HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-06, Page 4W
TIM, WIUMAM S1TT fl) 1001.
well as Are-worihipper. lie was
hp{ olally tender .heaxte(ltow4rd the4ok, wiUgh4m, Sept. 5, 1901
P t Nvomen, and animals. Hospitals and Flour per 100 lbs, .......... 1 65 to 2 M
drinking fountains formed the, most Fall Wheat ............... 0 62 to 0 6-4
Wheat..,... ...... ►0 00 to 0 00 1 ho. & Jas,. H, Kerr. The Peeple's Popular Store - ino, Jos, H. Kerr.
numerous objects of his support
,,riU, !w 1. ... 1. ... I � ...... 0 $0 to 0 34
oren(lowniout. Hopuirobasedtho land Barley 0400042j:
1 .5 c Each for the :Illphigstona college, and also peas ................... 0 60 to 0 0
feu uded a college for women, but his TuAce7s, dr4WU - - 0 09 to 0 10
Geese, 44 .. .......... 0 05 to 0 00
Any Illee In the window of -principal gift to Bombay wns theViQkoria Ducks, per pair .......... 0 40 to 0 60 Ve
Drug Store for Jubilee Technical Institute. Farmers will -find it to their advantage to bring their produce to this store, V
Butter ..... ..... 0 10 to 0 16 0
Eggs per doz .... .. 0 11 to 0 11
cents. In many of the city churches the audi- Wood per cord ..:.. 2 00 to 2 25 pay the highest niarl<et price for Butter, Eggs, Potatoes, Apples, &c., and serI
re worth froni ence wm perceptibly larger Sabbath. Hay per ton ....... 6 00 to 8 00 0 Dry Goods, Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Crockery, Stationery, t
These Pipes a
Brown -faced,, bright-eyed people grasped Potatoes, new, perbushel.. 0 50 to 0 60 0
ioc to 5oc each, bilt this weelt one another's bond with A word of eu� Tallow per lb, .... I ...... 0 05 to 0 05 :0 &c. at lowest prices.
XI? Lard .. ...... ...... 0 14 to 0 14 0
Ile Offer at 15c at quiry and of greeting, the vigor of their
Dried Apples per lb. ;to 0 04 0 0
d stop showing -what benefit wool ........... :, :::::: 0, •'1Vto 0 15 0 0,
the term of rest had given them. The Live Hogs, per owt ....... 700 0
Chicken$ ................. 0 30 to 0 40
stay-at-horae greeted them, warmly too, "0 1 Boots and Shoes. VEGETABLES.
colln A., C ampbell's "'Ageall 0
and repeated again and again, We shall 0 1c, Green
DRUG STORE. haveonrown minister next Sabbath. • Our New Boots and Shoes for fall are DOW In Fresh Vegetables alwaytj in Stoo
t ,k, and a better lot of Slice leather never come to Corn, Green Cucumbers, Cabbage, Now Potatoes,
After all one's own minister is best. He
WINGHAMI THE MUTUAL LiFE !Cobani We guarantee every pair of them to Beets, Carrots, Onions, Ripe Tomatoes, &a,
knows our need, and has something that e give satIsfaction. All our Fall Shoes are Solid
suits us." The strange minister, muEt OF CANADA, 0 Leather. Na shoddy in any part of them,
TO AQVERTISERS, draw a bow at a venture, and though he Formerly The Oiltarioldutual, Llfe, 0•
Heavy Shoes for rough work, Canned Keats.
may do it well, we miss something. and BY WAY OF CONTRAST' a
Notice of changes must be left at this
•office not later than Saturday noon. shall be glad to seethe familiar face again 0 Fine Box Calf Shoes, slip sole. Death and expenso rate per 1,000 for last ten Potted Chicken per tin 5c
The copy for changes must be left next Snuday.-Presbyterian Review. - years. U.S. Companies, average . ..22,27 Fine. Dongola Kid Shoes, slip sole, Potted Turkey ti 50 e.
