HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-08-16, Page 5THE, WINGIIAN TIMES, AUG. 1), 1301. t rose softly from the organ. The bride p _ . ' �"1, q,ULMAGE, OUR NEIGHBORS and bridesmaid were both dressed u UP -TO -DAT _ SELLING. ` ' NE 1�S FROM white muslin ver • testis trimmed. �" Real Estate and. Loan Office, After the ceremony wits performed the GOODS. THE N E S 0 �{,. AT Cf1>iT• Conveyancing, Assil neo oink Arcouutant, _ _- -_- ._-_---_ .___ _.._ __ .. _. - guests (relations only) :bat down to a t Molloy to loan on town and, farm proverty, well prepared dinner, `l'llo happy uou• _ , Offloo—Two doors nortlx of Drs. T. & J. R. h Chisholm's Bargery. lies:ildv fee ---Catherine St. 41T M �"$ Q I �' �T TO ALL 0 READERS, pie left from Belgravo amid showers of SCRAM' IRON, riga ou ilio 3.3j�,e r their home a avell. ----_ eels it a 1e a of wore as a travail• 8to(;k1WTakin6baleBRASS, LEAD, Wllat wideawake Times Carrespoiadents Commuuleato -- Other ing suit a costume of brown satin and COPP R ZINC. cream chifl'oil hat. The best wishes of Items Clipped. From Our �xcbangos.. the community follow them to their HIGHEST PRICES. (R home, R IroSelling at !Cost ' Price lYutiionall a>t tid'otk�, lGtil., ►vltoxl:�ri:R. tAauuep;. No Dealers. �pfngham, Got Corns 4 _. . .... _ Mrr. Thomas of Howick St left with Mr, Jas, Wray is in Manitoba looking h'oolish to keep them if you have? No childrenfor some part ill Mich. last after a large farm he has there. fun in corns, but lots of pain. PutnamWe are 's Tuesday to join her husband who has J. R. Williams speaks very highly of Paieloss x oru Extractor raises corns 1n right into stock taking now and you can baoit working there for some time time, the sights tit the Pau•American which twenty .four hours, Get a quick crop by g raising it—druggists sell it, do some genuine money saving during this sale. Air. James Forsythe left for Point he recently visited. Albert last Tuesday. Dr. Tuck and Mrs Tuck and Dr. Not ST, HEL1.Ns, Elie SCOCI' � � must be reduced two thousand dollars Mr. and Mrs. John Sanderson of this mail of Toronto, brother of Mrs. Tucks ReV, Chas, Rutherford i5 anendiiag a before inventory and to d0 So znla make the Sade a �llace, her daughter,Mr. James Forsythe were in Wiarton last week. fete weeks at home, He has resigned his ,ac sued family of Toronto were the guest of The smallpox scare did not amount to charge at Springfield, Ohio, to greslt SUCCESS we have decided t0 Sell Mr. Joe. Carrick last week. very much, The facts are that Mr. Mrs. r B. Finley T Ashfield and COST • COMINf;t! COMINQI Mr, Reis and MoKelviewere in Wing. Ashton, after he returned here from A1- • T. P. SMITH SCIENTIFIC EYE SPECIALIST daughter MTS. Reid of Tlessalon visited v , llam on Tuesday last on busines. listen, wits not feeling very well, having relatives in this vicinity la°it week, Graduate New York, Philadelphia, and Toronto Mrs, J, Brethaner and daughter May, lately been vaccinated, and the author- Miss Maggie Crawford of Torooto to is ' Optical Colleges. ga Call early and avail yourself of hi; Mrs, C. Reis and Iter son are visiting at ities surmised smallpox and hack the spending her vacation at home. valuable services, as this is a rare Milverton this week, house quartiutined. He ,is doing wall Miss. A. Clarke visited friends in Col - Opportunity to have your eyes proper- The Methodist and Presbyterian Sun- and will soon be around again. borne recently. Boots and Shoes AT COST. ly tested, free of charge. No guess day School Workers are contemplating Miss Gertie and Master Roy House, nvorkbut a scientific certainty. Diffi- having a Unioil Picnic in the near fu- Niagara Fails visited with Miss Mable Prints AT COST. cult cases accurately fitted. ALL ture Campbell last week, WORK s GUARA call aD. % � hate Curtains A'I' COST. so'l never epil at arlvato houses Mr.. Gerry of Brussels was in town Mrs. (Dr.) Thompson sued Miss Green He has also added a large assortment of arti- last week on business. of Clinton have been visiting friends Carpets AT COST• facial eyes to his stock. Will be ut About 20 people left last Tuesday