HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-08-16, Page 8r o
Misses Violet Minute and Bdith Sherk lF•or over Fifty Year#• 1[ b � iP
H411 are visitilig friends atDorchesterand Ali Old aud Well•Triod'aeinody Mrs M*IWALIn�"1! 0808. & BUTTON
other places. Wiuislow sSootlnitg$yrup has bevnused VNRgRTAKERS, WiNGHAM.o "
MCINDOO Miss Kerr of Wiitghant is rite guest for
the r #cl ldrenlWhi e teotbipg, of with. , Night calls at Mutton Block, or Fifth lain./
of her aunt Mrs. R. Glazier.--•Clititon perfect success, It soothes the chllu door south of School ]l4uso. Shop Op.
N poette Macdonald block. News -Record. s4fteils the gtiltis; allays all. paui, cures
wind colic, and is the best remedy for '
Mr. W. D. Thowas is another would- diarrhea, It is pleasant to the taste.
be resident of Wingham trying to got a Sold by druggists. in every part of the
house to live in.. world. Twenty-five cents a bottle Its -fifers f"
value is incalculable, Be sure you ask The , 5, Tusigned , soros for sale his v.4.farin,U lot
AUGUST' Mr. and Mrs. x111 *tt5t FlOnitttll, left en il,pon 6,'1`urnarog c dbui di ala atrde. Upon '
ti for Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup, incl the premises aro good Uailclm;,, and i9 well
Tuesday morning for Grauaiil, North take no other kind. watered. Windmill for pumping. pox, terms
Dakota, to spend a few weeks, and particulars apply to
Mr. Juo. blcNeovan is the represeuta- Aiiy orders for sales left at tile TlarFs Blury alo P, p,
tive from Wiuuham lodge to the 1.0. F, office will receive prompt attention. J. CTIQN SALE OF
��{�[� ,,�� High Court in Hamilton this week. J, Currie, auctioneer. . The
WASH. � 6' i AT � I A L V MiGs Norms, Clarice, daughter of 13, liOlt N, — Ji h e , ew Home
Clarke Mt. FUrt•st is spending her holi- . Bnnnlvix—lu Blyth, on August 1 1 , the wife , Thv DI' LZ. FARM t Lot Concession eed
> P g 3 l 1, IIul1 ) cvutaing lai0 acre sill be o#Yerccl
v 2rr. A. E. Bi a daughter. Yvr Salo U uetioal it the
days at the home of Iver. A, Pulmage, Its a lcasure t:> .rY through a new home
FlatYHON—In Grily, on August 4t2, the wife l 5Q ,
of r, Thomas Simpson; as son, COlrt 0rclal tel, Blyth,
These golds will win your :\fess. Scott of �vinihturl has beon ' and fillcl it nicely fitted with our Furniture.
spending � the last week or two with her 1[QILILII,,1) a o' eels: p. ul„ ori
admiration on first sight and p Saturd h August, 1901 Yount; people of 'good taste—,lvhether of ,
`�' friend Mi:S Mary Ward.—For(lwich Ree. MA1Ns—Lrigu t N—In East Wnwanosh, on bee poste ;tool for pa. ' ienlars apply to the �.
r Auguwt 18th, Miss Somali, daughter of R. w. lin t p} • act, small or large means—find there's no place
hvir beauty lvOn E fade in the Dir. J. E. Mulholland. photographer of
y Lcialuna •to Mr, Albert Mains of Arehoula, ,
1,, p. �,_ P W 7 DDELL, Auburn, Oil. 1,
watch. i�Tuslins in best Color' Exernitors, - like Ball's for Furniture. We retain .the
Gorrie., with his Wife and fo ltil • arty D. aIkILL, Blytla, Ont.
y Bonze—Mo
nu—At the residr (-, of the W1 B1tXDONE, Clinton, t.,
Ings and srylt;s. Prints, Ging- Spc nding a few weeks with fl'ielids ill bride's parents, Blyth, on August 14th, Uv Rev. reputation Of OUT predecessor by retain
A. McLean, Mr. A, M. Babb, oY Tteswoter to Executors' S itos. p ) g
Nines and fine Cotton 121ritC'r1a1 tUK'il, Annie, youngest d•il liter of Mr, and Mrs, the goods Out right,
Haagh Mc Quarrie, FARM
in spots and fiorol effects. Miss McKinnon of the Exchange hovel nlEn. FARM FOR SALE.
r1 an called away to her home ill Luck- r.in—In Turnberr on August 19th Tune � �.� � DR.)
