HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-08-16, Page 4V
Tftk� 1XIINQ11 AS 1JIVIII.,Z), AM, 11), IMil.
For soro, tArvO -,1nd SWC,-tty The oppo4doli ill Ontario Art) tit 'A 10M WXXG1LtrA iXA
feet 1ISe for 50111) MOM114 V40r0b)r the Govern- wilightun, Al
went way be doteoted. They tried the, F lour per 100 IDS.......... 1 65 to 2 501,11
schoolbook s(oro but found that too V all Wheat ............. 0 6"" to 0 6 as. H. Kerr,
satisfaotorytoNvorlt upon, next came $pring Wheat � ........... 000 to 000 Joo. Jas. 11 Kerr. The Peeple's Popular Store ino. & i
tho Drydan affair, and they made ull-die Oats ........... .......... 0 30 to 0311
.... ..... ..... _. 040 to 0 .12 1
DAM 10 capital they could out of it: Now they Peas ...... .......... 0 62 to 0 0,1'
are trying to show that there is 11 4reak Turkeys, drawli. ...... .. ,.'O 00 to 0 10
Tlerv's just olle testimonial iu the Cabinet. Ross and Harcourt Are, Geo,30 0 05 to 000
Duci,:s, per pair .......... 0 40 to 0 60
oupp9sed to disagree About school books; Butter. . .... I I I I I All our goods pare marked in Plain ri igures. When we Cut Prices you know !w0,
Brussels, June '1), '01 the Premier Rud ]liar. StrattOU =0 said Eggs per doz ............ 00 11 al ttoo 00 1101 1 it by looking at the price on the article. We always do as we advertise and in go doing 1'
Send me one package of Datepo for to be divided oil the license, and so it Wood per cord ............ 2 00 to 2 1Z 5
VIlioll I ouclQse 1)"') cents ill stamps. goes on. How glad they would be if Hay PL'r tell........ 6 00 to 8 00 we have w( is the confidence of the people, Read our advertisement each week.
V,ould not lie -,without it for double the I Potatociz, now, perbushel. . 1 25 to 1 25 always have something important to talk about, Note the following list of
Amount. they could only stutuble upon some real Tallow per lb ..... 0 N to 0 05 • •
ours truly, defect in the oovernmout which could Lard 0 14 to 0 14
ARTILVIt HoI3-os. be used sacceqsf ally. We have it good Dried Apples pdr lb ....... 0 0 0
levelheaded bushicss Government, and WOQl ........... ........ 0 18-tO 0 15
)ampo mailed to any ad- Live Hogs, per owt ....... 7 00 to 7 00
the people know it, The Electors tire Chic
'Ous 0 80 to 0 40 0 Su___m____er Sale Bargains, :0
Arens for 25C, not going to upset thd car just to see
W CaMpAli
i the opposition scramble into it. They•R baye no desire to see An untried o%bh!etin A.V with unformed Oeas, running theaffairs T"I MUTUAL LIFE 0
of the oouutry, They will ]Keep a good OF CANADA. Bargains in Muslills, &c.
Bargains in Summer' Shoes,
DRUG STORE. thing when they have it. Formorly Tho Ontario Mutwil Lifo. 0
BY WAY OF CONTRAST: Dress �Iuslins, reg 20c, 'low 15C yd,
NVING'11XIM. 0 Womens Pebble Bal ... ...... reg $1.25 now $1.00
Leath and expense rato per 1,WO for last ten Dress Muslins, reg I 5c, now ioc yd, Womens Pebble Bal .... .... -4 1.00 11 8�0
STILL THEY GO TO HARVEST. 5 leadingCompanies, averago ..V.2T 0 •
TO ADVERTISERS. 5 lending Canadian Companies avgo .. 18,27 & Dress Muslins, reg 12 3/3 c, now I 0C yd. Womens Glove Grain Bal ...... 1.00 80
1%tuttial Life of camida, .33,00 0 it
Notice of changes must be left at this More norvesters x)evarp for tuo vield.— Intel,(, }ears, Dongola Strap Slipper ........ 1,75 1.35 t
office not later than. Saturday noon. Otlwrs Talto Advantage of t1w C110',lill Interest w1rned on assots last ten tcent. a Wool Delaiaes, reg 5oc, now 317c yd. Dongola Strap Slipper If' 1.35 1.10 21
The for changes must be left jltxte to Ylslt Vrlendm.—Others to 5 iewung U,s. Companies, avernge _ . 4.bo . I .. ....
