HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-09-06, Page 1THE NG�f-IA1VV�_ 'TIMES. M VOL. XXIX,- ---NO, 1533, IVINGIIA1. ONTARIO, FRIDAY, SFI'TEhTBE'R 6, 001, S A. YEA111. IN ADY'ANCE S MM�Mwhe+MMMM/RhM��'+�s1 The TnniFs till the 1st of ,?auunry, WnNTEn.—A servant girl, Apply to WINGHAWMETHODISM« " p 1002, to new subscribers for 425, cents. Mrs. (Dr,) McDonald. ------ WE HAVE BOY WANTED,—A good smart boy, SITMIENTs,—Robstson acid Birchall An address Given ty Dr. Towler at tate with fair education wanted to learn the car of cattle and she I:nwortlt 1<, gi{,"Lte hoes tins, � - NOTHING : •p McDonald printing business, pply At - T13111''s cattle, Yanstono a car of hogs, all to The League n seting last Tuesday $11T THE I31 "aT i office. Toronto. evening was very interesting to those ANaTizEit SToiiE, fr. A, R. Stnatlt of T11zli still�et. -Tn cr nversation with the who attended and those �vhp cllcl not. Stratford has deci d to Open out A : the farmers we learn hat a Dr. Towler's histo rle revie Ar of Metho- dism% Vinegar B great steal of n g stock of clothing .>id gents' furnish- wheat is shrunken, 0 ing to the hot dry in WiuAre tt et interesting soBe SUk'e rUU Et the wgs in town. He has leased the Kent weather. Oats se Min to have cane those who are Ips Methodists. Dr. Towler is a Ila l)eSC and C;ofne t4 nf.f p. block from T. E. $warts rind will through in plalnpeir form. Roots are APY reminiscent but we and r iCiyr� ready for business pit October 1st. ' likely tp be a good emp. have not space fo °all he says, we giro , I - the baro facts.' ' �ND�PP�CED BICYCLE FOR SALE. -A Gent's lgvq- I+'1ta�t fiTYP•,, SAULT—Mr, D. W. Gent- . e land bicycle fpr sale, cheap. Apply at mill writes from the- Sault, statin we After Clinton t �e first Methodist, mis- Fay Pickling TIiEs orrice. - g cion was establasl din the township of DOUGLASS were in error regardi g the lack of work Morris following N. W. Excunsict.—The excursion per there, Thera was slackness during ' b P the pioneers as they d( Our lWalt Vinegar by they C. P, R. to they Northwest Tuesday y , settled the county , This was in 1854, DRUGGIST April and May bu now every thing is and the pastor, R °, A. Campbell was THE E gallon is very fine and it will pay y morning was not -cry extensive. Only booming. He has reat hopes for that you to use it, four tool; advante of the cheap _rate from Clinton. Th re were 12 members. town and we are eased to learn that, Then followed To er, Hunt,Crane Bot - from here: Mr. tud Mrs, W. N. Grier, lie is ros erin ' p p n rt u n it i e s son to Arcola, ssa. 11Ira. liiarrow to p P g, tomhoemer and P Campbell, which GROCER[E Ednipiiton, Alb.. Mr. H, Hamilton to What abpai Furs?g"Itric y neighbor brings us itp to ]$' , when the flame for it, if oafs use About our last season At present was changed to Bl It Mission with 101yDauphin, Man, wehavo the largest sn in Huron was changed Mr. ria 11iS your Cattle will All our Groceries are fresh. A Blct'Lonu. r, John Kelly Of the county. HANNA & Co, tol pastor. Mr. Bristol was the firs .to visit Turnberry not lose in flesh, r Last week K e received a second concessi of Calross, brought in VERY GOOD,--rh Breezy rime show and Wingllam in a spiritual sense, then !Ahipment of a record-breakin load of flax last week, on Saturday night as not very well at nTillti, a bush for the most• part, in 1863. In " When weighed,' tipped the scales S,&17 totided, The ante tamnnent was good N.A.1865 Mr. Hanna wiles six, or seven a IUs, nearly 4;f_, to s, The horses which snot apparently mu h appreciated by the p- The OiCl1i11a111S Stand,: drew t110 the load will not we' 'h over au;dienee. SomIc" the musical parts poiiltmeuts vyaa tll) first to establish ummer CHINA HOVSLr 1800 pounds each, et they di t seem . were excellent.a