HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-26, Page 57.F,111777- ow a -77 'MW JITLY 26� 1901. THE WINGRAX TIMES9 '"LUXTAWro The Sabbath School excursion to Rheumatism X- WAAS FROM OUR NEIGHBORGaeiGS rh on Augu8t Ist, will. be largely $9 other disease makes one ftel so old, BAR AINS IN QQT5 WPM LOTHIN0. Attended from hereabout, It stiffens the joints, produces lameness, IN THE NEW STORE x. Mr. W. McKenzie Messer). druggists of and makes. every motion painful, Detroit, is 1101110 for his UOU40YO- MOB It 10 Sometimes so bad as wholly to 404 - EVENTS OF INTEREST TO ALL OUR READERS, Cora Messer,, who has been visiting in 41% and It should never be neglected. U. J. Ucl)ollald, Trenton, Ont., had. 1t Tpoilauti, Accompanied her brother bome. After a severe Attack of the grip; Airs, Clearing Sal Rattle Turner, Bolivar, Up,, had It so What Wideawake Txmea Correspomdentfs COMM=040 — Other. Mr. J in Brantford ohn. Burgess was severely she could not lift anything and Items Clipped From Our Exchanges. last week. could scarcely get,, up or down stairs - W, OF, SUMMER GOODS, Air, John Greenway returned to Sault 4, Sbepa?d, Sandy Ilook, Conn., was 1.6'14 $to, Marie last Nyeek and was Accomm up with It, was, cold eves in July, and We bid good bye. to profit on All Samilier Goods and have s NAST iVAIVANOSO, partied back by Air. Win H. Stewart, could not dress himself. marked FRIOX 8 away down in all depanwents, This is your A toy Deacon, the According to testimonials volunfarl)7 Miss Jennio Miller, on Sanderson Willie Elliott and 1, Mr. F raill returned to Iowa these sufferers were permanently or J. Scott re give"' chance to get choice now goods at WHOLE5ALE PRIORS. street, entertained a number of h ant No. 9, -,vho wrote at the last week, visiting the Pan-American on relieved, as others have been, by young lady friends on Tuesday evening, entrance exam, in Wingham, were. both the way, Hood"; Sarsaparilla .Mrs, j, W. Hupper And her two successful. Rev. P. Swann preached to the DRESS MUSLIH$ PRINTS Which. corrects the Acidity sof the blood ,daughters, who have been visiting at Mr, and Mrs. Stewart MoGee,Of Wing- Orangemen on Sabbath evening. on which rheumatism depends, and. builds loo Colored Muslin for .......... 80 70 Prints (fast colors) for ........ 50 :Mrs. Greer s, of Wiarton, returned home ham, spFlax is a pulling, 1214c Sunday With the former's up the whole system. 1214c ........... 30o Sc light and dark Prints for.,.,., Go '' on Tuesday evening. parents. Mr. Jesse Hudson, of Drayton, spent AlOODSFILLS CtWjCQn9tlJ)AtIon, Price {5 cent& 150a << . I .... 11.1.1210 10c Prints (wide) for ............ So ...... The onivert at the woolen mill is Mr, And Mrs, Rev, W. 1-1. Geddes and Sunday in Bluevale, 4 Oc 46 9$ 1 .. 1.1150 i2lic, Prints visolce patterns for. 10o family, of Ailsa Craig, are spending Miss Annie Rutherford, of Hjiu�ilton, FOUDWIVII. 250 ......... 20o i 15a fine quality Print for ...... I P�.-! undergoing repairs. their holiday iCalvin congregation, nMr, Edward Barnard is drawing brick has returned from the Pan-Americaii Miss Grills, who taught school in Sec - for his new residence on Sanderson While a number were berrying 111 a find is visiting At her Bluevale home. tion No. 9, Howiek till May lot, visited DRESS GOODS i BOOTS AND SHOES bush on the 9th last week they chanced Miss E Me Grainger, of Molesworth, friends here on Saturday, She was street, to disturb a negro who Was lying sleep- visited Miss Alice Duff on Monday. Accompanied by her mother, 25o Colored Dress Goods for .... 