Y, g u+ undersigned offers for sale his farm,
now oil Thursday hast, as her father' was Johnston, wife of Itubert Weir, aged 55 years ng lots 18 and 1t', conn Scion 1 Kinloss, con•
dangerously ill. seeing 1151 aures. Upon tileprenuses are a Food
--- barn, 00 Yeot square, rrasll good stone wall; also i A' Our extensive experience warrants
An Int artaCit Sale o Dir. steel Mrs. Per, Hill who spoilt �— __ — isfilst•classframe house and al;ood orchard. �J f tl � � ! �•
p y RE -OPENING ,Phe farm has all abundant supply of water. us in ca.11irg speciatl attention to this
last wook with friends in Walkerton 100 acres cleaned which is of good elay loam Branch of our business. You will fled lis prompt, reliable attentive and
Food stateof cultivation, balance in
Parass� ra+turuecl home Friday accompanied by —or moi}.— bush. and in Karan situated one mile from white- efllelent. LUTHER BALI, Funeral Director. 'Residence --Patrick St.
®s Miss Leila Hill. church A- • Terms will be made to suit purchaser. nor. Gracey's late residence,
' SULLIVN For fun partieulars a ly to
D1rs. A. Walters, who has been visit• JOHN MITCHELL,
W. T, Plot, `vingham P. O.
Whighe n, some time, left sit or for --- 00000000♦♦♦000♦♦0000@0,900000004000000000@0000��
tVinghatn, where she will visit for some Business
�o� /tBuy ane of these fine para- time.—Exeter Advocate. G FARM FOR SOLE.
sols and save your complexion M,s. Glass and daughter of Vancou- I have decided to sell my farm, beauti- +
and your money too. We ver, who have been visiting at the home fully situated in the growing 'Town of p12 13
Wingham, containing 886 acres Suitable 4 Talk Abu -t
o n is O{ of Dic. Wm. Glass for some time, re- ha+ �� a
a s
bought a very lame stock S Vol Block, ngham. for farming purposes or for building +
turned home yesterday, lots. The soil is excellent and is well
samples cheap. They are
hiss Ressie McTavish of Seaforth and AUGU T 9th 1901. watered with three wells and two
very beautiful in light shades. overflowing springs. There are on the +
Miss Ella Neil of Wroxeter have been
We put them in two lots to premises a good brick house, bank barn t
1 the guests of Miss Burnett for the past and all necessary outbuildings. This + We got hold of one the other day. It cost t
clear. few (lays.-.-News-Record. 7�/E most desirable property I offer for sale + a y
Dors. Potts and three daughters left at a bargain. the shipper awe U 1
Lot No. 1—Parasols worth I + pP y p. We bought it awe
$3,00 for $I.50. yesterday morning for their home in D. STEWART, Wina;ham. + y
,��i��f � .; � + down. He got tired of 'holding, so. we �
Marion, Ind. after a few weeks visit at �// :/ + o
Lot No. Parasols worth ++ scooped the lot.
the home of Mr. S. X oullill. And most advanced methods thoroughly / +
$4.00, $5.00, $6.00, for $,.00. taught ill
Mr. Dick and daughter Miss Fannie ♦,
have arrived home from a six weeks Bookkeeping, Penmanship, �++ Selected Valencia Raisins
driving tour at Exeter, Wingham and
SPECIALS FOR AUGUST other places.—Forest Free Press. Shorthand, TypeWtiting, Etc.
The success of last year'.,; showing for the
Mr. C. M. Welker, representative of — + Just think of it
the Furniture Manufacturers, left last CANADA BUSINESS COLLEGE I
Thursllay on his western trip to the O , EN + ®_ �y ye ♦1
b� CHATHAM, ONT., + A '28 b. Box •Lo.E. $1.50• +
Boots and Shoes, odd sizes, worth coast, Airs. Walker accompanied him exceeds all previous records. +
X2.00,8 00, for,$1.25, J. D. Ding's on the trip. ""' +
304 Pupils secured good positions during + ♦'
make, good 4•tzality ; hlack and tan ; The following left, Wingham via the rile 12 mouths ending Jane n 10ls - + ♦'
It will not pay you to attend elsewhere, +
last :ear's toe, good chance. G. P. R. lake route oil Tuesday morn- Individual lust' Write for handsome catalogue and list of + ♦
in Mi. and Mrs. J. L. Davis for Fargo pupils pieced. ++
ing: � CIRCULHRS FREE. 1). McLACHLAN Fa CO., ♦ ♦,
N. D.; Thos. Miller and wife, Fort Chazliam,Ont, Another shipment of PEACHES for Saturday,
20G rds Print and Pique, regular VISITORS WELCOME. +
William. + 5oc. per basket. ♦.
