HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-06, Page 74 a BUtloful By 4 EDWAtRDS. Author of `•� j� -w cvrhr I.itticwlaew" 40stella, stirling;' - 3 But Poor ''prettiest• of ,Pill," Etc,, Etc+ -.1��� ♦ Pie®�ON,►��O��N•0�r�0'11�Or ^ �ir�1rlr�k•�i.+'g'�i'c�4� %�ir'i%�`�k�k iKk�&•',� �C'�t �ir�Ct'fr�I•,tr'�l �ir�k'fC•�r�'r'k�Y'��•ic�li�r�lr'1r��k'*,�'�ii' Im the tea-tablo Hattie was intro, but I fear you would be ashazhed of i dated to Mrs. 1,'niory, -whose long, me in my little bedroom," Yearning look fairly entered tier soul, "No, no, now that I know you, T It Feeiued aq if in Mattie she sought woulthl't he ashamed of you any to find some favorite reseatbla nce, so whero. 1'11 go to the tindery to • eagerly did site scam her face Lind see you, it Mr. W. --• will pertuit vis- , form, She said: , iters tltei•e. "'l ha -o heard so touch of you, And Lizzie loot ed appooling at • and seen such talent exhibited in bins, your drawings, Miss Butler, that I "I su,•oly shall ever be glad to felt tics if I could not sleep till I had -Be you at the bindery, end Aliss -seen you. DO not think :me iutpertt- Battle will not be chided for any 'trent or intrusive. Toto look so good, time she spends with you, either here .-so pure, so gentle, I know you will or utero, nor will her satlory be les - forgive me." sened."' '•I am sure there is nothing to for- ""Oh, you good soul! .Frank al - give, I was only too happy to come ' ways $aid you were one of nature', -when they told me yoga were partially noblemen," cried the impulsive girl, ..an invalid, and I could do you good " I thank Frank for his good by coming." words," said air. NV—, laughing, yet Bless you, dear childl bless you blushhtg at the sante time. for it! After tea we will look at The doctor came down .:your drawings; there is one especially - . I -wish to know all about." Just before Hattie started, Nothing more of any interest alas and said Mrs. Emery was better, but r.t3aid until 'tea -was over, .and then very -weal.. She begged that Miss they all adjourned to the library. to • theButler would cause unci see her en 'look over the drawings, the afternoon of to -morrow, -when "Whose picture Js-this?—or is it a silo hoped she would be well., at fancy sketch instead of a portrait?" : least able to sit tip and receive her. asked Mrs. Eulory of Tiattie, laying She was much afflicted with ilio pal- .-asked finger on the ]lead of a young potation of tha. heart, and this no -w .-girl that was spoken of before in this followed her fainting spell. -story. Tfattttc, told by Alr, 1V— that she "That? �ih}, it is the portrait of could have -all the time she wished, Little Jessie Albemarle," said Hat- sent word to Alrs. Ptnary that she would come, and now, escorted by tie' Frank, Lizzle and their father, site A• deathly pallor came quicker than -went down to the carriage, Dir. N- -thought over Mrs, l:anory's face, She gasped out, ",Iesnio Albemarle!" and accompanied, far he was to see her 'sainted. safely to her boardinghouse, and then ride Immo in the carriage. A ]rind good -night from all of the CIIAPTIU1 SZII. Legares -went with the poor working - girl, and it seemed as if they really A scream of terror broke from regarded,her visit as a favor, though. I,fzzio's lips when she saw her aunt through the sudden illness of Mrs. 