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The Wingham Times, 1901-09-13, Page 1
1 HE WI\1�I�AlVi T 1 VOL, XXIX. NO, 1534. WING1IA3' 0 ARIO,R,znAY, )SI+.11'1'EDiI3I;R 13, 19q1.+ A Yf,', T Alt IN ADVANCE M01k0h0kAN1wMMMAMA^AAAA % jTti y DISTRICT MEE0 i IaA WANTED, -500 ��V// Choxcq ;3e tell!- . The `CIaLF.s till the 1st Of Januar Tex .-- Winghaln Dis- *- S her Butte)• G �: Klxrl, 1902, to new sub c rs for 25 cents. trice Financial meati g was held in the . WE, HAVE TIs)tiacl• -M©sass, H, McKay and THE N. 1. W. +'verything is pro. Methodist church hele on Tuesday. The g NOTHING W. A. Johns took a rip out fishing au FTessing nicely ov at the National Iron business was to err 'go fpr the .annual 1 BUT THE BEST Friday laat and ho cad some nice black Works.' There a continued hum of Missionary and E ncatioual sermons. bass. '!alley caugl four which meas>tr- business from s en in the morning • `1'he .cajority of t circuits wished to ed 16 inches, and no beauty measuring until ten at night. They have now em- make their own arr ngements. Rev. Mr. 'A Vine a r 1 i N. inches. ploy ed forty, eigh Wren. They are still Hobbs goes to Kin ardine to preach mis- - �..�,�,�•- - g To TILE DgAr —A rich lad cured of anxious to get me more first-class . sionaxv sermons, m0 a in December. Be surf: you get the ltOr Deafness n d Noises in the Head b )Machinists, as th y are delayed sot WFI)Drmi ToUI_ ` r. R. X. Wilson, hest and come t0 • what because of lack of men. brother of Mrs. Alex. Ross, was here n Dr. Nicholson Artificial Bar Drums, and r C S gave 25000 doll s to Ilia Institute, sq that Any orders for sales left at til laimEs this week on hiL wedding tour, The UNDERPRICED,J.TiCe will receive prompt attention. J. lady oY his c11oi was Miss Catharine deaf people oras le to procure rile Bar J, Currie, anetioneer, Skilling, of Bos=o21. Mr. Wilson is ata-�®j j('= Far Pickling Drums niay I�av them free. Address, _ CAxADIAN HOLE J URNAL.—That the tion agent on t Mail, Central, at En- LJ G LSS 1 The Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth tendency to am &tion now -a -days field, ]vlaine. a tells some wonderful Barna in Our 31alt Vilitegar by the Avenue, New Y Or. has been extended t journalistic circles stories abou empts to smuggle whir- THE DRUGGIST k'.1' gallon is very fin3 and it will pay New Arrivals:—Ladies Mantles, Furs, as well as comm et ial, is shown by key into the ate, Though there is you to use it. = Dress Goods, Men's Clothing, Slliting9, the recent purchas of The Canadipu some.bron ht i the law is pretty well Y ;' Hata, Shirts and Ties. HANNA & CO, g r p Y t Home Journal by M Hugh C. McLean, enforced.: Ix EnnoR.—The Ex ress. has addeh ublisher of The adies Magazine,SERIOUSLY LL. London report Opportunities p p GROCERIES. eleven new snbacrib .rs dual,r, the pada Toronto. The Journ Ll, which was es- for it. 1{ you use Week, The Win ir- m Timer claims to says Dir. Cheat rr McLaren of that 3 tablished many years go, will be (lis- city is serioubly ill, About two weeks his your cattle will All our Groceries are fresh. have added fifty* in one day, but it' is continued as a distinc publication, and hard to force ours •es to believe it.— will be, ` merged it to a Ladies' ago, while estai n he c an electric power C.-•. not lose in flesh or Last week we received a Ripley Ez rens. e b -- plant in Mich! g u 110 caught cold, which p y p guess you had Magazine, which h already won a developed into c ngostion and later into milk. shipment of At,Far uharson your wrongspeca Erer,Mooney. place for itself as a popular home said the increaseas fift one i orate pneumonia. M McLaren, willbe re- N. Y` paper for Canadian omen. membered as 1 avis v i s i t e d this week. can yeti t lie it now'? e have g The Old Williams Stand. Su er, What about Fars? Arlc you neighbor t:,ivn on his xr• home from South CHINA HOUSE lessened the dose about our last season Furs. At present Y Agefxt G, N. W. Office. WANTED.