The Wingham Times, 1901-08-09, Page 3"`7 THE WINGEAN TIMESi, AUG. 11li 19'01, 1 , r' WHEN ANIS HAW TO PRUNE - -, . �■pq,■.�A� T� �j y�■jj�y■y 77Canada, Its tbirty times as a ae the/{� ■?'in dia (Il�.tittrer ent11M-°�VA4�1 k1t►Ort tR tNEWS V ��1 01 A 11I 11 f] V nite( Kingdomj 14eger thaar !R1" �.++Llil 1'µrttellc11vu1.lr Cut. 1 V E j{+/ forms one. „ ORS as large again as India, uilsl for laza ono• ylon and All persons familiar with birches told _ . _ _ third of the }whole British E, inpire. , auaples know that it any limbs are talmix Canada ling 13,000 Allies of coast 1.110,, from Thein iii tho late winter or spring; EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL GUR READERS. and taps three oceans. NATURAL LEAF tuna the stubs will 'bleed freely for a .number of weeks, and if such Iltnbs are Of Canada's population 80 per cent. �� are 04vadiau born, 10 por cent 'born `a,.7r x , ' � *' �. large ones they 89141-�Ai ileal nvar before �, under the British fin. • decay, has commenced in. thein, Apple What W�deawtllie Times Correspondents Commlinioat4 Outer coutforei foreign g' and only aper Is Free from Any Particle of Coloring �litttcr; is Dainty and and pear trees will blo(id more or Tess Items Clipped From, Our F'+xoftrtngoe, The Caundian Pacific Railway was Invigorating; is the only tea that shits fa•.tidiotis palates and When pruned at the same seasons of the built !o five years, imtead of tell as called, IS wholesome for the most delicate digestions. year, and for that reason no pruning by the contracts, . when lstrge limbs axe to be tak0u off acns�c r<vAWANOSIT. a failure although the recent heavy It Zr also 4% Br�.tl.�h Product. should, be (10110 at that time Of the (Intended. for last wee];.) rains may do wonders for them. The an North in the schools of the • year. Miss Rennooh, of Mt. Forest, who Rev. Mr. Fairbairn, of Dungannon, languages, Northwest speak 21 different When priuiiag is (lone during the three has been staying with her uncle, Rev. J, will take the services in the Presbyter- langaallos, midsut tinct trrailtlls, the stabs commetiee J. Hastfe for the past ow weeks, return- church hero and at Eadlies next°Sabbath, Olily 7 of the original 33 Fathers of b ® ®� Oeylon Teas are s,.ilci in Sealed' lead Confederation arp living, V acl%4atS only, lla(sl! Mixed, Un- painted heal over quite soon, and they call be ed to her Home on T'iiesday. Her cousin, Mr, Fairbairn will also visit. the $Abbhth } • 4 painted withiu a few days after pruning Mies Kenneth is taking her place at the school and snake a report at the school • Almost all the valuable ninerals are'l colors ed Ceylon Green, free s.miples sent. Address, "SAL audcon found ill Canada. " ' Johnnie McDowell and Maitland to the Presbytery. Canada was the first of Britain's Y —_.= ' rQl'Qnto, .ff the weather is warm ttAcl dry which Manse. gxegation which 110 will. present f1 vauupt bo done and have rho point hold e y, if the ronin is clone before the bleeding H . colonies to domind a11c1 receive sell °--�---* ^�-•-� -- »-• w- •.-� w•,- ..� .. pruning Y spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr, and MI's, Elliott Thyme, of Chi - ]las ceased to flow. During th43 summe, ends in Goderich. sago, visited their relatives Bore this government. as she was the first to form a mouths the sap is tliickenlug for th, Still another of the line pioneers has week, confederation, passed away in the person of Mr. Japes Miss Mina Doan Zurich visited Mist C7ttuacla's great Northwest is large inaltilim of new wood and is largely, and rich enough to sustain fifty million near the bark and not in the •older wocd Anderson�NTr. Anderson had been ill Agnes Smillie and Miss AlicO Duff this ;ty people. of the txees, but; sho im0 lag which he was week and last, Trees that are pruned in ilia spring fu a drowsy co ion from