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The Wingham Times, 1901-08-16, Page 6
0 0 i3 i rg rn1 ag Sp il*T —4 . Per nulluill n t, trade in Canada, TOO ")Ally people, 110 those in the interior, Tito penalty was. Icr0d, pastels W. J. Chapman, S. S, adriurco $1.5Udf not se paid. No paper discon either in tile' name or signature is a the iron Shoes of their lids'- said Went into Apple nurture wilder the SttporlllteudOlzt. tinuvil till all arrears are paid, except at the seta Changing pp not imative, but educative ata obarae- optic" of the publisher. Cxirn111a1 Offence. nes far klla5c of ruUk er, and the ilaaimals p Di:mnowsT Cimiton--•Sabbath services ! impression ,riot they could grbw fruit by ter. The illau who was can at I I a 1 and 7 ltd, Sunda School at Al)YnR1vlsrrr0 RA":9, — Legal and other Castoria has become it valuable eotn to appreciate filo favor. It is caught with a )1 p y casual advertisements Kc perNon dariellfne for claimed * t tYit,r rubber Siloea tklo antttition. Tllelt they grew too aulluy .lnaudred fraudulently paol.etl b11rrels 2 :30 p zt1; Epworth League every Oil" first insertion, W per line for eac i subsequent staildarcl family medicine with the footel aucd ilpYer varieties. His view was. that not more would pay $100 and costs and suffer the day evening- General prayer meeting insertion. 3.lorse is m�.: surea Advertisements In local columns are charged ondorsement of some of the best s when ire strikes a all . than a dozen varieties of Export apples. disgrace attaching to the same, a11d oat Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard 10 cts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents Physicians in tile world. Don't nllgw bilks or wa t P Hobbs, Pastor. Dr..powler, S. S. Sup p4r line for each subsequent irrsertlen, should be grown in a dlstriot,. say, 150 lie contended that this was alliiipieut tp r airy 0110 to dell you, anything also on the Itexy 'cad, miles square. L fifty -barrel lot of a oriutendent. Advaforf3alota of ent a d Found, $1, bed, y p- accomplish the. onc1S desired.. As to good Pltlssn*zTERIAx OizU1tOI3—Sabbath ser- Furma far sate or to 1tc+rrt, and similar ;1,o0 for plea or promise that it is "just as gond,:," It is quite probable that within a year les, all of one variety, would sell for vices at 11 a Bl and 7 p m.. Sunda first rnontll and 00 oent$ for each su�rsequent ler two the metric systeiu of measure- P results from careful heinstauced y month. and will answer every purpose, etP., etc five shillings per barrel more than if a�arm�r iu fire A11uapolis iralloy, whose School at 2:30 p m. - General prayer CONmRA02 RATFs—Thofollorvingtable shows Castoria is sold by all r0speetable =out will Ue introduced into gauacla.. they were composed of five varieties. He meeting on Wedueada5 evenings. Rev. our rates for the insertion of advertisements � In rue. rule was to discharge Any 1111111 who D, Perrie, pastor and S. S. Su Brinton. M specifledperiods: d1u(,gista and det�lersl11 CdiG Tina basis of the system is a metre. This urged ddealers to work. in harmony with P measure tivllioll is a kettle over three would put a small apple In a barrel, and dent, sumn. ' 1 s`n. 685,0. 6 ua. 1 nrr, DO not be deceived wlleii you buy it, growers, telling thein what varieties �Yl1o, as a result, for four Years netted ST, FAuL's CxU12GFI, FrISCoz'AIa—Sob• �njfpolniii.:;::;;:;:Ka io $85,00 00 111511)(1 Ill tq,uini but lank well at the wrapper itnd sec if inches longer than our yard, being the were best adapted for their trade,. Men, r. bath services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Si u' Quarter Column ..... 18,Oo 10.00 6.00 2.00. 1 signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. eu milliautll part of the distance .ecru an average of $8.51 per barrel for his day School at 2:80 p m. General prayer Advertisements without a eciflo directions it hast 1e ordinarily honest, but without training, ripples in his orchard, meatal o1r Wednesday evening. Rev. wilt be rnsertftil tell forbid anti charged accord• No other: can. be genuine, Castoria the earth's equator to ,110 polo. Our pp g ingly, Transient advertisements moat be paid went into an orchard unci packed a les Wm. Lowe, moulnbont. F. Shore, S. for in advance. without tlai$ Signature is a Base yard is but a were accident supposed to and as a result in Liverpool said there Too Great tr Itfsic. Superintendent• THE Jon DEPAnT=xT is stocked with an ice three times the length of a man's were a lot of rogues in Canada. Cana- It is dVa�igerous to neglect, a simple CONQREeATIoxAL Ommon.—Sabbath extensive assortment of till requisites for print - foot. Russia Euglaud and the United da,s export pork. business has increased case of piles as the trouble is likely to services At 11 a m and 7 p in, Sunday ing, affording facilities not. equalled in the as are t o and countries not wain becolue chronic and develo Into iuonr- School at 12 m. Midweek meeting'on cetultyfor turning out first class work. Large B t s y g twenty times in the last ten years, be able fistula or cancer of the septum, A Weduesdry evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin type and a�>1 lls, etto auto far all styles sof es of If you tale a La -Liver ver Pill t while you t. t e system. 'ilia system.was started in cause the world of circ dello was , n ers, Hand Bills, oto., tinct the latest styles of before retiring, it will word: •,vhile you P packing single application of Dr. Chases Oint. Wilson, S,N, Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. c0ico fancy type for tine Ener classes of print• sleep without a gripe or yadv, cerin ante about one hundred years ago, done b skilled men under the best sci- went will quickly relieve the I Chin SALVATION ARMY—Strvice at 7 and 11 g y q y , g s, B. ELLIOTT biliousness, constipation, dyspepsia au . Amending regulations governing entifio conditions. The apple trade could and burning sensation, and a few boxesa in and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and Proprietor and Publisher sick hendachi , and make you foul better the payment of bounties on i r o u will cure any case of pile", This stand- every evening during the week, at 8 in the illornin be increased by the same means. The o!clock at the barracks. A K g and steel macre in Canada have been a - and ointment has probably relieved more P two great commercial commandmeuta suffereie than any preparation you, can CHRISTIAN AND MISs1oN ARY ALLIANCE. () f � A � � LT proved by the Governor-General, and were ---1 Thou shalt deliver goods as. mention. —Meetings as follows: S. S. at 2.30 p. Best Time tolrreshen Clow$. :are issued by the Department of Trade they are represented to be; 2 Thou shalt in. Fellowship -at 4 p, in., and evan- W I N G H A M. gelistic at 8 p.m., every Sunday in Capital aid u There is no room for further discus - and Commerce, for the information of deliver: goods in the best possible condi- Births After Burial of tits lfothers• , p' paid p, $1,99G 750,00. Ritchie's Hall, victoria St. Sion of the question as to �IvhoUller it ie all concerned. The bounty on Steele in- tion. He showed that this was not now From the London Chronicle. POST OFFICE—In Macdonald Block. Reserve Fund, $1,500,000.00. more profitable to have cows freshen in gots is $3 a ton if manufactured hefOre done in Canada. He has seen apples lIf The Earl of ljoimt-Edgcumbe, who Office hours from 8 a In to 6:80 p in. President—JOHN RruAnw. thea lin or in the fall, says Hoard's. April the 23rd, 1902. Thence, by a des- Liverpool marked "xxxx 100," and yet has jest been sworn of the Priv Council Peter Fisher, postmaster. Vice-President—A. G. RAa13AY. spring b' y �cendiu scale the bounty is reduced each y h'IBOHANICS' INSTITUTE—Library ands DtRECTOIts Dairyman. It has been tried too often g y the middle of the barrel proved to be the may be literaly said to owe existonce free reading room in the Town Hall, John Proetor, Goo. Roach, Wm. Gibson, M.P. and under too widely different. year until in 1907 itis 60 cents per ton, scabbiest lot he ever saw. That Cana- and his position "to the accident . of an will be open every afternoon from 2 to A. T. Wood, M. