HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-08-09, Page 5What VNWR�ZINC, ' ,RIGHEST P. 'WatiQlial Jtr4ill '1V'oaollra lLtd V,rideawake Wimes Correspondoma Con1&nunicato —Other eii'eets of Beat. Miss Jessie Robertson of Wro-retei Items Clipped From Our Exchanges, es, went to Boi9sovaill, Manitoba, this weO to visit her brother and sister there. •, Messra George Scott of Toledo, Ohio, Na Dealers,w�;i►:�lsTioB. aiJ,LTtOSa. Wingham, JoSsie Roboxtsau .of Sanderson St, ai&d The cuhoss voters' lists are in silo and Audrew Suott of Seafortli, visited theix brother Mr, Frank B. Scats, last BANK of HAMILTON ■' Tinto M�rilu of I'erguson St., loft for clerks hands. August 24th is the last lidanitoba. oil Tuesday, last. They ex- day fax looking after your Marne, to be week, peot to be away about three months, sure it is • on, the list. Messrs John MAthers of Belleville and W I N G N A M , From different places in the vicinity The Oulross Fair prize list shows. Tiioinas of Sseaunbe, Miehioan, are at 'Capital paid up, $1,90u"",150.00, there left for Manitoba on Tuesday, thirty special prizes, Tho Fair is to be home visiting their father, Mr. Robert 'Reserve Fund, $1,500,000.00, , l&eill on 24 and 2S, Matbera, of the first line of Morris, wbo Rums Batt, DdWin Palmer, James SeptP is very ill. Fres on sWuanT, (deo. IIS ex, Joules Balgnt il. A nomination of candidates to fill the Vice-President—A• tx. ZisAY. Wright,g $P y Miss Azablo Scanlan of Jarvis is vis - DIRECTORS Mr, T. F. Miller -,alas in Gorrie on Position of councillor in the Culross , + itin Tuesday. Township Council made vacant by the g her gmiidparents, Mr, and Mrs. „"fobn Proctor, Goo. Roach, Wm. Gibson, Xx. y' William Smith,' A. T. Wood, X. ., A, B, Lee (Toronto), Lula Rutherford went to Harriston on death of Mr, Graham Scott will bo held• iu'the town T Mr. John Black of Turnbury, lost a General Manager—J, T1DRXBULL, Tuesday. , eeswater, oil Saturday, + valuable horse a' ew days ago from in. Saviurs Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Sathrdny, to Mr. D. M. walker and son of Niagara Aug, 10th at 12 o'clock noon, Deposits oY t1 and upwards received, In- Falls are visiting friends in the village at ftan&atian, *or -t ali'oWt d, and computed on the 80th No- 1►IQF3iIS. Mr. Gilbert Gillespie, a Turnberry vember and 81st May cac11 year and added to present. boy, now teaching near Brandon, Matt., principal, Mrs, J. Walker is having her dwelling Mr. J. Shoebottom,, the Al. thresher, Special Deposita also received nt current is visiting his ala home in the holidays. rates of interest. on Queen St. painted. is taking the lead this year, He has.Quarterly meeting services were held Drafts on Great Britain and the united Mr. Reese was in Listowel on Wednes- threshed out several barns, already. in the Methodist church last Sabbath States Bought and sold, day with his horse which he'sold. Quite a number.1took in the Excursion Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ham- and the willing workers, quarterly 11ton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of Mr, Edward Barnard has the first to Goaerioll on Thursday' tea was held the previous Friday. Notional Provincial Rnnit of England, Limiteaa; story of his dAvelling almost up. Miss Mary MacDonald, is home on a -which can be cashed without charge or trou- 'hie in any part of thg world. Miss Sarah Bray was expeoted to ar- short visit, It is reported that Samuel Ashton, a W. CORBO'ULD, Agent rive home thi6 weekil s Mary Findlater, was visiting in barber is down with smallpox at Gorrie. M. L. DIC81N'SON. Solicitor. Mr, Ashton is a sou of Mx, Frank Ash- • old solioal Section• last week. A Certain Remedy x! or Corea ton, of Morris. Miss Elizabeth Laidlaw died at pql Estate And one always to be relied upon, is Mansewood, Halton, Co, on Thursday Yu IABt Saturday ullyi rst race l+;ddi- Gal AgrnC Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. July 18, aged 40 years. She was a. BryAns was beautifully first; look Coul- J fiftSafy sure and imitations its value. Beware sister to R. B. Laidlaw, and Mrs Robt. les second; Christian `Brinker third; y p. Will Haney, fourth and Susan Smith WINGHAbt, of such. Get Putnam's at druggists, or Shortreed, and an, aunt to Mrs Goo fifth. There will be bigger crowd next if you cannot get it we will send it to J•a on, of Morris all of wl were Saturdayevening you by mail upon receipt of 25 cents, sent at the interment. "' post paid, to