which he Rev, Mr. Cook and daughter visited its Only oue•�ourth of Ilio uir a of Canada are front one to two is occupied, years longer in never rallied, was respected by all the parsonage last week. Air, Cools � � o The America)r Geographical. Society healing than if pruned in summer, and and his family Will have the sympathy was some years aao, the vigorous proach- a that fact is of great importance when of those who knew him. er of the Blnovalo congregation of the sillies that there aro. a million aguaro the life and health of the trees are taken Rev, W. H. Geddes preached in Calvin Methodist church, miles of practically uuexplorad territory in Canada, into consideration. on Sunday, We were glad to``agaiu sero Miss Lily Oliver of Goderioh, is visit- �� Typewriter t Now, how should a treo be pruned? our: former pastor in his old. place. Ing at the residence of her grandfather, Canada has over 16,000 public schools �iiQi 1 ��l�y�l�lt�uC t�l� �r�QiIEI t��a �?1�elriiR�0 I�"��. Shoal$ the stubs be left long o; short Miss Nettie McConnell is visiting Mr. John Burgess. . with over a millfo:ipupila, tauAlit by 27,- ��*• �-� � or with as little wood as the circum- friends in Wingliam prior to her depax- Threshing machines are busy again. C00 teachers, stances will permit? Aliy person who ture for her home in Detroit, Miss Agnes Smillie has been engaged Oauada has 17 universities and over 50 This is PROVED by the fact thtit tilr' li LJ Si N ESS in lies taken much notice of how others Mrs. Porterfield, Miss Bell and Mr. to teach at the Browntown, Morris, colleges. habitants of the world USE it have pruned as well its hi s own work Ales, spent a few days last week with school, duties to commence at the close Canacla has tho larget w heat fields f11 the world -9C0 miles lonwr l) 3000 miles Now manufactured ill threu of the great countres, viz lraa noticed that the longer the stubs Mrs. James Ferguson at Bayfield. of 1110 summer holidays. u y � ,„ wide, Canada, United States and German),. ore left the longer they are in healing Miss Fanny Robertson, of Wingham Mr, and ZVIrs, Frank B. Scott attended 11 over, and inmany cases they never heal is;visitiu; friends at Marnosh before she a re -union of the Scott family at Sea -.Canada has 17,C00 miles of railway The Canadian Pacific Railway bn ve ov'� er 200 1D. use T over, but dry irp or decay, which in leaves for Strathroy, where she intends forth on Saturday last. repre.cnting a capital of nearly nine They ].Moly a GOOD thing many eases is the beginning of the decay to make her home. At the second bicycle race held last hundred millions, and death of the tree. Mr. William Love has been on the Saturday evening, Will Haney finished Oanada has 10,000 postofiices. One other error in pruning is often sick list for a couple of weeks, but he easily first, Saintle second, Coulter Canada has one of the largest owitin- '�QSL�$ZC � �� �FD�r" '� �$' �r;i. ' made in not sawing the limbs off as is getting itround again. third, Brinker fourth and Stuart away nous stretches of island navigation in the risible writing start to 3n:4h. Port:tblifty, weighs only 15 pounds. nearly as possible perpendicular with Miss Lizzio Reid is home from Hep- away behind. Iu both races Stuart bad world -2,347 milas from th.3 St.. Law- Manifolding, beats then all. .alignment, positit'e and permanent• the body of the trees or the larger limbs worth where she has been visiting dur- been unfortutiate in being thrown from rence to the head of Lake Superior. Durability, hardened steel Paris. tiimpbei j, CoIj p:: to as against 1400! from which they are taken. By taking ing the summer, his wheol but he pluckily resumed the Canada has w militia force of 37,000. w'ARRANTRD by a well-known, Canadian Cl a,m Yany here to back it up. Off the limbs perpendicularly rather than Mr; William