5 leading Canadian 00111panies, avgc.. 5.01 Dongola Strap Slipper .... .... 41 1.25 1,00 *0
not later than Tuesday evening. See the Lund. 111011111 Life of 5.51
accepted up
Casual odwrtisellients, ace Dongola Oxford ...... ........ 1' 1,75 11 1.35
to 110011 Thill-aday Of etch week, Reports from Manitoba and the North- • Bargains in Parasols. Dongola, Oxford ........ ...... 1.50 1.20
west say that; the weather is excellent ABNER ������
F�STA'BTAISTIVID Loan and Insurance Agent, Notice the Big Cut we make in the price Dongola Oxford ...... ........ 1.35 140
for harvesting out there, and that by the Corner Minnie and Patrick Sts. 0 of Parasols. Handles Riveted. Misses' Strap Slipper....... , , , 1.20 95 •
end of this week, Xnrmers will be into the At home Friday afternoon and Saturday. : Mens Oating Shoes ...... ..... 75 58
Telt{ Wimna TiNES. work •for all they tire -sNrortli and with all Parasols—Gold Plated Handles. Best. t
Mens Split Bal. ......... ..... 1.00 80
H. it. ELLIO= Frulaslaur, A-01) PROPRIETOR the help they can got Though there ers 1 -0 to a better place, to be chaplain .0
0 Covers, reg $-.00, now' $2.00.
have not been the .10,000 that was adver- J Mens Kid Oxford.... 1,60 1.25
of a penotentlary, "I go to prepare a •
PRIDAY, &T.TG, 16, 1901, tised for, the work will last longer for Parasols, Black Handles, Best Cover, reg
place for yon, ' and I may the Lord have :
those who have gone. Forty-one more mercy on your souls," Good bye. • $2.00, now $1.50.
NOTES COMMENTS. left Wingliam on Tuesday morning, Bargains in' Japanese Malting.
Parasols, splendid cover, reg $1.75,nOW $1.25
The Canadian herds headed the list at thirty-one by C.P.R., and ten by G.TR. SCHOOL DO.Viti). 0 Japanese Matting, reg. 25e,.Pow 19c.
Muffalo Exhibition in the matter of pro- Amoug these were a. number Of the The regular meeting of the School 1.5o now 1-15 Japanese Matting, reg. 23c, now 17c.
fits on butter tat an(I qolids, gentler sex, who, both this week and Board took place in the Council Cham- very serviceable " 1 -25 -now I. last, took advantage of the cheap fare to ber, on Tuesday evening. There were 1 Japanese Matting, reg. 15c, now 10c.
The Rat Portage Miner notes that the see the country and perhaps find a home 0 good cover 1 -00 now 75
Indians in the vicinity have so far in the present, H. Kerr, chairman; Homuth,
seasou received $30,000 for pielving blue- there. Many of the thousands who have Moore, Abraham and GriI1n
11 d I
berries. one will iemain there and take up land, The minutes of last session were read Bargains in Small Wares.
thus is the farm h e I p of t h i s province and adopted.