Canada or United States Sabbath mgrning, July 28th, Janet Fred Wasmau is visiting in Mitchell. N. Cl. Polson & Co., Kingston, Out, Mr, and Mrs. Robb. Maxwell, of the ' Ferguagn,relfet of the late Alexaa.,aer Bluevale road, attended the wedding of SAML■ YOUHILL JAMESTOWN. Stewart passed that bourne - from a relative in Mitchell last week. Victoria Ha! as opened last Sunday, whence traveller returns, aged 80 Rev. R. Paul and Mrs. Paul, of Brus- Office—Corner Patrick and Leopold, Sts. years and 8 months. She had been services being by Rev. John Ross making her home for some time with sels, visited at Mr, Joseph Pugl&s this of Brussels. A grand concert was held week. her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Ritchie. Mrs. We have a word to say to those who on the following evening. Although it Ste -,vara was born at Blair Athol Messrs James Moffatt, Robert Mus - was a rainy night, a goodly number at- grove, John Munn, sr. and Daniel Munn •contemplate becoming citizens in this Perthshire, Scotland, where she was also tended; the pr. eels amounted to seven- left for Man, on Tuesday, on the bar. Nary busy, live town, that we have on married io her late husband who , ty dollars. vectors occursion. ?<iancl several desirable dwellings ten- . .ora -deceased her 30 years ago after a Sabbath School is held on the after- A car of hogs were shipped to Palmer - noon of each Sabbath at 8 o'clock, also ston on Monday. iug lots in No. 2 Ward, 18 of which are , 1847, living at Harpurhey before weekly prayer meetings. ext Carling St. East, locating in Grt y township iu 1853. Mr Iia haver eau oe Prevented. Miss Maud McKelvey of the 1st Con. Y b on Catherine St. East. and Mrs. Stewart were well known to 8 on Carling St. West. of Grey was holidaying in Orangeville. the travelling public as they built and Don't seek other climes at "Hay Fever While breaking bottles James Innes I Season dont destory your stomach and 4 on Coruyn St. South. had the misfortune to lacerate his fin- i kept a hotel 3l miles South •of, Brussels nerves by drugs'—prevent the disease. - 4 on Cornyn St. North. for a number of years. They also h Hay Fever is caused by germs that float gers. Jim is an unlucky fellow. about in the air and finally find log And 1 lot, No. 88, on the East side of a farm. on the 14th con., of Cxro y aemen4 -Frances St: No. 4 Ward, at rices to Mr. and Miss Ross of Clifford are, vis- in vour throat and lungs. Medicine ' p iting at Wm. MoKelvey's. subject of this notice -,vas genveili -,won't reach them there, but di snit the conditions of all. her disposition, hospitable to a niarkad p � p a rrh z is L to o onocar death Misses Addie and Ellen Mulligan Sun -e e th to germs. degree and never lost tin ardeut love for Start now to use Catarrhozone. Inhale SAM L, YU U H I LL. dayecl at Daviel Tl&ompson's on the 1st the land of hor birth. For a woman of it into the throat, lungs, nasal passages of Aug. and bronchial tubes; it goes wherever liar sae she was remarkably smart up to Miss Robertson �vho has been visiting the air you breathe goes, and it will •";' . eaxar �- --- �H' at And. Simpsons bas returned to her a short period of her deatli. .Two sons, prevent and care Hay Fever. Endorsed /C • , � � k l home in Toronto. (John F., aY Toronto, aver Dan., of by not loss than one thousand doctors in ;'{; • c; , ' •�� �a•� � Minnesota,) and one daughter, (Mrs. C. Canada and U. S. Sent to any address � • ,,.'` _ K ;;. Mrs. David Breckenridge jr. is lying Ritchie) survive. On Tuesday afternofor $1.00 forwarded to Polson & Co., / r very ill at present, also Mrs. Ruttan sr. Hartford, Conn., U. S. or Kingston, the remains of this well known old on Ont, i4o: � /: • The )r - y are dthe doctors under e ocors care. 4r �� to , «• settler -,yore laid away in Brussels Miss s Myrtle of Irishtown is visiting r cemetery, in the presence of a larg o BELMORE her friend Miss Nora Simpson, `� �` �l ,� number of old friends. Rev. Jno. Ros Tr. James Ballantyne, father of Mrs o: Fa Sandy Scott was under the weather for a few_ days but is able to ' be around B. A., of Brussels, conducted ai McKee of tl Village, died very sudden- i a 1y ;�- "' �r ; ; ;j \_ _ again. appropriate cervico on the occasion. ly on Suncl�tlorning last of heart dis- r I' �r i Walter Wright took his departure last BLUB VA.a,L. ease at his home Downie tp. 14Tr. Bal - Tuesday morning for Brandon, Man. antyne was a native of Peebleshire,Scot- ri'(1'' / c✓ Miss M, Piren s