The Wingham Times, 1901-08-23, Page 5, A. D U L 1 1/ ! A G almost a thing iai e 1<%nrvtast is sinless a shrug of site past. flealEstate and loan Office. The Gilmore school house line been MO." Yanohtl;, Assigneo and Accountant. renovated during the past vacation, lrav Money t , locus on town and faun proporty, ing been lined with metalio lining and 0111ce-Two doors uortll of Drs. T. & J, S. reseated, Chiehohn's Surgery. UNIdonce-Vatherine St.. Miss Hastings left this week for a .j SCRAP IRON' visit with friends ill Kent County. The Presbyterians of Eadie's Congre- BR,ASS, LEI AD, g;ation purpose giving a Garden Party on COPPI,]R,, ZINC:. Wednesday evening 28th inst at the HIGI:IFST PRICES. home of Mrs. Thomas Eadies near the 0 'L'IIE IIM TMESI AMT1. '24,1, 1901. NEWS FROM OUR . NEIGHBORS EVENTS- OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS.• What Wideawake Times Correspondents . Communicate - Other eI Items Clipped From Our Exchanges, UP-TQ•DATi: GOODS,TH E N E STORE ^ AT COST. �••�«�..� Ate, �� otock-Takin6 bale National ]free Worlis, Md., church where a program will be render. yi �1 No Dealers. Wingllam, ed of literary and musical entertain- JAAIISSTO�VN. NIi;rEcllUltoti Selling at Cost Price ment. Addresses bX visiting Clerymou, Miss Lou Pollick of Grennock is vis wl„ , and music by a brass baud is expected. fro paid a visit to oar burg on bar - P iting her grandmother Mrs. Pollick of , Tea will be served from six to eight dcty last, About trine o'clock on Friday - ` g Gley• evening, the creamer was diseovored to We are right into stock taking now and you can o'clock, Mrs. Eckmire of Ethel is visiting her g' Y g � y Several left this locality for the North a saving in giro. As there was no hope of do some genuine money, saving during this Sale. Y sons Mr, Geo, and Lew Eol:inire• savin; the building, efforts were areae West to assist in harvesting the immen- Miss Eliza Willis has returned home The stock must be l"educed two thousand dollars to save the butter stored i it. Some Q se crop there• after spending some time in Mild two hundred. boxes were st d in it, not before inventory and to do so and make the sale a i; Miss Pearson has began her work in and other places. men being left behrne - e factor ,y. the Scott School. She is a good teacher Mr. and Mrs, John Wright o£ Brussels lead been up for about et+ ;years and great. success we have decided t0 sell and well liked by her pupils. spent Sunday at Mrs, Thomas Wright's- g g ZOMINGI c INGI COMING, Miss Vanstone has also begun her Misses Eliza and Godetha Combes had a tarns and oveore, theme. ing about � �"�-� COST ('� �}� � �� T. P. SMITH SCMNTIFiC EYE SPECIALIST work ilr the. Gilmour school and is doings out Sunda at Mrs. Burgess, Brussels, holders, patrons and over erre lruu i red share- •+f (,✓_ +``✓"ti 1 E . Graduate New York, Puiladelpbia, and Toronto good work. _ spout Willitts of the 9th � of Turn. couholders, e were The vabuildingeinaehf500, and yOptit. avaiCollel 3s. The zing of Corn Cures + berAry spent Sunday at F exander Scott spent SundayinMal• insurancetn all $1500. about $The fact- Drees Goods AT COST. Call earl ani avail ourself of his, valuable serve es, as this is a rare Is Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor, cry will be bnilt at once and fitted with opportunity to h- ve our eyes proper- crowned b ears of success regal esworth calling on old and new ne- all the latest appliances for first-class Boots and Shoes AT COST. PP Y Y Y P P Y y , g ly tested, free o- charge. Noguess because unapproached and unapproach- quaintances. butter manufacturing. A meeting of work but a scien ific certainty. N. able, holding sway in this continent Miss Maggie Barnard of Lucan and the shareholders will be held oil Wed- Prints AT COST. cult cases accu -ately fitted. ALL owing to its superiority, Putnam's George Brown of Wroxeter spent Wed - WORK GUARANT. XD. 0 Painless Corn and Wart Extractor. nesday next to consider the advijability' I siEliza Willis. day with MsLace Curtains AT {MOST. Sri Hover cutii at privatp Cotner. Sold