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto). conditions, and without exception, as. The bounty will not be paid until the da's trade was worth building up and, . accident." • All ancestress of his had 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to General Manager—J. TURNBULL. far as we are advised, the co vv that manufacturer has furnished to the Gov- the ill-luok to be buried while she was 9: 30 o'clock, Miss Millie Robertson, developing he showed by poiiltirlg out librarian. savinxs Bank—Hours to to s; Saturday, to freshens in the fall will yield more milk ernment satisfactory evidence that such that the averago export from Canada in a trance. But by good luck some of TOWN Couxom—Wm. Clegg, Mayor; to 1, Deposits of $l and upwards received. In- in 12 months, and the milk and its.. steel ingots were manufactured in. Call- her jewels were interred with her: A Wm. Holmes, Thos. Bell Robt. Mc- v rest allowed, tinct computed on the added to products are worth more mousy: The ada from ingredients of which not less dependent, intendingto rifle the dead Indoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, principal. AGAINST CONSI(i\]LE\T Sv5TF.)I. p , best plan of all probably is to have cows• than 50 per cent of the weight thereof fingers, visited tele tomb, and became Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Iue special Deposita also received at current Prof. Robertson did not like shipping guson, Cleric and Treasurer; Samuel rates qF interest. freshen at different times in the year -- consisted of "pig iron made in Canada. the unwitting liberator of the imprisoned youhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- Drafts on Great Britain and the United say three fourths of them from The evidence must be taken upon oath oil consignment. The commission men lad She returned to life, and four lector. Board meets first Monday even States Bought and sold. p y. September to January and the others Ham - "before a collector of customs or justice of England were the best in the in in each month at 8 o'clock. Travellers are notilled that.theBank of Ham- j years later gave birth to a son, who was g ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of at intervals thoughout the balance of the, of the peace. The bounty on paddled trade—for England. (Lattgllter.) The a progenitor of the present peer. That,, SCIi00L BOAitD.—C. N. Griffin, (chair- National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, ear. English commission man could give man), Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. which can be cashed without charge or trou- Y iron bars is the same as on steel ingots, a at any rate, is the local legend down in Homuth, Win, Moore, H. Kerr, Thos. bre in any part of the world. but it is necessary for the manufacturer an absolutely honest account sales, with Devonshire where Mount-Edgoumbe Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm. , ' W. CORBOULD Agent less return to the consigner and more in Robertson; Treasurer J. B. Fer usou. E. L. DICSINSON, solicitor. ' Athletes, Bicyclists and others should to produce evidence that the bars were stands. green and wooded, opposite to � � always keep Hagyard's Yellow Oil on manufactured from Canadian pig iron. the way of charges. and commissions for Devonport—a spot on which the Ad- mSonth Meetings second Tuesday evetiiug lu each hand. Nothing like it for stiftnessi and himself than an man livin Lau h- P. MENNEDY M. ll.. M. C. P. S. O. The bounty on pig iron is to expire on y g—( g miralty keeps always an envious eye. PUBLIC SCxoot TEAGBERS.—A. H. (Member of �lre British Medical Associa• soreness of the muscles, sprains, bruises, ter) but if the consigner had the right tion.) Gold • Medallist in Medicine. Special outs, etc. A clean preparation, will not. the first day of July, 1907. Commend- 'this recalls the case of Ebenezer Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, attention paid to diseases of Women and Child stain clothing. Price 25c. the first year the bounty on pig iron pro- goods and put them on the market in Erskine, one of the founders of the Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m. the right shape then the Englishman Cornyu, Miss Vanstono, Miss Matheson duced from Canadian ore is $3 per ton United Presbyterian church of Scotland, and Miss Reid. R. MAODONALD, and on pig iron from foreign ore, 2. could do better with thorn for the sellar who was born after the burial of leis BOARD of HEALTir—Mayor Clegg, D According to some tests made at the. The prrporrionate difference is the same than any other man, because he had the mother. Mrs. Erskine was buried in a (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- Centre Street Minnesota experiment station, comparing Sec - for elle seven years that the bounty: to best consuming market behind him. trance, and on one of her fingers was a cry, Dr, Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- Wingham, Ontario. the cost of producing butter by means be run (Applause.) Prof. Robertson advised valuable rine:. The grave -digger kr-ew retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical of silage and pasturage, the silage i8 that apples be never sent on consignment g gg Health Officer. DR. 'AGNE W of this, opened the coffiu, and was in the + shown to be the more expensive feed, Depressed. and Discouraged. if the buyers Could be induced to buy act of cutting off the ringbearing finger I'llR 7i t Physician, Surgeon, etc, the difference amounting to $2,05 per- S. is remarkable how thoroughly the the goods out right on the dock at Mont- When Mrs. Ersl2iue .awoke with a cry. Office—Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' acre. whole system is thrown out of order real. This is what was ta'_one in the case Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. - •when the nerves become weak and ex- f butter and of cheese in the latter of She rose, walked home, and went up Classes in China Painting. o , VANSTONE, which commodities a trade of twenty stairs without having eucouutered any Oil and Water Colors. 3lausted. All energy and ambition ' seems to disappear, the mind wanders,of her family. The footsteps overhead Also a net- revelation kiln for firing china. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. memory fails and dispondency reigns million dollars a year has been built up.t,If I St caused her husband to remark.