Gond daughter of land,and emigrated to this country with Miss Maggie Scott of Molesworth o a lien sister Mrs. Copeland Stokes. Mr. Thomas Sto was married on his brother when 19 years old. His ex - visiting Wecluesday of 1. t le;r, by Rev.. R. j Miss Lizzie Hall of Ethel is visiting J eellent character made hint a favorite her sister Mrs. Geo. Eckmire. Paul, at Victoria Cottage, Brussels, to with all. He -,vas a staanoh Liberal in A Mr. Milton S. Watson, postmaster at critics a devout Presbyterian. His g Mra, Anthony McDonald of Cmu- Sunshine. Mr. John S. Stewart, broth- politics, A Judge ge of S L Ie-. brooke is visiting her friends around death makes t first break in the fam- er of the bride was groomsman, and it of five. 'ides his widow he leaves Jamestown. Y will at cat�l�c detect the sll ger- Miss Lottie Watson,sister of the groom � Mr. Geo. Hooper of Dakota has been vino child ;they are: James of Os- iorit of our iimde•to-Order was bridesmaid. Mr. Watson is a son borne, Robert, William and Angus of � visiting friends. .garments. Service will be held in Victoria Hall of the Morris assessor. We wis Mi. Downie, Thomas of Atwood, Mrs. T. next Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock by and Mrs. Watson much joy. Dickson of Elma, Mrs. McKee of Bel - c. ' HICH ART TAILORING The garden party given to formally more, Mrs, Holmes of Downie and Mrs. John McAllister. open Victoria Flan Jamestown on Mon - C 9v our specialty. We fit the A case of smallpox at Gerrie. p ' ' White of Dakota. Three brothers snr- man of abnormal as well as he . day evening of hist week, was.a seventy- vive--l:Ion. Thomas and Robert of Strat- Paaniutlao civic one dollar one although the rain fell ford and William of Washington, and -, of normal shape, and our 3 steadily all day and a large number of a a„ • a r, , • one sister, Mxs. Gourley of Stratford. a may be muscular or rheumatic. The y r prices Suit all. jousts are hard to get at, and it requiros people were thereby kept at home. Come along and get One of a powerful, penetrating rem endy to reach Had the weather been Sine the one hum - the nenvest novelties in �a'aitS, the affected parts. Poison's Nervillne dred unci fifty dollar mark would doubt- ,,io f�.�✓� s exactly meets the requirements, for it is less have been reached. The program Overcoats and Pants. both powerful and penetrating. The and supper were excellent. Those who Yours truly,. paid is expellod as if by magic, for one This signature is on every box of the genuine y' . drop of Nerviline equals in strength rive did not attend this year may havo an op- �.axativc Bd'Qimo-Q.11iPline Tablets t �� e � � drops al other d remedies, You won't ill portunity to do so nest, as Jamestown tho remedy that c0rea as 00x44 iia eco 49ay often Call the doctor it Nervilino is in intends to make the garden party an ail - the house, Price 25 cents. nual nirnir. The hall was built to ac- .,..,. ...,,... �,.......�. _. MYTH. comodato the Union Sabbath school I.> !i1r, and Airs. Scaudrett and ills. and 7 �! o gRpgga which for four ymirs &not &n Mr. James ���� i CA..�O•C�i83Us ��bl~ � Mrs.Orr, of Iielgravo, visited at the Strachans house, but will -be used for all 13 .,_ ... ..:.. ..,... _.. �......_..... home of ...L•. and 141ra, Jl;hit Ptitt:altl on necessitry meetings. On Sabbath Spec - 1,1 scriiees were given ,to the school, Air. George King, left tills Wed, ail a d., on.thu oceassion of their first meeting btisia)r s trp to tlluSt:o ural othc<a <11�0- Su j�in silo hall, by Rev. Jilin Ross, aP F3ras• 1 a 1 sell, -,iha ptcsftlt d, 14Tr. Thomas Strarh- i:rt 1 at.c. 4 111! Y, mns received hero on `v'ednos- an, Mr. U. V. Blair and Mr. James i rltl of la.:t iveelz that :;ergs. � Ice;uatl?&ic �'°° ""'n■'"■*" °1°'"9'T" , traehan. Tho Singing was rendered by � ono of the Canadians ill ,youth Africa it good choir, with Miss Ion, Bryans ns „ Wo arca now offering special value in all classes of Sarnmer Goods, ivo ild bo Moine on ti&tirsci �y, I rel:arat- �" organist. Muslins, Organdies, Wool Delaiues, Fanav Gin hams, . Percales, Dimities, fail ; wive made for h!l reception. Iris � Air, William H. Stewart has rasit,ilad father went to Liilltoi& to detain him � Mercerized Sateens and Prints, till up-to-date patterns and colors. the post of principal of the New Ilaln- Also 7:t colnpleto stock of Ladies' Wrappers and Shirt Waists, Special bur" pubic school toil will as- tlirrq until the uxaursiouf>omGoder9 ' p The la'a excursia&t traitl reached value wt 66c and 'tip, sumo the position on the stili of Lticam at 10 p in. whets lraliit', ash• high School humediately after tho boll - .See our special values in Ladles' White Goods and Undervests. " iar)y called, tiligitted frc ' i..1a4�M Parasols in I''ancv and illicit Colorings from 7:ae and Lip. A mighty cheor rent 0 In Turnip Seed •1 stave the nest knowtL kinds, shell its Steel Briggs Co. ,,.