HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-06, Page 2TRE 11 r1117Gi.1A1t1, TIMES, sir,, . r, (I,
lex( ra «ultinu l\audpi 1c, - TIM
, F',ven Allain of Goderich m glia left for Police Mlt;;istrato i eager oil Thursilay
I�l.l?�zaS FUM ll, �Hfralo Tuesday i , Ma
`]'Let a tin, titays when every woman i& •�7 , TT•l y nornnnp foal, three a of lase weelc fined Jonathan, Miller, pro- " ,,,,,- •�.
.• ,.:.it.1;G .'twM.,il .aAw b•Li4W'c,+t,. afC'A'�• '�7+M�N .. ...
tornwipirit 1'y iwbivg Ain, and would 8 A.l`CTUM 3tAl.t.ia, horning pigeons with bila, which he re- prietor of the Hotel Bedford, e20. and �
i h+ Ftl•ll"• f'`11• l'(11t•t. 1'lltrd 311 a
�iV)if lir, C"I'lit `etas a
on st
leased as salol# as he }tot to the Pttn,
Costs for Ali ltirraotion of the liemiwi law
; � 1 a t
Nlitivt u, 111(.tVls as
11101tt, U 11X•1] tF l.• 1110111.ilt, rc'!Vf' ft,r these.
Pa'ragraps. xrom. our Exchanges,.
- whieb ]could bei between 1.80 and 2, pan.
Ill belling liquoi' oil $unday. IuFp,'ctor
t•u#t`etingb. ��uiueH prize it both for
their for ilF tvoialertul
, -
The, Wolverine Beet Sugar Company
The first one to arrive reached the ]bele,
loft about five, the follower]
Pilisley, who l aid alto infortliation, ap*
� ',> 1 \.� ,..ti a,� � + �+;, ��, \ �'• �
ac n rise told ef..
.and others
peared the prosecution and W.
fectivt•wss in Staring Darby Eczema.
of Beliton Harbor, Mich., has fallen on
lit ilitervals of about five minutes, To
Proudruot't(ir the ilrfi ioo,. Mr. Miller
scald ht wl ell+,fills, and the Various ruin
diseaatp of clpildllt ud.
. ae(+ount of inabilit to secure enough to
run the factory. ybirds
reach. Houle as they did, each of the
must have made over forty wiles
pleaded guilt an(? I o svitnesses were
call ed,•--Goderich Signal,
' •�
a'nt's 7'cpptnte,
Kitleardine peoplo have opellod a, fund
an hoar, pretty good tinte for the hole-
+iA1nE'Fit'aa promoters must talre a
A t011rihG in lrNhtutl mopped 12iF Ci1T at
to previde neces±aries for talose who ie•
tacit Feat," says the '"Railway Age,"
a hotel for tht-rurposo of httving to drink.
long; to the brigade—for loss Of clothes,
Miller's O tulules are t'i*.lull; C1lildren
will take Hien] readily, Sold. by Colin
('ta bile a F rent'11 Illining engineer Ont-
and he proposed 1u t he carapan unit he
etc.. �P11R11 fighting III
A. Carunboll,
liIles his project of a trmis-Alaskan.
Siberian loil�,
about 4,0er
should have fila.•, lila ., Fullatiotl llpiv•
Goderich had all ea erienee with a
FIanliltoll � Kerslake of Searorth,Fays
besides. i.Iuuu+ns(i i•tet111i 1'eri•i(rs
Castoria is for IIi1:'tuts and Cliilclren: Castoria is a
ing been uoi nimorsly carried, rhe f,,l-
Sunday excursion last Sunday. A boat
rile Exposition have on, exhibition in
.p '
Behring Sett, 11u!1 rnpitaliyed at :3200,-
harl131ess sliUstitltto for Castor 031, Paregoric, Drops
.1 „
]awing couverialriuu tools dace;-- �4 hat
Icul (1 cittlle over Erato Fort Huron
but received a very: welcome, and
their seed, store, a mousier sate flower,
' 000,000. Circle City, it charming winter
and Soothing Syrups, It Contains neither OPiuni,
will you huve, Par?" Fuit 1, ) hwat's
yer antler goiti' to tttlw?" "�jrell, I
stinyed but two hours,
which rivals it stnall tree. .Lha stalls
measures 1, feet ;a inches in length. It
reFort in the Avetic regions oil tho Yn-
ken River, itceuPla of thousand Or
Dlorpliiiie note gaiter Narcotic stibstaiico. It is Pleasant.
shall have it Chartreuse:." •'And phwat's.
