HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-08-16, Page 1HE WI-ANO&GHAM.
vULt XXIx—NO, 1530.
a . .
Shiite, Tie
argaiirs o. Saturday in Blciccrl, x oR SALE A cant's Cleve- W A R f M 0 S BURNED. ' a "'
I Co s d Hats•. Now land bicycle for Bair 'elieap, Apply' .at
Y gouda at rt@1' HANNA & OO. ' 'I'drTsrl O slice• 1 plegg'H to the Gren il, µted Mc.!<feit ctes lfadA,
Dinner013ITUAIIYi. a lave to record this ly A rtiltury on Tluuacluy Dlornint ,--
y a II1bIBx1 Ai ... Ir, W, G. Strong, of X)"Il tint! Fat 'tt)FY iu Danker, --
week the Beat x of ri ra.R.Weir, who disci Goriie, organizer f it the C. O. F, 'teas Istitciettt tva drwetzca,—Ynven- ' - =`
at her home the Ott cozleessiou of Turn, united in marring + on Monday, Aug, aitl Origin,
of 65 years, a neral took Placa 0n Uuli• o Mrs. ylatetiee ecoxde zlaa,leaxPtyrxl@- Vt'iligllan lies a last been touched by
bang, ea s, 'august o at patio a e t of wed"@,day sed as largely attended. ec'ptiou by the znan( friend " n Uorrze, a fire. Mayor Cle g's grain warshowe e Stil'E you gel the
»• ' AN UPSET, ll tri Mr. Will. O'Calla. We extend best wisl es. at the G. T. R..s•a .ion, with a consider- best and conne to
hap of Whit ehu- ch was on his way able quantity of g •air, and his books,
c So IE'rl ixct Bz:T zi, -- Mr. Robe. .
C home on Saturda * night, the horses, Arscott, who has bE n manager of the
was destroyed. T warehouse aY Robt+
A fine collection to select € j
from}, and the values are wagon and occuYunts went over the l Wiligham tannery =or the past eight MoRei'zi@ was bei at beyond repair,
'UNDERPRICED rigl1''L Come and see for beak at the salt sloe, Tlra roll•ov@r, years, leas accepts a better position. chile not v@xy e, ensive in the loos.
i youiii:If, did no further dare a than to shake sustained, yet it b hags to our mind
Iia and his family left this week for
things up a bit. SS
Benton, New Brun jolt, where he will yltat would have been if it had. got
r6• 97 piece set . . ..............$ 6,50 GIRL' WANTE — General Servant have charge of a lar a taunsr We ars fifteen minutes mo headway, or the
p Good goods, 3 colors, 1? y TI1; DRUGGIST
a Rn girl wanted, Go place, No family, sdriy to lose Mr. A soott as he has been waterworks system had failed, The t 0i
Ic 97 piece seta ... • . • .. 7.50 Enquire at Tzuxs iz rIOE. Button & Fessaut A ruiture factory and
n a good resident of t to town, but we wish
4;8.50, x;10.00, $12.00. WILL ESOURT.— `rhe furniture factor- hien unbounded success in hja new another storehouse' foil would s ;sly
C r ies of the town wi 1 run all excursion to location. The lezve man friends in iia a been added to lie flames.
Opportunities 100 piecese+,s... 12,50 y Y ,
Toronto on Angus ; 29. The fare for ties bout 12,45 0 ock on lursclay r
b Wingham who wll be glad to hear of 11/n for lt. If you LlS+
C 120 piece sets ....... ......x;16.50 ; round trip will b 1 $2.50. Connections their good fortune morning residents of Wingham were his SLUT C;ltk10 will
e and „i18.50 1: will be evade with trains for Buffalo for awakened from t eir slumber by the '
any tivlro wish to ;o over• to the Pan. A boom to the a1lloted,, li s coming unaccustomed soul d of the fire bell. It not lose in flesh or
. Last week we received a 3, The factories wil', in copse i ence be again, 7 . P. smith, Eye ecitllist, will did not tape long or hundreds to turn
a 9 be in Wingham at o1i A. Campbells milk.
