The Wingham Times, 1901-09-06, Page 5---- -^
1^HT; 1rYINGHAN Wfi,'. , MPT. 6t 1901. ; ,
"1 i17 14",
The following is tho report of U. S. s.
No. s, Tarnberry and Morris for the
wa as
7FRd9r 4YAWAN0:1ii.
Mra. (Roy.) W.' T. Hall. of Art)m r
was Messrs Jas. John
yisititzg at and
month of August:•••••
McGee's and Jallu Menzies, sr.
4th C�-'ss,--Olive Crulksllank, Robt.
- m----
- -•-m
Mr and Mrs, Mathews, of Duclfnow
guest at Will Patton'a. this
tion Elliott, RosettCasantore�ergul
3rd Claes,-••-Pend Vanstone, Bert
John Menzies and daughter Lizzie,
Martiu, Percy Hogg.
were visiting friends at Belmore over
2nd Blass, -Bert Elliott, Lillie Hogg,
What Widca'wake Times Correspondents Communicate -- Other
Lillie Moffat, Annie Walker,
Miss Sarah Irwin left on Monday to
,Ferguson, Hannah Wallcer,
Itorus Clipped From Our Exchanges.
resume her duties as teacher in Exeter,
Part II -Ethel Tipbug, Alba Hogg,
Miss Evelyn Lookheart was the guest
Pearl Walker.
of Miss Carrie McGee last. week.
Sr. Part I No, 1, -•Ariel Ferguson.
Minutes of Council meeting hold ill
A quiet wedding tool, place at the
The Anniversary services of the E
Sr, fart I No. 2, --John Walker,
Bluevnle qu Saturday Aug. 91st 1901;
manse, Whitechurch, oil Monday even -
League of Brick Church will be
Jr.' Part I No, 1, --Mao, Elliott.
members of Council till present; chra
ing Aug, 20th when Mr, Jlno. MoKeu+
held in said place on Sept, pith. A pro -
Jr, Part I No, 2, -Rohn, Ilogg,
Reeve in the chair. The minutes, of
zee (Prof,) of lie fifth Con., was united
gram wo believe will be given the fol -
George. Cruikshank, Wilfred Walker,
last meeting 'were read approved and
ill nnarria Miss ]Sate Cannell of
lowing Monday evening.
]Percy Martin, Willie MoKenzie, Alfred
Mrs, Robt Henry and Mrs, Robt, Me.
Communications: -- Were received
The shareholders and patrons of the
Dowell and daughter are attending the
Average attendance for the month,
from the Clerk of Culross, re grant for
Butter Factory stet here out Wednesday
Exhibition this week.
23. Nina J, Isbister,
Uouudary-filed, also from Godeiioli
afternoon and decided to rebuild the
A number of the farmers in the neigh -
Electric Ligltt Coy. re right of way-fil•fttotory
ou a larger scale.
borhood are sowing at small amount of
tors tine Coughed
also front Reeve of Morris re wire
fail wheat owing to the annoyance of
and Works off the Cold.
fence Oil bOtitldary.
tale Hessian fly,
Brom entre II ill'
The Reeve reported that he
Rev. Mr, Whaley has returned from
Altlbourne McDowel And- Mr,
e, no ay. Pts
' oneday. No Clore, no Pay. Pried •do cents•
hid let a of gravelling on 2ii side
his vacation, Mr, Mends, who had
1,� illle Ta for returned to Goderielz 001-
__ •_ __^ _ _
line to Joe McKinnon at 38 uts per rod,
charge of the work in his absence was
13giate on Thursday.
1 yds, gravel to Tori; also lot a job of
60 Morris Boundary to
much appreciated.
Mr. ane Mrs. Joseph MCBarriey and
gravelling yds on
Miss A. Murray will visit the Pan,
family spent Sunday in Turnberry at
Real Estate and Loan Office.
Joe. McKinnon, 45 cts. per yd; also
and then go to Dakota, whera she has a
Mr. J. McBurney.
let a job of gravelling . on S con to
Mrs. Robt. Shield and Mary Mason
Conveyancing, Assignee and Accou ntant.
Money to loan on town and farin property.