'fall back fainting, but she slid not Lmory it had turned out sadly. know the cause. Neither did Frank lir. WV -vas silent and thoughtful or Mr. Let;are. Not even had Mr. during the brief time taken by the •%v—, who sat talking -with Frank, swift horses to draw the carriage to ,heard her repeat the name: "Jessie Miss Scrtmp'g door. Without a Albemarle." doubt,. his mine] was upon the - letter Only Hattie Butler had heard it, then in Hattie's pocket, and -what .and seen that her agitation cont- ndglil: be her answer. wenced only when told who the litre- . She was thinking of Mrs. Emory, ness had been taken front, and and -vltat had caused her sudden pal - though a. lightning flash could not for and terrible agitation, resulting •have passed quicker than a certain in a swoon at the mere mention of thought crossed her mind, she the name of poor little Jessie Albo- -dare not latter it then or there, tnarle. Could it be that a brighter •'Quick, some -water!" she cried, future was about to dawn for the retaining her presence of nsi.nd Iter- poor little bound girl? , •fectly, as she held the head of the Ten strokes of the great clock bell swooning lady on her bosons, "and on 14t, Paul's, echoed all over, the But - .some cologne —hartshorn — am_ city by other clocks, told Hattie But• - •thing pungent. She has fatintecl!" ler that the hour for closing leas up, "Frank, run for our fatuily doc- just ars the carriage. stY.opped.in front tor, quick! He lives but a ]flock: of bliss Scrimp's door. away. Go yourself—don't sone] a ilattte slid not know that Miss sorwantl" cried Mr. Legare, and lie Scrimp had been waiting and 'watch - Ing to get floc] -water from a Ing at that door for almost an hour, pitcher in the room, while Lizzie ran peeping through closed, elle crack, for it -vas not quite closed, to see hero and -to her room after cologne and am- "with whom. she -would return. But znonla. this was a fact. Anel when the street But the mvoon seemed so death- launp close by• shone on the grand Nce that Hattie was alarmed. She carriage and noble horses. with their began to fear that it -vas death. gold -mounted harness, Hiss Scrimp tSlte force a little water between the saw, with envy rankling in her heart, -white lips, and bathed the good the tall footman leap down and open 'lady's temples -with cologne, 'while the carriage door, and Dir: W—, even by her directions Lizzie put amtu0- - him on -whom she had bent her long- mia on her handkerchief and hold it ing thoughts, hand 11 -attic Butler out under her nostrils. with Ills -gloved hands, as daintily as When the doctor arrived, in less if she were a princess and he a lord than `ten minutes, these active efforts in -waiting. had barely produced a tremulous sign There -vas . a courteous "good - of life. night" passed between Tiattie and her "Lot her be conveyed instantly to escort, then he sprang into the car - :bed!" was the doctor's first order. riage, and it was, driven off. -while "It is one of her old nervous spasms, Hattio ran ligh't'ly up the old stone :and they grow dangerous. She must stops in front of t'hu house and ' laid remain perfectly quiet, free from all her hand oft the bell -pull. -excitement, -ellen she is restored to "Oh, you needn't yank at that consciousness. She will soon come belll" cried ills% Scrimp, throwing to, The color is coming back to her the door open, "It's after hours, but -cheeks." a I 'was up. and a-waitin' for youl" Mrs. Lmory was carried to,a cham- ""You dict not have to watt long, ber on the same floor, and Lizzie and Driss Scrimp. 'got half the city clocks �ilatt'ie prepared her for rest, not ail- are yet done striking -ton. I may be ! thirty seconds late by the City 1lowiug a servant to came near, and • then Hattie, fearing that she would Hallf" be questioned by the invalid, before Long enough, in a chilly night fothers, when It might net really be like this. where have you been? g You have no right to ask, Miss the w]4h of Mrs. Lmory, expres-V11 Scrimp. But having nothing to Ion- a %visit to go house, saying she would coal, I will reply—to Mr. Legares, conte again should Airs. Buaory tic- on Fifth gvenue." Isire it. She would not reach her Sakes alive. What did them grand boarding-house, its it was, touch be- folks -want of you?" +1 Sore ten o'clock, " To take tea with 'them, and to p "Yolt'fk conte to�eee me again, will purchase a four drawings of mine for (you not, dcaLr? For I do love you a thousand dollars!" said Hattie, x01" said lAzzle. when. Dir, Lehare -well kno-vin� this last stroke -would `ordered his carriage to the door to almost annihilate Atiss Scrimp. { take Mattie to her boarding-house. tit. r GGG a..es alive! 