HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-08-23, Page 8THE WINGRAN TIMES, At'C;< .111, 1901. 1. WINQHAM GAINS 230, disease Ave oriimteil. With a water - Ho words , 1a; systent, tlieve is no dwij�or ot I NALKER BROS. & BUTTON census returns for towns over disease from joij ure water. VNQ9RTAKrR5,W1N0HAM. The At IL -A Alversary. IVrA IN 0 0 450D have been issued and show that —The Berlin Telegraph Speaks of the Night calls *it Hutton Block, or Fifth A winghpAn, hail made a gnill of 240, the 119raculvir" allpendixge. ThQ word the door $oath of Sobool House, Shop op. WpWAI vA4 2,167 in 1891 44 A 0 10 � in uQw Telegraph is itugliug for Is "auricular." PON't'le XROdOnAld tilt) k. 3,497. This 11% Avery creditAI)lesholviug -Next time it might be Well to say "car," And does not include lower Wingham, god, let it go at that,—Galt Iteformer. FARM FOR SALE, AUGMP I which for AU business purposes is oI This reminds us of a cotent Who, in nested with the town, The population describing A wedding dress, tried to say 'rite undersigned oI for solo his form. lot To the Public 0enerally on. 5,11arnborry, eontaininy U5 acros would nearly reach the, 8000 mark it I'mouss all 0 prontisem are ffod buildings and elitle de soie" 4 got I'muslin 111111111 .10"Toft, 10I Win hank. were couuted, it this - de awau." If he had said silk Muslin. he watered. Windmi for puzaping. For terms Wave 'counted And it rightly 1.8 a part, we Would have . hit it• and particutars apply JAS to T One year has now elapsed since we began should thou be the largest town around, '901'eviii"r. Q. Tlie carlpe or 1131 r, over WASH MATERIALS with the exCeptioa of Goderjoh. We U10 a microbe that floats in the air,gots business inWingbani, (AND Wji Ari'. �TTLL' HERX) really eclipse Clinton, Xiucarftie, into the throat anal � ugs, FARM FOR SALE. Ill develops Walkerton, and Listowel. The follow. rapidly, excites infl4minatioll, &(I, The We herewith tender our sincere and hearty thanks C These goods will win, your The Undersigned oI for stAle his form, iiag is the list of towlis which will be of Cause Is as simPlO its " thistle ill the being lots 18 and 111. concession 1, Mriloss, con. fluger. Extract the thistle, away goes tatniny 119 acms. Upon the pkenilsea are it good for the kind and liberal patronage we have received Admir-ation on first sl and interest to our readers.- . the paln. Destroy the Hay Fever germ bityla, 0 feet square, with good stone Wall - also their beauty won't fade in the -clito, -timo house and u; pry orehard. Town 1904 1801 —,you got well, That's why a t1rat s ft 'The farm has nit, abundant supply or water. thus far, and we are pleased to know that the,public' ash. Muslins in best color, Cliw . .................. 2,540 2 Catarrhozone acts so mtkrvell0us17iU too acres cleared which is of good clay loam W, (186 Hoy Fever. Its fragrant vapor to you and in good state of cultivation, balance In ngs and styles. Prints, Ging. Exeter I. ................ 1,702, 1:813 brings oure, but to the mioiobe death bUsli. Form situated one mile from White- appreciate our business methods In the future we i P (Aoderich 4, leaf 8,889 * church TI will be madetasuit, purchaser. , Ills and fine cotton In I Catarrliozons is as Wok to act oil those ror full particulars it y to h atertak Harriston ................ 11637 1,oS7 inierOSCOI organisms its lightiltug. JON MITOEML, shall endeavor as in the past to merit a contiauance 21081 Prevents as Well its surer, and is always L 110m. P. O. in snots and floral effects. Kiiiolirdiue. � ............. 2,079 W T. Plot, Wing 14istowol ................. 2,698 2,587 811(lcessi;ll Drngaists, 23o and $1.00, or of your confidence and patronage, assuring you that Mitchell ................. 1,845 2,101 Poison & bo., Kingston. Out. FARM FOR SALE. Mount Forest ....... 2,01$ An. important Sale of Parkhill ............ 1: ":'. 1,480 1,680 S. I'litive decide you may rely on honest and fair dealing. OlEXURCIR NOI d to sell my farru, beauti- Palmerston, .............. 1,850 �,007 After all illness of some duration and fully situated in the growing Town of Southampton ............ 