The Wingham Times, 1901-08-23, Page 3f7 l THE WINGRAM TIM 81 AUG'. 23, 1901, Ilowt Do You Meati To lie Anowzm':+'All good Chiliamon. who are littorooted couscious from tbo terrible ordeal and 04d Rano lu f:A•colktiou. vb*nge In Milking Cows. By our statur©, by our ouriosaties, by KERNELS FROMTHE 1 in the cause of reform, and who desire the animal evidently thinking that the A number of note9 of the defunfet A New Jersey eorrespoudent of Ama- our Sine clothing anal fine faring, U}° the SANCTUM MILL, to better the end of their native land and hfo had gone out of big victim, with- State Sank of New Brunswick, N. d': Wan Agriculturist says that be was tut• utterance of sublime ideas, by the con- --- �- ^- to improve their positions !itthis, the drew. Mr. Nicoll afterwards revived have rocoutly been discovered in oircu. avoidably absent not long ago and ]aft cepti �&,of noblo thoughts, by the 49ing 1'aragraps from our Exchainges, land of their adoption, will at once pro- au(l crawled. to a neighbors where II* 1%tion, Theue 1)illd are of the two. the ten cows that lie mAllted wham at of deT(% that would be illustrious ill - peed to cleave off their ques," Coles, was attended to. dollar denomination, somewhat word, Lome to be milked that evening by the moral majesty if they were not over- At the nominations to All the vacancy tiale.. all over tine country are ,said to be Editors who reeblve complimentary but are very presentable. They are no boys who milked the others. As they whelmiligly first in moralpathos? We) Ili Culross Council ex -councillor J. Me. complying with the command; tickets to fall fairs, oxposltions a n d 00uuterfeit, for they have opparuntly milked the others first and his 45 millu• may leave no distinctivouoes. A person Hague was elected by acclamation. Out in Patagonia is a colony of 4,000 other places are often Iooked upon as been 1rinted from genuine platen, but ter past the usual time they gave the may so live as not to be missed. That Three London hotel-keepoxs, wlio kept Welslinion, who it is stated, have tried deadheads but the manager of the n9vai theloss tlioy are utterly worthlem fall amount that night, but when he is a horrible thought; itis, liewevor, an their burs open after hours when. the life !it that country, and having found Woodford, Illinois, county falx, wiic The notes liars readily aloxii, the milked the nowt morning theyah naG undisputable fust. The p e r s o n s slid Old Boys were fit time city, have been it a failure, are now dissatisfied, All had some experience Ili such matters, Canadian frontier and in cauada. for from oleo to three ,Sounds each a nothing, said nothing, suggested nothing fined $20 and costs. effort is to be niade to induce thpin to, had the following printed on the com• glancing at the words Now BrunsWick quite as much at night, but it took from lived in nothing and (lied in nothing, Eeiug hated is often useful, Many a come to Canada, and in order to do this, Plitueutary tickets used: "'Phis has prob- which aro prominently written across Thursday morning till Friday Bight to went for nothing. We may leave a bad roan has failed it, love, politics and L•usi- it Ila$ been decided that Mr. W. L. ably been paid for ton times by the nap. the face of the bill, the Canadam, or bring there back to their normal yield as diatiuctiveiioss-Glee man of evil habits, Hess because there was no one to abuse Griffiths of Cardiff, Canadian Immigra• er to which it is issued. It will be holt- ono acgnaintLd with Canadian back a result of that one change in the person the dri when husband, the d r u n k o in hien at the right time, tion Agent for Wales, will sail from Liv- ored in the hands of the loan, woulalx or notes, is impressep with the belief that who slid lhv milking and the variation father, the profane speaker, the man i 1 f erPool on the naiad, The dopartment child, white,,rod, black or yellow, wlio they are issued by the Province of New from the usual hour, The scales in the 112r. who never opened his mouth but to McPI a 1 of 7.ivertou fel front a e;;F,Jets that Iris mission will be crowned favors the Association by prosentin;; it, 131vnswick, the wards Now Jersey being stable are what toils the story of such hay mow and sustained several broken Wath success, It is good for eutrauce all+l grand stand