15o 90 prs LadieW Strap Slippers, reg.N. for 7-a Mr. and Mrs. Thos. T, Appleby were inj�mong the bushes. He arose and No black 96 it .... 25o If) pains Ladies Oxfords, rog. $1415 fo.,, We Freddie Johnston accompanied his Mr. W. H, Downey was successful in, r)0o colored Mohair Goods for. • .. NO the guests of their son, Thos,, on the Iked on quietly. cousins, the Misses Saults, to Goderich, his final examinations at the Normal No F anoy Figured Goods for. , , . 48c isprs 11 Dong.oxford:s,r(�g.,$1,50flo,r$l.'�)5, 30th of Turnberry on Monday' Alle many friends of Mr. Charlie last week. College and Mr. Geo, Edgar was success- 75c Black Cashmere for. , ...... , 60o a pairs Men's oxfords, reg. $1.15 for, - $1XQ 5oc Valley Plaid for ... ....... 380 10 pairs Girls' slippers, reg. for $1.00 Miss Jessie Robertson and Miss Kate Robinson, of Minneopoll s will be very Misses Maggie and Maisie Holmes, of ful at Toronto Normal School, Congra- 3ffartin are contemplating of taking, a sorry to hear of his death, which Sad P merston, are visiting relatives in tulations. I _. � ­ .., .. . I trip to Manitoba in the near future. event occurred at his home. Mr. Robin- ingliam. and Bluevale. Airs. John McKee, Who has been in on I-Iowick son had been ill a few o While driving from, Fordwich on the Boo, nursing her son, Wesley T01in- LADIES' BLOUSES street is being painted, Arthur Wells to his death, the cans which . j w I,- w Thursday of last week a bug flew into stow, who had a severe attack of ippon- 65c Print or Gingham Blouse for 50o 00c, Men's Summer Coats for ... 750 cancer of the stoma( It I i tk LAS the job. Mrs. R. G. Casemore's ear and kept dicites, returned on Saturday. We are 750 00o "75c Boys' Summer Coati fur ....650 Mr. Rutherford is repainting his fence Master Alex, Rint son of Mr. A. journeying inland, causing great pain glad to hear that Wes, is convalescent. $1,00 Gingham Blouses for.. ...750 $1.25 Dion's Drill Coati for ....$1.00 .... 00c i 60o Boys' Washable Suits for. 50o this week, Rintoul, had one of his legs badly out until wroxotpr wasreed when Dr. Miss Smith, of Garrie, visited at the 75c, Muslin Blouse for ....... re $1.25 Fancy Print Blou4e for.11 , 00 $3.50 Light Tweed Coats for.,12.60 - street ! 65o Drill Overalls for.... 6 Howick t is to have its South side on Tuesday by falling on a scythe, Smale removed it. Manse on Mouday. $1.50 Chambray Blouse for.... $1.25 00 sidewalk moved outside of the Mr. George Port- shAdG . Some of the 9th boys intend going to I, has sold out his The masons are working at the foun- $2,00 Tacked, Muslin Blouse for $1.75 65c Drill Smocks for ............ 500 trees. Manitoba on the excursion, stock of general merobandise.to. Mr. dation of the new Presbyterian church. Mr. M, Harris, of Fordwich, called at MallQugh, formerly of Dungannon, who Mr. Geo. Johnston's house is ready for J. hrethauer's on Tuesday last. Cramps Are LIAT Burglars, it1pow in possession. plastering. Air, A. Orr's -livery stable STRAW HATS CENTS' FURNMINGS, Mr. Menzies, of Molesworth, was the they come unexpected, and wholl T'll Of the five pupils which Mr. A. Me- is nearly completed. J.1c Alen's straw hats for, 100 85o Shirts and Drawers for 250 guest of Donald Fisher, on Monday. Are least welcome. Be armed with Ewen sent to write on the entrance Thos. E. Ball, L. D. S., of Harriston, 20o Boys' Straw hats for... , .. , . 