HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-06, Page 3It liE'S I S i'PT, Gt tON, :itruck through the shyll3dbt:i and rushed (101vai into t1w !acid of the ship alai hixasetl agairl it tb• butlers. it wa% ern awful t1m4; but by, Vie blessing of rapd and the faithfulness ale lite, plexi in :obarige, we came our" of tho cyoloare and we axrived at !brant. 1';ao)i nue before leaving the "hill' thanked! Capt. Andrews. I do not think there.• was a man or woman that went off that ship without tbanklug Capt. AAdarewo, and wheat years after I: heard of Itis death, I was impelled to write it letter of Condolence to Ills family in Liver.. pool, Everybody recognized the goodness, the courage, the kindness of Capt, Andraws; but'it• occurs to. me now that we never thanked the ragineer. Ifo ateod away down in the darkness atuid the hissing fur- maces, dein- his whole duty. Nobody thanked the engineer, but God re.- cogal-sed!, his heroism and his con, tinuance acrd ilia fidelity, and there witl bra just as high reward for the eugiawer, who worked out of sight, as for the captain, who stood on the bridge of the ship in the midst of the howling terawast, There are said to ba about a him- dxed and fifty thousand mixiisters'of religian in this country. About eigh- ty thousand, I warrant, came from early homt.s which )aad to struggle for the ateoessades of life. The sons of rich bankers and merchants gen. oxally Woame bankers and merchants. The most of those who became minis, tens are the sans of those wild had a texxifio ti•traggle to get their every -day bread. The collegiate and tbeologioal education of that son took every luxury from the parental table for eight year's, The other Phil, dren were more scantily apparelled. The son at college every little while got a bundle from home. In it were the Socks that mother had knit, sit- ting up late at night, her sight not ata good as once, it was. And there also were some delicacies from the sister's lund for the voracious appe- tite of a hungry student. The fath- er swung the heavy cradle through the wheat, the sweat x6111mg from his chin bedewing every step of the way, and then sitting down under the cherry tree at moon, thinking to himself: "I am fearfully tired, but it will pay if 'i can once see that boy through college, and if I know that hel will b: preach' tng the Gospel after I am dead." The younger children want to know . wiry they can't have this and that, as others do, and the mother says: "Be patient, my children, until your brother gra- duates, and then you shall have more luxuries, but we must see that boy through." The years go by, and the son has b^oat ordained, and is preaching the glorious GospA. aad a great revival comms. and .souls by scores and hun- drads accept' the Gospel from the lip, of tbat young preacher, and father and mother, quite old now, are visiting the son at the village parsonage, and, at the close of a Sab- bath of mighty blessing, father and mother retire to their room, the axon lighting the way and asking ahem if ho can do anything• to make them more comfortable, saying if they ttpo n the. neck: an•l to give a -shout to .tll'at n'aeor, if you fire •goingto ride ,,trait ot reach'''of your mother's prny- rat v, t iltel0ss lit ldl the i w. t<omow 1,+t us go xight up and accost the.%& on the circic> of 1waven.ly thrcvies, Surely, they must have kilted iat battle* a million corn. f+ure- ly, ilwy must leave been buried wits all the catbedratt soiwding a •dirge. And all the towers of all the cities tolling the national grief. Who are tiwu, mighty one of heaven? "I lived by .choice the unmiaxried daughter in an llulAble home that I might take oars* of my parents In their old age, and I endured without comptalnt all their querulousness and adlm°nister- ed to :all their 1watitsfor twenty ytatrs-" %et us pass} one Tound the circle of thrones. Wbo art 4hou, mighty one of heaven? "I was for thirty years a Christidin invalid,and suffered all the while, occasionally w-riting a note of sympathy for thmp worse off than I, and was gen• eral ooarfidnnt•of all those who had txaublq-, and once in a while I was strong enough to make a garment for that poor family lit tha bade lanf•." Pawwi on to another tbrone? Wbo art thou, mighty one of hoavcn? •'I was the mother who raised a whole family of. children for God, and they arcs out in the world Christian icor- chants, Christian mecliaWeA, Chri.- tiun wives, and I have had fail r, - ward for all my t(;l." LA tri pass oa in tho circle of throats. I hada a Sabbath school class, and they were always an my heart, and they all en, texed the kingdom of Cod, and .I am waitincr far their arrival," But who art thou, tate mighty one of lica, ven on this other throne? "In time of bitter p;rsecution I owned a house iu Damascus, a house on the wall. A man who preached Christ was bounded from street to street, and I hid him• from the (assassins, and whvu I found them breaking into my house and I coulil no longer keep him safely, I advised him to flee for his life, and a basket was let down over the wall with the ma (- treated man in it. and I was one who hrlpv1 hold the rope.." And I sairt: "I•) that all?" And he. answered: "That is ill." And whlla I was lost in aTnazement. I beard a strong voice that sounded ;as though it mialit ante have been hoarse from mtbny ,expoaurm, anal triumphant as though it might have belonged to on.