Prixrted fxa sinal] letters. Tho notes are mfstal.es as that, though we learned the pollute the air. Or vre may, blessed be ribs and a collar bone. Mr. McPhail is God, leave a good distinctiveness, We s jveuty years of age and the accident and bearer, if driving, will be entitled to . Printed on bond palter, and are quite as same thing years ago when we were Mrs. Hannah Hanna, of "Walkerton, piss Ills toaul free, The Association re- good as the originals. It is believed away from, home over night and loft a zitay so live that many will miss us who ilea rove serious. and formerly of Vesta, has issued a writ 41 were never supposed to have known lis, y p cognizes the fact that its splendid sue, that two milliou dollars of cath notes man to milk the cows we had boon milk - "t against a Brant fernier for $1000 for If you take a Lasa -Liver Pill to•nigiit oess is due to the notices so freely givon axe in circulation. Merchants should be lug, He was ag4good and careful a o • We shed influences which we cannot before retiring, it will work while you breach of promise, The trial is to come follow. We e a n it a r e individuality sleep without a gripe or pain, curing off at the Fall Assizes unless the recent by the press and while we cannot render oil their guard to detect t help, milker as we wore, but when we count - an equivalent in cash wu return our ed the quarts and ]nuts sold the next without ostentation. There is n fame of biliousness, constipation, dyspepsia and lover makes amends by forking out „ morning we found an average shrinkage the heart if'fame of goodness,a fame of sick. headaclie, and mal.o you feel better grateful thanlcs. Passed A 6 Worms - I gave Dr. hap - charity; there is a household for A in the mornili the shekels for leavin ;liar with alacer- p . g . d Republican : K a it Ed. Low's Worm Syrup to my little girl of about a pint to a cow, And this hap - y; g y g ated Heart Ili her bosom. It is im oss- S rig Ciel p t; y Boned not puce, but several ti;,es in four p two and a half ears old; the result was clan may be famous at home. The day A Mituitoba editor says that he has able for tele defeimdent to stay `proceed- ward's decision not to be kissed by the that she passed 15 round worms in five has not begun until he comes in; the two subscribers who always come in ings by agreeing to keep company with peers of the realm at his coronation is days, Urs. R, Roy, Kilmana;;h, Out. years. home is only a house until she who is when tiiey are drunk and pay another the widder because he has wed another, firmly grounded in precedent. When loved appears upon the scenb; •the house year in advance. One of thein has al- the sailor IC i n g, William, IV., .was -Chesley Enterprise, is only furnished by the cabinet maker, ready paid up to 1941, crowned he drew the line sharply, oven India mot lighted up by the genius of Home, Here's a marriage notice with coin- rude] at that phase of the ceremony. Six young ladies have Uoeu married y )'• y I o n `�, meut'that appeared in a Worth Dakota Bystander in the Sun recalls to memory until such and sueli a lite is realized in from the choir of Acton Methodist y y its holy and happy presence. -Rev. Dr. church: witnin a year. If there are any paper: Married at Flintstone, by Rev. that at the coronation of George 11, a Parker. aspirants for husbands, in the country M. Winp g 1,v11 stone, Nehemiah Whitestone peer whose right it was to ride the ban- � they should join that -choir. and Wilhelmina Sandstone, b o t h o f quoting hall and present a goblet to the NATURAL LEAF Long Life in Inherited.Limestone. This is getting mighty king after which he was to back down ial�,� Master Wille Weir, eon of Mr. W. am and there's bound to be a the hall, had trained his Horse iu back- Ci_ This statement you can prove by Weir, of the Rayfield, had the misfor- investigation. When a person whose blastic„ of those stony Hearts before aug so perfectly, that the animal per - investigation. tune to slip down on Sunday evening, Is Free from Any Particle of Coloring Matter ; is Dainty and iancestors Iladrlong lives dies in middle many pebbles appeltr on the connubial sisted in baciciug up the lisle, with his age you can in nine cases out Of ten trace falling on Ilia elbow, with the result that beach. The grindstone of domestic in- tail,to