HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-06, Page 86 � :
The undersigned otters for aisle his farm, lot
11,con• 5, Turuberrr, eontaining N a0vos. Upon
faet is gaming prominence every
There was pry lithe Frei ht In the shed
SwArts has g
e + V ltoria fit.
llock wets on n business
trip `.�orontto Monday. lIe is
1��,s•UA InoN,,
tending the ConQentiou of Agents of the
o O
Std �Ii will wove to
p a after
his bugoles up there and his horses to . some wore contracts for the works here,.
--;Nr, Geo, Ireland, who was formerly
the new stables being erected at his Miss Xattle Catnlbell lits returned
hones, home after several weeks visit with
For weeks new goads Have been.
-The 0. P. R. solei 11.7 tickets, at friends at Palmorstou and Owen Sound,
1%,Otjqj1;ej jrraig W41j", Mi(„
Wingb,atn station, up t.o. Wednesday Mr, John. Galt of Winahatu, spent
No Dooler2. �iei�lihtn,
' "� ��
W012 for Toronto aXhbitiA111 This iS Sunday ail tovn t]e guest of his, sister.
a larger number than, has been sold.aily to*law, Mrs. Geo, li'orton,--G4rriQ Vid.
- �-•^�-.------�••'-�-----•
1 �
year -Previous.
John Percy Jeffrey of Londesboro
--Apple buyers fire .numerous and are have roturned home after spending h
from $2 to $2.25 a barrel, We few weeks with their unole, Mr. A,
Night calfs at Mutton Block, or Fifth
t. M
1 M
Bearoftwofanners iuEastQParvauositTipling,door
who have sold their crchards for $400
Rev. 1~Tr. TllornlNy of Barrie paid a
souttl fmf ilchool House. Shop op•
posrte Maodunald black.
To knew what is Correct In Dress
aud $600 respectively. v i s i t to his old friend, Dr. Towler,
--The Grand Trunk Station and this week.' They were boys together'
.. FARM. � Q R SA��
freight shed at Taxa was destroyed 1w, vear a a
Fabrics sur Bill wear you must si
wbat this snore 1B showing. Thi$ fire `1'rtesfloy evening About 10 p. m.
• s g I.
Mr. A. Cosens and wife were in
The undersigned otters for aisle his farm, lot
11,con• 5, Turuberrr, eontaining N a0vos. Upon
faet is gaming prominence every
There was pry lithe Frei ht In the shed
Toronto this week, Mr. Cosecs is at.
the premiseu aro aarxl buildtl1.4 ruin is well
wa4reet windmill forinunping, For terms
season, and this fall it will be M01.e
at the time, Cause of fire unknown.
tending the ConQentiou of Agents of the
and particulars apply to
prominent than ever.
--;Nr, Geo, Ireland, who was formerly
Mutual Life.
J,r�S E7,, LI�t
BluTe,aale P, o.
For weeks new goads Have been.
uuuertaker in this fawn, now of Noesis-
Mrs, Bract�vin, of Wingham, and Miss
can to hand and been l: laced on
iclue, Mich., Irepared the body.of Mr.
Annie MacLennan, of Stratford, wer9
view as soda its they reach us. These
CasetnOre for traltsfertilig home. The
visitors at ye editor's Morns qu Monday'
I have decided to selltltyfaxm. beauti-
advance arrivals excited great
- friends of Mr, Ireland will be pleased to
-Blyth Standard,
fully situated in the growing Town of
tere4t » niono• stvif-h awl tip to date
lea that he is enjoying good health.
Wingham, containing 86 acres, suitable
dresrers., Lot us introduce some afl
Mr. Geo, Manners evidently likes
for farming purposes orfor building
Whether the Furniture Want is in the Bed Room or
the Parlor, the Attic or the Cellar, we have the styles �
and prices to suit the need.
There is scarcely a Furniture Want that we can-
not supply to your entire satisfaction. Let us try.
b the favorites Ili Soitings; - -,-•- • , lots. The soil ss excellent aucdis well BALL BROS.