-! of the martyrs, xn l it said: "Not miiny mighty, not many noble ar- called, but God hath chosen the weak things of thi wore i to confound the things which are m ghty,and base tis •mg:i of the w ld, and things which are despised hath lrxo-1 cho3en, yea, an -I thitn,•s which are not to bring to naught thin;;, which are, that A KIDNEY South 4merican Kidi9ey Cure is compounded to cure Kid- ney diseases, and nothinz; else—it relieves in six hours. South American Kidney Cure touches the weak spot firmly, but gently; gives the best 'rate • cleanses the kb »,s results i, the shortest t, t 1hY , which in return cleanse and purify the blood, for blood can beeoine impure only by passing through weak and ailing kidneys. Let as live t,c/,3`•: li.ak • h -•y t•v •r g.). r., t-11 rasa, t!t Illy lay ttow'l 11 8ulll rv.Jl'• Colne. tory. Itlalh:'r would lay nown In the rvolin:a ttal A+;ay: ,Well, I coati kitow It hat w,tki''•i ill^ feel :oto tired!" Vatlwr would 90,11 timstivdiately to elwp, seated by the evening stand, ovvx olut with the ,day's fatigues. About tbirty-five yearis ago the me, and about thirty-seven yeara ago the I'll"put down the burdens of this life, 'but ibay still lloldt the rape. 4 mt% and women, you brag ,some, tlmgo hole you fought your way in the world, but I think there .have been helpfal Wfluenees :that you have never fully acknowledged.. alas there not been some influence in your early or present horns that the world cannot ace? aloes there not reach you from among the New Rag. land hills, or from Western prairie, or from 'Southeral plantation, or from English, or Scotch, Or Irish noddle, a cord of Influence that has kept you right when you would have gone astray, and which, after you lead made a crooked track recalled you? The ropy may be nes loni; as thirty years, or five hundred miles Long, ox three thousand miles long, but hands that went out of mortal eight• long ago still hold the rope. You want a very swift horse, and you need to xowcl himi with Sharpest spurs, and" to let the reins lie loose mitable. All the ages of Itime and eternity affetctod by the basket let' down from a Damascus balcony, Ner Over F tty Xeava. lit Old and Well-TsiedRomedy—lira W inslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over fifty ,years byn .1l11ousof mothers for tlto:r children whtlo toothiv , with 1selrYsutt suvoess. It soothes the ehila, safteris rhe hauls, allays all lulu, cures wind colic, find is the bast remv ly for diarrha-ft, It is pinnsmit to thn taste. Solt! by (11mgKists !It every ptrr of the world. Twenty-t}vo cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure yon ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothim; Syrap, and take no other kind. Dr. ,Doty's crusade againit mosquitoes on Staten Island is suconndi,n- very well. A little oil is sprinkled orx the grass or weeds about 10 feet away from the houses, The biltailitauri to the mosquito-iidd-m distri.er, olatim tial; for the first time ire weolu they tvora able to enjoy a goal night's rest. ThM treat- ment of the p suds wirii pt•troleunl seems to have ,tlso io.4 rioa We evil, ThlE NEW IREIMIE DY For Backache, Kidney and Bladder Troubles. ! egad. There never has been a remedy intro 7 diced to the people of this country which has given such uni. ivrm sa.islact.on as Ur. Pitcher's baek- 1 iche Kidney Tablets. '1.11e reason is plain. •, , ti Vt,4 , ,I, &` °%1".,;,V9; ! 11me l:,blrt are the r u t of t m. F stcher s ...., ,ns •-ala earner in the l.h,, t. I 1 •1 I teen f Kidney, c to de up to the light of the loth century, Employ the Y, ineans, and enjoy robust and vigorous health. 6 20 YEARS OF A V I L ttultl by A. L. $n tniltun 'inghean. no flesh should glory in his presence." THE Wt,' 51111.4 r0 And I Los'ked to see from whence the voice canb.,'rnd lo! it was the very A Ued 110t hegsott During the hot sumtnor soasoii titsUL one who had said: "Through a w,n- Curative Powers of Dr. Ag- ITvale BRET# new's Catarrhal Powder. d t e drain pn the b140c1 gets over h : h Chas. O. Brown, journalist of Duluth, Ai ;n:hcanL. A A_tle thing may decide your all. A Cunarder put out front from Throat and Nasal Catarrh for over zo England far New York.. It was 'well years, during which time my head has been systeligA? , ievero and the appetite is oftext stopped up and my condition truly miser* in the pilar box, a nail way drm.,;. o B13 lost. Buir(lock Blood Hitter purities aad Three bottles have almost, if not entirely, oompttss, put the ship two hundred cured me." go cents. = males off her right course, and sud- Soldl by A. L. Hamilton, Wbighant. in vigerates elle blood, tpites. up the system, and restores lost attpetite. SERMON REV. T. D il4llTfi iC ".fiance, ho!" and the ship was 1laltrd _'- ~--- - nvithlal a few yards o€ her demali- ers. Why, a ship cross:ng the At- The ailictttl earned, of the coming of TALMACI , D. D- Cresswell, march 28* I901w Ulbra'ltor show that that total ilopu10191% ^ The T. X11burn Co„ Limited, on March $I was 27,4t10. Tills nnttilier Washington, D.C., August ;y5, 10910— Toronto, out. is composed no follows:-0,viliallsc t'tl,, A Biblo Incident