for here. This signature is on every box of the genuine Colin A. Campbell's Drug Store Manitoba and the N. W. T. from here. Mrs. Frank Young of Rochester is vis- Laxative Bromo'Quinine Tablets Muslins AT COST. i' D The station yard was crowded with rigs, iting in town, • the remedy that cares a cold in one day Wingltani, one day only, Blouses AT COST., Mr. D. M. Walker and family of Ni- Miss Edith Evans is spending a month ' • THURSDAY, AUGUST 29th. agara Falls who have been visiting here with friends at Exeter. Ready -to -Wear Clothing AT COST. for sometime left last Tuesdayfor their Mrs- Wm. Daue are visitingfriends in 1;LUFvaLL. home. Toronto, Vienna, Woodstock end other Miss Bary yorston and Miss Olive Men's Underwear AT COST. Real EstateAgeng Mr. John Douglas is at I.0• 0. F. places. Scott aro away fora mouth's visit; the Flannelettes AT COST. Grand Lodge at Guelph this week.. Mrs. Wright and her granddaughter former with lt friends at Rithrel ; the of Hensel have beau visiting with Mrs. latter at Galt, Preston and with relatives Parasols AT COST. WINGHAM. Wright's daughter, Mrs. N. McLaugh- near Hosiery Ayr. Hos • Hay JPever Germs are No.. Irlonting liu. Air. and Mrs. Ira Barclay of Ypsilanti, y and Gloves AT COST. About. Michigan, are visiting in Huron, atr They are in the air everywhere, too GoderichMrs. Barclay's former home. , Belgrave and in Bluev&tle, L1no11UmS AT COST. S A L ' Y 0 U H I LL minute to see, but just waiting fora A Big Quarter's Worth Oilcloths AT COST. chance to get into your lungs. Then is always found in a bottle of Polson's l Office— Corner Patrick and Leopold Sts. they will play havoc with your breathing Nerviline, the best household liniment Air, and Mrs. J. J. Messer and Baugh- WhieWear AT COST. apparatus, and you'll wonder what to known. It cures rheumatism,neuralgia, ter, Margaret are spending their heli - do. The doctor will say that you had toothache, headache, sick -stomach, In ° days at Mr. William Messer's. Hats and Caps AT 00ST. We have a word to say to those who better inhale Catarrhozone for it • kills fact is good for everything a liniment Mrs, Cook of Brantford is spending contemplate becoming citizens in this Hay Fever germs and moreover is dead ought to be good for. Mothers find it Sheetin s AT COST. certain to reach them. Oatarrhozone the safest thing to rub on their children several weeks at Mr. Magues Spence s, g very busy, live town, that we have on cures every time,and absolutely prevents for sore throat, cold oil• the cliest,sDraius first line of Morris, and also at Wing - hand several desirable dwellings cen- the disease from returning. You inhale and bruises, Never be without Polsou's haul. Prim, Shirts AT COST. trally situatEd for sale. Also 30 build- Catarrhozone with the air breathed; it Nerviline. It will cure the pains and Mrs. McLean of Wawanosh is visiting in lots in No. 2 Ward 18 of which are goes directly to the source of the trouble aches of the entire family and relieves a Table Linens AT COST. g and cures it by removing the cause. At vast amount of suffering every year. her neice, Mrs. George McDonald. on Carling St. East, druggists, or sent with guarantee of cure Rev. W. J. tiVest, M. A. preached a ShirtingS AT COST. 5 on Catherine St. East. to any address for $1.00 forwarded to rousing missionary sermon on Sabbath - ' 8 on Carling St. West. Polson & Co., Kingston, Ont. RAST WAWANOSH. morning last. ,4 on Cornyn St. South. Miss Mary and Miss Emelia Blaine of Miss James of Detroit aiid Master 7� 4 on Cornyn St. North. JAMESTOWN, Grimsby are at present visiting their Grant Leech of the same city are spend- And 1 lot, No. 88, on the East side o4 cousin Miss Dottie Hains. �1L•1�1 Miss Mary Wheeler is visiting her xis• ing the summer at Mr: Abraham Jack- The Frances St., No. 4 Ward, at prices to , The summer holidays are coming to a son's, Morris. e o e ter Miss Rose Wheeler at present. . lose suit the conditions of all. Miss Pearl Wright is visiting her aunt : cOnly sixteen went from here to Kin- The Cheap Cash Stere. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. S AM L • YU U H I L L. Mrs. J. McEwen of Grey at Present. Rev. C. H. P. Owen and Mrs. Owen carcdfno on the Brussels civic holiday ex - Miss Nonie Simpson is visiting friends of Lucknow were the guests of Mr. and cursion. Wednesday of last week. in Irishtown at present. Mrs. Robert Hains on Wednesday of Several farmers in this neighborhood last week. -- — - - -- '—' r Sandie Roe was paying friendly calls were through harvesting on August 7th. GL -EN Mosquitoes go to sen. "• 'tt• last Sunday. Miss. Galhgar of Gioderich is the guest Seldom, with us, is it so early. Win. Baird took advantage of the Two cases of mosquitoes leaving the giMrs'. Ward and Mr. Fred Ward are of her sister Migs E. Phillips of Sistetir Mr. Reuben W. Jewitt, teacher at excursion to Morden, Manitoba on Tues- land and attacking vessels at sea is re,- °<< a _ 1• villa. Cromarty, visited hero last week. orted at Washin - visiting friends at Mitchell. . day morning. P gton. One of the yes= i';h " Miss Charlotte McGinnis has gone to The Bethel Methodist church are at Miss Burgess of Brockville is visiting Thomas Weir and George Breen left sels whose passengers were attack by- Manitoba y Manitoba where she intends to reside present holding their quarterly meet- Mrs. John Collie, sr. for Portage La Prairie and John M. swarms of mosquitoes was the ship Am- �,,•w.,:` ings. Miss Mabel Thomas went to Grand Campbell for Gleilboro, Man., on Tues- erica. The ship was about one mile with her brother Robert for some time. P Mrs. George Ruttan is very low at A very pleasant time was s p e u t Valley on Saturday last to visit friends. day. from Chandeleur Island in the Gulf of z5i. r among the ladies at the barn raising Miss Annie Brooks of Montreal for- On Tuesday, Aug. 6tb, Mr. Mitchell mesico when the insects eared. ,U present, slight hopes of her recovery. , y wPP 101 at Mr. Richard Leishmau's. 'i. _ Mrs. Lee Orbis of Zetland is visitinn merly of Eluevale, visited at Mrs. and son left on the excursion for Van The tither case was considered more ,, her sister-in-law.. Mrs. David Bricken- Miss Mary Blaine,111iss Emelia Blaine, Collin's last week. kiss Brooks is dair, Man. remarkable. It was that of the Spanish P ll' Miss Lottie Haines and Miss Winnie I ridge. spending some weeks with Airs. John baric Maria Blonquer. This vessel was, �'`' n S� r;a:� " Mrs. Daviel Brickenridge is very lowHarries spent last Sunday evening with Bosman at Wiugham. Stops t1 to Con0I twenty-two days out from Rio da Janei- ' at present having gone through an oper- their Aunt, Mrs. Edward Haines, sr. Miss Margaret Burgess of Brussels and and, works off the Cold. re,, several hundred miles from any axion we hope soon to hear of her Facey- Mrs. R. C. McGowan is very ill at Miss Hardy of Teeswater are visiting at Laxative Bronco -Quinine Tablets cure a cold in known laud, when great swarms of resent. oneday. No Cure, no Pay. Price 25 cents. Dry. p Mr. John Burgess'. mosquitoes seemed to rise up out of the Mrs, W. Innes and sou took in the ex- Messrs Will Walden, George a nd lir. John Collie went to Manitoba on w. %VAWAX0SIE- sea, so sudden was their appearance. AJ ul`dge O1: Style' cursion to Kincardine last Wednesday. Dive Keahuie, Thos. BradnOcli, Mike this week's excursion. n Life on the ship was made miserable. Council met according to adjourn - Mr. and Mrs. Peter McDonald and McLaughlin, D. Arnott and Giles Jen- Mr. and Mrs. Fred. McCracken and menu on Aug. nthr; members all present. Some of the apartments were fumigated will at once detect the super- children were visiting at Lakelet for a kills left on Tuesday for Manitoba. family of Brussels, visited at Mr. John Minutes of last meeting read and aprov- to kill the mosquitoes and then the pests iorit Of our made-to-order Mrs, McClatchy and daughters of Chi- GardinWs this week. were gathered up by shovelfulls and •, }' couple of days. ed. Treasurers statement showed b�l- garments. Mr. Thos. McEwin� has gone on a cago are visiting Mrs. Thos, Quinn. Mrs. Fawcett of Owen Sound joined r` thrown overboard. a ante on hand of $4a3 10 filed. Engineer HIGH ART TAILORING trip to Thessalon Algoma to visit his Rev. W. H. Geddes, Mrs. Geddes and her husband, the station agent hare, last Marshall reports on the Dungannon a children returned to their home in Ailsa - mother whom he Lias not semi for over week:. drain; report accepted. 