Win;tbRnt as belies purchased a house Dungannon sharpshooters came over watered with titres wells and two
A I;1' HC Ilt1�Sl'C ' + IN IiASIiI:T and lot in that town.-Teeswater News. overflowing springs. There are Oil the
W HAV1?S. And who would not? Where cau yon on Labor 1JaY and tried their skill is premises a good brick }ionso, bank barn
competition with Wingham ehib, They and all nec"sary outbuildings. This Our extensive ex erienee warrants
I'RFNCFI CANVAS SUITINGS, had a town, u the same time, with such UNDERTAKING— p
' a 1PNFatTG situation and so much nsi. were entertained by the WinglEani club .most desirable property I atter for sale us in ealIiAt; special attention t0 this
SCOTCH FIOJiESPUNS IN NEW tress, I�Tot iu Ontario we trove. during their stay and all had a good at a bargainD STEWART, Win tliam, Branch of our business. You will find us prompt, reliable. attentive and
SHADES. time.. The score was pretty close, the efficient, LUTHER BALL, Funeral .Director. Residence• Patriek St.,
IrRFNCIi CAMEL'S HAIR -The N, I. Works ran only a half a locals winning by two points. The last". •� 7 NIr, Uracey s late residence.
i F FRF, S. day on 1V Tuesday, as enough of the men match they won by four points, so they NOTICE,
i #r Nt•ere not buck from Labor Dav outing are pretty eveuily snatched. The best
NEW CHEVIOT SUITINGS, to man the ladles. The Button & shot was made by W. Hele of Wingham, Notice is hereby giv n that a po t will be +6♦�O�♦♦ooOto♦cafe♦O♦♦♦♦♦GODo♦ooeo0♦♦♦o♦♦s!♦♦♦♦♦O♦♦♦i►+
LOYAL BLACK BROADCLOTH. Fessaut chair factory cloyed down at on the rest. The following is the score: held pursuant to '" C e ontari oters' List
Acts,' by His Honour 'he Jud oP lite County
clue o'clock fu the forenoon of Tuesda ., �^-� +
1TEW FRENCH CORKSCREW, Y Dungannon. Court a.tlteCautttyl73ur ,at the Ceased {► ��
In Black and New Shades All prices for the like reason, The N. I.. W, have 100 yds 200 sds Chamber, Wingham, rsdriy t]io
been working over time for the past few off hand. rest. Total. 19th day of Se moor, A. D. 1901 + s
from 75o up to x"3,00. Call and at io o'clock ftm. to tear and determine the
inspect. weeks in order to catchup with orders. T. J. Allot; ... , 87 27 ii4 several complaints of errors and omissions in ♦ ♦
p D. Davidson
d , n , , . 31 35 G9 the Voters' List o� - t Municippality of the ♦ Plckli'n
' A. Davidson, , . 39 35 74 Town of win flsam fc � the year 1ii01. ♦ �
PERSONALS. B. J Crawford. 34 41 75 Allpersons li uvin •Business at the Court are
r required to attend u he said time and lace.
Women's Shoes and a. Elliott. , . , .. :;1 32 63 Dated at Wing,". the 5th day of September.
We shall be clad to have contributions to J. Cumberland, 38 28 61 1001.
this column from any. of our renders. If you A, Disher. , .... 26 22 43 J. B. F]aRGUSON. + +
BOIS' {,n Clerk of said Court, +
flu � S.ci coal hoes. llavevissitorsorUs,or purpose away gourselP, ,.
dropinandtellus,orsend u& a note to that I. Black....... 41 37 r8 1
You would :almost think this was effect. Dr. Brine...... •42 42 84 T���s��p Q T�. ���R�� �
a Shoe Bargain Store, so often do we B. Crawford... 39 37 .6
Mr. W. H' Green was in Toronto on J, Cumberland. 25 iii 60 __
offer shoes below rea'ular market + To snake good Pickles you must have good Vinegar.
Its all in our buying and if Tuesday., ___ �-' r_ COURT- 0 SEVI ON,
We keep the best.
prices.y g 378 874 52
you can save .fifty cents, a dollar or Mr. W. D. Thomas was in Toronto •Wingham. Voters' iSt. i90 +
so, ou a Mair of new shoes.by coming this week. 100 yds 200 yds Notice is hereby vear then Co twill be + +
our way this is the stare you are Mr. N, A. Farquharson spent Monday off hand. rest. Total, held pursuant to "T a Cut i V etc' Irtats XXX
goingto blly from. That explains W. El. Hele , .. 31 47 78 Act" by His Honour •Ise Ju g the Coixnty ,L9,1>. X WHI, TE WINE is a high class +
p in Teeswater. Court of the County $ on lie ]foresters' +
the big shoe trade we are doing and R. Carrick .... 26 3a 66 Hall at Bluevale, on t to + Vinegar for Pickles.
