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The Wingham Times, 1901-08-16, Page 2
I TRE WINGII.AX TIM4S, AUG. 161, 19111, I...__. _.....�._._._.....__._._ _......-. _., __.___ _ T _. IN,ai,teet l:ttar;l, l 11GATl�p FOR S�rsily s , tlhepltstuT'e be good for sheep instttTiuh, Two Irishmen went tlshin;;, and be- 'Whell you are asleep it is to be boped — and there will be fete ailauutts and rick• fore beginning operations the (Norio a + � " " � l� #, .1' 14Mw7y��'' .�r` '.,•.tar vr>r',.�...«s.,,xai+.�;w:�xf`.:�'+,5.,^��»,4.1f'.k:4:'. e.,.,,r.n,Rf".►,,: .... that 7(111 ttru still. Ii'ew people are (herr((, of ilte Ausluese Votloge, xiten,-^.• u0ps, anti ivboll fall Comes the wool and wager with each other as to who would wllE•n tllt y ar() awake, If one t.bie rues tlrtfautsnWmt of t•ne reaeratedlitasla"s mutton will be all right.—C. T. Flulnb, make Out biggest catch tit thill, tilt', 4741Av tl ill the streets, it is curious 1CnT2esea of Quti{tilt. Kailas, Tll(+,y had been fishing for about half !� and most tJ-;NagpQeablt' to see 1 ow shall In a day marked by the consollilation an hour with little or Tia success, 4vhell , �..�., , .. , . ,� �, .,� ��•,,� ,.. � � tho liumber is who are not constantly Of business interests, @tits s tto more Pat, whu tells standilig, lost his�balauce, makiltl, g.,,rimacet+ tint working their important ttep lies been takeii, than the Now l3ug11sb words Are constantly and fell o%i; tho pier. AN Fitt wenthead. faces or jaws in some manner. I have recent orgauizatiou ulider the mine of being glade to fill the upo(is of modern long past Ui1w, the latter gave a yell, - hearth it is said it »'as I nalifulues9 that the i'ederated Business Colleges 'of invailtious, To R vt' sante idea of this and said, Ontario, Liudied of Niue of the most trenlealtms owth of the late cage, the i, > A caused tire, but it has not Ile@u my Oil- g Begorra,, if ye l.ra r" ill to (live for % y' serration that bashfulluess was so 'wide- witltly ltuoiru and oldest established words and phrases limier the latter A, 'teul, the bet's aft." ly distributed an American trait; be. business colleges of the province. This have iuereaso;I in' Afty years from 7,000 a'des, how does twisting the face help to rederatiou im ht les tlii kbritishAmexicau to nearly 00,000; ■ To prove. to you that nr, Busiitess College, of Toronto, Ontario, P+ tt Clmsos Ointtnoiitisacortain keep aIle in countenauvt-: No, it is not c and aWolute euro for each bashfulness; it is misdirected nervous established over forty years, with Mr. Childr n Ory fidr and every form of Itching, Castoria, Is for Infants and Children. £'ta,stegla Is tz 1,leadin ante protrudin piles ouer� , iihick onglit to be aiding the tJavict Hoskins, C.A., principal; Forest tho manufacturcra )cavo gaarantooditr cotes': harmless STTUStitltt(l for Castor Oi), 11?arCgfaxdt+, Drops City But•itless College, of Trcudalt, thnoniibls in tlicdailypress and sere yournetgh- mui ol„el lt, of tl;e legs or getting h ore ASTORIA., bons what they think, ofit, You can neo It and ttlt(i Soothing Syr11pS, It contains ItTeitYTer Ckpiutti, rip, Epl11eti'heie in til@ central nervous Untariu, with bit , J. W. Westervelt, {rot ourmoneYback If not cured. Gee a boa, at It iS Pleasant, 1 The palm for absent-iniudeduess all dealers or 7✓Db(ANSON,BATLS da Co.,Toroat(, 11ror plAna nor other Wareotio substance. T'eByl'i't'irS for future use, principle; 'Hamilton Btr3inessy College, - {Hautiltou, Ontario, with Mr, 4, P., Mc- shoull be accorded to a loarned German Drs C'1�asegs Ointment Its gnarn- ritee is, thirty years' use by Millions oC' Lonrii to keep stall when you rest; . professor One (lay h3 iiatieed his tvlitia y'utf wove, move with the part of l Cullough, principal; The Sarnia, Nothels. 