HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-26, Page 8I
ii'IIR WhNG11AM TIMES, JULY" 26, 1901,
4 ,
Stratford, have taken situations to
Hit Bells and the Union faotories. A special meeting, Of the School Board Selecting t h e
" Eau. Messer,. of Detroit, .is spenspending, vvas held oil Taesd4y', which had been uavaE�lsAtcll3s, tAIINGHtIfI
his holidays with friends in Wingham called for the liurposo of transacting: Night calls, at Button Block. or fifth a ,
MCJNDOO and with ,his t,rants int Bluevole.
general business, Members were all door e0utti Of School ti0use, Shop op- - Right p postte Macdonald blook,
Mr, and Mrs. R, Asaiuprize, of Brun present except Thos. Be - 1�itde Awake
The Boiler Itispecto as report Nvas Furniture Store,
sale, spam Sunday and Monday in town, read, which showed Oil the boiler was YY .C].1y T �D
guests at the lama of Win, Robertson, in ga0tt condition, Tile Inspector
�� hire, Williams fund Mrs, Eraser, of thought new arrangements should be titan and Boys to pull Flamm ) t is important t0 et just, the right
Siatersville, W. Vati,, w€we visiting with made for feeding the boiler with water.
by the acre. 150 acres to pull, Call have con. rr + J
their siator, Mi s. 0. Gilchrist, this week. On motion the report wits ordered to be 'tract of any nuinber of acres from one €acreup. moulding for j Our pictures. We ap-
£, Mr. €tud Alia, Chas. Ewing, of Tees. fitt-it. Apply to AMOS TIPLINO preciate what it means to have a fraane
water, were visiting in town on Wed- Communications were read from the winglaam, Ont, just right,
,f nesday, They were on their way to Globe Furniture Co., of Walkerville,
Hensall. and the Canadi€ata, Office and School FOR SALE BY A QULMAGE
WASH AT RIAL. Mr. and Mrs. It,A. Walker of Toronto Furniture Oo , of Freston, giving prices REAL ESTATE AGENT, � �t �e
and Mr. and Airs, Wesley Walker, of for septa requirod for seating one of the `� _ �e Frames
town, spent Sunday at A. W. Sloan's in school rooms. Handsome cottage on Francis at,
These goods will win your Blyth, n (ti:;ili-liuttittlh-That we purchase $800 Stable, Hard and soft water. A
` 'g y, :i2 No, (1 Mattes anti four rears from the beautiful lot, we male .give satisfaction to those
admiration on first sight and Mise Corley, a trained nurse of New Large 10 room frame house; two
their beauty won't fade in the York find Mr. Corley, of Bit. Forest, Glubr Furuituro Co., of Walkerville.- $1300 lots, stable, fruit; beautiful corner ,
y property. Can be bricked. W110 Cart for artistic effect, dlld we're
O.irrit il. p • p $`
wash. Muslin-, in best color- anti v.sitiug at the home Of John Me- $ r j� Park lot of about 5 acres, 8 room sure the can please you. Let us try it.
Matintt t Aewont.ts here read as fullows:—R. 1500 house; stable; near iron works; a
r very desirablo'healthy house.
Ings and styles. Prints, Ging- :1• 1Jon;;las,, supplies, X3.:30; Geo.
Mrs, W. P. Grierson tins returned p r �"6�f1 each will buy two ]iluritaotnecot-
llalnS and fine COCtOri nlaterlal a..;tsuu, stt},plie , Vii, t 1, 1 UU tafies oil Edward street. Cost that �w�
I;.: home after spending a few weeks with to build.
w Dll,uil+-BuuOu -That the ueconuts r.s
Irl SpOCS �tn(l floral effects. relatives anti friends at different points n Two olots; stable; finelarglo
a reari bu paid Cur ied $ 1200 house, wit all conveniences, Iso -
in Michigan, ated on the banks of the Maitland.
L'uut d thou adjournedp� n A snap on Minnie street, theplea-
YI P � 1000 santest residentul street in town, UNDERTAKING—Our extensive ex erlece warrants
Digs. P. TuuslN who lies beaus end -p
t.It A\ anti)/17{..
a ars » in a few weeks `at her home in Milton will tiny 200 „ere farm 5 milds us 1n calling special attention to this Branch of our business.
:• An IEllpaltant �c11t, tit; g ' ri,IoF. July 13th, an elderly and $4500, from tho flourishing Townofwia
has returned, accompanied byher sister, haan, School oat lot, oodbrickhouse,ban� You will find us prompt, reliable, attentive.and efficient.
