The Wingham Times, 1901-08-09, Page 6I W is rT'ITP WM 1IAM TIyILS ATT(T, t) lgol i 4: ui tile, h • 1i 1Ta#1ii.iNlll�li Is/ a. �' a value per tote, the l'veraKe prise zt ntraretn xnattrauue, ci r t1 Ory to I P4sTa ztL:szX•taP1 872, WEANING PIGS, ti rising frons $12.8 in 1890 to X16 in 1900, One of the most arbitrary organiz- k � %ZOM ii 1 s Rlilt L1,1'I.i +t7 ARCS., , pigs g '"t ��,]��TT;(,,* � �" I� fj�, � x 9.`lltl total taloa of the pig, pxadnot I�u atiotls in aka Da1;Iinion,. is that ok tlltj �' ' As scall lbs i s tiro old et a •h to `i v iTll«gal► Yd`o t e r begirt ka ent faces akhe testis ktiat which 1 00 Svcs therefore inane than Uudertvrters. �ssooation, which . _...__._. A. B. .L1ih'Y't`, I'irnt.tsttt:lt.lt�la #'ltnr urr iv,lt g praotim y fires the rates far fire r, F 1?U13,LISFiI7At the receive from their mouser a small in dE99. Steel fiores in the returns, i'or • r, the first time, 2,1110 totes of the Open Insurance, and imposes almost impossible 1Q�VN T)TTI CIQIIY. EVERY FRIDAY MORNING y �`Rl:l? 3�. , A•I tl. 1991 9, p 1 _A� pen. should be so constructed as to admit g p conditions, on the municipalities, so far APTisr OIIvllaxt—Sabbath services at pigs, but exclude the mother, and a. hearth yaiieky Ravin been produced at Hamilton, uortll. 10,380, as ilro appliances are concerned. It Ill's it a m and 7 p in. Sunday School at The Times Q71ee, B@#ival' B1goR small trough pllterd in it where inilkor• ALILI►'I.X0 WILLK. Ores raised front nines in. Ontario 'lately decided on a new system of incur- 2:30 p m. General prayer meeting WINGRAbi, ONTARIO, slop ml'y be placed with a little shelied The mal:iug of a will in lint a 1111•ject were smelted to the extent of 22,578 mice, as elle followiug will allow, whioli on Wednesday eveningsRev. W. to talk about ill ono reuse its it su „ este tons, or 23 per testi of isle whole, the .inay, or may not be beneficial to the Freed, pastor, W^ ,T• Chapman, S. S. Tnnals Or Sunsonzrmrox—$1.00 per annus in corn, so that the pi;;b can eat At pleasure ' g� Superintendent. Advance 1,50 if nut so paid. No paper discos without being disturbed by their mother,. death, which :til of 11s 1rE` rtltxiuus to r0inttiitcler going o1'e imported from ilio COtllir111irity, but it will a5f,uredly be 60 1 ETilUDTSTa1lTrliax—Siibbathsery;ees 6itite,ii gfitl thepublisher.rs are paid, except at the Says nn Ohio rQ�1°oi }n National. postpone as lout,* us possible. Yet :ill United States, mostly from the Lake to the lusurAnce companies, for* it well, at 11 a in and 7 p in, Sunday School at B 1 • ADVERTISTNQ IZA7!t:s, — Logal and other Stockman sues Farm, By this meaila.• know that death is inevitw4e and Sullt'rlar district, in niauyinstauces, Increase the rates. 2,80 p nl, Epworth League every lull- onsual advertisements So per Noll atiollino fur the young pig soon learns to rely less thence it Smuts reasonable Awl Nvi,e that The Wobe Says, Canadian Fire �y oveilulg. General pxayor meeting first insertion, 90 per lino i ex ocelli subsequent T _ __ _ insertion. upon its clam for nourishment and more - on Wednesday evenings. Rev, Richard Advertisements in local columns Are charged p those, who have property to disposo of How'„ This, Underwriters Associatiosi•deoided upon Hobbs, pastor, Dr. Towler, S. S, Sup- 10 ots. per line for first insertion, And 6 eenta upon that which it gets itself, should do so by will when lit stealth as it We tifi'er One liandred Dollars Re- the radical change of adopting a apecflo ei.