1,638 . . it S, Marys ................. 2,392 3;416 much suffering the Rev. Xohu Wingliam, containing 86 acres, suitable Yours respectfully, Para' sols Walkerton ............... 2,970 8:ool Willoughl>y, the esteemoi pastor of the for farming purposes or for building lots. The soil is excellent and is well Winghatia ................ !!�3V7 2,107 Christian Church here passed peacefully Watered with three wells and two ' ROS Away on Tuesday last. The funeral overdowing springs. There are on the ' Buy one of these fine para- 9 HANDSOME PRE6ENr. tool-, place in Rarriston, on Thursday, premises a good briar house, bank barn BALL 01 The Fall District meeting Of Wingliam. and all necessary outbuildings. This sols. and save your complexion most desirable property I offer for sale Furniture Dealers-aitd 113jidertalcers. and your money too. We On tile eve of her wedding, Miss Hattie District will be held bi. the Methodist at a bargain. bought a very large stock of P. Fisher was presented with a hand. church, Wingliam, ou Tuesday Sept. D. STEWART, Witialiam. ,bine cabinet of silver by the business loth. samples cheap. They are people of town. This beautiful and Rev. Mr, Hosking of Ripley will very beautiful in light shades. costly present was given to show the Occillly the Pulpit Of the Metl-tOdIst + We put them in two lots to high esteem in which the bride was held church on Sunday next. + by them while she was assistant post- Rev. Mr. 5waou of Bluevale officiated mistress and the continued well wishe Clear, + s in the Methodist church on Suitclayllist. Talk About Snau I Lot No. i—Parasols worth which followed her into the matrimonial The Owen Sound Times says the first THE BEST IS BETTER THAN EVER $3.00 for $1.59. life. Miss Fisher was always obligring Christian Budeayor Society in that district was orghnized by A. L. Mc- No. 2—Parasols Worth sail sought to please the patrons of the CANADA BUSINESS COLLE We believe the Tinies is in CRATHAX, ONTI "LL' post offlee rather than serve as a ditty. IntyrO- '/AX, 0 N �b-rtl nd =6 0 T $4,00, $5.00, $�.do, for $3,00- error as tbefirst C. ]�. Society in Grey Canada's greatest seboolof Shortl n and + We got bold of one the other day. It C'Ost, We -give here a letter of tbaulm by."Kirm Business Training. County was crgauized by Rev. G. H. ) JIS Sop Fisher in acknowledgement of the gift: Fall Term Re -opens Tues Sept. 3 the shipper away up. We bought it away Cobbiedick at Dundalk. 'a ". y d� - + nol. 29 years of successful work our record. n t To tit IVII.I.In"rillic essful In thellis- SPECIALS FOP, AUCUST o business men contri- The past year the in" down. He got tired of holding, so' we, butt,d to the-, gift for Mkg Hattie P, FlIsher, tory of our school. I,_ "l good �.iiitjoi + asI P.M. at Wingham Post Office: 304 of Otir 12 pupils se red good positions + 4 Juno 30th, 190 scooped the lot. P t me through tile columna of the press duri I tiling Juno 80th, 1901. + I th est to to or erral st to apply to the work + o exprer-s In it very limited way, my sincere Ren k Boots and Shoes, odd 81zes, worth to for your magnificent and costly gift. •of 'any school, - + 62.00, $3 00, for $1.25, .7.. D, Sin's If I have any regret it is that it is not within This signature is an every box of the genuine I*• intorested, write for the han4somest nate + Inv PoNver to thay� you all poarsonally. ' lopp issued by any Business college on the + + make,,gond quality; black and tan; bur associations have always been of the Laxative Tablets Tablets continent, nxid1or u1st wherethese8o4pupils 4. Selected Valencia Raisil-Is + mast pleasant character and the memory of the remedy that cures a cold In 0I 916Y were placed. + + last 'year's. toe, good chance thmi will conkantly remain with. me. Witbin the pant feu *days we have received + - Againthanking YOU most heartily for your few prof three calls to supply commercial teaeborsfor + princely gift. People who think essious other colleges, beRides several calls- from bual- + just think of it I remain, tefully, offr so luxuriously easy a time as that ness houses for office help. . A. 