Miss Mwrehoad, visit ]cua.w€= resident of loaf (lied barn, sheep house hog pen and lion house; 80 r� BALL,
t11N person Of Williutlt c ay. He acres cleared anti tillable • balance timbered LU -It- HRR BALL, Funeral Director.
Parasols Dorsey Tracey, Of Wisconsin, is visit- and uncleaned; slashing oovering; valuable.
iug with his parents in town. This is 'Alas 80 years of €tge Aud had l.vud lure land; a decided bnrgain for an enterprising
fun' ovc r 10 years, IXa leaves and nine Foung farmer; buildaings cost more than one- Residence—Patrick St., Mr. Gracey's late residence.
the first time in six years that Dorsey iaittf price asked.
hat visited Win'>haan, elated"NSI. Mr. D1cSay was a Pres-��0� Ono of the best 100 acre farms in
Buy one Of these fine para- o hyruliau a11ti it L,betal. He had been ill the fine Township of Rowick, large - "-"-- --' --=--
1Irs. D. Catllpbell and her grand- handsome brick residence; bank X0000♦000000000000000♦♦0000®040000000000000♦OOOOOON♦
sols and, save, your complexion railing ht•'" 1 for Bottle tint(+ prior to ]lis barn; well improved, and in a high state of 4
daughter Miss Maggie Hiscocks, tire cultivation. ♦
and our mons � too. We a dt:€tlt,
y ? spending a few weeks with Mrs. Camp- O.t Saud.,y, July 14th, tho spirit of ��000 Corner form, loo acres, smiles 44 /� 0
bought a very large stock C bell's daughters in Toronto. , „ acres i ng ood school on lot 70 + - A "IGH T
samples alae They are Atia. V€iinialtio Steiss passed mvity. . acres in good cultivation. 0x- 6
p p Y Charlie Bell, Tom King, Morris Ross, Ile€trt trouble w.ts the cause. Alone cellent value. Easy terms.
very beautiful ill light shades. Gordon Griffon, Roy Gordon, Ding with her ha brtud and fatuity she resided +
We 'put them ill two lots t0 Wade, Ed. McGuire and Bervil Griffin oil the 1Ur ion, fur years 6her oma. T EAA' � + e ♦♦
iu« to (,tteubet. ll to make her lluulu. ��
clear, are enjoying the lake breezes at Bay- Slio �v,ts a quit t persue, kindly iu (lis- - Q��y
pt St. acct IttgIvy esteemed by all who. The undersigned is now .prepared
Lot No. 1—Parasols worth knew her. h1r. Stviss and €v. grown up do all khats of work in the way of gen- +
.1 R
John D. Campbell, principal of the •
3..00 for .$z.s0. 1'autil,; survive wire and mother. Oral teaming.
Highgate public school spent part of the Garden Plowing utd other work will ♦ +
Lot NO. 2—Parasols worth vacation with his parents in town. He BORN'. receive prompt attt�'ation.
$4,00 $5.00, $6.00, for $' 00. is in Toronto this week as one of the l:r,ea•A2x•--In Tutiaberry, ion Ju1vT",?na, the All orders left it Lott Sturdy's such as is being prepared for the
J' ,vii , of John Moffatt; a daug daughter. livery stable, or at vy house will receive ♦ O
examiners on the geography papers. t:aoNs,—In East 1Vawunosll, o u1y,.o,
1 ' r. wifca of Pahick (gibbons; a son. I&* , prompt Attention. ♦ 'nuke Of York will cost a great •
_ R. and Mrs. Williamson and Miss Eva I:nowx.—Iu Bolgra.eu, Oil ,7ttly to ,. tho wife l W. G. GRAY. P
SPECIALS FOR JULY Cantron spent Sunday in Wingham, ofIbcv aeon. ?
OtrGC ,-IuIn BBeldlg ia•�c, on July 10, tile wife of'• ♦ amount of money, o ='
Tom Friendship is visiting relatives at R nv C1c;o; a yo,t V> OTE
ST •g � s 4
r, o'Vt'a iii—in East Wa�tanosh on July Y ®3 JCi � IST, lel 1. ♦ f
Boots and Shoes, odd sizes, worth Wingham and Teeswater. Airs. W. F. Elle wife of Hex t1 y McVittic a tlttnglrter. O t
81.25 J. D. King's Vanstone and Miss Fannie of Win ham TnYnf>ru.-InMouis, oaf Tt11y, 14th, the�e +
X2.00, 3 00, for . b g ' of Noil 1,.aylor €t d; tgl}tor Munieipalfty of he Township of a We have a Right' Royal Lot of
make, good quality ; black and tan ; were visitors in Brussels this week. J. 2�MOOxi v'—in Indian Bead, N. W. T., on rune
last ear's toe good chance. D. Burns of Win hath was visiting
22nd, to Mr, and Mrs. w• T. Moonily, formerly Turnberry, n the County
y g g of Morris, a a•au hter, Of urol + the • latest up-to-date Glassware i
his cousins, the Misses Douglas, Eliza- LorG.-In Crangbrool:, on July 14th the wife
of Jacob Loy of twins—boy and girt. ♦ just arrived
200 yds Print and Pique, regular beth street. -Brussels Post. Sw s.— as Goderich, on Julyl4th, the wife NOTICE is hereb given that I have trans- ♦ consisting of Vases,
Of T Swarta of a daughter.
