HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1901-07-26, Page 311INGBAN TIMES, JULY 261, 1901, --�42VMM. TEN NEW ICOM MAN DMENT$ Vrullahlp, 1Goy* and Trnthq, But 110 welody,euchouto me Man is vk social being;. Josh Billings With its harmony diviae, I. Kidney MY$, "Tho social luau is 0o idol wbu Akin to that wh1uh follows eylon and India I An ollult UQt-go away from 110010 to when he has ten minutes to spare goes When A base gets on my line. do thy trading, Oor thy son nor thy around Awl bothers scale otlier mail There is. music in the woodlands, daughter. rr�tability Who has liot-" It lins been said thata, When the Pummerlingers. there; N A T U R4, A L II man to IXIM friends must woke himself f rieudly. Tho toast upon willeb I am There are cArols in the mdadow$f Thell shalt patronize thy home mor- CAUSING FREQUENT RISING AT all ked to say a few words is 44T4ti When, the skies are blue and fair; cIlaut, and thy home printer, for yen, But all these charms of nature NIGHT, is COMPLETELY CURED emblems of our bolQvecl Order, AE -11 IV K, 4M 40 verily doth not Illy homo printer sproad I would willingly resign,. over the glad tidings of thy goodness BY, DR, PITCUERIS BACKACHE Octilfellowship,11 The principles Of our To bear the hum of reeling Is Free fro,n Any Particl,� of Colo -in d w.,,ir. i�i Dainty wid and greatuess, and they shall patronize KIDNEY TABLETS, Order are founded upon Alghtous4eos, When a bass gets oil my line, thee, wilich, it is said, exaltoth a nation but InvigtonitijIrr ; is the olfly LerL tj 0 11,1C palaw", atid Many people are troubled with a a nation is only o%alteil ill proportionas There is nothing nearer heaven, U is Wh!)1eSoij10- for flit- mos. tip Iicatt-- irritable condition of the Kidney andits individual subjects are elevated or When a fellow's tired quite, Thou shalt employ thine own mechan- Bladder that compels frequent attention exalted. AGeueralmaygivocommands Just patioutly awaiting ics,that they May not be driven• from during the day- and frequent rising at bat it Iles with the individnal soldier on For a fish to come and bite, It isaiso a BritI 's,"I their homes to find bread for their little WOO- the battia field to carry these comulands To have your rod bent double a g and serious WOO - Dues. Thou shalt also consider him as For such all annoying. Kidney trouble, there is no remedy so to a successful issue. So )vitil By a bass, with wild design, thy neighbor, above all them that dwel- benefloial its the in6dern Kidney meili. Od4fellowship or GoodTallowship, Our And feel a seven -pounder Ieth in it strange town. cino, Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Order Fiercely buggiii at your Ilse. Tablets, They 8114Y all irritability, is 1`0111irl'.4 upon the iiobl,;st E, Ceylon Teas are sold in sealed lead IV, regulate the Kidney action and permit Plinciplul-Vitt-ittisfurus as individual if I should got to heaven, 66SALADA91 pacl.-.ers otily, Black, Mixed, Un - Thou shalt ask no credit as the goods undisturberl rest at nigh G. members of the Order to put those I colorcd Ceylon Green. P*r cost much money, and tlYe merchant's Mr.. Isaac Hotel, an old and highly principlus into practice and effect I presurno I'd want to know sent. respected residen t of Mount Forest, Ont., t '31 What the chances are for fishing- ADA," Tor011to. brain is burdened with bills. His child hereby reli vincy distress, visitiu-, thq " has this to say, "For some tell years . e , . I Like the sport; I lmow below Ten claimer daily for bread, and his wife past, owing to hard work in my younger WOE, educating the orphan and burying For, t1iolafth 'mid joys supernal, abideth at home for lank ol such raiment days on the farm, I have had a, constant the dead. I would certainly repine as adorne6li her sister. Blessed, ye to in lily back that ran at times up in* I�jrlendslidp is something WO all For a day upon the river I to my shoulders. The Kidneys bother - thrice blessed is the man that pays cash ed me very much and my liver some- appreciate. It' has been' to3tiid that a And a bass upon illy line. V. what also. I tried a good many re. friend is very much like a ghost d Or -Jitmos Robert Allen, In "Forest an. inedies with only indifferent success, apparition, often talkoa about but Stream. Thou shalt not ask for reduced prices until I got a bottle of Dr, Pitcher's Pe for thine influence, for behold guile is in Backache Kidney Tablets at seldoux i;een, but I think with Odd - Yeoman's thy heart and