200 rd, Print and Piqne".Aregular YETFRUE1 P. F1911ER. of the ministry, will be interested in The graduates of this school are not to be + knowing the experience of it clergyman found anywhere seeldrig positions in vain. Inc + 10e, July 7e. . WILT, PAY WHE INTICNI)TINO STUDLNT to IMP + *200 N in this city - last evening. Rev. -Mr. this point in view. ♦A 28 1b. Box for Spl.,50. I& da uIde Shaker Flannel, MINOR LOCALS. Wylie, of Brampton, who is filling the WA pay the railway fare up to $8 to students reg. 8e,. duly Fe, pulpit at the First Presbyterian church, f"cm a dbisoard tanco.. at Good $2X0 -pm- week for gouts and 20 Shirt Waists, very fine and Campbell's Headache Wafers guQran- in the absence of the pastor, Rev. W. J. $2 for Indies. I teed to cure headache, eL It you have not seen our Ontalow.10 YOU are Chea Clark, is the gentleman in question. H not familiar with the best Canada as to offer SpeOals In Embroideries, Laces, _ License Inspector Paisley of Clinton was at St. Mary's yesterday, and arrived in the line of Butiness or Shorthand training. back on the 5.45 p, in. train. After hav- Write for it. Gloves and Hosiery. wfis. in town on Tu6sday. I ing supper at the house of a friend on D. NeLACULAN & Co.;' Another shipment of PEACHES for Saturday,. Shop early at —Wroxeter news and otlier mttt-.r I Queen's avenue, he conducted it private Ch Oi*.4 + 50c, per basket. crowded out of this issue. funeral on Will street. At eight o'clock + he led the usual Weduesduy evening IF YOU ARE INT, + + HIS —If a person has once been a preacher prayer meeting. Following this, he QUEST OP' ON Ul he never loses his reputation. next appeared on Elias street, at the a + eastern end of the city, andunited —Mr. John Ritchie is ou the sick -,list couple ill holy, matrimony. The ere. IFFI rho& e for a speedy recovery. mony and the Wedding breakfast over, We hop I Parm 01 TOWD Flqut I It I -L, GOLDEN WEDDING. I —A.H.Carr has received acar his next call vas a. private residence 7 + to perform the rite of baptism, At 9.30 ++++4 ................ ........ ......... load of Lake of the Woods flour.fit o'clock Rev. Mr. Wylie had concluded a It will interest you to call Who rang the marriage bells? —The Chesley Enterprise says Wing- fairly gooduightts work.—Loudon Free Wbere,when,and why did they ring? Press, A. DULMAGES 't ham rate is 23 mills. Wake it 20 Brer. inghitin. was the place to -day, Aug. .1, ALLAN LIN llj 21st, the time and the occasion, the —Whitechurch Dutter Factory share- TO CURE A COLD IN OZJE DAT I Take Laxative Bromo Quinine Tablets. All REAL. ESTATE OFFICE) holders meet on August 28, at 2 oclock. dru+,gits refund the money if it fails to cute jubilea anniversary of marriage bliss for. signature I Chisholm's Sleek, Wingliam. HOUSTON DAIRY Mr. and Mrs. John Long. The day was —WhItechurch creamery was totally E. W. trove's signa a on each box. �Mo. P Rqal Mail ��Palships. fine, the bride as sweet and the groom as destroyed by fire on Friday evening last. BOXY • No cost to purchasers, or charge for having added a separator to their plant, now Taixor—In `Wfn hain, on Aijmst 201h, the advertising or showing property. ofter ,OF A N c lot it SO happy as fifty years ago. '(lie sous and —A telephone gang has been working w IJOE Mr. - i , '. FROM MONTREAL' A30 ALKHTt—In W!Ughfiln, on August 21st. till daughters, six in number, and three of on the lines about here for the past week e of Jas. Walker undertal ; a & gIjt The following have been listed re- CL gmmst .2-t, t cently:— re build-' of Geo. I to the people of Wingham. Onrcou,sare lcept with the exception of Mrs. Jones, viz: Lot 82, Con. 12, Fast Witivano4h, 168 aerep; strictly clean, so that ive are enabled to offer the eleven grand -children, were present --Some of the, masons on whon NEW YORK. ing say they cannot getmen tolltend" mfortuble house; baultbarn; large orchard, For tickets and full information apply absolutely clean milk, iced in summer, durin, .0 W. R. Long, Detroit, James, wife and them. AcLr.Ax—FrsvryTt�InWingli.ini,onAugiist (Taltiable grain and stock farm; can be bought June, July and Augusb• to daughter, town; Miss Long, and Miss I by Rev. Dr. Cameroon of Ottawa, assisted much. below its value; easy terms; a bargain H —The wedding day is looked forward by Rev, J-T, Pattomdo!,U B A f Wingliam, tot- 'ok customer. DAVIS, Wingham. 