4pastoria destroys ''VVtrorms and allays Feverisb" ti (Niu►xtio's) Business College, Sarnia, wif@ pla0iut; a bnuoli of flowers oil his ".'hat was an excellent discourse you the bt,%I.v )ivi.-ded; do t,ot haste your 3 desk, What doyon l',can?" lot asked. delivered last Sunday, romarked it, Mess, Castorla cliLres Diarrlima and Wind Colic, Castoriur forte by walitiug with your arms and 0liturio, with Mr. W. Brooks, principal; "Why," she exclaboLd, ;-d o li' t you veteran minister t:f the gospel to a relieves Teething• Trotibles, cares Constipation and fa.co as ir•''1 its 'with your Itgs. If cir-,[the Metropolitau i3Aai, toss College, l;uow that° this is the anniversary of ricin(; young preacher, "but I iv0uid, rilatuleney. Castorla assimilates the Fool, regulates �t)ttawa, Qutltrio 111th air, S. T, Willis ourinarria e. J y , .. crui;tanu: , r't roe all nmtsn=tl (tad . + i y marriage?" hardly call it a sermon." "Why not t$e Stoularli and I%o'tt els of and CbLildren, giving fati)tning ,.noniir of ex"rilim n1sitt you, Principal; The Gult Busine•s College, ,.Ah, inloed, is it?" said tied professor, doctor?" doinauded the other. "Be. , txalt Oaturiq with Mr, G. B. Wi Y:ns „ bealthy and nat xi -ad sleep, Castoria is the Children( s braaiC it n.lrc null lieu by plriultri LtY „' g4 + politely. Kindly let lie 'know when cause you had ]to`: texr. Dont you abs(+lare rest. Mia (natter holy i)rit•t 1 lariucipal; Llie Berlin Business Oollege, call such a discourse @ a sermon uul(Rs it I'ann'eety -The Kotber's Triendi• yours c3tues around and I will return they itre, they will be useful if you i 2h r1tu, Ontario, with lUr. W. W. Young, your a;tontSOn in Ic i u d."--Cg1134r's has a text?" "certainly not." • "You malt•( ult•t:) t ('tool'+rl• :tn't Iwi fret ill tile. priucipal; The Royal City Business Weekly. have read the Sermon oil the Mount, Castorla. Castor l.a, r 0,Jlvgi', t;Fueipll,. Ontario, %rith 1Ir. J. „ ,,: , „ „ .. Way Ct;•t+erll,t+cl. 1.'l,.n ib U'uc+ of alt+(,illi T• have yell nOti �1tanr, Tiitiuj tltues. CaeEorfa ig an excellent medicine for Castor#a is so well aclutlled to cltitdrns as y W. �� lgrltt3, xinei al; And ilia St.. "yell, it has 110 tt'xt." '' the CUM- children, Alothers have repeatedly told tae that I recommend it as superior to to, prN as well live,++iia vii. , cu, A os'A c es p P g t ��� �� t.iat!1erineS' Business College, St. Cather- „ of its good effect upon theft children." scriptio,r l:liorvu to are," two n►Fun t•� i f tlli� irirFi crus, rl eyes (tory, my (Isar yortug friend, said the Ines, Ontario, with. Mr. T. F. Wri Yhi �� „ Da, G, C. Osuoon, Lowell, hfass. lI, A. Aacatsa, M. D. Brooklyn, N. !' if paaNil,lr, ivitll your- rt•usiun, rt�itixed, righi, veteran, it is crulposed entirely of and the earitigofthemachiner thrown Peiitaipal, texts." 'j' �'�C-�I111lILI SI�I�d�r"I't�R� QI~ t; '� y I'or Infants *and Children. off for t1tO natuirtit, will help scut re- � Aututu;,r lire adrttutageb that will come T lei uutl heti awl women ^—=.. _ .—�.;......_ •___ fresh you itrt)itlt•. %,:,re.•, ngd1i, to r• ! y g preparing !;lefao. ,, themselves for the activeness of business tmdlo soon may be giriiltd if t,u• ,ihilirt t r•�lnx e.gaatnre l every l5-; �r^ mentttll3'rtui b,• ti«rt1r,•d, inn r;t.hi•w ''y putting thelu3elves in Owe toneli OF sinlbdr tet tale WiThdt•=uri-itig of tilliscular with be strong all amalgumatiou of bu>i- ✓1�� ((/r�/ i s teusiuu. Lt'sr)1 io atuuty ►•oto• aii:.it ►'tlas @tluuat.,rs will be very obvious to A Montreal commercial traveller—a ! Agoodloall, _ Stu.tt-at. thuulselves as Drell as to parents biwlielor—told the Herald a thrillia horseizndpoorlook•' ,,:l 3vheli