'shipment of > closed from the er.ning of ugust 28th; drug store on Th ay, August 29th, out, when it wa discovered that the
R N. A ralphafson to September 3rd. "one day only," f you have any de- grain warelioliso Magor Clegg tit the
c feet in your eye sight it will pay you to
For Sale Cheap.— ` p Buggy, 1 Sat I G. Z. R. station 1as ablaze, and beyond The Old Williams SL -and,
L4 er
d call and see him. Examination free.
4 OHINA HOUSE Single Haxuess, bot ' good conditrp • I One day only. Call early and avoid the hope of saving. Within tau minutes
py EIANNA. & CO rush. after the first clang of the bell a stream Agent G. N. W. Office.
Opp. Bank of Hamilton. T GonniE, SIIALL'ox. —Reports from
® y RETU1tN ar, CAs .s.—Crown Attorney of water was playing•on the flames, and
VVVi/VVVV lVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVVV residents oY Gorri coy that tliero is a in five minutes ore four streams were
probability that tl @ smallpox has a hales I I'@wig' return of cases tried at the doing their goo work,
snirts county judges crf nfual court for the MiLTON iii [[[ III iii fffiii
F'OR, SALE there, It is ,spec ally Certain from the it was seen th t there was no hope of
fact that three n=ore cases are said to first half year of lc 1, ah'Ji , that nine savingthe Cle warehouse so the fire -
prisoners were tries, o£ whom all but g PHOTOOztanHi;r
They are the correct styles, 1 lumber wagon, 1 single wagon have developedin. Alliston, from which men turned th attention to prevent
and are made in very plretty with iron axle and spring seat, 1 set place Ashton cam•! to Gorrio, The case 0°@ were colivicted The crimes were p STAID PHOTO STUDIO
Shootingwith inter t lioaso breaking, the furthers sad of the devastator.
patterns, See them. double harness, 1 set single harness, is well quarantine , as well as the home' Two G. T. R. c rs standing in front of Opp. BruhHrvick Hon4a, Bt%ver Bloek,
I plow. Also rooms over Gordon and 9f Mrs, Cole's arents, near Gorrie, aggravated assault, liief and false pre- the burning b ilding caught fire and Wingliam-
Galbraith's stores tq rent. where it was t u ht probably the truces. One was s ritto the penitenti- were shoved on of the Way and drench- Photogiaphaat iedncNdpi cNsstiUrontin"ing.
25c and 35c Ties for 15c g p ary at Kingston, tl a balance to the sen- ,
GEO. McKENZIE. disease had been cried. tral prison and common jail, with the ed with water. The hose was then turn-
Talk about sna Just come her@ if, exce tion of one hdse "sentences ranged on the Butt n & Peasant factory to T. '' `
p prevent the firm getting a hold there. begs to iumounce that he Is preparing to enter
you leant a bu an organ, a piano or n g
Who Wants a Farm y g g suspended. The enten'cesranged from sit rNstexwivc•lyintoted to
BnSiue w orb
„s aw ^ a sewing machine We have' got to Fell Large brands o' fire dropped upon the th + i, now prepared ] to an ply on short
" a them inside of a nth. T. H. Ross. three years ill Lh penitentiary and two notices:+t lowest price Floral Desi'€nes, Wr(-adt i
I have over 4,000 acres of choice farm lands roof and about i_:he yard, but the factory and BoquetH. Leave your orders at residence
for sale, in 50, 75, 100 150 and 200 acre% lots in , years, less a day, in the Central prison, hose and the Nwaterworks re on Francis street, or tit star Photo Studio,
Kinloss, Greenock. 'Bruce, Iiincardine;Huron RE•aPENING.— 0 O'Sullivan Busf- prevented
All straws reduced. and Ashfield Townships. Good lands with g down t0 three Oritha in the COmm011 Beaver Block.
p College will re -o u for another term on r • -• the fixe from ge-tiug a start..