- Studio at her home, gathering Street. Priv:tteau,i. Company funds to loan at lowest - supreme. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food puts Not two cases of cheese out of a hand- diclna leu my wife wis lyin' in file kirk- C rate ofinterest. No commission charged. Mort - nnew vim and energy into the brain, ger. red were shipped on consignment. y y P „ G. ���•�q p®� ��y gages, town and farm property bought and '. es the body, builds up the system and aird, I wad say that wis her fitste G L L R 9 sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. dbrevents paralysis, prostration and in The advantages of the plan of allowing Mrs. Erskine lived to become the mother WINGI sanity. the Englishman to own the goods from of Ebenezer. J. A. MORTON, � the time they left Montreal was Must- TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. BARRISTER, �e a., r�41� When the Day is Done. rated by the case of a lot of consigned Bow's This. Wingham, Ont. It is wise at night to read but for a butter. After the Dominion Govern- We offer One. Hundred Dollars Re- Pupils Prepared For Conservatory of Music ; examinations. L. DICKENSDN, �f✓ 1 '• dew minutes, some book which will ment had provided cold storage for that ward for any case of Catarrh that can- E. ff l rp not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure. VIOLIN AND OOITAR. BARRISTER, ETC. �r 1 compose and soothe the mired, which batter from. Ontario to Liverpool the rl+ / I F. J. OHLNEY & Co., Toledo, O. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Moneyto loan. will bring ns fad© with the true facts of commission merchant left it on the dock 'pore, the undersigned, have known F. MISS CARRIE M ORE Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. ...-...9.=� � �•^^' "' ' We, death, and eternity, which will .exposed to the heat fourtyeight' hours J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and of London Conservatory of Music, will bepre- � mmke us remember that man doth not after he knew it was there. The result believe him perfectly honorable in allpared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. ke business transactions and financially ter of pupils for instruction on Violin and t]. Sive by bread alone; which will give us, .was that the butter went out of coedit- able to carry out any obligations made Guitar- Doctor of DentalSurgeryofthePennsylvRnia There is a noted difference before we sleep, a few thoughts we tion, and the consignor got rnncli less b their firm. Residence—opposite R. Q. Church, Wingham. Dental College and Licentiate of the Roval y College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office of a Christian man with an immortal for it than he should. The butter WEST & TRUAx, Wholesale Druggists, over Post office, Wingham. in the style and fit of Pants we soul in him. And, thank God, no one bought outright by the dealer was in Toledo, O, WALDING, KINNAN & MAR- PIANO AND THEORY. during closed lo cul vandery Wednesday afternoon August. deed go far to find such books. I do cold storage in Liverpool within two VIN, Wholesale Druggists, "kenTolei to L C.M, make that always brings pe0- Hall"Catarrh Crus is taken intern- MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., mot mean merely religious books, hours after it left cold storage, in the ally, acting directly upon the blood and and member of the Associated Musicians ,of W. L.D.S. ple back for another pair. excellent as they are in these days. I ship. Prof. Robinson announced he mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num- New method for painless ex -NM , mean any books which help to make ns was ging to begin a campaign against monials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in tracteo4. No Cocaine. Then there is the low price going a Y• Special attention to the care and regulation 'better and wiser, and sober, and more sending anything to England on Sold by all Druggists. SPectalAttention given to pupils preparing of chitdron's teeth. Moderate prices• and aL Halls Family Pills are the best. for examinations. work carefully and skilfully performed. Office and better quality of cloth put charitable persons; any book which will consignment. When a man owned the Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingbam, in Beaver Block, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon teach us to despise what is vulgar and goods he took better care of them than physical Gulture and the Blues. -- dttriug June, July and August. In them—cloth that wears, mean, foul and cruel, and to love what , when owned by another, and one of the ��ee our new goods and prices. 'Whenoriefeelsdepressedbothinmind �I III J. J. Elliott,Eiiflt S. is noble and high-minded, pure and objects in leaving that butter' on the I i III ` r OHN RITCHIE,e p - audbody "few gentle exercises taken i I � I Honorary Graduate of just. In our own English language we dock was to sell it on sample before the with one's entire strength, will .ten Iil� I Ontario Veterinary GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, ■ a� nay read by hundreds books which will dealer accepted delivery and paid , the „ College. {rAyO rove Of at benefit. In talon arm i�' at Galley's o�RstBu y Wingham, Ont. tell us of all virtue and of all praise. drafts. By this means the merchant fi- movements stretch out with the tips Victoria St., Wingham. DEANS, Jit, The stories of good and brave men and .nanced on the consignor's goods and of the fingers as far as possible. Thhe IIDay and night calls P. , women, of gallant and heroic actions, saved using his own money for several iJ )p1 i promptly attended to. LICENSED AUCTIONEER f O RATENT GOOII Ideas w deeds which we ourselves should s, days. tired muscles, which are too much . Tolophono connection. for the County of Huron. Sale9 attended inJill may be secured by y , relaxed, will be invigorated and the any part of the County. Charges moderate. I our aid. Address, glroud of doing, of persons whom we. Other faults that Prof. Robertson exercise will cause a better circulation FARMERS . THE PATENT RECORD, #eel to be better, wiser, nobler than we wanted remedied in packing were the of the blood, which of itself is refreshing. JOHN CURRiE, WIN(4HAM, ONT. Battimofe; M4. are ourselves.—Canon Kingsley. packing cf ripe and green fruit m the After Lakin the exercised seat fora and anyone having live stock or other LICENSED AUCTIONEER. . g articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- I same barrel, a thing which resulted in while, and you will find that you are tse the same for sale in the Tnins. Our large Sales of Farm Stock and Farm implements a 1, , dq,r� r{1 YEARS' Farmers in the vicinity of Kingston y y circulation tells and it will bestrange indeed if specialty. 