HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-08-09, Page 7" .—.. _ _ -.1Z --- T - - rlpNr� ' ., , 9 • A • . /' • J 4 MY f f ,: �' (. .-t11 ....._ , ��t 1c H f!+^1rr�* �r 3'•,k air st%'� %�'r�"i.-t-wi"^ t -t ^�'�•z^t^; I-1-t-1r'it+ that • • _ .. _. . _. ,r r +, . n£cgltir to satisfy yon.,A t ,1•nero �vetd; oIZI,V t-va trrrca of road '' 441 O's�o4��4♦IOOR l�49�► 40�04*0+** ***+O© � "`1:ut it, sloes not, Alii;s Scrturp. Ing in It, n,nd I couldn't make noth �I:��,r�j i; ' HER TEAR$ ARE HE l�p�'t'1jk*L ._,a o . .- _ . �-.-- _.. _. t� , In out o illem. Oh, char, ._ .- -., X aur lu'slta#tan. if Z had tin either dear, it A wolown in 11314406- 1"rh,o 080 ty, '' '� proof, -vould condemn you. :Naw I will be the ruin of nie•--•tho averlast-• 14fr. Letrani sat in Ilia wagnifice'zt and #�acufte i:la'+t vothlr Ott !l 111%. . O By JULIA x know you lead1 a letter of mine in itx ruin. Olt, do fiords merry On a Ilb"a"r, talking with ;Frank and l cz• "Do you, see that woman in black ii' ' � your hands to -clay, and I want It." poor crt ttur' that has. ,always been r e. ltlst I rely children, Wherx* t:' : t1r)p thero?° said a railroad clefirctiwilr, . I Beautittil� DDWARDS "I hain't got any letter of yours as good to• you as she knew bow." !rt• ,A )()n:•t Wit; lint 1'1,0.1 tvttli bo •' 'dlYell; site possesses trailro a gift a ver `fi to giso Naar+, And ?ifss C;r'rtutp i"f,rrsv horn•'" .r n ! 1 ' ^rO:n da)1(it� t=) i`" +n .... Sus able #o cry naturally and at -will, +, her knees on (it,, bar.,-. •-11••'•t *.. d t I ; rL Author of t Tlten yOtt 1-111 force zoo to get an r r r r • •'rt n• s: d y c S. t "If she sees a gi'ou,1) of well clrestoi officer and llftvO YOU, arrestcd. " I floor, and -with tears stray' •'c• •• ,',,•,-n . ; t . t :; ;:.1 e•, a:;;• r 1.•c •r. oleo in #i station waiting fora .rah➢, �r '41V T,'tti 'Wid " ,• azar sallow ci ^ t- 1 - 1 t� r .e ow 2 would have sn.ved y -oil the uzngrace t.e 'Al aa. t-, t, r.;," ay $he'll sit qc stand very near them ani 2if I catticl, but sifter ,you are gbatln- To a scholar and €a artist the it. ,dd'SteiiaSt%rling,'t'l ate, I will let ilia+ la -i' talde its ninsrrYa girl tv"ha hold liar at lire brary -would seezYt a fait:i r<+i,io). will attractrst out rattenti attcourse ention, someer tulnem man w l4 rBtuit Poor Prettiest of Alit course. You can go to your room, "1404le arta has stolen the letter off whtro tasto and fancy, raatuing lialld sorely conte to•he1• relief, rrhe story 1!s kc * Etc., Etc.. I will go for an officer." Illy shelf, whera I hid it," she moan- in hand, could lino forever. Azul B1r, that she has no money to buy A ticket to. *- If "Dear me, waybo someone has laid ed. "If thea hada i Lamm had tastes �wllicll fed ort the got to liar dying .deity'°liter In the tic,*.� T, ® O O r a letter for ,you down in my room. If brought tt right 'I'A t >-'you.ti 011,1 da artistic beauty of his pair.Lings, an'tl town. It is n eentmot thing for owu td#• 11 .e X4009®�® 04> Q'©OOH®�4®O®AOm4O�OmOd®®®4®°3�0* � they have, I'll go and bring it to pity me .li, li•�r, I tt^;IS put cis"a, ed the worL3t of his valuable , give liar a Leri^ dollars promptly and nnv -4 . • ,r .. „ r r , , , r r r , r baOds. i.'l t` 114Ld 1St@el to rear his, - er osis any elue$tttltl $. She has a S'aPlett' i',1 + A A" yr'%' i ^1'lr il••>I' u s°e a,' 1r�(r $rj +s it m l si'f!'* l.,k l';k'I 4+ r'lr &•'ai^'I i I *ilc yOtt, said Bliss Scrimp, now thor- o:;t 'ea!;r,e: l couldn't find] out who children to the same taste, to shni ialter was satislica ror tine t:rrno, Aucl 'cin nor fear r'tt put to crac,=;; or oughly frightened by the d etermin- was writin' to vott frout Cadiforny lar noble at Improving d i u of stories to tell. T filzinlc she 1s the most Sottnethitt when I'w hungry, and ed 41r and spirit of our heroino. Ik) fur r , o ilia; I'll ndas'cr, nevbr do se, and P g ata 1 cs. But successful beggar I knoll, 1Vliss Scrinip's last fling fell an heed- g r, „ gi • he had a1sO, with his allnost tinlimit „ , . . s. that is 'very often.' Go, then, and loot: for it, said again, ' crying at will is something I dont lain a�ss rlittic time