—A good gener servant in the have the largest selection in Huron Africa. He li ed here when ti boy. I Opp. Bank of Hamilton. Count There is a little hoe of his recover family of three—n aslring, good Y• HANNA & Co. P Y. VVVVWVWVWWVW�/VWOA/VV,4 wages. Apply or w to Airs. John- THE SHooTING SE SON.—On Monday ,Yat we wish for im a speedy recovery. MILTON GRAHAM Shi �� stun, St. Andrew's e, London. will open tale season 'or BE CAR> FUL —A case is reported p partridge, and p FROX THE 'WAR. r.• John Stewart, some Other kinds sine. The time where children aught diphtheria from FOR SALE. with the Coustabt ar in South Africa g 18 in °" PHOTOGRAPHER Y , for telling of the bi catches of fish will P y g with to_ used by a child who The are the correct styles, 1 lumber wagon, 1 single wagon has written to hi parents Mr. and Mrs, 1 had died from toe malady fifteen ears STAR PHOTO STUDIO }' S + be of the past. A c rtain skill was the Y Y :and are made in very pretty with iron axle and spring seat 1 set Duncan Stewar , of some of his ex- requirement of the season just passed, before. One cannot be too careful Opp. Brunswick House, Beaver Block, p g ' periences in tb country. He tells of about using ar .ides that have Wingham. patterns. See them. double harness 1 set single harness The season of rho ting will require a g gone ;� + i, , • Photographs at reduced prices sill) continuing. 1 plow, Also rooms over Gordon and one instance w re a few of them were quick ear, a sharp e, and a true aim. through a cont�ious disease. It was 25C and c Ties for i c. + surrounded by number of Boers and only last sutnu er that a bo caught 5 35 5 Galbraith s stores to 'rent. We believe hng. g requires •greater Y a g Floral Designs forced to surren er. They were Strip- shill than fishing. General) speaking scarlet fever fro -n a S. S. Library* book. GEO. MCKENZIE'. ped of all their clothes excepting socks g Y p If you come acres>s an old paper or book anyone can fish, it anyone cannot y p p ' Wreaths a,Ili�. Bouquets and guernseys, ohn losing a gold watch, hunt, partridge fo instance. A man or any article tl t has been lying away ci ra �V h a� Who Wants a Farm ? They were fore, d to return to camp in may become quite n efficient angler for a length of ime, air it and unless Supplied on short notice at Lowest this style whe a their wardrobe was with very little pract ce, and carry home you are sure it s not become contain- prices. Leave ordersat Star Photo I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands replenished. Trey had the satisfaction inated', fumigat it. Studio, Beaver Block or at resi- ior said, in 50 75, too, 250 and 200 acres, lots in o quite a mess, but to hunt will require dente, Frances St. All straws, reduced. Kinsale, Greenock, Bruce, Kincardine Huron of know, tl e- the sante Boer , were efficiency in the use of the gun before PURR LIGHT : ND AIR.—Valuable re- T. C liAklADi. and Ashfleld Townships. Good lands with surroun d an i captured later' in the there can be any hu ting. There Is no sults are reporte. from systems of cure ti I.00 straw hats for hoc. good buildings to be sold clxoap on easy terms. day that call for 1f h - and air for the entire Also a good blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- better sport than 1t still hunt for par. g 75C Strata hats for 50G. A hoteldoin goodtbusiness'forrsalechenp. g Boys that we have for trxd ewheretheyh venotbeenfri frighten- body. Accordin; to the testimony of Ee�ooLtecF The Door gg Don't forget Bo, g g s Fedoras, latest styles and Also a wagonshop. A general store with large Fall the Swellest Line of Shoes in town, cd haif to death b dogs. Dr. Charles E, P ge, of Boston, the most d�' "Z Of SUCCeSS. trade, live village. Also a large amount of viz., The Geo. A. Slater, Montreal. g shades, reduced from 2.50 t0 money to loan at 5 per cent. For further par- snCceSsful sauato loin in Europe is that W a - ticulars apply to HANx.1 & CO. LOT FOR SALE,—A beautiful lot on t . a hundreds of basi)less to $I:75• T. A. McKENZIE THE CANADTAN)ANNUAL.