� 1110tivo whistle Tui• '" ' ' Prize, t:l! isle Old cv; rr"1% irg acclaim. He wti.. Select, L10phtlnt, aimnler s i 1ize, Ronnie a Oiyii, as well asr &, Standard aricties, age, taken to the iloz:t i'll � C�iR kz,�d w� dy r s t3 *3",See our 11116 of Ladies Sawfner Corsets 'lt 35x, Also the new Corset K- * 1'raln -,vhicll ]ie had bee i Oil Monday ovenhip, a bit, �ireet Form, straight frt'nt, special at $ 1,00 air. upfrom ally sickness iso Il]alter p p ' c•tt in the Ai;rirttlturtl pail: We es,what sort, begin with a little i;rlini al' speeches and mwdc .lice, olutt, special line of Cotton forlBoys,y extra, heavy, fast t hick. Scott's r"Inulsioli of Cod-liver' 8.o Y + bar;,t. 1'CcC3uarrie was preslrliit (Torres In Black and Colors from 150 pair up. oil. acidtless awl an tirnior signet i. 'z special line (if "White Countol Panes to be cleared at :31.00 c u h Itis food, and more tlian r30 in molivy. 1, t p v 3 , `+ „ . ,.: i� .l . 5 If x food: 1t helps you diest what - 0" 40011A the Yoligil i+T ever' food you can bear. ftittl work's til' the 010141. 1YtNb vah 'Rift DAMMI.i ANIS VOW IT. !Ir1�1L LrrCtlil7iF1AWt7C ONCA„Isre tiotlo7raWi. 1,=AtivAlStemAi�uiniraiq'riblotseiiranro:/iIl SOC, anti #i3OO; all druggists, otteday. `iA Core, i10 Yny. i rico 'c cents. 1 to r if ♦ - .J , � .. U11 -TO -DAT SELLING HOODS, THE NEWSTORE AT 008T. oto kTakin06 -6ale Selling at, Cast l�rlee We are right into stock taking now and. you can do some genuine iuoiley Saving; during• this sale. The stock must be reduced tWo thaus�rnd dollars before inventory and • to do so an rna;�e the sale a great. success.we have decided to sell .c�T COST 'RICE. Drees Goods AT COST. Boots and Shoes AT COST. Prints A`�' COST. Lace Curtains AT COST. Carpets AFI' COST, Muslin,., �?_T COST. Blouses AT COST. Ready -to -Wear Clotll.i•-a AT COST. Men's Underwear AT COST. Plannelettes AT COST. Parasols .AT COST. Hosiery and Gloves AT COST, Lin©ilunl.s AT COST. Oilcloths AT COST. Whitewear AT COST. -Hats and Cap, AT COST. `Sheetings AT COSH'. Print Shirts .AT COST. Table Linens AT COST. Slairtdri�,s .Et.�T COST. Ho to ISAPdD r:, The Cheap Caste Store. Opp. Kant: of Hamilton. -�--' _ - aczsxt,wrL down P at Robertson visiting V at ueIwing fiolii Jawlis 1drs. titnll :pFullill, t11:• loft: photo in the spring of 1S53, and .going of the Mr. Mills of Ingersoll, has a gang of first settlers found a wilderness, but men putting down' sidewalks. Mr. Mills hard -,York and proseverance transform - has secured the contract for putting ed the forest grown land into a fruitful all the sidewalks for this year. home. He leaves a widow, to sons and THE )VINGIIAN '1;. DES, 91 1901, one daughter; Peter in Michigan; Jam - mill will'soon be running. Mr. O. Liv- es and Marion on the homestead. The ,AUG. tt 1a. !"1 {��� NEWS FROM OUR NEIGHBORS days. Mr. Stewart is a�Bluevale boy, . MissAndenceoexef randf th vMr. Mx. j�qr�i tt¢¢ 7i�eH! ��1�1 ��� �Il�li�+. 7i�e I 1 h 474 sympathy of many friends is extended Rttllpl'esidelleeaa`llergrian(ifatl&qr,. to the bereaved family. r Co 1aveyatacina, 41ssiRneo and Aecoun'tant. �iUliey to loaaa An tows iai1Q f)irin 1)rA1)ertq. "'� " John Burgess, MISS Mattie McCraohen, of the lne• also Messrs. Jim Robinson, ti holm bit a&y 3iliesldenAAD-} CA{tSli iao lab. NT Q INTEREST TO ALL © READ S. Yale road, wont to to. reside R year Wit1111@x sister, IVfigauphin oil �cls profited to the extent of $040.90. The � Ci�,.l P MON, � . share to the Turnberry Society amount. Cuesday. 1►agLeall, Miss Mary Stokes of Turnberry is at Mr. John Beecrofts. eztt>�tcPt �nrrs. Mrs, Robb. Blaal>, has. been ill from the The annual district conventio&i of the What VNWR�ZINC, ' ,RIGHEST P. 