by all druggists, or sent by mail by nesof rebuilding the factory. N. i Polson ingston Out &e s - Carpets AT COST. He has also added it .orae assortment of art:- receipt of 26 Cents. Co.,� ' ' Cough Scial eyes to his stock., will be at Stops tl><e Cooh 26111)C tiVO1lZs O tlLe COgll, DIOItIiIS. Musli.ns AT :COST. Colin A. Campb ill's Drug Store Laxative Bronto•QuinineTablets cure a cold in The many friends of Mr. • Aborhart, oneday. No Cure, no Pay. Price '_5 cents. Blouses AT COST, yPinghnm, c-ro day only, - r teacher of S. S. No. 7, Morris, will be THURSDAY, UGUST 29th. EAST WAWANOSH. . sorry to learn that lie has severed his Ready-tO-Wear Clothing AT COST. Jeweller The Council :net Aug. 15th pursuant connection with the school. They will Ageng y to adjournment, members all present. be pleased, however, to know that lie Men's U''nderwear .AT COST. deal Estate „ _ Minutes of June meeting read and pas- has secured a position in Brantford High�I'lannelettes .��' COST. sect. School. His successor will find the. ,,Watches, Gold and Silver. Communications front Wm, Lave, school in excellent condition. He has Parasols AT COST. WINGHA11i, Esq., Co. Clerk received stating that the spared no pains to train the young mind A� pp qq amount required this year from the for future life. Mr. Aberhart's lirilsi- Hosiery and Gloves AT COST. /.\A. .0 = Township for county purposes was cal talent will be greatly missed of soc• r _ $1424,40. ial gatherings of the young people. He 7Linollums AT COSI'.. �' j.� # Harr Clasps - Resolved that a further sum of $32f 8, has a good moral character, a kind dis- Oilcloths AT COST. �C ii it t in addition to the County rate, in all position and was a friend of all. We Office -Corner Patrick and Leopold Sts. Rings a - $4642,40 be raised this year for' County, wish him every success and hope to hear Whitewear AT COST. township and special school purposes, of his rapid advancement. Hats and Gaps AT COST.:, We have a word to say to triose who Brooches I and that a rate of 32 mill per dollar be The Council met according to ad - contemplate becoming citizens in this . Pelt Buckles struck to raise this amount. Bylaw No. journment in Council room, Aug. 15th Sheeting5 AT COST. ,very busy, live town, that we have on 11, 1901 confirming the same, was duly 1901, members all present, the Reeve in hand several desirable dwellings cen- read and passed. the el3air, minutes of last meeting read Print Shirts AT COST. trally situatEd for sale. Also 39 build- Sterling Silver - Since the Court of Revision was clos- and passed. Table Linens AT COST. ing lots in No. 2 Ward, 1S of which are Noveltiesed, it was ascertained in the information Moved by Shaw and Codu that rate - o . n Carling St. East, left with the clerk about it dog belong- payers wishing the use of the grader for Shirtings AT COST. s on Catherine St. East. j Out Glass. ing to Amos and Isaac Snell, lot 34, con. private purposes can have the same ser - 8 on Carling St. West. 4 leaving beau destroyed, and asking vices of operator included at the rate of 4 on Cornyn St. South. c = `,.•A that the same be struck off the Assess- three dollars per day, and parties out - 4 on I lot, N St. North. V W V meat Rpll was incorrect, be it was ordered, side the township at four dollars per He sAnd 1 lot, No. S8, on the East side of :;yes tested ,vithout charge. Ropniring that the said dog be kept on the Roll,audday.-carried. F, 18AK" F�Frances St. No. 4 Ward at rices to neatly done. Don't be afraid to coine in. ; Te P further charged against the Snell Bros. the treasurers half yearly report was ` . Weare always pleased to show goods. suit the conditions of all. ;for collecting on the Collector's Roll for I read and on motion of Taylor and Jack - The old Stand in Mason Block. 