Mrs. Chas. Knechtel is visiting at her R.G Freebourn 3:2 26 58 a
will cunlfs,ue to do as long as we 18th day of eptember, 1901, +
home in Lneknow. A. F. En►bury, 87 41 78 at 10 o'clock a. m. to hear and clot -ermine the 6
make priced like these: American G, Newton.... 28 87 . 65 several comnhtints o orrors and omissions in •
Bid Tops, regular beauties, all sizes Editor Wash of the Gorrie Vidette was G.• Nicholson , . 34 36 70 the voters' List of lie Municipality of Tmni d
regular x.1.65, special $1.25. 2Q in town on Tuesday. I. McSague ... 36 36 72 ierCoiutinr� red •eersons havndg a he said P PROOF VINEGAR �, is the strongest made.
pairs Men's Pwont Leather Shoes President Galt of the N. I. W. was in S. Elliott ...... 41 35 7fi time and pisco, q + Tests.absolutely pure.
comet 1n very ffrte. regular w
P. Leaver , , . , . 25 •25 50 Dated at Blue ft •, Township of Tiunberry,
h' g 6,00, Toronto over Sunday. Dr.J. M'Donald29 29 58 September 2nd, 1 n.
J 73N BURGESS, $peCial X5,00. Dont miss seeing Rev. ]fir. McKelvie was the guest of Wm, Sxnith .. , 4i 48 84 Clerk Municipality of Turn- + GOLDEN
these good.-;, J. D. Flag's best Mr. Isard on Sunday. -- — — berry and constituted Clerk O �•oJ.l V]EN til Y Ab tJ L V+YN�t,�.yA 7lS a rich
3x10 8944 754 of said Court. For table use it has no equal, •
duality, X111 fines special Saturday. gig Sebastian was iu Toronto on mellow klxad.
Stock full of New Fall Goods .at + •
Monday and Tuesday. INF'A'NT MORTALITY. RE -OPENING +
111r. Dttg Barrow visited his home in'mauj Deaths Largely Due to ignorance on T -OF TiiT--+
Ingersoll.an over Sunda ' O?SULLIVAN N 1) t ,�'R
M. H. McINDOO 'Sy • tite Part of Blotters.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. A. Cline were in The disorders of children seem to the �, •
Seafortli on Labor Day. rugged and hearty, grown persons to be +
Mr. J. E. Davis spent a few days this simple and not articular] dangerous. a +
nAlNOR LOCALS. �veekatthe Pan-American. Y This p Y gBl�Sl��colle �� +
point of view on the part of ' 1
f44+*+P4++++++o+Odh.Od t! O4++?+440+q +414004+444 P?+
Oxvv r' • Heai'lnrhe Wafers guarau- Mr. Geo. R. `Tipling is visiting his pa"I'l s has been the cause of the loss of ,q� 1.
teed w cure headache. cousin A. Tipling this week. thoTtsancls of baby lives. ��.UC rV ISI II �i) {
Yon will always find that the mothers Shaw.t7 . IF YOU ARE IN
-Steadily increasing -our circulation, Mrs. Cole • of Kalkaska Mich., is the
Diates ro take -in -Sept. 26 and 27, guest of Mrs. Root. Maxwell.who are . snecesstul in bringing up —` QUEST OI+' . . . .
families of hearty, happy children with � ® LST E I DAIRY A I Y
-A crooked appetite -a tante for to- Mr. Jas. Cummings of Listowel spent ,careely a day's sickness, are always T�i.�' �1� �{ Tow'up �,matoes, Sunday and Monday in town,those tvho aro careful to note t sigh t- +
1 -Ripley Orangemen will have a grand, ®Mr. Geo. Tervitt, of Kincardine spent est evidence of illness /andtq..heck the / c�� 1 , �' • • fl oda o adda3 a separator to their plant,nounTally onNov. 5. Sunday and Monday in town, difficulty at once.It will interest you tocaall at aLA.lBI1F10E1f) 1lIYL$
-D. Stewart shipped a double-decker Mr. Will Greer spent Sunday and They cdo not belonclass of And most advanced methods tl;oroufihly A. ®ULi VIf�t1,.'7Eremothers that.stn y dren kith taught in to the people of Win m. O+trcotvs aro kept
of lambs on Tuesday. Monday at his home in Gorrie. REAL
i! �'Y' %t'tr C ®� IC ft f� strictly clean, so that we aro etlabled to offer
-We have this week begun the issue Mr. Jas. PIuard of Owen Sound spent sleeping draught c similar medicines Bookkeeping, Penmanship, F1L:It ESTATE C R: t lJf�, absolutely andAugus iced in summer, during
containing ' �r Chisholm's Block, Wingham. June, Julyt,ndAusuet.