--Oar readers Patrick street. with a number of good tit Velpes, in A,stria, where for the �� o` menlin all parts of the Insurance Agent, Yfolyrood.. fruit trees. Hedge dividing lawn and greater )tart of th time the patients go ea ,�' Dominion are rt ldy to: See ourI.00 {Cit hats for willbe pleased o learn that we have rear of lot. For further particulars a speak of the thorough without any cloth g whatever. Plants training they have re- made arrangements to supply all paid- apply at 1'L\IES office. cc+sued to business sub- 5Oc. $ I , z 5 hats for 75c- kept away from th light grow pale and in -advance subscribers to the TIDIES fpF . sects in one or other of the Federated Business, Bi reductions in Boots and GENERAL LOCAL NEWS. BUILDING Ox?E Tloxs, The 11011.0• - sickly. So it is h d that the skin of : Colleges of Ontario, with schools at London; Big 1902 with a c tpy of the Canadian building business in town is getting 'civilized man has ben made morbid by ! Goan utio IIs, Stt 0atlUiine Nolbott Berlin, Shoes. See Halsey park's advertisement. Annual for 1902 Last year our readers aloha nice) than now to enter. y. k1g rent many of the artificial ceveriu�, and it quickly re - HANDS. J. W. Snell were well plea .ed with the Ax1unaI, hooses are ,shosigns of early s oncls to a return o primitive cond2- �. n p Forest City Business Celle e 11Ryy� has disposed of his i3ottdyke rstaur ut Remember that x11 paid -in -advance sub- occupancy, Athem : xve may tions. X. M. C. A. Building, 1 0111 �� Sons to Mr. Ales. Metre ;or of town. Mr. scribers will get a copy of the Annuah mention that McCracken onWAs GIVEN Pols x.—Dir. Haverson 'London, Out. lllilllll lll..A�� 111AAA VV��11 !lIVVV 1 s McGregor will be fo and a plena t deal• Our full list Of :lubbing offers will be Fraucis street`has brick work finish- ' ' J. W. WESTERVELT, Principal. er to all who call uv l him,. published in a 'ew weeks. New sub- solicitor for the Ont ri.o License Holders ed and is putting utt the reef ; Mrs. aDINGHAM. g scribers will floc some special offers inCampbell'sg protective Associat u, was in the city — ___ CARPENTE1ts.—A nil b of goo on Car iu street has the to -day on his ret)-rn from Goderich, Farm wanted to r ; at once, must carpenters wanted it e. Apply to another colum of this issue. The brick work finishes and the roof on; where he acted for the defendant in a be ill good con do stir roomy built)- Marriage Licenses Wm. Nicholson, Btylder and Contractor. TIDIES subscrip1on list is growing with Jno. McLean's two houses, on Francis Ings. 333, p . quarter) Apply to case brought by Dit -Laird against Mrs. y°" p s Issued by FRANK PATERSON, No. 28 Victoria WEDDED.—A p tty wedding tools every issue ani. It is our desire to make street are pretty , ell advanced; Mr. Drawer 338, tiplugham. street, WinRham, Ont. No witnesses required, lace in Godericl on Set 5. Miss this paper still more popular with theGlenn's Sago, •cubo with hor two daughters, runs T P p • house on F'aucis street will be a hotel at Walton, Uu February 28th —R a are info Wed there is still .tai- Elizabeth Marion, eldest daughter of residents of Vingllam and districts. ready for occupant -v in a few weeks; other- t )0 located here, Which iF•.