'WatiQlial Jtr4ill '1V'oaollra lLtd V,rideawake Wimes Correspondoma Con1&nunicato —Other eii'eets of Beat. Miss Jessie Robertson of Wro-retei Items Clipped From Our Exchanges, es, went to Boi9sovaill, Manitoba, this weO to visit her brother and sister there. •, Messra George Scott of Toledo, Ohio, Na Dealers,w�;i►:�lsTioB. aiJ,LTtOSa. Wingham, JoSsie Roboxtsau .of Sanderson St, ai&d The cuhoss voters' lists are in silo and Audrew Suott of Seafortli, visited theix brother Mr, Frank B. Scats, last BANK of HAMILTON ■' Tinto M�rilu of I'erguson St., loft for clerks hands. August 24th is the last lidanitoba. oil Tuesday, last. They ex- day fax looking after your Marne, to be week, peot to be away about three months, sure it is • on, the list. Messrs John MAthers of Belleville and W I N G N A M , From different places in the vicinity The Oulross Fair prize list shows. Tiioinas of Sseaunbe, Miehioan, are at 'Capital paid up, $1,90u"",150.00, there left for Manitoba on Tuesday, thirty special prizes, Tho Fair is to be home visiting their father, Mr. Robert 'Reserve Fund, $1,500,000.00, , l&eill on 24 and 2S, Matbera, of the first line of Morris, wbo Rums Batt, DdWin Palmer, James SeptP is very ill. Fres on sWuanT, (deo. IIS ex, Joules Balgnt il. A nomination of candidates to fill the Vice-President—A• tx. ZisAY. Wright,g $P y Miss Azablo Scanlan of Jarvis is vis - DIRECTORS Mr, T. F. Miller -,alas in Gorrie on Position of councillor in the Culross , + itin Tuesday. Township Council made vacant by the g her gmiidparents, Mr, and Mrs. „"fobn Proctor, Goo. Roach, Wm. Gibson, Xx. y' William Smith,' A. T. Wood, X. ., A, B, Lee (Toronto), Lula Rutherford went to Harriston on death of Mr, Graham Scott will bo held• iu'the town T Mr. John Black of Turnbury, lost a General Manager—J, T1DRXBULL, Tuesday. , eeswater, oil Saturday, + valuable horse a' ew days ago from in. Saviurs Bank—Hours 10 to 8; Sathrdny, to Mr. D. M. walker and son of Niagara Aug, 10th at 12 o'clock noon, Deposits oY t1 and upwards received, In- Falls are visiting friends in the village at ftan&atian, *or -t ali'oWt d, and computed on the 80th No- 1►IQF3iIS. Mr. Gilbert Gillespie, a Turnberry vember and 81st May cac11 year and added to present. boy, now teaching near Brandon, Matt., principal, Mrs, J. Walker is having her dwelling Mr. J. Shoebottom,, the Al. thresher, Special Deposita also received nt current is visiting his ala home in the holidays. rates of interest. on Queen St. painted. is taking the lead this year, He has.Quarterly meeting services were held Drafts on Great Britain and the united Mr. Reese was in Listowel on Wednes- threshed out several barns, already. in the Methodist church last Sabbath States Bought and sold, day with his horse which he'sold. Quite a number.1took in the Excursion Travellers are notified that the Bank of Ham- and the willing workers, quarterly 11ton and its Branches issue Circular Rates of Mr, Edward Barnard has the first to Goaerioll on Thursday' tea was held the previous Friday. Notional Provincial Rnnit of England, Limiteaa; story of his dAvelling almost up. Miss Mary MacDonald, is home on a -which can be cashed without charge or trou- 'hie in any part of thg world. Miss Sarah Bray was expeoted to ar- short visit, It is reported that Samuel Ashton, a W. CORBO'ULD, Agent rive home thi6 weekil s Mary Findlater, was visiting in barber is down with smallpox at Gorrie. M. L. DIC81N'SON. Solicitor. Mr, Ashton is a sou of Mx, Frank Ash- • old solioal Section• last week. A Certain Remedy x! or Corea ton, of Morris. Miss Elizabeth Laidlaw died at pql Estate And one always to be relied upon, is Mansewood, Halton, Co, on Thursday Yu IABt Saturday ullyi rst race l+;ddi- Gal AgrnC Putnam's Painless Corn Extractor. July 18, aged 40 years. She was a. BryAns was beautifully first; look Coul- J fiftSafy sure and imitations its value. Beware sister to R. B. Laidlaw, and Mrs Robt. les second; Christian `Brinker third; y p. Will Haney, fourth and Susan Smith WINGHAbt, of such. Get Putnam's at druggists, or Shortreed, and an, aunt to Mrs Goo fifth. There will be bigger crowd next if you cannot get it we will send it to J•a on, of Morris all of wl were Saturdayevening you by mail upon receipt of 25 cents, sent at the interment. "' post paid, to Canada or United States Sabbath mgrning, July 28th, Janet Fred Wasmau is visiting in Mitchell. N. Cl. Polson & Co., Kingston, Out, Mr, and Mrs. Robb. Maxwell, of the ' Ferguagn,relfet of the late Alexaa.,aer Bluevale road, attended the wedding of SAML■ YOUHILL JAMESTOWN. Stewart passed that bourne - from a relative in Mitchell last week. Victoria Ha! as opened last Sunday, whence traveller returns, aged 80 Rev. R. Paul and Mrs. Paul, of Brus- Office—Corner Patrick and Leopold, Sts. years and 8 months. She had been services being by Rev. John Ross making her home for some time with sels, visited at Mr, Joseph Pugl&s this of Brussels. A grand concert was held week. her daughter, Mrs. Chas. Ritchie. Mrs. We have a word to say to those who on the following evening. Although it Ste -,vara was born at Blair Athol Messrs James Moffatt, Robert Mus - was a rainy night, a goodly number at- grove, John Munn, sr. and Daniel Munn •contemplate becoming citizens in this Perthshire, Scotland, where she was also tended; the pr. eels amounted to seven- left for Man, on Tuesday, on the bar. Nary busy, live town, that we have on married io her late husband who , ty dollars. vectors occursion. ?