4 is our specialty. We fit the twenty years. Mr. M of seen is not in Craig on Thursday of last week. Air. and Mrs. Root. L. Stewart of THE APPLE CROP OF THE Miss A- ie Robertson returned to leer lir. Cameron gave notice that he mar of abnormal as well as he good health and it is hoped the journey 09 Goderich, visited at Air. Stewarts old UNITED STATES. Vilma in Toronto on Tuesday. o last week. would introduce a bylaw at neat meet of narmal shape, and our will benefit hien. & ing to prohibit all animals from running Messrs Will and Frank Wright hav " Master Allan McBurney of the 100 he last of the bicycle races was ran Not as Short as at First Reported. prices suit all, had what may be called a narrow escape n Saturday g at large in the township. The New York °'Fruit Trade Journ- taken advantage of the cheap excursion y avenins last. John Coulter The following checks were issued: „ Come along and get one of to Manitoba where they intend to assist onSaturday last while harvesting at came in first, and, having won the lar- Thos. Alexander, slioveliing grave 1, al of last week publishes reports of the the newest novelties in Suits g Mr. John Beecrofts. A bundle was be- gest number of points during the three $2 ,00; Win. Finnigan, lumber, apple prospects from all parts of the in Lakin off the harvest. P g Overcoats and Pants. Thomas Simpson is wearing a very ing drawn into the mow when the trip preceding trials of speed, the haudsolne spa $8.28; Walter Dennis, gravel apt. United States, and commenting thereon • Yours truly, broad smile at present. It is a boy. rope became fastened to his foot carry- silver cup, presented by the Canada $140; Albert J o h n s t o n, work, $30.00; says:—The review of this seasons apple W. H. Wright has taken a job ing him up a number of feet, then im" Cycle and Motor Co:, is leis. Brinker p, which we print elsewhere today, is Wm. Bray, repair culvert, 75c; Thos. crop, Dn� Maxwell with A. Willis to lay brick on the mediately falling into the empty rack and Haney were second and third, re- McDonald, gravel $1.20; Jas. Alton, not as favorable as we could wish, but it l` o • 1 ' p ,J� MM v Presbyterian church at Fordwich. then auto the floor in an insensible con- spectively in Saturday's competition. gravel $4.90; W. H. Wilton, gravel and allows much better results than many dition. Medical aid was at out sum- The races brought the people of the' persons seemed disposed to believe- In lumber x{43.95; Albert Johnston, 5 cul- �_.__�— 'erred anti he is doing nicely. locality pretty much to village and verts 17.05; Wm. Ale -Nally repairs for gathering and printing these reports, it A very pratty event occurred at the the interest was hill. menta on Ed. M. Roberts, shovel- has been the aim to lay before our read - CREAT + grader $2.00 ; CREAT CLEARING SALE 01: home of Mr. R. W. Leishmai�on Tues- the many delicate poin s raised concern- ling gravel and mending gap $2.50; sirs, ers the exact truth. It is not good pol- day on Tuesday 13th. Just: t11e sun in,, bicycle law, were keen and always Miller, paint for hall $32.08; Municipal icy whose interests are at stake unin•• was Highest in its glory, Miss Ellen very amusing as the "argufiers" were World supplies $5.32; H. Alton opening formed, and it is dishonest, as well as: Leishman and Mr. Albert Mainos enter- so earnest and utterly lacked humor. road W. Boundary, $3.00; M. Young, wretched policy, to mislead them. We Goods ed the parlor followed by Mr. Joseph As soon as each night's contest was over covering bridge $3.50; Stephen Modd, caution buyers that many growers have Sumt-ner' Maines the room who awaited the com- the crowd ��ould separate into little p got exaggerated ideas of the worth of ing of the bride Miss Sarah Leishman Graves, ac. $5.50; Moses Cham ion +� ob groups and there then took place more .