•inteihdent. per lino;for each subsequent insertion. Besides, when weaning time comes MAY save litigation and iu'ustiee after hard for tiny case of Catarrh that can- rating tiystem for all towns And cities in PlmssxTAuL4.w Caultozi Sabbath ser- I'Advertifie euoi to R Lost, €tFound, Stta tot the tltiws ma ' bo ta;cr�it away from the a not be cured by Hall's Catarrh Care. y'employedvices at 11 a m and 7 ni, Sunda la ,1.08 Y,. . their death. The at. lhouitts Journal Canada, Tllisa stem liar been p y rirat month and 50 cents Yor each al% sequent aI titer des cases wheel illuatr it;h tie:+ nal F• J• OjkENEY & Co.,CToledo, O.School at 2 t30 p m. General prayer month. pigs, ld r,t'ither will experience any- �Te, the undersigned, have known F- experimentally in a number of towns, meeting on Wednesday evenings. Rev, CONWAAOx PATES—The following table shows inconvenience from the change. cossets of so doing. In a westorit city a J. Cheney for The last fifteen years, and and the underwriters believe that the D, Perrie, pastor and S. S. Sliperinten- Yoi tlaeoiflodpoiicds�ortion of Ad9ertiaemonts Certainly, if care is taken the pigs will al dent. i _1 d 1 honorablen h erFeati ti u au a moo • nlI 11 't if tS adoption • , elievE Iiiresults justify twee a dzt d lcavinr tui t:sttue woxt:l be- b perfectly] y A , SPAOE.. 1 xn, ono. 8 Mo. I Tro not be chocked in growth the least . btt�lness transactions and .financially larger scale. It is now practised In. the Sz • PAUL '$ CsURazr, EPISCOPAL—S&b- Ono doltuun......... • $00,00 $85,00 $18,00 $40 g tiveeit X7,000 and x+8,000. The property able to carry out any obligations made g bath services at 11 a m and 7 p m. Sun- Half Coiumn.......... 85,00 18.00 lo.oD 4.e0 particle, but will keep on growing' just Was the juiut sayings of huslawl. and by their firm. United .States very generally, A key day School at 2:80pm. General prayer QuarterColuinn ,,,„ 18.00 10,00 0.00 2,00 tho eanio, Last year we weaned 52! Wife, of' -which part wag earned by the WPsT & TRUA:i, Wholesale Druggists, rating will be given to each town, as in meeting on Wednesday evening. Rev.. Advertisements without specifle directions head, and under such treatment as Toledo, O. WALDING, RINNAN & MAI.- rho act based lar el on the fire Win. Lowe, inelunbout, F, Shore, S, S. will be inserted till forbid anti charged accord- wife before marriod sad put into cum- past, g y ingiy. Transient advortisements, must be paid outlined above they weighed an average mon fund. Tito hllslaud di c'i sudclerrl vlI+ Wholesale Druggists, Toledo, O. appliances and• the arnount of losses Superintendent. for ill advance. y' FTall's. Catarrh Cure is taken intern- pp CONGIILrGATIONAL CHUROH--Sabbath THE Jon DErnItTdtEN'P is stOclted ,vitlt an of 100 pounds at dlh months old. This. leaving 110 will, and tit 01100 111', relatives ally, acting directly upon the blood and previously sustained there. The great sehvices at 11 a ni and 7 p m. Sunday axtensi9ensaortruont of all requisites for print- was net an 13xtraordinaiy grc loth, pnd put in A detwai(l for tae share of the , inncous surfaces of the system. Testi- feature of the specific rating is that each School at 12 m, Midweek mooting ou coiuitaffording y�fox ugirfacilities rsnot nos woi,lc, iLarg yet it •ryas very satisfactor w11en we that tiro law dill nut secure to tuouials sent free. Price 70c. per bottle, building must pay according to its Wedllescily evenings at 8 o'clock. Gavin type and a ropriate cuts for ailatyles of Peat• y ,property Sold by all Druggists. Wilson, S.S. Supt.; A. E. Prior, pastor. Drs, Hand ills, etc., and 'the latest styles of eousidor there were 52 of them. wife. Find children bechr bora to thorn Hall's Tamil Pills are the