the table was lit- "']lion run and put it under your Ixattle. "But remeniber, Bliss "Oet 111) and sit clown," said Hn't•- ed tvealtlt, given then. acre. s to ' all nnderstaud'. I have seen counterfeit cries2 41, pillow before Nair o downstairs," Scrim if you are not here with the, tic, lover kneel except to the I a- fashionable pleasures, and the const-. galore an tite stage, but this wontan� erg orally cleared, for girls tuba have g p' - 1 queried wits that both son and i , toiled .111 day, tvltlt but a slender, sai<t Hattie, smiling. totter in just len minutes, I twill they above, and of Ilim asl: forgive= daughter found more pleasure in the doer, hearer handkerchiefhrehing No, slaw Please, there's no pillow to my wait no longer; I swill not have myg apes. If ,I should abstain front ar- s old to r y cold lunch fat• dinner, cannot but be pillow outside ,world than in the solid rea,li-, at ail. She just keeps he face well ti 1. hungry at niglit. bell, But 'll hide si Chani �iitltile f ar a letter is uta t tri clow Jhl h to the law' rel oti so ALL sur this crime you must ties of their palace -like liable. The and sobs freel y, her ptears rolifug down, 1Vlien the table was. deserted poor r , , R 1 several things awt keep operas, and its clrcle of fashion, the- her cheeks that all may see them. $,11% 'Jessie' looked in vain for a scrfLI) ant real hungry, since I told you .Ill find—Xivi sure I'll fins it, your I romiiscs, too, or I shell not atrical Spectacles, not the grand old can cry anywhere^ r for her supper. Bliss t4crimp sate it, 'what Miss Scrimp clivi and how I gasped the trembling spinster, and keep rnino. And you must answer flays of Shat:esT:rare, balls, routes "Ilya seen that woman stop on the: but she felt too cross and ugly to saw it." she tottered to the door and -went several questions truly, On yourself And Jessie -vent and hid the cake, clown stairs, sbaking from head to now will depend tity action, and club pastiaws" isultecl Lhetn fLLr sidewalk near where three risen wryer care, and so poor Jessto went -with- whichwas to l o her only supper; foot, leaving rho clear open, in Tier "(:h, fill pront:se anything, , and better than to gaze on 'those. noble standing and sob as If ,her heart would. out any'supper, while Biddy Lanigan and their quickly returned for the haste. RON) it, too, and I'll answer all you -forks of art, or pore over the grand break. When one of the men asked whathat and liar mistress, as usual, had theirnote.Bray I come in just one, second?,. ask, if you'll only not have ilia ar- array of books which filled the bun- the matter was, she replied she lived 2% strong 'tea and extra dishes. Fire ran downstairs light as a kit- dslced• little Jessie, who now showed rested. I know I did wrong, I knaLv dreds of shelves in the best private miles away and had lost her purse. The) "Never mind, I've got Miss liattie's ten, and finding Bliss : crinip's door herself at the door, wilt]. her calve, it all ilio th)ie I ,vas doing it, 1)ut it library in the great city.. three men gaye ]ter a dollar and a half! letter in my bosom, and I'll tell liar a;ar Iookcd in incl saw that lady — half t,*ane, in her liand. .seemed its if I couldn't help it." Mr. Legaro ,was looking over his in a jiffy and asked no questions, How all about the old cat, and how _ over the "'No, I am ough last acquisition, the rare old re- often. in a day she does a turn like that X she opened it, and what she threat- pardon l lit site t kept U her boarding ac., withher��rSa Saki, Hattie. + I don't treat poor oto front tits thea i n to views, beautifully bound, which had don't -know, • ened to do to me if I told,'' g poor Jessie Albemarle kindly, just been sent in from Dir. W—'s "She does her trick so artistically that counts. -want her to avis yell, or ever- know never to -whip her, never even to And this revenge t prospect saris- ,Jessie slipped fn, cropped] the pity- how I found my letter, if T can help scold liar without she is .at fault," book -bindery. The work ,was, as us- time ate t interfere in the front of ahs i r 4 $ed pear Jessie better than