l0e July 7c. IN
00 yds wide Shaker Flannel, Miss Edna Phelps of Delta, who has IF YOU AILL 7 ♦'
been the guest of Ada, R, Long for the GEN l tea played
QUEST OF . . . . .�
reg. Sc, ,Tull nra The foot ball team pl ed a tie game
?0 Shirt Waists, veru fine, and past few weeks returned to her home with a team of town boys on Tuesday. , . +
cheap. -Monday. While in town Miss PhelpsEr �1 b
made many friends who will regret to Cap Brine, owned by Robt. Harrison
rarm �� Tow Pl o tl�V a
e% t G I
Specials in Embroideries, Laces, of Walkerton, Arron the 2.20 race at N +
learn of her departure.
GluoPs earl Hosiery., Brighton Beach. The best time was It will interest you to call at 0414;+11+++♦0010•PO+++++40++++++?++++++4440+14�
Shop early at Il<owlcli• 2.07 1-2. A. D U LMA A ES
Wingham football •team went to ( ���� ��
DIr. Myles Scott of near Lakelet met 6
t 11 9 Wroxeter on Freda last to la with ( r'1=J-t'
Me , &1 '1 N D o o with a very painful, if not a fatal ac- p y r y REAL ESTATE OFFICE, ,
C cident, on Wednesday forenoon, by the team of that lace.. The result was � a a
having ills handle of a hay fork run fl tie -2 all. Chisholm's Block, R�ingham. ���`� ��'� DA���
into the lower part of his bowels. As Gorlerich Junior bzseball team came No cost to purchasers, or charge for Ro al Mail Steamships!'! FfSONALS. far as we can learn, at the time of noir over.on Wednesdray to play with Wiu advertising or showing property.g g- (having added a separa for to their plant, isralrr
to press, how the accident.ha enedwas ham Juniors. The score was 29-10 ill g FROM MONTREAL AND 10
Pp The followin Ilttvo been listed re-
shall glad to have contributions to that he was sitting on a beam in the barn favor of the hometeam• cen.tly:— cL �Ilv1EY+`IJE® llJI'MR
this column from any of our readers. If you
rt 7 Lot 82, Con. 12, East Warr luxosla, 108 acres 1e' ti l�
have visitors or purpose going away yourself, and having the tines of the fork resting l.hesley base ball team comes here on NEW YORK• to the p s p
drop in and tell us, or send us a note to that comfortable house; bank barn; ha•ge oreliard ; people of w in la:1m. Our cows are kept
elle on the floor with the handle ill }11S Monday next t0 try COnC1115i0nS with valuable grain and stock farm; can be bought I strictly clean, so that we aro enabled to offer
hands, and wanting to got down he the, Wingham sluggers. Chesle ' claims much below its value; easy terms; a bargain For tickets and full information apply absolutely clean mills, iced in summer, durin
5 for a� c!nick customer. to I June, Jelly and August,
Dr. Tait of Blyth was in town on jumped using the fork as a prop which to have a 16 year old pitcher who can, 1905 acres, two miles from Belanore, four H. DAMS �T�111cham. 8 votits pot
from Wrnxeter; valuable stook farm; over 00 o quart, delivoro once a day.
Tuesday. in some way slipped and entering the put 'em -in right, and we may expoet to acres.bush;
House and two lots in Bluevnle at half price'Air. A. A. Hoo er of Clinton was in tOWll bowels egged upward for several inches. see a hot game. WESTERN
��� � � � �� I � � LONDON P P P of cost of buildings or would exchange on
on Wednesday. Drs. Spence and Tuck wer tat once sent The Invader won the seoond of the gl acres iham n1eTurnberry, good stock farm, 21-
Air. and Mrs. T. H, Ross are takingin for and di hat thsy could for the . races for the Canada cup at Chicago on miles from town, good young orchard, bank �
barn;$1,700, or would exchange for town prrr,
the Pan this week. sufferer. ' is to be hoped that Mr. Monday. The American boat Cadillac perty. Sept. 5th to 14th, 1901.