15o 50c Top Shirts for Aft. Esty, of the Walker House, has one minute cute for cramps and keep our succeeded in pa papers, f passing, The makes a professional call here on the 25c Men's straw hats for........200 200 1 25o Heavy Braces for ......... Ift improved the house considerable by Pols so us Drawers for. ..850 A on's Werviline bandy; it instantaneously, Nerviline's anodyne local papers were busy- last week With second and fourth Mondays of each 85o Men's straw hats for ........ 250 45c, Shirts and 45o Men's straw hats for, ....... 35C Arlt Four-in-hand Ties for 050 painting floors and papering. power is unique, for its composition their "reflects great bredit on teacher month. ' He is working up a good No Boys' straw hats for ........ 39c, 35o Cashmere Sox fot 250 Miss Effie Powell contemplates taking expresses the highest medical progress and pupils alike, the high standing they practice, 75c Men's straw hats for ........ 50c 10c Cotton Box for, 7C A trip to Sirocco, perhaps on Saturday. true have attained, eto., eto.," and, -with the The hay is all safely housed in this $1 Men's straw hats for... 7 of the age. Polson's Nerviline is a ti 5c l5o Bathing Trunks for.... Omfort in the family for in All Our boys are practicing for the com- c mention of their school's exceptional locality. The f411 wheat is cut and will dangermentB of the stomach and bowels ing baseball match with Gerrie. it is an absolute specific. Nerviline has percentages. One country teacher, who be drawn in this week if it remains dry. J. Brethauer was in Fordwich on five times- greater medicinal value than is still in her first *ar, sent up one The barley will soon be really to out. GROCEPHES STAPLES Saturday on business. any other remedy and is sold in large 25 pupil, who passed,'We report from her The harvest will be lighter in this I cant bottles. Try it. al $100 7e Flannelettes for ........... 5c Miss Nellie Collins, of Buffalo, who school in The Coru-Nid Confider reads. locality than last year owing to the long 18 lbs best granulated sug I has been visiting friends the last two Miss Blackstrap, Coniechild, has 'an S 20 lbs bright coffee sugar ..... 1.00 1 7c Gilighanis (fast colors) ........5c spell of dry weather. 350 uncolored Japan tea for.... ,250 10c Apron Gingham for .......... 80 weeks, returned home on Monday. THE FALL FAIRS. enviable record as tin instructress of the Tomatoes, Corn and Peas, 3 tins, 25c 16c Window Muslin for ......... 100 Miss Annie Muir, daughter of Wm- young idea, not one of li"or Scholars ever Canada Laundry Starch, per lb, 5o 12yo Cotton Shirtilig, for I . loc Muir, on Howick street, has secured a WINGHA 11 ......... a ......... Sept. 26-2 known to fail.' I Corn Starch, per phge .......... 5o 104 F laimelette for ............... 1 80 Port Hope for the summer. Bolgrave ....................... Oct. 1-2 ring (Injolided for last week. From another Choice Raisins. 3 lbs for ........ 260 1 12,14c Victoria Lawn for ........ 06 John Coultas came -under the string 800 Ifituation in Po Correspondent) Clothes Pins, per doz ........... le 10CCrotonne, for, So Dungannon ...... .............. Oct. 8-9 first, Christian Brinker second, enc 35e Table Linen for ...... 50 at $14 a month. As soon as winter Mixed Pickles, 2 bottles for 2 A 2 the second concession of Culross, return, to G-oderich ...... ................. Oct, 1- will Haney third in the bicycle race las K U I — ---. ____ makes its appearance she will July 4th, occurred the death of Mrs. Toronto to a situation waiting for her. Ripley ....................... Sept. 24-26 Saturday evening. There were six who Arthur Simpson. Her constitution un 4W Georgie Brown, son of -Andrew Brown, Toronto ..... ..........Aug. 26 -Sept. 7 started, Thenext race will be run next dermined by months of enfeebled health, Lis grand .14 _­ - U0 of Tilsonburg is staying With 11 Lwidon ................ ......Sept. $ S rday. if it is not too cold and wet, grew gradually weaker, until the end Teeswater .................. Sept. 24- rs. D'. King, Mr. John King, Airs. parents, Mr. and Mrs. Barnard. i_k came. Mrs. Simpson, ,hoso� maiden The Cheap Store. Opp. Bank of Hamilton. •'Paul Pow q11 and A-rs. Ueorge McDonald went to Owen Sound last 'week in name was Margaret Johnston,�was born in Aberdeen, Scotland, -,!r L18 01i answer to a message�which they got oil ceived a good education, navlug 4 Monday morning informing them that li taeu the daughter of the former and sister Of ! up nine branches, such as music and' TURNBERRY. mor, Peter Hastings, repairs to the three latter, Mrs. Herbert Burgess, the ordinary French, in addition to t Minutes of council meeting held July road at Job's bridge, k2.50; Hugh was dying. They'llurried. away to ' her school studies. When a young woman 00th 1901. Members all Present. The Tucker, repairs to road i, John Woods, bedside, thinking theymiglit'not see - her she came to Canada to become the wife Reeve in the chair. Minutes of last repairs to road, 1,M of Mr. Arthur Simpson. After some meeting were read, approved and signed Mitohell—Musgrove—Th, this meet. alive and great was. their - astonishmont years spent in Brant, they removed to A communication was read re assm't ing. do now adjourn to meet in Clerk's _ U when she met them at the door, A Culross township, and settled up . on the bill.—Filed. office, Bluevale, on Saturday, Aug. 31st, 1W 71 _10%& mistake had been made as it was Miss farm, -which is the present homestead. at 10 o'clock a. in. Louie Burgess who was ill, and, who, All through the years of her every day Reports—Mr. Cruickshank reported Jon,,,7 DunGrsss, Clork. ON we are gleased to, know is now recover- life, Mrs. Simpson carried about in her having let a job of filling at B. line E ingnicel7, Miss Nellie Burgess aocom- bridge to Goo. Churchill at $18.50. Mr. ..& heart the songs and poetry of her well- Children Ory for panied 'relatives to Bluevale for a Coupland reported having lot a job of beloved Scotia, the citing.of which, oftensit.: tile culvert to David Hastings at $5.00; gave'lileasure ,cher friends, besides de- i A. r also let a job of cutting and widening STu rs A spark from the engine on Tuesday's yeloping in her Scottish-Canadilan family CA, afternoon train set fire to the dry grass road at hill to Jno. McKinnon at $15.00; a great love for the heather and an ad-: at the railway bridge, which soon spread miration fc . r.the traditions 6f the "Old! also . let a job of gravelling on 10th con- L1ST0*Jtt-' to tile Adjoining fences destroying quite cession to Jno. McKinnon at 40 cents Mr. Henry Rapp is building] a fine Land." Kind, entertaining and cultur- Mr. stretch of Mr. George - McDonald's and per rod, 1% yds. of gravel to rod. residence on the corner of Main and !90�ut reserved by nature,. she WAS. Musgrove reported having let a job of Mr. Thos. J 'ttle. Mr. McDonald Victoria street. gn.