best. character from an underwriters point of SALVATION ARmy—SLrvice at 7 and 11 choice fancy typo for the finer classes of print > a y view. Tihere�villboastaudarabuildiu c, ins•, The matin idea is to keep the young they, with the mother, `voulcl have in- g, a m and 3 and 8 p 1n on Sunday, and H. B. ELLIOTT, pig growicg steadily from birth, at.. eil herir'ly property. To prove her and variations from that standard will every evening during the week at u Proprietor andPablisher i o'clock at the barracks. any check it may receives at this time rights the riirlow went into the courts, L1 etas Rod roll SPIC00i Prem variati011a frog the standard CarISTIANANDMISSIONARXALLIANcn. ¢l E� � will require more labor and feed to• and the case $vas partly heard when a � rHsniulu. If a building is deficient in—Meetings as follows: S, S. at 2,30 BANK o f'H A M I LT a p ' compromise was agreed upou,tho widow wall or floor thickness so man cents + g P. develop it than it otherwise would. It- y m, Pellowsilip at 4 p.m., and evan- paying .$*,000 to her husbands relatives. - will be added to the rate. Light wells, gelistic at 8 p. in., every Sunday ill WIN G H A M. p just as easy and decidedly more f r elevator shafts, unprotected skylights, Ritchie's Hall Victoria St, profitable to the grower to provide such Another case o� a simi,iar kind happen- Project lU aiea avng' #'ten �a"eAaes Capital. $2,000,000. Rost, $1,234,120 Pori OFrzaE—Til "Macdonald Block. food and conditions as will keep a steady,., ed in the same plata. A man died sud- of 104 lectric 13 ranelses ilnnto great height or size of buildings, Office hours from 8 a in to 0:30 p in. Prosident—TouNSMVARIX. healthy growth in the pig froia start to denly without guarding the rights of his . unfavorable classes of stock, large num- vicu-President—A, G. RAxsAY. Peter Fisher, postmaster. finest as it is to lot them go it on the wife by making his will. It was her Gt;derilcln• ber of occupants, unfavorable neighbors, DincrIANICS' INSTITUTE—Libraly andi; DIRECTORS. 7' �� mother principally t11at urchased the etc., will all be charged up against the free reading room in the Town Hall) John Proctor, Geo. Roach Wm. Gibson, M.P. rout hog or die plan and have them p p Y p will be open every afternoon from 2 to A. T. Wood, iii. P., A. 13. Lee (Toronto). not only 1lnequallin size, but stunted in real estate they owned, but the deeds (Goderich Signal.) building. This, it is alleged, will tend 5:45 o'clock and every evening from 7 to a earenco aDd requiring m were in the name of the husband. He A project that promises much for to raise the premiums on•large business 9:80 o'clock. Miss •Millin Robertson, - GeneralManagor—T.;TURITBULL. feed q fa more time and.. had often talker: of making a will to Goderich and the county of Huron is places and lower them on residential librarian. Savings Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Saturday, 10 Toed to bring tient out than are TowN Couxom—Wm. Clegg, Mayor; to 1. Deposits Of $1 and upwards received and necessary, protect his wife, but procrastination in that which is indicated by the notice Mores, Residence property is not affect- interest allowed. Wm, Holmes, Thos. Boll, Mc Speeesfal Deporlito 'also receival at current his case was the thief of time. The published in another column of this ed at ail: Iudoo, G. A. Newton, John A.. McLean, an, rator interest. icor over rimy socia. man died on his home-%6rd trip, he hav- paper of an application to be made at This change is largely 'the result of Goo. MoRenzie, Councillors; J. B. Fer- Drafts on Great .Britain and the United An Old