performance of the services in Winglta u. 7'aley were held Agent G. N, W. Office, Opp. Bank of Hamilton. over -fatigued by t ie haul baud before thew yeas perhaps the in Helen's Hotel, firs, 1pwox town, vyhi4li, best part of thele breeze stood opposite the l resent electric stat- HARM VVi�tlV�lVVVHVVW\oVVVdWYVHl1R/ Dont forget Bo -s that have for ion, in a dancing bt�ii, an all upper room, MILTON Fall the Stvellest 1�' a of lues iia town, The TI .iEs and Weekly Globe will be f,� viz., The Geo. A. at . , 1V14rit1oa1. stint to new subscribers till the. lst of while others were tvellii7g below on pi- Shi i ' FOR SALE. HA & Co. Taunary, 1002, for 40 cents. Tell your on or whiskey. Tt,,3re are fluee, prem- pgogoCtitAti liL�r The are Clie Correct styles, DISPENSE SVITH L S, t aha cGit- friends, hers of the first chu •ch still living, Jas. They j , 1 lumber wagon, I single wagon gregational meeting the Presbyterian JUST Lit, , Woe N.- It was. in the A. Flack, Joa. rlael and Jno. A. coop• STAR PHOTO STUDIO :and are made in very pretty with iron -axle and springy' seat, i set church on Tuesday a scrum it was de- east end south. t was in a plant er. The Rev, Mr. H tuna, vvha was then p, , P Opp. Btunisirivk House, Beavor Blor•lc, Ratte ns, Seo .them, double b4mess, 1 seta sing•le.ha_rness, tided to dispense w h the lamps and. crebt d. It vvas a the morning. • It pastor, made this entry regarding the Winghain, . 1 plow. Also rooms over Gordon and put in eleetriolfghUs tonce. The lamps ;was iu the morni g. It was au apron first 0oileciaou+takgn up in. 'Wingham, Photographs at reduced pricesstilleontirttirg. 25c and 35c Taos for t 5c, Galbraith's stores to rept. will be offered for e. Work has be.. lying on the gro nolo An apron? Aye! '`four nt0kle cents then up today" A • GEO. Mckti NZIE. gun on the bin ick by er house at the rear an apron. It w s a feminine one, too. room was fitted up p er a store erected �� 4' of the churc The resent boiler house, � t .clad been bee after plums. It had by Mr. T. J. Jacksoi , where service was Floral D ns Who Wants a Farm ? f in the bas t, it be fitted up as a ; been filled up. It became frightened hold, after the hot ;l was abandoned. Wreaths and BoU.C�i1.Hta �* 1 Hats I vestry. ' ^ at something fainted—dead—black, In 1867 the first bTetelodist clntrclt was I Supplied art short notice, at Jsuest I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands RUNAWAY. _en D. Deacon and F, when they four i it. Any ofits friends erected on Arthur S ., where C. P. R. i prices. Leave orders at St#tr1P'•,�&o . :• w; for sale, in tip, 75,100 150 and 200 acres, lots in or guardians ni claim stimeb proving Ards now are. T*u followed .Revs. Studio, Beaver Block or of tesi- All straws reduced. Kinloss, Greenock, 'Bruce, Kincardine Huron Naylor of Wawatn�sh were near the park g � y P king . y Frances and Ashfield Townships: Goal lands with its identity. t2y! My what are Cleworth and Turnor, Dr. Towler ap- deuce, F1ances st. cool $uildiu(es to be sold cheap on easy terms. with a horse and fig 'on Saturday last, , $i..00 straw flats for hoc , .. ,Aisost,gpod 11)aeltstnith shop tdtvelling in eon- they met the SL -n band. The horse women coming ;O anyway? pea`red on the scene.?u '1860. The iiow �'• �%• 8�R&IIJtAlUI. .. nedtion) doing a trod business, for sale cheap. 1 church had planus .n, the er, d of blocks" - 75c straw Mats for 50c, A hotel doing good business for sale cheap. took fright and b+ lted through the trees, LOST.