his majesty. That is to say the I nvioorating ; is the only ted that 5U tS fastidious palates and the cause to disordered kidneys and the small bone of his wrist was broken. felicity will sharpen the axe of jealousy horse backed both ways, to the horror ra consequent* suffering from Bright's The proposition to pay Sunday shoal and discord, and sooner or later one or of course of all present. It is a pity that is wholesome for the roost delicate digestions. disease, rheumatism, fatty heart cr dropsy. Dr. Chase's Kidney -Liver Pills workers is to receive a trial it, a Detroit the other pair will rest beneath a tomb- all of those droll customN are not kept pervent and cure these 'fatal and painful church. The Union church recently stone. Then lookout for brimstone. up, so that the English people can see It is also a British. Product. diseases as no other propitiation was voted a salary of $200 for thecoming the whole joke of which monarchy is ever known to do. ong pill a dose, 25 Two weeks ago Amos Palmer of Rip- — --• - - -- - •- - --------- - - ---- — cents a box. year for the superintendent of the ression. the exp school. ley Kaci a dream, andin that dream he 6 6���>� �� j Ceylon Teas are -old in sealed lead "" -- talked over the long distance telephone A 2ted Hot Benson Jif To make money it is necessary to have packets only. Black, Mixed, Un - To noteworthy instance of the intel• a clear, bright brain, a cool head tree to his son David of Calumet. His boy During the hot summer season the , 1' � colored Ceylon Green, Free ram les sent. Address, SAL- lectuality of time Hindoo race appears in from pain, and strong, vigorous nerves. was injured, and asked to be taken blood gets over heated, the drain on the „ } p the fact that twin brotbexs, 'sous of a Milburn's Heart and Nerve Pills in. home, For three night in succession system is severe -and the appetite is often • ADA, Toronto. Hindoo gentleman, stood sixth and vigorate, and brighten the braiu,strength- Mr. Palmer had the same premonition. lost. Burdock Blood Bitter purifies and �_- ___._ �- - • _ _ _ _ ___ - - _-. __ _. _• -__ _ -_ _ seyenth an the list of mathematical en the nerves, and remove all heart, He immediately wrote Ilia son, telling invigorates the blood, tones up the honors at Cambridge Uuivexsity. him his dream. On Saturday he receav- nerve and brain trouble. system, and restores lost aupetite,. Mr. McLean, late manager of the ed a letter stating that the young man Sewing Done by Ante. • Binder Twine Factory at Walkerton, was in Excellent health. On Tuesday Ants are credited with so many ma was tried before P. M. Miller on the morning he received a telegram saying A 8" S ADLUTE charge of attempted crime on Miss that his sou lied been injured, in Celu4 yeloui accomplishments that a new Nellie Seitz and was committed -to sti,nd met and Heckler mines and to come ons must be remarkable to the aA40 �/ • his trial at the fall assizes. noteworthy. Mr. E. G. Green ofy. Ceylon, an authority upon insect habits, quickly. A son of Mr. William Aitcheso�a,Tees- Commune more familiarly with your has, however, made an observation water, was radii; on the tack oY Mr. father the sun. Go out aP your darkwhich is well worth putting on record. asSECURITY, n v� Waiting dor. �'1'backer's traction Engine, when, mise. I) little office -for no matter how bright He has watched red ants holding grubs Typewriter the World •• „• •• . Tile T ewr Ing his hold he fell to the ground. One the electric light, it is after all not sun - in +•� of the wheels passed over his leg at the chino. Send your children where Glia their mouths and using the Web spin to repair a rent an their ankle and bruised it badly. sun can kies their cheeks to a rosy y hue nest. This is PROVED by the fact that the BUSINESS in- Wiarton-James Lindsay millwright and show the gold in their pretty curls. Some leaves which had been fastened habitants of the world USE it. Caritt; �� in Robert Watts sawmill, was seriously Respect your father the sun. Donotre- togetherby the ants were sparated by Now manufactured in three of the great countres, V1Z injured by a splinter" o£ wood from the vile him when he slieds his warmth too Mr, Green, audio a short time►after he Canada United States and German lath machine, the silver entering deeply