and Woll-Tried Remedy—Mrs ing been away on business. Some of the next session of the Provincial Legis- pressure by the English companies that guson, Clerk and Treasurer; Samuel States sought and sold. Winslow's SoothingSyrap has been used his relatives immediately put in a claim lature for the incorporation of a radial carry a large proportion of Canadian You11ill, Assessor; Wm. Robertson, Col- Tra9o11era are notified that thoBankaf Ham for over fifty years bymillionsof mothers, lector. Board meets first Monday even- imton and its Branches issue Circular ROM ofor their cren wng hildhile Nothingwith, for all the property that the law did not electric railway company. insurance, and is expected to put the jug in each month at 8 o'clock. National Provincial Banic of England, Limited ' actually give the wife, and they got it. The company proposes to construct companies in a better position to make S01100L $OAIID,—O. N. Griffin., (chair- bon°i n be arched nlworl c.�arge or a mu- portent eKaisuccess. a soothes. the child,es The Ontario law makes provisions for and operate an electric railwaysystem moue The last sentence of the man), Thos. Abraham, J. J. Elliott, J. J. ypnrt oftlao,vRB concur the end i allays all pain, euros. Y y. W. COItIioULD, Agent wind colic, and is the best remedy for Holnuthholding property in her own right and which will give direct connection be- extract explains why the change is Be],, . B Moore, H. Kerr, Thos. E. L. DICKINSON, Solicitor. diarnccea. It is. pleasant to the taste. takingadvantage of it a hardshiplike tweeu man points in the country made. Bell, Wm, Button. Secretary, Wm. Sold by druggists in every part of the g Y Robertson; Treasurer, J. B.Ferguson. P. KENNEDY bh• D.• Irl. a. P. S.O. world. Twenty-five conts a bottle. Its. the latter could have been prevented. which have now only indirect or made Meetings second Tuesday evening in each e . (Member of -lie British Aledioal Assooia- Value is 1riCa1Ct11able. Be surd you ass; In the former a separation of the ep.tates quate communicatioih one with the Only Wblask. month. tion:) Gold Meaallist in D7''•dicine. Special for Mrs. OPinslaw's Soothing Syrup, and PUBLIC SCHOOL TEAaHERs.—A. H. attention paid to diseases of Women and Child of husband and wife might have led to other. The proposed line will run from Many are not being benefitted by theMusgroge, Principal, Miss Robertson, roll. Office hours—Ito 4p. an.: 7 to 9 P. m. take no other land. some trouble and inconvenience. There Goderich to Dunlop Carlow, Dungannon summer vacation s they should be. Miss Reynolds, Miss Farquharson, Miss are, al" course, instances hen under and Lucknow; thence to Wingham, Now, notwithstanding much' Outdoor Ciormyn, Miss Vanstone, Miss Matheson DR. MACDONALD, —A lady saw an advertisement in an, w theirwills men have clone unjustice to Brussels and Seaforth; thence through life, they aro little if any stronger than and Miss Reid. Centre Street American newspaper offering ten to. were. The tan on their faces is BOARD OFHEALTH—Mayor Clegg, 12 yards of silk remnants for ten cents. their wives and children, but where they Brucefield and Varna to Bayfield and darker and make them look• healthier, (ebairmtt,m), C. J. Reading, Thos Greg- Wingham, Ontario: n re - desire that justice be clone them, it is from Bayfield to Gbderieh, snaking a but it is only a mask: They are still ory, Dr. Kennedy, J. B. Ferguson, Sec- She soot ten cents secs received ead. better to have the will made when the' country belt like, between the villages nervous, easily tired, upset by trifles, retary; Dr. J. R. Macdonald, Medical