nr+t it in;; It - I�:, J()11t1 .ji+t,:lie.l, a Ing harness is the c� auc%,i•,iartiiaus. It menus a combining story of what happened to hila ole. tip worst kind of a com• _ in ldzrp,r ti i,,znr. � a• g Y PP going l,f bus:utss wisdom that must help ULT- to Toronto the other day. It was a bination. ) APPEARS ON EVERY RY •RAPPER. C h i l re i l e3 r5- for mistaltably to advance the material in- Pullman sleeper, and just across from F,u reka www�ww � terests of young men and women. the. bachelor's berth w.s a handsome �,�.li lliAA��� ��� Il T 14 CtNTAIIR COMI'A})Y, TT MVnRAY CTRECT, NEW YORK CITY. ° Located in the leading commercial little woman and. her ,!-year old boy. `�i S$ CAI!SNOTOtT Y not onlymakesthebarnCssandtha ceutres of the province a witle door of E trly in the morning the two Were horse look better, but makes t 3eteuce uua Lggs. possibilities opens when. the student lie. tig.,tu:; artd playing together and the laathersoditioft ntoi last twice as lain na ° Experimeuts have recently been wade shall have completed his course. It is s gt,ed-natured bachelor smiled t himself (ae it ordinarily naa Lala fl in Germany on the coe.uparative t xc:ei- rule of the colleges that the student as he rose to dress. Sundenl a little i( sots CYerpq,t¢re f., Y lenco of diiierent prescriptions for re re.foott it it tPi~6�,, / i , ��. � r -.w±., rye.• P P p entering one college can at any time be fo rt peeped out f1 om the curtains of the OIL CO.ca. 4 / i' °��t�`js °sb �+l�',+ r ,� ' " d�•c-K" <r i ` , seryiug a„t;s furlong periods. Fresh transferred to any other college in the opposite berth and with.a twinitlo in his Give eggs laid in June were subjected to the Federation and they have the choice at eye, the bachelor grabbed the plump tae ' i11�' � r� , it� AMU various treutmaiti t.11 Che folluwin re. ��f g any time 0'f the satire Mille Targe and rind b@gen, This little ice went to'nlxr• �® �i1 R/ '� it C'.ioa” "aa � 'aa t, o It,;,,,t+,;,, February—eight months. Of 100 eggs well mann ed colle es. ket, this little " " (ill r r rt 13' S That // l�llt rti Ino other disease is so prevalent amoup• men at: varicocele.,. As it interferes with treated ill each manner a certain number A, very handsome prospectus. of the is illy foot sir," said the indignaut voice Horse °� � �� �'((� �; the nutrition of the nexua, organs it produces emissions, loss of "mtou g- p / urine, decay of the organs, Gins ill the loins. aching is the bttck tervon.nver:,dr.s- }f were tutllttl to be addlyd. i i+ed@rated Business (;triages has just of a woman. And the train rolled on. 0.011 .��% ! �� po,zdeucy, bashfulness, palpitation of the heart, constipation, and a cen.t n.t;nr^ r._ t' ' Prviaerved la exit water, 100 lta(,; been issued from the, 3 ress—a piece Of e.;� (loose results ire. complete l.osts of &Aazxlauocl. Thmit-arid, of ouu : t.n , :• i :' p P "''' a^ed inen aro troubled with �crtctu,re. If 5-011 hay': te.^.a..n t+ "vtIi: cw • i; z::e Wra J`itrt. I. 1 "1 F+e.i 1nU>` bathed ill Any orders for sales left at the TlitfEs 1. ate xted with it, don't neglect it. It will ruin %ott. Don't 1t t dccb-,4 v xr ri ar•rt i a a '' } le." + r \irarl; that rufldets eradit to everyone office will reoeive prompt attention. J. ;•, on yon by catting, streitchini; or 'tearing it. Our Nc.%v mat. tion lrca.i mixtttrc cf g)yt'•lule autt sat ioylio acid, t who has hada hand it} the preparation dissolves the stricture tissue hence ,t disappears and can nev,-r re•arol I ..^ of it—and 80 bad rtlbl►c e.1 ,vith Stilt i0 btr(1' CVyer- J. Currie, auctioneer. Varicocele and Stricture without operation or loss of tituc. The trentium ria .e ¢ { e. + + especially value to all who $25,000 Our Grand $25,000 taltenat L^ome pricatety. Send for our }'tee Illustrated Doll: Im �'xnr•i^.r.e.!