a good rer over Miss Fcrinip's shoulder on it," said I•lattie. ual with that establishment, elegant-' supper would have done. the table, and was ou; of the room "Olt, ,wasn't it fun to see her turn "I promise," sobbed Miss Scrimp. ly done; but Mr. Legare -was intent- tel, but the five Wren she had cried to Sim; - She could hardly wvait to help clear so quickly that Mai Scr.mp did not wh!.ta and green and shake all over?' "And promise if one of the ly looking over the inside of the ply gave me a stony stare and waved me up the table and -wash the dishes, so know who brought the note. said ,Tessio. "This cake is just awl- girls, or arty of them, are taken poor I. -works, 'while Franke ttnd Lizzie were off as they, handed, her a few small bills« iaager wets she to got up to Ilattio's jlut she trembled and turned Palo fill good, BTiss IIattie but T'd o 'not to ircatt her Or them inlutmaitl looking over a new collection of fine They wouldn't bear my story and swab: i room. But the ,work was done at wen she read it. huna•ry to bed every night of Illy and send them off to suffer, but to English prints, which had just been lowed her tears of woe. as a trout jumps � last, and Jessie, after her usual "I -wonder if that little brat Of a life just to sea that old heathen get wait till they can recover and pay received fro)i. London, and ,were no,v at A fly. I guess those men would rather i round of abuse from Biddy, Lanigan, bound girl has dared to tell her such a scare," for their board and nursing." spread out on the mosaic table-cen- feel they'd helped a poor woman than be - was seat oil to bed, with orders to about the letter?" she ejaculated, "There, there, run to your room, "I promise,'• gasped. Bliss Scrimp. ter. Neve there was such a fraud. That sR be astir before daylight, and ready "No," she continued, "it can't be like'n, good, clear little Jess," cried "Next. I want you to put enough Suddoniv an exclamation of surprise why,I let her go. to.. go to market. that; Jess knows I'd skin her alive I•Taftie, "T hear ihO olcl thin• shuf_ on rho table for your boarders to eat and pleasure broke from t11e old gen- "No, I am sure she uses no onion or Now was her chance to see Hattie, if she told, and she'd bite her tongue fling tip stairs swain. I'll sets -what so that they need no arise front the tleman's lips. other pungent odors to cause her tears;. for she had to pass Hattfe's room on oft first. I'll bet Miss Hattie- -wants new device she offers to stave off her table hungry." "Wonderful! It is e, genl and it ger tear glands are ever ready on tape her way to the miserable closet in to take, a room lower clown, now fate, anis then, as the soldiers say, "It'll. ruin n:e, but I'll do it," illustrates the subject perfectlyl" a and never appear to be empty. Some the attic loft, where she slept'. that. she is getting more than 'twice• I'll unmask my battery." rnnaned the hapless -woman, fain cried. days ago I asked a doctor about it, and he A trembling rap on the door of as much money a. -week as any other Little ,Jessie vartis}iedl, and only writhin;• at the thought. y "what is it that pleases you so, crnetiee explain x ainit more es p tract lad that the tear $attie's bedroom elicited a response girl in the house gets. That's it; I'll I "I -will ask no mora Promises norv. papa?" asked the daughter. p g g jolt in time, for,-vhce�ht and uf- g -v t; P i the s ret lour voice - m a, n of a of the bind- glands could be developed the same s• ' tt U go right tip. �hd) is real good pay, ling• like a sick cat, Miss • Scrimp If gall kelp wbat you have maclo you "A pencil slketck on the blank leaf" an p fry girl. always cash down the day it is due, came+ un the stairs, and ,with a face will have no cause to regret it. But of this old review. It is an illustrat- have n •omiisedi to show e him thhumane twdomam. Come far Whir, •Little Jess, is it and no grumbling. I'll give her the of an ashen hue, entered the room, the -o arca ca fe,- ckuc:•tions for you to ed idea of a dream of Martin Luther some tinter" you? Conre in, dear, I have a nice best room in the