r of Talmage's weekly sermon. Monday and Tuesday in town. , Shorthand, Typewi lting, fan. No cost to purchasers, or charge for 3 cent; per quart, delivered once a day.
, .Choy stick to the purely vegetable, 1' ,
•--Mr. Geo. Shaw shipped in a doltble Mr. R. J. McMath and daugher visit- healthy medicines avhich cure infantile advertising or showing property,
decker of hogs this week, numbering 289 ed Lueknoty friends on Monday. disorders quickly, and of these Baby's The following
--Currie and Davidson have struck DIr. John Ritchie, is we are pleasod to Own Tablets are the beat of. all. p E,v centl b kayo been listed re>�.JL,L1.N .�Illii
E water at J. E. Swarts' at a, depth of 138 say recovering from his late illness. For colic, simple fevers, croup, eon- _ ° Lot 8-9, Con. 12, .East wawnnosh, IO,o acres;
/%% comfortable house • bank barn; large orchard; Rqal plppall►H1� !Iefeet. p Bliss Annie McLennan, of Stratford is stipatiogn, diagrrhoea, irritati n when �Na valuable grain and'stock Yarm; can be bought 1 t I of 1 SI.Pships
--Harold I! failed to come u In time to visiting her uncle kir. Jas. Bradwiu, teethih , indi estion! and . slee lessness, much below its value; cosy terms; n bargaih
fora nick customer, spin at the i ace in Providence an I+'riday Miss Nellie Ross left this week to at- : these tablets :are a .quick, effective, I dividual Insstrs�etlion. � sotfrofu Balmore, four
Prom�roxeter, • valuable stools farm; over 00
fit• tend the college of music iu Toronto, never•failing core. Dissolved in water CIRCULHRS h'REE. acres bush; .$8,000.
a he smallest baby will take them with- Houso and two lots in Slunvale at half price
-The regular meeting of the Board of N1r. Best of Toronto has been esiga3ed VISITORS WELCOME. of colt of buildings or would exchange on FROM MONTREAL. AND
out the sliA41test objection. Do not Wingham property.
Rducation will be held on Tuesday as office manager at the N. I. Works, sl aures in Turnberry, good stock form, 2;Z NEW Q11
evening, nest.rifle with medicines Concerning which ��uu n miles from town, good young orchard, bankn
Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Elliott,llispent part BED ROSS barn; :$1,700, or would exchange for town pro-
-The averaged price of wheat at Chi- of last week in Toronto and Stratford. you know tiothing,.'�bCii Here is a time- � perty_ �
cago for ten years past has been 77 1-2 tried remedy which is used constantly Agent of the Caledonian Fire In -
Mr. Bert Irwin of Wilighani spent and with best results iu' thousands of � e ' suri;nce Co, Capital $12,000,000. For tickets and full information apply'
cents per bushel. Sunday at his home here. -Ripley Exp. homes. Also The Standard Life Assurance to
licence tau read car inside pages Will. Pearson of �i?fnaha.m is visiting 11Irs• H. H. Pox, Orange Riclgo, Man.,
This is a new v iety of fall wheat, Co Capital $50,000,000. H. DAVIS, Wingham.