•::;..! ed with parafl% ,t, 70 Lt -d, plunged fur contemplate rak3ug a busluess education i ' :'s4rfattcre a,sd (;<I %t. We t; a+slross:cci i:a (hire, or leo nm:. i fifteen st-vandh �n builiur water, 60 bad; bucaa,, of the valuable information CHARLES AND ELLEN KEAN. ORNITHOLOGICAL CONTEST is � © C. � ,�s -,3 ,� �•. plunk < to :ill q'x"11 r0lntlttti, 401 Piling- Coutaiiiud betwetln ilk 11tt11dso le CVVP.rR. 'i'lre I''nr+cotts !retar'i, Quaint Afflro c, — � 1 ,�Y' r ? , l�� �: , � ,Y �i / . • � " r• omctlringentirc�lyriervttircliuterestinr.Bead f. � � ^� `i• ,'`J �� � t, i�.-le.. t� t ..c ed in it . nice. c.tl; ;said r uitiriun, d0 bad; e.1 cupy of this prospect -Lis will be sent and Nils 'Wife's Anjile I3ioopsl arts. what you are, to oto. You may t +'t al,GOU. our � � � ��� tlartsa a• r ' c.s s T varui: n::d rvli:t silicare, of potiwh, 40 btu.; to anyone who Will make application to Clara Morris. in tin article on Air. told "ontest is to sett who can melte the ltirgogt list i of names tot, kinds) of birds from the following All sexual complaints affect these organs, hence tiro iridneys arca rrt'cat vaTLi�he. it tett(( collodion. 40 bad; cover- the school nearest his Tr her home. Mrs Charles Dean Ili McClure's Maga- list of letters: of disease, have you aching or weakness over tho , nral'i orf tb^ back. tep.i,nq- k ' ed with lar(:, ''T) Friia; prebervbtl with ! zine, gives it delightful description of the WD O O O C C K Q U L I A, F R T urinate frequently, deposit in urine, cohdness of hone.+.s or feet, a droc+ry fe'et,irl, in r , 'o the morning, Don't Weglect your kidneys, Our 1'rr.w it3ct:li.odTr..ati cz;t , + Woncl ashes, i) laid; covered with vase t cid (mtlllc utT the stager `Ellen and Charles ARID G E S Pa N I F L V E B R 1sFS� is guaranteed to cure any disease of these organs or no pay. �hh< p•. Backache, sideaelle m were like a pair of old, old love birds D I M W 13. D O H T L t' line 0 bad, � u, cod Ill lime water, 0 Stveilin'r of feet little tlnit OP eye, nor quite perfect in bad; x11 a solution alt silicate and auklas, puffing under eyes, frequent --a the iirWe will recognize as a bird. unytiting belong- � 3 lNo Names Used Without V'+1r.-iitf:Wr Ool�i3G=fs. +'I P tlirtit, a.ality, cloudy, thick, highly col- eoniug of their; somewhat rumpled preserved lug to the feathered tribe, it be a Hen,!< of potash, 0 had. ored nine. Frequently urinating, burn- plumage, but billing :and cooing with all Crow, Binger or any other kind Yon Cali use o, W, l owe of 7acksat,, RRtch., ra a:—i ha<l the persistency and s;atiSPacfiion of their any letter as many times to m Tito a name as it E% 2` raricocale Ju the secondary st:r eeyau:l tti•n �_. iu„ ti@n$ati011N when urinating. , R��l�pears in the list of letters above; for instance strictures of S _ Any of the above symptoms lead to f'i'st caging, Their J(ppearance upon. Woodcock, P1Over,Snow Bird, oto. To any WI' i�* ycarsstandinlr, T AveMas °perrtad Lly'� bib on twice, undergoing great suffering, but only +1 ,orf ,• '-'- • 't" - Briuht's disease, drops CllabeteS, (,tC, street provok amtrseirient, 50111et1meS person tubo can ruako'a list vi w3 or• rnpr(difi:<'r'" r got ce�np•porary relief. I tray finally nriv'Fged to + 12 y' e.' ren. excitement. I often saw drivers of ntnamry of birds, ite will give absolutely 4,5- +' t,5- ibeNov., lblctberl Troetmaijrof Drs. 'Iry tJ ll,,fcn s KidueyP111s are a sur@ Care for FREE a beautiful Prize value sl,00o or less. 4� , • X. The enlarged veins dila teare.4 in -0Y ' all kidney diseases: '' aye and Wngon9 pull up their horses `,� , pt "i Fal y BIG PRIZES AWARDED DAILY, of six weeks• the stricture tissue Mas removed In {' D� l 0.p and stop in the croil ded streets to stare ,' � . 