the merchant readeth drug stoxe in this town. 44 it The result of fellowship it is the very reverse, often Miller's Grip Powder Cure. Sold by like all open book. He laugheth you to using these Tablets has been beyond my seen and felt but seldolli talked about. Colin A. Campbell. expectations. They stopped the pail' A friend it, neel is a true friend, and it is scorn and shoutoth to his clerks I'lla, and soreness in the back and allayed the The largest wrought iron pillar is at hal" Kidney irritation, so that I can now rest when we are bt need that Oddfellowsh'P Delhi, in India. It is 60 feet high, and VI. well at night. They'have also regulated shows itself in its true friendship. weighs 70 tons. my bowelg and stirred my sluggish liver, Love has been compared to death in The Typnifilar Ift", Wodf livas Waiting Thou shalt do whatever lieth in fliy so that I am feeling better than I have its levelling process and -it Is a. Net that power to encourage and promote the in a long time, and I am only too pleased where Love is class distioctiou dies out -welfare of thine own town acid thine to give this testimonial as• to the good Romanx a, the remedy accomplished in my case." and every man is as goodas his own people. Dr. Pitcher's Backache Kidney Tab- neighbor, but Love shows itself in its 'SNalz Rhown and scald Nocad This ;s IIRO%171� ' D 1,v dhe that die BUSINESS in - VII. lots are 190 cts a box at all draggists, truest sense in its givings for we love Tho Drettilfin Itolanx and Burni'19 habitants of the worki it. The Dr. Zilin, Pitcher Co., Toronto, Out. 0 Thou shalt not suffer the voice of we give. This Ontario of ourd, the is Promptly 11elleved and the Now nianufacturc.,d in thi-ce of t1he i Dit4eft.HC 'r1101 -011A-11.17 Cured b7 Dr. gri'at countres, viz pride to overcome thee, ald, if other APORISMS. greatest Province of the greatest Domm- Chaae's Ointment. Canada, United Statcs and German)% towns entice thee, consent thou not, for ion of the greatest Wittion the world Mrs. A. McIcnight, Kirkwall,Wellinu- thou mayest be deceived. has ever seen; with its free institnions; -ton County, Ont., writes: ­11 feel it my The 'C'einadian Pacific R --tilt' ay h !Vc- rX -r 200 in uso raunillar Saylligo frolu Slan-kenienre. duty to let You know what Dr. Chase's VIII, 'n I with its social and religi•ous liberty; Ointment has done in a very bad case They ktiow a GOOD thingy. (Romeo tin ou"Ou.) with its extensive and fertile lands of of eczema on our baby. We had tried Thou shalt spend thy earnings at The weakest goeth to the wail. -Greg- our birth or Moption, surely. we love any number of cures without any per - and they may return from whence manent relief, but from the hour we 1'•r 4,4 A DVAX FA G E,10ej - Ay me 1 sad hours seem long. -Romeo. our Province; surely wit love ourE mpive - commenced using Dr. Chase's Ointment' they came and give nourishment to such there was ,great relief, and the impr6v0- 11sible writing stmt to finish, Portability, NVE41 "lls ml�y i5 pounds,. as may come after thee. A right fair mark, fair cox, is soonest surely we love Our Kill,-, and while we nient continued, until there was •com- Slaulfoldhig, bents them all. Allgumei)t, positive and Permanent. !lit.-Benvolio. so much deplore the ravages of war iind plete cure. We think it the greatest of Durability, harden(d j;teel parts. SlInphelty, (�Y3 party as apainst 1.1001 Ix. our hearts are sad at the thought of such family Ointments." NVARRANTEEDby a ivoll-kumvil Canadian Conr,)aur here to back ill up, He that is stricken blind cannot for. Mrs R. Stoddard, Delhi, Ont,, writes: .Thou shalt not bear false witness get The precious treasnrers of his eye- loss of life, yet I know I am expressing -f was troubled with psoriasis or against the town wherein thou dwellest, sight lost. -Romeo. sentiments of.every one here when I say chronic eczema for twelve years; used but speak well of it to all nleu. wo will stand by our flag,; that flag that many -remedies during that time, but I'll pay that doctrine, or else die got no relief. Doctored with four or X. in debt.