5 leading Remember our prices are right, if
not later than Tuesday evening. 6 leading Canadian Companies ayge.. 18.27 Potted Tongue 5c,
SALED1, Mutual Life of Canada 5C
Casual advertisements accepted up Potted Duck .16
to noon Thursday of each -week. The lathe's have been busy preparing
Interest earned on assets last tell pars.• •t
er Cent. Libby's Chicken Loaf per tin 20c
for the harvest home festival Thursday 5 leading U.S. Compitnies, average .... 4,911 : CARPETS. Libby's Veal Loaf 0 1 15a •
ESTABLISHED 1872. evenin- 5 leading Canadian Conip"ITs, Avge..� 5.0f : 46
Brutual Life of Cautuan, 5.51 0 Libby's Ham Loaf 150
Ii Mr, Will Longley of Toronto is spend- A few short ends of Carpet and Matting, at, it
ing his vacation under the parental roof. •and below Cost. Libby's Cottage Loaf 150
Libby's Melrose Pate
1R. B, IELLIOTT. PUAWMER AND PROPAIFTOR His assistance in the League is much ap- ABNER 6 0 . � (Game, Ham and Tongue) per tin 15c.
preoiated, Loan and Insurance Agent, 0
FRIDAY, SEPT. 6, 1901. Corner Minnie and Patrick Sts. •Summer Goods at Cost.
GORRIE. At home Friday afternoon and Saturday. r4l A
Mr. Geo. Brown
was in KincardineFor the month of August, only, we will sell VINEGAR.
NOTES ANJ,) C01111TRNTS. last week.6 the following lines at Cost: Pickling •time is at hand and you will want :1
Sir Wilfrid Laurier will. accompany Miss Dutrick of Erie, Pa., is visiting Chicago, Aug. 30 -Fifteen chickens 9
the royal couple on their tour across the her aunt, Mrs. R. James. were dressed in one minuto and forty-
• ' Ladies Parasols at Cost. Vinegar.Come to this store for it. We have good Dress Muslins at Cost. Vinegar.
continent. Mr, and Mrs. R, Copland and Miss E. five seconds in a match for $50 a side• Wool Delaines tit Cost. White Wine Vinegar.
Perkins visited Toronto friends. between W. H. Dundore, a dresser for •
Fancy Straw Hats below Cost. Old Cider Vinegar.
Zen. G. W. Ross will be given are- Mrs. J. B. Campbell and 'daughter, a South Water Street •poultry house, Small Wares, Belt Buckles, Beauty Pins,
cep tion at Toronto on his return from .111alt Vinegar.
Normal are visiting at Niagara Falls. and Frank D o u b e rc, of Milwaukee. 16
;England. Mrs. Robt. Mutch is visiting friends D undore won by a chicken and a half 0• Cuff Buttons, Brooches, Side Combs, &C..
• at about Half Price.
De. Wet has made a proclamation, Thiswas thodecision of John Dorsey, 0
. in Cleveland this week. Ladies Summer Shops at Cost. Pickling Spices.
stating that all armed British found in The Police Trustees havepassed a the referee. • Misses Summer Shoes at Cost,
Orange River Colony after Sept. 15th, bylaw preventing the running of cows Mr. Alex Howe of the 3rd line Wall- r Men$" Summer Shoes at Cost. We carry a splendid assortment of Pickling
Spices. •
•will be shot. on. the streets between 8 p, in. and 7 a. ace left a green worm or grab at this
Mr. Whitney in avigorous speech on m, office whio . h is a remarkably big fellow- 6 MI Whole and ground Pepper.
'Tuesday evening outlined the Conserva- 0 mbroideries at Cost. Whole and ground Uinnamon. ea
-tiveplaform. He talked most about how CULROSS. the largest that has been seen in this vi- 0 Whole and ground Cloves.
cinity. It was found on a plum limb, 6 Until the end of this month we will sell all
Mr. Israel Erb of Culross has been Whole and ground Allspiee.
the Government used to steal the planks and had been feasting on the leaves. • Embroideries and Insertions at Cost. We have a
successful in raising a very'fair sample Whole and ground Mace.
,out of their platform. Judging by its size -about five inches full stock' of these goods. Come early and get first
J. Tarte in a happy speech in To o aches of the cling stone.variety. choice. Mustard Seed, Anise Seed, Corriander Seed,
long when stretched its full length, and •
Mr. Jno MeRenzie of the 5th conN. Celery Seed, Whole Mixed Pickle Spice, &C.
Zoato at the launching of the new dredge011 gger than a man's finger -it sliould be 0
raised the frame of his new straw she
said he refused the Wolvin proposal be able to strip a good sized tree without
on Tuesday. About sixty men were : FALL GOODS.
cause they would not have their vessels the assistance of any more of its kind. : I
me Present and the frame wenttogetherin New Fall Goods arriving ear H 0 NE, Y.