thisweek. There is somethiug iuterest- Lately introduced from the Salztr Seed
at Ills home here: --Ingersoll Cllironicl,r, says: I 'have fonurl Baby's .Own Co. of Wisconsin -_iso tabs country. It "'^""""'.'""�"`'`""'-'•'-'°'~''"` - -• • -
ing there for yoit. Mr. and Mrs. W. P Grinrsou left on Tablets a perfect medicine for children is a bald . Hybrid Wheat of it reddish+-
r,f all ages and would not be without color, producing tal strong straw'monnt-
ing an bar that is not wtiitia to ret- Tuesday morning for a visib to Arcola, g ed with long anfipl, mpheads well ftlled. CREAT CLEARING SALE OF
tfsinit can hardly Have a legitimate tea• .Asea. talent in the house. They are truly, a
7.11is wheat more fieri any other vaiiety
son for existence. Mrs. Ales. Ross and danghter, Minnie,
Why �conlPOxt asst mother's friend." is proof against ago arid insects. • It
Baby's Ovvti 'Tablets can be found at vvitlistaudscontfnn usclryweatherbettor
—If anythin;; makes a man mad, it is � were visiting in Toronto and Buffalo this < than most other lczi ds of wheat usually ding stores, orwill be sent prepaid upon y '
't0 havo flip barlifr go to dinner just as week. receipt of price, 20" cents, by addressing grown. It is not bject to•kill out in
Ile gaPs4a get into the chrlir. Miss Charlotte Grant of Topswater is The Dr. 'Williams Medicine Co., Dept. the whiter like un _y other ingft,aRAvm,me
the nest of iter fazeud titins Olive p ue�er been known to acct, nn<d be ing a.
-School ra.nuoiled nn wnesday morn- g `T., Brockville., Out. strong and vi,goroixe grower is not easily
ing with a fair attendance, and the Manners'. h knoelced.:lnd lodg*il the ]#ante as wheat
tf a dead boiit moves back do town,
teachers all on h t d for duly*. Mr. and 1VIrF, Robt. Maxwell and vretealdinK that he hag retormed, he the eni'tine alts dr Licata strays One.as
I t the earliest to rips,, collsequezitly it gets
---Cansidorably over two inches of rain family, and Mrs, Cole spent Suntlav in rlr�2`n't foot a sLugle titan Who evex• its growth early it the season before•the
"•. fell in Toronto on Saturday, more than Listo�rel. v had any dealings �v+ith hits, very dry weathe*sets in. It, yields all
Misses Mable Ross and Haz01 John- r3hnic.. i lie way from 40 M 6V bush. per acre and Mu
for all August up to that time, on a small patch -ieil cultivated is said hie
s stop aro visiting friends In Brussel, atrrr,AM—In Wingham, an Auaust 81st, t t+ ry have reaCpslked oi' at that tato. No
---Several now names have been nddefd wife of Mr. R, A '1louglnss, druggist; n Pon.
this week, VriYsax -Iy� Trr:vwatrr..on Ayiguwt 1$th,tl Villter wheat L ed8 0114 in 0=01leht
ttl the TIyIE s stioscrfptfon hat this wPelr, wife of Mr, . V. voiGnn ; a datigltter. naltty, and -is a d to make more floor ..
See special offers in another column.
Masters George and Randolph Bissett wRf t inn tvrnitrr spinaieoil August 22nd, the hau � : winter , wheat of the present Val
or Ktn arditie visited 11ir, John Quirk , rant- lti lrowintc. on Auuuat 211ftd tile day. All mfilera vho have seen it prd•
-Two loads of young people drove out nn Friday last. a of Mr. George Totten; a dacghter. rlotwoo it, el eellgti in the extreme.
! .r t0 Mr. WellwaOd's,'near Whltechtirclr, iikAlttIBPrix Mr.1•.1r Barron,tho ,riptuator*As askedhow .
Mr. and Mrs. Todd of Kamloops, $. xnrueaty-P aMMr ltsni7--At the• ro+lilt ttee'of ha abtsuineci the wltcr�•. Here is his statement:
on Monday evening and enjoyed a pleas• ' iiia roars aao X rnvisf ell m Komi, in seotland .