1 "' F"� ZXPI:RlENCl's a r e crippled through w a n t of .help, great loss. If apple packing was carried feeling better, mentally and physically, you do not get a customer. Wecan't guarantee All orders left at THE TInSEs office promptly They on as carefully as pork packing this than on did before. that you will sell because you may ask more attended to. Terms reasonable. The blame the western harvest ex- y For the article or stock than it is worth. Send 9oursions. would be avoided. pan ofvdisposi disposing of yourrsttoock and other JOB PRINTING, p An Old and Well -Tried Remedy Mrs articles. Heads, irc na s, Pamphlets, posters, Belt L CA.'s pmiaN AGAINST S. S. Co3WANY. FiftyFor Over includin Bo r$, &c., &a.; executed in the best Transportation difficulties were thenrt at moderato ' Wmslow'd SoothiugSyrnp his been used short notice. prices, and on i'�j<i Constipation 3®G1 taken up, and Prof. Robertson said that for over fifty years bymrllionsof mothers BoormiNDTxG4.•-•We are plopped to announce TFtAD>= MARY.S L'�i$I a ®'� f� Ills.as a result of the effort of the depart- for their children while teething, with that any Books or Magazines left with us for DicsiGNS went ten steamers sailing from Montreal perfect succe. It soothes the child Binding, will have our prompt attention COPYRIGHTS &C. , Prices for Binding in any style Will be given on Anyone sending a'shetch and deserigDtion rear would this season be flitted with cold softens the gums, allays all pain, cures application to qulckl aseertsin our opinion free nlrether as To Get TVell Wall Keep 3Ve11 Iiei;e- THE TIMES OFFICE, inventonis probably pntentablo. Conmrunica• late the Dotvcts by rsing Dr. blast apparatus, which would circulate diarrhoea. It s pleasantato the taste. Wingham. sent free. Oldest a8soncy'fo Handbook tonts� z'huselx kidney-Ilver rills. air at 50 degrees among the cargo; while Sold b druggists in eve art of the Patents ce, wr toot c h mums N. securing, receive You cannot twenty-five other steamers from the world.'. Two ty-five cents bottle. Its RAILWAY IC TIME TABLES. apecdttdnottcd, �lth� ut chnr�o, to the avoid disease if you , . y ccreno.,' Nfi1 eficana. neglect to regulate the bowels and same port would have a circulation of pallia is ire llculable, Be sure au ask 46 !9 GRAND TRUPTB RAILWAY SYSTEM. V allow the liver and kidneys to become outside air through the apple car a The for Mrs' �Vrnalow s Soothing Syrup, and PUNLOP I mnAINs LEAVE von A bandsotnoly inuatratod weekly.'. 7,srkest cir- torpid, sluggish and inactive. Dr. g PP g take no other Isind. Pahmoratorl 6.58 11,111.... 8,56a.m. 'Moban of any hs, $1taa ld by all Terms• e a •+(.".hate's Kidney -liver Pills are the commission igen were not the only, ones London .... ....... 6.90 a.m.... 8.25p.m. year; Baur ®months, $i. Sola by all narPsaPnlerd. most valuable family medicine that campaign �, g �►�� �C1i7CI5 Of Kiticardine..11.10 a.m... 11.25 p -nu... 8,88p.m. NMI fat C0.3tltSraadviay, h.101 York Prof. Robertsdn announced a cam ai n Hitherto strawberry rowers have Anitivt IMOdl One can conceive of because they in- Against, The department, he said nrnneh U>noo. Cts r ; t,. t>f a..htn:.,,ui. D. d . vlgoratc and regulate the excretory g p + , had found that despite their vigilance, weeds $ Rubber Tires London 11.66a.m.... 7.65 p.m _ London.... ...... 11.10 a.m.... 7,55 p.m and filtering ,0rfians as no other prepay- four men at British landing ports and and insects will creep in and choice or for �• �] SCI Iy(jg d)� Palmerston ..., .. •. 2.45 p m.... 8.88 p.m .a,tion was ever known to d4. R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Wingham. even at Canadian shipping ports watch- destorq their vines. largo grower l,ir. Oso. on't Ilk lbave n, ont. Vehicles. rtAi7ADiAN )PACrFIC RAH WA2'. writ,+r :—,-I e.don't likf! t0 have my hamar ing thO Handling of Canadian prodizcO, says that last year, after the crop was rl nttnl0 l''iC TRAINS IM"WE soil 131. .. ;put Ili public print, but I: heel it a. duty and the steamers whose officers persisted gathered, he out down his plants been p ycle Tires Toronto artdlvast 6.6" a.m..,. 8.00 p.m.+ - to recd Teeswater 1.02 p.m....10.48 p.m.5 tto zny fa llaw men mzrlcnai Dr. in bumping barrels down On the deck in with a scythe, and covered th0 field with I'netun3itro Garrrago T` os Alinrvil rizox C;ila.ae's Kidney -liver fills, Par ntGut four years I 111 m trrtubied unloading, or to rolling barrels through a thin layer of straw, Which he set on Solid lubber Carriage '['eros t Toronater....• 6.51111 rn..182 p.m. Toronto and Fast ...... 182 p.m .... 10.48 p m. Vt3th chronic tonstipation ;dial weak- the mud or otherwise Carelessly hand- fire. The result was that the weeds and Invalid Chair Tires J, H. DEEMER, Agent, Wingham. sics:i of the kidnc Ys, My CO!l4ltlon vrat) ling reduce, wotii(t be advertised b 'Tires for Ball " " *(q.iowi when I tieiGan to ti.,- I)r. g P y insects were destroyed, and the crop of y CarriRgbs, Cavnes and dutde• Vlark"s ODIRdtl, lad all p My 9C Tzage's TsCidney-livs r I1i113, and I I name all over Canada. Some told hire this year was better than Over before. 'The DU11lo TIfe CO.,1 btrsinese eondutted ter D[ODISR.(TIS l RRtI. My p Limitsrd /�5Y oiiaeisinthe immediate vicinityoCthePittntOAice 'v(•rily bd'IiCY(5 tI1a1 tllc'y hautW i I, .J4 JL 21. anti•tnyf,,eiiitiestoe securiny;patents areunsurpa33ed Mived lily life. I am 11ow 1VVQI and feet that to do S0 would renderhimatilf liable Free Press. TORONTO.. Send model, sketch orphotographorinvertion wilt r descri' tion nndstetement ns toudY•ofltages cls med. like a inert mord:' for A liable suit, ,,but," said: Prof. Rob- ��„ � . � , ; t� ��r �,� ry► �1r � P i r. L 1J Y L`J Ln LeL P� 4+i-hn al„xrge {t lucrlo fo,• and ep ato,t as to 'Mor6 IteoPle tette Dr. ChAPiX ertsort `ll Will,Piibliththem, and stand WARxrcTl t;apabie rnleablopelao>rrnevery }inedrtfnbi.t,i $tad tv fed for proaecntinaqth� ?titinoy-T.it er 1 ills than any other (an» ,t rounty to tebresent 'large company 114 solid on + TrgdoyutrriC I. applica, lon -yr 4 lie$ .be r,111od ,(Cly' zrnttG 11118 rtdidtn rxiEdlCine. They err gr�yniar l>r, r financial rope}atioif 4086 salary er pPat; a , Z1 P, rarer,. lrrltorJe+I, lrtx,r,amt., 1,vdr�a, cob. the suit and laze announced that after Y, is y cure t ttlOYltlt th8ee "0ptirts w4tttd be abld weekly 88 per riay, absalixteTy sero rtntl all L Mining full information sent fret,. All Commune•• ,$til. AsMuse k your sicighbor aboutmtlutm, kilishaid. expenses si'raight, .botut•ilde, deflnitosRlar•;v I •, cations Cor.3ldered cis dttlelly t;•onrI&MIlah +tine Dill a dose-, 2a rents >s box, ,til dual- � no cemm(ssion; salary paid each Saturday a.nri � � /� �'!� S,�- , ex asnwa money «doRncedeach wt'(k. STAND• 1 1 1 M i S' Ii i 1 t[ i "1. 9-20, U-'�,�err 1✓dmandotl I3Att fi ,fc <.p., `X'arGrtto. raf.130irertriorx tock tilt tiii4 i tint A D HOUSE, 884 DVAilOnv s4 ., Ct11cA,0a. , Jt 1 J. lL,/ b' it g1�; k , eoedN 4i'.:i+ylilt: tCC I•o327, �D., 1. A T.11i.. Wi1.1 U'IIAX Tlirh a Sq AUG' 16', 101, ._ TABLISH=110, THE APPKETRIAI EZ. Marks Act oflost aosslou,atuddefended t. OhIl •1Ien Cryfor I Gu'1'1113.y,I�3Hl+i7a1872. tSsax:i:eaNIlulraaiticalt. against Dr. Mills. He held its .proviS conn i 1lrrAclalw$tt by l xof aktdrtaextsnlr fAnz1a11ne� were wise onus. Tho grower was cote- TRE WiNqu haEs. � � � , „ �r r � ( v ��� ���l�� ���t� � � �� We deslro to inform the putf ko that Castoria is Made and put up, ill the Ing ltornedlea 'to tAppki Shlpplog,. pelle(d to put Ilia ualuo And, addross on _ ,, .... _ • It1 PU131,IF;lII✓1) Laboratory of the Centaur Company, �• a.ltxtl,IOTa', S'trnxxslaiazt ,ANI= riiovulxTorl ^^^—^ the package and lac tivas 11ot allowed, to � The feature of Thursday's proceedings �(���� �������i����� TOWN �VEF�Y FRIDAY MORNING New York"" but one size bottle and on formula is. .,.