Master Martin Yiipst of Kincardine
was grown, by Mr. Lewis Flenrcheitz, of
'so from its tnoatll, is to be the southernIts
g;•tiarautce is thirty years' use by DIiIlions of
that?" '•It's it warming (itinit brewed
fell into a celhtr at Morrison's Block on
Egnnoudville, find he has quite a large
ter2niilus of elle road, and �'ladivostoclt,
motliers. Castoria destroys Worins and allays Feverish -
by the monks, and they toil it for the
Tuesday and when found was uucon-
patch Of them, ]early being nearly as
in, Russia, will be tho ]always convenient
mils. Castoria cures Dlarrheea and Wind Colic.. Castoria
benefit of the poor." -Indade, sort
, scions. The doctor bruuiht hint around.
large as this one., 'There inner be rich
Asian end."
relieves TeetlA ug Troubles cores Constipation and
Oi'll take the panne, ton!" The Char.
If boys were not so inquisitive they
soil in Egmundville,
A few days ago JIc. Henry Cash, of
FI^ttilency.. Castoria assiniflates tiro Food, re gelates .
treuse was brou ht in lignour git,sses.
would escape many difficulties.
What might bd*e proved a fatal asci-
McKillop, took tock the Seaforth mill a
the Stomach
Bowels of Infants and Children, givingPelt,
having emptied his glassaud felt the
lit all probability Lucknow will have
denoccurred ou lTaesdny (Horning, as
sample Of scute wheat which is
eouifomu;; evect, ruses all; eyes pious-
a laQrosse teamiu the field next year.
Findlay, second sou of F. S. Scott, was
Egyptian amber, or as some folkss call
healthy ]incl Natural sleep, Castoria is the Children's
ly, rano] renlari-s with tult•tion, "4ylay the
The neighboring towns are talking up
driving up Turn,llerry street, Brussels.
it, Egyptian Red, is spoken of very
Panacea'—Tile Mother's Friend.
blessings uv ];livven riFt on the holy min
the game and it is possil)l(+ this popular
A runaway. a rack loaded with
highly as being both a good weigher
that biov,ed this drink!" Then, raising,'•
spoit will be in full owing; in this liuction
shingles, belougitl; to Air, Roland, of
fief] it good yielder. Thomas
ciastoI'ia. Castoria.
the eull t,,' little glass, witli,anexpression
once, more.—Sentinel.
MoMllop, collidedtwith the rig tearing
Shrobbrook, of the 13th eoueessicn,
'•Castorla is an excellent medicine for 'tcastorin is so well adapted to children
of scornful indignation on his lace, ho
Sick headaeheB are cured by Miller's
the top and seat gompletely Off, and
Hallett, front whom Mr, Cash got his
ehildreu. ]Bothers have repeatedly told me that I recommend it as superior to any prc-
adds, "Anel the devil tak(, the blayguard
Gr,nules. Sold by Colin A. blimpbell,
throwing rile boy i,baek on his head.
leed, has beeu growing this wheat for
of its good etrect upon their children," scription known to nae."
that inV1ULGll the gltse6l"
The Boston' Herald advocates giving
Fortunately he received n0 severe V e r e
some years, and says it has never failed
DR. 0, C. OSGOOD, Lowell, brass, 11. A. ARCHER, bl. D, Lrouklyn, N. Y
more deceut burial to dogs and cats,
wounds, but the rig was badly shaken
him. This years erol� tests 62 pounds to
/ �j try p
{N "TYPIj®eel's" TRAIL.
Those who own and admire animals will
the bushel, and will yield 40 bushels to
a gee as to the need of improyement.