Beecroft is, we are sorry race. There are still two races in the 7,300 Douk.abors immigrated from horizontally, more or less, the lower to know, not improving as fast as we series so he has yet it chance of getting Southern Russia to the Canadian North - nearer the front of the procession. west in 1:6.9 -the greatest modern exodus �lll parts of the stub or wound will heal would like to see him, any one people in a body to the ism- �•� �ti- ur 4 over noaxly or quite as soon as the upper Dr. Walker Ard and bride of Phila- of part, concludes a writer in Country Loss of Flesh delphia, are visiting rill Ard's mother, erieau continent. 'Gentleman. If"you find yourself falling below nor- Mrs. Albert Hughes, first line of Morris. 0,000 Galieians liave settled in the YOU WASTI!7 that much if you BUY any OTHER, and you DO real weight it is clanger. The use of Mrs. Rout, ging, of Godoricb, visited Canada Northwest from South Austria NOT GET SO GOOD a machine! fish oils can temporarily add fat, but relatives in Bluevale this week. 50,000 immigrants came to Canada in will never build up healthy 'tissues. 1900. T1:1D4WILLIAMS MEF O•"•- Limited Miss Jessie Castle of Ayr, is visiting Co., �TE Dr. Ohaso s Nerve acts through the Canada has 230 OJO acres Of coal lands t -, T r, blood and nerves and carries new life at Mr. Peter Fowler s, Bluevale road, ' Write to -day . P:t J1T. R� 1L, P. Q. into every nook and corner of the body. Rev. Rost. Thynue preached for Rev. in the Crow's Nest I -lass, estimated to It regulates the various organs of the F. Swann on Sabbath evening last. contain twenty billion tons, which, at body, makes the a itito good, adds four million slyest, wi]) last 5,000 years, _ �A— NEIGIURITTI healthy flesh, and replaces the tissues waisted by disease. Naturally and The Deaf hear. --No. 424 of '°Tile Manitoba was first settled by 100 gradually this food cure restores color Health World" of 780, Eighth Avenue, Scotohmen, brought out by Lord Selkirk:' to the cheeks, increases the weight of New York, contains a description of it f the body, and thoroughly Overcomes Remarkable Cure for Deafness and O h g ld re n Cry for disease. Head jToises which may be carried out ` at theeCepa certain s home, and which is said EST 0 I A m to be a certaincare. This number will `06 stn fl " JAMESTOW . be sent free to any deaf person sending i� Intendad for Inst week, their address to the Editor' ; •A T T E N I N C CHICKENS. Will right is spending his holid ays -- �{� olm? under the pafental roof. WEST BRUCE. The Forcing Vtotliod and the Ration Little •FL PiRls. Air: IIall Miller is home from Guelph. H, S. Entranco Emuninationa attoi.'Used-Ground Oats r eferrecl. Miss Maud Mcgelvy is visiting friends Mr. E. Cobb. an English writer of Must Boar 0,u gnaaturo of at Orangeville at present. Marks required to pass 550, Those poultry subjects, gives the followint Miss Ina Bryans who has boon attend- who obtained honors took tit least • 715 rule:, observed in the large f'attouinr ing the conservatory of music at Toron- marks- establishmentiuEugiaud: °-✓' �'�' to has returned home. TEESNvAT14ry LIST -GIRLS. When the purchased birds arrive, they Mr. and Mrs. Davidson of Wingham Aitkin, Maggio No. 4, Culross ...... 639 are placed by themselves in coops separate See Fac-Siialio w:agrar Below. spent Sunday at Jas. Simpson's. Barbour, Eva No. 1, " .. ... 640 from ihose being forced. They are called Miss Godetha Coombs has returned Bro�rn E. No. 2 Greenock c3- ulross 729 "feeders." ;'e. -y roman Cosa as C=V ' O After being '„ cooped the feeders are to 11&3 as yagcx> from Cranbrook, where she has been Borton, Mary No. 3, Oulross .....649 p dressmaking for some time. Erb Ida Teeswater P. S.......571 allowed no food for 24 hours. a;� l�t� E�'EAAiyall'., After this short fast they are f(:d from ER"S DIZrlt14E.2, Last Saturday while Mrs. Sam Snell Field, Myrtle 6S2 �� 131I1ti9ISFlESS. was busy working she happened to go Ferguson, Mary No. 3, Oulross ...... 