The Wingham Times, 1901-08-23, Page 21t It 0 infertility when they are harvested. passes through the heart once every Seemed lifted to heaven in snow y ex- ar y p SystaniR of a•Otatioll, eBay tend to count, minute. The full capacity of the lungs pause, densed form and in the easiest way, on J p Bract this. toil and 1*eel+ the general aver- is about Liza cubic inches, About GtYa- A1> l Ilow c a ll I banish that first the hoof, and keep up the land while THAT ■ -116 _ lel age of the fertilit v cOd Lilt in spite of , you aro cropping it. _ • 1 ' thircir of a pint O#tair are inhaled nights reflection, '� this tht•re will be a• gradttal decline un- haled at each breirtlr fn ordinary respire- As gazing Aloft at its iufitlate space _ lespecialtc irected toward d every new tour of inspec. -- - .. ss efforts are 1 than wondered ttG o o (v a i C SIMILE u. here are ld to be more t 3 I y P i"�V e��11ra tto . T sa the improvements of the soil, This can 500 separate lttnse es ill the body, wi h tion CM�� �' bo done by selecting certain fields or all equal number of nerves and blood How I would climb up to its lofts em- " " rrr SIONATURE i, nem► field each year and rnnhbig a point to `vessels 'The weight of the Heart is brace. + For Infants and Children. AiJegetablePreparationforAs- . raise the stwidard of tvvility of 01V Sect- frim eight to twelve ounces, It beats The ho ski allc imp proved an in- similatin ,&T00dandRe Uta - ion. lay thus chttngiu� off ani t nes g eLsof —OF— from P J The fta• ttteStnmttchs andApW 100,UG0 times in £'4 hours. Each per- $uito failur_, smile eTert ( - 1 ores the farm in the tenure of a few t-ihatur duct is cue -fourth of an inch i tfgaxtnre wrappor. P y A leap from the4wasllstand fell equal. o; i ��� �ti q r ��4 w,1► r iti Ii� i1 IIII :1 Dl� l years and tttakes the soil F-11 Of a high in length, the aggregate of tele whole beoe - sttnditrtl, g gg la ly fiat,, n . 'p illg thus atlunt lnllle m11Ns, The average And I tolloW�-� txed suit while niy frittered oaf our gaud $25,000.Cheerrul- pian takes five andia half pounds of food le ah , PTOIIIOteS�l esil0il, .' To. Ztawe 7ieautlftiI.Skln, g a'"-•! 'ness andnest.Contains neither F.vcrN- one who ivonld' have a clean, and itrinit each clay, which amounts to Was scattered okouild on the floor ORNITHOLOGICAL CONTEST, O�31um,Morphine norZilwai. IS ON THE 'soft, YOlvety skill free from pimples, cue ton of solid tend liquid nourishment where I sat; OT NAUC OTIC. bl,tuk heat's, redness atal disfigurin ' banally A man breathes rS times in a At last I constructed a stairway that aid- SO-ethingentirel ,n and interesting. •� what you arse h You may get X1,000. Our �T ® eruptions must UFS Dr. Chase's. minute, or from 350 to 400 tabic feet Of. tad contest is to roe who can lnalce the largest list .C-����� Qii,Guieut It is a true it cad for the skin} ahs every da of his existence. list names (or kinds) of birds from the following _X14 lea?'4WX •.SA1M1ZP17Cf1 ��;���� y A wild running jump from the old list of lectors: duce not t•iurt the ergo a- clo putvders P •Pimyki„ Sad - and it sur, -s pErulanv It benefit. There is mantlepfece, W D O O O C C K Q U L I A P R T .dLx:dean4 not ti ripple itching;, burning skin disease All Liver and Stomach Troubles cured And like Alpine climber by effort o'er. A R 1 D G E 8 P�N I E L 4 E 13 R R.r11.f4Sdu- OF EVERY of nlrn, t, oweu or children tbat Dr. by Butler's Gruuules. Soltt by, Culik A. jaded D I M W D O H T L .e+ixArrd • Chas(''_, C?in'ulent will n :t (.ire, 11lothers Campbell. We will recognize it u lard anything belong- I landed hi deed sin its mountain of -p T findit int ultatL.e fin IiaLy 1•czeuta, scald P Ing to the fcuthored t ibe,whether it bo a Hen, j!(•n.Jred - ,J7�.L head asses chathi ou the little Olim The Brut; Habit. fleece, ("tuts, Binger or any ther kind You can Ilse i tb real Chunibei's Journal.) any letter as ninny ti es to mance n name as it Plarw' U weird Himalaya Of old-fashioned I�t Lispears in the list oftitters above; forinstance , Iiril,ione Pvtuit snio v plte, Woodcock, Plover, now Bird, etc. To any , A fruitel sourco of olsortiu is to be A erfettRemed forConsti a- As P g Chattels ! gersau twho can malc,� alstof:aor morediffor- it Y pA ecrreF oindent front Blenheim cou- found in methylated s irits. In factor• eat names of birds two will give absolutely ' tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, P P I fell in my clutch"like a tempest-tos- FREE a beautiful P ze value $1,000 or less. !Nlorms,Convutsions,Feverish-titributes this story to the Ridgetown it's tthere flue. chemicals and pharmaceu- sed tar, BIG PRIZES WARDED DAILYPlaindealer: tical preparations we made, nhanyhuud- Aud I prayed ill the night to the groat When you have 