Miller's Compound Iron Pills, only 25
the acre, which is exceptionally good
and those tyh0 do not own them will be
. cents for 50 doses. Sold by Colin A.
for this ye4r. In the same field with
Came violent Rheumatism and
more violent Neuralgia—Doc-
content that there should be b e t t e r
the Egyptian Amber was sown Dawson's
tors couldn't stem the disease
burials and more of them.
Apples are scarce, and they will be
Goldee Chaff, which ;,was badly broken
tide -3 bottles of South Amer-
There is no change in the gam4 laws
scarcer in. this vicinity, but Robert
down,by the Hessian thy, while the other
lean Rheumatic Cure gave
battle" and. won gloriously.
of Ontario. Partridges, pheasants,
Blackwood, Hespeler Road, has some
wheat was apparentl " not touched.. If
trees which in yield and quantity will
farmers would it more attention to
P y`r
Mr. W W. Brownell, of Avonmore, Ont., says
and grey squirrels open season Sept.
be more than an average Crop. Ther
their seed they would get much better
thatafe v was o lie had typhoid iolently b Rheer
recovering y
15th to December 1 "th both da
9 : y5 inClu-
are of the Duchess and the
results from their grain both in gllautity
matism and Neuml ia, he suffered so he thought
e a
be would die. hlan•
v a uight thought he could
sive. Quail, open sea. -.:on October Ia t()
D ecemler the 15 days inclusive.
fruit is large, firm and entirely free
from worms. The trees were sprayed
and quality.
q y
Children C r for
y �_ *+vt prssgr ,tt ger a q +� ,•.,,'• , - -
not live till morning. Doctors tried to relieve
thoroughly four tithes this season,whieh
him but could not. After talon three of
South Ame, roan Rheumatic Cure every vestige of
Air. Sol. Strome completed the drilling
Mr. thinks,
s, is tho reason for
Dain left hint and he was as well as ever, q
of a well on the site Of the new cheese
the splendid showing the are making.
/we ®"� ��
Sold by A. L. Hamilton, Whighum.
factory on Tuesday. The well is sixty-
Mr. T. E. Sampson, city coroner hEild
This lirtber3''
font feet deep and the water is within
nine feet of the top. Air. Strome
1+1t•etl2an VPm. McCauley, tallo was
sever 1 scalded A IOth b t1
an inquest at fire Liverpool Police-
q Pv
buildings, on Wednesday, touching the
t• � < ;
a� Atm e'�'J s� gee
An election petition was being tried in guarantees it to furbish twenty gallons N y ugu , y le death of Stephen Johnston, three ,year
England and a witn(ss was called to of water per minute.—Fordwich C.P.R. wreck at Proton Station, is still
„! in a very serious condition, although re- old, who lived with his parents at 3, ! ®D
prove +rib�ry. Record. Prince's -walk. On July 26 ho ate some BPolo
'"One of the gentlemen says to me Covering. He has ever since been at the ' If you ever contracted any Blood Disease you are never safe unless the virus or
g y , Mr. HenryDarcy was engaged in wind- General and Acarine Hospital, at Owen ice cream and on, the following Clay he polaou has been eradicated from the system. At times you see alarming symptoms, .