'You're jok- Yes—1 hope so, I -wish I had a ingl" screamed Miss Scrimp, ii't Placo to receive e Four . visits in, snateliing tip the hand lamp she lead - left on the hall table. Any Lady Can Use l toes that look like a jolio?" ask - Drs Chase's Ointment ed Hattie, and she placed the thous- and -dollar check which Air. Lob are had handed her after tea, right un - It is Antfaserrtit, Clenurtina and Heal. dor Miss Scrimp's cross-eyes. info—Beautifies the Slavin and Cures '"Mercy on tilel You'll never 90 Phliples, Blaelcheatds and Irritat. to the bindery no more, will you? Odd It0hing Skin. "Yes, x shall go there to my work There is no single preparation you in tlto tnornitll;, just as I always can name that Is more useful in the do," said Ilattic, and she was Off Moine tnan Dr. ChasLo's Ointment, and ftp stairs before Aliss Scrimp could it Is so clean, refliued and creamy, that ask another ques'ti0n, It deserves a place In every ladies, ""well, Weill wonders Will never ' toilet. stop a-comin't" ejaculated Aliss It is a dellghtfu: applleation for Scrimp, "`If I haldn't seen her go in !cough, red skin. pimples, +blackheads ilio ca`criag+e, and seen Air. 1V— help ly An d ch> raped lips atand hands burn her but, I wouldn't have believed bruises and wounds of all kinds. my 'eyes, Ono 'thousmid dol;ars-•••-in During the hot weather Dr. Chase's areal check, too—I knew It ns soots Ointment is in constant demand for an 1: saw it. Aren't I dreautin'?" f chafing' and scalding, fleshy people es- She actually bit her finger to see pecidIly, finding• it invaluable. Moth if sho ryas arvako or not. ers use it for their babies, as it does not clots; the pores of the stein like pow- Then she sighed. dere do. "It's Suck. Some people are a$. Then it must be remembered that be.- ways ltnvin' luok," she said. "Hot* aides bean ; a skin b"at.t111er,Dr. Chases have I been La-tuatkin' and ams ]vin,' Ointment has wonderful Inedleinal a scrimpin' and a-studyfn' all the qualities, thoroughly c�uring each and ti"no for forty years or more, unci I every .form of Rvvema, Salt Rhoum, Baby Eezem:t, Scald Sianel and Itchin1~ haven't had a bit, o' luck. It'll all skin I3ieaoum Slaty cents rt box, rill been hard, attupid work. .Knot ik at !dealers, or post!iald frail l:dmanaon, baby -faced thing will jumi't rb,itt in. sates & Company► Torcnt1. tort fortune, I'll bet, and like ,t4 not warry t1la.t huuldsolne hook -ii, .-._.,..�.,.�r tinn right tiefnre ln%' face an.. eyes. t st..ttil raiso tlint her answer utast pair* tm ww:u:: CURE FOR > ,FI1..EF1 . Now is thhu'19ua0 toTro" r"etaas00 W lakcfl alive!' it al101:PFl il1L4 to 1111ak ,f It. It I wasn't alfrtlld of -rbni a heart. Then she knelt again fit elleai� I -Speaking of crops sting 1>0 snl lrup 5� i rufwtttuy x haysr itl,s I.xllarfgtenrr clttestinu of protAathig l�stt agrlita�l ,light happen I'd 1 '0'1 her t,.+: , g , I t.tv irayer. rentL as she over diel, a chs 1 p' ' ter in the revealed wore] of floc], ant; 1140r ly 7l;atlralyf+uaaarafui, Atta ouka by wee Al. " 19'ow l• twits VilmtQ, 1 Or her- 1.. � nal Ill t 4 l '1' r t t. 1'11 I t.t i I -)ten lay dnu-•n to tits rest which itr•• Carl. r , P >rrntltale, Ill., Aug. l�.•-<�ltt rsa rip- pays prof. Toocllhead, "Jnirt lt�s iu,, or * o..,ok .... . . .... ..... , • ,.. t-a,ulit ..,laic] -,'IJI ...y ,.:..a., th .