10C, July 7C, 1tIAILR7ED milted or delivered o the persons mentioned ♦ ,
y to sections 8 and 9 of The Ontario Voters' List
200 yds wile Shaker Flannel, A LETTER FROM MUSKOKA. 'K A'XbSAY-MMGHRid,.—At the residence'•of Act," tile copies red 'redbysaidsectionstobe Ii acantha Glasses ROS B 1'
the bride's parents, on July 24th, by Rev. D. so delivered or tra smitted of the list made
reg. $O, July 5u. Port Keewa din Muskoka Lake Perrin, Arch. S. Ramsay, of Platteville, to Mas ursnaut to said Ac , of all persons appearing
20 Shirt Waists, very fine and y ' ' Lo ,tile, daughter of Wm. Mitchell, of Wingham the last revised ssessnaout Rollo the said
July 22nd, 1901. WNW. �'municipality to be titled to vote in the said
p To The Editor of The TrisEs. , . Municipality at El aflame for Members Of the
C oil .Y.—In'Wing iam, on July 21st, Earnest Legislative Assam ly and t Municipal Elec-
Spe rials in Embroideries, Laces, DEAR Snt,-Last year I wrote tt letter Johnstou, infant eon or Mr. and Mrs. Jos• tions; and that the aid list was first posted up
Gloves and Hosiery or two to the rl IDILs ivia • w friend alley, of erne, Man., aged 9 months and at my office, at Bl ovale, on the 15th day of
giving y ave,, July 1001, and rem ins those for inspection.
Shop early at and your numerous readers some little Io$AY• ` n Gray, on illy Path, William Electors are Calle upon bb examine said liat;
McKay, aged 80 years. and if any omissio a or any other errors are
idea of "The Highland Lukes" of the S!vmss.—In Grey. oil ly 14th, Louisa, wife found therein, to t Ice immediate proeeedin s
Muskoka District and I. was leased to 04 Jotu; rsteirss, aged 82 years, l months raid 20 tohave the Bard er ors corrected according o
r p' 9 , p days. lair.
" f learn that m letters were read a blcLait�v—Isar Buroit, o t July 1Sbh Augtas Dated, Clerk's O ce, Binevalo, July 15, 1901
a r lip - �, c. ' y g y p McLarty, aged 0! years,, J months, and lh days. JOHIT BURGESS,
preciated. But this year I do not find Clerk, Township of Turnberry.
anything of very great interest to say.
I have not even a great fish story to tell, r :t
�::SOIVALS. although be it known that we have Heal Istdc Agencl:
caught some lovely fish. It will, how Th -
We shall be glad to have contributions to ever, be of interest to my Winghaul no escaping the germs of consump-
this column from any of our readers. If you
have visitors or purpose going away ,ourself, friends to leiiow that we have just mov- tion; kill. them With health. Health WINGHAM.
drop in and tell us, or send us a no+ to that
gffect. ed into our new cottage on Normand
Island. Alas I Alas 1 1 I shall 4110 is your only means of killing them.
Abner Cosens was in Clifford on Tues- more be able to say- I ,
y e ow s,
Trays, Fruit Sets, Table Sets,
Flower Baskets and Epergnes.
•.�! J tF. 4 a �.. .`, 7.
4 d
44400♦44444404440044440404.1a004004444$eA 00+444400440.
AGENTtilCL Rubber Fountain Pen. Send 10
S cents silver or stamps for sample.
H C NT ER &. Co. 012 W.Fifth St.Cincinnati, O
day on business.
+'No foot of laud do I possess, 1
Scott s P♦mulslon of cod -hoer all � I �� � t9 p I L �� HOLSTEIN
��T I � ��rY
Mrs. Jos. Bradwin was visiting int
No cottage in this wilderness-
will give you that health, if any- -0
Blyth this week.