not often noticed is here used by Dr. Taliioage to. set Deal' Sirs,•••••I write til• say that 8,55• militar • 0475; port and 1larbour, + forth practical. and boautiful truth, Dave use4)1Urdo+akBlood Sittears x330. '.Chore is ata increase of 1705 sorer the census total of i8ol, Text: 11, Car. 11, $8, "Through a win, dow In It baskc't was I let down by with excellent results. Last To make marrey it is uecesstiry to !tiled' etto lvall.' spring Tiny daughter got all run a clear, bright brain, a cool hoad tree fi Sar, Hill on Paul den, jail, Paul Mars HiII, Paul tat the shipWreck, Paul down and 1Na9 yety thin And front pain, And strong, vigorous nervus. Milburn's Heart and Nerve )?ills in- before the, SQubedrim, Paul before o Weak, -vigorato and brighten tile brniu,stron. th» g 1''etlx, are pleAtiRul, but in my text we have Paul in a basket. Her face was covered with red sit ills a benin trouble. , and remove till heart, nerve acid brai Damascus in a city of white and spots and a large boil formed on lr i- one factory in Ohio turns ont to ur- ,listening urahlteoture, sometimes nailed 'the eye of the l4ast," some, her cheat+;. procured 2 bottles dred million finished matches eaoh times called "a pearl. surrounded by of B,B.B., and 17 -the time she twenty-four boars, Fifty million foot emeralds," at one time distinguished had finished thein the ,liars and * of liitnbor is used annually in the United Or swords of the best material call ed Damascus blades, and upholstery boil disappeared and she. has States in the manufacture of matches, of xloest fabric called damask. A got strong and fleshy again. an industry which gives employment to some fifteen thousand people, horseman by the naive of Saul., riding toward this city, had been thrown I consider B.B.B. the best blood Recent ®x'eriments made to deter, p from, tho saddle. The Ilarse had dropped under a flash f.am; the sky, medicine known. the loss ensuiug by exposing coal which at the same time was so bright + MRS. DAVIDSON,aniue to the weather, unprotected in ally way, it blinded the rider for many days, Give my love to St. Paul when you show, contrary to general belief, that it and, I think, so permanently injured hes eyesight that this defect of vision and our nothingve5s placed art the is very small. Thero was a gain, in the became the thorn, in •the .flesh he af_ of surrounding cannibalism and squalor, the passengers discovered a amount of oxygen but a loss of carbon, terward speaks of. He started for Christian colony of churches and 1lydrogen and nitrogen; the loss of cal- Damascus to. butcher Christians, but after thatl hard!, fall from his horse s0h,0018 and beautiful homes, and crific powder was light. If you take a Lasa -Liver Pill to -night he was a changed man, and preach-. Christ tai Damascus till the city ,highest style of religion and edviliza. tion. rex Elft ears no missionary y y y beforretiring'it will work while you ef ed liras shaiken!'to its foundation. and no Cluestian influence had land- eel there. Why this oasis of light without a gripe or rain curing p 6T P pain, biliousuess, constipation, dyspepsia and The mayor gives authority for his rest the popular cry is: "Dill amid a desert of heathendom? Sixty trick headache, and snake you feel better tri ` .a%d h r kill himl" The city is surrounded years before, a ship, had met disaster, and one. of rile sailors, unable to o in the murrain g• Butchers from Liverpool, Warrington, by a high wail, and the gates are watebed by the police lest the Cicilian save anything else, ,went to his trunk and took out a which his moth_ Leeds, Halifax, and sheffield assembled preacher escape. Many of the houses• .Bible er had placed there, and swam on Salford football grounds on Monday Are built on. the walls and their bal_ conies projected clear over and hov- ashore, the Bible held tai his teeth. :night to witness a meatdressing contest exed ;xbove ,the gaxdens outside. It The book was read on all sides, until thus rough and vicious population were betiveen Paul Titzell, Blrkenhead, was customary to lower baskets out evuinselized, and a church was start, champion beef dresser of the world, and of these balconies and pail up fruits and flowers from the gardens. To ed, and an eirlightencd'commonwealth J. Marsh, champion sheep dresser of Manchester, Titzell had to dress a bul- this day visitors at the manastory of established; and' the wdrid's history has no more brilliant page than that lock in loss time than Marsh dressed a Mount Sinai, axe, lifted and let down tat ' baskets. Detectives prowled which Celli of the transformation of a nations by one book. It did not. -steep, for P,50. Over 2000 paid high ad- around from house to house looking for Paul, but his friends hid him, seem of much Importance whether anission fees, while thousands -Viewed the match from the embarkment.. Mai- now one place, note in another. sy i He is no coward, as fifty incidents in the sailor continued to hold the book in •itis teeth, or let it fal l in the ah accomplished his .task in 3 min.. 52% his life demonstrate, but he feels breakers, but upon what small cir_ curastance depmdad what mighty re- sew., whilst Titzell occupied but, 3 min. his work is not done• yet, and so lie .sultsl 16V4 sec. Councillor