� noernce alone can enjoy -«- that quirt. drna finless rest which gives naso• peared In the columna of the Chronicle several weeks ago a completo history are being thraalletl, to gnftrditglailutt>:b1 ought to i.e. in la ►a. r a o, U 11, u life. to the body and to the soul. of the discovery by Prof. George 1I. evil. A large civaxtit•y^ of peas can big, hot a. si,tiaral 40• V. a thief in And thus we will leave her, tivhlle krelhoh-of .5'outhern 111]rlals State Nor- treated at one time, and at very' littl*, L CUrni'r a --t uI11u' for , her, for a time and for a reason we fly cause's epiLr'ItY of the parasite that a*l1t'nse. If thara Art), $447, 100 l7,eul46 ce that Dtus ,t asthu is 111-d td�,llt+rs,as►ncl x110 10 far awnv on the swift wings of fancy to different �— a far dI trent scene. series of; nvestI9aLiq ii aovcrin tt all in a bin, these can till be tt;eatsd together g on her hoard, and mala her a sections of the count r in this way: Buy a otie- "iud bottle of ' Y has Ston in 3 � po. Comic dulwn, too. Calle crow] atir 14, 01TAPT1,11 i XXIV. progress In. an attempt tat Sind a ours t+prboth bi-sulphide uud placethe salients that wouldapply to etts'll cultsed by lad $he shall." with a severe sin in t11G back. 1 P In nit ordinary wtaslh, baidu, and set the tho parasite. .gout l�.cntucky, Aflohl- Alts Iicritnfi sold this 'ehetnantiy, ind then shuffled up stairs to ]ler Not in all California -•-• not even in >1an, Indiana r.nd the caast pationts basin on top of the Frain. Cover the Ales9rs: 13ttg, but whether the rain the grandly glorious valley among have been. treated by physlaiang•ahong whale with an oil cloth, or two or three . it room. �-- the cliff's and gorges of the famed Prof. I xenolt s lino of Investigation , thioknesses of blaaukets, The Carbon bi- C11APTL11 XXITl, Yosemite, can be found a wildeir with the result: that a temporary rem- sulphide will evaporate, and the tulles, edY Was compounded. scene than that exhibited where the Feather River breaks In furious hasto Recently' a Miss Crane of Tamaroa, being heavier thaw air,. will penetrate All was still in the house when through an awful chasm in the Sierra s stor of uno alumnus of the school, who through the pens. Three or four days Hattie eltnibed up those long and dreary stairs, for tired 'trorlcinbr girls Nevada. A friend, a dear friend, who, had suffered for thirteen: yours with later repeat ilio treatlneuk, tamakestlxe: tlil disease, began the treatment and i + t a to steel) early sleep soundly. uU •. !L d 6 CC s b 1 ,tn i nibled there for years, has described it over and over, and talked. to mo ha., Rut, above all things, be careful to ]lave. h now c :reached such O as s h a tot that :a the no light or fire (not conn a noalr, 1'licy Jsnow the day must not dawn e their tto ilaborllbe- about it till I can hear the eternal rocurrenae of i pipe) maer lady is; considered is, e. and vhas Le up, washon , at,�and oil roar of the white waters, feel the very cliffs shako with the dizzy dash c lenrer here general healthind injas ury is done the pe , even t P* Surprilsed 1 filly Is to t e p as, ar n f. Alt; n her fore the sun from its eastern up -lift gilds the city spires• and whirl of its cataracts — look even, family, Prof, Trench .said; to -day: "I cion- f'eceing standpoint, and no harm will be' Hattie entered her room, set her down on the eddies where gold, uvashed from the veins above which cider the. case of Miss Crane a>, remark- done by au overdose. By treating no'r able lamp alight, took off her things, and may nevercheddby(mortal cure. I have the remedy and the i,usccts are caught before they leaven treatment nearly completed, and. sat down by her bedside to think. aha took the letter from