8 cents perquart, delivered once a day. Ada and U. Ancons, at .home; Mr. and t. , R�t:� to 18 - i - cU. On Miss Hattie, eW! of Postmaster 6 t,,,,. miles fz-ora Bolmore cher n;., 01, ] n"I � r - � valuable stock faun; ��!, er, to with pleasure by women and with 8her to John A. MIACLes from voxetex, Mrs. David Rushing, Boston, and Airs. acres bush; $8,000, dread by men. DILP Rouse and two lots In Blnevitle at half p; Chadwicl;, of Simcoe, brother and sister ATNB—In Iffirigh Ice August lifth, Geo. of cost of buildings or Would exchange on —N�- A. McLean, a well -know yne, aged ffiyear�' W�,,ngh of Xrs. -Long, were also present, In M, WESTERN FAIR; LONDON in It 1 1 obn A, 1, George acres prOgty. 9 in -nb good stock farm, 2!41 addition to these were Rev. and Mrs. barrister of Walkerton committed of Robt. ediet,1.1 e eiig�.,, Iftlips from :71 orchard, banit 'P, Good for town j. j. Pat- suicide on Saturday. barn Hamilton, Palmerston; ; . Sept. 5th to 14th, 1901. 'p-ty. (Creon, town, Mrs. Thompson and dau- —Mayor Clegg has sold the remains of INTO ICE' Agent of the Caledonian Fire In. ghter, 1.1iss Minnie, and Mi& Days, the wheat at the burned warehouse to Entries Close September 4th. sarance Co. Capital 81.2,000,000 Lucknow; Mrs, Murray, St. Thomas; John Martin of Whitechurch, A Vecini meeting o the di �church Olteege and utter M ufact ria will be held i1a s it 1 -ch, on Wediteis. Mr. anil Mrs. W. J. Chapman, Mr. and —Robertson & Burchill shipped a car the Foresters Also The Standard Life Assuranee A home exposition of genuine merit.—New exhibits and leadiiig attractions—Lock. I&Y' Co. Capital $50,000,000. Xre., T. J3. Ferguson, Mr. and Mrs. Jesse load of cattle to Toronto. W. P. Van- n (0) On!111 Yla r3l hart's performing E1ej)1Lajlit-_%—T1te Three graced and "Tom Tont" pectfully invited t oten to consider the Batton, 'Em Ireland, Mrs. Fisher, Miss Stone a car of hogs to Toronto. ad- visability of rebull ng the factory.thebaby elephant and many other specialties of a high order --Grand Fireworks Johnston and orhers of town The —Anew hydrant Was put in at the FRANK HENRY,R. W. SIMPSON, RED OO RSS display, includingrepresentation of "Fall of China" and ilTakiug of Pekin," weddin4i presents were numerous and Pr dent. Secretary. . corner of John and Front Streets on Whitechurch, AU'1 21st, VOL 1 s over all lines each evening after fireworks. For. prize lists, pro - costly. It). golden clock, which Adorned Tuesday. The old one was leaking. grammes, etc., apply to the t6o& the wedding cake, emblematic W I INT E 'R, Pe" train tints, was The C. P. R. Imperial limited ran RE, -OPENING a LT. -COL. W. M. GARIE) J. A. NELLES, and suggestive of the flight of t This is a, now variety of tall wheat, President. the gift of 91'. John Ruisling of Water- into a tree on the track near Vaucouver, or T1.1111— lately introduced from the Salzen Seed ford, brother of Mrs. Lotig, Nvho was B. 0: and ditched an engine and one car. Co. of NVirconshi into this country, It unable to be pretieLlc. A haudzente and —Win- Scott Of Bail's fUrilitutO O'SULLIVAN isa bald Hybrid Wheatof a reddish valuable gold Aug, the 4ifc of firs. factory had one of his flugors cat ou u Color, producing tali strong striLwiriount. Chadwick, of Siulcoe, omupied a place saw the other (illy, t6la is noir off duty. �a�L�� e4 with loI plunipheads -svell filled..eGojr-d00 This whent more than. any other varietyof honor bet;ido the wedding ring, un, —Be sure you do not forget to takis in is proof against bugs and insects, ItBusinessge withstands continuous dry weatherbetter I the finger of the happy brie.3. A vary I the L. U. L. excursion to Sarnia to. than most other kwifis of wheat usually enjoyable evening Was Apent ill singing, morrow. A good time is assured to grog, It is not subject to hill out in speech making alit c0bgratWations, The I those who go. the