Hornby,was judge. evades assassinaticm. "Is that prea- cher here' the foaming mob shout Practical inference: There are no and Mr. A. Mills, Birkenhead, timekeep- at cne house door. Is that fanatic insi'gnifdoancea in life. The minutest than^• is art of a magnitude. Infin- aer, here?" the police shout at another house door. Sometimes on the •street ity ds made up of itifinitesima.ls;gre-at things an %aggregation of small incognito he. passes through a cloud of clinched fists, and sometimes he things. Bethlehem manger pull'.ng dm a star in the eastern sky. One ABSOLUTE. the hon secretes himself to the hause=top. At , book ani a drenched tsa}lor s mouth last the infurunser a;te get oat sure track of him. They have sitive the a boat izf an of >t multitude. bait of papyrus an the le evidence that! he is in the house of of the Christians, the balcony of freOne with events far all ages. ages. oats whose, homy reaches over the wall. whose, The fate The fate of Christendom -wi in oa. bas- kat let drawn from a window on the So"ECURITY, lie is! I•iere he is!" The vocifer- What you da, coo well. If you em and howling of atien and blasphemy h ' mtikc n ropa, make it strong and mak o the pursuers are mt the front door. They break }m. "retch out that G•os- Cru_, fa: au ]ell not how much Ge n u i n a pelizer, and let us Bang hid head•• on y may depa,sid on your let it h twat - you fashion a boat, eat it he nea the, city ,gate. Wohere Is het!" The exnargenoy was terrible. Providenti- a y sail inf, for you know not who may sari tat }t. you put li Bible int the C gcut r r s ally there. was a good stout basket in the house. Paul's friends fasten a trunk of Taub boy as eta goes. from o halon-_, let remembered.hay is l. rope $A the" basket. Paul steps i1 ito it: The basket is lifted to the edge yrfoa r it far-reaching as the book which the as fa prayers, far it may nava a ,.nth the of thu balcony on the wall, :incl -then sailor carried in -his teeth to the sa g Little p Lager Pills$ while Paul holds the rope with both Pitcairn,ibead!. The plainest man's st his friends rower away, care- iands life, 3 an island between two eterni- fully and cautiously, slowly but sure- ties—eternity past rippling against Must Bear Signature of ly, furthhr downand Iurtlier clown, r Ilis shoulders, eternity No come f until the basket str;kes the earth and teaching his brow.. The casual, the r ' the, apostle steps out, and afoot and alone starts on that -famous oris- oris -ed accidental that which merely happen_ so, are pasts of a • great plea., and sionary tour the story of whi.oh has the nap: that lets the fugitive apostle Sea Fnasltnile Wrapper eetow. astonished earth and heaven. A , ppro- pxiate entry in Paul's diary of tra- from thet Damascus wall is the cable that holds to its mooring tho ship of Yers smart aua aE c,ersy vels: ``Through a window in a bas- ket was I let down by the wall." the Church in the storm of the cen- to take as ac-•zr,. I observe fitst, on what a slender turas,. Again, notice unrecognized and - FDR HEADACHE. A® ,un CP rB-r111 FDii 11iIXIPIESS. tenure great results hang. The rope- marker who twisted ;that card fns- that recorded service. Who ,punt that rope? 1•'Vho steadied the illustrious 6 1TTLE FOR BILIOUSNESS. tensed to that lowering basket,never knew how much would depend upon preacher as he stepped into it? Who relaxed not a muscle of the arm or iYe FOR TORPID LIVER. the strength of it. How if it had dismissed am anxious Took from his FOR CONSTIPATION. P1 LLS. been broken, and the apostle's life had been dashed 'out? What would _ face until the basket toached the round and discharged its magnifi- FOR SALLOW SK1j'1 have become of the Christian church? ground cargo? of their names FOR THE COMPLEXION All that ma gnUice-nt missionary work ,Not'one has come to 'us ; but there was; no cxv WM ICOM "V N,,,.n... i10 '* ^" ' in Pamphilia, Cappadocia, Galatia, work dose that day in Damascus or =icetsIpn 'Macedonia, would never Have been in all the earl!: compared with the _7_o_ e _ accomplished. All his that impartaalce, of their workiir+That if CURE SICK HEADACHE. make up ser indispensable and en- they hitt!, in their agitation, tied a chanting a part of the New Testa- Imot that could slip? What if the ment, would neve.!: have been writ- so:and of the mold at the door had led Sick!. • Headache;? teat. The story of resurrection would have been told as tile,m, to ,say: "Paul must take care - ' never so gloriously of himself, and we will take Carel of Food doesn't ll? digest we lie toll! it. That example of heroic and triumphant endurance at. Phil-rop3, ourselves." No, not (They held the and in ed did Appetite poor? Bowels ippi, in the Mediterraneais Ilurooly- the Ch ristiftu church than ny thous• Constipated? Tongue coated? do, under flagellation, and at his bZe' adint'g, would not have kindled G d k us will ever accomplish. lash. But p God knows' and has made record It's s It s your liver ! yep s Pills the, courage of ten thousand martyr- that . their undertaking,. And they know. are liver pills; the cured s- p s y y dons. But that ropeholding basket, how match depended on It' Flaw they peaant they must have fere Athan they rand his letters to file biliousness, So again and again great results