<iancl several desirable dwellings ten- . .ora -deceased her 30 years ago after a Sabbath School is held on the after- A car of hogs were shipped to Palmer - noon of each Sabbath at 8 o'clock, also ston on Monday. iug lots in No. 2 Ward, 18 of which are , 1847, living at Harpurhey before weekly prayer meetings. ext Carling St. East, locating in Grt y township iu 1853. Mr Iia haver eau oe Prevented. Miss Maud McKelvey of the 1st Con. Y b on Catherine St. East. and Mrs. Stewart were well known to 8 on Carling St. West. of Grey was holidaying in Orangeville. the travelling public as they built and Don't seek other climes at "Hay Fever While breaking bottles James Innes I Season dont destory your stomach and 4 on Coruyn St. South. had the misfortune to lacerate his fin- i kept a hotel 3l miles South •of, Brussels nerves by drugs'—prevent the disease. - 4 on Cornyn St. North. for a number of years. They also h Hay Fever is caused by germs that float gers. Jim is an unlucky fellow. about in the air and finally find log And 1 lot, No. 88, on the East side of a farm. on the 14th con., of Cxro y aemen4 -Frances St: No. 4 Ward, at rices to Mr. and Miss Ross of Clifford are, vis- in vour throat and lungs. Medicine ' p iting at Wm. MoKelvey's. subject of this notice -,vas genveili -,won't reach them there, but di snit the conditions of all. her disposition, hospitable to a niarkad p � p a rrh z is L to o onocar death Misses Addie and Ellen Mulligan Sun -e e th to germs. degree and never lost tin ardeut love for Start now to use Catarrhozone. Inhale SAM L, YU U H I LL. dayecl at Daviel Tl&ompson's on the 1st the land of hor birth. For a woman of it into the throat, lungs, nasal passages of Aug. and bronchial tubes; it goes wherever liar sae she was remarkably smart up to Miss Robertson �vho has been visiting the air you breathe goes, and it will •";' . eaxar �- --- �H' at And. Simpsons bas returned to her a short period of her deatli. .Two sons, prevent and care Hay Fever. Endorsed /C • , � � k l home in Toronto. (John F., aY Toronto, aver Dan., of by not loss than one thousand doctors in ;'{; • c; , ' •�� �a•� � Minnesota,) and one daughter, (Mrs. C. Canada and U. S. Sent to any address � • ,,.'` _ K ;;. Mrs. David Breckenridge jr. is lying Ritchie) survive. On Tuesday afternofor $1.00 forwarded to Polson & Co., / r very ill at present, also Mrs. Ruttan sr. Hartford, Conn., U. S. or Kingston, the remains of this well known old on Ont, i4o: � /: • The )r - y are dthe doctors under e ocors care. 4r �� to , «• settler -,yore laid away in Brussels Miss s Myrtle of Irishtown is visiting r cemetery, in the presence of a larg o BELMORE her friend Miss Nora Simpson, `� �` �l ,� number of old friends. Rev. Jno. Ros Tr. James Ballantyne, father of Mrs o: Fa Sandy Scott was under the weather for a few_ days but is able to ' be around B. A., of Brussels, conducted ai McKee of tl Village, died very sudden- i a 1y ;�- "' �r ; ; ;j \_ _ again. appropriate cervico on the occasion. ly on Suncl�tlorning last of heart dis- r I' �r i Walter Wright took his departure last BLUB VA.a,L. ease at his home Downie tp. 14Tr. Bal - Tuesday morning for Brandon, Man. antyne was a native of Peebleshire,Scot- ri'(1'' / c✓ Miss M, Piren s Gond daughter of land,and emigrated to this country with Miss Maggie Scott of Molesworth o a lien sister Mrs. Copeland Stokes. Mr. Thomas Sto was married on his brother when 19 years old. His ex - visiting Wecluesday of 1. t le;r, by Rev.. R. j Miss Lizzie Hall of Ethel is visiting J eellent character made hint a favorite her sister Mrs. Geo. Eckmire. Paul, at Victoria Cottage, Brussels, to with all. He -,vas a staanoh Liberal in A Mr. Milton S. Watson, postmaster at critics a devout Presbyterian. His g Mra, Anthony McDonald of Cmu- Sunshine. Mr. John S. Stewart, broth- politics, A Judge ge of S L Ie-. brooke is visiting her friends around death makes t first break in the fam- er of the bride was groomsman, and it of five. 