>spikes, i their fruit, influenced by the slloi•t crop while the strains of the bridal march I gl'avol(ac. 53.13; S. Young, y8c; jaw development than one could get by H. McQuillan, gravel 3.20; Jas,six Flynn outcry, and have advanced their ideas of We are now of%Fin special value In all classes of Summer Goods. � � —r HowovertHwe'recall til Veum a chewing. rap. bridge 50c; Ed Fowloi,glavel $1.20; ghat they"1 eat tlty�dievo too e, ri of d o Wm. Cameron, roadway $1.00; ;become fright. ' Muslins, Organdies, Wool Delaines, Fancy Ginghams, Percales, Dimities, �%® 0 y � ' % 1 f 1e On though Mr. A. MacEwen, agent for the Wilson, rep. hall and fence $4.50; Hain ©nei mill paying e . • tilt prices. An Mercerized Sateen$ and Prints, all up-to-date patterns and colors. l L. Liver I C. Cl. A. C. C.might have thought seine- Smith, bridge, 15,00; Thos. Durnin, unwarrentedly hi4h purchase price now Is sometimes responsible for difficult di- times, uneasy lies the Head that decides plank 4.30. would be disastrous, in view of the ex - Also acomplete stock of Ladies' Wrappers and Shirt Waists, special gestlon, that is, DYSPEPSIA. a bicycle race. Council adjourned to meet on Monday pause of marketing a widely distributed value at 6511: and up. When it is, Mr. and Airs. Hall, John Munn and Sept. 2ud, 1.0 o'clock.. crop. The comforting fact in the situ -- See our special values in Ladies' White Goods and Undervests• wbat headache, dizziness, constipation, 1 John Haney went to Manitoba this �� —Y _ �•�__,�••, atfoil is that since there are settle apples r What fits of despondency, I everywhere, the suits total of supply nec• Parasols in Fanev, and Black Colorings from 7oc and tip. � What fears of imaginary evils, conductl week. JIM e In Turnip Seed I have the best known kinds, such as Steel Briggs Lo. The organ of the Presbyterian church essarily is lar;;('. .1s one of our Correa, with the distress after ,eating, the sourness pendants et i Select, Elephant, Simmer's Prize, Rennie's Own, as well as ll the old of the stomach, the bad taste In the mouth, was cleaned and repaired last week. P p essed it elsewhere: " � Standard Varieties. and so forth, to make the life of the gut- Dir. William Bailey has severed his small preeputage (in the various (d i s. Corset fever scarcely worth livings 1 oonnectiou wit11 Air. Wfllianl. Messer, to fight consumption, with Scott's tricts) mean in total volulao a great See our line of Ladies Summer' Corsets at 35e. Also the neW Dyspepsia resulted from torpid Ilver in for whom lie has clerked for several many barrels, Ureet Form, straight front, special at $1.00 pair. the case of Mrs. Jones, 2320 N. 12th St.. years, and leaves this week for Ottawa 1 mulsioa of cod-liver oil, 18 long __•- We show special value in Hosiery and Gloves. Philadolphia, Pa., Who was a great sufferer. to work in tile census department. The in advance. If it threatens, you can ---A lawyer in a court room niny call See our speoial line of Cotton I -lose for Boys, extra heavy, fast blas ck. Iler statement made In her 77th year is Chosen Friends, for whom 110 was local a man a liar a scoundrel, villinn, or a Gloves in Black and Colors frarYl 15c parr up. its tri she completelhes y c red of It and n hex geeretttry, and the Presbyterian Sabbath resist; and you may overComO it, .thief, and no one will make, complaint A special line of White Counter Panes to be cleared at $1,00 each. have been, by a faithful use of school, ivllel•t. Ito taught a class, Will Don't be afraid a •. b6 brav•e. }'3ut when court adjourns. If a newspaper Hooai s Sarsaparillanlisshiili. We ire Wdeed sorry,becauso h,,, an prints such reflections on a man's of his niftily good (ltialites, to lose Air. tackle it i do:4'1; wgto lK,ll4man character, there is a libel shit or a dead That acts on all thtl digestive organs, cures dyspepsia, and give permanent Vigor Bailey fr0iu our village, but We klOpa He Isco'" s�aownt rnAlr �Ne ` ►t;" t�iY�� � editor. This is owing to the fact thin pA■ and tone' o the Whol9 system, w, ,, trA,,,,d may succeed wherever he gdos. _ s s ob, ar! a W - the people believe what all editor says,