builtinCanada. They wanted ala, It resembles the tomato grub in appear- 0 early. Opera
grant from the Government., a hurry. Messrs. Robert Ireland and ance and is supposed to be the larvm of • 17lannels, Fancy Silks, Clievolts, Serge;, Lustres, We have bought a large quantity 6f choice
The criminal Statistics of Canada as Robert Keir were captains. The side giant moth that has been common this •Home Spans. See our Handsome Wrapperett-,s at Pure Honey and will be pleased to Supply
led by the latter led the racefor a t, yoAr
I %� season and Ries about the flower -beds ID 1
-ptiblished by the statistics branch of urt 0o yard. wants in this line, 10c a lb, in any quantity.
but the other side put on a a 0
the department of Agriculture, Ottawa,
came off victorious by afew o raft like a humming bird. Owners of plum a
0 to
shows that during 1899-1900 there were trees should destroy the worms when-
44,457 trials of persons for indictable Mr! Petteplace was the fra ever found, as there are pests enough 4D Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr. MACDONALD BLOCK,, WINCHAM. Jno. & Jas. H. Kerr.
The Directors of the CulrosKair 0
offenses. Taking-outtriaisof individu- met on Saturday and completed already without encouraging the devel- 0 •
a3s who have not been tried before the arrangements for the fair on Tuesday opement of any more species, great or :0006896696ew sees 69088944009940:
ocnxtqonany previous occasion, there small. -Listowel Standard.
and Wednesday, Sept. 24 and 25.,
,we left 2,710 trials of individuals who Exhibitors will please note the following
have been tried more than once for such Live Stoch Markets.
changes in the prize list. F.G.Moffat's
.offenses. Of these 1,998 were persons prize for the best Durham heifer calf: Toronto, Sept.. S. -At the western + .............. ............ ....... ................ 4 ........
each tried twice, 482 were trials of per- I
means for a calf not calved earlier than cattle yards to -day flis total receipts +
Sons tried twice or three time in all; 149 7
Jan.1,1001. There has also been added were5 carloads of live stock, including +
lour times each; 39 five times each; 18 1,370 cattle, 6222 sheep and lambs, 400 +
two prizes fora lady rider, the first + +
six times; 7 seven times; 8 eight times; hogs, 30 calves, and a dozen +
prize being $1.25 and the second $1, milch cows. +
5 nine times, 1 eleven times, and The fair promises well and will be better It was a featureless market, with a +
twelve times each. fair trade at practically unchanged quo- + -a z cat a r
than ever if Culross and Teeswater m . + Th"11111cqS 'Boa
people do their duty in regard to it. lotions. 1+ 4-
ClaURCIEI NOTES. Onthe 7th con. east some of the turnips For good to ehoice export cattle prices t
R, Hobbs will occupy Bwfton Block, Wingham
Rev . +
y his own were stripped of moot of their leaves ranged from $4.00 to $5 per cwt., and L
Tulpit on Sunday, next. in the storm of a Week ago. The hail light cattle at from $4.25 to $4.50, ,There +
The Archbishop of Canterbury exhorts stones were about the size of was a moderate - demand for the better +
tlaeclergy to burn their •sermonsand marbles. class of cattle, but there was an undue +
never to preach an old one unless it is The Directors of the Mutual Life In- proportion of second rate cattle here, + +
-xe-written. surance Co met in Teeswater on Ang, and it did not all sell. + + +
There are ten churches in Massa- 31st 1901. Members all present. The' Following are the quotations :4 +1
viliusetts that give ,more money for President in the chair. Minutes of last Suti.00L SUPPLDE" S
an meeting were read and adopted.
missionary and benevolent uses than Shippers, per cwt ......$ $ 4 60 5 00
g their own Donaldson -Scott -That the applicat- ipper ,light........ +
they spend in maintaining Do . 4 25 4 62 +
churches. ion for insurance taken by the agents Of Butcher, choice do..... 4 2.5 4 60 We are pleased to• call the attention of the
the Co. be presented for examination.- Bucher, ordinary Sabjects for Sunday, September 8th pttrto + +
good .......... 3 50 4 00 + boys +
in the Congregational church: Morn Cd. Butcher, inferior ...... 2 7.5 3 25 and girls to our large stock of School
McDonald -Donaldson -That having
"A Solemn Question," Genesis 3:9.