Joe McKinnon, 40 cts. per roti 1.1 yds. to
Mr. and Mrs. Thurston, who have
sp3nt Sunday at Mr. Hugh Halliday's
office -Two doors north of Drs. T. & J. S.
rod; also 80 yds. oto Morris Boundary
been tine guest of Mr. Murrayave re_
of Turnberry. ty
Chishohn's Surgery. Residence-Catherino St,
63 cts per yd.
turned home.A
number of the 7th people intend go -
Mr. Couphtnd reported having let a
Mrs. D. Todd is visiting her father,
ing to London to the. Fair.
job of filling approach to Jobb's Bridge
Mr. Nealy in Michigan.
Mrs. A. Robertson cf Winghann spent
to Joe. McKinnon at $30,00 job completed
The brick for the new English church
this week at Mr. W. Robertson's and at
recommended payment.
here has been delivered from the new
Mr. C. Campbell's.
Mr, Mitchell reported having let a
brick yard St. Helens, and they are a
Mr. D. Beecroft returned to St.
job ' of repairing culvert on Howick
very fine sample.
Thomas last week.
Boundary to Robert Hupfer at $4.00.
Some very necessary repairing has
Watches, Gold Silver.
Howick to pay half cost.
been done to the 9th bridge lately,
and ;
Thos. Gilmour applied to Council for
Miss N. Peart of Teeswater who has
Mrs. J. Geedes and children aro spend -
A. A.
payment payment of repairs to wagon broken at
been visiting friends here has returned
ing this week with, Mrs James Ferguson
road work, no action; also applied to
of Bayfield,
Hair Olasps
Govt. Drain. Moved by Coupland and
sad aeuident happened at Mr, Will•
lain Sherward'
Mr. Gordon Whiteman is attending
Mitchell that the clerk notify Mr, win,
, its youngest child be-
High School in Goder,ch this term.
Grey to clean out portion of the Muni-
ing drowned b ' f fling into a. pail of
Gordon has turned his back to the farm
cipal drain to its original depth on 6r
water which been, sunk in the
and we wish him every success in his
Brooches ,
before the 10th day of Sept. and if not
ground for the purpose of watering their
done on that date the council will em-
The fugal, which took place to
Mrs. J. Henry left this morning for
Belt Buckles -
to men to do the wort- at his expense.
P. y p
the Dungan cemetery, was largely
• y, g y
Hes eter where she will visit her dao h -
P g
attended, . ,
Sterling Silver
Tho Clerk was also instructed to not!-
Mr, Thos. Anderson is visiting friends
Miss Haunali and Mr. John Agnew of
fy Mr. Ballagh to immediately clean
in Whitechurch.
town spent Sunday at Calvin.
out to original depth his portion of the
Miss Georgie Sproule is the guest of
branch drain through to the "James"
friends in Teeswater.
}loo a sitars Does Hurt.
Cut Glass. =
Mr. Thos, Hood, an old resident, has
But it isn't tine pain alone that is
Mr. Murray Wilson laid a petition be-
passed away at the age of'92.
:dreaded, just think of the loss of time
fore the council of a number of rate-
Herbert Whyard, who has completed
and wages. Sprains without number
have been cured by rubbing Poison's
payors asking the municipality for a
his coarse in the drug store is visiting at
Nerviline well into the pores of the skin
Eyes tested without charge, Repairing
Grant of 20 cents per rod to build wire
home. He will attend the College of
surrounding the joint. No matter
neatly done. Don't be afrale. to come in.
V1'o aro always pleased to show goods.
fence on 25th side line. No action.
Pharmacy next term,
whether it is a sprained wrist, ankle,
The old Stand in Mason Block.
Moved by Mitchell Lind Musgrove that
Mr. Wm. Earl of S. Dakota is visiting
knee or back, just try Nerviline on it,
and see how quickly it will cure. There
we agree to pay one third cost of GO
here after an absence of about 93 years.,
i, only one liniment that can be
rods of wire fence around'mill "pond on
depeudedupontocure sprains,strainsnnd
Morris boundary. -Cd.
i'sronchitis sufferers,
swellings, and that is Poisons' Nerviline. i
B la no 10 1901 11
act foolishly If they improve ever so
Large bottle 25 cent,.
prove -
Jeweller and Optician, ing funds for tine current expenditure of little when the fine weather comes, they _ _-_� - .-- -- - - - --- ••-- - •-- - -- -- -- . __..___ -
j' - the municipality for the current year by relax effort and drift back into the old ` Tender Corns.
x].vi.var.E. Robert Duncan.