ggaud buildings to be sold cheap on easy terms. - p fail all at hard l bur. d
$ I.00 straw hats for 60c, A1Ho a good, blacksmith shop (dwelling in con- August 19 Being thorough instructors Meanwhile to pliers had turned their COLcr
neetion) doing a good business, for sale cheap. TITS HARD' aT H01LE.—While the !attention to McKenzie werehouse `%e 0<;• `l'SNent * trlflUSat1(1
75C straw- for SOC, A hotel doing good business for sale cheap, and having a full -nowledge of thebusi-
Also a wagonshop. A general store with largo ness the teachers, of the College give ,farmers in ma ly parts of Ontario are and were end@ oriug to says it from , rd "o students hive rGcely-
t;ode, live village. rAlso a large amount of b , total destruction and to prevent the fire w y ted their tYlel'eilrl
Fedoras, latest Styles gild money to loan atg5 per cent. For further par- good return for lie time, •and money on beginning harvest the farmers of
shades, reduced from •$2.50 to ticulars apply t0 spent with them. The most advanced Huron are thro gh except a few of the ' getting a hold u n the oil warehouse ! ,r . a
T, A. McKF:IQZI);, o` and st u' hand trairr-
t0 I.7 5• Insurance Agent, Holyrood. methods of Book-] eepiug, .Penmanship, late ones. In trip out through'1}uru- nearby. Two str ams soon got the fire ° inf, i these schools,
Shorthand, Type itirig, oto. aro thor- burry and East Wawanosh we found under control, an within fifty minutes '
See our $I.Oo felt hats fol Shorty tau ht, nctlug, et instruction quite a number 6f tillers of the soil with from the first s etum was started the Colleges in oil, Toronto, Hamil-
GENERAL LOCAL NE g ton,Uttaw a,Sarui¢L, B@r1in,G;ilt, Grtelph,
.50c. $ I.25 hats for 75c. , the anxious look gone from their face— blaze was, tom rativel ut out an 4 St. Catherine. For general iuformation
given. Call on t mat the Sliativ Block y p '
Bi reductions iri Boots and Winglxam. u the harvest was Finished. In conversa- everybody had 1 t for home. 1 write to the
See Halsev Parks adverti 0ht tion with a numl r of them eve found Clegg's loss wil be the building, on City
fl l OeS. ' Special.—White lea ed Cotton in PRIZE BuTrBR.—Mrs. Jelin Sha@bot- that they are pre •ty well satisfied with which he had no surance, and thre or Forest Vi y S iSsne $ COIIe f
' small webs, 14 to 2, ds, was 12% for tom gets first prize, 20c. Mrs, G. L. the oro , The slaw is pretty short but
SOc. HANNA & Co. Walker incl Mrs. Peter Mason are a tie p p y four carloads of grain, mostly wheat. Y. AZ. C. A. Building,
Sops for second money, 10c. G. E. KING. the grain will tura out very well. Some, McKenzie's los is about $35 or $40. Loudon, Ont.
Homuth NEW STORE. r D. Thomas, of out near Belgray., who have threshed Thep ldrn oc u fed b J• W• WESTERtiEL ', Principal
A FAmou'' S ooL.—The Central .. - g l y McKenzie for
London, is uloving leis gouda into alae report a:s much as 60 bushels of oats to Hay Bros. of Lirtowel• was owned by
WINGI 1A2. " b Business College Stratford, Ont., is
store in the Button lock., HePurposes a load. This wou d robably h from 40 —We Wish to inniend the Council
one of file best co rmercial schools of p Jac. Clegg, whc trxd some insurance on
` opening out, in ab t a week, a hind of Canada to day. O r a dozen business to 50 bushels to he acre. The roots, it. Mayor Cleg:lost his loading book, for beginicing t e improvements on
Marriage Licenses a fair or bazaar, a d will keep on hand col 1 e g e s have. lately applied to excepting, perhap turnips will be a good ticket book and a'. small book. Front street.
Issued by FSANii PATBitsox, No. 28 'victoria a stock of statio_ y, 7 books, groceries, this college for a cmmercial teachers, crop. The wet 'K other in the spring Thei origin of 'Yet
e fire is unknow u, but —Messrs. Rubor •ou, Birchall and
-street. winfiham, out. No witnesses required, tinware, etc,. advertisement next and as, many as t er-to such applications prevented early pl ."ting, and as a con- supposed to be iendiary. McDonald each sh'pned a carload of
'4••i• ....................„ „„„„„ „„ week and dod s :or rtiler particulars. have been received _n one day. Mr. W. sequence roots a a little later than Mayor Clegg'uilding was the oldest ' cattle this week.