DR. AGNEW, turn half a dozen pieces of sill: tbrea person is is good health and has the pos- of Bayfield and Brucefield, through the and they do not eat nor sleep well. Health Officer. Physician, StAthleteq, Bicyclists and others should What they need is what tones the nerves, y, urgeon, etc. always keep Hagyard's Yellow Oil on. session of his full mental faculties. If township of Stanley, Hay and Stephen, perfects digestion, creates appetite, and Office—Macdonald Bloolt, over T. E. Davis' hand. Nothing like it for stiffness ailcv, he survives los though so that changes to a point on the G. T. R. A ver im- makes Slee refreshing, and that ' is MRS. H E L E Drug Store. Night calls answered attho ofiiee. g b e soreness of the muscles, sprains, braises, are required it can be clone by one or portant part of the project is the con- Hood's Sarsaparilla. Pupils and teach- outs, etc. A clean preparation, will not more codicils. structiou of a line from Dunlop north ers generally will find the chief purpose Classes in 'China Painting. VANSTONE, stain clothing. Price 25e. ' of the vacatiop best subserved by this oil and Water Colors. BARB ,STER•, SOLICITOR, ETC. through the townships of Colbourn and great medicine which, as we know, --' Also a new revelation stein for firing china. Private u Ashfield sues up the lake shore to gin- "builds. up the whole system." e and Com Pa y funds to loan at lowest �r-•.; '� , OUR MINERAL OUTPUT. Studio at her home, Catherine Street: rate of interest. No commission charged. Mort - OUR Port Elgin and Southampton, gates, town and farm pronerty, bought and o Mr. Thomas W. Gibson, director of and thence to a point on the Georgian sold. Offict3, Beaver Block. Wingham.' g The Poultry Trade. �� ' C• ''•-- the Ontario Bureau of Mines, has just Bay, connection with Manitoulin and , , E. ESTELLE GRIFFIN Tho following from the annual repot A. MORTON issued this report covering the year 1900. North Shore Railway. This will give a wINGfIAX J. � I tz• Y The most interesting table given corn- Goderich and other points is the coun- of .the Department of Tracie and BARRISTER, .Cc., commerce at Ottalva, is of value to TEACHER OF VOICE CULTURE. t direct Railway communication with a Wingham, out. ,•- pares the mineral output for the prow- try y parties interested in the. development of �•'•=��.••�• the Georgian Ba and Northern Ont- Pupils repared for Conservatory of Music Ines for the first three months of 1901 y the es ort trade in Canadian, poultry. T' with that for the whole of 1000. The aria. p • p esamivatrons. it �w�• yl The extracts are from the departments BARR.ISTE , aggregate value of the output for the The advantages for the carrying out of p I ®I.g AND GUITAR. R, ETq. i. representative in Great Britain: quarter was $87,860, a largo pyopori_ the scheme are many and importantant. „Solicitor er Block, Winghamlton. Moneytoloan. The trade ill Canadian poultry is Office—Moyer Block, Wingham. ional increase as compared with the It will consolidate the country and re- ! MISS CARRIE M CRE move the ob frequently evidently making gratifying progress. of London Conservatory of Music, will be pro- —•� +j siq ��; whole of the year 1899, for which time ject%ns so fie nests made There have been letters from several area after Oct. 1st to receive a limited num- A-RTIUR J'y'�' D. D. S., L. D. S. , that Goderich is difficult of access from large dealers stating their desire to take Go liar pupils for instruction on violin and the yield of the same product was $2,- Doctor of Dental Sur eryofthoPennsyivanie 1"i41 131. certain portions of the