have g Itarnta+as, to the Corinthians, to the e sin i p s )lung on slender circumstances. Galatians, to the Vphes}ans, to the i ZBa All druggists. Did ever ship sof mangy thousand tons ans+ to the Colossians, , to Philippi,It crossing the sea have such an impor- the Thessaloniaais, and when they want your moustache or beard a besutitai Lrotvn rte rich black' Then ago tant passenger, as had once a boat healed hd w he walked out of prison, t s for the BUCKINGHAM '$ BYE of leaves, Ixom traffrail to stern only four feet, the made with the earthquake unlocking the j three 'or vessel dear for !tiro, and took command of to m.. Of D.00015% on A. P. HALL A Co.,, N"NUA, N.M. waterproof by a coat of bitumen, ,th, Alexandrian eorn-ship when the and floating on th(-'Nile with the in- sailors were nearly seared 'to death, fant lawgiver of the Jews on board? and preached a sermon that nearly A>n Ildl What it son: crocodile Should crunch it.? What if soma of the cattle wad- Shook Felix off his judgment seat. •who' i . }ng in for a drink should sink itf I hear the' men and women helped him down through the wines ' I SERE CURS VZ'ssel3 of war sometimes carry forty gens looking through porth tiles,ready to battle, But the tiny craft dory anld over the wall, talking ini pri- vote over the matter, and saying, ,/ open "Hole glad I am . that wo effected on the, Nile seems to be aimed with that rseapO In coming times others } FOR all the gums of thunder that bom- On may get the glary of Paul's work, banded Sinai at the lawgiving. but nol one shall rob us of 'the satis- how fragile craft sailed how mulch faction of knowing that we libld ftrvoltsness Sleeplessness, Nor- of histortcai importan"I • the.,• row." ' Prostration, Lass oYEnergy, Vous Prostration, ' Tho parsonage at Epworth, Ung. land, is on fire in the night, and the Otnee. fat• thirty-six hours we peeted every mrament to go to the ,Drain Fag, i±alntand izz P011% father rushed through the hallway bottom, of tho ocean. The waves of Menlory, • iRelancholie,, for thO rescue of Ilia obildrrn. Seven lLos5 listlessness, After Effects of La Children are out and safe an the i Grippe; palpitation of the Heart, lAna;mia, Debility, and ground, but one retnadns in the con:. sumimg building. That one, awakes BUSINESS DUS1 General and finding h!•s sect on fire and the Sill troubles arising from a rikn- building crulnbling, calls to the 111-hibaith "Outts the shutters doWn Systgnl- window, and two paasants make a Up" tri rntiny An hbnbst Man's ladder of their b=irdies, one paasani: business, zt,nd there d•re 'they will build you'up, Make rich standing on the shoulder of the other •thouasftlnels Ofceses bra record 1 blood and give du vitn and. red b g y and down the human ladder the boy where the' onlysd6hiingpow.. clrwc;rids--dohn Wcivlev It Y011 Would ee on eArth to 'tAke them •energyt know how much depsnded on that dotivn ,again Is South Ambrl- ! prices Soc. per ladder of p: asants, ask mill.ons cars NeVV-1ho. , box, or three boxes ithe of Mvt:hadi. is 'on both sides of sea. Ask their ml 'on stations all 'r I was bompletely prostrated with Nervotis br $1.2g, at drug, or wit! be mound th•tr world. Ask their hun. drrd.3 'Of thousands already aseended Debility. I had to gne up business -.doctors only helper! rate tetnpornril . I was the most tlis. 1 taking South J1 gists, 'sell!; their founder, have coura ed man alive when started American Nt:tvine, but °-- on receipt tyf' fico jalln lvha would rho splendid cures I bad rice b The T. Mgily; p y jmrished but for thti living ,gtaira of react gave mo 1bo te, and I Matt not t dwn half a bottle Before I ound relief, I took twelve bot. ... burn Co., Limited, v".1wints' AbouldeYs. 1 All RmIXII. ll -hili stoppr'd at rit.. ties, butont cared." ---h. Erivit, !heir ekville, a Tbrontoj Ont. cairn Island, and right In the midst gold by A. L. lltmiilton, Whighnnt. liE'S I S i'PT, Gt tON, :itruck through the shyll3dbt:i and rushed (101vai into t1w !acid of the ship alai hixasetl agairl it tb• butlers. it wa% ern awful t1m4; but by, Vie blessing of rapd and the faithfulness ale lite, plexi in :obarige, we came our" of tho cyoloare and we axrived at !brant. 1';ao)i nue before leaving the "hill' thanked! Capt. Andrews. I do not think there.• was a man or woman that went off that ship without tbanklug Capt. AAdarewo, and wheat years after I: heard of Itis death, I was impelled to write it letter of Condolence to Ills family in Liver.. pool, Everybody recognized the goodness, the courage, the kindness of Capt, Andraws; but'it• occurs to. me now that we never thanked the ragineer. Ifo ateod away down in the darkness atuid the hissing fur- maces, dein- his whole duty. Nobody thanked the engineer, but God re.