C., were the guests 0f bar. anti 1W1rs, the bride's tirsrr•nty, nn Ncaptentbar stir, byr Ttfrv, and btott • . baelt a ft v'Pounds of newly intro,
Alta evening, J• A. Hamilton. t 2r. 4Vilihum Anderson to busy el
Keiser last Week. TtarpneP, eldest rla.tQlrtnw a1 111r. sisal Mi ducal wlio*t thot wa ervating s Arent sanya-
-- ilia, A.l"leniia els Ia e8 !n $elks Donald Pattetaori,all of haat 1�iiw11104h. titino�vitit toitsfetes yield, xrtlrcatlgliacltwo St
+; St 11 y Miss Ronderson of Goderich, he ! othtr lt6191 A.ez t balr�andtltct otherrc bpnrdcd,
i'etOto moved iii!] f&full from Lrick• I �'xf•D' and eoziapi rwl i�a`e idrs of ertiaAhiit the thrrP in
ty y' milliner for liars. Green, has returned ammou' Th Tdafiistirtue, Mich., on August order to trawl in • o the peotch var}ety the
' ilOw, to towel doral; week. They reside on i resume her duties. 28th, Jone�nIt It. Casainare, sort of .7 Casc• hardin fwrd"�ar o aur Atneriean carts. T1ta L+''r
re, of Tarnberry, artcxt 20 rMurs. result 1WW t you ser a stiff, sttsight rowing
Patrick street. � olittran In >faat Wawaitegl1, oil teinbc+r hardy, viswtl> 6G- wlm ' i, with a t+ield t�cahlinfy
Mr. Ste a"]art Hb'Ofl 0f the ialrist ., rd, Jana f'tnham, rt l f the lar a Jolit[ stay A tri n bat3at� ova r tried or heard af.
--Tm Ripley nirprm considers a Tribuue spent Labor Day at home, coulter. AgN 80 years. In ftealb nd� was tol that rptmitted tW-t grave
aolmrW-In weKt lvaw+ noxli, oaf ' trsti 29t1 „ to this wheat tk feid M Irish. to the nett 011d
ocher ishould Shrike Oil in 20 nlihutes, s was Iicoompallletd; by Ilia onsin. lois$woods, aupolrzgcsry.. the all n�tipMl rhntit ontdlx-inermmA tn•1W,
_ l;u�' I br]eP histnr of the it rci VP}icatt
ttj ftHrI1101i of longer duration its Often Mrct, t:dilehri9t Arid daughters retnrlled • LL • and t� i+t net n i+har w of a d ,fit w]tnr
wom than alone. holne Dix Thutsda 01 laet week fr0s�n n t�A1i'Y7�ff-r!'iiL:;r CkCIXL'YPtif lKi� AND, itir+��tt t�+mirty t) whea t+*r+llwrmr � trial b1• t
itsdsllirtent a
y' utomi,)i to travel and ndrer•tise to std -stab- our fid in rtstriom t rmdinn far•
�•Iriber& Of SOU0113=06 will t III *f isit with friends at Shallow Lake, liahod htntrn of stolid 11naneW i4ftm pg. Bsistty me l+R orders taken to ysiinirlew seen at
8780 a VMr and etnanarw, a 1 tray, ole+ ail cash. r r r
atsnvea-d(a trt r rns: TOM&Y, MiSgEI'm 3arter has returned from xOic n �i ttncAr�iwtrr"t ami r?_ ns a� 8m- ithPet'i1�0ii HH -td are fore
1tJi1111, lav 1i�i !t oalntlidaete for two +xweeka! viAt with ff"o ds In wing. cheat ;rraneser, t axtcrri ids., ai,+lrICV. 'WIN Alli.
,y�ra fes, haatia tit I;lide'Is--]3lytit l�b�sdtartl. ..
We are now offering special value in all ,classes of Summer Goods.
slips, Orf;andies, Wool Delaines, Fancy Gitigbaws, Percales, Dimities,
rcerized. Sateens a.ndiprints, all up-to-date patterns land colors.
Also a eomplete stoelt of Ladies' Wrappers and Shirt Waists, special
ue at 6 -fie and up.
See our special values in Ladies' White Goods and .Indervests,
Parasols in Vanev,and Black Colorings from 75c and up,
In Turnip Seed I have the best known kinds, such as Steel Briggs Co.
cot, Elephant, Simmer's ,Prize, Ronnie's Own, as well as ;ill the old
andard Varieties.
See o line of Ladies Summer Corsets at 35c. Also the new Corset
Form, straight front, speeiatl at $1.00 pair,
We show speclail value in Hosiery and Gloves.
See oar eial lino of Cotton Bose for Boys, extrst• heavy, fast blaek.
Gtloveg 1p, Mck and Colors from 16o pair up,
A sper Rob of Whito Counter Panes to be Bleared at $1.00 each.
rrAm So