•€••1••II•'�•II••1••�'c••��r•i'�•3••��•o`•t••1•.. t'•l•'i. Capt. A. M. Sh0 d was married to Old subscribes will confer a favc b last, true men waled into the hotel and + p PP + 4 Y Thos. Armstrong h� the outside work had two glasses � whiskey each, and will employ Aboutfifty hands, Particli- .d, • Mr. Charles Gairc ;v. The ceremony -showing our special/1,q their of his house on Vic oris street finished; lars will be gi al when the plan is # POPULAR A popular, prat- were about to le eve when Mrs. Sage, PROGRESSIVE I tical and pro - was performed by Rev. M. Turnb friends. Wm, Nicholson on entre street has his matured. .I. knowing one of the men, asked her PRACTICAL gressive School the church being p*�ttily decorate There are now lisoffice house ready for th slate roof; the brick daughter to treat l2em.The girl put on the CHU icu xoTlsS, of B u s i tt 0 s s+ I placers a sinal = pony's col r with upwards of 20 house ptown, work on John Rite ie's house on Centre :a. Training is the ...... , ... , . �• two straps brae) es on to in some ranging ui price fro0 dol- bar a bottle of wl islcey and a bottle ofRev. Wm. owe, one of th0 most, p Lars. It costs not}li eceral street is about co feted, as also J. T. ginger beer. M . Laird only took fixe.d.persona buggy at E Chang otel stables Elliott's on Victor' o ulna leach rs six the Diocese.' of Central Business College + on June 3rd last. Par will please good building lots $ 50 each. Money ,and J. Wilson a on ginger beer, and immediately on swat- Huron, will co educt Harvest Thanks - leave Stratford Ont. leave same at t' a 'Exchange hotel. to oloan ell town 1 property. t te© tty. Loan ApplytoA. Edward street; F. Johnsons house on lowing a mouth£ il, found it to be very giving services i Trinity church Erma ' Wm. Little, Belgr>e. '> ' agent, Patrick street is tear completion; the g g Y ,, + ,add, Ohisholm Block. hot and burned 1 is throat. He consult- alt the 22nd. H will. reach in 1Viilver-• .d, FRoDI WINGII_AL, —The Canadian - Methodist church has the brick work ed a physician in Detroit and other medi- p 'd' Bent Chair Co. of Listowel has finally WINGHADL FAIR. The Wingham Exfinished. The fran0 of th0 roof is tom- ton in the evenit g.—Stratford Herald;, ♦ p position remises tc surpass anything of cal men, wllo i.lr ormed hila that he bad Sacramental ervices will be held in %II•. -d• completed its orgc tizatiou and intelids p p p y pleted, and the �arcling will soon be been badly iuju ed, resulting in structs d• 4• the kind ever held n this town, The ° finished Now t. t the articular part the Pr( �byteria church on Sunday next. , :p. ♦ to proceed with th erection of a factory. p p t titre of the tlxro t. The result was the Directors are bendix g all their energies, is finished. Mr. N holson will rush the Preparatory ser ices on Friday evening -SII+' ,'lad, Mr, Fred Seifert .f Wiughatn has enter towards its success The are sparing action against Mrs. Sage. The jury at r.30, when & D1r. Iiastie, of Bel- Hns crowned our efforts and our fall 'd' ed the Company and we understand y g work along as t e remainder can be gave a verdict f three hundred dollars grave, will pre ell. Special collection opening was the bolt in the our ll ,'dad, will be the ease seal manager of the neither time nor neaps to provide clone faster. The Ork shows signs of for the plaintiff, claiming that Mrs. Sage for in v sin for positions-they0rgra ates do employL 'P factor Mr. Se:ort bar been foreman accommodation and ake the disrlay so thorougluxess. M , J. E. Swarts has the vas res ousibl for the liquor haltdled general fund of church, on Sunday. incur, many of them immediately on 'II' y' good that the people >ill anxious) wait pA mcetiuf, of a Executive committee in the Button c�* Fessaut factor iu y brick work of his ew stable, at his resi• over her bar. How the leaving college. At our fall opening y for next year. The have erected new poison got into of the Young copies Society of the w bleenrolled s o filter students tu a is collefrom places in J. Winghalrl for a I timber of years and has sheds for bails and tlx roc recd stock. deuce on Diagou street about com- the bottle the c-3fendant could not say. Presbyterian