's ° ` eight ?resits and re. sexual euersry a:rd vitality f� l'i: at them as the made their'way toward When you line made out your list fill out �3� g y y y y the Hno on the lrottont of this advt. and send to ( ai returned so I was a man in every respect the theater. i , t recommend you doctors with my whole heart. Sheep in sttatmer. „ us with a Stumped Addrewsea envolope, stain j ' of our coup / CURES GUARANTEED, NO CURL~ NO PAY. `t+' � p'� "Mrs. Kean lived, inside the most as- y country will do, (heli if you are nwatdn •� - }";� 11Ii t:..e..s ome farmers expect almost too much tounding hoop that woman ever carried. ed a prize yon. can ,f you desire et the priZO f3rfnre Treatment. fter'Fre^^.;strettt, €° ' Its size, its Wei^ by becoming a subscriber to Tlie 1''Voman's rr,x. from sheep. They turn them ontin the weight. its tilting power were World. We shall award u prize to (vtmyliar• i s,V awful. IJntrauees htid to be cleared of all yon who sends file .name of 115 Birdx, olid our We treat and care Nervous Debility. Lost Maalykpod+ Varico:ele, Stricture Ey- h , RtlmtIler Ona acture Of mulleins slid ', ilia, Gloat, weak Parts, Gonorrhoea and UnnaturarDiscbarges. Consultatir.n 2`ice. , P chairs or tabes to accommodate Airs. gifts will he., x follows: For the best sec nd , . Established in the vc^ r 1354, thistles and eZ ect them in the fall to + Oe t s satin dry, a Gold WWtalt' for the second � Books E'ree. write for Question Z 1st for home Treatment. P Beans hoop. People scrambled or slid beaSet-for each Jaya tbestsol Imported y 148 SHELBY uTnEST our business has experienced a yield good mutton and wool. Sheep sideways about bel! on the stage, swear_ Teahet•for the severs n<asb best solutions. each �i �e Kennedy t�Ey stead advancement u:ttii the _ will do their share in increasing th@ ro- Ing mentally all the time, while a sudden (lay, isRanrahSeldnDiamond and Ruby Mug : Orme 4ld"iElnedy Ke gat 1W3E1'C©l's', CiidtE;El, y b P for the next best solution, it Gold Piece; and ° firs of the former, but the demand ill gasp from the front row or a groan from fur all other correct solutions, Prizes of Gold ° v ,: ` m ,a ` CYp ' lw , o a Value. T:iese Prizes will be forwarded doily, ej 1t�ci.Ar. k�.E present clay. .3 � ' y air, Cathcart announced a tilt and n rove• , �w a - r l l I rvtnrn some little intelligent care and yptt Wil, nab have to wait a Ion{; time in unepr- Our stock, of Diamonds ratios of heelless slippers and dead white ` ; attention. The mutton broods require stockings. 0�rnent oe lottelu•,5lrnnt vii° I nit ibTmtikeisn Fine jewelry and Silverware �( in wh(therwa et r; better attention, probably, than the And in spite of his dignity Charier g your >.olutionLate or i , , early in the day. All Son need rs to mail this is l:nic er�all canret.cd to l e 1, was not above a joke on Dilen s hoop, for y , .wool in summer, for their diet must adv(, taus, and on (fie clog it ranches tis, if • one rainy day she she strove d enter a out list is the best, vo(r shall boa the Gobi to a, the largest in Canada, and our t- larg@35- determine the actual Weight and �vitt4tt or if Neranil beat =the beautiful 7 ea � t t� � ► carriage door, she stuck Past, and the hoop ' reputation for fair treatment L quality of the mutton. If they do not —mercy) It was well Air. Ii eau was set, and so on. We TV that we will i award you a prize. 