—A lady's purse with ;1 iu p �� ODOD WAY Fedoras latest styles and, tray live°v9illape,�AM2 as large amount o4 dumped one fell --w out, tend took the silver fn it, on •Centre or John street. of wood for seats. The nobility, said {cog coue�oa t �' ' Y moneYto loan at5 per. cent.. b'or.further. nr- Owners name in purse on -one of H. E. Dr. Towler, wbnld nail a board back on �� ` :shades, reduced from $2.50 to in 11aisak,ply to p other at a circle a ound the Park, They Isard Co', colinter bills. F• 'der leave °o bu become proficient their benches,, , Tk a metnbershi was x in btwiness hays and T, A. DZoK N?,T3+1 were both proof a �ainst injury, though same at Thirs otiice.. P a paeans is to attend one of - t0 I . 5. Insu Insurance Agent, $olyrooa- it is a }yonder th were trot ki cl, It 226' r " o the schools of the PedFrat l SINCE MANY MOONS • ' t is many The Presbyterial church wfis On site s N1 Business dolle es of On - See our I:C70 felt hats fot was a breezy aim for diem, moons since the ev. Mr, horule as tt n �.sd, ,s' nrio, Limited. trllat may y, of the salb block, rhe Baptist, where j f� lr • found in London. To• 50C. I.2,5 hats for 75c• 'GENERAL CI Ti NESS.. LAIiort DAY.-- he town •tyas abou't, qs,.,4x-btuig roan, set t ilkthe peat of fJu� f+ttrr, Hamilton, o:tawa, i the'layyiQr toys t1 Mblio schQb) "staucls, Sarnia, & rlin, Gait, truelph, St; Otitheritics. �io redL1Ct1011S ITl Boots clod as�qulet on Mo day as of a Sunday tttrio, and Huron outlay, uoyv occupied The Eptscopaliau Ias bealigexectetl near ienf et�whonrtcruiictthnin of a,nllty and esper- a afternoon. We i aro leased to notice U the hustling own of Win haul. to most sucal satnl men See Halsev P advertise t. P y g g the C. P. R. statinand was the first in C1 ada.. Shoes., that the stores yv re closed for' #ltq day, Winghttm was not for it had not been a Nos general lufornu.tion write to the A SAD EA.T1, ph H. `` , brick buildin,, Winghaui. The son r er I et apparently with one accord. We of founded. He cam here first as mission- ministers KennyKelen, Sellery Audi Forest City Business College. HAU thSonS course did uoc p actice what we'preaell- ary, on foot, and horseback; he carne r with a a a M:auastlque, Brovrn, followed.u 1$14 the present ( Y. fYI. G. A. Building, Mich., on August + all particulars ed in regard to eping the holiday, but the otherclay in a ailway coach. The church was erecteand the first par- Loudon, Out. then the peop have to have their than ais' a neve tion to him. Where r � J., W. WESTBIWELT Principal. in our Bluevale coy Ondez}co. g renege, uovv Occup by P�obt. leunaut, ,WINCTEUTA1'WILL REBUILDo shareholders of favorite liowspa er, and it was a case of only a hot or two, tail trees, tliooccupied by Rev.Diitahell fill 1$"r 0. _ _.the Whitechurch utter factory have work or deco a chose to work rather mosquito, the fir g, the quadruped and Iu 1$71" Wingha n1s made a station „ than disappoint. the songster bel_- sway, now there is a agreed, and httvr, no intention of going Marriage Licenses decided to rebuil t at once that the g y' with no outside ag ointments and Mr. y Into baSllieaa. The L Mfg. ,know that Issued by PnAlvx PAwni sorr, No. 23 Victoria may be ready for he next season's busi- PRIZE BUTTER.—Mrs. John Shoebot• thriving town, ,ushing steadily to the Byers as pastor. f y , no shareholder O,. the � compituy was and ttre@t. Wini ham, Ont. No witnesses required. ness. It is the is f en ion to extend the tom gets first prize, 200. Airs. G. L. fore as the best in the Province. The The post orifice t as then,where Brad -1. - ° Walker and Mrs. Peter Mason are a tie change seems as;, a dream to him the is not, bound to kue : out of business. Size of the buil as the expect a. ley the baker has shah. Little Whit. g' y P � for second money, loco G. E. KING. The C. Mfg. wished 17r. Caine to por- iII•�II••C•4•�••1••ic••II••t••'o•1••�••3••g•-t••3•d••I••1••E••II. t••t.. i past enol the present are realities, ten an Englashma 1, whom the Dr. larger trade.. umber more of shares soualI Uiurl himself, .,ot to � q �' will bo oiforec