1 Inde out Sour listfill out[llessclrili�.OSS OF SL16EP. o "The exl,eri, nee had by Chanes Iicr �reub ut gallons of this spirit have to be the lute on the butt u of this ndvt. and send to lu god of battles uswithaStamped ddtessed envolope,6ta1np TacSlaUle Signature of uer, ,N llo h t•bidt s on th,- F.idgzeruod, east used in the C(,urse of a year. This r , oY your country win clo, then if you aro uwnrd- t0 SitYe Inc i solo jurriug, Some Oyer- ed a prize you can 1 you desire get the prize Of B1Pllheftn, in Ht;rtcirk, will n•L soon spirit is far superior, of course, to the head sten, �bg becoming a sub. criber to The Woman's be eradicated from his k, miry, While oon it , g World. We sliall at nrd it prize to every per- NEW -YORK. Castodai is put up iu one -size: bottles only. Tt oracle sold at the oil shop or retail d1u And Certain t.nt I that for life I'd be son who sends the 1 ono of 20 Birds, and our L9is not sold is bulk, Don't allow anyone to 9011 taking a stroll through his fine field of store; and many of the factory workers fated. gifts will be as foil t s: For the best list, re- t you anything else on the plea or promise that it beans ou Sutnday last. he stocprtl down SO quickly develop a liki for it that it r, ' c•oived each day, a G Id Watch; for the second I e is "just as goods' and "will answer every pur- q y P rob' To stay there, had some one not heard Hest solution each y a beautiful Impor=ted bt0 turn back it bush to sue how tl.e pods is often necessary to watch them care- Tea Set: for the seven next best solutions each pose,„ •0Y see that you got C -d -S -T -O -R -I -A, ice y chance' day a Konrah Sakin Diamond and Ruby Ring; Were nlaltillg when quick as lightuinc a fully to prevent leakage. q for the next best solution a Gold Piece; and The too- And brought in a laddP.l and thus 'Con- for all other correct solutions Prizes of Gold EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. simile CSC large rattlesnake grabbed him, fastening Chloroform stud methylated spirits are buuttinitted Value. These Prizes will be forwarded daily, I eignatuto wrapper, its poisonous fangs into his forearui, the principal, but not the only, form in you will not have to wait a long time in cancer- PP r.. IiSy flight Froin that bedstead in grand- tainty before you knowthe result. Thereis no J "Mr. Kerner dashed the reptile to the which tem ation comes to the employes element of lottery . n our plan, it makes no IYII Ylliallllilll!IhhitlslsYlcl�,u+�i€Idliilliti'i1'YiJ6LIG�1! !I W!tiJCHih6hilldi 11411” t P P lather b tuanse. lri,.rYl�fwl a VIYYiIiYi.Wiillliiri►i ai difference whether �t•e get your lata or ground told soon despatchedit, then hur- in chemical factories. Agreeable but ( early in the day. 1 yon need is to mail this Tying to the house, though quite faint insidious drugs have to be used in large I list is advt. to us, and o1 the dal it reaches us, if ve and dizzy, he at once applied all the quantities, and many who . have the Miller's Compound Erose Pills, only 25 Watch. or ifs ,.old eco S best ou 11the benutifulR the GTea home cures, including the talon • of handling of theta sf;etn quite unable to cents for 50 doges. Sold by Colin A, Set, and so on. We fivarajitee that we will q award you a prize. There is absolutely no op- C.ampbell, portumtyfordece ion onout- part—wocannot nearly a quart of whiskey. The latter resist the opportunity of tasting. It was afford it. Wowan to got 1,000,000wellsatisfiea had no into±icatina effect whatever on the open boast u£ one. employee known Injury to $tine. subscribers and fol that reason we don't want i' • e'' �' ( t • +' it yon to send guy malty until youlcuoty exactly him, to the writer that he'had tasted every r S what prize you hnv$ gained by answering the 40 Mix one ounce o. ac ate of lead and R "His arm kept blackening until it was .thing the firm made or stocked; and the Muzzles. �s soon a ter 4p. m. each day its pos- Qt$�,�y l� e n 0WO Ounces Of 011inm tt*ith One quare Of sible, the exmniner will judge the lists to the Ne, Y fit dark hued from the shoulder to the fin- practice is probably not all uncommon best of their alb lit , and will designate the �I��littt &k.• water. Bathe the 'injured part well prizes. We will w ito you at once notifying Thousands of young and middle-aged p ger tips, Swollen and pait2£ul, besides one. r. you what prize has iboen nwarcled you, then if ` zat•e through EARLY INDISCRETION, EXCESSES .AND 1RL0®De three tinter a day �vit a little of the yon are satisfied, y 1 can send your auUscrip- e• R r + makin ,r hint veey sick. air. Iierhler yet Many a victim of a chn„ poison which tion to The woman' World end your Isubs will • I DISEAASES• If you have any of the following symptoms consult us before it is above lotion. beep ti ;anihnal in the go by return of m i carriage pals. To a per• too late. Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the shows the ill effect Of 11in experience, 1S slowly corroding all that is best in g Y 9 e ea wit'1 dark circles under them weak back �eidneys irritable, palpitation of the stable bo that he Cann t move Around. son of narrow idea it seems impossible that y , , having* been confined to the house ever him, physically and morally, Can trace wo should be able to nake such a gigantic offer heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, sunken but we have the moi y, Drains, and reputation, eyes,. hol low cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack since. _ • —' his deadly habit io that unfortunate day r . ; the know exactly w111t the are doing, and if we Y energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, weak man• when he began indiscriminate tastiu •, Ladies l Take M:ill4r s Compound Iron can legitimlttely gal a million subscribers by hood, stunted organs, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, -etc-? tt �+ b U:tr I4Ta-w l>Iothodi Treatment will cure you. On measul lug the reptile it was Pills if you would babe nice, clear tom- this grand idenw,r• w that this million of when he first ate of the tree of know- well pleased subscri • ers can be induced to re- found to be three and a half feet long, plesiuu. Sold by Colin A. Cimpbell. commend The Won n's World to all friends, `' a>. ledge, and lost forever the paradise of t thereby building a our circulation still fur- ° ! �0 AD e and the possessor of foto tt cit rattles a fit_ those to whom is Still Vouchsafed the •• i� ;• •.,6.;•....... `. ther. We are willing to spend $20,000 in this ,..r. j , dangerous foe to tneet even when pro- i contest in building up a big subscription list, aced. 'l his is the firFt one seen in this mens salla in eorpore isano. and when this alone• 19 spent we rt serve the Nothing can be more demoralizing to young and middle-aged men than emissions p In eivery town, right to publish a no ification that the contest at nicht or secret drains through the urine. They unfit a man for business, niar- neighborhood for many years, though ill , has been discontinue D_ on't delay until it is sled life or social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits Jll youth, Ireland I•orever, grid village too late. 'i'The� con ist twill continue until natural wealrness, or sextia2 excesms, our New Method 'TresttMc=t will posi- times past, f•.te swamp at the rear of b !January lst,1002. ^l tively cure you GURh'S GUARANTEED. NO CURE, No PAY. The followiu SLOT SS told Of a cull We give A Bonus PRize of $250 independent of c� 7 7., his farm, lately purchased from D. Eag- g y ' y g may be had, _ all others to the person who sends m the list Sn . ; a> 15p «>v4Os1 Used Without Written Consent. le, was noted i<,r the number of rattlers Irish sailor: gotten up in the best'end handsomest mariners the Our Committee willilecide and award prizes "V W. A. Muir, of Lima, O., says.—Ill was one of Crawling about it. After pulling i1:U OT b0 fathoms Of daily, but the speeiall$260prize will be awarded r I the countless victims of early vice at 15 years of line, which put his pittiel_ce severely to a in March, 1002. Any irds name found in the ( " �`� l age. The drains on my system were weakenhtg dictionaries accepted r V,C� iuy brain as well as my sexual and uervous sys- proof, as well As ettery muscle Of his ' tem. For ten ears I tried scores of doctors i c MCC 'WHO PWE ARE. rtelectric belts and atentmedicines. Someheipe(i 111 1�arms, be muttered to shim elf, bot loud.The "Woman's W rld" iga thoroughly re- t me, none cured. L was giving up in despair, in ' ellOn"h to be overheard b all officer: , o t - liable concern, we a'o ltoown to do exactly as •'°. .D fact, contemplating suicide when a friend ad - liable . ql1 wised me as a last resort to give the Pdeev ° then vertise. As to car reliability; ve refer to �•;, P, a g /! ESTABLISH E.© "`Stine, it's as tong as today and to t� Axl any dvertising A eat or business mon of , , 1 I�►ethori'I rentmeat of Drs. X. & K. a fair �A < trial. without confidence I consented and in London or New Yorl y I n10TTOw. It's a good Weeks work far • 3 � t'i `, ;�� : •, ��hrec months I was a cured mai. I was cured 1< 1�j' Q even years ago—am married and happy. I , f any five mei hn the slip. Bad luck to Name . , , , .... .. , .f . . ... . .. .. . .. . . ... . . heartily recommend Drs. K. & H. to my ham acted The hoe i it! 'What! More of it yht! Oeh, i BeforeTreat tient S, slow men." After Treatment se noiv ltnotvn as murther l The say's mighty deep, to be Gr���� _ Street, • , ..........