The fact that Sir Charles Tupper used being thinned out to fill up another. The followin,, accounts were ordered Beauty Pins, reg. 3 for 5c, now 6 for 6c.
to ranch in the T-Faited States does not Many of those who used to loaf, about to be paid on 'motion of Homuth and Beauty Pins, reg. 2 for 5c, now 4 for 5c.
prove Anything, of course, but it goes to The following Breakfast Foods received
the villages and post offices corners, •Abrabam:—W. G. Grey, $3.50; R. Fancy Hair Clasps, reg. 20e, now 13c.
show that Mr. Dryden and Xr.Crowford throu•
ghout Ontario, a few years ago, Armstrong, whitewashing, $10.00. •fresh each week Fancy Palley Buckles, reg. 25e, now 17c,
can quote precedent, We shall be will. are now successful farmers in the The chairman informed the Board Granose Flakes Swiss Food Fancy Steel.Buo'kles, reg. 25c, now 17c;
Ing to publish any criticism of Sir Chas,
prairie province. The exit of so many that $8000 of the insurance on the school a Grape Nuts Rolled Wheat Fancy Gold Buckles, reg. 40c, now 27c.
Tupper that appeared in the Mail or i here, causes better wag•
World in, connection with his reach, if from e5 Ill had run out and to renew in the same Wheat Germ Rolled Oats, &c. Fancy Brooches, reg. 25c, now 17c.
Ontario and lays the foundation for a company would cost $1.25 per hundred, Fancy Cuff Links, reg. 25c, now 15c.
any old suescriber will kindly send it in greater demand for nieu in the Worth- ,, increase of 50c per hundred. • Fancy Stick Pins al Half Price.
to us.—Star• west another year. Rates bad been obtained from the ••MALT VINEGAR Fancy Side Combs at Half Price,
The new regulations, under prepara - The following are the names of those different insurance agents of the town • Black and White Bead Necklace, reg.25a now 17c
tion by the Dominion Government re- who left by the C. P. R.. To Deloraine and it was decided to give it to the a in qt, Bottles only 15c, These goods must go at once.
garding the length of fish to be caught, —John Harley, John Mnims. To Hart- Economical Insurance Co. By the
is a proper step. Some anglers catch ney—John Butcher, Mrs, John Butcher. transfer a saving of $19.50 is made on
trout three or four inches long and take To Gretna—August Homuth, Mary A. the $3()00.
them home to eat. It is bad enough to Homuth. To Treherne—Mrs. Jos. Mr. Griffin moved, 'seconded by Mr. Jno- Jas. H.. Kerr. MACDONALD BLOCK, WINCHAM. Jno. Jas. H. Kerr.
eat big fish, but when it comes down to Golley. To Moosejaw- -Jas. Macdonald, Homuth that the teacher's salaries for •
a bite`of bones it is time for a prohibi- John Coley, Jas. Plowman, Win. Find- JulI' I
y be paid.—Carried. I&L.
Live law. It is proposed to make the Laker, Robt. H. Purdon, T. E. Rankin, Bo6xd then adjourned.
smallest trout to be caught about seven W. Bell, R. Manuel, E. Manuel. To
inches. Virden—H, King, E. King. To Nee- Live stoeR,51arkets.
The trade returns for the month of peva—D. F. Homuth. To Estevan—A' Toronto, Aug. 13.—The run at the Grand Trunk Railway System.
July were handed out on Monday. Tho Aughes, John Haste, Archie Mitchell. western cattle market to -day amounted
imports and exports, reckoning Canad- To Holutfield—David, Hall, Mrs. David to 78 loads, comprising 1,424 cattle, 382 Jewellery
Uu produce only under the latter head- Hall. To Winnipeg—Mrs, Joseph Ford, sheep and lambs, 49 calves, and 400 hogs.
ing, -,Vero 't�97,204,741, an ilickease of Roy Ford, Maud Ford. To Hamiota— There was a brisk demand for good
$566,,437 over July of last year. The Jas. Elliott, Roy Mason. To Yorkton— cattle, but medium and poor stock held
exports of domestic lumber show an in- Jas. Carr. To Steck-ton—Mrs. Jas. sluggish, and a number remained unsold. Watches, Gold and Silver.
crease of as compared with Watson. There was a• dearth of choice butchers'
the first month of the last fiscal. For- cattle, the supply not being equal ro the A. A. A. 31G, •--»" 1 0 1
eign. exports of Agriculture products - demand. Small stuff ruled higher,
show an advance of CHURC)EX NOTES.