fo sale. TowER FiNI$13ED —Lend and longrthe especially the i -ng past. The experience termed was the mo: C raw Englisbulau y + r go into Uusi- "y "� whastl9 b1Qw on Fr day avenin r last to of those days oriugs a shiver, as the lit ever knew as a ;sistailt pastor, fie firers, but toles hO xt .t eft to do. •;•P Fail Term Opens Sept. 3. ++ Any orders for sales left at the TIMES of those da o :cu the mind. The know nothing abou- a ]corse and had ai Thr. letter uas filed k' 1+ •€• office will receive Nom t attention. J. announce the com lotion of the tower at py , horse that knew nothing. Rev. Mr, , ,�• A business course such as you can got •I• j,. Currie, au t' aero the electric light s anon. The tower is hardships by and, by* forest and U Kenna wrote a + A ccinuntmirst batt from the C. Y. R. y y po nl an this allitnai ' In our school will train you for business ,p ' g river, as he s� ht to do his work as which Dr, Tov91e read. 1 Co. regarilin the lige of scales was »II• '1' OBITUARY: ro pa ed aw ay on an imposing structure, standing 100 feet g , •, { P clear of the base, If ou will stand at a Methodist 111 ssionary, are veru vrivid, The first rrnsteLs f th+; ehurcn were: road, and ordered tot . signed oil matSou• .1, Tuesday Sept, 3r , at the residence of y Messrs Jackson, Re d, turner, Fluck, of Messrs. AlcIndoo a id McKenzie. »t• her 'son �Villia Mrs. Jane Coulter the foot of the cl_mney and look at the Mr. Thornley -pent a fete day with Dr. Taplin;, Whiteman Jackson, Towler. m ' ' Towler iu tc�,v and addressed the Dr. Towler was mac Superintendent of Mt srs. Chapman tucl Milligan pro - and aged eighty ye s. She was the relict top o£ it, you �ould imagine by the p ,� scntetl tt clition •rYii uestin^ that the • of the late Jol Coulter. The funeral kink in .your n ek that it 'was touch Methodist Sci y school'on, on Sunday tho:Sunday School i 1 1570, p The later minister were, McDowell, part of Leopold str .ct from Victoria 't' and good btutness prospects will matte ,'t§, took place fr lOt 32, . n. 14, higher. •It is l _ sets ware at the base afteruo:"r-14ft . , q Scott, Selier3 , C:i ord, Parcae and street co the river be posed and sO«ci to ttngcuc's future bright. The .1, and 3 feet in diameter at the to TheHobbs. 1 + Wawanosh, to Wingha cemet , on p —A of flax was shipped to the petitioners at a I:ice fixed by the U. •� Thursday aft noon shell is 212 feet 0 -ick. It took four men Elora on Tu day. The mill is �iovv Council. The Conn -ii could not see .� Central Business College •� T r 80 days to build a., a remarkably short - TOWN UNCIL. :1. •1• New ArTiv'als:—La ies b ntles, Furs, running full t e. Tho flax is of , as i their way clear to c e his, as it was a' . :II• Stratford, lint. k Dress Gouds, Men's C t ng, Suitings, time, when one •onsiders the material plump as mi gh be and onlyfor the high AAa owling Careen—BI , clue nefeutls ties 1 f, ge, Dr. J. It. good phase for IL bra- 4 takes. pride in thorough preparation. Hats, Shirts enol Tits HANNA & Co. put in place. T ere were used in its prices there w Id be a loss to the mill, 1'osiidott—s„tail rt pts suss iteports• Afacdouald for the Tn-, •Association, and Never Uefore in the history of our col- + To THE DEAr. --A rich lady, cured of erection 6 carloa is of brick or about The ,regular mons ly meeting of the , k ' lit inaveur graduates been situs ion n- '1' her Deafness and Noises in the Head b G0,000, and CO c rd of stone. The Town Council was 1 eld oil Wednesday I Mr. J. A. Cine for t. owners of the ' ft g ,l, y I O GUILE A COLD IN ONL .DAY laud across the river nide objection. It mediately ort leaving college as during ,� Dr. Nicholson's Artificial Ear Drums, foundation is $ fie t below the surface of Take Laxative Bromc (quinine Tablets. All evening. The burr ass