of the fol owing
'Hodge, you must vote for the Tories,' ing up the carriers on his threshing ma- Sound; but his father, Roadmaster Alex- complained of feeling unwell: He had Epmptoms? e in hSpee throat,s no lulcers onousthetonguill e grin thovmo mouth, hou air failing out ace%
said tar witness. chine the other day when one of the , several fits. A doctor was called in but ing painsitchins of the skin, sores or blotches on, the body, eyes red and smart,
":11!d What did on aaawer to that!" ander McCauley, removed him t0 the dyspeptic stomach, sexual weakness—indications of the secondary stage. Don't
y catelles slipped, and in sane way get Toronto General Hospital on Friday. the boy died—Dr. Sheridan deposed that trust to kick. Don't ruin your system with the old fogy treatment—mercury and
asked the counsel, one of the fingers on the right band the stomach was slightly coo ested but Potash—Which only suppresses the symptoms for a time only to break out againwhen
„ It c r „ A g The Skin of his ]egg's is so entirely S y t; + happpy in domestic life. Don't let quacks experiment on you. Our NEW METHOD
"Well, says L, How much. near] taken off and his left hand and �t&& there were no sign,; of any poisonous S TREATMENT is guaranteed to cure yon. Our (guarantees etre bacired
"`And lvhet did thea Cat sav?" y destroyed that reCOurE(i must be made g y ( by bank bonds that the disease will never return. Thousands of .patients
g" arm budiy bruised by the carriers. to grafting new skin, which operation substance. He considered that death c have been already cured by our NEW METHOD TREATMENTforover2oyears,
"He didn't say nothin'. The other Fordwich Record. was due to taking something cold on the and no return of the disease. No experiment, no risk -not a `•patch up," but a poll• y
will be performed at Toronto General tive cure. The worst caeca Solicited. ,
gentleinlm comes to nie and says, �'�You Athletes, Bicyclists and others should Hospital, The young man has suffered stomach. The ice cream had nothing N
mast vote for the Linerals, Hodge. always keep Hagyard's Yellow Oil on poisonous in it.—The jury turned a ver- � I
"And what did you auswer?" hand. Nothin like it for stiffness and intensely from his injuries.
y g dict in accordance with the. medical evi-
"I said 'How much 7' So Ire arst me soreness of the muscles, sprains, bruises, ...
ran deuce.—The Coroner pointed out that it Ouga IgPVr B•'FE''THOD ,e RPA TMPNT will cure you. acct make a man '
('.utS etc. A Olean preparation, will not ` 1. of you. Under its influence the brain becomes active, the blood purified so that
What t other gentleman offered, and I ' ' d
„ stain clothing, Price 250. CA� was dangerous for the ,people with weak 1 all pimples, blotches and ulcers disappear; the nerves become strong as steel, so �.
told him five shillings. 91 . `hat nervousness bashfulness and despondency disap ear; the eyes become bright, . o
constitutions, when inA heated coedit- the face full and clear, energy p
Mr. Arthur Keep, jlf Stratford; was gy returns to the body, and the moral, physical and sex- L
"And what did the Liberal agent do." to drink cold liquids.—Liverpool ral systems are invigorated; all drains cease—no more vital waste from the system.
ce ,+ g eating his supper last Friday avenin T' 4. l.I'-+arc�`f;d Chll,ltieTi. ion,The various organs become natural and man] You feel ourself a man and know
He gave me ten. getting PP y g' . g y y
Mercury. marriage cannot be a failure. We invite all the a4licted to consult us confidentially,
Council sits down triumphant, and up has wife being. away on a visit, when he �5s - ^- and free of charge. Don't let quacks and fakirs rob you of your hard-earned
stv, nlhr•r cid-. for,ot that the trap door into the collar -hails as to 3 dollars. WE WILL CURE YOU OR NO PAY• c� c
]vaso en. In cense u(nce he Eli fico] ai�nclnre .. every r� (] (� p (+Yep t�C (�(� We treat and cure NivRVOU9 DEBtY,ITY, DI:UAT, WEAKNESS, ?;tell j
11; use for file Liberal-.' P 9 p- c. � : �aPBs• $25,000 Out gritted $Li7 000 i, SIONS, SYPHILIS, GLEF,T, STRICTUR% VARICOCELE LIDNEY .d
BLADDER DISEASES, and all diseases peculiar to men attd women. Cares ruar.-n '
down through the whole and broke -sev- � p b
"Did yeti cote for the Tories?" F erai ribs. He managed to drug himself ( Sorrow is expressed for the unfortun- 1 Are you a victim? Have you lost hope? Are you contemplating
marriage? Has your blood been diseased? Have you any weale-
"No. I ain't ;1-0t it vcte!"-Loudclu' out to the hawn,and attracted the neigh- ate condition of Geo. Fiumball, who has Something entirelynewand int•erc,01mr. Rend S o mess? Our Neiv Method Treatment will curayou. Concultatictl l:
Spare Moutents. i bors' attention, otherwise he might have not been himself for some time.' He what you are to do. Yon mdv get 21,000. Our Free. No matter who has treated you, write for an honest opinion free of Charge. -
contest is to see who can make. ilia largest list Charges reasonable, Books Frea.- The Golden Monitor lillustr tedl on Diseases of
lain in the cellar for (lays. packed his valise and left in search Of men "Dise.ises of women" "The Wages of Sin." ''Varicocele Stricture and Gleet:'
y of names (or kinds) of birds from the following All sent Free sealed. '
— I While Mrs. Andrew Gunn was stand• � work last Thursday morning, so he said, list of letters: ,
taking the track south and word was re- W D O O O C C X Q U L I A P R T a No medidne sent C. ®. 9. No names on boxes or envelopes. Everfhing
ing upon at bench engaged iti training a g , confidential. Question list and Cost of Treatment, FREE, for dome Cure.