The stationing committee of the Lon- while hogs were unchanged. Hair 0.1asps
The St. John Sun sees the end of Con- Following are the quotations.
servative domination throlim-li the Senate f don Methodist conference has at last Rings I
Sal the near future, and remarks that "it found a minister for Pelee Island. Rev. OITTLE.
is at least certain that• the Senate will be W. J. Bryan, of Belfast, Ireland, has ShiPPersi Per Cwt ...... $ 4 60 $ 5 15
Do , light ......... 4 26 4 60 Brooches
received the appointment. Mr, Bryan Butcher, choice do..... 440 4 75 J
amore interesting chamber now that is i in the ministry five years in Ireland Butcher, Ordinary to B
about evenly divided between parties."' was elt Buckles =X C U ION
Perhaps no severer comment could bebut has only been a few weeks in Can- good ................ 3 50 4 00 1
. Butcher, inferior ...... 2 75 3 25 -
made on the system than to call atten- ada. SHEEP AND mauls.Sterling • Silver —ON—
tion to the fact that in the face of au The League meeting on Monday even- Choice ewes, per cwt... 3 23 3 60 Novelties.
immense majority iuHouse and country, ing was well attended. Two young lad -
Culled sheep, each ...... 2 00 3 00
Vie Conservatives have for five, years ies had charge of the subject and Pre- Lambs (spring), each... 2 50 3 50 Cut Glass.
Steen able to rule through the Senate. stnted it nicely. Some weeks ago a Bucks......... • ....... 2 50 3 00 gDt
S stationed at Kamitka, British Columbia, Calves, each........... 1 00 10 00.,
ada by interferilid with Mr. Byes tested without eharge. Repairi-Ag -ay,
More harm has been done, to the Ag- number of the Leaguers wrote a letter MlIXERS AND CALVrS.
zicaltarz6l interests in Ontario and Can- to the missionary from this district Cows, each ............ 30 00 50-00
. Dryden a 'HOGS. - Satur(,. Au s 24
private affairs, than there will be good I and on Monday night the reply was read neatly done. Don't be aftaia to come
come from it. Had Mr. Pettypiece kept I hi was quite interesting to Leaguers Choicho
hos, per cwt... 6 73 7 25 We are always pleased to show goods,
Which I Light hoggs, per cwt.. 6 50 6 75
his pen shut, the majority *of people Ensign Scott, the sweet singer of the Heavy hogs, per cwt. 6 50 6 75 The old Stand In Mason Blocic,
would have let the item pass unnoticed, Salvation Army, will visit Wingbaln. Stags .......... ....... 000 200
.Wow, however, after so much discussion, Thursday, &ttgust, 15, and conduct a H, H. CHISHOLM
the people will begin to investigate, con. very special meeting in the S. A. Bar, —The funeral of little Mary Warri-
sideringthittso successful An ngrioul-ITaeks. The BiLsign. will also conduct net, Who mer, such a sad death from her Jeweller and Optician. Winghain L. O. L. NO- 794, has completed arrangements
turist as Mr. Dryden invests in Daltota. I the meetings Saturday and Sunday, 17 clothes catching fire, to place at 4.30 p, with the Grand Trunk Railway System to run a big
rauch there must be something in it.', and 18. Good music and singing will in. last Friday 0 to Avondale cemetery. Excursion to
Mr. in white bore the re. Patty -8
,piece started it boom for Di- be a special feature of these meetings, Four little girls
kora that cannot be stopped for nears. On Monday 19th inst. staff -Capt. Rowl- mains to their last resting place.—Strat- E. 0. OLARKE.