573 V shaped troughs `which aro suspended in stmt of their coops three times per outside and while she was out her little Grant Charlotte Teeswater P.S .....574 pI MR 76PaPill LIVER. day all they can eat of a thin mash �^ t son, John, a boy about two years old, Goble, Alberta No. 2, Culross ......769 ground oats mixed F®Et �€1P�,flb�fl9€l, composed of finely - POLLS. got a mixture of poison and water think- Hardy, Luffy Toos�vator P. 5......766 F®FI SALLGIV SKIN. , with half water and half milk. FOR THF COVIpLEXI0Ii . ing he had tea he began to drink it but Howson, Edith ...... During the second week the water is MUBr1,AV. N,,sp., he spit it out. Flus mouth is very badly Jarvis, An No. 4, Cuh-oss ..... 575 W rC.0. ,IruraI7Vegetable.�s.�cG, burnt,. which causes great suffering for Johnston,WilmaTe'eswaterP.S...... 67G gradually replaced by milk. the little fellow. Kiiepfiar, Tena" cr 788 At end of second week a little fat is CURE SiOK HEADACHE. Miss Mable Right has been holidaying Lambertus, Nellie " G31 melted in the hot milk and mixed in the at Brussels for the last couple of days. McPherson, Gladys ' • • • • . • 709 food, ��'° . Rev, Mr. Swan of Bluevale is paying Marshall Lillie No. 2 Culross. , . , , , 592 At end of second weer:, perhaps a ����� �®� p y g short time before, the birds do not eat . pastoral calls this week. Moore, Mao Zeestvater P. S ......727 „ „ J)oes your head ache? Fain McRae, Emma, No. 2 Oulross .... , 717 as rapidly as they did,alydthe Crammer, back of Our eyes ? Bad 1?onnington :, or forcing machine, is called into y y ai,1y a Little Paolrnche, „ ,AVO No, 1 , . , G06 ' requisition. taste in your Mouth? Its That is the first unmistakable symptom Weliwood, Amy No. 3 " 60 The ration as used in the„ crammer„is Our liver 1 A er's Pills are of diseased kidneys, an ailment which Boys round oai:s and skimmf c sweet or sour, y n0 one tali neglect without inviting & ' :liver pills. Tiley Cure COIISti- ,);right's disease, diabetes, rheumatism Breen, Wiliam No. 2 Culross , , .. ,.596 the latter preferred, to which is added patios, headache, dyspepsia. and the most painful and fatal maladies, Biehl, Ezra Teeswater P. S ...... 671 fat (tallow in most cases) in proportion 25c. All druggists. At the first satin of backache and "”" Colvin, Wm. No. 2 Culross, .....634 Of a tablespoonful to each bird. Liver isorPi disorders and Dr. you Chases call. be certain Copeland, Roy No. 1 " ......630 The mixture as used in the "cramMers want your moustache or board a beautiful Y, is of the consistency of gruel or thin brown or rich black? Thet use of prompt relief and cure. One Dever, Reynolds No. 7 , ... , , 644 for the pill a dose, 25 cents a box. Dick, John Teeswater P. S ......026 porridge. BUCKINGHAM'S DYWOrUslde�s 00 ors. OFDRUGGISTS- oh R. P. HALL Co., NA9HUA, N.H. HrsoOs, Bertram 94, ... ,..679 The sante authority also says that the .11LURVALE. Hardly, IIerbert " , 712 "fecdors" should bs kept going (by hand (Intended for last woek.) Innis, Campbell No. 7 Calross...... 647 fending) as long as they continue to pu 5i Martis council meets on Aug, 5t1r, Little, James Teeswater P, 5......674 on Nvofg'ht. A bird should never b( ® ` McRne John No. 2 Onlross.. , , . 707 placed on the "crammer" sap long as ii The heavy rain on Monday interfered , ��®��� PILL hall Marshall J . ; M oats heartily. Experience liar shown with the opening exercises of Victoria John No. 2 .... a 2pi y p CURE hall Jamestown, McDonald, Robt No. 6 1� • • • •567 that after toil days or a fortnight mos' E3 A C I< A C hl E Mr. Mathers of Belloville, is home Straus, Joseph No. 8 94G18 birds will not take euovgh food volun B LAME BACK visiting his father who is very ill. WITH IIONORS titrily to make weight. It is then tha, Misses Maggie and Mablo Robertson gee flax Tona TeesFvator P. 5......783 the forcing machnpo is brought int( RHEUMATISM of Ottawa, returned (119119 last week p ' � requisition. DIABETES Gdiblo Alberta No. 2 Culross.. .. , 769 English fatteuers prefer finely groan( after a visit of a few weeks at Josophi Hard Life` Teeswater P. S ..... 