�t 11�� m�,l� s s� running plant last evening, the bones i ceived that he was down 'around Exeter; D I M W .c4, D O H T L'
if IA�t't� 4r°Lt'pped and in falling Mrs. Ginn was so i The family became alarmed find immed- g DR&KERNINIEDYa"h
We will reoa,nlzoas a bird anything belong- 1%RGMuilfortttnate as to engrain a facture of lately gave wore] to Cons able `vho in in to the feathered tribe, whetllor it be:t Hen, �
�' �. �'�'� L QraW, .Yinlre'or
any ptllbr ]rind You can ase, ,
both bones in the right ankle. The in- 'company with O. Johnston, drove find an tetter as mon tinges to make a name as it
( g a.goolir inthrlistoflottersabove;forinstunoe C4>3 SI^IELBY $T. DETROIT MICH.
cries are of a painful nature and will caught up to hint at Ca utralfa. They '
] P Woodcock, Plover, Snow' Bird, etc. To any s carat# ✓'' t t�f� ea i!
confine Mrs. Ginn to the house for sev- stayed with him all night, and in the personwho can make a list of 25 or niorediffer- • gil R _ _ _-A '% 'e k
morning was taken to London Asylum. ant prnn2es of birds we will give absolutely
1, i era] weeks. Her good man had a oar- n 9 FREE a beautiful Prize value $1,000 or less. —�
HE rules upon t�h11 all Mr. Rnmball has been a little unsound BIG PRIZES AWARDED (DAILY.
T_- Diamond Hatt ' rMi. role escape down town an hour provi-
oust when, ill good Mature trying to in his mind for some time, the cause be. When you have made out your list fill out
order business is conducted y the line on the bottom of this navt. and send to • O
in,, inane losses throe h investments. ns with a u n ry w Addressed you ti a atom 1 1
are as follows: stop a grocer's runaway horse, he was 5 y g envelope, p
I g y per- I Many friends express sympathy for his
of your country will do, then if near ere award- n g
can ht h onG of the wheels and ed a prize you,cun if you desire get the prize Job P r
Al; goods marked In plain formed a gymnastic feat which he could unfortunate condition and it is to be by becoming a subscriber to The Woman's
hoped that he will rCCOVCr,tO lli9 rl ht world. We shall award a prize to every per -
figures. Positively on.y not accomplish without such assistance 1 g son who sends tl name of 25 Birds and out-
one rice to all alike. All nor cooler he be ilidttced to t Netva iniad.—New-Era. gifts win be as follows• For the beat list, re- In this progressing, 4o'e a business firm cannot afford to use
P r9 !1 ceived each day, a Gold Watch; for the second p g g
cnarrtes for carriage, etc., Record. Iduch surprise and deep regret was bestsolution each daya beautiful Imported poor printing. The'quality of its stationer is file index to its
Teat Set: for the seven next best solutions each P P g q y y
paid by us. ir.aney cheer -
Mr. Win. Johnston, Seaforth, ]net felt here Wettnesday horning on it day, it KonrahSukin Diummid and Ruby Ring; worth. Customers .and the public generally want nb better
fully refunded in full upon with a painful accident on Wednesdaybecoming known that M`ss Jane Susan far the next c t solution, a Gold
Piece; and p g y
g }, Par all other correct wll bnf, var ed Gold
daily, sin than neat and attractive printing. THE TIMES
return of seeds if desired. of last week. He was plastering; the Atchison, of Roxboro, Mc,Kiliop, had value. These Prizes will be ngti i !it doily, Qu`
you willmot,you to wills a long time 111 sneer -