enthusiastically. Think of the long ' saiv small whita grubs being passed The Canadian Pacific Railway have over 200 in use o • • into his head through the eye, produc- dark days when lids fade will be hidden. }' , LiTT� }{�{�•• pp �1V�y' P1II ing concussion of the brain. Sunshine is the Creator's blessing. Let backward and forward across the gap. y g' r 11 a Ss Closer observation showed' that each The know a GOOD thin I� W. Fatheriu�'h us bare our heads to it. --Chicago Jour - o am o£ Clinton has a grub was Held in the jaws of one of the Must Boar Signature of coin. that was conned at Alexanderia, in nal• worker ants, and its movements were goDIE OF XTS ADVAXTAGES Egypt, in the reign of Adrian, son -in. All effort is to be made to remove a directed as required. A continuous law Of Em 8ror Tia * 1'iaible writing stars to finish. Portability, weighs only 10 pounds. - p Roan, and adopted largo red oak: tree from the wildest sec- thread of Balk issued from file It1UliGh Of Blanifaidbng, bents them alt. Alignment, positive and permanent. iii 117 A. D.;he died 111 138 A. D., 80 tiou of Arkansas to Forest Palk, St. each grub and was used by the ants to Durability, hardened steel parts. shnpizcity, 600 parts as against 14001 See Aaa5lmile Wrapper Below. Two the piece is 1763 years old. Louis, for the`Louisiana Purchase. Ex- • sew up the rent in their slieltor. WARRANTED by n well-known Canadian Company Itere to back it up. Two mon from Exeter were in Blyth position. The tree is 160 feet in height There were no grubs in time neighbor - very saaall and as Cray oil Monday looking at the flour' mill and 12 feet in diameter at the base. A hood, and those used were obtained ONLY � � � � to Woe as sugar• ruins. They were favorably impressed double tramway will be built from the from; a nest at some distance, This de - with FOSE IIEAOACHE.. with Blyth and said if they could buy tree to the river, where it will be floated liberate use Of a naturally formed web p�+ the mill site from the owner at a reason- and towed to St. Louis. It is estimated n fjj����R{� FOR 012XINESS. as a sewing thread is as astonishing as . FOR'BILiOUSIiEt1t. able figure they'•would erect a flour mill that this will odeupy six months. Tho, any instance of the intelligence of ants YOU WASTE that much if you BUY any OTHER, and you DO ER FOR TORPID LIVER. here. �. tree will be dug up by the roots instead yet observed- NOT uET SO GOOD a machine l OR CONSTIPATION. of being cut, and none of its branches _�- � An advance in the price of coal of 2a' . FOR SALLOW SKIN. cents for cash and 50 cents a ton for will be trimmed, so that it wall appear No Worm Medicine acts so nicely as TETE WILLIAMS MFG. Co., Limned• r oil exhibition just as it now stands in 151iller's orm Powders; very pleasant Write to -da MONTREAL, P. Q. FORTHECOMPLUION. ordars was announced by dealers iu y p I NVRRAV[ MAtUa[. the woods. to take, Sold by Colin A. Campbell. pry 1'avtilT egetaUla .sG_ Toronto on Thursday of last week. -. •M-•»� •� »-� ' Stove, nut and egg, which was selling at Mr. J. W. Taylor of Johannesburg, CURE SICK HEADACHE. $6, is advanced to $0.25 and $6.50 for representing a number o f Canadian cash and on order respectively, ancl, pea manufacturers in South Africa, writes Dizzyisadvanced from $5 to $5.25 om that he has had many inquiries Ili refer order, - ;K; ylt;4;r,�,. • � naatktc�. �' >�n �:� r `' " �'. +�'' • "`' (, must be a cruel shock to the Amer- once to Canadian furniture, and that It41 > catalogues are wanted which he will be r Then your liver isn t acting ican pro-Boerites to learn that of the well. You suffer from bilious- 4,700 "Boer" prisoners at St Helena, 'Killing to distribute judiciously, in or- i only 17 per cent of them are Bosrs, the der to further the trade there. Mr. E. �. Don't i ness, constipation. Ayers U, Challis Government dairy expert in 1 -t• i, other 83 per cent being Scandinavians, i r• , Pills act directly on the liver, Russians, Germans, �rr�nch and other Natal, will shortly, visit Canada, and has s been Sven a letter of recommendation �. Fol( 60 years they have been nationalities. Porbaps the Boers thein- g t •-'�"'h the Standard Family Pill. „ g to the Board of the Canadian Manufact- selves are not such bin fighters after all "� ',: , ,.lm •'• a Small doses cure- mors' Association, asking