-Benvolio. leas braved a thousand years the battle f1vo doctors, but found no cure. 1 de- N L Y 6 Then shalt keep these commandments . and the brevzo. I say in this Province aided to try a box of Dr. Chase's Oint- Athletes, Bicyclists and others should alone, which is only one fifty-sixth ment, and before using half of the box and teach them to thy children, to the alway keep Ha anis Yellow Oil on YOU WASTA that twit -11 part found great relief. I have used about third and fourth generations, that they hand. Nothilig like it for stiffness and of tho Order on this Continent,; daring three boxes, and am -noNv completely if VNI BUY itil.y and Noll DO I cured the have have recommended It to NOT U ET SO GOOD A lWivilille! anaybemado to flourish and grow in soreness of the muscles, sprains, bruises, the year euding August 198, we gave ill ma�,7 others. It is the best I have ever plenty when thou are laid to rest with cuts, to. A clean preparation, will not relief .,over $8,2,,600. In nearly every used, and it is worth Its weight In stain clothing. Price 25o. jurisdiction of gold." TZE *vT1L"y-,'rA�6S M1�4"G- Co-- Limited thy fathers. -Unknown Writer. Oddfello%vship homes There Is nothing to be comnared with It is written -that , the shoemaker have been established for the care of the Dr. Chase's ointmort a n care for the Writeto-day. should meddle with his yard, and the orphans and infirm, and also in Ontario most obstinate and tort -Ir- -',in dis- easo. Its cures are nft-n truly mar - The -world has two and a quarter tailor with his last, the Asher with his such a movement is on foot and will be venous. 60c a box, at all deil-trs, or . CZ million acres under tobacco cultivation, pencil, and the pointer with his nets.- brought to a successful issue. The E121-lanson, Bates & Co., Toronto. which produces 850,000 tons each year. Servant. amount of over $83was given as a ...... .... . .. As early , as in 1666 there were 40,000 1 will make thee. think thy swan a right and duty and does not include the ".4" "MmUffigm Operatives in the English silk mills and crow.-Benvolio. givings of individual lodges to other cocoon houses. Why, he's a man of Nvax.-Nurse. charitable institutions; for over 80 years the Divine - I have a soul of, So stakes me to the le command to visit the siak, &c., has been obeyed through the Odd - ground, I cannot move. -Romeo. Fellows and its to -day being obeyed as qna CONSUMPTION He, � that hath the steerage of -my never before. The principle of Love is 'E course, direct my sale. -Romeo. carried out by our Order and we must UO' TWhen good manners shall lie all in not forget, tho influence and effect of one or two men's hands, and they un- these givings upon those who give; how wash1d too, Itis a fools thing. -Servant. it widens the sympathy nud broadens the heart to give. IN\ EWRITY, If You take a Laxa-Liver Pill to -night CURED before retiring, it will work while you Truth is the basis of all law and -ood sleep without a gripe or pain, our' I m -nmont and the first principle of lug govei biliousness, constipation, dyspepsia and Trath issincerity. To know and tell I I Genuine sick headache, and make you feel better in the morning. the Truth streugt�ons the moral fibre —D- y— si and develops true manhood, while You kiss by the book. -Juliet. falsehood and deceptio' weakens and ter 80 He jests at scars, that never felt a has the opposite effect. '.Furth will wound. Romeo. always bear investigation. Whatistruth Oh, that I were a glove upon that only ceases to be oris sw* aPowed up in Uttln- UwerPffls. haud,,That I might touch that cheek.- greater truth to ;morrow. Truth is ever r powley's - 6 Romeo. developing, widening and deepening Must Bear .133 1SnztU1ro of 01011P - What's in a name9'�thqt which we call In bringing these few broken remarks a rose, to a close I desire to direct your thought L t.1 By any other Nyord would smell as 11 to the great Eternal source of Friend- a 9ft sweet -Juliet. ship, Love and Truth and say that in so See Fac-Slmiln Vlraprer below. far as we follow Him will we be able to i y' �� , � , f �,� s/� A thousand times good -night! -Juliet. carry out these principals and hasten vary small and au awy Riddling confession finds but riddling forward that Iieriod when one law will to talw as v�qgar. shrift.--Friar.bind all natio6s and that law be the 9% A 1%11 FOR READACH9.1 Women miry fall, when there's no low of universal Brotherhood. -Notes Q tKb FOR DiZZINESS. strength in men. Friar. from an address by H. Ham, Brussels, I TT L Passed 15 Worms. I Dr. 0� _ on FOR RILIDUSDIESS. on the I. O. U. F. Er FOR TORPID LIVER. Low"; Worm Syrup to my girl two and a half years old; the result was PILLS. FOR CWISTIPATICV. Medical Science Advances that she passed 15 round worms in five FOP, SALLOW SKIN., clays. Mrs. B. Roy, Killhanagh, Ont. It is not more than half a century ago FOR THECOMPLEXION V--,vm mu"ItAv u r Wisely, and slow; the stumble, that that physicimus considered a surgical nt; I ,� urelLCILC C., - xpenso and pain C ran fast. -Friar. operation with its risk, ex as the only care for plies. To-ilAy it is CURE 5101< HEADACHE. I am the very pink of courtesy.