1, c r o N absolutely'no Lip - of our patrons is .such as to getgood pasture they cannot produce there to hold it down and, as a troubled pprtunityfordaceptioioil our nart—wecannot good mutton, nor can drew lay on voice frbm wilhln.said, 'I'm caught some- ttffordit. we went. to,gctl,063,t100wellsetisfied command con1dence. how; don't yon see, Charles?' with a subscribe:rs,and for that reasonwodon't ivant In this progressing age a business firm cannot afford to use sufficient fat and bone to increase their you to send any money until byou ltnow exactly p g g �, Our hatidso ,eiy illustrated- tivinkling eye Chitries replied, with El- what plizeyvllhavo gained y answeriugtha per Tltltii7 The unlit of its stationer is the index to its weight to a respectable standard. A len, my dear, I dtr see, and—and I'm try- puzzles. AK soon after 4p. m, (Well clay as Pas- p g : q }t eatalonue wii;1 brin eu in srble, the erutniuers will jud *e the fists t0 trio g y little more attention to the sheep just In.- to keep every one else from seeing, best of their ability, and w lF drt(ignatE+ the worth. Customers and the public generally wart .no better tou6 with our present stock now my return more than so much care too. a speech verging so closely upon im- prizes. We will write, you at once notzfyin sign than .ries( and attractive printing. THE TINGES proprio that, with antique coquetry, you ivlint prize has boon awarded you, than g and a copy of this will be any worry for the Coro and Wheat crop. you are satisfied, you call send your subscri r Mrs. Bean punished him by tweaking his tion to The Woman's World and your ,rizeiviu presses are prepared to furnish just what is wanted in cheerfullyforwarded you upon Give the sheep good pasture and good ear when he squeezed in beside her. goby return of mail carriage o a er- 3 P q 1C pais. 1e. p drinking water and 'comfortable shelters "The Bean bonnet ivas file wonder of son of narrow Ideas it seems impossible that ' application, we should be able to matte such it gigantic offer from the heavy storms that may come the town. It was a large coat centile lot we we have the monoy, brains, and reputation, .. ivltlte leghoru, and at the back there was wo know exactly what.we are doing and if we WRIE t:'t tip slid from the heat? can Iegitimately gain a million Nitbvcribers b i "`�`�'� In this series of questions n sort of 1lOitnce of ribbon which she call• t:nsglandiaea wiTknow that. this million of ! teller iii dsStatements q ed her beano( cape. Draped over it she well pleased subscribers can be Induced to re Yoago and Adelatdt Sts., .(bout all that a fanner Hoed answer. If wore a bright green baiegc veil. Pint eanunend The Woman's World to all friends, � Heads Memorandums ri . . sho was not half so funny as vas her hue« tberobv bttildink up our circulation still fur. Bf[[ lleeUs MeniQrandUlits TORONTO. he eau give an affirmative reply he need ther. We ora willing to spend (2(,000 in this 1 wo prepay charges band on tiro street. Isis short little per- eontestin building up abig subscription list, 1 not worry more about the sheep. They sad r„ fund money if desired. son WAS buttoned up tightly in a regular and when this money is sp ent at reserve tri° will take care of the profits. Tb@ battle green 'Alttntnlini' sort of overcoat right to publish a notifleatton that thecontevt 1 Note heads Envelopes has been discontinued. Don't -dela until it is t pasture field for sheep should be eultivitt- loaded with frogs of heavy cord and toe late. Th( °ontest will continuo utt is ! p p " lined, cuffed and collared with fur of such January ist,1002. And a[[ Office Supplies. t d and handled with about a8 ffiuC11 care We give A Bontts Prize of t2u0 independent of i t y remarkable color, quality and marking nil others to the as tate ass Held intended for dais person who sonde re. the list its tvtlilld have puzzled the most experi- fioften up in tiro beat and handitomest; manner. • �. - _ • - • ' cows.. On