that he be . u AIIJUS bts. In 1000 an the Punjab, a section of In- furnished with introductions to the best .er �'• f . Want year moustache or board a beautiful dia, where about one-half a million per- manufacturers Here of dairy machinery. ,r ' '"r' 0 ,, for Ozone 'brown or rich black t Titan r+re sous dee auuttaIly, only3'23 were killed r +!, BUCKINGHAM'S torthe On Tuesday afternoon 'about six GH 'S DYE Whisker, by snake bites. Their bite is more oft- [0 ere, O. Dnuon,e,., e• R: P. H,u. a Le. N..,iet, N.,A enanfiictecl in Ileuses than earlier an the o'clock Mr. Henry Willoughby, teacher , : t, •: •?te t; ,.. �•? ''; field or in the jungle, During the year In Elmwood school had a narrow escape r in question 1,374 wild animals were from death, He lead been assisting with 4 GAINED tthe Harvest on his father's farm during r slaughtered, including 11 tigers, 186 he holidays and was engagIt's pretty ed pitchpretty ttyllgh t0 have some5 one yCu like very much start bears, 185 leopards and 99 wolves; 1s,- r 272 snakes were killed, off off a load of pease about 2v feet from (]tit for the South to It's the Ozone Sri the air they're after) and it's the get relief from consumption. They so seldom the barn floor when the rack slipped oI Q ? R Ottawa, Ont„ Aug. 16. --Jos, Lipton, tie poles to which the rope was attach- come back alive. v7 2 L V S s aged twenty years, son of Win. Lipton ed then turned completely over throw- � only. thing that will cure them. �J of Tetreville, was killed an the bush on ilig Mr. Willoughby and the load on the I ,, his way to the lint is in the Kippewa ,floor. Luckily for him the rack stuck It isn't necessary to go to Florida for Ozone when you can get B�/ I USING i�l'�BU��E� PILL district with a bang of EO men, He'left oli the wagon or the result might have it in Pdyvley's Liquified Ozone. last week for the shanties, and while .been fatal. As it was his heart and back Vlcroxin, 1;,C,, Marcel S, lobi, 'walking tbrough the bush the wield were injured and lie sustained a very! Ono half teaspoonful 02one every half hour causes the Con - The 'f:..Milburn Co., Limited, blew down a tree, which fell oil his Bead severe facture of his right wrist. Ho Toronto, Ont, completely crushing it. The body was Was unconscious for some time, -Cher, densed oxygen to permeate the body. Write for our booklet on con- DearSirs,-Some time as edydaughter, brought home this morninst. leo l uterprise. sumption, i `The 'Great White Plague �--you will stay home, take r: i",, as tgoublcd London, Aug. 14,--Hencefortli the Orangeville Binnor;n2r. Nicoll, a powley's Liquified Ozone, and get well. z t t with bad head- commailci of th.1 Canadian militia is to •� � ' " ' aches and ]per tvell•1tiown bachelor resident of Sam- � $dc, and $ [ a Battle, at all druggists. Write the Ozone lye., of appetite. be given to a capable officer, closely `vat:, teas strolling across the fields and � Site was tired connected with the Dominion, and this h.oaring a stampede behind turned to see of Toronto, Limited) 48 Colborne Street, Toronto. and listless most virtually that General O'Grady a large bull plunging in his direction, of the time, and Nal 's successor vigil be a Canadian. of- was tool 111t, �' with head lowered to the attack ail• flesh, fleer. In some circles ill Canada consid• most bofole Ito could realize his danger r ilersystem got erabl0 agitationover the alspoihtnioint the enraged atiamal 'wms upon lnitu and i *� badly renin down, ion forces to t, enol oomnmiieimcetl t � so hearing your o4 an officer of the Dominion threw llxin flfteetl foe Heart and Nerve chlef position ill the inilitia etas taken to gore him to death, That Mr. Wool � a. lsiils bigbly spoken ut` I racured a box, place, is alive toclay is probably clue to the and by the, time she 11 used Them she , Iia(! gemmed tj� lbs. iii we ht acid is now in (� alt Cliintimetl have received the fact tltttit he folk betyveen two ltiioI ' lierfcct lleattt2, 5 following notification from the Chinese which provchted the,bruto from doilig ' Y curs trntyr SReforin Association i11 situ kYraixcistsd; tlital injury. liar. Nicoll becamd +�.n• Sold by A, 1.. Il,�li,til+ li, 1)l'u:. , ssF, i1 irt; 1171;1, :71, t, nfrzs. P. 11. cuittle. I _ ._ ...d►-_�L.iw :. a� :t.. __ . - — r ti �.ii`t� ��.!:.it,tl.r•wr�. a.ollY[+