- only the out of date doctors that think of Film, SamsHatt Throo Hemorrhages of tile Luags—Ozons Cavo Nor a Pci-n-anent Our.?. merdutio, such treatment. It is cruel and ex- travrigant to operate for a disease which I was afflicted with bronchial and lung trouble for th,-"- years. The disease :)C - Thy -wit is a very bitter -sweeting; it is is far more certainly cured by the ap- came firmly seated ill my system, and I began to despair of ever being well. I haj a most sharp sauce.-Meroutio. plication, of Dr. Chose's Ointment. You I't. tnny in medicine. I became It 1121"FIZITISH I the tae -rt medical advice in the city, and spent a lot of mc may be skeptical, but fbr proof you are Did you over hear say -Two may keep, a complete wreck, physically, at the end of three vears, and at ricyin't 1-1 to h- -Nurse. referred. to tells of thousands of cases rf-' o I that been cured by this famous v pro with pillows so that I could breathe. I had three hemorFaz- counsel, putting one away'?- propped up in bed of Thy head is as fall of quarrels, as an preparation. as entirely run down, and I suffered exct!cdin. from female I the lun., My system w. f na e I egg is full of meat, and, yet thy head troubles. .11 -jcr'Czid of mine living in Muskoka told me to try Onine, the nmw s,,.rstcm hath been beaten as addle as an of treatment, �..- she had been greatly'benclited by it. T purchased one botille, hat whell a Bass Gets on MY Lille. I • egg, for qnarroling.-Morcutio. I did not get much relief. At the wiJ of the socond bottle I felt much iaiprove,�, and When the springtimols o'er me steal Men's eyes were made to look, and letAnd my heart is often thrilled when I had taken nip.- bottles I had quite recov--red. them gaze.-bleroutio. With the overflow of feeling My husband d,'d not know that I had taken Ozone, anJ thought 1. hadi rtopped Oy said Lo 'me: �-11 Didn't I tell you that you, would t Morcy bilk murders, pardoning those With which the world is filled, the doctoring altar He ,, b �, ge that kill. -Prince. There erin be no joy or privilege well wher, you stopped taking medicide ?" ..When I told him about Ozonewas 0, that deceit should dwell In such a That is comparable to mine surprised, and thoucght that it would do his eczema good. He Wolk s0—at:, with the re- it gorgeous palace 1-jullet When I have a soveli-hounder sult that it cured him. Upon hit, brow slinine is ashamed to At the end of hook and lino. VV' are both very thankful for Powley's t1quified Oz=-, t-ld consklnr it the IL .TROOP Osit.; For Itis a throne whero honor may 1 have tasted all tile pliasurea best household remedy to be obtained. I have never yet bwn troubtied wit': a return. be crown'd Solo monarch of the nnivor- Tball the wells of lite afford; of my old complaint, and feel wonderfully Well. - LINIMENT be I have feasted oil the bounties a a d (Mrs.) IVYINA J. BANKS, 787 Queen street west, Toronto. Affliction is enamorld of thy parts, That the world delights to board,- 111114 ease Its like that of 151r.1vt1l. 1101%ay. of Sutton, a most remaricalsle ono. it shms-At And thou art wedded to calawity.- But I'd leave the festal table, the MoNlIand H48108. ill W11101 dltxpaxod germs ellkiki0tilV0. it y'ojj IC111WtVof t%ll(l Sprains, Strainsp Cuts, Toundst Ulcer4 Friar. ha" hing trouble or e61l91l1%Aj)tl6ll (1l%1W U101P fittC311,101% to MIC940 OWN, V011 11iAV be 010 With its wealth of raby wine, 11104LIA of it H1110119 lite, W7'ItG fel bill T11t0ratXlr0l1 %V013MIX 111t0reAt .1'oll. (-)ptn gores, Bruins, Stiff mints, Bites and Adversity's sweet milk, philosophy.- To feel it seven -pounder -ji.os) large Size bottle, .36C 61nall Size. :fit all 41torpl.0w. write VAL 0A011.1 Ulu. ojr swits of Insects, Coughs, Colds, Contmatta Friar. '.0fittilig capers" with lily line. Toroj%tAs, LjtjAlt4b(l,48 Colborne street. Torwito. cords, 912CUMAItism) Neuralgia, Bronchitis, I I 1 11 —�. Croup, gote. Throttp Qalftsey, Whooping I have been inspired by inugle Cough and 01 Palolid Swellings. OhIldren Cry foe By the masters in the art; Avillb I have listened to the cloquonco A LA909 130TTL'Z, 00. CA%%1%T0R1Ad Of intelleetanaheatt; gold by A. L. 11 anditun, 1). uggi�t, W in ().,t. ♦16d ``',?k+,''c nit: N i