did not occupy ? vvas referred to Cot:uu tee. the i>res to year. a lou time thou . -I It pays to attend a st, roll} first-class : gave 26000 dollars to his Institute, so that the ground. A oiler house is. being . t g�3 ovefe signature is on each box. 25e. e� ce ' g , some of it was quite j Messrs. Dr. J..D. Macdonald, Caine, school; it seldom pays to attend the •1• se for iclnd. '1' deaf people unable to procure the Ear erected and a thin boiler will be placed important. The let or, from the Caunda Galt, Dr. P. 11iaCdot ci, and others Write for bcatttifulcatalogue, �v Drama may have them free. Address, in poaitiou, }vlii0 will enable the station Furniture Maunftt prey's in connection presented a petftiou as ing for a portion ' '1t, Tire Nicholson Institute, 780 Eighth to (;ave better Saar faction than ever, in Wingham $ Leading Shoe More. K}th the assista.uce to a neve factory i1L of the tt°est end Of the art: i'�Ox :l0 feet, ..�y•. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principal. ,I, the lighting of he town. The, brick- town was read ai s:howed their oris ; ;F• � Avenue, New York. g b ..� ' I fur bowling grasp,' DA J. R,, Bayo #lie yII• • petition •d••t•':'l••1•�`'•�'+°'Q'•t•......'��••t•. �••�''•� The TITMEs and Family lictrald and laying ayes all d no by Walter Green. inclination to alloys it. Afrom. Council to understand that it Wes the Weekly Star to new subscribers till 1st He hart never d e su0h & thing before. a cumber of ratepayet•s for tL bowling intention of the Bowlit • Chill to titpend f Janna 1902 for 40 cent 'With green on the west mid of the park was I . k , r s this splendid osier all who subscribe will LOT rOR SALE. -•A beautiful lot oil Patrick.street. with a number of good 300 or;�400 in i1xing tip the ground$, granted. Other le"r items were dealt J re•sodrlii;f, it, c-tc• ,star ctesirc.d to lehse•, get a picture of the Duke and Duchess of York. Size 14x20 inches. suit trees. Fledge dividing lawn and of lot. For further particulars ' - ! r ` ' with, front thu Town tur A t cul of years that ' Cit•;: they luight be justifies. in making this n J Fon. THE Fe mrim--•The judging rear y a apply, Tt�ii s office, ;"; There were prese-lt Mayor send' expenditure, and that -ley might erect a Messrs. Holmes, N +wton, McKenzie anti' lory fence.around it, t) prevent the plot rings at the lead) g exhibitions furnish a AlUNIoIPAL oNrVisNTION. — Mayor McIndoo, The ILA intog of last niceting being used as a foot pith, as it is neces_ good op1)ortunit* for yYonntt farmers to Clolrt;• speaks ver highly of alio eonveu- ; ' ; i were read enol conmecl. srry to have a perfrc' ly even surface. study- the differart breeds of stock, and tion in Toronto st Nveak, which had for „s"" COalmtlHCATIONS. An. elaborate plan bf the proposed " °” ; ; rotmd was shown, tl yv orfs of Presi- to see the most approved type in each p yP Its objects the rmatioil of .executives The Clerk res tb letter front the % « , deut (nit, marking tl distances, trees,, breed ens placed )y the judges, Who, as a inl'each Provine to look after the logis• �f yrs - Canada Faruittll• Alanufactureis re etc. Dr, I'. AlcDona pointed out that rule, are nonrated by the Breeders lation in regard to municipalities. T110 it, ' �t='""~ tbo privilege, req�iested by the Coun• it was the ratepayersc f the town asking -Associations, a id are supposed to be representatives ere royally eittortafned '` '" Cil t0 grant assistance t0 a COmpalny, of for privileges to Lise 1181r OyV1i gratlild. competent exp •rts :wind up to date in while ill the art ,alio best of everything 1 - _ 1 �r Cline said ahoy vislied to be in ar �� which Mr. Cliue was a member, for position to defend liberatr encruach- their ideas. Ti )re is also much to be , being placed at their disposal. 