'rhe Cheap Cash Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. the current year. soli the same was accepted as satisfact- SA M L. YO U H I L L. _ Ordered, that debentures be duly pas- cry. - H. H, CHISHOLI � sed and segued for payment of the Poll- I On Motion of Shaw and Code John owing accouu'ts, &c : Jas. Marshall,- Mooney was appointed collector for the �-� IIglvlcr.. BLURVALD. �. Jeweller and Optician.services rendered as engineer, per David I current year at a salary of $85 on giving Mrs. Archibald Patterson slid Mrs. .,;r \ V ,•,;. ,, _, Miss. Scott of Zetland school was cal A. Dunbar and others award $e4.00; Es- satisfactory security. led home oil Tuesday owing to the death alter Patterson attended the funeral a. 0�1 r`t� °�'' tate of the late Mrs. E. Reid, rent of On motlou of Code and Jackson the of their aunt, Mrs. Robert Wier, of of her brother at Springbank, FTowicl: , road allowance S. Pt. lot 34. Con. 9, to Reeve and Treasurer was authorized to Turnberry, on Wednesday of last week. i i E. C. CLARKS e e �. >> township: ' r f; .' . June 21st, 190, 1.; Municipal World borrow X500 to meet current espouses. Messrs. Geo. Gregg, Wm. Hubbard Mrs. Wen has been in poor health for i `• Y g t several months and died at the com ar- inr�:j _ -„ rt4�,ur St. Thomas, Collectors Roll for 1900, Bylaws No. 6 and 6 were dal read and his son Joseph where among the ex- p ' ��f ` TAILOR and posta„es on same, $1.24; Theo. Hall and passed. a•tive early age of fifty „ cursionists to Manitoba last week. g y seven years. �/ _ Advance office part of printing con- Accounts were ordered to be paid asP. Mrs. Geo. Scott of Wingham and her Mrs. Weir left her husband, three sons t 1 /. �, __ tract for 1901, ,ilo".00; John L. Geddes, follows, D. W. Campbell, gravel $3.60; grand daughter, Aggie McElwain are at and three daughters. She was a sister f Y r y bolts for bridge at Belgrave $1.50 • D. W. Campbell, repairing brid a ,''2 > P P a g 7 .00; of the late James Johnston Fountnin Naylor, repairing bridge on C. Campbell, 77c. ; Geo. Jackson, gravel present visiting relatives in this district. ,one of the We have placed in stock a Harvesting is about over. Many are Earlist settlers of Tnrl ry and who Creel- lots 34, con S and 9, also fencing .$2.00; E. Irvin, g r a v e 1 $2.45; R. was clerk and tress of the township p/ nice assortment of ready -to- through, and the rest will finish in a day p v off old road allowance $7; David A. Skelton, grave 1 $4.80; Jno. orso. Oats are badly rusted and velli be for many ,year wear clothing, and while we Dunbar, re airin culvert:: sideline 36 Miller gravel 2 e • repairing „ $H.6 Dat♦ & Stew- Misses lYlyrtle d Ivy Denman have a poor sample. do not pretend to sell at less and 37, con 8, and other expenses at art, lumber $11.85; Geo. Peacock, gray -Mrs. John Haliday of Harriston visit- returned from a visit to Guelph, Berlin than cost and live on the loss, bridge -on creek sideline, 39 and 40 con, el and damage $10.00; Win. Mines, ed for a couple of weeks at her old home and other places. A Judge Of Style �rou will find full value for your S, 84.25; Duncan McCallum, furnishing gravel, $1.38; A. B. Jackson, grav el near Huutingfield and at Mr, Johu Mrs, Hardy and children, of Tees- mune ever time. . material and rebuilding bridge 'at Bel- 5,18; D. Walker, gravel $6.06; Wm. lTc Hamilton's near Lakelet. water, visited at Mr. John Burgess' last will at once detect the super- Y Y grave, lots 42, cons 8 and 9, $26; L' can & Son,lumber $7,20; Jas. H. Bran- week, ,. iority of Our made-to-order Thos. Black. services inspecting ravel don, spikes and repairing g 3 e r. igenWinAllan died very suddenly at p g g p• - p b bridge $� 00; the reside of Mr. J. Renwick. He Mrs. J. J. Denman and son Austin Give us a call. See what ling on eastern boundary 1901. $7.88• W. Skelton gravel 45• B. C. Stoles have been visiting in Tiverton, garments. ^�'• ' is quite a wealthy old gentleman. In. S HIGH ART TAILORING we have in Men's, in Youths' Sawyer blassey'Co,, Hamilton payment gravel $5..71; Tilos. Strachan, gravel ferment took place in McIntosh's Ceme- Mrs. E. Armstrong, of Guelph, is vis - and in Children's, all new and in full of roadgrader,$2.25; Peter Walker 2.17; Wm. Turvey, gravel .