- cogal-sed!, his heroism and his con, tinuance acrd ilia fidelity, and there witl bra just as high reward for the eugiawer, who worked out of sight, as for the captain, who stood on the bridge of the ship in the midst of the howling terawast, There are said to ba about a him- dxed and fifty thousand mixiisters'of religian in this country. About eigh- ty thousand, I warrant, came from early homt.s which )aad to struggle for the ateoessades of life. The sons of rich bankers and merchants gen. oxally Woame bankers and merchants. The most of those who became minis, tens are the sans of those wild had a texxifio ti•traggle to get their every -day bread. The collegiate and tbeologioal education of that son took every luxury from the parental table for eight year's, The other Phil, dren were more scantily apparelled. The son at college every little while got a bundle from home. In it were the Socks that mother had knit, sit- ting up late at night, her sight not ata good as once, it was. And there also were some delicacies from the sister's lund for the voracious appe- tite of a hungry student. The fath- er swung the heavy cradle through the wheat, the sweat x6111mg from his chin bedewing every step of the way, and then sitting down under the cherry tree at moon, thinking to himself: "I am fearfully tired, but it will pay if 'i can once see that boy through college, and if I know that hel will b: preach' tng the Gospel after I am dead." The younger children want to know . wiry they can't have this and that, as others do, and the mother says: "Be patient, my children, until your brother gra- duates, and then you shall have more luxuries, but we must see that boy through." The years go by, and the son has b^oat ordained, and is preaching the glorious GospA. aad a great revival comms. and .souls by scores and hun- drads accept' the Gospel from the lip, of tbat young preacher, and father and mother, quite old now, are visiting the son at the village parsonage, and, at the close of a Sab- bath of mighty blessing, father and mother retire to their room, the axon lighting the way and asking ahem if ho can do anything• to make them more comfortable, saying if they ttpo n the. neck: an•l to give a -shout to .tll'at n'aeor, if you fire •goingto ride ,,trait ot reach'''of your mother's prny- rat v, t iltel0ss lit ldl the i w. t<omow 1,+t us go xight up and accost the.%& on the circic> of 1waven.ly thrcvies, Surely, they must have kilted iat battle* a million corn. f+ure- ly, ilwy must leave been buried wits all the catbedratt soiwding a •dirge. And all the towers of all the cities tolling the national grief. Who are tiwu, mighty one of heaven? "I lived by .choice the unmiaxried daughter in an llulAble home that I might take oars* of my parents In their old age, and I endured without comptalnt all their querulousness and adlm°nister- ed to :all their 1watitsfor twenty ytatrs-" %et us pass} one Tound the circle of thrones. Wbo art 4hou, mighty one of heaven? "I was for thirty years a Christidin invalid,and suffered all the while, occasionally w-riting a note of sympathy for thmp worse off than I, and was gen• eral ooarfidnnt•of all those who had txaublq-, and once in a while I was strong enough to make a garment for that poor family lit tha bade lanf•." Pawwi on to another tbrone? Wbo art thou, mighty one of hoavcn? •'I was the mother who raised a whole family of. children for God, and they arcs out in the world Christian icor- chants, Christian mecliaWeA, Chri.- tiun wives, and I have had fail r, - ward for all my t(;l." LA tri pass oa in tho circle of throats. I hada a Sabbath school class, and they were always an my heart, and they all en, texed the kingdom of Cod, and .I am waitincr far their arrival," But who art thou, tate mighty one of lica, ven on this other throne? "In time of bitter p;rsecution I owned a house iu Damascus, a house on the wall. A man who preached Christ was bounded from street to street, and I hid him• from the (assassins, and whvu I found them breaking into my house and I coulil no longer keep him safely, I advised him to flee for his life, and a basket was let down over the wall with the ma (- treated man in it. and I was one who hrlpv1 hold the rope.." And I sairt: "I•) that all?" And he. answered: "That is ill." And whlla I was lost in aTnazement. I beard a strong voice that sounded ;as though it mialit ante have been hoarse from mtbny ,expoaurm, anal triumphant as though it might have belonged to on.-! of the martyrs, xn l it said: "Not miiny mighty, not many noble ar- called, but God hath chosen the weak things of thi wore i to confound the things which are m ghty,and base tis •mg:i of the w ld, and things which are despised hath lrxo-1 cho3en, yea, an -I thitn,•s which are not to bring to naught thin;;, which are, that A KIDNEY South 4merican Kidi9ey Cure is compounded to cure Kid- ney diseases, and nothinz; else—it relieves in six hours. South American Kidney Cure touches the weak spot firmly, but gently; gives the best 'rate • cleanses the kb »,s results i, the shortest t, t 1hY , which in return cleanse and purify the blood, for blood can beeoine impure only by passing through weak and ailing kidneys. Let as live t,c/,3`•: li.ak • h -•y t•v •r g.). r., t-11 rasa, t!t Illy lay ttow'l 11 8ulll rv.Jl'• Colne. tory. Itlalh:'r would lay nown In the rvolin:a ttal A+;ay: ,Well, I coati kitow It hat w,tki''•i ill^ feel :oto tired!" Vatlwr would 90,11 timstivdiately to elwp, seated by the evening stand, ovvx olut with the ,day's fatigues. About tbirty-five yearis ago the me, and about thirty-seven yeara ago the I'll"put down the burdens of this life, 'but ibay still lloldt the rape. 4 mt% and women, you brag ,some, tlmgo hole you fought your way in the world, but I think there .have