�.....:.._ _._ ....- _.-..� make. apples.I*Auest,"''best'"or"extra,,,, T' I�IU.A.'Y`, 16xi, 9, 1001, of the National Association of the Ap- uu(eSS th0 (1lialiGy of file fruit wal'rauted �� the outside wrapper the printed and the 1?'ae*,�irltil0 ,�-'ignatltre -11e Shippers wars the address by Prof. this. Under the Act the packing svaa a B;txzsr Clatlrpt�t-SulaUatll sol vt(es t Il' a in and 7 p in. Sunday School at The Times QikieQ,–AI`— BeiLVe1' $10010 WINGHAX, ONTARIO, Y of Ullas. 'tl.l.letpher appears Ota the face. xtaalss Advil ClcrmllxENxy, Stuia f th l t eat f1 Sin CdtlO q Robillson, Dominissiouer of Agriculture, t o11 the general (subject of the apple oo11sider0d fraudulent, is thea les. in $p the ends of the barrel wero superior to 2:30 li ln. tletieral prayer ineetitlg oil Wednesday evenings. Rev. W, ' ., T . ,0U H A it TON 1 00 i , No othex preparation offeredah Crtstgria y,. , is `"anuille, To counterfeit or imitate 0 0 i3 i rg rn1 ag Sp il*T —4 . Per nulluill n t, trade in Canada, TOO ")Ally people, 110 those in the interior, Tito penalty was. Icr0d, pastels W. J. Chapman, S. S, adriurco $1.5Udf not se paid. No paper discon either in tile' name or signature is a the iron Shoes of their lids'- said Went into Apple nurture wilder the SttporlllteudOlzt. tinuvil till all arrears are paid, except at the seta Changing pp not imative, but educative ata obarae- optic" of the publisher. Cxirn111a1 Offence. nes far klla5c of ruUk er, and the ilaaimals p Di:mnowsT Cimiton--•Sabbath services ! impression ,riot they could grbw fruit by ter. The illau who was can at I I a 1 and 7 ltd, Sunda School at Al)YnR1vlsrrr0 RA":9, — Legal and other Castoria has become it valuable eotn to appreciate filo favor. It is caught with a )1 p y casual advertisements Kc perNon dariellfne for claimed * t tYit,r rubber Siloea tklo antttition. Tllelt they grew too aulluy .lnaudred fraudulently paol.etl b11rrels 2 :30 p zt1; Epworth League every Oil" first insertion, W per line for eac i subsequent staildarcl family medicine with the footel aucd ilpYer varieties. His view was. that not more would pay $100 and costs and suffer the day evening- General prayer meeting insertion. 3.lorse is m�.: surea Advertisements In local columns are charged ondorsement of some of the best s when ire strikes a all . than a dozen varieties of Export apples. disgrace attaching to the same, a11d oat Wednesday evenings. Rev. Richard 10 cts. per line for first insertion, and 5 cents Physicians in tile world. Don't nllgw bilks or wa t P Hobbs, Pastor. Dr..powler, S. S. Sup p4r line for each subsequent irrsertlen, should be grown in a dlstriot,. say, 150 lie contended that this was alliiipieut tp r airy 0110 to dell you, anything also on the Itexy 'cad, miles square. L fifty -barrel lot of a oriutendent. Advaforf3alota of ent a d Found, $1, bed, y p- accomplish the. onc1S desired.. As to good Pltlssn*zTERIAx OizU1tOI3—Sabbath ser- Furma far sate or to 1tc+rrt, and similar ;1,o0 for plea or promise that it is "just as gond,:," It is quite probable that within a year les, all of one variety, would sell for vices at 11 a Bl and 7 p m.. Sunda first rnontll and 00 oent$ for each su�rsequent ler two the metric systeiu of measure- P results from careful heinstauced y month. and will answer every purpose, etP., etc five shillings per barrel more than if a�arm�r iu fire A11uapolis iralloy, whose School at 2:30 p m. - General prayer CONmRA02 RATFs—Thofollorvingtable shows Castoria is sold by all r0speetable =out will Ue introduced into gauacla.. they were composed of five varieties. He meeting on Wedueada5 evenings. Rev. our rates for the insertion of advertisements � In rue. rule was to discharge Any 1111111 who D, Perrie, pastor and S. S. Su Brinton. M specifledperiods: d1u(,gista and det�lersl11 CdiG Tina basis of the system is a metre. This urged ddealers to work. in harmony with P measure tivllioll is a kettle over three would put a small apple In a barrel, and dent, sumn. ' 1 s`n. 685,0. 6 ua. 1 nrr, DO not be deceived wlleii you buy it, growers, telling thein what varieties �Yl1o, as a result, for four Years netted ST, FAuL's CxU12GFI, FrISCoz'AIa—Sob• �njfpolniii.:;::;;:;:Ka io $85,00 00 111511)(1 Ill tq,uini but lank well at the wrapper itnd sec if inches longer than our yard, being the were best adapted for their trade,. Men, r. bath services at 11 a m and 7 p in. Si u' Quarter Column ..... 18,Oo 10.00 6.00 2.00. 1 signature of Chas. H. Fletcher. eu milliautll part of the distance .ecru an average of $8.51 per barrel for his day School at 2:80 p m. General prayer Advertisements without a eciflo directions it hast 1e ordinarily honest, but without training, ripples in his orchard, meatal o1r Wednesday evening. Rev. wilt be rnsertftil tell forbid anti charged accord• No other: can. be genuine, Castoria the earth's equator to ,110 polo. Our pp g ingly, Transient advertisements moat be paid went into an orchard unci packed a les Wm. Lowe, moulnbont. F. Shore, S. for in advance. without tlai$ Signature is a Base yard is but a were accident supposed to and as a result in Liverpool said there Too Great tr Itfsic. Superintendent• THE Jon DEPAnT=xT is stocked with an ice three times the length of a man's were a lot of rogues in Canada. Cana- It is dVa�igerous to neglect, a simple CONQREeATIoxAL Ommon.—Sabbath extensive assortment of till requisites for print - foot. Russia Euglaud and the United da,s export pork. business has increased case of piles as the trouble is likely to services At 11 a m and 7 p in, Sunday ing, affording facilities not. equalled in the as are t o and countries not wain becolue chronic and develo Into iuonr- School at 12 m. Midweek meeting'on cetultyfor turning out first class work. Large B t s y g twenty times in the last ten years, be able fistula or cancer of the septum, A Weduesdry evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin type and a�>1 lls, etto auto far all styles sof es of If you tale a La -Liver ver Pill t while you t. t e system. 'ilia system.was started in cause the world of circ dello was , n ers, Hand Bills, oto., tinct the latest styles of before retiring, it will word: •,vhile you P packing single application of Dr. Chases Oint. Wilson, S,N, Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. c0ico fancy type for tine Ener classes of print• sleep without a gripe or yadv, cerin ante about one hundred years ago, done b skilled men under the best sci- went will quickly relieve the I Chin SALVATION ARMY—Strvice at 7 and 11 g y q y , g s, B. ELLIOTT biliousness, constipation, dyspepsia au . Amending regulations governing entifio conditions. The apple trade could and burning sensation, and a few boxesa in and 3 and 8 p m on Sunday, and Proprietor and Publisher sick hendachi , and make you foul better the payment of bounties on i r o u will cure any case of pile", This stand- every evening during the week, at 8 in the illornin be increased by the same means. The o!clock at the barracks. A K g and steel macre in Canada have been a - and ointment has probably relieved more P two great commercial commandmeuta suffereie than any preparation