chi •ch was held Tuesday came ]sere for it 'lEnternow best sWrita 'g' been connected �itlt the furniture buss- All remains now is atthefarmers pleted. —Guelph Hera d evening at whit it was decided to hold for catalogue. i• ness nearly all h s life. He is not un- a meeting of le society + g + should make the exhfbi s• The show is SU1000L BOARD. g y on Friday -I• known in Listov-el, having been one of , ry �. for the boneflt of the fa in more than Vein shams LeadingShoe Store. The regular nonthly meeting of the evening, 20 1L, fu the lecture room W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal, the Hess Bros employees. -Listowel of the church. music of the Directors. It is r ell known that school board x� s held on Tuesday even- al and literary 11 Standard, 4++++++-2••t•,'••1 ,o.F,.t„q,.�o,d..g..d,..&+++ there are a number of odshorses and _ ing. Outside c' the passing of accounts program will be iven and refreshments The TnarE And Family Herald and cattle that are left at Ito for the lack of �� there was little ilterestin� bra inoss clone. will be served. ll young people of till(). - - Weekly Star to new subscribers till lst r; { b of January, 1902, for 40 cents. With a little care. Use a littl : elbow grease '!'here were )'eseut, O11airmau i�err, congreggation are ordially invited. i*0♦♦♦♦O♦0♦♦00♦000♦♦♦♦♦♦m0♦ this splendid offer all who subscribe will on them—a comb and 1 brush would - Dr. Towler of his toxon has a well � ♦ � and Messrs. H Muth, Griffin, Button, For 1veW SttbSCl'IUeYS ® Let a picture of Duke and Duchess make them a credit to heir owner in , „; Abraham, Dioo e, and Bell. The )rain. written paper, in he Canadian Epworth of York. Size x20 inches. the prize ring. The salro may be said ! %7 Era for Septemb r, oil the rise of the. ;!, utes of the la t meetiug and of the ' 40 CENTS ♦ NUPTIALS ve�Y pretty wedding in regard to sheep, hops and poultry, a' special meeting were read and adopted. Stockport Sunda School near Mau- I ,t For 40 cents wo will Bond tho Timis 2 occurred in Londoji on Wednesday, What if you don't always get first prize. !;; It was Inovo by Mr. Honlutlx and Chester, England The Dr. seems to and Toronto Weekly Globe or tho Tncnas ♦ Sept. 4 at the hom of Mr. and Mrs. J. The fact that you have exhibited some ' ' , have acquired th happy intuit of pre. and Family Herald and Weekly star to ♦ p ' Y ,;; seconded by 111 Gri.fiill that tiro fU.lOW_ y p }� any address till January 18t, 1002, • Richardson, when .heir daughter, Miss nice animals will becrmxo known to serving ancient d ouments. He close& ♦ lug accounts be paid : 2S GENTS ♦♦ Susie was united in marriage to Dr. S. buyers and they will giv3 a better price °`' W. G. Gray dr his wing out posts ... $1.20 paper with the following paragraph,. For 25 Cents wo will Bond the Trnms t0 • M. Iieullecly of Le: mingtoll, Out., and because you are noted :ta all exhibitor. ;, - R. Kinsman, work ...... . ....... 6.00 "With this brief itline of the history := an�p address till Tanuary Ist, MQ. ♦ brother of Dr, Ke: nedy of town. The It pays to' advertise yot:r stock by ex• 1;, r_ S. Bennett Ho lug ............... 20 OU and work of th Stockport Sttudayw ;.- 7`heso offers aro for now anbreribers• ♦ y peg„ormed .b � i; i Messrs. Gri n mild Moore moved that school, 0110 wool atk of the staff, as V• Trial subscribers to the Family Herald ♦ ceremony as y Rev. J. hibiting thein. Give y0 x boys a Chance + and Weekly Star will Rot n pieture,of • "' = "' the Duke and Duchess of Cornwall, Size ♦ Kennedy, father of the groom, assisted and the xvi11 look after the preparation �� filo action of he Chairmmu and Secre- did Dean Stanley when 1x0 visited the) is 14x20 inches. Reduced rates on any Y by Rev, G. T. Bishop pastor of the First of the exhibit for you. Ixere is nothing tary in issuiiii; order for $131.80 for School at its Cent nuial in 1884, "What nowspnper to (+ttlxer old or new sub• ♦ Methodist church, ind Rev. R, J. Gar- delights the young ma so much is to School seats, and $7.x4 for freight on same be do you consider i about the best feature i }� sCallas. 