ing and Donald McMillan will conduct ford herald..
a special musical meetini, assisted by
Ensign Scott and looal Went. Donald TAILOR S A N I A
McMillan is the "Boy Trumpeter" of
When a c-hilct. 11 Loudon. A good time may be expected.
dislikes studly%. - Mr. D. Loynd, evangelist, who has From the following places oti Saturday) August 24th, Igor,
When children dig l M I—rd ;r
lire stuor. nervo* ani, for some months been in charge of the We have placed in stock a returning Monday, August 26th, at the folloN�incr low fares:
y ck
Is used Its othet-, r
Miegections. most like- Wingliam branch of the Christian antl nice. assortment of ready-to-
Ity to overcorne,*r*.;, I
Missionary Alliance has been called to "l had i very severe sicuess PLACE 14,111B r��llpl
stralh. wear clothing, and while we PLkC9 TIML 1.1111l13
We In
his home in England, rind leftyesterday thif took off all sly bilir. I ar. Kincardine ......... 5.
straln. P sell at less Ripley .......
............ .. 50 a. m $1.00 Belgrave ....... ...... 7.01 a. in. $1.65
'then dilislence wilt' for Molitteal. Mr. Loynd has made chased a bottle of Ayer's Hair l do not pretend to 6.05 I.So Blyth .... ...... 7.14
Lon�v�,�, 1.50
follow, Wgoagain
atid it brought all my hair 'than cost and live on the loss, Lucknow .... ... 6.20 1.115 .., ... — 7.22 1.50
binn, friends in Wingliam an4� vicinity, back again.11P Whitechatell. .... ..... us 1.75 Clinton .... .......... 7Xt 1.35
who are sorry to part with binilso soon, 1W. D., Quinn, m2rseilles, ill. you will find full value for your Wingbftm. ............. 6.45 1.65 Bruce0fleld ............ 8.0;i 1.35
He was presented xvith a well filled � money every time. Wingliam. Jet ......... 6.53 . i Ki en, ...... ....... 8,1,-) 1_03
Dulvze previous to bl; departure. Those One thing -is certain�— Children Half rare.
interested in the C. & X '
. A. wotl- here Ayers Hair Vigor m9kes
,decided to disband and unite with the. Give us a call. See what I Returning, special train leaves Sarnia at 10 P, M., August 2Uh, run -
!,church of their choice. There will the hair grow. 'rhis I we have in liens, in Youths' ;,aing through to Xincardille.
■ �Jbereforeb��noraore meetings held bF. beeause it is a hair food. 1 and in Children's, all new and
i them in It Ritchielg Hall. feeds the hair and the up-to-date goods.
A c=ntry minister tool, leave of his.,' h4ir grows, that's all there
�eongregation in the followilig pathetic ig to it, It StOpS falling IV, e have also a line of odd
mtitmer. Brothers and sitters Icome tci;
ut the half, too, gnd al. Garments, Trousers, Vests,
J Say g(%a b3%. I don't think- Gal loves, color to Bicycle Suits, Overalls, etc. Two Gold Chains will be given as a prize to the best looking couple,
this church because none of you ever � wgys restores
Halsor P621h '`.tile. I don't tbiak stat lovA� each other 1� 912y hall'. single or married.
selanittle 0,0061aft becaus'e 1 lwver zarry any of you. I S144 * �Wls, All difteaL
X. 0. 0- LARKE
I -don't think you love me beftuse you havo lf yo� alt i
091t ftiM*t W111 "t' MaOMATH, Committee.
ttadviSobibdo rsud*av 44me V
Y6tt A bottle, Be *aoKA4 glut the wwm s. Royal
11100dy fruit And wonly Applee. of yout lkokmt 9"toss 6MC-6, Addrfts$ N ext door to Griffin
(heirfraitsye ftll know tlitta," broth- ODY COTNM�,
Grocery. EVERY13