%... . • . • ......... .. I LU'We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, l Gleet Stricture, 4Syphitis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder " Diseases, and all diseases of Iden and lVomen. Rifat]; Phos, is one of the r;urel Town .......... ... Count After continuing in a similar strain, that makes Our t" y " """' �'NO STMNIE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No oldest and befit established mode y N. B.—Be careful to re ay your letter as we medicine sett C. O. D. No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything confidential. and conceiving there was little probabil glad. I c)uestlott list and 4ost of treatment, FREF,. jewelry house in Canada. Ir trial hors's do not receive underpin etters, Address: 1t of the completion of his labor he ex- oil oo., y P The "Woman's World," Brentford, 1 �: n 148 SHELBY -STREET, ? lthou�h e.stahlished in Y Bad luck to me sort if I dont be- London, W. England. claimed: �� � •� = i ,� - ' '� 04, - �• I — - - li:T - - MICU. � tlo i r3- It has only been under lave somebody's cut off °the other end o' -- mdat�•�1"�� y ' � r its present mat:!iagementfor ° one-quarter cf a century. • • TIM WINGIIAN TIMES, AUG. 231 1401, �� ...... There are hundreds of women in 'T r,r :. • Job lI'nr.,lr4Yi11t1' Pool' Fa.olas. '. ..,. !tt'anavrr aP t>}q Ilvay. to An 03(t*ft+sltianed I3edstgad, At4rketf 4g l!' Orr v Alroiluiets, Selling'graiu. and. clay from the farm14v(, TO . ANY ADDRESS TIL ry season attempts should made to inlprave come b e The shin contains More than 2,000,400 of the The old-fashioned bedstead! Hover well I recaA it! ill bulk reduces the profit in two ways. JANUARY 1St, 1902, f r portionsopenings, -which aro the outlets of all, faros l+A that ti11p soil ROltl(1 613a1v the I#igh('st t+tatt(lard ofproductivity, Tllere equal number of sweat The Tho human skeleton Cai3Slsks Of n10Fe thaIl L'llr far,nF l nlans9 ra0lil Of fratt(1• fathers It is expensive to handle aml, haul and- It takes away elements of fertility that uxupilNexau,xlllliNlll'xlrUxlltlllxUliillllxllWpixuupmn, should be, saved and returned to the soil. SEE aro eros>a that must be raised ate ferns Whlell leave the roll much every200 distinct bones An amount of blood poorer egnttl to the whelp quantity ill the ltody QuAdrupedal S aut 1 Its statnro so tall it Teed bogs, sheep ones cattle and so i m stet our r I.ot in tlhe most ' �1�.�5 infertility when they are harvested. passes through the heart once every Seemed lifted to heaven in snow y ex- ar y p SystaniR of a•Otatioll, eBay tend to count, minute. The full capacity of the lungs pause, densed form and in the easiest way, on J p Bract this. toil and 1*eel+ the general aver- is about Liza cubic inches, About GtYa- A1> l Ilow c a ll I banish that first the hoof, and keep up the land while THAT ■ -116 _ lel age of the fertilit v cOd Lilt in spite of , you aro cropping it. _ • 1 ' thircir of a pint O#tair are inhaled nights reflection, '� this tht•re will be a• gradttal decline un- haled at each breirtlr fn ordinary respire- As gazing Aloft at its iufitlate space _ lespecialtc irected toward d every new tour of inspec. -- - .. ss efforts are 1 than wondered ttG o o (v a i C SIMILE u. here are ld to be more t 3 I y P i"�V e��11ra tto . T sa the improvements of the soil, This can 500 separate lttnse es ill the body, wi h tion CM�� �' bo done by selecting certain fields or all equal number of nerves and blood How I would climb up to its lofts em- " " rrr SIONATURE i, nem► field each year and rnnhbig a point to `vessels 'The weight of the Heart is brace. + For Infants and Children. AiJegetablePreparationforAs- . raise the stwidard of tvvility of 01V Sect- frim eight to twelve ounces, It beats The ho ski allc imp proved an in- similatin ,&T00dandRe Uta - ion. lay thus chttngiu� off ani t nes g eLsof —OF— from P J The fta• ttteStnmttchs andApW 100,UG0 times in £'4 hours. Each per- $uito failur_, smile eTert ( - 1 ores the farm in the tenure of a few t-ihatur duct is cue -fourth of an inch i tfgaxtnre wrappor. P y A leap from the4wasllstand fell equal. o; i ��� �ti q r ��4 w,1► r iti Ii� i1 IIII :1 Dl� l years and tttakes the soil F-11 Of a high in length, the aggregate of tele whole beoe - sttnditrtl, g gg la ly fiat,, n . 'p illg thus atlunt lnllle m11Ns, The average And I tolloW�-� txed suit while niy frittered oaf our gaud $25,000.Cheerrul- pian takes five andia half pounds of food le ah , PTOIIIOteS�l esil0il, .' To. Ztawe 7ieautlftiI.Skln, g a'"-•! 