house, and turn answer. You have got :Jessie Alpe- tulpels liarina over the revealed • 1. bit of. cake for you that I bought as that saucy. Kate BTarmont away, Lf marle bound out to you till she word of God. It is perfection, and . I was coming home." she objects to giving it up. I wish C-9.1l'TER XII• reaches ilia p_-0 OP eighteen?" entirely fresh. It must be the ,work AN ARISTOCRATIC PRISON. "Dear Bliss Mattie, 2 thank you I'd sot Biddy Lanigan a-goin at her "Yes, 16ot,lttr from the asylum." of that wonderful girl do,vn at'1V—'s ' ever so much, but I'm not hungry, to -night; she would have .wished the "I couldn't find the letter no- "Khat do yrou krto-v about her. a- Uinc'ory, for she alone has had the Institution In Iii -puce For tete Carr though i haven't had any supper. gray hairs in liar butter had got -where, Miss IIattie. I must have rentage?" ' p caro of this work since it left my. of Yonas ➢tie➢► Offenders. I'wo so much to tell you. Here is a Cross ways in liar throat before she 1)cen mistaken," whined Bliss Scrimp, "Nothing, for sura, except what hands, and the drawing was , not Under the innocent looking title "Lm letter the postman brought to -day]" talked about 'ern," And I've dragged guy poor old they told meat the: asylums. They there when I took the pages to the Dlnfson Paternelle" there exists ILL And .Jessie tools the torn and And Bliss Scrimp closed up her old bones all the way up these dreadful said oho was lett there a baby, in Milder y. It must be the -work of France what might be briefly designated]' crumpled letter from its hiding -place account boot., took tip her hand -lamp stairs again to tell you so. oleo clothes, with a lot of fine things* that wonderfully gifted girl. I'll as an authorized aristocratic prison for 5tn the bosom Ol her raLggad dress. ' and started up tlto steep, narrow, "Hid you look on the shelf above in a basket. There Was a gold neck- final' out, and if it is, she must and juvenile, offenders. It was founded by x ' why, Jessie, it has been opened.' and dirty stairs toward Hattie But- your bed, ,where ,You laic]• it after lace around her neck, and on the shall have a chauco to study art, legal luminary. Al. De Motz, a man deep- b%claimed Hattie, in surprise, and -an It,r's roam. She bad been so, surprise opening and reading it?" asked Ela,t- clash the ilam:e, Jessie Albemarle, This sketch -could do credit to ,a ly interested in the training and welfare angry flush overs�)read her face. cd that 'she haat not even asked her tie, very quietly, but with liar dart: of the young. ,with a view to checking the, "Yes, DIiss Hattie, and I -vent in self who torrid have left the note, nor oyes fixed on the ashen face of the she might ettk�ept to de ly, fob solttaic and leek at t, N'ranlc.'t Dore, or any other flrtist. Come growing. spirit of Insubordination to au - and got it where it Mid been hidden, even thought how it came -floating old viten. day she's be called for, And they "1look .tie, father, T am looking thority, both at home and at scboot. or you -would never have seen .t!" down on bar table. "What?" almost screamed Miss kept her there, and taught 'her read- over portfolio, and, more- the it had become specially marked is said Jessie, "and if I'm whipped to A•lrnest breathless,' she reached the Scrimp, "Do you accuse the of open- in , and ' rRin', and 'rithnnctkc, and your new fire highest ranks of society %n France. death for. it I'll tell you all about over, I am no believer in the wonder- One of the most salutary elements is fooling in front of Hatt.e's room, in, one of Nosy letters?" all that, till she was over twelve . �t " and -knocked at the door. les—T do. Thare -veno two wit- fol talent of shop -girls, It is very the scheme of this institution is the, a1i- And bravely the poor little bound years old, and then I got her, iljle easy,. -when so many -works are corn- I "Cottle in," said Hattie, in a clear, nesses to the act," jt solute secrecy which is act maintained in 11 girl told the whets story, even as t ha. n't grct-wed a bit since, though File ing and going, to make copies of I Fran' both as to the exact locality o!