you, can CHRISTIAN AND MISs1oN ARY ALLIANCE. () f � A � � LT proved by the Governor-General, and were ---1 Thou shalt deliver goods as. mention. —Meetings as follows: S. S. at 2.30 p. Best Time tolrreshen Clow$. :are issued by the Department of Trade they are represented to be; 2 Thou shalt in. Fellowship -at 4 p, in., and evan- W I N G H A M. gelistic at 8 p.m., every Sunday in Capital aid u There is no room for further discus - and Commerce, for the information of deliver: goods in the best possible condi- Births After Burial of tits lfothers• , p' paid p, $1,99G 750,00. Ritchie's Hall, victoria St. Sion of the question as to �IvhoUller it ie all concerned. The bounty on Steele in- tion. He showed that this was not now From the London Chronicle. POST OFFICE—In Macdonald Block. Reserve Fund, $1,500,000.00. more profitable to have cows freshen in gots is $3 a ton if manufactured hefOre done in Canada. He has seen apples lIf The Earl of ljoimt-Edgcumbe, who Office hours from 8 a In to 6:80 p in. President—JOHN RruAnw. thea lin or in the fall, says Hoard's. April the 23rd, 1902. Thence, by a des- Liverpool marked "xxxx 100," and yet has jest been sworn of the Priv Council Peter Fisher, postmaster. Vice-President—A. G. RAa13AY. spring b' y �cendiu scale the bounty is reduced each y h'IBOHANICS' INSTITUTE—Library ands DtRECTOIts Dairyman. It has been tried too often g y the middle of the barrel proved to be the may be literaly said to owe existonce free reading room in the Town Hall, John Proetor, Goo. Roach, Wm. Gibson, M.P. and under too widely different. year until in 1907 itis 60 cents per ton, scabbiest lot he ever saw. That Cana- and his position "to the accident . of an will be open every afternoon from 2 to A. T. Wood, M. P., A. B. Lee (Toronto). conditions, and without exception, as. The bounty will not be paid until the da's trade was worth building up and, . accident." • All ancestress of his had 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to General Manager—J. TURNBULL. far as we are advised, the co vv that manufacturer has furnished to the Gov- the ill-luok to be buried while she was 9: 30 o'clock, Miss Millie Robertson, developing he showed by poiiltirlg out librarian. savinxs Bank—Hours to to s; Saturday, to freshens in the fall will yield more milk ernment satisfactory evidence that such that the averago export from Canada in a trance. But by good luck some of TOWN Couxom—Wm. Clegg, Mayor; to 1, Deposits of $l and upwards received. In- in 12 months, and the milk and its.. steel ingots were manufactured in. Call- her jewels were interred with her: A Wm. Holmes, Thos. Bell Robt. Mc- v rest allowed, tinct computed on the added to products are worth more mousy: The ada from ingredients of which not less dependent, intendingto rifle the dead Indoo, G. A. Newton, John A. McLean, principal. AGAINST CONSI(i\]LE\T Sv5TF.)I. p , best plan of all probably is to have cows• than 50 per cent of the weight thereof fingers, visited tele tomb, and became Geo. McKenzie, Councillors; J. B. Iue special Deposita also received at current Prof. Robertson did not like shipping guson, Cleric and Treasurer; Samuel rates qF interest. freshen at different times in the year -- consisted of "pig iron made in Canada. the unwitting liberator of the imprisoned youhill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- Drafts on Great Britain and the United say three fourths of them from The evidence must be taken upon oath oil consignment. The commission men lad She returned to life, and four lector. Board meets first Monday even States Bought and sold. p y. September to January and the others Ham - "before a collector of customs or justice of England were the best in the in in each month at 8 o'clock. Travellers are notilled that.theBank of Ham- j years later gave birth to a son, who was g ilton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of at intervals thoughout the balance of the, of the peace. The bounty on paddled trade—for England. (Lattgllter.) The a progenitor of the present peer. That,, SCIi00L BOAitD.—C. N. Griffin, (chair- National Provincial Bank of England, Limited, ear. English commission man could give man), Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. which can be cashed without charge or trou- Y iron bars is the same as on steel ingots, a at any rate, is the local legend down in Homuth, Win, Moore, H. Kerr, Thos. bre in any part of the world. but it is necessary for the manufacturer an absolutely honest account sales, with Devonshire where Mount-Edgoumbe Bell, Wm. Button. Secretary, Wm. , ' W. CORBOULD Agent less return to the consigner and more in Robertson; Treasurer J. B. Fer usou. E. L. DICSINSON, solicitor. ' Athletes, Bicyclists and others should to produce evidence that the bars were stands. green and wooded, opposite to � � always keep Hagyard's Yellow Oil on manufactured from Canadian pig iron. the way of charges. and commissions for Devonport—a spot on which the Ad- mSonth Meetings second Tuesday evetiiug lu each hand. Nothing like it for stiftnessi and himself than an man livin Lau h- P. MENNEDY M. ll.. M. C. P. S. O. The bounty on pig iron is to expire on y g—( g miralty keeps always an envious eye. PUBLIC SCxoot TEAGBERS.—A. H. (Member of �lre British Medical Associa• soreness of the muscles, sprains, bruises, ter) but if the consigner had the right tion.) Gold • Medallist in Medicine. Special outs, etc. A clean preparation, will not. the first day of July, 1907. Commend- 'this recalls the case of Ebenezer Musgrove, Principal, Miss Robertson, attention paid to diseases of Women and Child stain clothing. Price 25c. the first year the bounty on pig iron pro- goods and put them on the market in Erskine, one of the founders of the Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss ren. Office hours -1 to 4 p. m.: 7 to 9 p. m. the right shape then the Englishman Cornyu, Miss Vanstono, Miss Matheson duced from Canadian ore is $3 per ton United Presbyterian church of Scotland, and Miss Reid. R. MAODONALD, and on pig iron from foreign ore, 2. could do better with thorn for the sellar who was born after the burial of leis BOARD of HEALTir—Mayor Clegg, D According to some tests made at the. The prrporrionate difference is the same than any other man, because he had the mother. Mrs. Erskine was buried in a (chairman), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- Centre Street Minnesota experiment station, comparing Sec - for elle seven years that the bounty: to best consuming market behind him. trance, and on one of her fingers was a cry, Dr, Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- Wingham, Ontario. the cost of producing butter by means be run (Applause.) Prof. Robertson advised valuable rine:. The grave -digger kr-ew retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical of silage and pasturage, the silage i8 that apples be never sent on consignment g gg Health Officer. DR. 