P y y condition which if possible, becomes The Presbyterian Sabbath School 9 g Soft corns. torus of all ]clods removed
�� a levy of 1;4 mills on the dollar of the more chronic, Hit Bronchitis hard ani' y pic- Ver many of the neighborhood are'
last revised assessment of tine municipal- the summer and you'll get rich of it and nic held on Labor Day down by them oto this week. without pain or sore spots by Putnam's
it drive it right out of the system. In river at the place called, for the last frightfnl accident occurred at Painless Corn a n d. W a r t Extractor.
s y winter it is almost impossible to do this. „ „August Thousands testify that it is certain, ain-
j �� I �� ^ Bylaw no 11, 1901 was passed provid• p generation, the picnic ,was not very kiauistique, Mlch., oneIv Wing h ra less, and prompt. Beware of substitutes
j•� Inhale Cataingo n regularly, its a lar, attended as so many were in Joseph Casemore, formerly of Winbhaan offered for " + "
ing for funds to pay municipal grant to dead pure thing on Bronchitis. It goes g y ' genuine Putnam s Ea -
schools. into the most minute air cells of tine Toronto and other places, but proved Junction was injured in a saw trill. The tractor. Sure, safe, harmless. At all
Bylaw no 12 was passed appointing • lungs, bathes all parts of the bronchial most pleasant and enjoyable to those young man, who had been working in druggists or sent by mail upon receipt
PP o of twenty-five, cents. N. C, Polson
Paul Powell Tax Collector at a salary of tubes with its .healing, germ destroying who were there. There were swinging, Manistique for some considerable time, Co., Kingston, Ont.
We have placed in steel: a y vapor, aura cures every time. Highly �,
$55.00 and postage. Security to the sat- • endorsed by all competent druggists and , croquet, baseball, scrambles for candies was coming to visit his home in Turn -
nice assortment of ready -t0- isfaction of the council to be given. doctors. 25c. and 8100. and foot races to amuse the little ones. berry and had gone into the mill, where
'wear clothing, and while We The following accounts were passed o 1 Eva Hoch -ridge wou the girls' race and lie was employed, to bid his fellow -work- ]MYTH.
do,not pretend to sell at less and cheques issued: Emanuel Bolt . WROXETER. Harold Swaiih was first in the boys' race men good-bye, when he slipped and The rate of taxation this year is 19•
than cost and live on the loss, $5,30 gravel: Peter McEwen $1.00 dam- Mrs• iYlcEwing of Teeswater called on The weather was all that could be desir- putting out his hand to save himself, mills.
you will find full value for your ages; W. Mines $1.68 gravel; Wm. Mrs. Brethauer and left on Thursday eel. An excellent feature of the picnic put it on the slab saw which cut through Mr. and Mrs. McBeath are in Toronto,
Guest $1.50, digging child's grave;: C. morning for Toronto to visit friends. was its almost entire absence of labor, his arm half way between the wrist and this week.
moneyever time. It is said that Dr. W: H. Brown and proved pp g "
Y Stokes 30c gravel; Ball Bros., $7, child's .gave 1 owed the more desirable on ac- the elbow.. That support hers bone he Mise gate and Janet Dodds are visit -
Give us a call. See what coffin; Jas. McGlyme, $1,50 gravel; Jno his daughter, Tesla away to .Mr. James tit of its simplicity, was unable to recover himself and his ing in Galt.
McKinnon $59.20 work on roads; Jnno. S. Allan our popular druggist last Wedne The family of Mr, and Mrs. William body came in contact with the saw I Mr. J. King of Flint, Mich., is visiting
l - we have in Mens, in Youths., McTavish $2).70 gravel; Robt. Hogg; day evening, The young couple will r Smith tried, and succeeded in visiting which entered at the shoulder and out the parental home:
and in Children's, all new and $1.00 watching B. line bridge; Jno, W. side in the rear of the Hemphill Block their parents en semble this week. Their through his ribs exposing the lungs. The Mr. and Mrs. Alex. McKellar left this
up-to-date goods. Ding $14.64 gravel; Geo. Cruickshank on Elgin street, son Thomas, mail clerk on the C. P. R, sad accident happened on Tuesday fore- week for a visit with friends in Portage
$2,50 repair culvert Wingham ; A. Long- Mrs. Donald fisher is at Harriston vis- in the North west is here with his family noon and the unfortunate man lived la Prairie.