` distinct tone. "Lt's tz lie There -wasn't a s' - is over fifteen Holy." sketches. That to p I .itis house of correction and the names . we already know iti. T•TaLtio tt e,9 sittln• ort her bed; her gle one beside me in the room,' at be a copy from g "No -wonder, for you have st: rved Dore, for all you, know. "The cowardly, meddling, con- only chair was li?iweeu her and the- yelled Diiss Scrimp, wild and despce' and vvor!ked. her almost to death. � of those who Ari. lent there. f ou ale- ;Eemptible wretchf" -vas, a very nat- "]Juan if copied, Wane but an anis cited: it few tare tract of country a door, meal tlno table, and when. Bliss 'ate. ']\o one could have seen me But this crnull,,v shall go no far- tic baud could do it so -yell," said -within a few L7iles of 'i'ottt•s stands a> ural ejaculation, and it came from ,'crimp took the seat Hattie pointed do it." I ther: henceforth site shall be treated the old gentleman, his oyes still lin- Aiattie's lips. d:o, the lata li 1tt from both her "Tlirce witnesses, since g large quadrangular building known as, p g you havo at least like a human being." ' t La Golunie,Agricole..which is a govern But when she react the brief letter, lamp and Hattie's on the table, fell turned Steto's evidence, and con- 'Oh, Miss Hattie, aren't you go- . geAt that in olm,entetach all lady, of ! - w et itrrd se, that neither ace date d- c a stent ps •tdkid. hmrui and bpbind the ha )- t. 1 t c 1 „• ,• � chap - strong n 1 dress nor si •nat•irre was inside, a =, on her a gu ,2 ugly pace. fessed quiet. said IIattie, so prowl,- ing ll have any me"ey ha ate? .piddle age, noble in appearance, and ! e!, which i + situ:ttd d in the center of the a "T got your Hai. and came up ingly quiet. ! "All, and eve". mote than you dle- p r t £rout, La Mason Paternelle is cun- Ieam of satisfaction tools place of quick: as I could, dear," said Miss "T. didn't confess. I only said no, ` serwe, Bliss crime ). Ilett T n,n not dre.sod richly, but lafnly , and in ! -vac k excellent. taste, entered the room. I the shadow or. her face. Scrimp, the moment she could gather one saw ilia do it." clone with Lay restions yet. A lady ! niI' - concealed. :'BIiss Scrimp has gained nothing breath enough to speak, "Oh, yes,. there did—And I will called her not fon^• ago tq ask for Both the young people arose With! 1t !s a raruingular, two storied baiid- aSv her auclajciqusi act'. she said- "F*At g ' g a glad cry: ing adjoining the east end of the chapel, -.-• rbr the, long, steep stairs tired her be able to prove it before the magis- Jessie Al.ein ogle"" "Aunt' Louisa, When did you come? and the first thing that meets the eye it is neccssaru that T should "teach very severely. T trato -when I. have you arrested. If "Yes., and L told her she had run Oh, how glad we are to see you!" upon entering is a huge, board bearing tire. 11 : her a lesson, •I will -write a note to "I suppose you'vo etade up your ,you had c ifessed your fault at once away. 3. didn't lmow -where she I „ ? her, -vhielt you will tako down to And ilia old gentlemen left his book . ominous word "Silence. The round rriind to chancto .your room and have I -might have excused your criminal -was.” and its new-found illustration, to I floor is occupied by prisonlilte cells and her. Leave it on her table, and in- something better, now you're snaking curiosity, and forgive you in the , "What did yon d6 it for?" I s rather s'tantly t o to your o-tn room.. If I ever so much money—eh, dear?" con- hope that hereafter you would 1)e a "I was afraid it was the girl's greet widowed stsister who, tl his late wife, smaller cells athe ndel,, surrov one untde lnby a gal - need you I will call." tinged MISS Scrimp. wiser and a better .woman. But mother, and I'd lose Jess, when T "And you will not let her whip "fro, Illy business -with you is of since you den who, living in another city, visited i ]crywith which shots off all communication y y your guilt I may as need liar so much." him Occasionally', and ever found a with the ground boor. me, Dtivs IIattie, will you?" more