country it will Dental College and Licentiate of the Royal up the sale of Canadian turkeys Residence—o fowls, ppositeR.0. Church, Wingham. College of Dental Surgeons of Ontario. Office There is a noted differerlce- The largest increases -axe in iron ore provide much earlier Lind more rapid etc., and askingto be placed In over Post Office, Wingham. and i Iron; nickel and copper remain assess to markets and should increase • Office closed every Wednesday afternoon pg pp comhruneationwith Canadian shippgrs. PIANO AND THEORY. during Juno, July and August. in the style and fit of Pants we - at about the same level of production; considerably the value of the "side The mild weather experienced! at ° arsenic shows a decided increase, while lines" of the farm—butter and eggs, MISS SARA LOUISE MOORE, L.C.M. T. HOLLOWAY, D.Ds., make that always brings poo- Christmas time and the delay in transit W. L.D.S. gold and silver have fallen off. fruit, etc. In short, it will make Trans- and member of the Associated Muaiciane of New method for painless of some Canadian requirements ware Ontario, is prepared to receive a limited nun- traction. No Cocaine• ple back for another pair. The quantity of iron ore smelted into portation for both passengers and unfortunate incidents, entailing, it is to Theory upils for instruction on Piano and in p pig iron during the quarter at ilhe three freight cheap, easy and rapid. h Special attention to the care and regulation e feared, heavy losses, but the trade is Special attention given to upils preparing of children's tang Moderate prices and all Then there is the low price for examinations. 8 p p p g In B carefully and skilfully performed' . Office furnaces in Ontario, all of which are in We are sure that capital for the un- evidently obtaining a solid foothold, Residence—opposite R. C. Church, Wingham, in Boavor Block; Wingham. steady operation, was 48,633 net tons, of dertaking• will be available as soon as it The department of agriculture has made OMae closed every Wednesday afternoon and better duality of cloth put during Juno, July and August. which 24,033 toes were from Ontario. is made apparentjthat the people of the a special study of the requirements of pp in them—cloth that wears. arsines, and 27,580 tons were imported country are in favor of such a road and this market, but 'I reprodflce the follow -yt `sl' ? �° J. Elliott, V. S. JOHN RITCHIE, ngre. The proportion of ore smelteddur- that the municipalities concerned are „)�� Henorary, Graduate of GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT,See our new goods and prices. ing the quarter rose to 48 per cent of willing to Ivo moderate encouragement ing suggestions made by a large London Ontario veterinary $ ag a +'" '- College. importer of Russian and other poultr9 6 Win ham Ont • O11.11 and Inflr asry Win - 'mm ® ■ the whole, as against 25 per cent in 1899. to the enterprise. Steps will be taken ism r� for the benefit of Canadian shippers: E V toric y's old stand, In addition to the ore 3,486 of scale and immediate) to meet the representatives Victoria St., Wingham. DEANS, Jn. anill cinder were melted. of the muuici alitieP for the purpose of 1, The best fowls to breed and to kill h . Day and night calls P. p p for the table are Plymouth Rocks. _ - promptly attended to. LICENSED AUCTIONEER o The total quantity of nickel and cop- securing rights of ways, and it is intend- Telephone connection. for the County of Huron. Sales attended in Y T p 2: Surrey fed fowls make the best o may be Good ideas. 