winter like many other kinds. It has Shaw Biock, Wingham. never been known to rust, anti beinga, for about -sixitfen years. Mr. Longwas one ocloalt was delayed at HaI knocked and longed the t=ame as Wheat torn in Londonderry, Ireland; came out With a broken engine and. was two hours having fine and delicate Straw, One of strong and vigorouir grower is not easily 1191 C011,1110 llavty lived in Winghara —The C. P,. R. train due here about S_)ecid_� Cut �_Ii I• to, this country with his parents and late on WeAu"day. the earliest to ripen, consequently it gets settled in Norfolk comity, near the toArn—The rain of Monday would putmailly its growth early in tho season before the of Sinicoo. Hero he, met Mrs. Loug, very dry weather seti; In. lo yields all It dollars into the pockets of the flax rnen the way from 40 to 60 bush. per acre and I of all Summer Goods goiiig on at this who was then Diss Rusliug A d t,110Y of the eountry, if in no obe-els on it small patch well cultivated is said store now, were married Afly years ago by Riv G's- One And most advanced methods thoroughly ly to have reached 80 or at that ratc. No inan said on Saturday lost if no Vain taught ill Mr,JE�yersou. Mrs. Long &Canadit;tt. winter Wheat exceeds this in excellent i ' ' L' came he would be out of pocket About quality, and is said to make more flour &Ll UATA SPORTING, -ping. Pellmanshi than ativ winter wheat of the present qL isl000. Rookkes 1% oity. X11 millers Ave seen it -pro- R Cheuley baseball team camd down to 1 —The barn of Win, Irate, near 11cr• who h R EA D Y -T- 0 - W Eifil OLOTHING Shorthad, Typemitin Etc. itowice it excellent in the extrente. Wingham on Monday atrueltby lightnitiaoilM6n. game with our boys. The rain delayed 1, d# afternoon, just as tfib last sheaves lie obtained thowheat. Here is Ills statement: and all lines of r;oots and t9hoes included qiuvars ago I reI my home In 14cotland the start about au hour. The locals of the Harvest we r e thrown off the nridVaught back it fete poundm of xtcwlv* intro, lied the best of it all the way and t1jiligg Wagon. All the season's crop 'toss burntEN' tion owing to its great yiF•id. duced wheat that was ereatity; a greal svpww in this great out priee sale. went well until 011esley's turn fiL the Iururaw* $1,000. othorvortm, one It bald and the, other it boarded, and vollopived the Idt aof t-riwaftn the three Irt 16 c 0 c7 the ent rate te.8ult Is what you peo, a stiff, strnight growing M GROM 119B seventh. One of their players sent & _Tfiey etinuot got that electric* )!All• order t*tmnsportfitta variety Byer over to the right Aeld fence, which way going t4o s0ou. At the pros hardlamq and color of our Aniefleaustorts. The PTIRK FRE11 R o struck P. building, bounced back and wag of increase W19glistinitos will 1111111vidual Ifto4tructloft. hardy. vigorouix wheat, wj;tl i vield. doubliz have to anvAineI varit, evoi, itAor heardor Bolded from the field. ThIS made two have their families live. in Xincardille, CIRCULTIRS FROM In Veotlslldl was tollZitlinf, reptateft tosts gave at lowestprices. tothi.-tOwntityloldof girl the, tunt besides the batter's homeClintob or some of those towns, ashoase VISITORS W=00MR1. 'T rivery person -come and secure BARGAINS at Vn*bo= declared there Should be no I flocclinniodation catinot L6 bad here. �tieltlgd irt0hisforyof 0,11odUrmsWlipat and there bir not n r4I it a donbt but what kom imil, according toagreement at the, ",116r6 is no better evidened of the MIN ANT) It IN it V111 -10Y of W11011t Will w0rtbr of trial by i wotb(ft to trhvel and edvertipte lo old our intellUrent qAd Irditstrloum It finitidlan sur. begiwdug. Chosley th6n thrb* up the I need Of the Watorworkg system thall at lloftedholme of solid *a 'Aug. Salary D. M. GORDON'S uaftais *W left the Reid. The score, the pregent time of year when well t160 I year laid 4.20M4(91, all THA.V11blit• fix rami. re(TUINII (41v(y 1`00rI and Its. Of &tAjjW1(j-(1 611vOlOvo. &d. Smith 9pethick'SH'ardylare Store *AWL 11 to 8 in favor Of the home town, 10W, and by this go many fetors are Wj,,.N The Dired Importer. gGq AM. ...... . . . . . . 1(