Presses are prepared to, furnish just what is wanted in
inside of a silo, in Tnekersmith, and ciieri on the previous evibibg. It lla(1 tanity before you know the result. Tliereis no P P �
This makes it possible for wns Atindin on a scaffold about 10 or been known for several da •s that Miss "lenient of lottery in cur, phipnnlces no
g y difference whether -we wit yoru'solt+.tion late or ,
the most distant point in 12feet from the fluor, when grope Aitchiscnwas seriously ill, but• noneienriyintheday. All loitrcedis tamail this
I advi. to us, and on t"10111411",
he day it reaches us, if
Canada to have the veru which supported the scaffold broke, thought the cud was so near, and all , your list is the best, yen serail have the Gold
best stool; of Diamonds, and he fell to fire floor. Bones in one hoped for her recover It seems that %V tell or if second best the bountiful Tea (�
jj y Set,nndsaon. We guarantee that we will Letter Heads Statements
�rl7atc11es, jewelry and Sil- his ankle.; and foot were broken, and lie I about two weeks . ago Miss Atchison award you a prize. Thera is absolutely no op-
verware at. its vet door. portunityfordeceptiononournult—wecrnm°t
Y was otherwise badly bruiserl and spoken went to Victoria Hospital, London,, to affordit. Wowanttogetl,000,0001,tellsnti8fied B�II Heads lVlemorandums
Try it, no matter how sitar] Hader o au o eratiotl for some internal subscribers, and for that rcnsou fie don't want
lip, but it was fortunate t.hnt it was n0 g P you to send any money until onlcnow exactly p�
tl2e order, and be convinced. worse, as such a full for ft luau of his 0omplaint, The hospital authorities, whatl eiir.Amsoonaftf •`t41p.m,'9.,mhd�iy` spos-- Note Heads Envelopes
years ini;.;ht easily have 1 -roved fatal. - however decided that she wan not strong 'aible, the examiners will judste the lists to the ;
Mr. Johnston is now confined to ilia enough to. undergo the Operation, and , best of their ability, and will once ante ing .t 4 n �+
,prizes. we tvillwrltcyou at, once ratifying And ail OfliYe Sn Iles.
R i R I E B' R O S • r 1 residence, but is progressing as favorably she seems to have gone down very yon what prize Iron been atvtu•ded you, then if pp
n g c a o d Adelaide you are satlsfikl, you can send Tour. subserilp-
Cor. Y o
as could be expected under the rapidly. On Friday morning last her tinct to The Woman's worldandYour prizewill
5 t r. c e t s, goby return of nmil carriage, pied. To it per
circumstances. friends here received it telegram soil of morrow ideas it semis millossible that .
T ® R U N T 0. Seaforth: On Saturday afternoon announcing Iter serions illness, stud her �e ohattooiceitigatioejwe he tY, nty, idf a
last as Mr. William Atnent was driving brother ,Tames at once went to London wo know exactly what the fire doing, and if the
�canle itimate - y Cheap- l rioting
' I over the crossing at Dick's hotel, his and wax with ]ter until the last. Miss this grand idea gain it
this ni lionlof
horse in sorue way ]:lipped, rind the Atchison wits a fine, robust look ing rnmlpnendod silip. Womur, H a World ind to 11 f ] o rc;
hope of its frout leg below the fetlock wolna.n, Find to all appearances bid fair tptrebvbuilding up our circulation still fur- is not always the befit hind t0 get; but if you get good printing, and at a.