signal. Altogethe the farmers are sates- warehouse in Tye, hath Navin been
I o I\IPROVEDfENTs. eo. McKenzie has J. Elliott, the Pri I al of the college € + g I --Garden thieves a beginning their
3,' • .I 1 has reason to be r ud of the excellent fled that there is al there is need of. built man year. aro by Mr. Gregory of
Fall Term Opens Sept had the rooms ov:r Messrs Gordon and n y 3' 1 Y I operations in town. Potatoes airs celery
'i` + and Galbraith's a- ores nicely fitted up reputation his scho 1 enioys. A beaut- 1 the town, and ouupied by Mayor Clegg are the favorites.
A business course such as you can get ,E iful catalogue is fled free t0 ale Tutor- —The 23rd Hu on Regiment, 34 for abort 20 yeas i.
in our school will train you for business , , and thoroughly :repaired and repap• 1--Johli Campbell shaving h.a house
•¢- orad and paint. These rooms ested in getting a usi11ess education. ! 0fiic@res, and 37S ale ;and Bruce Regi- The fire was at cliscdverecl by the painted and is also b:tving the fence re-
.y will now m a k i a first-class p 1 a o e A SNAP.—The .mly snap left in town ment Und, 31 officer . and 336 men r are Watchman at B ton's and it was all a l moved from aaonuct the lot.
'$' for a dwelling. Both hard nd soft property: large tv story brick building; among those who tvi be present at roc- blaze flier.
• onto when the Duk@ Hakes leis visit. Mr. Clegg just oaded a car of wheat I —L. R• Whitely f Clinton has beers
i water are convey - nt. . Tho in need of to be sold at less t in cost of erection on appointed junior E glish Master at St<
.p, a dwelling w0 ' do. tive to see Mx. very easy terms. Enquire at `CIUEs—ExOuxsiouists t0 Sarnia can go by 0u S'Vednesday. i
McKenzie. office. The waterwo ks system proved Thomas -Collegiate ustitut@.
and good bu_si nell make •'ll', the electric railway f om Port leucon to E. J. Skelton as sold his house and
•l• anyone's future bright. The ENLARGING T RAtlI .=Au attempt efficient, five stre ms being thrown with
.;. I
Detroit for $1.00, retie u fare, ones will lot on Frances sere :t to Geo. 0. Manner's.
WANTED. --A man o take charge of to experiment Witt the human species is cod force and fo a lane time
.g. n horse and do c or , . Apply to DR. arrive in Detroit at 4 p. m. They can g a Mr. Shelton is mo,.in r to Walkerton.
Central Business College attracting the attei tion of the curious. o A great man a the soutik, end slept E b
0 .g, KENNEDY, Wiu leave Detroit at 4 p.: u. on the 26th, and g y j
•II• Stratford, Ont. •i• It tapes the form o' a giant competition reach Port Hnron' to time for train through the whole disturbance. Err. W. A. Saslerson has purchased
,pi •I• I. 0. O. F. R D ENOA'tiPXiNT.— at Rouen and air +ady allows startling Mr. Clegg said had one over the I the street s rick in . business of Mr.
'Y' takes. pride in thorough preporation. ,'1g, The Patriarchal led a of the Oddfeilows home. This rat@ f : for excursionists gg g p f
''' Never before in flee History of Drat col- number of abnorm Ll statures in France. only. The fare by b cat from Sarnia to warehouse at four o'clock on Wednes- 1 Huffman, and tool- possession on Tues-,
lefia have out in the hi been o success- + opened their anuua session in Guelph From the south Isere has arrived is day afternoon, as as his custum before day morning,
fits in securins excellent situations im- on Tuesday morniu Grand Patriarch Detroit is 50q return i
mediately on leaving dolleg. as during y Paris on his way t Rouen a young man, closing it. He thi iks the fire must have —Mr. S. Clark if Coburg, Ont., leas
!II' t1Itp a s to ittrnd a strictly firat•bhiss •t• Ferguson presented his annual report, rice yet 22 gears id, who is 9 feet 2 t been set, fiat for i hat reason h0 cannot bought 10,000 acre s of laud in 11Sanitoth+t
'f' soh P.S seldom pays to attend the ' ,I; showing that one n 3w lodge had been inches tall and is still growing. He TO CUIt A COLD LV Ol 1v DAY .understand. The act that the fire vas
'g• other fund. •i established this y.Etr, at Palmerston. townships for sid0uts of Durham
Write for beautiful catalog".. weighs 44S pour ds a1u1 measures 9S dru !Ists refi ud the money if it funs to cure ron the outside fns destroys the theory County, Ont.