importance than a change of -wall prove it and have you punish- "Oh, you keartless creature! What -volcanic,• a warm and heartfelt -wol- I Wlipn It boy or a young man under age "No, Jessie. If Sate but offers to rooms. It may cauFc a change of 1 ad. Inside the walls of a prison I did the lady say?" come, from himself and his children. I becomes inveterately idle, refractary or raise a finger to you, or spoak even residence for you, B.riss Scrinit,,•• you inay have. time to reflect on the "She cridd and took on terrible, g .. .art unkind word to you for what you "For )" Tho ch 1-wer a rather young pro- dissipated, his payouts or ist r ter i can 1 or met rriocl the, anciurt nia,ul- manner in which you ]rave treated lxtt 2 didn't lot her into the house plc --they -were rather too old to. be I obtrin the, consent of a magistrate. wbieh ' have done for me, I -vill send her to en, turning ,whiter than the pillow- poor girls ,who ,were in your ower. fey fear she'd see Jess. I ha penod by prison for what s•he has done. have g calved children ch foveal their Aunt! is sometimesinan seconded by that pe s have a P p D � ca. n on which Hattie rested her you will et better board there than �•ood luck to be at the door •.when Louisa very much, for she was all � fell pian, and after eprrain papers have mo feral, my poor litLle clear. I will hand. "I can't understand ;•oil, your boarders get here." she came. : hi was a rand looking rotectyoi, and see than hereafter ,. , , 6 g tE`ncicrness to then], and though often been signed a list of questions relating to . P dear,' In prison?' gasped Bliss Scrimp. lady, ,with diamonds in her ears and the-holy's education aucl or 'est ' you are better treated than you have 'I will try to make my meaningsad, as if rL secret sorrow lay heavily present past ewer been before in this house. And "jkas, in prison, where ,Nott -will be on h:r fingers." on her I1hetrt•; she was ever ready to to p.culinoties is tilled up by the parents, quite plain before 'this interview is sen for breaking 'the seal of my "Was that the last you beard of ( and. the culprit, wbo in this country • soon you shall tall me all you know over, bliss Scrimp. Did the postman fearer," X it?" join thein in any festive moment, any I would] be licked into shape in a healthy, about yourself, as you promised me leo,,e a latter here for ind) to -day?" "I didn't break the seal—I only No, they mont for ore down to the pleasure -giving excursion, and' seem- 1 outdoor fasbion, is solemnly handed over once you -would, and perhaps if you "Tho oFtmanl" fairly tore it open at the and,"•-bhined the asylum, and I told 'em the same ed to strive to be double cheorf11 to i to the paternal care of monsieur 'le diree- halve parents living can het p gasped Miss , 1 I p you to Scriutp, her eyCs a pale green, her wretched cul rit.y. add] to their or on such occs; i td'ur. find] ih Bli fa^o ghastly itz its hue. "I haven't "With your thumb -nail. No mat- st"That makeseanotherrttf ud,L Bliss alone' i The main feature In the treatment is "Obi, Bliss Tiattie, 3£ ever there seen the postman to -day!" ter .where or ]now you opened my Scrimp, for -.-hick you could Tse' or- , : solitary eontiopment during incarceration, wersone,! all angel essie earth you're that over ,fro matter whether you saw him private letter" after taking it from rested and punished," - !eo rs c,)mvmnwn +lie it long or short. Three months is the " g or not. I ask a plain question in the hands of your servant, -aloe re- "Oh, .dear .tie! You'll not have me "" �^^"'m I usual time., but cases hate been known Z,ritlt joy. plain wards. T)id the postman leave calved it from .lie postman." arrested for ,what I 't^ll ,you, when I �~ y ; in which it,'hus bleu estetnded�to our o>• Tlatt'o turned to her table, and a letter here for me to -day?." "Oh, thero's •cohere ,you found it only r even two years. wrote in a )lain, but elegant hand, a y. auswer the gixestion9 you force I s BIiss . cri.np determined to brazen Out? Little Jess has LOId on me. on Hier" ' thea words oil a slip of paper: the rnattet• right out.. Oh, butt