been helpfal Wfluenees :that you have never fully acknowledged.. alas there not been some influence in your early or present horns that the world cannot ace? aloes there not reach you from among the New Rag. land hills, or from Western prairie, or from 'Southeral plantation, or from English, or Scotch, Or Irish noddle, a cord of Influence that has kept you right when you would have gone astray, and which, after you lead made a crooked track recalled you? The ropy may be nes loni; as thirty years, or five hundred miles Long, ox three thousand miles long, but hands that went out of mortal eight• long ago still hold the rope. You want a very swift horse, and you need to xowcl himi with Sharpest spurs, and" to let the reins lie loose mitable. All the ages of Itime and eternity affetctod by the basket let' down from a Damascus balcony, Ner Over F tty Xeava. lit Old and Well-TsiedRomedy—lira W inslow's SoothingSyrup has been used for over fifty ,years byn .1l11ousof mothers for tlto:r children whtlo toothiv , with 1selrYsutt suvoess. It soothes the ehila, safteris rhe hauls, allays all lulu, cures wind colic, find is the bast remv ly for diarrha-ft, It is pinnsmit to thn taste. Solt! by (11mgKists !It every ptrr of the world. Twenty-t}vo cents a bottle. Its value is incalculable. Be sure yon ask for Mrs. Winslow's Soothim; Syrap, and take no other kind. Dr. ,Doty's crusade againit mosquitoes on Staten Island is suconndi,n- very well. A little oil is sprinkled orx the grass or weeds about 10 feet away from the houses, The biltailitauri to the mosquito-iidd-m distri.er, olatim tial; for the first time ire weolu they tvora able to enjoy a goal night's rest. ThM treat- ment of the p suds wirii pt•troleunl seems to have ,tlso io.4 rioa We evil, ThlE NEW IREIMIE DY For Backache, Kidney and Bladder Troubles. ! egad. There never has been a remedy intro 7 diced to the people of this country which has given such uni. ivrm sa.islact.on as Ur. Pitcher's baek- 1 iche Kidney Tablets. '1.11e reason is plain. •, , ti Vt,4 , ,I, &` °%1".,;,V9; ! 11me l:,blrt are the r u t of t m. F stcher s ...., ,ns •-ala earner in the l.h,, t. I 1 •1 I teen f Kidney, c to de up to the light of the loth century, Employ the Y, ineans, and enjoy robust and vigorous health. 6 20 YEARS OF A V I L ttultl by A. L. $n tniltun 'inghean. dtu tax and Urinary ,,a•c•x in the hospi- h. of Detroit and his 6:v1Itto1 tri the study ,t K•dnry diseases as sty life's work. 'there is no other rrnirdy gives such positive assurance of t cure of backache, tune or weak back, welling of the , feet ,nit Ie;rs, puniness iidrr the eyts, puffy o v s•y appearance f the htce, gravel, a h-1, duct drpcsits in e Mine, scalding, vitahnn, frequentns- im, at night, high colour of wo tit inc, pains in the joints and hips, drowaul, sem, bad taste in tate mouth, sp: cks before the eve,, dra,r; big pain in the mins. Kid:'t•v weikness of children and nld people, ttnd »Ii symptomatic in- dicntiorl. , f Ktdnev trouble. if yore ha, a Kidn, y conii,laint in any form and are ai,xiotisly des•rons of being cured, insist ( n hnving, Dr. Pitcher's Backache hidre, 'Tablets. price =o cents a I)ox, at all druggists, or sent lw mail. -1 he Ur. Zina Pitcher Co., 'fort nto, Ont. FOR Diarrhimal Dysn`nitery, C01101 Cramps, Pain in l.'o StomaoD AND ALL summer Complaints. ITS 20PE0TS Allis MARV21LL6116. iT ACTS LIRE A Q:IiAFIM. I tSLl1S1: ALMOST i'NS ANT/lrISOUS4, Ploasanti Rapid, Rellable, tfeatug Every How should liars it. Ask you Draggtst for its Take no dha. PnICE, - 03C6 no flesh should glory in his presence." CATARRH. And I Los'ked to see from whence the voice canb.,'rnd lo! it was the very Wonderful 'Testimony to the one who had said: "Through a w,n- Curative Powers of Dr. Ag- dOW in a basket was I eat down by new's Catarrhal Powder. tli3 wall." Ii'erncttforth think of n'oihing as,in- Chas. O. Brown, journalist of Duluth, Ai ;n:hcanL. A A_tle thing may decide Minn., writes: "I bave been a sufferer your all. A Cunarder put out front from Throat and Nasal Catarrh for over zo England far New York.. It was 'well years, during which time my head has been cquipp2d, but in putting up a etovtt stopped up and my condition truly miser* in the pilar box, a nail way drm.,;. Wile. Within rg minutes after using Dr. too clear the compass. The ship's of- Agnew's Catarrhal Powder I obtained relief. fieexs, deceived by that distracted Three bottles have almost, if not entirely, oompttss, put the ship two hundred cured me." go cents. = males off her right course, and sud- Soldl by A. L. Hamilton, Wbighant. detaly the man on the lookout Pried, ".fiance, ho!" and the ship was 1laltrd _'- ~--- - nvithlal a few yards o€ her demali- ers. Why, a ship cross:ng the At- tion on Nantucket shoals. A six- lamtic in six days can't sail away penny nail came near wrecking a from that. A sailor fluids them on Cunarder. Small aro'pas hold mighty the lookout cls he takes his place, and dletatinics. finds them( on the mast as he climbs A minister seated in P,,rston at I1i.