vnnrti�nivillino{ot,ciroupend ?a,(h100tin his 1e not always the ibst kind to get ; but if yon get good .printing', tend at a Some oasoms 1 the ,fast express for Toronto, all baying c a completed the esenrilfon the Asadly- The spectators who saw the incident say eonteyt in buildintr up a big subscription list, t chis money is i,ppnt reserve rho moderate pl'lee, you will theta have the best. CVO lure every facility for turning oil( good work in t11e shortest time. The of!tiee is ;r of that blood run cold as a fatality at riglttepntblinhit netliiaatlon�lat tltocontent rig top e, equipped wick r tion and beings homeward bound. ',Che. seerued altltost eertaiu.--Owen Sound has hee•n diaeoutihued. Dolt t dela until it is ll fast jobbers, card' and p.lpdr cutters, staptin- machine and all modern Why You Should Insist on Ilavint, train was frill of tourists, and Mr. and T Times, too lair, contest will eon inuo until 7nnuary int, 1(w. conveniences, Eq gti t;t+ UREL�A H IREStS , .. lire. Holmes hal5poned to he In alt@ coach Wp glvp A Roll Prito•of $ZO Independent of ill othpiwl to the parson who sends in the list "E� Unequalled by aav other. enpers hard leaffler soft. ; nearest the engine. Tho train had been � � , nnntng' for an hour at the rats of a (nil@ a ° L G "" ����� ������ Rotten up Ili the In tit anti handsomest manner. our Committee .vin decide and award priyex dull ,But the sppein1; 2G0 prize+will Ur. awnrdpd to ;IF YOU `A/� N I T specially prepared. p Y P p ainitiate,-%ben there a perceptible P P arch 1.!02. Any bittis name found in the tlictionaripn acecptecl. r m = •• to s out water. A heavy bodied oil. , explosion of a dynamite cartridge, fol' •Does'fci't'e sil'g'htest eff+yrt excite W110 WE .ARE. Pro�ramwes Wedding Stationery lowed by the grating of the air brakes, avidins, moment0, collision followed the Heart, quicken the breathihS, induce sufrOM-1 The "woman's World" inn tlorrntRlrl rs- linblc,conpern,we arplroottn to ezactl, (,'aL rogues Busincs � s Notices { throwing everytodyont of theirsodtfi, tibn,flutterin�;,paipiftWOrl ON tl�xet:rualating pain-spztsitinal we advertise. As to our reltal)llttq"wo refer to any Advertising Anent or business mtnof UildonorXmvYork. ca ndars fig' Auction Bills Itiexcellentpresarvative, ,:ducts cost of your: harness. ever barns the leather; jt&r and onusing a momentary panie as the car left thti iraila and ran a short distance You need no surer Symptom bi disoase forwhen the heari L %r e... GIVE +" TJS C ALL, tficienc•av• is increased. •' terve& teat service. ou the tits. It was hoer. , found that the "tarts"tie heart is sick, .............. , .. • .......... .A, ..:.-, :.:r;.. ...:._ ......,.. •,,, _ titchev kept from breaking. 1i I el►gille had rats into emus, scars, smaslibig Dr. Agnew10 Cure for the heart is a heart Street...... ........ ,. ........... • , . , ..::,:. % , ► a Yt in All alld partly capsiOng the engine, and throwing the baggage and'iirilt t each ofi specific, Uacier it's sway, an or all of these~ sensationq of distress will vanish like dew before the ntorningsun, Itiswinning golden enootniutnt Town ...........:.. Coulnty .......... IMEO� OFFRi, ..., �,,,00ttlitiali � ilia track vnllfeh fortnllately, did not turn entry clay ne it riever•fniling' treatment, One 1'1• R --I#, eal•oful'to prettmit sour letter av ti ii tin oat rpcc•Ivet urldro•1.iddlc•ttrrs. Addrraa': ti 2fsrpnfrtetdied by ottt1i1i1alW`+ XfitMt3rtat OII C _. ,__......_ ' over though just on the edge of an eta. 13 j 141 bankment 1% one was Injured. dorso' ryes telief in thin Minutes. A feta bottles Wilt cure; the moststublwrn,:gar, it In +a +r The Wordana 'ili/oirldr Dranttord, Londoill, W. England. �# ir. W I NGT 11.M ONT Bold by A. Hamilton, Wilighnm. Atm__, n , — - 0