'Keane of ,�'��" - =�.�s% starting allow fur>rttire factors In town. xysma upon the greet , Iearned from milversatiotl with stools:- of the delegates t axed quite eloquent on deal The letter quoted ' . paragraph l elating , Hohne8--•Newton That the petitions different factories, ! to granted and the question left }kith' breeders arottni the ring, many whom their' Chemo, a altogether a great � (��, ��, to tile sa10 of thr aro as eapatle ; adges as those oflioiatiug of enthusiasm as lisplayed. Outside wliich contained a great many whereas, I+,xecuti ito to Arrau terms and condi• Yc�t,l I+,vcry Roy and Girtvvho startsto Scheer do us, with power t act. --tarried, and whose crit °lam of the work, though of or anizatioi there was little business g should have a )air of our and which meant that the vendor iu 1 , IMPORTA 0 CO:1 MITTgrs. It always disc terested, may Ile helpful done. There as air executive fu each this case the UnioriFLirnituro Company; The 1+'iilanc:o ( o inlittee reported the, DOUGH and READS SHOCK following a iu arraying at roper, conclusions. 'fisc l?xuy°iilce to It p yvateli on the legisla- had agreed not to � igago in Business for that they ; 'nun and recon,mendt,ti: THE FALL -PAIRS. S. one willing t learn and looking for tion, a)ld if the a is anything detriiileii- d. s,,, me aetii twell, tliiiieana oat a ttiitt will Ht�iili4 the term of fiftecii • ears, nor to be 'tit ? ,�otoltrzt l3 e,:ii, li t or t- t xtreats • � 13 to • i ht on the ql strop of stock -judging, tal to the inter t of municipalities the the hnrd usnite of severo exercise, Wv ' have filly way conncetei with that opposition 10. T. Ill., it ust• woo- reales to cane tau 1 41i I�itrCillAtt ...................Sept. 027 g , . thentinnilsi2tantfrom11,00toei.to, , 1.1'Frttdel track 1Cie �3e1 rare ......................Oct.1.2 we know bOtterschool.--1;'urniers legislators will nd the whole ussocia• _ +, � of this Co. It aurliex�1tltedthtnt there CohnRui.ialm,wattfintryti-vots - vW g SEI,°` OUR BARGAa<N TAW U4 Hart a I.n.w'll, toll •otos s roil 21A Yungatiitoil.......... , .........(Yet. $•0 Advocate, W fugham Fair Sept, 2(3 and tion on their ba its. It }vas a aurpris- was riot room for uy itlort5 factories,••- V. votwortnoli, ti r. ;y +s a 27. ing thought th many of the clelCgates ba sutE tg it-•''Wosew free, all rips its shoes }yell, they, slid no say an the world, but i Witighatu Blevtiie , i Tlt• Co = us Goderiali.......... . ...... , • - . •CCs, 1•w Geo. ("ruiekshanl., S Tmglianl's share :Ripley . ............ .....Sept. 24«25 Mornv to LOAN. 'ltloney to loan on seemed to hav no Confidence in the Trunks And vnlist,s eltt•np. they Ovldently in allt+it. Hcml> l� z:; di r iso V ` �iet•s tt sire n 60 Londonl , .................... Sept, 5.14 tiotes, and notes discounted tat reason- legislators of ail, Brovinee. They ap• Mr. Cline NV s l zveu privilege to '1nk& nrt of alt .' -• rviv(.s at- ito pas,+ed b0 "�eeswater. , ........... . . . ... Sept. 24.25' able rates. Money Advanced on inert- peared to think pat the members were ac1dress the Co.. nest sand said that ho tht•t•onneii. gages, with priv)zlvge of haying at the iii the IiOuso t0 o as the loth fists told ` ` v E E could aa3 nothfto tehauge the setlial3 Homier—Nev torr--Thstt "CObtk rLImed 3rllst tYls.. • ....... ............Oct, 3.4 eilil of any ;year. Notes, and accounts y t 1901 " LOCAL AdItNTS IrbR . - to the Credit f the ..roof $oartl �Glorrie.......,..................tYct.1« t;olleetcd. Oiiicem-BesyclBlocl., Wing• thorn, and nlwa s against the munici• , position. Ile stated. :the quotation yvaa C't,rraed. lgtlt... . ..... . .... . ........ ... Uct. 8•il Ilinlu. I`oUT. Zvi Clniyr10. polities and in f or of corporations. all right alul that As tht. IT. i . ,C10, they 1 Coulneil thrl�t;tlronrlled