16 y per ore milled during the three months ed that operations should be commenced any part of the County. Chargee moderate. may ne secured by r prices. was 72,036, being a proportional increase at an early date for the rapid construct- FARMERS OHN CURRIE, WIN(,IIdSt, ()NT. our aid. Address, 04 , 8. All poultry should be kept twelve THE PATENT RECORD, > compared with the whole of 1899 of ion of the road. 9l' 07`' 0 p to fourteen hours without food or water and anyone having live stock or other LIOENSED AUCTIONEER. Baltimore, had 4 ,�O � `3� er Cent. The quantity Smelted was before killing, so as the food in their articles they wish le diaptoso 04, should .Our Adve a Sales of Yarm Stock acid Farm Implements a � ,p! � g, rise ilio same for sale in the TlnrEs. Onr lar e p p �.y Oy��'�3 tons. New Life for a quarter. Miller's Com- crops is digested and their crops empty. yoou do roti etaousto,no �l �vdenn' �u stein ole apAll oruers left at Tun Tlvns office promptly �� ?„ 47�.�'..y EXPERIENCE YEAWSP $� as �•T total quantity of pig iron product ouud Iron Pills. Sold b Colon A. 4. All featheis taken off whilst the thaty on wi sell b� ause you may ask more attended to. Terms reasonable. t, - t•. r C3.Pi:liIGNCE i tti+ q o p y rte. �,, eye q `tilll�h the year was 9,31$ tons less than Campbell. fart%e nrtiole or stoop than it is worth. Solid _ �' o' birds are warm, directly after killing, your advertisement to the TIMES and try thin C a 0 but there was again an advance JOB PRINTING, S .tio9 0� q ' h g excepting the feathers on their heads, articles disposing Of your stock and other ' Kr ,�• ,` ,q. cl i q Books, Pamphlets, Posters Bill 1 Blodern Mdatmaking. which must be left on. Heads, Circuls, &o., c., executed in the best dna cw 't .cam �° .y c The great heavy bullocks and thick 5, All poultry should be allowed to get style of the art, at- moderate prices, and on p p short notice. a t sided porkers that were once snob fa- quite cold before ticking in boxes to , Boo>;nixnsxa. We pro pleased to announce & • q a" that any Boosts or Magazines left with ii for TRADE" MARKS a 4 t, o �^ " vorites are now not desirable sl' s a freeze them, . DesiciNs . 9 ,� w• r.pa f DySpepa�g�lt , y p :; ,.r Binding, will have our prompt attention y ti ,gym •J0 `cy --_ writer in. American Agriculturist. They G. The best acka es are flat boxes to Prices Por Binding in any style wit] be given on t^iOPYRIQHT§ &c. o W, > t,z i ,i1�� s of it ,'Cnsi:toxs 3'nn have given place to the young, quickly Contain 12 to . �,�° appltcatioitto Anyonesending askopintch and reecWp tonmap 00 birds. THE TIMES OFFICE, quickly aseertnin our opinion fico whether tw 4� �' G ¢, �r�d La'} by i� o:ry :til Ylt. , g`ngham, invention is probably ntentAble. Communica- �, a°' .t 9 grown animals. In order to avoid an 1. The trade is good for foals averaging ;OLID RUBBERZt tions strictly confident al. nandboek on Patents I ii lira' ii oil:- Ifr. d Ilaao'! excess of fat an animal must be 4 to 6 pounds each, ants Also good for �' sent trot, Oldest t agency foBlunnr 9ocuring rintonte. ..y� Patents taken through charge, In h Co. receive a ij eacvc' l o' cit res. 1 ] ° RAILWAY TIME TABLES. special notice, without ehnrt o, In tiro continuous) grown. If it is reduced to fowls or clnekens averaging 2,� to 3 RAND TRUNK RAILWAY BYBTLM. c, wd ty gie?p, m rvou n alrhe and nervous y g � �, �-�l� pp yy44 }'t �j y� ��d , 0r Indy croon are usually a more shadow during the winter months pounds. , l7i s`�Qvi1111� J gine' icano i�Iy�tet fir, a .. httVO a common and then rho following season allowed 8. All poultry shauld bo shard frozen o 'rItAINs LE.IvE.trOli Ahnndsomoty illuntrntnd weelcty. I,nrttoat etr. '(r9b Its a E th onditfon of the Palmerston .......... .. 