�.t known only by her most - intim ate saved Some of his by.. e -ring it down'• gravelling 42 rods on B: line to Mr. Jno. 9srs Ad friends. Personating the rugged forti- gray Mr. W. C. Kidd is pulling down his The last h0t of Juiie. cheese was McKinnon at 32o per rod, 11�. yds. gravel house on Main St., where he intends to tulle of her race, she never murmured shipped on Monday, when beget upon and weakened b phy- to rod. Mr. Mitchell reported having build a flue new residence. Mr. Arthur -Knight I of Ripley, visited y let a job of ravelling 15 yds. on 5th side ul James Lee returned home on -tltes',this week. slicial fti�meutsj �ut smiled patiently Mrs. Mr. Edgar Cox . line to Win. Churchill at 45 bents per Friday after a three weeks' visit with t. when at her, Worst. The end came Mrs. Fraser, senior, and Mrs. George quietly and peacefully; she just I' d yd.; also a job of 15 yds. On the same her brother, Mr. D. Barber, in Hespeler. Is 'WPe' line at 50c per yard; als) let a job of Peacock, of the first line of Morris, went awas Ito hold her everlasting ti A on same line to Jno. Me- MT. John Wilson, Elma St., is slowly to Manitoba on the excursion this week, __ - gravelling family.of .seven survive her. I only n recovering from au. attack of fever. Naughton at 50c per rod, contractor to Gordon Burt., son tf Mr. J. C. Burt, Mr. Robs. Ma�thors, of the first line of Of& daughter, Mrs. Macdonald es iii, Morris, is very 41. find gravel and put 1 1�- yds, to rod, met with all Accident in Southampton, "d Abardeell, Scotland. Also her brother,' Remember the opening of Victoria a Dr. Johnston and four sisters still live The. treasurer laid his half yearly re which might have proved fatal. In Ball, Jamestown, )n. Monday evening. shows a in Aberdeen. A long cortage of friends port before the council which some way he fell off the long pier and There will be a garden party and then and acquaintances followed the remains balance of $1179.10 cash on hand. -would have been drowned, hAdnob Mr. an entertainment ar, -which Dr., Mite- to the Winghain, cemetery, where they Musgrove—Mitchell—That the treas- 0 Tabberer and others rescued him. t douald M. P. Will speak. wera laid beside her husband who died users report be be received and adopted- "Kiss Mary'R. Ale xaner and her cousin, Mr. John Collie has severed his con- in 18, a. —carried. Miss Mary A., left town on Tuesday foi- nection with the Grand Trunk Company passed Indian Head, N. W. T., Nvhere they will. The following accounts were p, t r dD i aildvisited ia Alma this week, The 0 BroncWtis Is no%V Xisideliale. and cheques issued:—Jno. Ling, gravel, visit frionds. new agent,' Mr. V awoett, of Owen 00Musgrove, gravel And Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lee wad family' is becoming very prevalent, c; Robt. Sound, arrived last week.. but it, not now incurable for Catarrozoi io damages, $5.80; Robt. Anderson, gravel, spent a few days in Clinton. Mr. John King Will have a very fine olives even the worst chaes. %.68; Goo, Churchill, repairing road at Christ church Suncl.,ty school, held. barn when it is completed, and probably Cittarrhozone Inhaler sends the health B� line bridge, $18150; Win. Wright, their picnic last Friday in Mr. Otter's, the largest around libre. It is 60 by 70 medicated alt into'every Air passage ill ling on Grey boundary, $15,84, groveat Shipley. All onjoyed them - head, bronchial tubes and lungs; it gravel of feet, will have conlent flooring and every Grey to pay half; Win. Wright, Spread- selves. Thoic-Ittud-twi-b part of A 6 reaches the germs and destroys them. u0e modern convenience. Messrs. Henry Oatarrhozorie Soothes and cools the ing gravel on Grey boundary, $1.10, Mrs. Johnston Roll's, little Diment and George McDonald by