'AGNE W of this, opened the coffiu, and was in the + shown to be the more expensive feed, Depressed. and Discouraged. if the buyers Could be induced to buy act of cutting off the ringbearing finger I'llR 7i t Physician, Surgeon, etc, the difference amounting to $2,05 per- S. is remarkable how thoroughly the the goods out right on the dock at Mont- When Mrs. Ersl2iue .awoke with a cry. Office—Macdonald Block, over J. E. Davis' acre. whole system is thrown out of order real. This is what was ta'_one in the case Drug Store. Night calls answered at the office. - •when the nerves become weak and ex- f butter and of cheese in the latter of She rose, walked home, and went up Classes in China Painting. o , VANSTONE, which commodities a trade of twenty stairs without having eucouutered any Oil and Water Colors. 3lausted. All energy and ambition ' seems to disappear, the mind wanders,of her family. The footsteps overhead Also a net- revelation kiln for firing china. BARRISTER, SOLICITOR, ETC. memory fails and dispondency reigns million dollars a year has been built up.t,If I St caused her husband to remark.- Studio at her home, gathering Street. Priv:tteau,i. Company funds to loan at lowest - supreme. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food puts Not two cases of cheese out of a hand- diclna leu my wife wis lyin' in file kirk- C rate ofinterest. No commission charged. Mort - nnew vim and energy into the brain, ger. red were shipped on consignment. y y P „ G. ���•�q p®� ��y gages, town and farm property bought and '. es the body, builds up the system and aird, I wad say that wis her fitste G L L R 9 sold. Office, Beaver Block. Wingham. dbrevents paralysis, prostration and in The advantages of the plan of allowing Mrs. Erskine lived to become the mother WINGI sanity. the Englishman to own the goods from of Ebenezer. J. A. MORTON, � the time they left Montreal was Must- TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. BARRISTER, �e a., r�41� When the Day is Done. rated by the case of a lot of consigned Bow's This. Wingham, Ont. It is wise at night to read but for a butter. After the Dominion Govern- We offer One. Hundred Dollars Re- Pupils Prepared For Conservatory of Music ; examinations. L. DICKENSDN, �f✓ 1 '• dew minutes, some book which will ment had provided cold storage for that ward for any case of Catarrh that can- E. ff l rp not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure. VIOLIN AND OOITAR. BARRISTER, ETC. �r 1 compose and soothe the mired, which batter from. Ontario to Liverpool the rl+ / I F. J. OHLNEY & Co., Toledo, O. Solicitor to Bank of Hamilton. Moneyto loan. will bring ns fad© with the true facts of commission merchant left it on the dock 'pore, the undersigned, have known F. MISS CARRIE M ORE Office—Meyer Block, Wingham. ...-...9.=� � �•^^' "' ' We, death, and eternity, which will .exposed to the heat fourtyeight' hours J. Cheney for the last fifteen years, and of London Conservatory of Music, will bepre- � mmke us remember that man doth not after he knew it was there. The result believe him perfectly honorable in allpared after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num. ARTHUR J. IRWIN, D. D. S., L. D. S. ke business transactions and financially ter of pupils for instruction on Violin and t]. Sive by bread alone; which will give us, .was that the butter went out of coedit- able to carry out any obligations made Guitar- Doctor of DentalSurgeryofthePennsylvRnia There is a noted difference before we sleep, a few thoughts we tion, and the consignor got rnncli less b their firm. Residence—opposite R. Q. Church, Wingham. Dental College and Licentiate of the Roval y College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office of a Christian man with an immortal for it than he should. The butter WEST & TRUAx, Wholesale Druggists, over Post office, Wingham. in the style and fit of Pants we soul in him. And, thank God, no one bought outright by the dealer was in Toledo, O, WALDING, KINNAN & MAR- PIANO AND THEORY. during closed lo cul vandery Wednesday afternoon August. deed go far to find such books. I do cold storage in Liverpool within two VIN, Wholesale Druggists, "kenTolei to L C.M, make that always brings pe0- Hall"Catarrh Crus is taken intern- MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, T. HOLLOWAY, D.D.S., mot mean merely religious books, hours after it left cold storage, in the ally, acting directly upon the blood and and member of the Associated Musicians ,of W. L.D.S. ple back for another pair. excellent as they are in these days. I ship. Prof. Robinson announced he mucous surfaces of the system. Testi- Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited num- New method for painless ex -NM , mean any books which help to make ns was ging to begin a campaign against monials sent free. Price 75c. per bottle. ber of pupils for instruction on Piano and in tracteo4. No Cocaine. Then there is the low price going a Y• Special attention to the care and regulation 'better and wiser, and sober, and more sending anything to England on Sold by all Druggists. SPectalAttention given to pupils preparing of chitdron's teeth. Moderate prices• and aL Halls Family Pills are the best. for examinations. work carefully and skilfully performed. Office and better quality of cloth put charitable persons; any book which will consignment. When a man owned the Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingbam, in Beaver Block, Wingham. Office closed every Wednesday afternoon teach us to despise what is vulgar and goods he took better care of them than physical Gulture and the Blues. -- dttriug June, July and August. In them—cloth that wears, mean, foul and cruel, and to love what , when owned by another, and one of the ��ee our new goods and prices. 'Whenoriefeelsdepressedbothinmind �I III J. J. Elliott,Eiiflt S. is noble and high-minded, pure and objects in leaving that butter' on the I i III ` r OHN RITCHIE,e p - audbody "few gentle exercises taken i I � I Honorary Graduate of just. In our own English language we dock was to sell it on sample before the with one's entire strength, will .ten Iil� I Ontario Veterinary GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, ■ a� nay read by hundreds books which will dealer accepted delivery and paid , the „ College. {rAyO rove Of at benefit. In talon arm i�' at Galley's o�RstBu y Wingham, Ont. tell us of all virtue and of all praise. drafts. By this means the merchant fi- movements stretch out with the tips Victoria St., Wingham. DEANS, Jit, The stories of good and brave men and .nanced on the consignor's goods and of the fingers as far as possible. Thhe IIDay and night calls P. , women, of gallant and heroic actions, saved using his own money for several iJ )p1 i promptly attended to. LICENSED AUCTIONEER f O RATENT GOOII Ideas w deeds which we ourselves should s, days. tired muscles, which are too much . Tolophono connection. for the County of Huron. Sale9 attended inJill may be secured by y , relaxed, will be invigorated and the any part of the County. Charges moderate. I our aid. Address, glroud of doing, of persons whom we. Other faults that Prof. Robertson exercise will cause a better circulation FARMERS . THE PATENT RECORD, #eel to be better, wiser, nobler than we wanted remedied in packing were the of the blood, which of itself is refreshing. JOHN CURRiE, WIN(4HAM, ONT. Battimofe; M4. are ourselves.