F We have also a line of odd loy $1.92 gravel; Robt. Hopfer $4 00 re- iting her brother Mr: Cuuningliam, who also their daughter, Mrs. Scanlon, wife until the next morning. His father, Mr, Small fires occurred at the residences
Garments, Trousers, Vests, pair culvert Howick boundary; L. Orvis is very low, at present. of Rev. Mr. Scanlon, of Jarvis Ontario, John Casemore, of Turnber�ry, started of Mr, Charles Fraser and Mr. James
$3.72 gravel; Jno. McNaughton $22.50 Mr, Patterson was in Toronto this and another daughter, Mrs. Dennis from for Manistique immediately on receipt Bentley on Tuesday. They were put
Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc. gravelling 5th side road; Mrs. Eadie a
Y r r waek, near Hamilton. Rev. Wm. Smith has of the first telegram, but, of course, out before much damage was done.
$2.76 gravel; Jno. Yeo. $H.aO spreading.
gravel; Robt. Muir $1.44 gravel; F. The Womans' Foreign Missionary So- been visiting the parental home some was too late to see his son alive. As the Miss Allie Bennett, who has been in
0. O LA R K E Gutteridge $7.00, cement tile. clety Meeting was held last week in the weeks, Mrs, John Gannett of this injured man had relatives and friends in Cleveland for the past three years, has
Council adjourned to meet in Cleric's Presbyterian church. It was a great village and Milton at home comprise Manistique all that could be done for his returned to her home here, where she
.. , office on Monday Sept. 23rd at 10 O'clock success and well attended. the remainder of t h a family. These comfort was done. The body was will commence dressmaking.
Next door to Griffins Royal a, in.
Jxo. BIIit(TL$s, Clerk. The Rev. Mr, R. S. G. Anderson is to with their husbands, wives aril families brought to Wingham to be buried be- Following are the officers for the on -
sail on the 4th Sept and is expected to in a k e an interesting gathering. Mr, side his mother and sister Nvho died but suing six months of the Young People's
Thomas Smith had not visited hi, o a short time ago and within a few months society of Trinity church :-Hou. resi.
occupy the Presbyterian on the 15th all P
•";" �+�• ` '.'.;_ being wellTo ,. home for,more than a dozen years. of each other. It is. really needless to dent. Rev. George McQuillin; president,
Mr, J. Cowan and Bretharcer attended Mrs. Warder returned home on
So say that Mr. Casemore and the other Miss Annie Hamilton vice-president
Court at Corrie on Wednesday after• urday after a visit of several weeks with relativesV.-
lie sympathy of the tom- Mr. Thomas 17cGill;secretarytreasurer,
".'1•' =' �,, H, � neon. y ;y her son Joseph in Bluevale. inanity. Miss L. Settergreen; organist, Miss
Mary Hazlewood daughter of lir. V most enjoyable and successful gar- Bliss Annie liverreturned to Toren• Edna Hamilton; assistant organist, Miss
Flesh w g den party was. that held by Eadie's to last'weelc, Maud Proctor.
C. Hazlewood on Gibson St. is visitin g. e , Mrs. Archibald Patterson is visiting NIT. and Mrs. D. B. Keened and Miss
Mrs. ' Thomas A church congregation, .Curuberry, on the 9
Appleby is away to her sister Mrs. Becock of Myrtle, near Fitzsimons of Miss Tompson,
• ��~� Persons have been known to Claremont visiting friends grounds of Mrs. L+'adie, on Wednesday ' Clinton, � � P r
gain a pound a da b Lakin evening of last week. It was a beanti- Peterboro. of London; Miss Sanders o� Cleveland,
Y Y � Our boys were at Corrie on labor :day
who moonlight night and the'spot for the Mr. Samuel Anderson of Tarnberry is and Miss Carson, of Caledonia, spent
an ounce of SCOTT'S EMUL• and those ho were there witnessed a
i. yparty was distinguished a long way off visiting lits daughter Mrs. Robertson of Labor day at the home of Mr. Edward
SION. It is strange, but it often f3oocl game of baseball. The score stood by the additional illumination of a huge Owen Sound. I Watson.