her pocket a cumulating beenit when the peas. If treatment isnot ,given now is I shall glacity •giv<(it t(v, itio world Air. 1V— illi given her aft the turies. While our fair heroine was sleeping, a half to a third of the insects will es - —both the medical profession and lay- mon alike. The people itref entitled to cape and find lodgement about the barn',, bindcry, and put it down on the bindery, table, unopened, and there it lay for taking the rest which nature needed, in a shall log cabin on a little shelf my discovery." suet be read for business in y spring. If full a quarter of an hour, whLW she of rock and ground aunt above where a alta]] quantity o p , q y f peas is to be treated was lo.,t In her meditation. the Feather River broke in wild It is funny a stutterer never say 10 or 10 bushels, it would be well tot And yet men say a woman] is made up of curiosity. And that is all men grandeur through the gorge, before a ,that 'stutters wbem he attempts to swear. put thein in an air tight box, and use a, know abaft it. ')'hoy can say so, but fire made from ilie limbs of trees 7.TIfe people of Ontario Write more quarter to a half a pound of the carbon it doocn't make it so. ca• t on shore by. the torrent in a Ictters than those of the rest of Can- bi-staphidE, Two or three neighbors At last silo tools up the letter, ut hirling eddy just bolos-•, a young, a'dA• -night club together and get enough for - looked again at her name written itt a bold, handsome hand on a business man sat, -with a -year, look on his line, intellectual face, looking into all of them." • No matter how good a checker envelope of the firm, and then site the fire. player a man is, he -won't adm].t than broke the goal. ThL, color carne and went in her Mining tools—cu pick, shovels, crowbars, and hose — crucibles also,People )to plays much. , DRr A. W. CRASE S 250W fall, sho-vin'' sur rise, a stationand b P g empty and full flaslrs cif quiekstiver' y suwho bub twhe CtheyCn lit - CATARRH CURE . r■ even pain, while she read it. That we with many other signs, told that ways ore surprised when they start -- to school and "*et unmercifully is sent direct to thegdlseasgd' gttyecl, clay understand her feelings it May be as well to give the letter place this man, young and slender, and not well fitted for toil, was a search- p parts by the Improved Blower. Heals Every worn= hats nooks and cor- s ages sulcers, opsd opph" gainI here. .It ran thus: -Miss er fc r the gold with -which 'those ners About the house in Which to tilde throat and permanantir cures Battle—r feel embarrassed, hardly, knowing how to frame words eternal hills, that rushing stream, are things that her husband can never CatarrhandRarFever. Blower find. 44!pfree. All dealers, or Ar. A. W. Chau to express a desire, a lupe, and a I literally stocked. Fishing -rocs. told tackle, a double - l Meettatae Co., Toronto and Bnala fear. barrclecl shotgun, and a repeating - "The desire is, injall sincerity, hon- rifle stood in one corner of the cabin, or, truth, and tenderness, to possess showing that in the -eater and •' you as my -wife—the holiest relation- among the hills the young maul ship known on earth. prepared to find the food -vitich Js "The hope is that you will listen so plentiful there, and was not de- to and reciprocate a love -which I pendent on the far -i-way stores of believe to be pure and unselfish — a Oroville.