I. H The Grand Scribe r(lorted a net increase inches around the hest. It has beer B, y ,Grove's sigaaturo is on each bus. 26c• that it was from v ithin. He did not
' + • W. J. ELLIOTT. principal, for six months of ifty-three members —The King of Siam has a bodyguard
arranged that he Guy an English girl • know where ties fi e was until he got on of 400 female warriors. They are chos•-
:i: • and a total member,Tip of 3,643. The t g front street. He ays it will cost act
`1” ' 't"1"i"1"g'O" 'E"t' "II"II"fi"'o4"y.. `..t' total amount of relie± fund was. 2,801,78; who is, feet $enc sin height. + -w from the is ki igmest and most robust
Wingham s Leading Shoe Share.
-- ` total amount of anal Al. income $8,655,15. I ani going to quit Ilio business less than $2,000 t rebuild. He hoes -women of his lei igdom.
Box WANTED.—A good smart boy, September 1st. I have some nice 1 in the building new scales costing
The receipts of the Grand Encampment buggies, organs, pianos, arld sewing I several hundreds, and another not so ± —Asa result .f the investigation by
With fair education, Wanted to learn the I for 1:900 although i dot exhibiting any mavehiues I want to clean cut before ` the committee o ' the Coition ori Thurs-
printing business. Apply at Timm marked increase eve- the previous year that date. Come in and see Me if you 4 i large. day last, ; 14,00 ) was paid over to the
office, were encouraging: want a bargain of a lifetime. National Trow orka, being a part of
T. 14. Ross. I MINO LOCALS,
the loan -due the u.
MONEY To LoA .--Money t0 loan On 1,000 YARDS O Factory Cotton AUGURY NUPxI LXA pretty home l
nates, and notes discounted at reason- remnants now being sold at Tar, Ntiw Weddingtook lac at the home of the 1;% ?; ? Campbell's H@ ache Wafers guaran• _q @ leiirn tl at, of the judges who
able rates. Money advanced On mOrt- STORE, lengths range from 2 to 1q yds.; n teed to cine head leo. will decide vhi4r is the nicest looking.
gages, with privilege of paying at the they are aelliug at less than wholesale' bride', parents, r. and Mrs. Arthtu`n 'i , _Grain is be 11nin to comp in to ,
End of any year. Notes and accounts rice Move quick and secure ou See Twitchell, Clint( r, at high x10011 on ,,rHr g Couple on the 0N.urar011 to Sarnia Ono
collected. Office—Beaxver Block, Wing- their ad. 0npa a 5. H. E. I l Co. Thursday last. was the marriage of - ' market. has been appoin ed from Toronto, and
Ionian REsmrN DnA A former Miss Lizzie to Al ix, is of this town. ° t —Mr, S@baste n has christened his another from lei sardine,
To TIS DEAN.• --A rich lady, oured of re fdent of lower 4 'ingham, James Tlro ceremony as performed by Dr. f 1 •' barber shop The atio11at.—Wiugliairi L, O. L. I Yo. 794 will raiz
her Deafness and Noises in the Head by Thom, passed aw at his home in Gifford in the prugence of a few relatives y /t —England's r 'ufall is equal . to 3,000 a big excuraron Sarnia on Saturday„
Dr, Nfoholson's Artificial Ear Drums,
Grandin, N. D, lar week aged 711 ears. and friends. Th > house was tastefully j% 'I c tons on the acrd ach year. August 24, return ug 14iauday August 26
gavo 25000 dollars to his institute,. so that The deceased came Hero from Dal ouaie decorntod for thf Occasion. The bride .. -" % --St, Thomas has passed a by-law Tinto of departr and £aro can be seen
deaf people unable to procure the Ear about 32 years ago and kept a general looped pretty in dress of white Swiss v prohibiting trade 'g stamps. in another cohtm Don't fail to go.