I'll skin her for it. I'll *'It, depends entirely on yourself I Strange Cnster Custom. Bliss Batt}o Butler desires to see "If he did he didn't leave it with scratch liar brown eyes outs I'll=" now. Treat Jossfe kind] good From time imme=ot•iai a most extraor1. - B'Irss Scrimp in her room upstairs im- me, And if that's all you've )Wade "Hush, Blips Scrimp. you -will fair taLble. Task no luxttsiles only �� \ =y� ' diniry eastern has been observed on Eas- mediately all very important buss- tete climb them dreadful stairs for I not in any -rely clary to injure, the �• !ter ?tiondays at Iiallaton, in Leicester- ness." don't thturlc ,you. So, navel" that lit have enough for all, and �,; i piece of . „ r poor girl, I have not said she was you are safe from the arrest which I r shire. In order .to retain a l`aw take the cake I got for you, "Ile a little cautious and a trifle a witness.' 2'Itave said there was at can and will have made if you break '•• •.� 5. ground left to the parish In the good old ! and Putit in y u pocket Coro a more tpe lyul, Miss Scrimp]" said first two witnesses—you, in your a sin •le promise," •t�`'!�j�z3 ,r �` i days the villagers bave to indulge in the: when own confession rna..e the third. I " �( • doubtful pleasure of a game of bottle and then talke this note. and lay it on "lien "ectful? Su rose I oil ht to "I'll keep my word if it ruins me," ,• 1 i ,, Miss Scrim r ,Suppose g need rte more. You can a to your s , kicking. But before they can begin to , iss cri ©s she n an 1 c you to be to the cheapest boarder I've got room, while I put on my things and Hattie,BTislanse, tttl)lea etudo m e Dome r � .�� � 11 1 play certnin preliminaries .harp to be o^ s a a ed y in the house,, Tru not going to stay go for an o'fileer." I >, p p ) 4M F : •'i ,?3 y t � i gone" through. Two largo meat pies and guestioh ,,oil," said IJattte, h: re to be in•:ultcd by a bindery , favor. y!,r, •.z , , , , 3 ' Oh, ruerey! screamed Miss "1Ghat is it?" v a , two t1own penny loaves have to be . "Please, Diiss IIattie. I haven't got girl,' Scritn . "don't hate )tie arrested. I ; ,; ti , ' scrambled for. A Iiiigp wooden bottle, . any pociceta in ttty sirens, Miss ticrimp And the angry spinster arose, and did do,ft, I did read the letter. "Tell me ,olio it is that is :IN, bou-Ad round with iron rims Pull cou- »tinldn't let rma iutve tory pockets iL to you from Californy. T'tu Iu t cl, to '!''^ti^'}' I with her lam . thrown .oil and for ilia Boar. .._. _. -` � d . i i the men of the neighboring village of "T cannot tell t},,"„• a' a t I "Stapl Came back and sit down, �r , m -:,f,, You at present^” ,;,,,r,, �^ , 11[edUoui•ne have to wrest it i'rom the Rheua�aaticmll�arpoca Q,9Mb$, or I will go for a police Lint car and 4 'h t-Fi cG'�" E :7 - i�`; I said i3tLtt'e. "The time may not be 'P� k I� „ '; r " ' IIallatonian grasp. It is baldly Heels- I bare you arrested for an offense <y � ,� � �* vel far distant when. I shall make no �!t �a ttfi + � { sorry to add that ilia struggle Is Invariably pain �.91j , d� eia"10ly�■ which twill laud you in the State. ' ai iso l.'`Y�', ;� �d s2cret of it to you or any one else,. r ° `� I provocative of a geed Many Casualties Ott I't•isonl" cried Hattie. " >` \ow Nott Barr go.°?lt i one form or another. wben Lite battle' "Police olHcer��rrest torr?" gasp- 4� t.)'IN "Thankee, Bliss Tiattie. I'll live In i has been won, the victors drink the con- 1Pot A Trace 0*9 Itheu1natism Left S 4�''i� cd Bliss ,�ci•itnp, ' • ' lrol;os. But I'd give anything to FOR I . tents of'the bottle.