'ides his widow he leaves Jamestown. Y will at cat�l�c detect the sll ger- Miss Lottie Watson,sister of the groom � Mr. Geo. Hooper of Dakota has been vino child ;they are: James of Os- iorit of our iimde•to-Order was bridesmaid. Mr. Watson is a son borne, Robert, William and Angus of � visiting friends. .garments. Service will be held in Victoria Hall of the Morris assessor. We wis Mi. Downie, Thomas of Atwood, Mrs. T. next Sunday evening at 7.30 o'clock by and Mrs. Watson much joy. Dickson of Elma, Mrs. McKee of Bel - c. ' HICH ART TAILORING The garden party given to formally more, Mrs, Holmes of Downie and Mrs. John McAllister. open Victoria Flan Jamestown on Mon - C 9v our specialty. We fit the A case of smallpox at Gerrie. p ' ' White of Dakota. Three brothers snr- man of abnormal as well as he . day evening of hist week, was.a seventy- vive--l:Ion. Thomas and Robert of Strat- Paaniutlao civic one dollar one although the rain fell ford and William of Washington, and -, of normal shape, and our 3 steadily all day and a large number of a a„ • a r, , • one sister, Mxs. Gourley of Stratford. a may be muscular or rheumatic. The y r prices Suit all. jousts are hard to get at, and it requiros people were thereby kept at home. Come along and get One of a powerful, penetrating rem endy to reach Had the weather been Sine the one hum - the nenvest novelties in �a'aitS, the affected parts. Poison's Nervillne dred unci fifty dollar mark would doubt- ,,io f�.�✓� s exactly meets the requirements, for it is less have been reached. The program Overcoats and Pants. both powerful and penetrating. The and supper were excellent. Those who Yours truly,. paid is expellod as if by magic, for one This signature is on every box of the genuine y' . drop of Nerviline equals in strength rive did not attend this year may havo an op- �.axativc Bd'Qimo-Q.11iPline Tablets t �� e � � drops al other d remedies, You won't ill portunity to do so nest, as Jamestown tho remedy that c0rea as 00x44 iia eco 49ay often Call the doctor it Nervilino is in intends to make the garden party an ail - the house, Price 25 cents. nual nirnir. The hall was built to ac- .,..,. ...,,... �,.......�. _. MYTH. comodato the Union Sabbath school I.> !i1r, and Airs. Scaudrett and ills. and 7 �! o gRpgga which for four ymirs &not &n Mr. James ���� i CA..�O•C�i83Us ��bl~ � Mrs.Orr, of Iielgravo, visited at the Strachans house, but will -be used for all 13 .,_ ... ..:.. ..,... _.. �......_..... home of ...L•. and 141ra, Jl;hit Ptitt:altl on necessitry meetings. On Sabbath Spec - 1,1 scriiees were given ,to the school, Air. George King, left tills Wed, ail a d., on.thu oceassion of their first meeting btisia)r s trp to tlluSt:o ural othc<a <11�0- Su j�in silo hall, by Rev. Jilin Ross, aP F3ras• 1 a 1 sell, -,iha ptcsftlt d, 14Tr. Thomas Strarh- i:rt 1 at.c. 4 111! Y, mns received hero on `v'ednos- an, Mr. U. V. Blair and Mr. James i rltl of la.:t iveelz that :;ergs. � Ice;uatl?&ic �'°° ""'n■'"■*" °1°'"9'T" , traehan. Tho Singing was rendered by � ono of the Canadians ill ,youth Africa it good choir, with Miss Ion, Bryans ns „ Wo arca now offering special value in all classes of Sarnmer Goods, ivo ild bo Moine on ti&tirsci �y, I rel:arat- �" organist. Muslins, Organdies, Wool Delaiues, Fanav Gin hams, . Percales, Dimities, fail ; wive made for h!l reception. Iris � Air, William H. Stewart has rasit,ilad father went to Liilltoi& to detain him � Mercerized Sateens and Prints, till up-to-date patterns and colors. the post of principal of the New Ilaln- Also 7:t colnpleto stock of Ladies' Wrappers and Shirt Waists, Special bur" pubic school toil will as- tlirrq until the uxaursiouf>omGoder9 ' p The la'a excursia&t traitl reached value wt 66c and 'tip, sumo the position on the stili of Lticam at 10 p in. whets lraliit', ash• high School humediately after tho boll - .See our special values in Ladles' White Goods and Undervests. " iar)y called, tiligitted frc ' i..1a4�M Parasols in I''ancv and illicit Colorings from 7:ae and Lip. A mighty cheor rent 0 In Turnip Seed •1 stave the nest knowtL kinds, shell its Steel Briggs Co. ,,.