inflamed membranes, quickly cures the Grey to pay half; C. Stokes, gravel for Hazel, and Mrs. Alexander Up visiting Under the auspices of L. O. L 794, Wingham• splitting and putting additions theirs dry cough "I'd faverisliness, and the Grey boundary, $2,52, Grey to Pay half; in Bayfield. laborious breathing and soreness in the have, the former as large And the latter wind -pipe are relieved, At olive. When Elijah Higgins, gravel and damages, Mr. James Brock, of R-Inift, dropped larger than Mr. King's. They too have Catavrhozone is Inhaled, Broilobitlei i,) Win. Chandler, gravel and dead on Friday afternoon. cement floors and are altogether 'con- cureditionototivo-days. It hasbo011 damages, $14.6.1; Jas. C, Anderson, extensively used, and never once failed' I J4 veniout and adequate buildings, Even cases of 5 10 and 20'yearsstan(lilll� grLvLl, (ioc,*, 11,obt. Leathorn, gravel and Mr. R. G. Casemore, Mrs. Casomoro that have baYelled the skiil of the best (jitliages, $Ixo; John Bicl3arney, 8, ravel, LOW RATES 0' N BOAT and daughter And Mr. R. N. Duff went physioiallso havo been cured by Catarrh- Thos. Musgrove, gravel, to Michigan this Week. The Casemore ozone. Your doctor can tell you that AlullicipalWorlil, collector's roll, $1,95; family. will resifto there' permanently, ogtarthozone is one of tho grandest Henry W]iieoler, gravel And damages, FROM SARNIA TO IYETROIT. slid Mr. Duff will probably remain diseoveries of tile century', And that he $6.44; Jos. Brockoirridgo, gravel And always prescribes it for bronchitis, ; Theo. Hall, advertising, On jellies until winter, Mr. John Mitchell, Of Astlima and Catarrh. Got it tO-dftYj dauloges, $3.94 preserves and pIcl.le9=,J! Look for rates, time table and full particulars England, Alt, Casemore and Mes3ra. And be cured. Price V-00; small size L5 .�l oo; Juo, Portor, labor and repawng a thin Cod6ting Of d ggists or Poison & Co I Duffand Stewart hav3 parchasodalarm cents, at dru road machine, ,�ZL40; Robt. Watson, on bills to be issued in a few days, tract of bush at Hiawatha, some fifteen Xin'Atoll' Ont. gravol, $1.08; Robt. Stapleton, gravel, Mr miles from Manistique, and Will begin at $1.44; Duff & Stewart, lumbar nud re• once to build A, saw mill on it to mallu. Air. John 11. Ronnatill, of DAVI&I ]airing tobridges,b$50C, D AtALTS10i, facture the timber. They took two, must have sone unusual way X)e beeping.ravel, $1.60; Jno.11firshall, gravel and Will kbov Omit abdiilystny )ZOletylto Ind teams of horses With them. Ifle roots. It is ft usual thing to I -Vo this Airs, 'Eadie, gravel And iteld'Otit6f. PIXT401116 WAX to fillitsubare lit asto tmrly in, the spling if ttdbz6bv)thotwiLgohl)outtbohoting. Full 0 foider go to w �0.10; David Dunkin, repairs' Me Datin%.package, Two Gold Chains will be given as a prize to the best I but Mr. Hermann to r),, 1 111nelijilo, $6.Q); 1 hvid I)lotillge, sold ovistypr am it has not been fed IMPERIAL bIL 00. looking couple, single or married. only, used up the last of his winter supply til !'llver "05; &mesAX!l rmgall� gravel jd ,/'�" �+r' oftTurslays-Zul'y' 18, aull %oporta that and x1aniaAee, $4.06; J"Im 11'urpess$ 1. WacMATH, CoMinittee, �rhlj bigagar6 is on every box et ilio #6au1ft6 the ir Angola thea fed voto u firm aaa part salary, $53; H. t..Ulliott, printing J '. LaxaflVe BroftiossQUinifte V11,16to PgaatAblo As they' I td UOU ill the O01Y And Advertising, $19; Geo. Pocock, FIVEBODYCOME. tris _ktmedy that 66"Cai_,dold In o*0 d*Y 8066ftv Tavel, , 4�o; John Wo AM,i, atone ham- N"t