705 BRIGHT'S DISEASE � I1lo's Morris. ° y' , Y n e „ oats to any other hind of ground grain Brown, 11 No. � Greenock & Culross729 29 DIZZINESS nNts �� "' lulu. JohnGarclin0r's •hors ran away Ground barleq has been found too heat Moore, Mae Teeswator P. S......w127 ing. Cornmeal puts on yellow fat all( KIDNEY & URINARY on Wednesday morning o st vveek Marshall' John 'No. 2 Oulross... , ..726 018EA85:0 while on his way to the station with the 11Icnac, Emma „ tends to give a tinge of that color to thi Aft CURED 6Y 717 skin„whioh is very objectionable to 1;114 �N $ KIDN mail. The buggy was smashed tip a bit English buyer, Ili the T7nfted Statcs i and Mr. Gardiner had to nap iris yellow skin is rather proforred, while i journey in a waggoll. L "i a matter of iltdifYexencO t( 41' rthereltro practie, no mild rasp. "r 0 IA stoma berries this 8008011, Last year there Canudianparebasors. Mizs. 1, STnuv135y EcIgetes Lahti= were barrel8 and barrels of them picked ti The birds are not allowed any fool Inlet N.$., writes Oii Jati. x$ x oI s V'or Iilfanvss i m1 -Zh11drm ;For 24 hours before being killed. Tilt t 9 in the neighboring patches. Instead of object is to have no food in the trop td Orr In the fall of x$99 y1 was troubled going' "berr,yiug" this summer b..e pick- 'd'hofao• With a severe ala in the back. 1 Y f tlo 'Oven doconlpOBe, p ors can oltly recall holy malt they gat at sears � nemr�, Chair _ ,couid scarcely get up out of a this day, last y0ar. •. and it gave Me great pain to fnove Thee was 110 service in the proob NVAN'TD, D.••-Unpable vehoblepersourn ovary i table 011e 1ra1C a1' �tlAntS rtoulntq to rrpr(mrot largo eoutpnny of soild tih0ut. ter'ian Church last Sabbath ovenin.g. liunttcinl rt puttttiott's1t37Nahu V roi' Srai, im Kidney fills and ryas Completely Ars, Tooloand children of Brnsse'.s Between 22,000,000and 24,000,000cans n•.btpohR4111sinKit`ibon Sideutdefinitosalas clued. 1 h0e 1'iot beets troubled visited friends in Blttovale this week. of " Vrotob pees" Have boon paelted In no eomntisslonl satary pnilt smolt F,ntuletriy inn r �(itoitgo lnouog itdvancod eneh tvtaelc. STAND - ,With it 6'iI10El." Turnips ill this tlistliet May be Calle:lindidutt this year. AM'fiOUSU, 884 MAWAS S SZ,0lililA00- , 0 Au Did you ever have boils on your neck ? Not very nice, eii ? Your blood's out of order. It's bound to be this time of the vear. You require something that will purify that function. Now, don't weaken yourself with cathartics. Have common sense and purify the blood. Powley's Liquified Ozone will do that. The condensed oxygen acts directly on the system. It is Nature's great purifying agent. A bottle of Powley's Liquified Ozone will cure your boils. 500 and $1 a bottle, kt all druggists. _ Write the Ozone Co., of Toronto, Lim- ited, 48 Colborne St., Toronto. , Sold by A, L. Hamilton, Druggist, Wing'ham, Ont. , • ii��� i � M .c i, �.�,i tlu. .wYIwY.W.Y 7..V ,�I.Y, r4 ��yWr.li.�� � i dig �...< _ _ .w�.a e TLib" I�4� 1 R0 0:AN f Dwxxtormt. A *14 L y � � e ori i o, -n *; i. k `raft tet Ave etnts,tli Drdtf,�,a Gteeots, itestaurantt, Sabena, News -Sunda, General Stores and Batbets Shops. Thaly banish pain, induce sleep, and prolong life, On,; lives telief 1 No matter wbat's the matter, one will d., qnu geed, Ten samples and one thousand tend+ moni,d4 tent b� Mail to anq °a0cinsa on receipt ovrice, bvtheRipanslhetnlcal'co.,rgspruwst.,Newyot City. C .. . wsratr�...1, dig �...< _ _ .w�.a