� 1110tivo whistle Tui• '" ' ' Prize, t:l! isle Old cv; rr"1% irg acclaim. He wti.. Select, L10phtlnt, aimnler s i 1ize, Ronnie a Oiyii, as well asr &, Standard aricties, age, taken to the iloz:t i'll � C�iR kz,�d w� dy r s t3 *3",See our 11116 of Ladies Sawfner Corsets 'lt 35x, Also the new Corset K- * 1'raln -,vhicll ]ie had bee i Oil Monday ovenhip, a bit, �ireet Form, straight frt'nt, special at $ 1,00 air. upfrom ally sickness iso Il]alter p p ' c•tt in the Ai;rirttlturtl pail: We es,what sort, begin with a little i;rlini al' speeches and mwdc .lice, olutt, special line of Cotton forlBoys,y extra, heavy, fast t hick. Scott's r"Inulsioli of Cod-liver' 8.o Y + bar;,t. 1'CcC3uarrie was preslrliit (Torres In Black and Colors from 150 pair up. oil. acidtless awl an tirnior signet i. 'z special line (if "White Countol Panes to be cleared at :31.00 c u h Itis food, and more tlian r30 in molivy. 1, t p v 3 , `+ „ . ,.: i� .l . 5 If x food: 1t helps you diest what - 0" 40011A the Yoligil i+T ever' food you can bear. ftittl work's til' the 010141. 1YtNb vah 'Rift DAMMI.i ANIS VOW IT. !Ir1�1L LrrCtlil7iF1AWt7C ONCA„Isre tiotlo7raWi. 1,=AtivAlStemAi�uiniraiq'riblotseiiranro:/iIl SOC, anti #i3OO; all druggists, otteday. `iA Core, i10 Yny. i rico 'c cents. 1 to r if ♦ - .J , � .. U11 -TO -DAT SELLING HOODS, THE NEWSTORE AT 008T. oto kTakin06 -6ale Selling at, Cast l�rlee We are right into stock taking now and. you can do some genuine iuoiley Saving; during• this sale. The stock must be reduced tWo thaus�rnd dollars before inventory and • to do so an rna;�e the sale a great. success.we have decided to sell .c�T COST 'RICE. Drees Goods AT COST. Boots and Shoes AT COST. Prints A`�' COST. Lace Curtains AT COST. Carpets AFI' COST, Muslin,., �?_T COST. Blouses AT COST. Ready -to -Wear Clotll.i•-a AT COST. Men's Underwear AT COST. Plannelettes AT COST. Parasols .AT COST. Hosiery and Gloves AT COST, Lin©ilunl.s AT COST. Oilcloths AT COST. Whitewear AT COST. -Hats and Cap, AT COST. `Sheetings AT COSH'. Print Shirts .AT COST. Table Linens AT COST. Slairtdri�,s .Et.�T COST. Ho to ISAPdD r:, The Cheap Caste Store. Opp. Kant: of Hamilton. -�--' _ - aczsxt,wrL down P at Robertson visiting V at ueIwing fiolii Jawlis 1drs. titnll :pFullill, t11:• loft: photo in the spring of 1S53, and .going of the Mr. Mills of Ingersoll, has a gang of first settlers found a wilderness, but men putting down' sidewalks. Mr. Mills hard -,York and proseverance transform - has secured the contract for putting ed the forest grown land into a fruitful all the sidewalks for this year. home. He leaves a widow, to sons and Flax pulling is nearly over and the flax one daughter; Peter in Michigan; Jam - mill will'soon be running. Mr. O. Liv- es and Marion on the homestead. The ugston, the proprietor, is a hustler. deceased was liberal in politics. He Mr. G. W. Slaughter, the now Princi- was a member of the Presbyterian of the Public School will be here church for nearly his whole life. The Tuesday to meet the School board at sympathy of many friends is extended their regular meeting. to the bereaved family. RAST -,VAIVANOSH, Misses Mabel Naylor and Flora —The rebate proceeds from the Farni- also Messrs. Jim Robinson, ers Excursion on the W. G. & B. Willie Cole, Will McDowell, Marven Vinic o amounted to $:42,85, while the G. T. R, Harvey McDowell and IoDoHerbert profited to the extent of $040.90. The Campbell went to Manitoba on share to the Turnberry Society amount. Cuesday. ed to about $20. Miss Mary Stokes of Turnberry is at Mr. John Beecrofts. eztt>�tcPt �nrrs. Misses Aggie and Fanny Robertson The annual district conventio&i of the have been spending their holidays Wingham district will be held in Mr• A. lAorton's are visiting in Tees. Lucknoiv, October 11th. A&1 effort -,vill Yater this week. be macre to have a returned missionary Miss Lizzie Reid of Wingham is re• from China present, acquaintances in Marnoch. Rev, R. Hobbs has spent the past ) Miss May Reid, and Mr. James Dow -,seeks ill toivn and conducted th- pent Sunday in Westfield. erly services in the Ifethodiai- Wss Julia and Albert Taylor of West- Sunday. He leaves this, spent Sunday at .Ur. C. Campbell's, the balance of his hole ' .Mr. and 2drs. Elliott Richmond of St, are vi,Attug tiro latter' -s motber, Theannual en• J. Bone. Christian Lir - filiss I'tateRobtirtsnn of Toronto who in Brock - 1:1H l/'Pli C19ii•lil;; tit �l'Liruouh for scuta Brocl- rrturaed to hrr l&,.)tllo all Ti1P.Fd:L3'. t alias'Nsellie lust 1; it ur` of a"t;.icbi+::m herholid)ty, with hor p- arents 11r. and .,Ir 1. Mex. Pd• Otll. 1tra, Pretat, Who IIP' witll her daughter, T` lr.3s went i'r• 4110 of ,