. t examined all applications taken by the Supplies. About forty kinds of Scribblers and
Zvenhig-'Ithe Magnet," (an object
different Agents and find them satisfact- Choice ewes, per cwt.. ... 3 40 3 60 +
sermon) John 12:32.+ xercise Books, with beautiful covers and better +
cry that policies be issued accordingly. Culled sheep, each... ... 2 00 3 00 +
It has been said that the strawberry, ;Lambs (spring), each... 2 50 3 25 +
-0d. 25 Prices from 1c. up. Also all Text Books +
Do, per lb.. 4 00 4 0 1 paper. ) +_
the oyster and ice cream are the great Reid -McDonald -That J. H. Ackert Bucks ................. 2 50 3 0 +
est evangelists, They serve to sustain Pencils, Flulers, and'everything to well prep. re
be granted to use a stationary engine (to XILKERS AND CALVES. +
many Sunday Schools and have built be placed 55 feet from his barn) for the +
and furnished more churches, paid the purpose of cutting ensilage, straw, '&c. Cows, each............ 30 00 45 00 + you for the opening of school. Special Bargains
salaries of more preachers, and helped said engineCalves, each........... 2.00 10 00 :
e not to be used no more than + on Saturday.,
:more heathen than any other natural 8 HOGS.
agency in the world. ten days in each year. Mr. Ackert to
use all the precautions required to be Choice hogs, per cwt... 7 12, 7 25 I +
Sir Diusbaw Manookjoe Petit, the observed by a travelling threshing en- Light hogs, per cwt..7511
Heavy hogs, per owt ... 6 50 6 75'
Persee millionaire, and, mill -owner gine.-Cd. + Sows, per cwt ......... 3 50 4 00 + + +
1ndia's one great philanthropist, is dead. Donaldson-Ballagh-That the re- Stags .......... ...... 0 00 2 00 +
Me was ti� benefactor of Christian a5 quest of Grant Bros. to move and re- + +
move and repair their barn be granted- + j.
Ca. + Box of Envelopes and Paper, 10c. Box of Envelopes and Paper,
Rice -McDonald -That the claim of + 5c., •Package of nvelopes for 5e. Pens at 1c. each.
R, M. Hamilton damage to barn +
Glasses that Sick, _:
beautify. carriedby insurance under policy No. +
itly train produco 4040 amounting to $5.00 be paid. Also U0M_,"_j : T H R] "11"ji E X T R A S.
iZ Chet; worn,, woeried!
di settlement with Geo. Hains for damage I first used Ayer's Sarsaparilla a +
discontented appear-
nce whAbe
eh ma r -1 to parlor organ by lightning $38.0. in the fall of 1848. Since then I
o •
therwise. beatutifutf have taken it every spring as it Regular 20c Broom for 15c; Regular 25c Broom for 20c; Re -
features, And A. Butchart for printing 1000 p01-
na remove-eyestrairt : blood -purifying and nerve. •Z gufar 30c Broom for 25c.
d the dlsfigurltil� icy forms $22.00. -Cd. strengthening medicine."
wrinkles disappear. +
Scott -Donaldson. -That the board do S. T. Jones, Wichita, Kans.
now adjourn to moot again on the last
are easily tired, if your
4 nerves are weak and your
Just now items about threshing and I fblood is thin, then begin
feeding n o, e fol•lowing edinare in and thfolli
is interesting: Ina contest at Guelph to take the good old stand- I
on Saturday last, to 10eed wheat to sopor- a r d family medicine, - 'A
ator for one hour, Amos Bowles, an In, i Ayer's -Sarsaparilla.
dian from Oneidatown, carried off the 4
gold medal, against four,�Vhite compotit.
Its a regular nerve
Ora, exports from different parts of Ont- lifter, g perfeet blood
ario, In the hour Bowles fed 136 bush• builder, tl.o A biisb
ttle. ,4mtesfs,
ols anti one peal-, of Wheat, while the
0,01efttiffid next man was second �ith 121 bushels
AAk yatit d6otot *)At kipf A1010Altd JOW416*WO4* Sar"pitrills. 116 khowA aat this ftittid
closely followed by the third which was )old fithAtlyinaditins, r0I1dwIlU#A*1aj*1i111d
we will be stjt% &U
111) busliels, The fourth fed 110 bush- Vtgi.
01.9, Rowles weighs l80pounds, and is
very strongly built.
Regular 15c Stove Brush for 10c. Regular 20c&rubbingl-3rush Z.
for 15c. Regular 25c Horse Brush for 20c. Rogular Ioc Cu..rry-
comb for 5c. Regular 20c Shoe Bru§h for 13c.'
Good Towel Roller for 9c. Picture Hooks at 7c dozen. Coat
and Hat Hooks at 15c dozen. A good Hanimer for 17c. 2 foot Rule
for 12c. Pillow Sham Holders for 20c. 10a box of Tooth Picks for
5c. A ball of Brilliant Silkce for 5c. Crepe Paper, beautifully shaded
at.only Sc a roll. +
Mr.-a.4,�-,h this space for our next advt.
........ +++++4, 1 ........1•'v'+9+4 ............................... + .................