a sheep farm, or wherever enc(d student of natural history' td name, guar Coinlnittee will decide and award prizes rir ' ''n,' r Y v r 1 • ? •, t flai_lY, but the apeciel;2GOprizit lvill be award(x1 many sheep are kept, let goad glass be while vicious little street'boys At sight of jai li urch,10e2. Ali birds name found in rho it always put searching > the first Consideration, and then, in lx (1tIcAtlOns as to dictionaries accepted. e s r° the price of catsltins Ili boudoir. t 7 their order; let Cora, (vilest, rye ane.l E. WHO they came down the street togeth- The "Woman''ss Woe. d" Is a�th roughl ry C a " "� `0'^• � P r i � t i n g oats follow. But we aced fire.( to get a er, Mrs. Xean, majestically towering liable concern, ive are koown to do exactivy as good grass farm, where pi+store can al- above her lord and master, looked like an weadvertis(. As to our relfability,werefer to a D ways bra depended ttpt2zl for the sheep or old third frigate with every inch of can- arAY on nerNilv�o tent or basiness man of is not alWayt� the best kind to get; but if yon get good printing, and at a. vas spread. while at her side Charles modbrate price, ° Mtt will then have the best, We have every faeility for A dairy vows. Grass ilaq done more t0 p(ItTed and fretted like a small tug. Name .. . . .... ..... . .. . . turning o+at good work in the shortest tithe. he ethos is cg4ipped withenrich farmers and cattle and sheep "Thr. -street boys rvero a continual tor, • • ' e „meat to him, but Ails, ILean appeared ee- fast jobbers, card and paper oatters, stapling maehine and all moderl$ orvuer,t than any oilier crap. Sohn. " renely uncouselons of their existence even Streot.." . .................. . . ..... .. conveniences. state an lAcathat when the first grass whey her husband made short rustics At has been destroyed on a range or field thein With 1111, gold headed cane, eiylugs Town county ......... - a that it will no longer pay to raise fitrin (Io away, you itieverent little brutesl „ • �/�` Ga aw ayl' anti then X.B.—Se careful to pre a your latter as we YOU 1 r A r p + :taimaIs. It requires [t f@1v years of puffed Laboriously donotltceivaltnderpaidIt+iters. Address: y U �/ A w s g Oli(1A ttr het agdfn as elle exited calmly The "Woman's World," Brantford, - , ParnTiri to find. Orit that thtl nio3b suC- " cessful' Cattle raiserg arc( those who Prograinnies Wedding Stationery systCmatically cultivate sold raise grass. — . ��4. Lolldnn, r . W. >rnglalld ,rw These pills are a specific for alt they are 'lot squatters nor robbers of � e Catalogues Business N'o'tices diseases arising from disordered the soil, willing to 'pasture their Cattlere,lCalelidars or Auction pulls lhCrvrs, weak heart or watery blood« until the grass roots are Mil)ed, and (hell .W1„t ... e Thtiy dire. palpitatiottt dizziness,tile E.. ..... . _.. move ori to flew' Pasture';, (Ili ill@cart» GIVE US A CALL. krtlotha in;, faint and Weak shells, trtrry, they' a,re good AgriculturA,llms, TO :ANY ADDRESS TILL thortness 5 of feet tvho realize that grass pastom is tit the w ' ultd anki sf tier ousnessyln is Cep1•ess. foundation of their whole Business, and tr�l� x�t TJ AIRY �w�y � u��, �'bi` hales, atlmmia,, hysterieif Sat. Vitt sr recognizilrg that they hilt fill their beat THE T OFFICb; tdande, .partiAl Atte.&lysis, brAlti tag, senerpietr into ,taSingr abundant grAfm it`Et idis cotrlptawr3tlts, geneirsd debilityr crops. Theft then knout that cattle titid , tlutid tack oi•Atfttity. �'riCdt s«'. a; tsiiiC. � beep �raisfng iaoam�xttitivel;ir t�asy, (tWINGUAM9, XT et i1G�.°ws - '!:�',1W,.,,'^„r::/il,c•�W,".Ysdll`.iakr:,yi''' ....� .. _ ,.' ;- ' ��".,�llkt�:lltWrviLvli�.�,ti'a:A." t. -:�:t� a►aas:y