0.58 aan.... 8.55a.m, nutation of any acientmo Journal. Terma, $3 a at tjOP aE:4s� 10c.r 'tilflC]1G' p0lvders its freedom on the rich range grass of the when put on steamers, and poultry to , A r� London ...,..... 0.50 a -nn..,. t1.26p.m. your; fear tnontlre, $L Sold by all newedeatbra, rot tin 3r t�1'ifle ncth41•t deaden the vest, it well lay on too much fat and be placed in steamer refrigorators. Kineardine..11,10 a.m... 8.25 p m .. 8.86p.m, �ipp9g4p1 ��•st 3GtBtoEadxay pp�� y �o a ane+ es. E +.pare, harmful W'11 czrr 1leaV ARRIVE irnoas U1Gt9 81I�. ' Now 1 ork f ut, a t+$b .g The Only not enough meat, Tallow is not what is 9. The trade for frozen "poultry is .good y Y loads wild Kincardine ,..,8.40 a.m., 13.65 a m .. 8.26 p.m ?trannh cisco. Cis II Ct„ tiVnshfn ton. a. o. �. 0 effec t � o is tO rh- 'g p withstar-ct hard service. Palmerston .....:'.12.46 n.111.... m •. 8, 8 p, - t wanted; ht hs meat that the present from D.eeembei ri ht,,, to tho end o£ •� 0Cc 0 nor e9 Jb t fitment as R. T. BUTTON, Agent, Wingham, h la�fiL�+q1vt arQ,cr, I,"hrOdY �S generation desires. The eastern feeders -sly' An ever -satisfactory, easy- w� K� wv J♦ apTt;Grr ,, Onj�+ e�h bt street, are fully awal o easy - of that fact; for they 10. All cases should be marked with "" riding wheel ter,. ANADIA T.PACIFIC ARVn RAILWAY. �. �o t.-kvtzr itc�50 4 a p g ng p y .f R Toronto aficlKaet...,,... 11.68 a m .8.00 p.rn. r -i rr � 1 a6� and never Al1aW an animal to stn growing the initials of the es otter, and the net lover set guaranteed. Teeswater ...,.......... 1.82 p.m..,.10.4a p.m. o�q ye fay Yn o�x tles`g t i and from birth until it reaches the slaughter weight to be marked on each box, each Gari befitted -to any wne2i. ARRIVII ]PROM �i g + �, 'jar �t'aa house, They well cultivate the taste of box to be cumbered tit running stringers o n s E~ roit�i@r ys•� Toronto and East .. ... 182 p,m.... 18:48 p.m. h�st,psit); qL�(�it�iIru iriea�yyr avcfe�ied th3 meat eaters to suoh a degree that - 4or instance, commence at hTa, 1 And 5ond for catatogno. J. H. I3EIDMER, Agent, Wingham. " 'and if at��i1_�• Atti�r^di e . it will forCo those who cannot procure follow on. li. � dUNLOP TIRE 00, lava dsand'inuk-Marks obtalnt.d. end nit patent Ettri `'a ilufliciont feed to 1seH1f their animas it1 11, 'Y'ho trade in tUrkHys i[s ons q good - r,tnrrrEts. r g, o'fisects'3n theimmedif io t�(ain°Cyiefiisl ae8ne�ffice v . p' titeIV oodfloghthroughtlhewintortosellthem fromDoceulberi5tothe encs -of 1�'eb= 1 TOI,p y, ands,yracilitleaitrserur:n{tpatantsnraunsurpassed 64 t Send model, sketch et p:totograpb of invention wit:% etc tlalci cots �POt �y�tcic°�l bit ,'a we&nlhl time rti8 daenri tics nndstntarncn!ns tonu,att>t ca chfmcd. t}ngt9i tird A,� vtdt fu K.� g � `` ��ia� ���, tl�`Aporltnrviedvrnc:rteyira7►e rttrtiotaireta #� t� TO A b -1 r f �nNe e•� o i�cet'ittc�' ' yrnto>ltdbtlhy/, nn<i ry fen for proscautin7C ehe mrl�lieili tab` it`r application feed h400 .10 dduAa br 171,01; the �roullgladiestivhdw�rt] GL113pCig' Ii>i�gtid 1g WCiHfriS{ ' aVe r. Tit Y ?„rre0%t taltewa,i. "lwvn,vons�t;0rns,"con• . 6t 1,14 i A. '.45" g� n +tle' girl �' rainingfuilinrornistionstntrfret Alt Otttinhual, Elf „qri g to be It menti ev nre b a tin ti se rni� two i�tiwi�rhmalf lea � tslci rrthe result �vttis crttone Constaerad As dtrlotl;7.0h9denthil, `r�' tmlsSold by that she pomed 16 round worms in AV6T1, MES I �"�A$'vii�'�iz> � .�'�rr 11 1OU4�1i'"�it : t! .i%�m�t�f rA. t5ambell. rlanl, titre,, iinyt latagh, Otrt. . « « ses� ttrs�oet evalterz�arol�. ae..s. r