'ness andnest.Contains neither F.vcrN- one who ivonld' have a clean, and itrinit each clay, which amounts to Was scattered okouild on the floor ORNITHOLOGICAL CONTEST, O�31um,Morphine norZilwai. IS ON THE 'soft, YOlvety skill free from pimples, cue ton of solid tend liquid nourishment where I sat; OT NAUC OTIC. bl,tuk heat's, redness atal disfigurin ' banally A man breathes rS times in a At last I constructed a stairway that aid- SO-ethingentirel ,n and interesting. •� what you arse h You may get X1,000. Our �T ® eruptions must UFS Dr. Chase's. minute, or from 350 to 400 tabic feet Of. tad contest is to roe who can lnalce the largest list .C-����� Qii,Guieut It is a true it cad for the skin} ahs every da of his existence. list names (or kinds) of birds from the following _X14 lea?'4WX •.SA1M1ZP17Cf1 ��;���� y A wild running jump from the old list of lectors: duce not t•iurt the ergo a- clo putvders P •Pimyki„ Sad - and it sur, -s pErulanv It benefit. There is mantlepfece, W D O O O C C K Q U L I A P R T .dLx:dean4 not ti ripple itching;, burning skin disease All Liver and Stomach Troubles cured And like Alpine climber by effort o'er. A R 1 D G E 8 P�N I E L 4 E 13 R R.r11.f4Sdu- OF EVERY of nlrn, t, oweu or children tbat Dr. by Butler's Gruuules. Soltt by, Culik A. jaded D I M W D O H T L .e+ixArrd • Chas(''_, C?in'ulent will n :t (.ire, 11lothers Campbell. We will recognize it u lard anything belong- I landed hi deed sin its mountain of -p T findit int ultatL.e fin IiaLy 1•czeuta, scald P Ing to the fcuthored t ibe,whether it bo a Hen, j!(•n.Jred - ,J7�.L head asses chathi ou the little Olim The Brut; Habit. fleece, ("tuts, Binger or any ther kind You can Ilse i tb real Chunibei's Journal.) any letter as ninny ti es to mance n name as it Plarw' U weird Himalaya Of old-fashioned I�t Lispears in the list oftitters above; forinstance , Iiril,ione Pvtuit snio v plte, Woodcock, Plover, now Bird, etc. To any , A fruitel sourco of olsortiu is to be A erfettRemed forConsti a- As P g Chattels ! gersau twho can malc,� alstof:aor morediffor- it Y pA ecrreF oindent front Blenheim cou- found in methylated s irits. In factor• eat names of birds two will give absolutely ' tion, Sour Stomach,Diarrhoea, P P I fell in my clutch"like a tempest-tos- FREE a beautiful P ze value $1,000 or less. !Nlorms,Convutsions,Feverish-titributes this story to the Ridgetown it's tthere flue. chemicals and pharmaceu- sed tar, BIG PRIZES WARDED DAILYPlaindealer: tical preparations we made, nhanyhuud- Aud I prayed ill the night to the groat When you have 1 Inde out Sour listfill out[llessclrili�.OSS OF SL16EP. o "The exl,eri, nee had by Chanes Iicr �reub ut gallons of this spirit have to be the lute on the butt u of this ndvt. and send to lu god of battles uswithaStamped ddtessed envolope,6ta1np TacSlaUle Signature of uer, ,N llo h t•bidt s on th,- F.idgzeruod, east used in the C(,urse of a year. This r , oY your country win clo, then if you aro uwnrd- t0 SitYe Inc i solo jurriug, Some Oyer- ed a prize you can 1 you desire get the prize Of B1Pllheftn, in Ht;rtcirk, will n•L soon spirit is far superior, of course, to the head sten, �bg becoming a sub. criber to The Woman's be eradicated from his k, miry, While oon it , g World. We sliall at nrd it prize to every per- NEW -YORK. Castodai is put up iu one -size: bottles only. Tt oracle sold at the oil shop or retail d1u And Certain t.nt I that for life I'd be son who sends the 1 ono of 20 Birds, and our L9is not sold is bulk, Don't allow anyone to 9011 taking a stroll through his fine field of store; and many of the factory workers fated. gifts will be as foil t s: For the best list, re- t you anything else on the plea or promise that it beans ou Sutnday last. he stocprtl down SO quickly develop a liki for it that it r, ' c•oived each day, a G Id Watch; for the second I e is "just as goods' and "will answer every pur- q y P rob' To stay there, had some one not heard Hest solution each y a beautiful Impor=ted bt0 turn back it bush to sue how tl.e pods is often necessary to watch them care- Tea Set: for the seven next best solutions each pose,„ •0Y see that you got C -d -S -T -O -R -I -A, ice y chance' day a Konrah Sakin Diamond and Ruby Ring; Were nlaltillg when quick as lightuinc a fully to prevent leakage. q for the next best solution a Gold Piece; and The too- And brought in a laddP.l and thus 'Con- for all other correct solutions Prizes of Gold EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. simile CSC large rattlesnake grabbed him, fastening Chloroform stud methylated spirits are buuttinitted Value. These Prizes will be forwarded daily, I eignatuto wrapper, its poisonous fangs into his forearui, the principal, but not the only, form in you will not have to wait a long time in cancer- PP r.. IiSy flight Froin that bedstead in grand- tainty before you knowthe result. Thereis no J "Mr. Kerner dashed the reptile to