- Alarysville, or Sacramento,15 I louse based oil your merits rather than yojai+• transcendent beauty — a love, wliicli, though fervent, will be., from -which many of the miners drew supplies. "Though this man was young—not ' • • i � • ���9a q I aim sure, lasting as my life. over five -and -twenty years of age —�a LYi t>.S "A fear that I ate not -worthy of there was a -weary look in his pale, " + the boon I ask ••— your love and handsome face, --'hied made hint look c' hand — or, alas for me if it prove older. Light -brown hair curled in so, that young as you are, some one else has already gained the heart -which I would give worlds, -were heavy musses on his shapely head and fell far clown on his shoulders, and his beard, a soft, silken brown,���� ' • ss' ad they mine, to claim as my ourn, all not heavy. ]nit long. told that no ' my own. tonsorlal hand. ]rad tomlied it for "Can you respond favorably to many months. this petition? I ask no speedy an- .,.t will I e tit ea gars to--nor- swer. I will press�rno unwelcome suit, Conte and go, s you always row." h:• slid. "'Three years to - iiu rro-w s'n^e 1 looke 1 upon her in ? A Good do, bringing brightnest -when I see leaving in but her glorious ]-ride and beauty—three i p� you, it void nay lyes, -ears to-uu+cru-^ sen"e the hour -rh,,tl, fS not in my heart, as you pass out, madly Ws:racer, ll my own folly and when Jou feel that you can kill- and the laud ;+f vs,'on for strong yy sower use do so, confident that I shall ever love you. I shall. never pre- drink, -ihich has ruined millions of better nscn than T, T stood before surae to press one word on your ear her to hear my sentence, t0 be told ' Prescription which.shall bring a frown on the to gni from her prasrnc•e and never 3 face so dear to use. Goil bless yuu, to return till Ale recalled Inv, -witch l Miss Hattie, tind way Ile turn your she -would only do when sho kne'v ' �� heart to thoughts of your sincere T had forever congitercd an appetite e t' friend, r «--" For a love -letter, it was a model. that had debased lily manhood and the love had tl:e— z ® #� I say so, and I ought to know, for, I've waste- froze all she given love, so precious, so priceicsa, I i Fori na=na young as I ant, of a g g basket half full then'. soh, so pure. s of "Wild -with rage and disappoint - Tears Started in Iiattte's eyes as she carefully refolded the letter ]neat, I tore mtyself away and fled and with the adventurous throng to this restored it to the envelope. Ll Dorado, but I. dared not stay r7f� "Ile is a true and Iioble man," she said, "A gentleman in every sone. where men were and strong drink abounded. • I -wandered on and on Ten for five eents,at D rf Saloons, News -Stands, GReencTJ Strorrees'adegBarrbbers But I cannot return his love. NOW can I say so and not -round his gen- until I could go no farther, and here, 1 Shops. They banish pain, induce sleep, and prolong life. ' One gives relaeEt matter what's the matter• one will Brous and sensitive n tyro? I must' the highest claim upon this ulad riv- i er, I fixed my 1lallle. I3et'e have I n du you good. Ten samples and one thousand ricer menials sent b7 mail to any address on receipt of price, by theRipansChemicalCo.,:glSpruceSt„New York City. think of it—T must ask advice andtolled month after month, year after aid from that unfailing source which year, increasing my golden store never will bid me do wrong.' slowly and surely, but, -:est of all, And the pure, sweet girl knelt by conquering that base appetite -which her humble bed in silent prayer. Then lost heaven on earth for me, when she arose, her heart lighter, her eyes' its gates were -ride open. , bright with new inspiration. "No beverage but that sparkling 1 She• drew up to her table, opened a drinlc, -which the hand of the Father -- - —� - small , portable -writing-desk, and gives to man for his good, has pass- --- ---•_. _.—._�.._ _. --_ . rapidly' -wrote these few -words: "mr. liNteemed Valued est my lips for there three long years ®• W-: and --water, blessed water, has strength- friend—The desire you express can Bred my brain and given health to never be gratified, because, while „^t, feeling your 'worth, knowing how good and. truthful you are, I know Mo 1310 CONT -U UDD. 1 in heart I cannot harbor the love .