Drums may have them froe. Address, g MORE SHOE NEWS--Tho'W, C. T. . will hold their next.
store in Lower W n slam. Tu 1832 lie muslin and epic' d a shower b0giiet 0f
The Nicholson Institute, 780 'Eighth sold otic and mov et with hie farad to white ras(ag, Miss Alice 'Twitchell, o f an int.restina r ind. Airotdn anotHer ori Eighty hary sters boarded the G. T. meeting lit the ha re of Mrs. A. Rose, on
Avenue, New York. Grandin, n D., w ere h@ was engaged sister r else ido, attired in white is t nits for money Having. Wc. offNr a R. train north o Wingham. Tuesday, August 0th, at S o'clock p. m.
eir the same busiile• s up to flee time 0f dimity iiruslill d, carrying a boquet of Ladies' Dong. Oxfordsfor $i &'$i.25 --Mr. Geo. p ne, one of Wingham!s C0ri11ty P10stdeiit will bei present, l4ieili-
`I`HE BALL FAIRS. p A neice
.,:... . his death, He it d Mia. Thom were piiil: rases, ass' ted flee bride. Ladies' Thtib's and Trilby's at cost oldest residents s seriously ill. bur;: are specially, equ@sued to littencl as.
WIxGIrAvc ...................Septtwo
2G•27 lista our a visit ab tb a*ear ago. He Miss Iva T rtelieli, performed file Ali summer Hlueeq in WbmNn's+ ooi t`,1--llarristoii's rate of taxation is bu-ii, .• s of irtono a1,c@ is to be transact
Bel rave ......................Oct. 1.2 leaves a widow, tier 0 daughters and one seri*ices of A ever girl. Mr. George C1Borg inonfo t nil, toldion ly buyers get tli0 tt'1 enty-two nail on the dollar. ed. "1 sitors eves olu@.
Dein anna11..... • .... •.........Oct.8 9 son to mourn his loss. A brother Marshall aiipp rued the groorii. 14iisg tiluniH. M .. :+,Cho Grand odg@ of Uddfellovi+s
g William lives near St. H@lens send L4label Ttv"tQl ell played the wedding SEE MR BAR GATN TABLE. —In Cali dallst year the 0,62t postI
God0ri0ii............... ....... Oct. 12 U t offices forwaT&A 178,288,500 letters. meets in Guelph llis week,also Minerva.
..... , • . • • .. • . • •Sept. 2425 another brother Cha leg, ileac Zatna. larch a e bridal party entered the li It ought oaf liar R— GV o sett' free, all cilia in alioet Elicanlpmerit. r. T. J. Alliott is rip -
p y ......Au . 2C.Se t. 7 he people in Wii ham and vicehoo p. iter the sumptuous dinner theTrutuks rnd't allses.hea p- ---Belgium, vvcarding to the census resenting Mtiitla d Lodge nt the Grand.
Toccata ,........ g p T p p
it ....................SOpt. 5.14 have iigecl me well f 13 y@tars, Now T Happy couple =oft for a trip toHamiltau, 3itst talt@n, has ,800,000 inhabttsliits.
Londa sin Ding to return t i0 Com lim@rit, IfW. GREER Loc1g0, "lid W. li0ugli, Milit+rvrt 1'.a
'eeswater ...................Sept. 2425 g p Niagara and 3,iiffal0, whence they will —The prize esus for the Winghnin campment. J', . Murton is representu--
Drlissels.... , Oct. 3.4 3`0uliii t wantit°1 itiniv0 Buil" oto till return to xesx 1@, The T1yI1c8 `vlslrea >4Si, . 5Of; + LOCAL AGEN'fs rot% iiall li air are v in the Secretary'$ tive ( thio the Grautl Lodge
mac 14
Gorric,.......................... Oct. 12 Ssptelnber to, clean t<it. Mo et 1 t o agars. L vis a sloppy matrlmanial , j, ,, rVo Vr,+rv :'-ems + Bands. Committcee.
Blyth ...........................Oct. 8.0 , bargain.
[-' ... - _ ,...,L3.:o.. - ; 1l' ,ti"tai' +""•'#'° .+-:ahs