GIVIi aliYtlBiitifilksl , ,ituli�tl:l.ydLiliif3lW ( tai. we ate williigtospend $-5,(IM In this
joint wi;s broken. .Cele injury was such to reach a good, olrt age. .But here is, contest in bti,lding up it big subscription list, moderate price, you will then have the best. We have every facility for
Rhin and sweat (� that the animal had to b e shot. The only another instance of the truth that and when this inonev is spent wo rt;s"" the turning• ont good work, in the shortest time. The office is equipped with,
have ao t(fect on right to publish a no$iflention that rho contest v
snare was a refit favorite with her life is not assure(1 to any, and that none has been discontinued. Dont delay until it. la fast jobbers card and a er cutters naplint" machine and all modern
harness emoted g too Into. Tho contest will continue until jobbers, p p ' e
frith Eureka Hoc owner as he' had driven her for many eau telt Valle]] the call may come. .1aintary 1st, 1902. conveniences,
sass th ' It re. : We give .A Bonus Prize of $2Ci0 mole endent of
the dsittp, tears and Mr. Amens naturally felt that Seaforth Expogftor, p.
keepaiheitraih• alt atlltlrs to the person wire Ntntds m aha list
er seft and pit. loss vera keeniq.•-Ou Thursday of hast gotten tip in the best and handsomest mam ior.
able. Sashes ant• Committee will de etcle and naard ]prizes
da not Creak. t ` �'tieel{ a 110rS0 belonging t0 ;lir. William �j� �� daily, btit'tlio speclnl $2;)Ol)tivo will be nwitrded I YOU WANT
No roe haat. STIFLED HEART in Marelt li"0'?.. Any birds name fervid in the �.+ v • s
e ]` Ross, of McXillop which 7 as tied ixt y t ,
Pace to chafe `� 1'y 1 , dictientttitsnccepted. ,
andoat. Thi �\� Mr Little's residence, on ,oho street, Ever feel that ever breath 'WHO IVEI AR'E. I�ro�ratTlffiGS Wedding Stationery
harness riot �� t btolte loose and rain away. I;, turned would be our' fast—that #hie The'"Woannn's world" is a thorough] ray-
dol keeps ` I liable we aro to do exnotw ns. a Business Notices
tao�int like north an 41ain street atul when opposite , y Catalogues
naw, but � . , thumping, stitRFitng @@nsa� wo ndvertisa.• As to our rrltabilllywwerePcr to
we twlce a : p�L t Gales butcher shop the buggy rats foul tions about your Heart were Ld do `alo`rrlii w i� ricnti or b3itiine4s mien of Galendars or Auction Bilis
air leo by tLs i of it ti to hone le, The horse of freed
Haratisoil.a P 1lm It crushlng your life out? 1 GIVE �� A C;.ALL.
� 1 fret]]] the buggy, but was caught before i�l�rme...
ieartis the bet •,"`
n,enf 'urfki.i ' it went far. The buggy, attd.11orsewere br, Agtnew's Cure for the I y '•� '
p tbsblutel unfailing remedy known and pro -
badly demorakalized. I y
.+ scribed by eminent physicians. its claims of , treat ... . ..... . ...... .. . ...... . . .. ..
sold , .. �.• poteney are not hetesay or fals6 hope to the
��YtatjtsrBera ' G WANTgri—T'ltUSTWORT11Y UZN' AND i sufferer. It is not n spirit lifter to gather you Totwn Colin .........
td3 slsax } wt>npf•n to trnvei And (sdvertistl for old ri+tnlw f dr to the to it pinnacle re f diMaiie, only to X. D -B(; eardul to pro�uV your letter nA u'tl TIMES
Gale y VI$* it ear as ref sapid Anemia] standing. Isnlnry `
drop you lilts at minutes.
mire a bottle. a given do riot 1 eredve nrider3pnidle ttels. Addrv8s:
� $.t0ytlar and Pxpenstx+, tilt palpable in rnith, rrl{ef is thirty minutes. It taw bottles caro fire -
+ •. loff �� NonnrivhOoin rtquiretl, Give ref.renaeairind wvrstfierrmaufhottrttnalady, � Tits (cV1lfJrtlgrY"b Woi'ld," gr'erltford,
. ip .. endoar «rtf•e1114 - od lltacrrtpc'cl rttt'eltppr. a.d• VM J.J•tl E�t•J�i..%�lifJl O 1
f' i , dress ,1 taraagt�I, s66 Caxton Bld., (3 ite ago. i�olrt l,y A. G,,1Ycrt ittoii, �C ingghrarll. i London, W. ngland. �