the which tem ation comes to the employes element of lottery . n our plan, it makes no IYII Ylliallllilll!IhhitlslsYlcl�,u+�i€Idliilliti'i1'YiJ6LIG�1! !I W!tiJCHih6hilldi 11411” t P P lather b tuanse. lri,.rYl�fwl a VIYYiIiYi.Wiillliiri►i ai difference whether �t•e get your lata or ground told soon despatchedit, then hur- in chemical factories. Agreeable but ( early in the day. 1 yon need is to mail this Tying to the house, though quite faint insidious drugs have to be used in large I list is advt. to us, and o1 the dal it reaches us, if ve and dizzy, he at once applied all the quantities, and many who . have the Miller's Compound Erose Pills, only 25 Watch. or ifs ,.old eco S best ou 11the benutifulR the GTea home cures, including the talon • of handling of theta sf;etn quite unable to cents for 50 doges. Sold by Colin A, Set, and so on. We fivarajitee that we will q award you a prize. There is absolutely no op- C.ampbell, portumtyfordece ion onout- part—wocannot nearly a quart of whiskey. The latter resist the opportunity of tasting. It was afford it. Wowan to got 1,000,000wellsatisfiea had no into±icatina effect whatever on the open boast u£ one. employee known Injury to $tine. subscribers and fol that reason we don't want i' • e'' �' ( t • +' it yon to send guy malty until youlcuoty exactly him, to the writer that he'had tasted every r S what prize you hnv$ gained by answering the 40 Mix one ounce o. ac ate of lead and R "His arm kept blackening until it was .thing the firm made or stocked; and the Muzzles. �s soon a ter 4p. m. each day its pos- Qt$�,�y l� e n 0WO Ounces Of 011inm tt*ith One quare Of sible, the exmniner will judge the lists to the Ne, Y fit dark hued from the shoulder to the fin- practice is probably not all uncommon best of their alb lit , and will designate the �I��littt &k.• water. Bathe the 'injured part well prizes. We will w ito you at once notifying Thousands of young and middle-aged p ger tips, Swollen and pait2£ul, besides one. r. you what prize has iboen nwarcled you, then if ` zat•e through EARLY INDISCRETION, EXCESSES .AND 1RL0®De three tinter a day �vit a little of the yon are satisfied, y 1 can send your auUscrip- e• R r + makin ,r hint veey sick. air. Iierhler yet Many a victim of a chn„ poison which tion to The woman' World end your Isubs will • I DISEAASES• If you have any of the following symptoms consult us before it is above lotion. beep ti ;anihnal in the go by return of m i carriage pals. To a per• too late. Are you nervous and weak, despondent and gloomy, specks before the shows the ill effect Of 11in experience, 1S slowly corroding all that is best in g Y 9 e ea wit'1 dark circles under them weak back �eidneys irritable, palpitation of the stable bo that he Cann t move Around. son of narrow idea it seems impossible that y , , having* been confined to the house ever him, physically and morally, Can trace wo should be able to nake such a gigantic offer heart, bashful, dreams and losses, sediment in urine, pimples on the face, sunken but we have the moi y, Drains, and reputation, eyes,. hol low cheeks, careworn expression, poor memory, lifeless, distrustful, lack since. _ • —' his deadly habit io that unfortunate day r . ; the know exactly w111t the are doing, and if we Y energy and strength, tired mornings, restless nights, changeable moods, weak man• when he began indiscriminate tastiu •, Ladies l Take M:ill4r s Compound Iron can legitimlttely gal a million subscribers by hood, stunted organs, premature decay, bone pains, hair loose, sore throat, -etc-? tt �+ b U:tr I4Ta-w l>Iothodi Treatment will cure you. On measul lug the reptile it was Pills if you would babe nice, clear tom- this grand idenw,r• w that this million of when he first ate of the tree of know- well pleased subscri • ers can be induced to re- found to be three and a half feet long, plesiuu. Sold by Colin A. Cimpbell. commend The Won n's World to all friends, `' a>. ledge, and lost forever the paradise of t thereby building a our circulation still fur- ° ! �0 AD e and the possessor of foto tt cit rattles a fit_ those to whom is Still Vouchsafed the •• i� ;• •.,6.;•....... `. ther. We are willing to spend $20,000 in this ,..r. j , dangerous foe to tneet even when pro- i contest in building up a big subscription list, aced. 'l his is the firFt one seen in this mens salla in eorpore isano. and when this alone• 19 spent we rt serve the Nothing can be more demoralizing to young and middle-aged men than emissions p In eivery town, right to publish a no ification that the contest at nicht or secret drains through the urine. They unfit a man for business, niar- neighborhood for many years, though ill , has been discontinue D_ on't delay until it is sled life or social happiness. No matter whether caused by evil habits Jll youth, Ireland I•orever, grid village too late. 