—Canon Kingsley. packing cf ripe and green fruit m the After Lakin the exercised seat fora and anyone having live stock or other LICENSED AUCTIONEER. . g articles they wish to dispose of, should adver- I same barrel, a thing which resulted in while, and you will find that you are tse the same for sale in the Tnins. Our large Sales of Farm Stock and Farm implements a 1, , dq,r� r{1 YEARS' Farmers in the vicinity of Kingston y y circulation tells and it will bestrange indeed if specialty. 1 "' F"� ZXPI:RlENCl's a r e crippled through w a n t of .help, great loss. If apple packing was carried feeling better, mentally and physically, you do not get a customer. Wecan't guarantee All orders left at THE TInSEs office promptly They on as carefully as pork packing this than on did before. that you will sell because you may ask more attended to. Terms reasonable. The blame the western harvest ex- y For the article or stock than it is worth. Send 9oursions. would be avoided. pan ofvdisposi disposing of yourrsttoock and other JOB PRINTING, p An Old and Well -Tried Remedy Mrs articles. Heads, irc na s, Pamphlets, posters, Belt L CA.'s pmiaN AGAINST S. S. Co3WANY. FiftyFor Over includin Bo r$, &c., &a.; executed in the best Transportation difficulties were thenrt at moderato ' Wmslow'd SoothiugSyrnp his been used short notice. prices, and on i'�j<i Constipation 3®G1 taken up, and Prof. Robertson said that for over fifty years bymrllionsof mothers BoormiNDTxG4.•-•We are plopped to announce TFtAD>= MARY.S L'�i$I a ®'� f� Ills.as a result of the effort of the depart- for their children while teething, with that any Books or Magazines left with us for DicsiGNS went ten steamers sailing from Montreal perfect succe. It soothes the child Binding, will have our prompt attention COPYRIGHTS &C. , Prices for Binding in any style Will be given on Anyone sending a'shetch and deserigDtion rear would this season be flitted with cold softens the gums, allays all pain, cures application to qulckl aseertsin our opinion free nlrether as To Get TVell Wall Keep 3Ve11 Iiei;e- THE TIMES OFFICE, inventonis probably pntentablo. Conmrunica• late the Dotvcts by rsing Dr. blast apparatus, which would circulate diarrhoea. It s pleasantato the taste. Wingham. sent free. Oldest a8soncy'fo Handbook tonts� z'huselx kidney-Ilver rills. air at 50 degrees among the cargo; while Sold b druggists in eve art of the Patents ce, wr toot c h mums N. securing, receive You cannot twenty-five other steamers from the world.'. Two ty-five cents bottle. Its RAILWAY IC TIME TABLES. apecdttdnottcd, �lth� ut chnr�o, to the avoid disease if you , . y ccreno.,' Nfi1 eficana. neglect to regulate the bowels and same port would have a circulation of pallia is ire llculable, Be sure au ask 46 !9 GRAND TRUPTB RAILWAY SYSTEM. V allow the liver and kidneys to become outside air through the apple car a The for Mrs' �Vrnalow s Soothing Syrup, and PUNLOP I mnAINs LEAVE von A bandsotnoly inuatratod weekly.'. 7,srkest cir- torpid, sluggish and inactive. Dr. g PP g take no other Isind. Pahmoratorl 6.58 11,111.... 8,56a.m. 'Moban of any hs, $1taa ld by all Terms• e a •+(.".hate's Kidney -liver Pills are the commission igen were not the only, ones London .... ....... 6.90 a.m.... 8.25p.m. year; Baur ®months, $i. Sola by all narPsaPnlerd. most valuable family medicine that campaign �, g �►�� �C1i7CI5 Of Kiticardine..11.10 a.m... 11.25 p -nu... 8,88p.m. NMI fat C0.3tltSraadviay, h.101 York Prof. Robertsdn announced a cam ai n Hitherto strawberry rowers have Anitivt IMOdl One can conceive of because they in- Against, The department, he said nrnneh U>noo. Cts r ; t,. t>f a..htn:.,,ui. D. d . vlgoratc and regulate the excretory g p + , had found that despite their vigilance, weeds $ Rubber Tires London 11.66a.m.... 7.65 p.m _ London.... ...... 11.10 a.m.... 7,55 p.m and filtering ,0rfians as no other prepay- four men at British landing ports and and insects will creep in and choice or for �• �] SCI Iy(jg d)� Palmerston ..., .. •. 2.45 p m.... 8.88 p.m .a,tion was ever known to d4. R. T. SUTTON, Agent, Wingham. even at Canadian shipping ports watch- destorq their vines. largo grower l,ir. Oso. on't Ilk lbave n, ont. Vehicles. rtAi7ADiAN )PACrFIC RAH WA2'. writ,+r :—,-I e.don't likf! t0 have my hamar ing thO Handling of Canadian prodizcO, says that last year, after the crop was rl nttnl0 l''iC TRAINS IM"WE soil 131. .. ;put Ili public print, but I: heel it a. duty and the steamers whose officers persisted gathered, he out down his plants been p ycle Tires Toronto artdlvast 6.6" a.m..,. 8.00 p.m.+ - to recd Teeswater 1.02 p.m....10.48 p.m.5 tto zny fa llaw men mzrlcnai Dr. in bumping barrels down On the deck in with a scythe, and covered th0 field with I'netun3itro Garrrago T` os Alinrvil rizox C;ila.ae's Kidney -liver fills, Par ntGut four years I 111 m trrtubied unloading, or to rolling barrels through a thin layer of straw, Which he set on Solid lubber Carriage '['eros t Toronater....• 6.51111 rn..182 p.m. Toronto and Fast ...... 182 p.m .... 10.48 p m. Vt3th chronic tonstipation ;dial weak- the mud or otherwise Carelessly hand- fire. The result was that the weeds and Invalid Chair Tires J, H. DEEMER, Agent, Wingham. sics:i of the kidnc Ys, My CO!l4ltlon vrat) ling reduce, wotii(t be advertised b 'Tires for Ball " " *(q.iowi when I tieiGan to ti.,- I)r. g P y insects were destroyed, and the crop of y CarriRgbs, Cavnes and dutde• Vlark"s ODIRdtl, lad all p My 9C Tzage's TsCidney-livs r I1i113, and I I name all over Canada. Some told hire this year was better than Over before. 'The DU11lo TIfe CO.,1 btrsinese eondutted ter D[ODISR.(TIS l RRtI. My p Limitsrd /�5Y oiiaeisinthe immediate vicinityoCthePittntOAice 'v(•rily bd'IiCY(5 tI1a1 tllc'y hautW i I, .J4 JL 21. anti•tnyf,,eiiitiestoe securiny;patents areunsurpa33ed Mived lily life. I am 11ow 1VVQI and feet that to do S0 would renderhimatilf liable Free Press. TORONTO.. Send model, sketch orphotographorinvertion wilt r descri' tion nndstetement ns toudY•ofltages cls med. like a inert mord:' for A liable suit, ,,but," said: Prof. Rob- ��„ � . � , ; t� ��r �,� ry► �1r � P i r. L 1J Y L`J Ln LeL P� 4+i-hn al„xrge {t lucrlo fo,• and ep ato,t as to 'Mor6 IteoPle tette Dr. ChAPiX ertsort `ll Will,Piibliththem, and stand WARxrcTl t;apabie rnleablopelao>rrnevery }inedrtfnbi.t,i $tad tv fed for proaecntinaqth� ?titinoy-T.it er 1 ills than any other (an» ,t rounty to tebresent 'large company 114 solid on + TrgdoyutrriC I. applica, lon -yr 4 lie$ .be r,111od ,(Cly' zrnttG 11118 rtdidtn rxiEdlCine. They err gr�yniar l>r, r financial rope}atioif 4086 salary er pPat; a , Z1 P, rarer,. lrrltorJe+I, lrtx,r,amt., 1,vdr�a, cob. the suit and laze announced that after Y, is y cure t ttlOYltlt th8ee "0ptirts w4tttd be abld weekly 88 per riay, absalixteTy sero rtntl all L Mining full information sent fret,. All Commune•• ,$til. AsMuse k your sicighbor aboutmtlutm, kilishaid. expenses si'raight, .botut•ilde, deflnitosRlar•;v I •, cations Cor.3ldered cis dttlelly t;•onrI&MIlah +tine Dill a dose-, 2a rents >s box, ,til dual- � no cemm(ssion; salary paid each Saturday a.nri � � /� �'!� S,�- , ex asnwa money «doRncedeach wt'(k. STAND• 1 1 1 M i S' Ii i 1 t[ i "1. 9-20, U-'�,�err 1✓dmandotl I3Att fi ,fc <.p., `X'arGrtto. raf.130irertriorx tock tilt tiii4 i tint A D HOUSE, 884 DVAilOnv s4 ., Ct11cA,0a. , Jt 1 J. lL,/ b' it g1�; k , eoedN 4i'.:i+ylilt: tCC I•o327, �D., 1. A