$2.74; Jas. tery. iting at the Methodist parsonage. is Our specialty. We fit the up-to-date goods. for repairing bridge on river;, and putting Golley, gravel and damage $24.59; Me John Scott, Contractor, and Robert Fall wheat is being sown everyday Iman of abnormal as well as he iu:ttvo culverts cons 10 an411,$18; John Kinnon Bros., travel ou west boundary Caudle, Stone Mason, are investing in a now -except Sundays. of normal shape, and Our Norman, cleaning stones bff two hills $39.62; John Bennett, crushing stone new threshing outfit which they propose Flax threshing is proceeding just now. P We have also a line of odd lots 30 and 31, con 11, $2.00; McKinnon g $13.00; Jas. Nicholson, drawing gravel running in the vicinity of Harriston. Miss Ina 7`hompson is home from To - prices suit all. Garments, Trousers, Vests, Bros. gravelling on astern boundaryg and putting in culvert $3.00; Geo Jaynes If the grain is as short all over as in this route for a Pety week's rest. Come along and get one of Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc. soiuth of Belgrave, $181.14; F. Gutter. work on west boundary $2.50; J. H. district, the threshers will not make a Mr. Wm. Jewitt shipped a car load of the newest novelties in Suits, idge, content concrete tile, $50;' James Brandon, inspecting on west boundary fortune this year. hogs on Thursday of last week. Overcoats and Pants. Gaunt,, Whitechurch, lumber for repair- $6,00; Geo. W. Proctor, gravel $1.26; Mr. Myles Scott of Springbank reeeiv. Misses Mulheron and Nothan of Yours truly, E. C. O LAR KE ing bridge on Breckenridge, 'river, cons. 10 and 11, J. Bkid el $3.80; Goo. W, ed a severe fall last week while hauling Mitchell, visited at Mr. Robert Max - $9.17; John Ansley, Winghanl, inspect= Porter, repairing bridge $5.00; Jas. Nio- in sheaves well's an account of which was , Bluevale road, last week. Robt. Maxwell Neltt door to Grif'fin's Royal ing the bridges on river•, cons. 8 and `0, holson, gravel 50c,; W. J. Soucb, gravel given in our last weeks issue. It was Rev. Francis Swan preached in Wing - Grocery. and 10 and 11 t3 Mr. Wm. G. Paton, $1.6fS; W. Yonill, gravel 35 cts. J. H. thought he would recover at first. But ham Methodist church last Sabbath both balance salary for working road grader Sellars, gravel $2.58; H. Jackson, gravel on Monday he tools a turn for the worse morning and evening. 1901, $43.83. $2,615; Jno, Barr, gravel $6.80; P.J. and passed away on 'Tuesday evening. Miss Agncs Herbert is visiting Miss A number of other small accounts Kelley, $17.57; T. Healy, tile ditch $5.00 • He leaves a wife and three small child- Fannie Thompson of Brussels. CREAT CLEARING SALE OF principally for repairing culverts, gravel Geo. Pierce, gravel $3,22; Jno. King ren- Mrs. Ruttan, an old and highly re - and gravelling amounted to $59.22 also gravel, $1.32; W. C. Wilson, gravel spected resident of the first line of Mor - received and paid. r Where Medical Science Fails ris died on Monday, after a log and tOc.; M. Watson, gravel, $6.15; E. � Y, g The Treasurer presented a full report Lauudy, gravel $8.79; C. McClelland to cure rheumatism, and all the time severe illness from dropsy. Goods to the Receipts and Expenditures of the gravel $2,45; Geo. Kirk -le ravel $1,20; You suffer dreadfully, why don't you The great heavy rains of Monday and township from 1st January last to date, y' g et a bottle of Poisons Nerviline and try allowing a balance on hand of $"r42.04, Geo. Maxwell, gravel $1,08; C. Pollard, that Rub it into your stiff joints, surd The will be of great benefit to po- Tho Council then adjourned till Mon- gravel $5.81; W. C. Stratton, gravel arms, lame back, bent shoulders tatoes and turnips, which crops, so far day 23rd of Sept. next. $x.70; L. McDonald, lumber $5.02; J. -wherever the pain is. Nerviline has are pretty much of a failure, P. PORT, RkICLD, Clerk. Bellrepairing $ cured plenty of people in this way, and Mr. and Mrs. McDonald of Moles- p a culvert 1.60' W. A. > We are now offeringspecial value in all classes of Summer Goods. McCall culvert and gradin 25.00• D. that ought to to proof ciionglr that it worth, visited over Sunday with their � ' S $' - � will cure you too, It is all unusually son, Mr. George McDonald. Muslins, Organdies, Wool Delaines, Fancy Ginghams, Percales, Dimities, jy y' ,ys Nose McCulloch, grading and filling in ravine strong liniment that cures rheumatism n, MMable Langworthy accompanied Mercerized Sateens and Prints, all lip -to -date patterns and eelors C.P'u$24.00; R. Aleock, cleaniug road $10.00; ill unusually uuimeut wick time. c Best house Miss Ina Thompson t Spend a feed > t That is what you should breathe through R. McMuiTy gravel, $2.70; R. Proctor, weeks in country air. Also a zromplote steels of Ladies Wrappers and Shirt Waists, special putting i - I Charles Coults of Molesworth spent value at 65e and up. not your mouth. p g •n the drain .`$5.50; W. R. I-Iezlr• , p stetuner starts, Sunday at his home fir 1Jlitevztle. But there may be times when your ca- ney, services operating grader 32.50; J. Mr. Albert West, of Fal Victoria, B.C., Aug. lb. -Tho steamer y ta, visited Seo our special values in Ladies' White Goods and Undervests, tarrtl is so bad you can't breathe through it. Smith, material and putting ill culvert Bunev tld ruC„cis slits tuners, Parasols in I4'aney and Black Colorings from 750 and u Breathing through the mouth is always $10.00; 11, 'Walker, - Islander, the crack passenger steamer p. > grave 3v cts.; J, of the Alaskan route - - - In `J?urnip Seed I have the best knotvr. binds, such a3 Steel Briggs Co. bad for tae inngs, ana 1t is especially so Srnitlr,gravel$8,26;C. Polling gravelling , operated by tiro i Select, Elephant, Simmer's Pri2e, Ilennie's Owls, as well as all the old when their ac1lCIIte tissuC5 have heart we ik on east boundary $66.00; Jas Bolger, iii+ Canadian Pacific Nttvigatfon Comp �ny, ( ,��^,7{ ened by the scrofulous condition of the of this city, struck all iceberg off Douglas , G> �J19 Standard Variotles, blood on which. catarrh depends. specting on oast boundary $S.OU; W. H. b o !, U=,;t are Alfred B, Yingse, 110erzlerstown. Pa., Kerr, printing, $15,00. On luotioir. ctf Inland at 2 o'clock on the morning of i See our line of Ladies Summer Corsets at 35e. Also the new Corset suffered front catarrh for years. Iris head Shag, and Taylor a rate of 1 1.101 n Thursday last, and went to the bottom, I and Child, roll dowii•--•the.e are Erect Form, straight frrrit, speeial at $1,00 air. felt bad, there tuns a ringing in his ears, Y l 'lu in carrying down from 65 to 80 souls, i d ;-- k • p and he could not breathe through one of the $ Weis levied for County purposes and y g litiL` 4TC�5 111C.�y if reit .1'C riot Oii!3, We show special value in hosiery and Gloves. his nos ries nor clear 1 head. specifics 11'10 mill iu thew for township p11r- including passengers and members of � And wliat do yott think they want? See our special line of Cotton hose for Boys, extra heavy, fast bisalt. from which ho derived no benefit, he was poses. Council then adjourned to meet tho crew. Solve of the snrcivors arriv,.,l . They -cant rest and a clia.fige, Gloves in Black and Colors from 15e pair up. completely bcured, according to his own again on the 16tH day of Septonibcr here this afternoon by steamer Qtreen• i slid twii't get either. Pity 4o -s k i statement, y , They report that as the volved trc•ir, 1 A special line of White Counter Panes to be cleared at a neat. W. CL.rnic i p 51,00 eaell. H'aad'�r Sarsa�ead„�'��� tilOrlf. f10w1111o1' I101ierS k3xplUfit?d, Va1i3111h" tl[w � Of It I + This great medidno radicals and err, Any orders for sales death oY�uuury tt ho might hat ee c'seniit 1. Scott's r elision of cod-liver oit Y p �. Mood cares catarYll b cleansing tha les left at the Tnrr. s ('et1)t. 1 ooh' trIl i o11 the.. bit lgo whole is hlillost rest in itself 1 � brood and building up the whole system, office Will receive prompt attention. ,T, the ves,,A str ack, and stayed thorn and I . 8MMb POR MCC tlAaaet: ANO 'tAV 17, - ecott A gbt11N6 CMtMttlTtl, tbgnw'1'M, IVLltoo»'s 1'rLLB uto the favorttb cattiaritC. Iso. , S. Currie, auctieucer• went do wen with his steamer. soc, ud $Loo; all aragzirlr.