'i'The� con ist twill continue until natural wealrness, or sextia2 excesms, our New Method 'TresttMc=t will posi- times past, f•.te swamp at the rear of b !January lst,1002. ^l tively cure you GURh'S GUARANTEED. NO CURE, No PAY. The followiu SLOT SS told Of a cull We give A Bonus PRize of $250 independent of c� 7 7., his farm, lately purchased from D. Eag- g y ' y g may be had, _ all others to the person who sends m the list Sn . ; a> 15p «>v4Os1 Used Without Written Consent. le, was noted i<,r the number of rattlers Irish sailor: gotten up in the best'end handsomest mariners the Our Committee willilecide and award prizes "V W. A. Muir, of Lima, O., says.—Ill was one of Crawling about it. After pulling i1:U OT b0 fathoms Of daily, but the speeiall$260prize will be awarded r I the countless victims of early vice at 15 years of line, which put his pittiel_ce severely to a in March, 1002. Any irds name found in the ( " �`� l age. The drains on my system were weakenhtg dictionaries accepted r V,C� iuy brain as well as my sexual and uervous sys- proof, as well As ettery muscle Of his ' tem. For ten ears I tried scores of doctors i c MCC 'WHO PWE ARE. rtelectric belts and atentmedicines. Someheipe(i 111 1�arms, be muttered to shim elf, bot loud.The "Woman's W rld" iga thoroughly re- t me, none cured. L was giving up in despair, in ' ellOn"h to be overheard b all officer: , o t - liable concern, we a'o ltoown to do exactly as •'°. .D fact, contemplating suicide when a friend ad - liable . ql1 wised me as a last resort to give the Pdeev ° then vertise. As to car reliability; ve refer to �•;, P, a g /! ESTABLISH E.© "`Stine, it's as tong as today and to t� Axl any dvertising A eat or business mon of , , 1 I�►ethori'I rentmeat of Drs. X. & K. a fair �A < trial. without confidence I consented and in London or New Yorl y I n10TTOw. It's a good Weeks work far • 3 � t'i `, ;�� : •, ��hrec months I was a cured mai. I was cured 1< 1�j' Q even years ago—am married and happy. I , f any five mei hn the slip. Bad luck to Name . , , , .... .. , .f . . ... . .. .. . .. . . ... . . heartily recommend Drs. K. & H. to my ham acted The hoe i it! 'What! More of it yht! Oeh, i BeforeTreat tient S, slow men." After Treatment se noiv ltnotvn as murther l The say's mighty deep, to be Gr���� _ Street, • , ..........%... . • . • ......... .. I LU'We treat and cure Varicocele, Emissions, Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness, l Gleet Stricture, 4Syphitis, Unnatural Discharges, Self Abuse, Kidney and Bladder " Diseases, and all diseases of Iden and lVomen. Rifat]; Phos, is one of the r;urel Town .......... ... Count After continuing in a similar strain, that makes Our t" y " """' �'NO STMNIE USED WITHOUT WRITTEN CONSENT. PRIVATE. No oldest and befit established mode y N. B.—Be careful to re ay your letter as we medicine sett C. O. D. No names on boxes or envelopes. Everything confidential. and conceiving there was little probabil glad. I c)uestlott list and 4ost of treatment, FREF,. jewelry house in Canada. Ir trial hors's do not receive underpin etters, Address: 1t of the completion of his labor he ex- oil oo., y P The "Woman's World," Brentford, 1 �: n 148 SHELBY -STREET, ? lthou�h e.stahlished in Y Bad luck to me sort if I dont be- London, W. England. claimed: �� � •� = i ,� - ' '� 04, - �• I — - - li:T - - MICU. � tlo i r3- It has only been under lave somebody's cut off °the other end o' -- mdat�•�1"�� y ' � r its present mat:!iagementfor ° one-quarter cf a century. • this line l" t Where:KFalls Science ails The'Ti-mes �� ...... There are hundreds of women in 'T r,r to cure rheumatism, and all the time • Job P NVe have striven to con- you suffer dreadfully, why don't you TO . ANY ADDRESS TIL the unceasing ache in the batt', the _ duct it upon such lines that "if it is from Ryria Bros. geta pottle of Polson,s Nervil and try thatj Rub it into your stiff joints, sore arms' lame back, bent shoulders JANUARY 1St, 1902, f r " In this business firm cannot afford to use you know it is mood" has y cam, to be an ;accepted _ axiom. —wherever the pain is. Wervililhe has cured penty of people ill this way, and that ought to be proof enough that it - a y , 40, ro ressin age a p g poor printing. Tile quality of its stationery is the index to its worth. Customers and 'the want no better 9 3 will cure too. It is :all unusually ' �1�.�5 and 1Tive health, strength and energy. public generally i If you have an� need in you strong liniment that cures rheumatism in time. Best house- fast jobbers, card and paper cutters, stapling mllchine :ins all modern sign than neat jjand attractive printing. THE TIMES in the jewelry line;, however small write us a latter, and =A unusually quick hold liniment known. 