—LondonChroaicle. After Vsing• Dr. Chase's Kidlney. But she came back, put her lamp know now," Cresswell March 28 1901. I Liver Dills. oft thy. table a)ul sat dovvrt, > > Hattie inacla no answer, agar Bliss ' j t - ' i '�'l1dS Curer die lticLee, i • "Now tell we -.what you want, The Ti Milburn CO., �cinlited, Scrimp took up her lamp and crept Dlartki, Dysentery, Golfe, 1 "Do you. find the possession .of a large I If you are a Sufferer from rheuma. downstairs attain to moi rn over the �n e . , h i guru of money occasions worry?" said the :tism it is possible that you have tried Don't try to scare a poor, nervous' Toronto, Ont,• change that had got to come in liar' Cramps Paw IIl tete Stomach , inquisitive man. many remedies without reaping much ,,old croetur like Ina --^phase don't household. • 1 I "I do," answered t11e miiltonttire. ]benefit. Judging from the number truss IIattie," Dear Sirs,—•Y write to say that And TTattte, delighted at her vie- of cures that have been reported, 17r. +'I avant the letter 2 lknmv ,vas ZlicTVE3us0d131trdoCkl3140Ei Xiittel°3 tory, pondered over a new i:hou rlrt. ANO X1-1- "What sort of worry? Chase's is idney-Liver fills must be 'Vorry for Year somebody is going to) about ilia best medicine obtainable for brought to this house by the regular r glow would she go to wail: to ciiscov- rheumatism, It cures thoroughly, by letter -carrier to -rayl" 4Vit11 E1CCeller.^z results, IlSi er rf 'tlte lady wa ]tad rata -vets p , from me." s f i get it away fr nmel Gam lalnts Y•idding the blood of uric acid poisons, "Dear ine, Diiss IIattie, I've told spring lay daughter, got all run real]y ilia nrotltcr of Tittle Jena, Lind - the cause of rheumatismand severe ,you again and agetin I hawn't seen down and was Very thin and if so, how could'she inform lies that; .. " aeolk Theirs t61er. body pains. any letter -carrier to-dav," her child Was alive and needful of a ITL �L^FEI#TS AIDS t'1C2113IlELILQiD�. Plt)er§ In the tiene Waters ;of the tr6o, Mr. S. Mann, Stittiville, Carleton Co„ "Nor ;Lny letter for Ilia, Bliss weak► brit., writes : "I ,vas afflicted with 'r trLOtlter•s care and love? fell seas tinct that fish of dlll'erent colors rheumatism,rites had severe pains in. the Scrimp? Her,ffte wAS GioVerei;� with l'?dd "It cart Only be clone btr adver'tiso•' IT ACTS LIKE 'A i11HAi M. when frightened do riot all dart Itt tiro "I vow to ganclnoss," Hol" in and i ♦vftl late lit," said ITattie, fit11CF ALfI10il�T ii>�STAi�TAkEflI15A game direction, but that Petah different 1ltnees, hips joints and across riot the lack. „ after she had thought over' . it 'a kind tales shelter In that In of the ' 12heutriatistn remedies ilii not help mei "Will you stvca,r on the Bible .you Spots #illi a largo boil fol'inet1 pori g end I began using Dr. Chase's Xidney- htr ve not had a letter for mo in her cheek. 1 proCLlred 2 bottles whilst. _ .. I sabnittrine growth neatest In Color to that Liver Pills, which have since eampletey your possession to=day, Miss) 'I`7ten etre talk this rruntptodl letter bt the flab ly cured me. Tlu+ro is Hat t}to least Scrimp?" oil $.l •i3,, Allii y the time Shtl of two lines only, and lookod at it Pleasalit, aper Reliable, Effaetn ld trace of rheumatism left, and 2 am no p over tLtldl aver a lin, with teaks in X6 matt to fir - -1 _ . . Artcl ITattio reached beneath her had flnislled them the S OtS and g t to wln. �t'ho lila fart sok , lion -F suUjcet to billousness, headache pillow for ilia Sacrert Bonk, which her eyes. YBty H811S8 S'kOA�( �t$y8 •�t flown alone to tbitrlt &ted who bits nilly and stomach sieknesa, which formerly she, ever react for a few tnlnutca each boil di5appeare anis she i1S t Attacked] rpe frequently. Olt, Patl�ev in 1Teaveti, guld6 mei come forth With purpt)rie In his tyye. wlfih • '.Dr, Chrso's XIdnry-Liwer 'Pills halve night before she closed her eyes in got strong and fleshy again. she said. "hard I trust, him naw?' Aft foul' bra gld tot it, � white 61roel;,�itet UPS and el„tt�hdki p'al-nre, alL Im;•;e r sale by tsar thati any slnt.lar Aleop. � I consider BAA the best blood Has he surely conquered that icartttl ;able to airy, >< rim reset?ed.-+"n,tdit*rarA rey,md•.ii • f:i, illi e.sdo a citheril 211,c of isr stvear�r. I'we'vo rtoldl so t haventht to oseen inedl apivitittr or pasgioit 'tchich di,agg g6 o to Ctaar' �” °" ' N•l�n•1 . y 1'r , a iL y c1210 ilowli. Jtany nobltt stools doUrft to death & d i well zf!e! t...r'ed redib1loklill . ! car, t.t a lb da•:tldtrlt, nr Ildtnanaon, 130.toslt Ito letter .of vnuri;. Bristly I#al tin, end ] ,, , i 1VISSN. ua w%itiea7"' 0111'art, " + �1 ; . . dfiad >ed t��i &ii�bi�ita5, t3o : orcata r .*