happens. 10.14 with an inning's to spare in favor
PP P of Wroxeter,
bonfire, which might have been taken A largo congregation assembled in the
Somehow the ounce produces fora house ablaze. Ice Cream and wat• Methodist church last Sabbath. evening - --- - - —
' Miss Burgess of Brockville was the g to hoar Rev. William Smith preach
( the pound • it seems to start the, Kneen of Mrs, Jahn Robertson on Taos• erutelous wore in teat demand by the •
dl estive machine oin prop- Marys and Johns. Over soventy=five Miss Eliza blesser Stud Miss BClla Bur- Dy c- fteD �a
Bur -
digestive pati $ p p' day last, dollars was realized, Teeswater band g' a
erly,, so that the patient is able Earnest Bray' sols of John Baay on ess visited at Air. John Geddes', near
,x, Judge O� St�'�.E to digest and absorb his ordinary Howick ,lt, is on the sick list this week, wns iu attendance and speeches were Belgrave this week. - From foreign ;words 'meaning batt cook,
will at once detect the super- g Mr, Mulvey of Belmore left this delivered by the castor, R o v. W, J. Miss Katie Swann went to Fergus this bas come rather to signify bad stomach; for
p food, which he could not do be. West M. A., Rev. Mr. Dunn of White• week where She will at
high, sehool. the most common cause of the disease is a
iorit of our made-to-order gain' weep for for foo to take to the Pau. > predisposing g
y fore, and that is the way the ala church find Mr. John Powell, barrister, ,blr, and tiers. I#�ctltert Kinu, and familypredis osis want of vigor and tone in
Our Junior foot ball team were, at organ. •
;garments. is made. Gordo on .Labor :day and played a game of Detroit, ant old Turnberry boy, of Goderich visited in B':uevale over thatdisease makes life more miserable.
HIGH ART TAILORING A certain amount of flesh LS with Gorrio juniors resulting in a Miss I`lorence Johnston is organist in Labor Day. No
sufferers certainly do not lire to cat;
tine Methodist church since Mrs. W. J. Mr. and Mrs. Ste«; art. M c G e e 'of they sometimes wonder it they should
g is our specialty. We fit the necessary for health; if you}have tie. Johnston resigned the position, Wingham visited nt Mr.Johu Johnston's eat to Uve,
not of it you can et It b Mr.Edward Bernard has his dwelling
W. <1.:�ngcnt, Itellville, Ont., wax „rratiy
man of abnormal as well as he a>� Mr. Daniel McDonald of Palmerston tbi3 week.
tip t0 tiro cornice. This is the fourth flat troubled with it for ;rears; and Peter R.
of normal shape, and our tai{int visited over ,Sunda whit Mr. George Mr. at,d Mrs, William McGuire forte- Onare, l :la Claire, Wis., who was so
( . p roof dwelling in the village. y d R afflicted with it that h0 was nervcus, sleep•
7 t)rices suit all. i, j Mrs Collie of Blue was the guest of MCDonald. Orly of the hotel here, were nt the village less, at,d netually sick most ut ti,c inset
$• Come along and cret one Of '�/� � ®`� Mi s. Jack Robertson this weep. Walter Burgess antl Hartloy Patter- on Sunday. obtaiucd no relief from medicines prufes-
0 , son are enjoying a two weeks Holiday, sionally preserlhed.
Suits,-•. • d g -- They were cons let.l cured, as o,hers
the newest novelties ]n �,.-„�- "--' 1 y '
part of Nvhicln 'will be spent in Toronto• have boon, by
(7veYCOrytS and Pants. i ofAir. Robert Mather of the first line It you taly) a, Lcmi•Liver Pill to^icht ��Dd�a� q� e
Yon will find it est as useful a}summer , �D s '
Yours truly, as in winter, and if you ate thriving upon , who has been very ill is now before r, tiring, it will work while you , i �i 5[Y 3” i•111a
tt ,don't Ste because the weatlicr is wtuin. able to take a short drive. sl0oit without a ;;ript7 or pale, cttrniig aceordi::g to their own atatout,•nt vol -
r' , - P Thta sign `turo to o:t every, box of the genuine ,. bAiousnnss, constipation, dyspepsia and untat'ily matte. Th.'
Nl.i$S Milnlol Wort of Grand �• alio , is +. ;Irr::t nt,'.tit•ine
WYK M a�►well � ,eC. andW:.00, All druggists. Laxative Broino Quinine 'rabia d y siol- headache, nod make you fool bettor stre:ngthetttt the of n vwh and ih: whole
$COT'T dr UOWNL# Toronto, Canada. thb renledy that tureen a told is oro day visiting her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. in the inorriills. digestive sy: t'nu. 1:,: sure to llcod's,
., ,ice"IYAY L: .6 ..; ,..F `.-_. . °.R.�d._i_.Y I.WYI�[. 1.�. • _t141��1.�'.it}''_�,M�i�.'. .iAa;JiYSI.°rY`-'--�—iL:.�:�.i�.i .r. r/aV'e•''5.::.,..n�.,�,.