Mrs. Robt. Johnston i5 visiting with
I A poor way faring man," ,
! Because the dear loving Lord has given I
having added a separator to their plant, now
thing -will. Office -Corner Patrick and Leopold'Sts. ober
friends in Brussels.
me, what has been the desire of: lay
BOOTT 6 DOWNE e„r•�I.T,i, TORONTO. 4J•�-�.E�LJLV.�.IL IED 111. L'K
Miss Adell, of Michigan, is visiting
heart for many years—ern island home
lsI had i
all to ourseve. aalmost given tip
sacs enc{ $:.r .:•at <t agrists.
We have a word to say to those who to the people of Wingham. Our cows are kept
strictlyare o offer.
in clean,ly
with Mrs. W. C. Molvur.
Fred. Orr is away on a holiday trip to
Buffalo and ether places.
the idea of ever realizing this desire
until a year ago found this little island
contemplate becoming citizens this stiff t n millet, ceclsnabler, ng
_� verybusyIIVO town, that we have on Juno, July dna August.
i Y,
�i� / hand Several desirable dwellings ceu- 3 cents perquart, delivered onto a day.
in waiting for mea at a vary l•easouable
for Also 39 build-
W. T. J. Homuth is s; en :iug it few
price. i say in acuili{iry,/nee, e, because it
trally situated sale,
ing lots in No. 2 Ward, 1S of which are
days in Detroit and Cleveland.
is the �voilder if the people now, as to
on Carling St. East, ALLAN �� NAU
Wre. Ccrbould and family are Enjoy-
how I couid secure suofl a beautiful �
The success of last or' showing for the r, on Catherine St. East.
ing. the lase breezes at Bayfield.
Miss Frazer, of T(ronto, is visiting
island at this late date. The Americans
axe buying up all the islands that arel
Po t P•• 8 on Carling St. Nest.
CANADA Q1 ESS COLLEM. • 4'bn Cornyn St. South. �� alMail Steam.hipsR"with
her sater, Mrs. Mara Gray.
buautiw, Sur situation, and cue just
I CliATHAM, ONT., 4 on Cornyn St. North.
, Ed. Brad.tvin, of Toronto, is spending
Holidays his Lome
across the channel from us, cong tainin
about five acies, with a poor cottage on
exceeds all previous records.
I And l lot, No, 88, on the East side of
304 pupils seeurect good ositions during FROM MONTREAL A N
1901. Frances St., No. 4 Ward, to
iiia at in taw•u.
Mrs. M. A. :miller, of Ingersoll, is
it, has lately been purchased by two
ladies flout 1'itubburg,
� t e 12 months endmg:7une 80, at pricc,s
I twill not pay yon to attend elsewhere. suit the conditions of All. E YORK.
write Por lianclsomo catalogue and list of
visiting with friends in Wingham.pupils
widow Pa., for
the sum of $2,000 and they Are buildingl-I
placed. -
d ll, McLAOHLAN Rc CO., SA Nl L. YU U I L L.
T. H. Hasstard, of Milbrook, was in two large summer resorts on it at a cost; Chatham, Ont. For tickets and full information apply
-town for a couple of days this week.
it is said, of at least $4,000 each. This
VOTERS' ]LIS'T', 1901
Alias L, Henderson is spending her
is of course all good for trade. And it
holiday with her parents in Ingersoll.
is this very thing that is making this
aeM th and Misses n
J. lVi a S. and J.
part of our beautiful Ontario worth so
Municipality of tae Town of W9-
p y g-
MacMatH spent Sunday with relatives at
much, which otherwise would be worth
haIII, in tyle C aunty of H on.
little or nothing, now that the timber is
Miss Edith McOlymont, of Goderich, I
I may say islet this little island Of ours
NOTIOE is hereby ivo the have trans- .�
mitted or delivered to the a ons mentioned
�' i„
is visiting with old friends in
in sections.8 and 0 of ' ho n ria Voters' List
is One Of a group Of seVa111E lentis, known Act," the confer req it by said aeottona
t _'
anti vicinity. ,
Miss May Smith returned home on
„ , „ to be delivered or tram mi ed of the list made
as the Seven dieters. Ours is one Of pursuant to Said Act, f n persons apt�earing-
the smaller, being about an acre and, a by the last revised Ass Bement Roll of the said
Municipality to be en itled. to vote in the said
� � �� �/ _ —
---� e
Saturday after A visit with friends in
quarter. Port Keewaydin, is oar wharf Municipality at Elect' ns for Members of the
%� J
Owen Sound.