6 r p , School Shoes. v " " I� Call at or address, butt, L. L. $. of Carrie, in the presence U0 able to'exhibit a n ce animal with � approv0ci of by the Board.—Carried. of the Sundays hoof? The answer, � 1 TibiLS OFFICE, Wingitam• ♦ of about forty guess. .s. The bridesmaid the knowledge that he Ind a great share Un motion rf Messrs, G r i ffi u and given to him was"The Sun my -school L• O foal Peva y Boy and Girlwho stnrts to school :��0♦OOOOm0000♦0 01♦0000 00♦ was Miss A. At. Cir..pmalx, tho maid of in making it xve thy of notice, should have at pair of our A Homuth an or('er for $21 for insurance. gives to every} sc iolar a teacher and a: honor was littl( Irema Kennedy, Then when you get the prize do not ROUGH and READY SHOES was issued to CosetlR. friend ---out to x atoll over them land hell••-Moor0 !Cleat the salaries of the cares for thviii, Tit visiting the School slaughter of Dr, I�,. i11edy of Wit)ghaul, po cot it yourself giv it to rho boys xvh0 g • rr They look well, are ranula o? host loather teachers a11ti 0 Cors for August 'I'H E FAIL FAIRS, and Mr. V. W. Ri .hardson, brother of 1 it. Hurrah for t le tiViu„haln Fair i ,canis welt strengthenvd, r:olos that will t:tnn(i g st be pain. one i� struck xvi,i tho fnl)nense illilwr- the bride, assist(, the .groom. Make th0 first I+&air tf th3 e02tury a tjiilluinnilti��s(�;a�frioiitl i.`u�(to `,so. v(. 11,'t`• (arriocl. tape(' th.To Is art( chfd to the work, and c4auNT...... . ............inept, 20-27 sumptuous repast, ,vas partaken of and grand success in amol rat of exhibit at a A half boli( v was granted to the tho inr.<;; ((l:,bic 1 )war for 100(1 exerted SLOE Oi7 WINR I31ILG.1I�1 1.111?,I,. jj Bolgravo ........................ Oct. 1.2 the happy, couple, I .ft for .Leamington, anv rags school for the aftEr11UC11 of ill© Si : Utl<l by this 14 titlxtlUl 111 cle{'ati1lh into the j Dun rtuloll . .. . ... . ..... . .... UOt. 10.11 followed by n)a2)y all wishes. , , 1t1:tILtilliElt ��Vo s(•w frc+", c.11 rips ill r:lioce i day of thr,l+wa' . very bast nl:inl)u 1 and tc alllallhoO�i All A, g• lilt) Trxi-Is and Weedy (Ylobe will be bought of im , Godericl.................... . ..Oct. 14 D10N1W To Lo.kN.---•.Money, to loran oil sent to new subserib(rs till tho 1st of Trunks an(l Vali, !V cheap. the i'ritlai ,tl reported tho now setxt,; ivilr� :Ltt�n(t its s(' t stet. '.t ha-r,r iN, i (yr - Ripley ......................Sept. 21-213 notes, and not(-,,; 011,;ooalltc'd ,.t rc!.1son• Jaminry, 11):;'12, for 40 e.ents, '1011 your r sath;faetory, rad tho earetaher is higb'y L t , not a sou try in tho civilized. t- ablo rater;. 'Toney aclvalwol oil tuort- frle:I,l,;, .� �� +� , � ! cicli,;hted w• h tko now floor. Alto- world where the. txflueuce of the 13ible T`eeatvatc,r.................. .:cpt,,`.1-l.a + .�.�.._.�.....�....�-�,. Brussels. , ..... , , ...00t, 8.4 r` f';C 1, with t,rivlk go of payiI+ ' t,t' tll(% 'M (13tt•1:t• COLD IN OMI DAY W d J s � rotbor tho b; il(ling, tvaa•lter:c all(', 1,11I)lI9 trutll9 t.tlk4ht fO m,)ru than enc' hu a1r, d, n y f!I1C1 U£ any ;4C ase. Noty i mid in((olttlskl rr,%U(. 1,:t.%nfiVv proulo (;tllltille• Tablvta, All Z01 -y i!,�'a�,`�F,.•i"d+aaZ!'u�IM S"� i tilt'(\ ill ))reit a ley conditiou for til(: Axed, "tilts in the 1',t 0 'Ort; : %n,,U-s,'1tcols Gorrie.......................... 1 'Ivi i y 1 ool,ccte(!, Utller ..I.(,y. ex >lOc k, „- dtn:i:ti :ts ref hurl th(+ nu.u(•y if i,"• falls to c rare t5�ja�Q„ O fy t~ e. „ ..... .... ........ Uet. 8.9 htlnx, I c)11. I�IC.I: 1)r+U. E. tiV. ( it o%,t (sit;natilt r i.r olx oavh bot. ':>t , k07� A l;yiJLOv��I i�J + E of filo year- aro not felt.