•3 the rat lines to disentangle a rope table, lacking a ward, puts his hand in the' tempast, and finds them bchin,l hiA head, and tilts back his swinging in the hammock when ale chair to th nk, and the ceiling fall i turns in. Why not lea frank -and and crushers the tabl.: and would acknowledge it—the 11103t of u.i would have crashad him. A m:nistcr in long ago have baeu dashed to pieces' Jamaica at night, by the light of tin had not graoious and loving hands Insect called the caddis«fly, is kept steadily and lovingly, and mightily from stepping over a preeiplee a hold tha 1dpia, limidred feet,. F. W. Itobertsan, the But t•1lcyre must come It time when celebrated clergyman, said that he wt shall find 'Out who these Damas- entered the ministry from a train oemes were who lowered Paul in the of eircartlistaace's started. by the basket, and greet them and all those barking of ll. clog, Had the wind who have rendered to God and the blown one way on a certain dily,die world unrecognized ,and unrecorded Spanish Iuquis:tion would have been svxviees. That is going; to be one o,;tablished in England; but it },sew of the glad c excitements of .!raven, •i •cd the the atht r rviy, ars d that drop,, the hunting up and picking out of necursed ingt:tution, with seventy- thane who did great good on earth, five tows of sh:ppinx, to that bottom and ,got no credit for it. Here, the at the sea, or flunl Ov., sip:interad church has been !going on nineteen laxs on the rocks. centuries, and yet the world has' not !nothing un;mportant in your life rec•oimtsed the services of the people or mine.. Three noughts placed on iu.that Damascus balcony. Charlos G. iio:r right side of the figure one mak(, Pinney said to a dying Christian; a thousand, and six naughts on the Give my love to St. Paul when you richt side of the figure cue, it million, ln.`vt him." When you awl I meet and our nothingve5s placed art the him., as w,* will, I shall ask him to fright sidle may b.• augmentation illi- intro:luos mi to those who got him .want anything in the night just to cut of the,) Damatsrene pexis. knwk on the wall. And then, all We ,xo into long sermoris to prove alone, Fath•^r and mother talk over that we will b:1 abla to rt:eogrt,ze pe.o- the gratiioug influences of the day, pie in heaven, when there is one rea. and say.' "Well, it was worth all We son wa fail to pr°sent, and that is went through to educate that boy. batter than all, Gal will introduce. it wast a hard pull, but w:+.' helot •cm us, We shall have thtnu all pointed till the work was done. The world out. You would not be guilty of the may mat know it:, but, motht'r, we impotitone," of 11aving friends in held the rope, didn't wet" And the your p:tt for not intro -hived, and etles, voice, tremulous with joyful c1no. tial 1?alitein^ws wilt dem-Ind that we tion, responds: "Yes, father,w4 held b• made nequaintod with All the the tope, I feel my work is done. heavenly household. What rehear. Now, Lord, lettest thou thy scrvant Qal of old tinia's nand recital of stir.. dTpart in pence for mdnr. -eyes have ring rem°nisronreat If others fail seen thy salvation." 1111shawl" says to give inirodltetion, 'Goll will take .thc father, "I nlever felt .,4o mulch !ilea ui throu;;h, anil befo•te our first, Ill".119 ill mY 1110, as nmv- I want; ito twont'y,four hours )n heaven—if it a,,, what that fellow is going on to . every ealeulated by oartlAv timep'erc• cin, liti has Wgun sa well," —114W, passed, we shall nsert -aid Saraat131111, oeaurs to me quite par- 1,ilk lviili mora h: avvwy rel br'00.3 oral. I wa,4 the y-cungcst of a large thiel in our ontiV. Y1v;)rtnl stat•• 1Ye f-: miry of Children. My'parents were plot with Perthla colebr'tles. Many rrith.r rlah nor poor; four of the who mad", l;r, rat, cots:+ or u,vfuinrsv t rue; wante:l a r•oll(,ge edueat_tioh,and will sit cn th,• 11,41 sty bi rho frnnt ft)ur obt.aivvvl it, but not without tlwir of rho hiawiih ten ph 1111t1•r i ^r: al licillt 3lrustgle. NW. never riyht up within arllt'•i t, ^-e',1 of the i :: -:de i t -h cl,l people sty Mee that h-avendv thron^ w}ll lir in-iny wbe,+ ih y Opnvin; thelimelves to ef.. illowlh' thesv mul•I no, pi"a h than.. fi;t this, butt reinim3lier now that S. or da <<yreat otplaitn for trod, I pity ptront; always lookt.d tired. I dtu tax and Urinary ,,a•c•x in the hospi- h. of Detroit and his 6:v1Itto1 tri the study ,t K•dnry diseases as sty life's work. 'there is no other rrnirdy gives such positive assurance of t cure of backache, tune or weak back, welling of the , feet ,nit Ie;rs, puniness iidrr the eyts, puffy o v s•y appearance f the htce, gravel, a h-1, duct drpcsits in e Mine, scalding, vitahnn, frequentns- im, at night, high colour of wo tit inc, pains in the joints and hips, drowaul, sem, bad taste in tate mouth, sp: cks before the eve,, dra,r; big pain in the mins. Kid:'t•v weikness of children and nld people, ttnd »Ii symptomatic in- dicntiorl. , f Ktdnev trouble. if yore ha, a Kidn, y conii,laint in any form and are ai,xiotisly des•rons of being cured, insist ( n hnving, Dr. Pitcher's Backache hidre, 'Tablets. price =o cents a I)ox, at all druggists, or sent lw mail. -1 he Ur. Zina Pitcher Co., 'fort nto, Ont. FOR Diarrhimal Dysn`nitery, C01101 Cramps, Pain in l.'o StomaoD AND ALL summer Complaints. ITS 20PE0TS Allis MARV21LL6116. iT ACTS LIRE A Q:IiAFIM. I tSLl1S1: ALMOST i'NS ANT/lrISOUS4, Ploasanti Rapid, Rellable, tfeatug Every How should liars it. Ask you Draggtst for its Take no dha. PnICE, - 03C6