-which -would be a. just return for that which you feel and offer. It will DoaLlis to the Ilrftiat► Iiay:►1 : nanny, t '” make me very unhappy to think, I , The hood Queen Vlctor:a tl]ed on sadden your briglit life in any -way. 22ond Jan•unry la'st at 6.55 in the Try to forget love, in the friendship I evening, anA on tht lith inst. (Aug- The Typewriter the World was Waithig For shall ever feel so proud and happy to ust.) her eldest child, the 11r'.aicess possess. Royal, th-Dowager Empress lr,'e.or- "with sympathy and sincerity, I ick of Pxusvia, di:*d •1t. 6.15 6fu ;.tie am your humble friend, ew-nlnge.. This makes the fourth of This is PROVED by the fact thrit i.hP BUSINESS in- Flattie Butter." th^ la.tc Queen's children who have habitants of the world USE it. ` She bowed her head anti. wept after pa•%sed away, tl1^ others b°ri-ug Pr:nce. she had sealed and directed her let- Altre•i, Dake.' Of Edinbu••gh, nn -1 rf- Now minufactu-ed ill three Of the great countres, viz, " - for,.;.for,she left sorrow ilt iter soul tet•w:Lrdq Duki of Saxe Coburg a•ad Canada United States and G( v. ! > _ _ _.-... _ W Gotha; I'.rince I,vopoid, Duke of A1- bag^y, and Rrinms% Alloo, Grand - 1 The of nadian flalcifie Railway hive over 200 in use Duchess of Hassv. The liv'ng Child, They know a GOO]) thing " * " are the King; the- Duke of Con- r.angbt, Prince Arthur; ihr Pr'n- • 0 a o'•eq Christ'an of Schlcsw!,g-holstein:, S0171E OF ITS A..DVANTXGES KI®WY 611.6 T'ri:nees•s 11,A •ita ; the' 'Duchesq of A.r ryle, I'ri•7clas LC lige, and T'r:nre� s 'Visible writing stars to fluwkh. rorhiAlllty, weighs only 15 pouisda. CURE. - H.-nry of Batt'rnbvg, 1:1rinc;:ss Ilea.• -'rice. + i tiaanifolding,bents them till. Alli; tuudnt,poyitiveand permanent. I 1 illi l 1 d t 1 t X11 1 it em I Iml BACKACl�E LAME BACK RHEUMATISM ' The London papers a few dnys ' _ DIABETES ago drew attention to the fact that DRIGHTB OISEA6E in. that district : a new' insect pest - DIZZINESS *nate had appeared. Its particular task is tri destroy sugar boots, as quickly KIDNEY Aa URINARY tv � possible. The other day Aft. 0I8EASE8 Gee, Veale of 9th title, wrest lorrA, AAE CURED OV brought into this office trvo lively KION black beetles. about 'half An inch in 'Aha i/6,d'd7Nry length. head is; shall and tho body large in, proportion to t:ho o. Insect's size. 1 t Aronclay morning Air. Veale was tnking a walk thro» MAS. 1. STIMVUS, Edgettis Lane,- noit�,iced thech•no nat ow eclt' onemy 'lot. ing- N.B., Writes bit Jan. 18, rgol t words:. 'the leaven were stripped' off Lr In. tile fail .of ISgg, I was troubled in- many placevs. The r:ugar beet suffers lnuclf as does the mithg6l. with a severe sin in t11G back. 1 P Paris green, tuns applted,and on :Cues - could searcely get up Outofa Chair (Illy morning there was no+ wign of ' ttnd It gave me grdat Pain to move Ales9rs: 13ttg, but whether the rain about. 1 tool++ Sue box off Doan's wnrhecl thein off,or whether the! DO' - 'Ion' "'Arlo them tarn up their toes, It xldneyy Pills and. was co ltplately is tllfficalt to say, It may bo worth cured. I have not been troubled whilo for farmers to look ever the. • 1r watt] It shim sugar heet dwl lnangels.-•• Tavistmk a_-_�,._ . Dara 3 t, Lart one s ee pat s. Inti to ," finita as abainst WAARtINTED by a wt•11.1cuoivn Canadian Cofupalty here to Hack it up, UM It $60. YOTJ NVAST11 that nittah if i•ou BUY any OTHrh, and t•ua DO NOT UleT 14 GOOD a machine! T LSE WILLUMS MFG. Co., Lim, ited �*�`�Vrite t0•clay. lfl;l;w;'i'giA,L, P. Q, t ' Thi'I il, 111 e S TO .ANIZ A.DrDTiESS 'FILL eT f -C Ti'ARLY i. st, 1902, for 25 Cents