25 cents TOR LAID"AWS STORY NTO"' Presses are p re aL�ed to p furnish est what is wanted try our Mail Orclee' Depart- DlecuminaainC" ° self, Asew -re stag; •ink train would catch tar in the sittall of my b•ick and I had no Y1'ograMrileS �irEddlrig Stationery ; ment—it is positive),y good. London Tit -Bits. .�"�\ J/ tt� II : • and a 1rcneral _reaking of the entire systctu w:is the result esus, , feces = Catalogues t1SiriCss No An Irish farmer went into an iron a v suffered �`rOrax Backache �o Severe S>h� 1 Heads Statements - RYRIE BROS., ; p' monger's shop to buy a scythe. After serving him the shopman asked ellen ft Could. Hardly Raise Herself 'lily ]Bed. .Letter � Bill Needs Memorandums Cor, Yonne and, Adelaide Streets. TO rb n to • I he would buy a bicycle. �_ TABLETS Ci make nntvn to the world what or. Pit, cher s Tablets have clone fot+ me and for whose future tvtifar( I stave the best "'"1 tIM E S +4F F I What is that?" querisid the Irish- 5HE THANKS LoO. PITCtiER'S SACr1,kCHE KIDNEY FQR Nate N 'cad FnYelope$ r - Stroh Points ABOUT 13. 1r� 13. L Its PuriV. r 0. its Thousands ot;Cures. 3. Its Eeonomy. 1� a. dose. ' &gtstater the Stomuh, !Liver fttid Bowels, cks the Secttetfons, Purfffes the Blood and iVveli all the impurldes from; a tomtnon mple to the wotat Scrofulous yore, and I C7 0 99 il�'fi PEPSIA, IitL10WNH ss, � CONSTIPATION, If1IAI ACH9, SALT 1019UM, Stenos utA ,gt1IA1Li'guRN, Souk S'TO ACC, 012211 nus, Dkori"a 1'tHaUMATISM, $Kt ; t`i18BAsgs 1 .Mrs, IMId l�vr x, li dim•• l i� man, "It's a machine to ride about the town on." v "And, share, what might the price of it be?" "Fifteen pounds." "I'd rather see fifteen', pounds in a cow." "But what a fool yon° would look riding round the town on the back of a cow 1 " "Shure, now'," replied the Irishman, "not half such a fool as I'd look trying to rlilk a bicycle?" Hamilton, Ont., Aug. 16.—Sheriff lied, S. O'Connor, of Bx-ace county, died suddenly this mornin4 a, the Tesi- denee of Obas. Lemon, his brothor-ill- law. Sheriff O'Connor hail been ailing of heart disease, and came here to con= suit a physician. Deeeasfia was 0, reei- Idells of Walkerton, alid had been sheriff for about five year. Ile wile to years of age, and is survived by a widow I and vhreo r hildroh. ".Cho renlaina will bo interred in Walkertoli, Children ry falx ASTO R IAO COMPLFrEIN CORING i•ll-R AND GIVING rIiER NEW LIFE AN.D ENEKGY. � And all Office Supplies. There are hundreds of women in 'T r,r irritauility, l,ladder andturinary troubles, onto and thousands in Carctda t, wltnin who o o v reticent about'mentioning their life is an absolute burden on acor,unt of :Jltncn , it, aimoue the unceasing ache in the batt', the ro all these kidney and backache suf•• fe, rs Dr: Pitcher's backache kidney • Cheap Priltath.1 1•., ,lets carne as a vet i,table boon •tad I0, Thvy Clear rut the clogged -up k,tlne)s, cure the backac,ltc and urinary is not always the best kind to get; but if you get good printing, and at a <•t1 „�Nai t ,attic=, rr li att'av the burden of pain, moderate price, you will then have the best. We have every faeifity for and 1Tive health, strength and energy. turning otzt good woke in the shortest time, The office is equipped with �: w}�u5eb address illeg55 liTlhysti�et c est fast jobbers, card and paper cutters, stapling mllchine :ins all modern e;r, l % intone,, rt centiy wrote ai follows ; eonVenienees. 4 r o:• a number of ye4rs 1 have had I ttJ kidney trouble and b,ickache, so bad that in thu inoruinr I cnuiil h;ti(lly raise ray. IF YOU WAN` •, �'% ., self, Asew -re stag; •ink train would catch tar in the sittall of my b•ick and I had no Y1'ograMrileS �irEddlrig Stationery ; ':'' '• r 1• titite, and Often suffereil�ftom severe headaches, down w .�"�\ J/ tt� II : • and a 1rcneral _reaking of the entire systctu w:is the result esus, , feces = Catalogues t1SiriCss No 1 \ b r �\ th tales to llr. Pitchc r. p .'s lia(lkach.• ltidney Tablets, the cat ice new energy in Calendars or Auction Bills rr t m ., eli ving the of 'that awful' pun and son ness gently and easily, so much so, + 1 GIVE [] ►� A CALL. I '} th.tt i Continued to get "Itler, until I. was l i •� 155 �CPO y) ]' entartl ' ctired. 1 am in dition note to Y ` 1 make nntvn to the world what or. Pit, cher s Tablets have clone fot+ me and for whose future tvtifar( I stave the best "'"1 tIM E S +4F F I wishes." t dradg{ting pains itt the loins, the headaches ars s dea'ches, Dr. Pitcher's Backachow Itilhey Tablets are o cents a bolt at all dru i5t:(. The Many, tido, are 'saKeting from kidney Dr, Zina Pitcher Co., Toronto, Or t+ A