Miss M. Robinson is spending a few Scott•may recover as speedily as pos- was a mile behind. On Tuesday the Agent of the Caledonia?!Fife In -
days in Lncknow• sit I.f Invader again won the race, thus win- surance Co, Capital $12,000,000
Mr. William Nicholaus, of Newbridge, ning the cup for this year. Entries Close September 4th.
Miss L. Hill of Walkerton is the, guest had a narrow escape from being killed Win liam Also The Standard Life Assurance
of friends in town. on the C. P. R. between Gorrie and g people ]tad become so Co. Capital $50,000,000.
accustomed to Harold H. winning, that A home exposition of gonnine merit—New exhibits and leading attractions—Lock-
Miss Annie Smith of Detroit is visit- Fordwich 4n Monday last. He had when the report wa!a circulated on Tues- hart's performing -Ulepha,litt:§-Tlie Tliree Cwie nee8 and '°Tom Tolan"
ing friends in town. been to Gorrie and was walking up the clay night that lie had Won three straight RED CROSS the baby elephant and many other specialties of a high order—Grand Fireworks
Miss L. Dulmage of Gorrie spent part track on his way home 'when the 12.45 heats it was generally believed. Harold display, including representation of "Fall of China" and ''Taking of Pekin."
of this week in town. train came along, and he in some way. H. came in first in the first heat at Special trains over all lines • each evening after fireworks. For prize lists, pro.
Miss Hattie Redman of Oil Springs got one of his feet f 't, and only got it Brighton Beach and second in the two W -INTER WHEAT, grammes, etc., apply to
is visiting at A. Ross'. freed in time to let train pass by with• last heats. =— LT. -COL. W. M. GARTSHORE, J. A. NELLES,
out injury him This is a new variety of fall wheat, President. Secretary.
Mr. Pullin of Milne, Diich., is the That the present system of appoint- lately introduced from the Salzen Seed' I
m.s..�_�..•• - .
,guest of friends in town, iug goal umpires and timet eepers is �o. of Wisconsin into this country. It ----
Mr, J. Wilson, V. S. has returned ELY TH. very lunch to the bad was exemplified in is a bald Hybrid Wheat of it reddish
P Mrs. Hudson of Rat Portage is visit- Seaforth the other day, When Mitchell red. with long and plump Meas s well fille 1. Gordon'.
from his tri to Manitoba.ll MI..
Miss Russell of Listowel is the guest ing Mrs. Young: Played off for the district championship, This wheat more than a1 other variety D.
Mrs. W. G. Patterson. Mrs. Rce and Mrs. Howell of Seaforth Mitchell selected an umpire and a tithe• is; proof against bugs nd insects. It
of Mrs.
and Mrs. Reid Owen Sound vis- are nests of Mr, Geo. liitl keeper, as' the custom is, and Clinton withstands cotltinuou (ry weatlierbetter
g g than most other 11 s of wheat usually
did likewise. Just as the' time was.
ited friends here lase week. Miss G. Shane resited Clinton friends grown. It is n subject -to kilt out in t,
this week.
about up and the score stood two all, a. the. winter like many other kinds, It has � 6
Mr. Robt. Hall of Brandon wars the A happy event took place in town on Mitchell player sent in a shot that. never been known to rust, and being a
guest this week of W. Hele. Wednesday, when Miss Annie, daugll apparently struck the flagpole and strong and vigorous grouter is not easily
Miss Clyde Mead left on Wednesday bounced out. The umpire, who happen- kuocked and longest the same as wheat ,
ter of Hugh Me(oluarrie was married to having fine and delicate straw. One of
for a visit to the Pan-American. Mr. A, Rabb of Teeswater. ed to be.. the Mitchell appointee, the earliest to ripen, consequently it gets. S *Cut`r
Mrs. W. D. Bentley of Winnipeg is immediately held up his hand, giving its growth early in the season before the
visiting at Mr. Campbell's in town,
the goal, and, of course, the match to very dry weathor sets m
in. It yields all Of all Sumer Goods going on at this
Wm. McCleesky, of Hilo, Hawaiian 11litchell. In the meantime the Clinton the way from 10 to 60 bush. per acre and
Mr. W. G. Sorting earl bride of oil a small patch well cultivated is said store 'f•10W.