Legislative Assembly and at Municipal Elec-
And punt office, so that if arty Of you tions; and that tho sair fiat was first pposted up
J. C. Daum, of Buffalo, is spending a
s with film parents, r, and
jew holi•hi� Di
come up the Muskoka Lakes, be sure at my office at Win gl m, on the 28rd day of
I Juiy,1901, and remain, there for inspection.
and call Oil us, its we are hand by Port Electors are called u on to examine said list,
Mrs. C. D: lies.
and if'ony olulakioiis r Any other errors are
Keuwayafn. Y shall, D. V., be home for found therein to tape immediate proroedinga
M&sters George and Jimmie' Gilchrist
the Sunday School excursion and for the t have the said or said according to
Owe ppending it few ht lidays with their Quarterly services the first Sunday, ill Dated, Clerk's Offird Wingham, July 23,1901.
uncle ill rii'Ver.un. Augaat. J. B, Rau, x
RICH SItJ) HOIIi s. C11t le, !Gown air Winghain.
*; Miss Myra lain, Of Virden, Mau., -`-`- "- --
lZJudge 1
will at once detect the super -
Was visiting' With her friend, Miss ,
was PARD FOR. $AI:
iority of our trade -to -order
Itertie, Ross this week. Cites. AloClelland shippul a ear to€td--�
a: have deoided to sell my farm, beluti•
Mfsa Mattie Campbell is spending .a of€irtle to lcartlntotitt 1•ltintlay. fulls* situated ill the growing of
few weeks with relatives and friends ill I.obri t Bruce tiil(1 DAti Cxaddes tool;, ill Willpham, containing 36 acres, suitable
n t
thoraces tat Godesfclt, =week, for farming purposes or for building
Parmerstou tend Guelph. lots. The solus excellent And is well
Mrs. Duchannan, 'village
is our Specialty, We fit the;
Mores t;, G. Ash and son, Allan, of of this loft watered with three wells and two
mats of abnormal as well as he
9" Towas, Mich,, Aro visiting at the oil Tuesday of last week, for the Bnftlo Overflowing springs, There are on the
of normal shape, and our
%ane of Mr, SAmI. " tlnhfil,
Pttn :i111erieftV. premises & good brick house, baulc barn
p5V. McAlkh has returned home after a and all necessary im0nildings. This
.. . ;
prices stilt all,
Mrs. file,} McGregor, of Sioux City,
. three Weeks visit at 13A•yfield', Buffalo most desirable property I offer for sale
Conte along and yet one of.
meati JAviKlt3ti tit the home Of hbr alta ether pointe Of interest. 1). STEWART, Winuham.
the newest novelties alt Suits.,
titin, CotltlCi i�
-dor rwtOli. Mrs. Jas. Owens fell last week Alid __._._ __.__..- _--»..�..�
dlutf. tlelbrAittl, Of I.ondtin, is nrl(n r , WA�1'TBO—'1'Tl IST'WORTAY. M2X AND
:, fractured One of the bones ilx lief tit h, wveriion to travel and aelvertiso for old tmtab-
(;overcoats and, Pants,
a• c's Widaye with his girAndpareilts,. Artl Jackson has bought Mr, sf Sal its`
� i'enf Doli6xp11til nelilt ending.ayable
x ours truly, 9
lar too Year
rt IMI t,lxtl, i�ttxlhill. Dailey's property at Rodman for $126, . Na ran" -inti re Muir«•d, Clive rrfcrencr s Altd
r•n<•Ibt+atMelfit�[dfLasPtl tinm�l pir'vAlope.
�t ;�yt
�) / 1,
llt� yt Maxwell
r,� /
li+ ArthUr tsair, of Mr. l�q intends going t0 Detroit, drM attaYt 4 r, FA M%ton diq„ EYSttCagvi.
. �j'f(J a
(,� M1•
.` • laiff8%�i:1 t• r ...i;'.�YIHr - _. .. .. _ .,... — C.Ifli,.�C.�,iWii'R"57N�3�
t u,,;Si •. G .. , �. _
The undersilihed oilers for sale his farm, lot
11, con. 5, Turnberry, containing 95 acres. Upon
the premises are good buildings and is well
watered, Windmill for pumping. For terms
and particulars apply to
^pBlueevvale P. O.
Real Estate and loan Office.
Conveyancing, Assignee and Accountant.
Money to loan on town and farm property.
Office—Two doors north of Drs. T. & J. S.'
Chisholm's Surgery. Residence—Catherine St.
Machine • thi
all of the very best
For sale by
to H. DAVIS, Wingham.Ly m. aliment
M. �
of all Summer Goods going on at this
store now.
R EA®Y-TOS it it EAR C LOTH I i tl G
anal all. lines of Boots and Shoes included
in this great cut price sale.
at lowest prices.
Every person come and secure BARGAINS at
The Direct I portor.