Island, who owns a large Coffee and sug- timekeeper was striking for the referee, to have reached 80 or at that rate, No
Gorrie were in town on Wednesday. gar plantation there, and who 'is on a shouting that time had expired before winter wheat exceeds this ill
shot was fired, while close on his quality, and is said to make more floexcellent
Mrs. Neil McGregor and daughter of visit among his friends in Huron, spent the
Toronto are visiting friends in town. Sunday with his friend, J. G. Stanbury. trail calve the the Mitellell timekeeper, than any winter wheat v the present READY-TO-WEAR
� ®Y_T(�„�%,% EA (� /�"� LOTH' I y (�
P > day, All millers who have seed it pro• A V 11 i � 1 V � �! G
Miss Towler of Wingham is visiting --Times• declaring that there was three-quarters nounce it excellent in the extrerne<
at Geo. Thomson's.-°-Gdderich Signal. A serious accident ocourred on Thurik. Of a Minute yet to play, It was a bad Mr.J.J.Barron, the originator was naked how
lie obtained the )vhent. Here is tai's statement: and all lines of Boots and Shoes included
Mr. and Mrs, Geo, Mason have been dly last to Miss Ida McSpadden, of jnntble of evidence aura trouble crag Six Years neo I revisited my homo in Aeotland
tAking a trip to Ottawa and other places Winthrop, while driving to a berry epedemia for it few moments, till the a111, brought bn t 1vfew r undR of lei eat inns°• in this great cut price sale..
Mr. and Mrs. A. T. Gilford and child, patch, The horse, which wait rather a referee reversed the decision of the tion owing toito greatyietd. Inlreadyhad two . .
other9ore9, oven tinld andthe vtlaea• n bearded, -
t)f Detroit are visiting at J. J. Homuth's , SPirated one, "became frightehocl at some umpire, placed a disinterested Seaforth and conceived the idea of vrossina the three in
new flitch across the road and ran away loan at each not and ordered the teams "der o transport into the scotch variety the r���
Yc hardiness find color of our Amcriealnsorts. The �� FRESH 4A O ��5
Pr day at �MrS liWat rg.-txeter Adient . throwing Miss McSpadden from the rig to play the extra time required by the resultiis alAt Avi wlSe , a suint, i� raig a rgro in
!incl she now lies tinder the doctor's rules, They played and Mitchell noored tiny Arneraean varlet ever tried or heard nit? at lowest prices.
' ;Care. in'aboat half a minute and it ll aFl all In Sevtland I wag tolctvthat rcncater tests gave
Master Wilbur 1)ora1Y of Dover, �+ew to this wheat a intltf 00 bush. to roan t<err,and
over.-••-StratforclHerald, 1.111, lattrcaKlthntitrouldbe3tlerrasedtrt100• VIvel person come and secure BAIWAINS at
To snake money it is neCetysary to have Sue7a is ar hrierhistory.of the Rm Orotic whcait l�
sampshire is visiting at hits uncle's A. a Clear, bYight brain, a Cool head irpe , and there is not a shadow of a doubt blit what
;Etom front pain, and strong, vigorous nerves, WAXTV,1)- T1iiT18Tw RTHY MEN AND it is a voriety of wheat hell worthy of trial by
• Mllbnrii'ES Heart and Nerve fills in rr fSailPat trr tra�el and nclertiae for old rstfth• our intelligent and inclnaitriotis i!anndhan Erar-
iae.TstlnlFt 9trut110rs left th1E1 ]Horn= tt�hr d hc.lip+ of stolid iltlttncsita}, atnnding. fialary parrs. Ordeta talon unci sample:�a Seett at {1 'moi M.'GORDONS
vigoiateandentllebrala,Mtrength- #i80ayr.arAndPfcprmog, all. payable in eRS11. y�.} p (ry + . , t e�. r� ., - {,1.✓.
A tGVti week's t�ibft with fl'lelidd . eye ties Yi ndda, and remove all heart rNiiritp'av{'lt `racia4tr`aalrur'vt stnlii incl hapbrl of Ad +Illi Lt.OtPethick s'Hardwarei Store
oast, nett a and bi'adn trouble, dreier l�laaaagvr 9;,8 6aartoll l�IQ., chielago, WI117GIIAl12, , The Direct In par ted`.